The Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-17, Page 1THIRTH-SECOND YEAR.: EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY APR. 17, 1919 SANDERS Rc CREECH The Allies have earned a fixed sum Our Corner of $23,800,000,000 to be collected from . Germany and, besides this a commis- sion has been appointed to collect a further amount, the ;whole total of help to make up the happiness of a which will amount to fifty; billiork dol - home, are the weekly visits of this jam paper; try it, Theart leer beer, spokezu of 3n an- nection male the vote to be taken on Tempealance 'pin the 'fall, 3s about double the strength of the Local Op- tion, beer, now being sold. At a greeting of farmers ,of the north' ,park of South Huron, held at Clinton last week it Was agreed to un- ite with the south part of the riding and place fanner candidates in the political field, . e Never ttats there so much; money to be saved by reading the advertise- ments as now, The ienterpri,sing deal- ers who are following the declining market adverts the fact, and people who do not read the anzyotirkceneen is must miss many chances. We .metleby rise o"3 Wil: to our we'd friend Dawson of the Parkhill Garettc that UUsborne Township 3s in the Cotuety of Hutson and not in the County of Perth. an Huron. County. we are protest of the Township of Usborne for many reasons. Let ¢Ile young men about town out of a job try a year on. the farm, Plowing will give him a new constitu- tion, take the kinks out a his head, thefrog out of his throat, the gas off has stomach, the weariness out of his legs. the corn off his toes, and give him a good appetite, an honest liv- itag :end a. sight of heaven. Dr. Godfrey has £ntroduced a bill in'. the Legis attire to amend the Marriage ' A,et. The bill places safeguarale around miners by requiring, the con- sent "in welting' of parents, or guard- iani of parties under the legal age be- fore a license can be issued, and im- eosei upon not only the issuer of mar- riage licenses, but mianeeters, clergy, men or others, who may siglemrtize marriage the duty of satisfying them- selves that the parent or guardian of the minor canscin'te. A penalty of 52000 with imprisonment of not less than three months or more than 12 months ie provided for the issuer of a lie ensu who fails to conform with the rectuirements of the section, or any clergyman, or other who solemn- izes the marriage of a minor without the written consent of the parent or guardian. PHONE 81a TAMAN'S Easter Goods EASTER NECKWEAR BASTER SHIRTS ASTER HATS 8ie,STER CAPS, BASTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS Arid all Idnds of erege'S WEAR FOR SPRING. SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW • Ordered and Ready-to- wear Clothing. OLD BLUES AND OLD. BLACK§ TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ItTC. BIG STOCIC OF READY -TO- SV!E'S AND PANTS W W,. Taman. The farmer tvho owns a, farm is the partculat taerson who is fixed, Banks may fail and factories close, work-' then strike and in:nes suspend, mer- clients fail and towns burn, timers may br= pat .sky and even crops may be 'hort---but the farmer who owns his acres well get along. He will live in comfort and qu.et with plenty to eat ,rinds and weal!, He is the most independent man, on, earth. Yat there are tote of 'them who do oet appreci- ate their situation. IMPROVING THE COUNTRY. la accordance with the published plan: of the W, Huron Teachers' As- sociation, a d legation consisting of Messre Johnston and Hoffman, and Misses Cc1en:an. and Elliott, waited on Stanley Township Connell at the last meeting and presented their case asking for a grant of $25 to be paid in prize, to tete school eectiiotns doing the greatest amount of improven>4ent inthe township before October 1st The council greeted three prizes of $12, $8. and $5. Tito teachers assoc- iation is offering a retard of $10 for the best work done along similar lines In any section, in West Huron, and besides are