HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-10, Page 8EXE rER AIII LIGATE, THUBBDAT, APR. 10 1810 WOLTER MARKETS Changed leech Wednesday Fats Wheat ,,..., 2.11 Spring Wheat .... ,' .....:.. fit .., Barley ,,.►.,r., Family Flops Creamery Butter Dairy Butter 60 40 33 ..$1.50 .-$1.75 16.00 20.00 2.00 70 90 5.70 02 Lard......... Potatoes 1;ay Hogs ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. R. C. Cooke announces the engagement of her son Bonbadier F, A, E. Cooke to Miss Olive May Frank- • lin, daughter of Maj. Franklin, of the Rueal \Varwiekshires, of Long. Compton, Warwickshire, Eng, which will take place at the parish church about the middle of May. -- Comp ere programmes for all occa- sions. 1 -tumorous and Novelty Num- bers um - be s a pecialty. Elgar Ladies Quar- tette. ?: Oxford St. W. Landon, Ont. L egie Circle of the Presby ter - Ian t cset • . ft will hold their annual Baz- aer ref. ..iturday next, April 12, lathe Town Pial. There will be a sale of use ul. a rides, home-made cooking & candy A. unitiue feature of the baz- aar nil] ee a Post Office Departm'ant where may be obtained articles by Parcell Post. Sale commencing at 2.30 o'clock Admission, including lunch 10 cents Our Alar itoba'sBest can't be bei for Bread making. -Harvey Bros. WANTED, -Capable Saleslady Dev-aQQ'ds, Permanent position. ply Box 255, Clinton, One AUTO TIRE FOUND. On the London Road, North, on Tuesday, April 8, an auto tire. Own- er can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. for AD - WANTED An apprentice to dressmaking, Ap- ply to aliss Tom, Exeter. If you want bean, shorts, chop, oats or other feed see Harvey Bros. TENDERS WANTED Tetr"dters wall be received by the utildter;sigttc:d up to April 10th for the teental at about six acres of land, ftang hart of the Agricultural Ground for tthe season of 1919, the same to asown vt r1ey. or1 1-14bush l bushel wheat, or 1.1-2 bushels oats per acre.' Lowest tit any tender not necessarily accept- tld. Payment to be made on accept - dace of tender. R. G. Seldon, Sec. Turf Club. MINOMINIMMIP WANTED -Wheat, oatss, barley and mixed feed:-Haiteey Bros. `ANCONA EGGS FOR SALE. Shepherd strain, 75c. for 15. -John Pollard, R. R. 2, Dashwood, TURNIP CONTRACTS TAKEN. The undtertsigr ed will receive con- tract; for turnips to be deliveeed next ;Fall. -R. G. SELDON, Exeter. 3$.,P_X LAND WANTED. Apo ACRES FOR GROWING FLAX 'APolti to ONTARIO FLAX CO. JOS. DAVIS, Exeter h hone. 13North Potatoes We will pay one dollar and fifteen cents per bag in tra'dei Taken only for the first three days of next week. • - JONES & MAY. Corn Contracts The Exeter Canning Company is ready so contract with farmers `to grow Corn for canning. $10.00 per ton wall be paid same as last year. Seed corn of the finest quality at re- duced price, 15c. per lb., to growers an contract. 27th -4t Exeter Canning Co. LOST Just picture the grief of some child at the loss of his or her beloved "D;ggie." To thee this is ,the reatest loss thee. could possibly come into their little lives. We believe that right down in, the heart of every main, woman and child is a natural desire to do for others what they would . have others do for these. The "+Lost and Found". col- umns of The London Free Press carry a list of articles lost by people who are, anxiously awaiting word of then return. Whenever you -find anything, read the lost ads, in The London Free Press -then rdo as you would be cloneby. Real the Want Ads. every day in The n Free e P r, ess Ontario's ,!ars LOCAL DOING s. 4 itefe.ieic^ > >. airaiiE London and St. Marys havel adopted the daylight Saving time. The automobile owners are getting their cars in shape for the summer. The goad conuniesloner has had men scraping the streets during the week. 11r, James Willis of Exeter North is confined to his borne owing to ill- ness. The Exeter Canrtiag Co. has a ditch- ing machine at work on their farm property, Mfr, P. Frayne hiss a curiosity, in the shape of a parsnip that measures 39,11 :r=-c•hea in length. After a few cold days the weather returned on. Saturday to the balmy, spring-like variety, Next Sunday is Mr. Clarke's fare- well as organist and choirmaster of James Street Methodist church. Mr. John Newcombe has been ser- iously ill ot pneumonia in Stratford, but is now showing signs of improve- ment. Mr. Wm. Turnbull of Exeter, who has been ll for some time, is some- what ii orae this week, we are sorry to report. Mr H Rumohr of Exeter North on Saturday purchased the brick nese- denee bleeksntith shop and several lots belort iag to Mr. and Mrs. 2). Braurd. The price was 52400, Among the 'main estimates laid on the table of the House of Conunons recently Grand Bend will receive $1250 for .repairs to dock; Bayfield, 53800; for repairs to pier and Goderich, $2700 for repalre to dock. The members of the Exeter Coun- cil ouncil are now c:anvase:rig for subscrip- tion•, for the Sed:ee:rs' Memorial, Be.ing a most worthy object and the last tribute of respect to -our fallen heroes it ie; hoped every citizen will subscribe liberally and ungrudgingly. The War Veterans held a success; ful Eue.