HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-10, Page 3#si
i -
A smart boot which is a
greet favorite with women.
who prefer the lona vamp
nnedium-narrow toe and
Mender Spanish heel.
Choice of several grades and
varieties of leather.
uy Shoes"
rifillERE are many things which you need not buy
you ou choose. But footwear is not one of
them. u must have shoes. And the problem of
buying shoes is one which comes ht, e to every man
and every woman in Canada.
In order to help you solve this problem, we have prepared a booklet
with the title given' above. We believe that you will find it helpful
and interesting, whether you buy A.H.M. Shoes or not. And it is
not necessary to buy A.H.M. Shoes in order to profit by the
information which is contained in it.
We are glad to send a copy with our compliments to any address in
Canada. Please send your request to our Head Office, at Montreal.
$T. ;OW
"Shoemakers to the Nation."
When you buy Shoot look for --
At Present it Signifies a Standard of
Quality and Its Use is of
Advantage to AiL
Watermarks, as they are generally
known to -"day, merely serve as trade-
marks, helping to distinguish one
grade of paper front another, and to
enhance for commercial purposes
the value of the liberal advertising
which the various paper mills em-
ploy. In earlier days the devices
were symbolic in their Character,
and stood as the signatures of the
papermakers rather than as an ex-
ploitation of the paper itself.
In those times, of course, theepaper
was all made by hand, and the me-
thod of introducing the watermark
was primitive, yet this .same method
has obtained in hand -made papers
with slight improvements down to
the present day. The mold is a •shal-
low box of wood, upon Which a fine
wire cloth is stretched, which is made
of parallel wire. This is called the
s,leve. The design to be watermark-
ed is made by wires bent into the
shape of the desired characters, and
attached to the surface of the -wire
,cloth. This results in making the
paper thinner where the device is
introduced, and the watermark thus
becomes transparent.
Of Ancient Origin.
'Watermarks are found in paper
200 years before the invention of
printing and. they represent the ut-
most diversity of design.Among
these may be mentioned the circle,
including the stylus and the star; the
bull's head and stylus, appearing in
many a variation; the bow andar-
row; the jug; the anchor; the cross-
bow; the scales, and the cross—in
multitudinous variety.
A. few years ago a volume appear-
ed in which many deductions were
made concerning these watermarks.
According to the theory advanced,
papermaking; was introduced into
Europe by the Crusaders or the
Moors, and first became prominent
in establishing the industry in Pro-
vence. .Here was the site of a primi-
tive civilization during the Middle
Ages, and it was also the home of the
Albigenses, who were the most pow-
erful opponents the Roman Catholic
Church had before the Reformation,
and who were both rationalists and
mystics; Reasoning on this basis,
the author claims that the early pa-
permakers were Albigenses, and that
driven from their strongholds, they
were obliged to seek new locations
for to establishment of their indus-
try. Never ceasing in their devotion
to their secret doctrines, they found
it necessary to devise some means for
communicating with each other and
the early watermarks, according to
this theory, provided an excellent ve-
hicle for accomplishing this purpose.
This adds romance and interest to
the sufject, but unfortunately the
author succeeds in providing but
scant authority for the basis of his
theory. It is still only safe to as-
sume, therefore, that these marks
were placed in the paper as a guar-
antee of their quality, and without
so serious a purpose as is suggested
in the theory advanced.
Until the invention of papermak-
ing machinery in 1'798, watermarked
paper was universal except in. the
inferior unbleached Swiss varieties.
Since that date it has only been oc-
casionally that the watermark has
The finishing touch
of satisfaction to
many a breakfast
A rich enjoyable
tob!e beverra ,e
• The Sun Life s?.asaranne Company's }
48th Annual Report, just issued, not ; NEM°
only surpasses last year's record, but
is better than aiiy ever issued by the
Company. Every department of its
actii itie.; ;•Bows strength and pro-
gress. New business secured consti-
tuted a record, total assets are higher . Significant.
than ever before, income is larger, "I shuddered when Tom proposed,"
total assurances in force are much "Was }*e so", awkward?"
greater, while the surplus of over 1, "Ori, no; he did it SQ well"
$8,000,000 indicates that the Company
ate. - .