doing the pioneer work in na;vertising and arousing the _public interest in this matter, It is to be hoped that all villi help to win the re- ward, for their section. Teachers and trustees in other Townships are urged to follow a similar course so that a great improvement may be road- itt the school sections of West Huron, Will not other papers copy? RETURNED SOLDIERS Pte. John Williams returned from overseas to his home in Kirk -tart last Cheek and spent a day in Exeter with old friends, Pte. Williams ,before en- listing w• -as employed with \fit Thorn Baker in his g ,rage. Pte W. J. Veal arrived home last w eek from France, He is a son of Mr. Wm Veal of E1inville and prev- ious to ,enlisting worked with air. W. G. Medo ht \V,'nche.;sea 'Creamery, He c eat overseas with the cluron Battalion and was recovering from wounds he England when the arm- istice was eigned. Pte. Offa McPherson returned home last weak from ,Fresco. He enlisted while travelling- for a wlioles2,le drug house at \fointre.`41 and served for aev- eral months during the heavy light- ingin; in. France. Luckily .he returned unwounded and in excellent health. He is now visiting with hes parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPherson of Exeter North .Alntiother brcither is stili ov- erseas and is taking a course of in- struction provided by the Govern- ment for; veterans. DROWNED IN A WELL. Overcome by heart failure while working at a well on leis farm in Stan- ley Township, Prof, R. J. Richardspn, B. A. recently a professor at Mani- toba College, fell into six feet of wat- er and was drowned. Prof. Richard- son was a former resident of Bayfield. Prof Richardson was one of Huron County's distinguished schalara. Dur - ire his course at Toronto Universiyty he wag awarded the George Paxton Young scholarship in philosophy. Lat- er he won a scholarship from Clark University ett Worcester, Mass. Soon after .this he accepted a nost with Maaitoba ,College. On account of ill- health Prof. Richardson decided to re- tire temporarily and take up farming in Stanley Township. The funeral at Varna was very largely attended. . EASTER SERVICES Main St. Church The order of the forenoon service at eleven o'clock. Easter Hallelujah—Choir and con- gregation standing Invocation.. Chorus "Gone the Night of Sadness" Prayer Chorus "Easter Bells" Responsive reading, Matt. 21: 1-11, Choir "Cross of Calvary" Responsive reading, 'Isaiah 53 chap. Choir, ewhen Easter comes Again" Reading "The First Easter" Choir "Seek not the Living, etc." Responsive reading, John 1 1-14 Music, "Welcome Golden Sunbeams" Reading, _ "Resurrection Lilies" Duet, "The Glad World is singing" Responsive reading, I Cbr. 15: 12-22 Duet, "Gleam of Golden Splendor" Intimations Offertory and prayer. Choir "Crown Him Kthg" Reading, "He is Not Here" Choir, "Rejoice He Liveth" Prayer — Benediction Organ Postlude The Evening Service Organ Hymn 175 Invocation Hymn Prayer. Choir "Christ is Risen" Intimations, Script, ure.,:�esson Dept .Easer Violin Obli aro Scripture Lesson Hymn' Sermon Easter. The Minieter, Prayer Offertor Y :• Ladies' Quartette "Christ is Risen" Tailor, & .L urniiiher, National Anthem Benediction Organ Poselude, Local News Miss Ve rd has c a $31.1 accepted ted p epos Rion, as clerk with Mr„ J. A. Stewart, struck us on Tuesday, with high, windA cold and .blustry spell of weather, much train and ,some sn..ov; . Wednets- dafollowed s' ytut. Pte. George Hicks of Toronto, late front overseas, ie spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. John San- ders, and other .relatives ext Stephens dr. W. j Heariran attended.a meet- ing oai the 33rd Regiment in Clun,ton on Thunsday last, and at the Agrec•- ultural Banquet after the Horse Show niece was held the same day, he re- sponded to a taatstt "To the War Veterans". In honor of the return of their two sons from the fighting line in France .