•hre in their club rooms Friday evening. The prizes were donated by W. J. Heiman, E. Powe 'von the fest price and Austin Rice the one that is known as the "booby„ Sev- eral 01 the ladies of the S olciers' A:d So. ety supnieed a delightful lunch, A great deal of unnecessary growl - .nig, heart -ache, head -ache, back -ache and many skinned fingers could be saved ;;n this old world in which the peoe e -that is, the good people -do not live any too long at the best, if a national law could be passed for- bidding the renovating of a house more than once a year. At house- cleaning time, which rolls around all the way from twice to five times a year according to the family code, a man wants to commit suicide and the woman wants to kill him because he does not. It.is a necessary evil that breaks backs and hearts at. the same time. It is something mast, raises a. row about doing and a bigger .Zane about not doing. It is contradictory,; it is redolent ,of soap suds, cobwebs and carpet beating, heads in, dust rags and with bare arms; it is a nuisance and none dare dispute the assertion ! FORMER EXETER WOMAN DIES. Word has been received here by rel- atives ot the death from influenza of MIaggi,e Stanlake, daughter of the late Richard Stan;lake of Exeter, and wife of Mr W, H. Kerslake of Weyburn, Sask. Decreasced wan a sister of the late Mrs. Peter Bawdien, and was born. a short distance south of Exet- er. Mr and Mrs. Kerslake moved to the. West several years ago. Messrs. John. and Robert Kerslake of town are brothers of the husband of the de- ceased. a:BAMAN COATES DEAD. Word was received here last week of the death in a hospjtal in Eng- land of Seaman Alfred Coates, cous- in. of the Messrs. Coates of Usborne. The trouble, we understand, was ab- scess on the brain, developed from scarlet fever, from which he had suf- ferer] for some months. Pte. Coates, after diving some years in the neigh- horhood enlisted as a seaman, at Lon- don and had a varied and exciting ex- perience in Enga,ish waters, at once time being one ,of two seamen, saved from a vessel that was submarint'd. His many friends sincerely regret bis demise, He was 25 years of age. DEATH OF THOMAS CREWES. A respected resident of Exeter, pas- sed away suddenly on Monday evening April 5th, at his home in Exeter North when the death 'occurred of Mr. Thos. Crew+es at the age of 67 years. The deceased had not been well for some months although his industrious tem- perament had kept him at his usual occupation and he did not complain to any grteatt'exttent, although one could see that it was harder for him to ac- complish lois day', work. On Saturday morning he prepared to go to London, but not feeling it he changed his mind He was around through the day and that evening cane down, to• see the doctor, who advised him to go to bed. He became suddenly worse on Monday, about 9 p.m. and passed `.w .v almost lanrnedttatekyr'. Born Colborne Township, near Goderich, lie spent his younger years otn the farm Later he conducted the Ben - miller' Hotel for a number of years; over• twenty-five years ago he came to Exeter ;and conducted the North End -hotel fora time. For quite afew years he was caretaker of th,c Meter. school and occupied that nos.ition at beeline of his death. He was indust - t ;r ions, tv,Lang, obliging and honest, re- pected and esteemed by all. In relig- on he was -'a Methodist and in ponit- cs a Conservative. Mr. Crewes was tWice marred first to Louisa Hobson, and about twelve years ageto Flor- nce `Glani iiie, who survives, tog tsner. hath Iwo sang and two daughters, Her- arcs. of Totonto, Sap;rer Wabiron, re -.I euily'returned, Mrs, H. Elworthy raid rvl, r Gem „e Armstrong of Usborn,e; 150' en_c'.':dales., :..Mrs. Walters of near Gooer ea. ,Cha -funeral takes place;o he ✓ ietGer ccrnetery 't:Fix Thursday t S c Foremost Pap ea tsrnooci tea, 2: o'clock..'