HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-10, Page 47'he Exeter Advocate
Sanders 1. Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Pr$ee—In •adyanice $1,50
oar raw " fat Canada; $1,00 in. the:
Gaited States. All subscriptions nee'
wadtern atiracce 50c, extra cheroot
THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1419
Grand Bend,
Adolph :Alio,). moved Wednesday to
I'arkhal.--Inessrs. George Sheppilyd
and Win. :\t tram of Thedfartl welted
at nesapli Gravene's on Sunday—Mr.
and Mrs Bert Holt were in London
•I`hu:rrday to consult with a phy s seer
eegar3 ng Mrs. Holt's health: She is
a' present tak,ing the rest cure at her
home ,here.—:lir. Abner 1lollard bels;
said his store to, Mr. Mark Wild, bate ,
of Elime:;lle. Mr. \ 'td takes pos• 1
s'e:aloe May lst.—Mrs. M. G.tt, tt ho
has been v °i t ag ea Exeter. Sc.Marys..
end Crediton returned here on 'Ewes
ria, Evee bode having wood to ere
here ".;sal a wool bee last week.
• t
Bl AXSHARD lijse Olive Jame ar.a
daughter gas J. lb J meson, . LLcrk '1
this township, narrowly es, aneK1 dd':rslr
Monday when the rig in which she
wee -aiding was struck by the 4 o'clock
traieeeeeitd, smashed to pieces, She was
carreed sortie distance by the train but
tva little injected
Mount Carmel:
A former well-known resident has
Brie to her reward. Mrs. Nora Cough
flit, wefe of Mr. Daniel Coughlin, Do-
minion Inspector of weights and meas-
ure,, died Wednesday evening at It.
St. Joseph, atter a liager'ng illness of
iorne. months. Besides her husband,
two daughters, Sister Patricia of the
Order of St,, Joseph, and Mrs, (Dr.)
\1cCue of Gal,Lake, Soak„ formerly
'a+' Cze'deton, and- four saves, J. A. of
Toroxnte; Ilan, of Manton, Alta,, and
and Adrian of Wituaipeg, Menace
ba, survive. Interment took place at
Mount Carmel, Cemetery.
For Wants axed Childrea
In Use For Ove it 3 o Years
Always bears
Signature of
rGet This Free Book
of Fashion and Beauty
Your copy is ready for mailricc Send
name and address on a postcard and
the book willl be sent at once, all
charges paid. Write us tea --day.
Ask—and be Convinced
OR three years
we have been
telling the mo-
torists of Canada
whatwe knee"; about
the Gray-Dort—we
who created and
built it.
Thousands were
bought Gray - Dorts
as fast as they be-
came available.
Thousands were
sceptical—rode in
Gray-Dorts and are
now our enthusias-
tic friends.
To those who still
doubt we say—talk
to a Gray -Dort own-
er and be convinced.
Ask him about the
motor—that puts at
your command a
smooth, quiet flow of
r eal po ever —instantly.
Ask him about the
comfort of this gen-
erously -serge light - car.
Ask hint about equip-
mnent--about economy of
tires, gasoline. And the
longer he has had his
Gray -Dort, the more en-
thusiastic he will be.
The touring car is S1245;
the Gray -Dort Special—
the car with addedreflne-
ments and extra equip-
ment, is $135 eztra;. there
are also a coupe, and a
sedan. All prices f.o.b.
Chathm acid are subject
to change withoutnotice.
Limited, Chatham, Oat.
In tli. U.S..—The Dent Meter
Car Co., Ftrat, Mich,/
Newell,! Dealer, Exeter, =Oat
important Events Whicte Haves
Occurred Doting the Week
The Busy World's Happenings Care.
tulle Compiled' find Hut Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper - A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
A new Dominion coat of arms is
to be designed.
The Social Service Council of Can-
ada has been incorporated.
The Toronto police seized $20,000
worth, oe liquor on Palmerston ave-
nue, and arrested five men.
Samuel Gompers and his party
sailed yesterday for New York on the
steamer Rotterdam.
The allied missions which were in
Budapest when the Hungarian revo-
ou broke out have arrived at Bel -
The Canadian Siberian Expedition
are Force is to return, the date beteg
kept secret by request of the British
Hamilton women may refrain from
buying butter and even milk or cream
until the prices fall to inore reason-
able figures.