R 1D E N S. LAWNS. FLO 2e I,'4§,.
C mplete Fertilizer Write Georg"
c N,.tvaris- 'i'sterborough. 'OntM
�p� y� 1._ -‘ft. -...P.,1,111 Oi PIGEONS AND UP.
!{OIA it4 113 ii �' Any fancy poultry to sell?
Write i'or Prices. I. Weinraueh S Son.
2D-12 St, Jean Baptiste Market, Mont -
! ks
been employed, and then for definite
trade purposes. In later years, how-
ever, publishers have recognized the
opportunity which, the watermark of-
fers to introduce their own mono-
gram, or, in other words, to give to
the complete volume unity to `which
the presence of the house mark con-
tributes in an indefinite but agree-
able way.
The Russian papermakers have
perhaps been the most ingenious in
developing watermarks, which in
some cases cover the entire sheet,
but the Japanese have been more
artistic. While the Russians employ
imperial wreaths, arms and portraits
beautifully reproduced, the Japanese
introduce in artistic fashion flying
birds, dolphins, floral designs, land-
scapes, buildings, mountains and
clouds. Some of these watermarked
sheets are really works of art, and
worthy of being framed as trans-
The use of the watermark in mod-
ern paper is distinctly to be encour-
aged. A paper mill placing its sym-
bol upon the sheets which it repro-
duces assumes a heavier responsibil-
ity as to the quality and uniformity
than the mill which produces paper
without watermark, whose lack of
quality can never be traced back to
its original source. It brings in the
personal touch and the personal guar-
antee, and as such raises the stan-
dard, all of which tends to better
unity in the making of books.
The Return.
Golden through'the golden morning,
Who is this that comes,.
With the pride of banners lifted,
With the roll of drums?
With the self -same triumph • shining
In the ardent glance,
That divine, bright fate -defiance
That yotiabore to France.
You! But o'er your grave in Flanders
Blow the winter gales;
Still for sorrow of your going
All life's laughter fails.
Borne flutes'of dawn the answer:
"O'er the foam's white track,
God's work done, so to our homeland
Comes her hosting back.
"Come the dead men with the
From the marshes far,
From the mounds in no -man's valley,
Lit by cross nor star.
"Come to bled with hers the essence
Of their strength' and pride,
All the radiance of the dreaming
For whose truth they died."
So the dead men with the live men
Pass an hosting fair,
And the,stone is rolled forever
From the soul's despair.
is i I d'd 't' tosafeguard I
n a sp en i post ion sa eguar Will You Walk Into My Par or.
the welfare of those intrusted to its
real, Que.
at.GeBNTS W414T .D.
good prints; finishing: a specialty;
frames and everything at lowest prices;
Quick service. United Art Company.
4 Brunswick ,.ve.. 'Toronto.
A Mr. Cobb has married a Miss pan sal>~
Webb, He knew they were meant for
$340,800,000,a gain of nearly $29,000,- each other the first time he "spied
Rs assurances in force now exceed
000 during the year. New policies is her.
sued and paid for exceed $51,591,000,
while assets, which gained $7,460,000 Force of Habit.
during the year, now crowd close to Lady (who has been shopping all.
the $100,000,000 mark, To be exact, day)—When is the next train for
Wend job printing plant in Eastern
t•ntarie. Insurance carried $1.690, Wvili
vo for 41.209 on quick sale. Bog 61.
wilyin Publishing Co, Ltd Toronto,
r'EKLT I'L.eW$I'APISlt hoot :S.iL
it ICese Ontario. On Per gc ne to
Fran WiII sell 12,009. Worth dnubia
that amount. Apply I. k7.. c'a Wilson.
Publishing Co L'•imited. Tnrnntn
these amount to $97,620,000 Richmond, please?
The net surplus remaining above all Ticket Office Clerk—The 2.10 ma -
liabilities and capital stock exceeds dam.