. Fall wheat is reported to be look- ing ,strove and healthy this spring, Mr. Rich. Davis has purchased the residence of ha brother, the late Jos. Davis, The choir of the Trivitt Memorial Church will render special music on Sunday evening next when a treat may be .expected. Mr. Marls Wilds, who conducted the store et Elitnville, has purchased Mr. Abner Mollard's stock at Grand Bend and will take posselasilon May lat. Michigan on Tuesday voted to re- main "dry" by 100,000 majority, al- though .Detroit polled a, heavy "wet" majority, The vote was on wine and beer. At a meeting of the Clinton 13rartch of the G.W.V.A. held recently it was decided to hold a Huron War Veter- ans' Day in Clinton on May 24, when it is hoped that every Huron Veteran will be present on that day to take part in the parade. A good program of .sponte is being arranged and a dance will be held in. the Town Hall in the evening. Further particulars later. SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment in James Street Church on Tuesday evening by the 'and-Bucluter Company, is, by all who heard it, conceded to have been the hest concert given in Exeter for several yearsi. Each number was heartily app lauded by the large aud- ;ence, and encores were cheerfully given Corda'Ward Buchner is a vio- lirtist at rare ability. Mrs. Braith- waite. possesses a sweet and pleasing scprano voice. iltisa. Horsnarea read- ings were were all that could be de - <ped "The Cattle Thief" held the audience spellbound. Thomas Mitch - tree, the blind p'atrist, is a rare music- ian, and to miss hearing hien is to mai.: a treat indeed. This concert will be long remembered. -^- ait's. Birk left Tuesday to visit in Detroit. Mrs. Frank Woods spent Friday in London. Mr. W H. R. Hooper is visiting in Pere yavaxria. Misr Charlotte Dearing left Tues- day for Detroit to spend the sum- tner. sails Anne Sanders of Stratford is visiting at her home here for a few days. Mr. Booker of the Grigg House, London.. spent Saturday with friends here, Mrs. Gee. Hawkins is visiting with her sister Mrs. O. E. Becker at New Hamburg Private Wilfred Stewart and sister, Mise Kathlene, visited in Toronto duriwr the weak. Mr. and Mrs. Win. " Snell, Main Street, and daughter Mrs. Jones were in London Friday, Pte Frank Flintoff of the Military osptial London, is viaitincg relatives here for a few flays. Mrs. Eli Heywood, who has been vis- iting with her daughter, Emma in De- troit, returned last week. Messrs. Allan and Clarence Pickard have gone to Manitoba to look after their farniing operations. Mrs John Wapper leaves to -darn (Thursday) for Harrow, where Mr. Walper has again accepted a position, Mr Luther Brained of Brantford was here on business this week in connec- tion with the saae of his parents prop- erty, Mrs. Ed. Howaaid was called to Stratford last week owing to the ser- ious illncese of her brother, Mrs. John Newcombe. Miss Mabel Tom daughter of School Inspector J. E. Tom of Goderich, Who went to France in 1917 for hospital work, has returned. Miss Luxton, who has been in the West some time, returned home on Saturday. Her sister, met her in Toronto and returned with her. Mr.. T. H. Newiell, Grey Dort dis- tributor goes to Chatham this week to bring home ten or twelve cars for himself and the other dealers in. Hur- on County. Mr. Leon Tr eble returned Friday from Toronto where hie went a short time ago to enter on an arts Course in the. Univelrsity. Owing to the present course nearing the end he deemed it inadvisable to start until the new course commences a few weeks hence. Nursing Sister Ruth Rollins of the British Service, daughter of Mr. A. J, Rollins of Detroit, formerly of Exe- ter, who has been, in England and France, .since November of 1916, re- turned last week and spent, the week end in company with her cousin Miss Pearl Rollins of London; at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. May, Exeter, Miss Rollins had two years and a.half of wonderful experience in Europe. She was stationed at Etaples, France, when the Germans bombed that hos- pital and killed over 800 nurses arid patients. She left on. Monday even- ing for her home in Detroit. ' The Little Doctor always ready aiwayrs oa ]raid to refeve kid- ney and bladder troubles, and help nature purify the bleed, Tire .t;attonai tete ar Cattiest Cps' of s'anada, Unite& Toronto. in JONES & MAY ?IQN& 32 CANADA. FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Your Easter Wearing Apparel Iglemeas Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits, and Coats ARE HERE SHOWN IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AT REASON ABLE PRICES. MAKE YOUR SE- LECTIONS NOW. Cloves For Easter WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY L'•TRE RANGE OF KID AND SILK GLOVES to meet the Easter trade t'eouirements. Every pair guaranteed. Perrin's celebrated kid gloves in Black, White and Broth. at $1,75, $2, and $2,25 pair. '"Kayser" and "Niagara Maid" dou- ble -tiptoed Silk GIoves in popular. col- ors at from 75c. to $1.50 pair. NEW WHITE FRILLINGS FOR EASTER IN