HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-3, Page 5h •:r
Full weight of tea In
every package
TEA's god tar
Sold onlywinasealed packages
FOR thousands of years the waterfalls of
Ontario have wasted energy that the Hydro
Electric Power Comn,is.aicn of Ontario now has
yoked to productive d:'aamos.
What was formerly mostly sound and spray is
being transformed into electrical cry -- a
willing, obedient, tireless servant. It lights
homes, stores and offices; operates street ears
and factories; rnakes work easier fes -.1 lift more
It is the object of the Hydro -Electric Power
Commission to render the best possible service
at a reasonable rate. To attain that and the
most modern electrical equipment is installed
in power houses and distributing stations.
It is just as essential for you to use electrical
appliances equally as modern and reliable in
your home.
HYDRO Quality Lamps are ;he st'trzdard
lamps of the Commission for ion.-” :, ing.
They are lasted in the laboratories I.. du: C. rz-
mission for brilliancy of light, rninirnv.r .: oar-
tent consumption and length of life.
Hydro Electric System
a4 0 „
ug.!tarry .Gr Hess has: left forVos,-
4lon 'where lee .wyt1 take treatment at
one of the ,haspetals;-,-Pte M. Johns-
ton, a membler ,of the United Stance
Army, was a vasptor at the home of
Use Wm. Lantomtt -Mr. Jacob. l otva d
and felinity moved their hausaehoid ef-
fects to Ketch:enres" last week and have
gone. to that city to rest dei, l4Tr. J. Si-
emoa has also :mooed his effects to
that city„--111Freed Darters has. pur-
chased from thl& estate of the late F.
Hess, Sr., the property and stable us-
ed formerly as the bowLLnig ground.--
Mr. John F:uis's has sold fide dareljina
property to Dr. Ronde/age, V. S. -Kr.
John F. Rickbell ,has sold his xesi :
deuce property to vIr. Henry 'Wain
per who recently sola his farm on.
the. ,Braln+s an Line.
Be Sure the Clover and. Grass
Seed Is Pure.
Why Every Farmer Should Rave
Spray Calendar --How to Get t1
and Use It --Only Sprayng Done
at Right Time Is Effective.
(Contributed by Outerio Departmelst ot
Agriculture, Toronto.).
SUCCESS or failure depends is
a large extent upon the quality
of the seed sown. No map car
afford to use low-grade clover
or grass seed. The risk of seeding
down the farm with noxious weed
seeds is too great. High-grade clover
and grass seed is freer from weed
seeds and produces more healthy,
vigorous plants per pound than does
low-grade seed, Impure seed is dear
at any prise. Pure seed is the pur-
chaser's right and he should insist
on having it:
In the purchase of clover and grass
seed the following qualities should
be looked fort -
1. Freedom from weed. seeds, es-
peeially those weed seeds coYered by
the Seed Control Act, The weed seeds
can: be properly seen only by spread-
ing out the sample of clover or grass
reed on a clean white sheet of paper
and looking carefully over it with
the aid of a tripod magnifier or band
lens. No farmer should be without
a lens of some kind. Everyone who
has to purchase seed should endeavor
to become familiar with the common
weed seeds and know the standards
of purity required by the Seed Con-
trol Act for the various grades pi
clover and grass seed.
2. Freedom from dirt, grit, broken
straw andother inert matter. A great
many Samples of clover and grass seed
contain far too large a percentage
Of such inert matter. Those buying
such seed are paying a high price per
pound for dirt.
3. Good size and color, A good
sample of seed of any kind should be
large, plump, bright, and have the
characteristic color well developed.
Plumpness, brightness and good color
are usually indicative of high germin-
ative capacity.
4. High germinative capacity.
Good clover or grass seed of any kind
should have a high germinative ca-
pacity. This cannot be accurately
judged, • by an examination of the seed
and can be ascertained only by a
germination test. Purchasers of seed
can have such tests made for them
by sending their seed to the ofilee of
the Seed Commissioner, Department
of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Farmers are reminded that the De-
partment of Botany of the Ontario
Agricultural College is at their ser-
vice at all times for the testing of
seed as to purity. In submitting
samples for purity test send at least
one pound of the coarser grains, one
ounce of alfalfa or red clover, and
half an ounce of alsike or timothy.