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebnier on Tuesday evening elitertained a large: number of returned soldiers at their home in Stephen. The ladies present brought boxes which were sold the proceeds going for the Ce.W. V,A. The boys report a most en;oy- abla evening, The special serv;,ce on Sunday night in Jame:; Street Methodist Church, of music: by the choir and choirmaster Mr. Clarkeand on "The tnsp:ration of efusee" by the pastor, Rev. Bah -d, attracted a very large congre ati,on. and was deeply into est;,n . Mr. and airs Clarke, after two years stay in Exeter, left on Tuesday for their naw home in Leamington, where Mr. Clarke has accepted a similar position in the Baptist church, As a inuaictan .and a choirmaster he has been a success 'n Eeleter, and we wish him continued success, pa his new home. el The Council h un iI oft Corporation the C xpor ion of Exeter met in general session with all members present, The minutes of the meeting held . March 10th. were rend and ,approved. Communications were read as fol-' lows:- From the secretary of the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- tion, Guelpli, inclosing acopy of re- solution and asking that the same be indorsed by the Council, and a copy returned to their office. Per Elston and Day, that the Council indorse the same. Carried. Circular letter from the Cana- dian Good Roads Association Mon- treal. Filed. Letter from the Hurlbet Co., Pres- ton. Filed. Circular letter from Rents Limit- ed, 'Toronto. Re- Gift watches for returned soldiers. Filed Circular letter from Repatriation' Committee,,, Ottawa. Re. :Municipal Public Works and the finding of euitable employment for returned spielers. Filed. The Reeve reported having receiv- ed aelcnawledtements from the fol- lHoowwinge#'. re Christmas donations, Ptes. .Tore,Folliek, E. E. Down and Elmo The following petitions were re- ceived asking that cement walks be constructed: From the ratepayers a- long the north side of John street between William and Carling Sts.; from the ratepayers along the west side of Albert street between John and; James streets. Per Penhale and Snell that the petitions be ac- ceptedand held over for further con- sideration. Carried, Chairman Day of the Roads Com- mittee reported approving of the fql lowing walks to be built daring the summer: On Huron street north side from Carling street to the G.T.R. tracks; the petitioners west of the track subscribing $75,00 towards its construction; walk to be four feet eight inches wide. On the west side of Elizabeth street south from! Huron to Sinicoe; north side of North street from Andrew to Senior street; West side of Albert street from James to Huron street; east side of William street from Welling- ton to Nelson. Per Day and Elston that the report be 'adopted. An amendments gy Snell and Day that the report be held over until other. petitions are received and consider- ed. The Reeve voting with Mr. Day the motion was declared carried. The Reeve reported that a tank car of 40 per cent imperial liquid asghalt had been purchased at 7 cents per gallon to be delivered by June est. ---Approved. Through the Reeve, Mr. Thomas Flynn asked that the council supply sufficient t tiI. e t0r C O ss i1Ii11 street giving hint an outlet for water from his property.—Granted. Per Snell and Elston, that a byelaw be pre.ared under the local improve. meets act re the construction 01 a con, creta. curbing and gutter along both side: of Main street beginning at S.B, to north of Presbyterian church pro- perty, the property fronting or abutt- el- to be assessed 50 per cent. of the total costs.