WHITE and COLORS. THE NEWEST STYLE FOR COLLARS. NEW BLOUSES IN CREPES, SILKS and VOILES- UNDERWEAR, UNDERSKIRTS, HOSIERY, COLLARS, CAMISOLES, BOUDOIR CAPS PARASOLS, ETC„ for the Easter Trade. SPECIAL VALUES IN SILK HOSIERY THE NEW SUMMER WASH DRESS FABRICS ARE HERE. Dainty wash tabrics in Voiles, poplin, silks, Gaberdines,' Etc., are here shown in a wonderful rage of pattetns and colorings. All the better qualities are in exclusive dress lengths. YOU SHOULD HAVE NEW SHOES FOR EASTER. Our spring stock of shoes for Ladites' Men's and Children's wear, is now complete, You should have. new shoes with your Spring Suit or Coat for Easter, RAINCOATS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. Special -Girls' school raincoats with hoods attached, very special at $1.75 EASTER FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. - New 1-Iats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Socks, Gloves, Belts, Shoes, Suite, Spring Overcoats, Raincoats, Etc., for your Easter Requiremennts, are naw ready. HOUSE FURNISHINGS We can save you dollars on Rugs, Linoleums, Congoleums, Oilcloths, Cur- tains Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Etc. See our new materials for aver -curtain: and draperies,. SPECIAL QUILT LININGS. -400 yards 36 in. wide wrapoe;rettes and delaines in good Paisley patterns and stripes. -,specially adapted for quilt lizangs - to clear arta 40c. a yd. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STY LE BOOKS JONES & MAY kleadquerters for Cho Celebrated Saadhocd & Lies Brandt Clothing Mar ate 4 imps. Mr, I. R, Carling was 'in. London Monday. Col. Wilson, farmer O. C. of the 33rd Battalion, C.E.F., and Mrs. Wil- son, who ,have been residents of Sea - forth for a number of years, left last, week for New York, where they will reside in future. Their family of one son and three daughters have been living tun New York for some years. AVOID COUGH.' and COUGHERA cospreAd DI ease / szocs HIteeo 1/ 30 DR,DIiS-StORP CtOUGHJ' 'UAW TiliS WR CiHLDREII NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened en reface .ih McDo¢tell's Stables, Jtoltn street, Exeter -,Prompt attention paid to all calls day or might: Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Conant hats bought the practice of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand, Calls promptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We harvte a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village praoerty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S'l FNB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R CARLING, B. A, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commisskianer, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at Newest rates of interest. Office -Marin. Street, Exeter. . CENTRAL ...P t a C'oAna Ott r, Is recognized as one of the most re- liable Commercial SSchoola ;n Can- ada. The instructors • are • experzeiic ed and the Courses are up -co -date Graduates are placed In •oositioiu and they meet with 'success. Students may=•: enter at arty time. Write a tone, for free catalogue. WeeLachian. Prin. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 -pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. RouQstaa, L., D. S., D. 'D. S. DENTIST, Office over Carlang'a Law Office ' Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office aver Gladman & Stan.bury's Offioe, Main Street, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctionleer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEJi,R AND VALUATOR for Ceurmtiies of Huron Perth, IlddLeser and Oxford Farts Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Coerce -butt Wateroaome, next door to Central Hotel, Mein Street, Exeter. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spited, teas, coffee and every. thing in the grocery line. Call and see ns. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Could Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWS THE FUNERAL. DIR1,CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER xeter -Bargain- Story Easter Suggestions FASHION DICTATES OXFORDS FOR SPRING Most` effectiveap- pearance. as the long slender yam d , .v fli g, p :model with th;e riopular Louis' heel, with .0 allour tr ma dells our Oxfords d sco combine barn withcorrect cap- acity for service and an assurance of comfort tot style p lar' Lines are black patent, or ]; d, brou't and the feet. The popu- lar MEN'S SHOES in browjn, on the .narrow toe., Nealin or leather stoles, also an Black. WL HANDLE THE SLATER SHOt; for Mean and Women; o mem; a'1rittlehigh- er pniced, but worth it, SEI, OUR SPECIAL ORDER SAMPLES FOR A NEW SPRING COAT 'OR SUIT. OVEEZ- WOW avers 4 t