Mex. Ditthr, about 45 years of age,
an Austrian -URI inian. was shot dead
in the foreign quarter of Guelph on
Sunday night. *"
Atte. Wood, an employee of the
i.aiie Eritk foal Co.. was instantly
E;cllt,i 1. falling from a coal hoist
into, ,r l ,,age at Erieau.
The 4.1 ad Trunk Railway Co. has
.,tet payment today of principal
«:r. , ineet ,,t tlue on G. T. P. bonds
.e.r rmaine, to $10,754',040.
.1, W. Defoe, editor of the Mani -
reek. Press, in an address to the
t',eseee es cite) eat Toronto, told of the
n tarn .;t 'in'.' 1'etee Conference.
tele lasent ee mad fifty persons
r • wane n.t,. ti by the new Budapest
est. tease for looting when the
Irtatrtitat turmoil of last week oe-
At the international boxing tourna-
t*r.nt thial events in Toronto five of
the championships were won by
Canadian boxers and two by the
Jimmy Wilde. the English fly-
weight champion, conceded Joe
Lynch of New York sixteen pounds
and beat him in a twenty -round bout
at Loudon.
Nine hundred soldiers reacbed To-
ronto from overseas.
Sir William Meredith may assign
seransei whom he thinks fit for the
li. ense inquiry.
Gen. Ilyng has declined the Salis-
bury command, but is not quitting
the array entirely.
The nes. radial line to Port Perry
melee cc?nrp.l the removal of the ob-
servatory at Agincourt.
Neville B. Coleock, former Agent -
General for Ontario in London, died
there at the age of 76.
Leen! option in partial exemption
moderate priced homes is to be
permitted by the Ontario Legislature.
Mrs. Hannah Copeland, of Newton -
vine, was murdered by her son, Her-
bert, who is alleged to be religiously
Brantford has started a movement
for a national memorial to -Canadian
nurses who died on. duty with the
overseas forces.
The preliminary peace treaty will
not be submitted to the Germans at
Versailles. Only the final session will
b. l:wld there.
Delegates from the "revolution -
a y' miners representing 195 Ger-
man trines have voted to begin a
general strike.
J. M. McKay, B.A., mathematical
master at Galt Collegiate Institute,
when going home from his classes at
noon, was striken with paralysis and
died in a few hours.
Mr. Mark Workman, president of
the Dominion Steel Corporation, who
has just returned from Europe, in
an interview predicted a splendid fu-
ture for Canadian trade.
The allied powers at Paris have
decided that Germany is not to be
permitted to keep garrisons, fortifi-
cations or war factories, not only on
the left bank of the Rhine, but also
along a strip of at least thirty miles
on the right bank.
The W.C.T.U. extension campaign
was started to -day.
Two Methodist churches in Brock-
ville have decided 1e amalgamate.
John Shingwauk, file old chief of
the Garden River" Indian Reserve, is
Bolshevist troops in Pinega area
have withdrawn seven miles under
pressure of Allies.
Premier -Paderewski of Poland is
expected to pass through Vienna on
his way to Paris.
Reports are rife that a revolution
has broken out in Petrograd against
the Lenin Government.
Fifty Meaford business men have
formed a company to develop oil.
lands in St. Vincent township.
A. "Committee of Moderation" is
favor of beer and wine has been
formed in the Province of Quebec.
Euelide Jacques, for eleven terms
water commissioner and also a for-
mer alderman of Windsor, is dead.
Quebec Provincial Government has
decided to• form twenty-one districts
for road work, each with a resident
Joseph Farrer, one of the most
prominent eitizens of Parry Sound,
for many years police magistrate, is
dead, aged 80 years.
Police investigation into the death
of the man whose body was found at
the Humber (near Toronto) Sunday
disposes of the theory of foul play.
Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Minister of
Agriculture, introduced a bill in the
Legislature to provide for the sale
of cream on the basis of butter -fat
content.. •
The Guardian Realty Company of
Canada, owners of the Royal Bank
building, Bing and Yonge areas,
Toronto, reports'' net °profits' Of
$27,'99 in 19i$:'•
A national Liberal convention is
called for Ottawa on August 5-1
The New York State Senate 'yeses
Private F. J. Simmons was home
from Toronto for the week end.—Will
Brintnell secured the .$25;00 watch, for,
his agricultural team at the'-'Sea,forth4
Spring Show on FrAdan.— Miss Ena
Jackson of R.odgea,ville spent Sunday
with the, ;,;Cusses Ryckman,—rtes. Clif-
ford Briatitell and Wilbert Parker
haat, returned from overseas.—Miss Ina
Hudson and W. Fairburn were guests
of Miss Olive' Fairburn on Sunday last
—Bert Veneer and bride are nicely
settled in their ,home on this line. —
Jack Glenn was inn London for a day
ar two the first of the week: Mr.
and JIrs. Geo, Fairburn spent Sunday
with W L. Ker41Al.e end family,
Pte. Robe Robt. Caldwell, who en-
listed with the 161st Huron Battalion
and although in common with nearly
all our boys, suffered wound;, came
home looking remarkably well, ize fact
looking better than when he enlisted.
Pte, Ernie Steacy, who enlisted at
Orjllia and 'had ,been overseas for a
couple of years, also returned last
week.—An emmense gathering from
the village and countryside welcomed
home Sergt Major Sidney \icArthur
and Pte. \Wibert .Parhtr, both of
Whom Were amongst the very carie}
enlisters of the 161st Huron; Battal-
ion.—Pte. Wm. Brirntnell and Pen Ot-
terbine, also came home during the
past week.—Mrs. 5, .Dsy,ydatle, has re-
turned from a three months' visit with
relatives in Mieleimn.--Qur merchants
_intend keeping ouen during the sum-
mer months en Wcidrresday and Saes
melee even:tags.--air. T. W. Parlmer
las* week moved into his fine, new
premises adj&nin, the shop he had.
—Messrs. J. and C. elcDoneil have
s„id the;^ jewellery business to Mr.
'Montgomery of Seaforth.—Rev. 5. A.
J{e'i onne'l es improving a little all the
erne. but not as ra,;r;dly as hie rela-
tive; and fr' mds would like,—Mr. Roos
l'r _^len
has sold hoe fine fifty acres
int the Zurich Road, a few miles west
o: our village, to his nephew, David
Il Dismore—Mr. Fred Mearns has pure
sieved Mrs. Drake's neat brick dwel-
ling nearly opoos to the postoffice.
Mrs. Ed. Sanders and son Robert
Edward, of Muskegon, Mich„ visited
with friends here -the latter part of
last week. ales. Sanders was a form-
e- resident of Zurich,—Mr, Simon
Greb of the Babylon Line has pur-
chased a farm adjoining his from the
owner, 'Mr. George Broderick of
London.—Gideon Koehler had the
mosfortune the other day to have a
small bone. in his ankle broken when
iiis bugge upset.—Wilfrid. McBride has
engagedwith Mr, F. M. Hess, as as-
sistant in the carriage shop.—Mr. Jos.
Gascho and family of the 14th con.,
have moved into the house vacated
by Mr. jos. Howalfti,—Mrs: E. Axt,
who spent some month in London
has ,returned to her home here.—Dr.
and Mrs. J. Routledge and daughter,
Miss Ida, attended the funeral of a
relative at. London last week.—Drs. H.
Williams of London, A. J. MacKin-
non and B. Campbell eerformed an
operation last week on, Mr, H. Yung
blut for aptiendicitis,—At C. Walper's
sale Ed. Reichert of the Blind Lin' e,
was the purchaser of the 50 acres of
grass land in Stanley, paying therefor
$2375. 'Ir. Weeper's stock sold for
A. E, KUHNl, Manager
J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Brancbes scattered throughout Oanada
A Penni Banking Business Transacted
Clrouler Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
lateesstsilow'.e at ltigb.it corny rate
W D. CLA. NmaR«
Mr. W. R. Barley of Mitchell has
sold his drug business to Mr. W. D.