A full report on samples .will be fur-
aished. Samples of . seed should be
easefully peeked and addressed with
postage 'prepaid to the Botanical De-
partment; Ontario. Agricultural Col-
ltege, Op.—Profs_ 3..A. lIowitt,
has 'decided to recommend its mem-
bets to accept the Sankey report for
the settlement .of their demands,
The Italian delegation to the Peace
Conference has notified the confer-
ence of the suppressiou,. ot the rnill-
tary and commercial blockade in the
Adriatic, t
Toronto's tax rate for 1019 will be
28 },4 mills.
New Zealand dairy butter' is being
s Id in Brantford.
The Minnekanda docked at Halifax
with Canadian troops.
The Associated Boards . of Trade
are in session at Toronto.
The delivery of German merchant
ships to the Allies continues.
,A, number of cities will adopt day-
light saving themselves, anyway.
Oise robbery a night has been
Brantford's record for some weeks
A big good roads deputation from.
Western Ontario waited on Premier
A.ecording to reports, Edward De
Valera has been. in Dublin since Tues-
day last.
Montreal is suffering an. epidemic
of crime, especially highway robbery
and shooting.
t. Col, Pratt, in the Legislature,
made grave charges against offiele
of .Argyll House.
Denial has been given to the rba-
port of the resignation of Preside'at
Masaryk of Czeoho-Slovakia.
The German authorities, aecordisin
to report to Paris, have refused tP
allow 800 Polish refugees to laid At
Fred Decotteau, of Hamilton, his
.wife and one child died during the
night of "flu,” and three other chfi-
dren are critically ill of the diseases
in hospital.
Pte. C. A. Palmer, of T1lisonbusgy,
who returned home yesterday, and
chum of his in hospital in Elleadit
in 1912, read of their own deaths ffl
a St. Thomas paper.
Lloyd Smack, ot R.icbmonds a
well-known hockey player, has, wlidie
ill with a severe attank of !pain.
fever, recexered his hearing and 08
regaining the power of speech, alai
he lost through typhoid fever in
The 3rd Division troops are now
practically all back in Canada.
Gen. Pau, who recently visited
Canada, has arrived back in Paris.
Over $60,000 will be spent tbts
year in improving York county road.
Hon. Geo. P. Graham was nominat
ed by South Essex Liberals for the
Five train loads of Ontario troops
arrived from the Olympic, including
the 116th i3attalion.
William Taylor, of Owen Sound,
way elected president of the Associat-
ed Boards of Trade.
The Dominion Foundries & Steel
Co.; Ltd., showed net earnings
amounting to $1,228,614.
Capt. Jas. P. Delaney, a veteran
mariner of the Great Lakes, diad at
'bis home in St. Catharines.
Brantford citizens will co-operate
With, the Chamber of Commerce fet
the new community progra,n.
A quarantine against Skagway on
account of influenza has been estab-
lished by the Governor of ela,:ka.
John Vegryninek was hanged at
Cornwall for the murder of Thomas
Zeveski at Winchester on Dee. 10.
The York and Peel : Milk Pro-,
ducers' Association set the summer
price of milk at $2.50 per eight -gal -
lou can.
Western Great War Veterans
threaten to picket the ports of entry
to prevent further influx of Ivies-
The British Government is to in-
clude in: its claim for indemnity the
cost of the new Hydro pipe line at.
Niagara Falls.
The first detachment of American
railroad troops, destined for work on
the Muroran railway, has arrived on
the Muroran coast.
The Roumanian and Czecho-Slo
vak Governments have taken military
measures against the Hungarian So-
viet. Two Roumanian army corps
have crossed the frontier of Eastern
Ex -Premier S. A. Murray, Hon.