—Carried. The auditor's report for March was read and accepted . On behalf of the petition along Al- bert street Messrs. Taman and lad - man addressed "th- council urg' e teat said pavement b constructed on Tmheotion followofingElaccountsstoaand wD `yet passed . The Grigg Stationery Co books for library. etc., 36.15; Earl ssell, ahoy elling snow 3.25; Jones eft . ay, acct„ 4.87 • W. C. Rivers, meat Kellett 1,15 Bel- Telephone Co., phone cemetery, 3.75; Cecil Ford, labor 6.00; We: tern Assurance Co., ins. contents of wn Hal: 11.80; Leon V. Treble, sign and Honor Roll, 20.00; J. Senior aures 5,75 B. W. W. Beavers, expe es to Toronto, 20.00; W. We,stcot labor 3.00: R. Quance, labor, 8.75; Wi1P,aan Collingwood -.labor, 115 ; W. T. Gel-• espie, draying, 1.60;. Louis Day, in, team and labor, 5.25; John Merry, lab- or 10.00; R. Davis, team and labor en Wm. Wall ;labor, 2.50; T. Flynn, lab- or 2.50; D. Russell. sr., labor, 2.80; J. Hunkin, team labor 5.50; W. Hod- gert, livery, 1.50; J. Gillespie, clean- ing crossings 3.00. Jos: Senior, Clerk.' GIVEN A BUS, The Renter citizens have displays - ed a kindly and philanthropic spirit and an act .of doing good in the re- recent purchase of the bus of the Fate Thomas Creech and presenting it to Mr, John Gillespie, our veeern bus- man. The purchase money has all been subscribed and arr. Gillespie is aow in possessiost,. A few miner re- pairs are being nada, after which Mr. Gillespie will commence its use, the old one being practically out ,of com- mission. om-mission, It is the eeoa-n st wish of all his many ,friends that he will be long spared to njoy the gift and serve the publicwhich he has so faithfully done for so many gears. Mr. Gitlesp'.e wishes to express leis sincere gratitude and thanks to the citizens of Exner who contributed to the purehas: of the. gift CIDER CASE TRIED. Daniel Vincent, a young mats: of the Township of Stephen, near Dashwood, ties tire. defendant in a ease tried by a \Ia�,nstttates Sanders and Hawkins, in the Tower: Hall, Exeter, en Thurs- day evening last. The information as laid by Miss Emma Hartiieb of Dash- wood alleged that the defendant was under the influence of liquor in. a. pub- lic place in the village of Dash neod on the night of March, 3rd or morning of March 4th. Several witnesses were exiaminied on bath sides, and Mr. F. W. Gladma{n for the. camplaitant and Mr, I. R Cnr1ing for the tlefeadant addressed the magestrates, who re- served ,decision 'until Saturday nigh`. At the adjourned court on Saturday evenint counsel for the compla'.ntent stated that he had further evidence to piece before the magisltrates, with the result that the case was again adjourned until inert Saturday night, whet, tee: undestand, the new evide, ce will be heard. l3EATH OF JAMES WILLIS. The death 'took place on Tuesday morning April 16th., of Mr. James Willis oi, Exiete North, at the age of 73 3=ears, 1.1 months and 10 days. Deceased has been ailing for about a year from a general breaking up, due largely to advanced years; and he had failed more rapidly during the nast few weeks. The late Mr. Willis was born a short distance north of Exeter and eemaninied a resident of this, neigh- borhood all ,his life. He was, respect- ed and esteemed by all who knew him. to politics ie was a Liberal and in reeigion a Presbyterian. Two sons and four daughters survive, William of Napinka, Man,, Castor of Exeter, Mrs. Harris of Weyburn, Sask., Mrs. Grant of Winnipeg, Mrs. Campbell of Wien- tuipeg,,and Mrs, Geo. Goodwin of Mar- celles, N.Y. One brother and. two sisters also survive, Wiliam of Dash - woad. Mrs. William Bawdere a Exe- ter. lame Mass Eliia jeth of St. Louis, Missouri.,, The funereal will take place to Exeter cemetery 'on Friday after- noon at 2.30 o'cpack. Centralia DEATH OF MRS. H. H. BROWN, The death ocewilredat her, late res- idence, --Thames Road, on April 9th, of Mary Jane Del{bridge, wife of Mr. Hallee I -I &ow,, aged 43 years and 11.'month,s.. Deceased suffered from an inner growth, following influenza, which ishe oantttracted east fall, and for the past few month had bairn grad- uaily fah +n g . in health, although she was able to beahourt;.tire mouse until within; two dais of her, demiis,e. The deceased aids. born .An U1borine, and she lead been a 'resident of that Town- ship pod o1 Eseeteirall her ,life. Her parents Mr. and Mrs: Richard pee- bridge, eebridge, ,predeceased her. ,Siaecc,,.. years ago she mainreed her now >'' ;. b'e eav,ed .husband besndee lethorit•°-foul- brothers . a d. n .,far osisters,- surf ,ve, Fred. and ere Usl>kortle, Jesse and George of Haink to and :Mrs.. Wm{ J. Bray of Virden Man, tii5+ho ..ha,s ,,been .in attend- ance opon. ttend-ance"upoin. hear .fcsr; sieveray weeks. Tee relatives" have the , sympathy of- their many friends. Mrs` Brown: was aivast estimable woman and will:;'he much missed The funeral took -place to the rneue.r cemetery ton Saturday after - does, and was largely attended. Exeter Council C HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Form I. 