Ferguson of Lucan. Mr. Barley has
been on the road for some years trav-
elling for a manufacturing drug com-
pany, and the business has been mane
aged by Mr. A. E. Agar.—Mary Ann
Grey widow of the late Robert Mc-
Lean died here on April 2nd, in her
81st year, The funeral took place to
St, James' Cemetery, near Clsndeboye
on April 4th.
of the stomach has upset many a
night's rest. It your stomach is acid.
disturbed, dissolve two or three
ori the tongue before retiring and en-
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki-moids guaranteed by
t9 -2A
CLINTON,—At 11 o'clock, April 3
at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Alex,
Innes Queen street, the marriage took
Place of their daughter, Edna L., to
Mr. W. Roy Cantelon, sans of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cantelon of Goderich
township.•—At Christ Church, London.
on Monday the marriage took place
of Mr. Theodore Fremiun, but lately
returned from Overseas, and Miss Nel-
lie Eva Herman, both of Clinton.
Unexoelied dining car cervice.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full imifors nation from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, ar C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Agent, Exeter
Phone 46w
az s...aes..
Ourland mobs 10 Towle;, $r,r6o
Oserkud .1/04 115-4 Tourist. jr4pj
wiays-Kosi:be Pour T e rris& $j
Wiuyt Six Touring, . loos
f.o.b.. Wag Tomsk;
"The,call of the Road'''
When you take the highway this spring you want a car that
permits you to enjoy your outing. It 'must take the' roads
efficiently and with comfort, operate at low cost and inspire
pride in its appearance.' Model 90 is just such a ear.' The ap
preciation of Overland owners has built up manufac-
turing methods that make ,possible the ` unusual value of
Model 90 at its economical cost. Get your Model 90 now.
PUrdon' ci Campbell
Sealers, Exeter
Willy-Overiaa4, Limited, Head Office and Work•
s, West Toronto, Oataiio
7rastehrt Mw,rrml, Win,4'q. Rg*s
Banking Service
`OUR banking requirements m4y
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered,
Our facilities are entirely at your
A. E, KUHNl, Manager
J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Brancbes scattered throughout Oanada
A Penni Banking Business Transacted
Clrouler Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
lateesstsilow'.e at ltigb.it corny rate
W D. CLA. NmaR«
Mr. W. R. Barley of Mitchell has
sold his drug business to Mr. W. D.
Ferguson of Lucan. Mr. Barley has
been on the road for some years trav-
elling for a manufacturing drug com-
pany, and the business has been mane
aged by Mr. A. E. Agar.—Mary Ann
Grey widow of the late Robert Mc-
Lean died here on April 2nd, in her
81st year, The funeral took place to
St, James' Cemetery, near Clsndeboye
on April 4th.
of the stomach has upset many a
night's rest. It your stomach is acid.
disturbed, dissolve two or three
ori the tongue before retiring and en-
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki-moids guaranteed by
t9 -2A
CLINTON,—At 11 o'clock, April 3
at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Alex,
Innes Queen street, the marriage took
Place of their daughter, Edna L., to
Mr. W. Roy Cantelon, sans of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cantelon of Goderich
township.•—At Christ Church, London.
on Monday the marriage took place
of Mr. Theodore Fremiun, but lately
returned from Overseas, and Miss Nel-
lie Eva Herman, both of Clinton.
Unexoelied dining car cervice.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full imifors nation from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, ar C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Agent, Exeter
Phone 46w
az s...aes..
Ourland mobs 10 Towle;, $r,r6o
Oserkud .1/04 115-4 Tourist. jr4pj
wiays-Kosi:be Pour T e rris& $j
Wiuyt Six Touring, . loos
f.o.b.. Wag Tomsk;
"The,call of the Road'''
When you take the highway this spring you want a car that
permits you to enjoy your outing. It 'must take the' roads
efficiently and with comfort, operate at low cost and inspire
pride in its appearance.' Model 90 is just such a ear.' The ap
preciation of Overland owners has built up manufac-
turing methods that make ,possible the ` unusual value of
Model 90 at its economical cost. Get your Model 90 now.
PUrdon' ci Campbell
Sealers, Exeter
Willy-Overiaa4, Limited, Head Office and Work•
s, West Toronto, Oataiio
7rastehrt Mw,rrml, Win,4'q. Rg*s