J. Bo M. Thxter, Hon. B. F. Smith
and Cc.. B, Jo.ees were asked to resign
Children Cry for Fletcher*s
The Kind YOU gave Always Fought, and which has been
' in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
'and has been made under his per.
4! sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits,. Imitations and just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
infants and Children ----E erieuce ainst E eximert.
What AS IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it Containss.
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. its
age is its guarantee. .For more than thirty years it has
been in cgnatant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomacb and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural. sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The XottteVs Friend.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
le Li t C07fi t►ANv. NLW `f4'R'AC C.
Have You Visited the Attic
Just climb up there and take a peek, "Whew," you say,
" Isn't lit hot ,up here and such a. place as this is getting
to bel I had n+. ;deo there was so much stuff accumul-
eltedy-what in the world ,hall i do \4 ,th it all?" Well the
thing, to DO with it iA IT% ge.t it down and sort it over.
Then ant a copy of The Isert don Free Press and turn, to
the WANTED TO PURCHASE elassifiaation
If the articles you wish to tin pie of are not asked for
in. the WANTED '1O PURCIt ASE columns of the class.
irises welts out a few ads. and send them to The Lon-
don Free Press for in.sertaen in the FOR. SALE column.
You may just as well have real money for the things you
no longer use and which genet d. be worth money to some
other people.
Get a copy of the London F r ego Press right now and see
for yourself what other people are buying and 1alline
through the classified columns. You might just as well
have some ,extra money for Ea ster.
Your ad. will cost only 2c a w o. d each day.
Thunk' oaf eeatilitige av'r. _le,0 0 people who read the Cla.s
sifi,ed column for only 50c or .i `F The postage alone ort
freitters to only 25 people- would be 75c
Perhaps your boy has some chic kens or fete settings of
hggs to sell.
IOU 104
e Big Chunky Bar
You can use Comfort to the very
last. It does not break when worn
down. And the bar is -the biggest
and best you can get for the
money. `Comfort" gives you the
greatest possible soap economy,
the greatest possible satisfaction.
.For 25 years the biggest seller
and sales still growing,
"It's All Right"
ACTUAL SIZE—the "Bigger Bar"
rrozu cue zvew SST uusWTCr: scare
bya vote of 22 to 14 on th : ition
of Premier Foster, acting a:i the
commissioner's report on, the "pa-
triotic potato" inquiry.
Many trainloads of troops rrnsed
at Ontario points over the -we: It endi.
The salaries of uiissionaricr in the
Presbyterian. Church have le sn
The commander of the Atli el
troops has declared. Fiume to ee in
a state of siege.
The Labor Department's e ploy-
ment reports for the past yr .c are
quite encouraging.
Orders from France and R::' nania
for farm impleme its' have :> en re-
ceived by Brantf . e f iet.or. s.'
Haitliinand Co ..Inas ap-
propriated F.:1000th) :or acidiy-five
miles, of g eici rc. c on t :enc :on dur-
ing this year:
It is stated in a Paris despatch
that 'Seeneva }rias been definitely se
reel d as the official seat of the:
L ;tee of Naim. s.
C sit.adiens ale.. _,ted Seattle 4 to 3
in sixteen nninntee overtime Saturday
night, and -tlie rants are now tied
for the Stanley Cup.
A strong criticism of modern fic-
tion:tivas uttered by Archdeacon ,Pat-
erson Smith in a sermon. at Con
vocation Hall, ,Toronto.
An order-in-C.,uueil modifies
migration restrictions, now per:fin-
ites. . British Columbia Hindus to
brim in their wives.
The 14IontreaT Herald lias•appeared'.
ander new management and is to be
independent of party politics, devot-
ed to business interests.
Rev: Robert Law was taken sud-
denly ill just before entering the
pulpit yesterday morning in Old St.
Andrew's Muesli, Toronto.
The recent' note of the Allies to
the German Government regarding
the landing of Gen.I•Ia?]:.r's Polish
roops at Dai tzie slid net take the
.»m of an tultinieit.uiu.