$3,000,000. During the year the Coin- Lady—Make it 2.05 and I'll take
pany paid to policy holders and _their it.
beneficiaries $9,768,000, a sum con-
siderably in excess of the amount paid He Had the Name.
last year, the heavier claims being due "you know, Pat, it is said that a
to the war and the influenza epidemic. good name is rather to be chosen;
Another new record was made in than great riches."
regard to income with $21,651,Q00 re-
ceived, a gain of over $2,300,000 dur-
ing the year. The Company is now
comfortably installed in its new office
building on Dominion Square, Mont-
real, where unequalled facilities en-
able them to carry on their large and
growing business in the best possible
Pussy -Willows.
You stand beside me as I write
Glad Springtime's first bouquet:
'Tis true your perfume is not strong
Nor color very gay;
Yet how I love your velvet buds
My pussy -willows grey.
You soon will change your first Spring
Mr, sweet Springtime bouquet;
And dresses of the palest gold
Shall be your next array,
With tassels tossing in the breeze,
You'll wave the hours 'away,
The bees are whispering drowsily --
They scent Spring's first bouquet;
Soon they will know you've work for
And to you make their way:
You tell them Spring is really here,
My pussy -willows grey.
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their teuder toes
in high heel footwear they suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely makes the
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw and women are
warned to stop it.
A few drops of a drug called freez-
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of freestone, which
costs very little but is sufficient to re
move every hard or soft corn or callus
Prem. one's feet.
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without infiaming or even
irritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. Clip this out and pin on your
wife's dresser.
An Absurd Question.
"You sign this deed of your own
free will, do you, madam?" asked the
"What do you mean by that?" de-
manded the large, florid -faced woman,
looking threateningly upon the lawyer.
"I mean there has been no compul-
sion ou.the part of your husband. Has
"Hint?" she ejaculated, turning to
look at the little, meek man sitting be-
hind her. "Frederick? I'd like to see
him compulse Pie."
Fiinard's Lin1taent Relieves Neuralgia.
A Practical Example.
"Inconsistent, I call it. The editor
asked me to write a strong article
on the conservation of white paper."
"For his magazine."
"Well ?"
"Now he turns it down just be-
cause I wrote on both sides of the
Remit by,'Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
The Victor.
"You, naughty child, where have you
been?" demanded a mother of her
hopeful "I believe you have been
fighting again with John next door.
Just look at your clothes! I'll have
to buy a new suit." "Don't scold me,
ma," responded the youngster. ,"You
ought to .see Johnny. His mother'11
have to blty a new boy.'
"is that so?"
"Yes, Pat. Now, whieh would you
prefer to have—a good naive or
"Well, you can give me the riches.
Me name's O'Toole and that's good
enough for any man,"
He Was Careful.
To evade the draft, Sam decided
on the plea of imperfect sight. He
was warned by his companions that
he would have to be careful during
the tests at the recruiting office or,
he would be tricked, and Sam said
he'd be careful all right.
The time came and the examining
physician, pointing to a eard on the
wall, said; "How much of that sign
can you read, Sam?"
"Sign?" cried Sam, "'Say, boss,
where am dat wall?"
To whont it may concern: This is
to certify that I have used MItiARD'S
LINIMENT myself as well as pre-
scribed it in niY practice where a lini-
ment was required and have never
failed to get the desired effect.
C. A. KING, M.D.
lfinard'I.,Liniment Cures Dandruff.
If a dog is used in driving the
cattle, insist that it walk at their
,heels ireeleeeetel of their heads; and that
Ae haalt f scientist states that one and
it wale:,;rat trot. A poor. dog will do
iitts of milk with half a untold.ans�;,,chief, and that very gmck
one half ply one, • properly trained will :Ave
pound .of pea -flour would supply all 'mal"y SL ads.
the essential ingredients for a whole
day's food.
ISSUE 1171-41.
In Charge.
The soldier who believed in camou-
flaging unpleasant• news in his let-
ters home was scribbling a note to
h,is mother as he rested on his way
to the guardhouse surrounded by his
"Dear Mother," he wrote, "I'm
quite well and going strong. At pre-
sent I'm in charge of a squad of
His mother was delighted.
atinard'a Liniment Earns, Ere.
Red was regarded by the
tians as symbolic of fidelity:.
Save your hair! Make it thick,
wavy and beautiful—
try this!