'Grammar. , L—W S. Stanbury, V. A. Hogarth, B. Brown. E. J. Hogarth, J. A. Chris= IL—E. Y.;. 'Af,!eaxaifcee,r aired Ge I. Creech equal; B. .Acihleson and E. Thomson 'equal; C. Davis, E, Russell, M. V. •Row'c1iffe IIT,—H Se,ldon, M. Rowe, M. Glad matt, A. Fisher. G. CI -lend, B. '1'uckeY E. ?reszeator. 111.1.60. Form II. Latin. I.—C.Aaderson, V. ,Jones. II.—G Dew, A. „Heedinng. IIL—J: W. McKee' end F. Turnbull equal' V. Rowcliffe, E. Pfaff. wo Form TIL Composition.. L—M. M. Hogarth, and A. J. Shap- toil and E. M. Striing equal; J. M. Howey and E. Hegarth equal; N: An- dersen and V. lBe11 and M. Pickard equal. IL—M, I.' eVaelcer,.. e lel. •,Lein ig ;,and M. Moodie equal; E. -.Dayssa•.,and V. Heywood equal; T. G., Creery and. N K. Gainer and M. M. Ford. equal;; L. Beavers, B. Medd, O.. T'ruemner, L Walker P. .Cann. H. J. Havialaind, Prineipa•I Wetclt yowl' tongue, no one but von Cnn :take .caathe of therte tongue You - neighbors may tva.sh they could bridle it;• bu: they cnnft do it. , Provision s!QI for your home and $50 Month Indemnity for yourself � t NOTHING LEFT TO CHANCE OUR NEW Special Indemnity Policy. Shares in Dividends. Ittgtr'r••s only 20 premiernn depeeits, Wei+es iii preneenns it' you become totally disabled. Pay you tbete.ftee $50 a month for life. pees; se,ott0 i» full to your family no matter li• w many ur"t.tttly rbeteeee yt,u uety live to receive. Ask for particulars. CANADA LIFE Assu ranee Company A, Hastings, - Exeter C ,e[ 1 i Q t� ,"(haosin L•:fe Work', Blank "Seli- i:3i►a;s „ forms Were distributed les • eeli,ert W. Wein, an old Stephen, boy. writing from Bed„o.°k, ('o7., to where 1e has just moved from Win one, Minn.. and has takea an interest ,n a ranch with his brut te' :neeaw. ;ay'i,—''Find enclosed subscripton. for Advocate, which I read with a great .,eau of interest from week to week. and: I watch the oras eagerly for it. Sere are busy with !prate" s ork—eeow ine and seeding We are putting in about 600 acres .of wheat, 115 acres of oats and we have about 700 acres good crops of it here every seasoa and seal it for $13 a ton and a $1.50 extra for feeding it to cattle. We are now feeding 16 tons a day to a bunch of ranch cattle. We have a fine cline ate here." Mrs. John Lawson, who has been tisiting her daughter, \Irs. Oriemart, Gle.,fiid. Penn., has returned taller home here. She was accompanied by Mrs. Orleman and daughter, wile are visiting her for to few days. Rev. S. M. Hauch is attending the. Conference at Tavistock this week. Next Sunday et •-.bine Ret: Stephen- s= of he Stratford,r a representing Lord's Day Alliance, will occupy the pulair in the Evangelical Churtcb. Mr. John Sims is baring his house repained. \Ir Earl Geiser and bride have re turned from their honrymar'n trip and are now comfortably located on their line faro: south of Credetcin We wish them a long and happy married litz. Miss Lorene Sambrook has returned home: from London, after a short vis- it with friends. Mand In)u;ed—Mr. Harry F. Either hal the iineser,, of lee 1•tft hand 'e• verely gashed by a cirqular saw while cutting wood at the church Iast week. Mr J. A, elacdonpad has moved his household effects to Exeter, where he will reside in future, but still managt the. Bank here. Mrs Susan Girvin has returned, af- ter visiting her son in Oklahoma City A movie picture ;show was given et the Town Hal1 here last Friday night War films as well as come' were shown;. Charlie Chaplin, is ate). r favorite w•,ith the little folks. The "Live Wire Glass" of the Cred- tton Evangelical Sunday School held thele annual meet ne at the home of Mr. Fred Heist to elect officers los the -ensuing year. The faiow'ng were elected :—President, Earl Hast; Vice - Pres,. Fred Cunmirugton•;. Sec'y, Nelson Wein; Treas., Irvin Finkbein:ier; Re- porter Earl Haiist:. There were also severs' committees ap;toinited to 'as- sist the officers. After the business had been transacted a dainty luncheon war. served which was enjoyed by all. Aerthur Amy ifs .the popular teacher of the class. On Friday evening last the Lamda Phi Sigma. Girls held their regular meeting in the Sunday. School room. In the busitrtese pereod it was decided to give the remaining funds to diff- erent charitable institutions. Miss Pearl Hoitzmenn gave an inspiring talk on Missions among the girls; of Orien; tal Countries; She spoke of the much improved condition since the arrival of the elissionaries inn those lands. "Find yourself" night was observed by the- Train,. Rangers and Taxis Boys Clubs at 'th-* meeting Frud,ay night with Fred Cuenfrtng+tonn be the chair, The Miethodiet boys were also Pres- ent and all enjoyed .very much the verypractical and interesting . talk on itu t•anst'ientiously filed out by the room at home. After FeVer,la ,group game: the meeting was closed with the Natioaea Anthen, :Met of the boy: are striving hard to wee aoane of the Honor Badges. These will be presentesi a; the Pile b al Exhibit to be held :n two weeks. The fo7.oni. hoard of judges was apeonted, Rex. Uauelr M K. Eller, efre. J. H. Mitz- i m1Sweltzerann 'rs, 1. M. Harrel and G. W. KIPPEN.—Word has been recdived that John M. ifurtrie: of Michigan, formerly of here, hes died at an ad- vauced age. --Mrs. Ketchen, who died We.de,.sday morning, as the result of a stroke writs burned in Baird's cern- (eery. She was 'the second wife of • the late John. Ketch:n, father of Rear. Beverley Ketctlrert of Hamilton, and the late Mr Kitchen, former deputy minister of agriculture in Saskatchew- an. Births 1%eyttood.—ln Bashaev, Alta., on March Mardi 10t11 'CO Mr, and Mrs A,lon-- ra Heywoad, c. daught+ev —Mi Bred Alberta. Ilodgson—In Stephen, on April 15th, to Mr and Mrs, Lloyd Hodgson, a son. Hunter—In Tuckersmitlr, on April 14, to Mr and Mrs. Frank Hunter, a son Deaths Willis --1n Exeter North, on April 16 'Jame.. Willis, aged 73 years, 11 mouths and 10 days. Zent—In. Sand Lake, \Mich., March 26 `will am Zent, formerly of Zurich, aged 76 years. Brostn--In Usborne, on April . 9th Mary Jane Delbrildge, wife of H. H. Bron, n. aged 43 years, 11 months. l�ttt-1r: Illanshaxd on April 8th, John Kew, aged 54 years. Mar shall—Tic Clinton, on April .10, El- iza Caster, tvitdow of the late Wm. Marshall, aged 84 years. • IN MEMORIAM ' Bediord—In loving memory of our dear father, George R. Bedford, who diced one year ago to -day, April lath, 1918. Dearest father, thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel; But 'Its God that hath before us; He will all our sorrows heal. —Witfe and children, Phone ' — 33r 2 Grediton Chick Hatchery CAPACITY 2000 EGGS Day old •chicks far sale; also: cite - tom hatching done. White or phone W. A. Sambrook, Prop. 1 7 -ft McCormick bander, carrier and truck; Two good steiel Binders and. Mowers. These are only :a tea of aur Second -hazed Go 1 13 -tooth cultik'•ator, nearly new. 2 cern cult;lvato -s nearly new: Call in and see • us. We always Itav�e:something' yoit need. HOW, ABOUT YOUR REPAIRS? „Help u,t give you good service y erderg your repairs early-) Always bring broken, part when nossiie —.ohne saving time end'mnistakes. We,:specialiee nue, repair ".work, carrying •* full • line of Maes,ey;-Harris, ;also- Connor: ileachine repaers. Come in and see :oust Buggies, Fence,Gates, Twkve, Rderfim , Etc..:+" Monarch and Safe;,ock fence —• 7 ware 55c. and 8 wire 61c. per rod. B. _ M . FRANOTS Honesty is our Policy.' Leve; end Let Live our Molar,;