L/ internal and external. oared -with
out Pain bytour home treatment Writs
us before Co,. Limited.r c ollingw. ooci�lc'ia� ediCstl
ConDS, ZaRVAEISs.n ."cir gE
ougs. we hale hundred:: of testi-
monials from every part of Canada tes-
tifying, to the rvon,ierful bealing hose^r
Mr, Clarke. 5 Indian Fiona, T' a nio,
coughed fur years ar with lironehitis it
eared hien Mrs. Clarke. No. 1 '17nritvrller
Are, Toronto, roughed for IG years;
one isAtte. , ^aretl her. i'.hn' Is` Gibbs,
Fenella, ufir`rr•d • :if teen rears with
llr•ir:r bid. 4srhmn. says there i:' nothing
like it. W. ;stella vne, 'tierr L,i*.h, , I.
"It is the lues+test disture I rr•er loot.
Send me three more bottles," The bu .e
are only a few names of the warty tl our -
ands • that have benefited by thisreat
mixture. Write any or the abor<a. Whey
will be only too p'e.ased to tell you more
a1'-'ut it, Thi• ahovt minium is sola un-
der an Iran hound money bark guarantee
to cure any of the above atlutenty. Ten
times more powerful than any known
pr.paration rets l.i'ke malts. Use those
rest•Swithoutt aR rough. Price o;;nr cents,
15 cents extra for mailing. Three bot-
tleR mailed free fur 41,50. Sold only by
Buckley, The Druggist. 97 Dundas Wit.
East. Toronto.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf:
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and clic Shen the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderine
to-night—now—any time—will surely
save your hair.
Get a small bottle of. Knowiton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter, and after the first ap-
plication your hair will take on that
life, lustre and luxuriance which is so
beautiful. It will become wavy and
fluffy and• have the appearance of
abundance, an incomparable gloss and
softness; but what will please you
most will be after just a few weeks'
use, when you will actually see a lot
of fine, downy hair—new hair—grow-
ing all over the scalp.
A Cure for Pimples
"You don't needmercury,potash
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caused by poor
blood. Take Extract of Roots--
druggist calls it "Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup -and your skin
will clear up as fresh as a baby's.
h will sweeten your stomach and
regulate your bowels." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
�At drug stores.
� www'-`�•`^'� �N
.' HMA
or write Liman -Rot% Co., Moet:esl, P.Q. Price See.
Remember the name as It. tnibbl Aon be ,sen aaatr.
Superior Attraction.
Beautiful Ernestine was sobbing as
though her heart would break.
"What is it, dear:" asked the girl
friend. '
"W -why," she sobbed, "I "t -told Jac?a
after he proposed, to go up and see
'What of that?"
"Why, they started. playing ca;ds,
and naw he goes up to see papa every
>ttiaard's T.I.r4 •sent for sale everyvPher..
The Bible mentions nineteen dif-
ferent stones, six varieties of metals
and thirty-five different animals.
You don't have to rub it i=1
to get quick, comfort-
omforting relief
Once you've tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relict you never
Thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no •
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure
to give quick results. A large''bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it. Made in Can-
ada. Get it today.
SOa, G0c $1.20,
Cuticura Heals
Pimples On Face
That Itched and Burned.
Scratched Constantly -
'I had pimples and blackheads on
try face which were caused by bad
blood. They came to a bead
and were hard -and red caus-
ing disfigurement for the
time being. They itched
and burned so much that
I constantly scratched and
made theta worse.
17 "I sent for a free sample of cuticura
Soap and Ointment, and e.terwards
bought more. Now I am Completely
healed." (Signed) Miss Josephine A.
Wetmore, 35 Sheriff St., St. John,
N. B., Aug. 10, 1911.
Keep your skin clear by using Cuti-
cura for every -day toilet purposes.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad -
arms post -card: °"Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
p16111011•1111•111.111111MONMONW ••••
Spolin's Distemper Compommd ..
COLD among homes and mules. .Twenty-five rears' use
among the best horserrieii in America have given the'COM-
POUND an enviable record ,as a preventive and cure. A
few drops daily will keep the animal in gopd condition anti
his system will resist disease, .Regular doses prescribed
will elms »istemper•