HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-4-3, Page 4V'
The Exeter Advocate
Sander/ & Creech, Proprietor*
Subscription Price—In adva oe $1.50
rev in. Com; $2.00. in the
.ted Staten All subscript ss not
Oldan advance 50c. extra cheroot'.
Mount Carrnel
Ott Sunday afternoon, the halt here
ass the scene of a large gath:creng
from all parts -of the district to vee
same back Rev. Father McCarthy,
t. pt.o%erseas, i 1:3 lett here
Os'.' t-
ethee. 1915. lir. John McIntyre was
:like -ratan and the program coneeeted
of ,songs tef wee conte by the school
c•fey dee 1, ' two soles i- r:dared by An-
ilfoay White of Centralia, short
p<e "h s by Rev. Father Tierney, pass-
ttor. Bathe: O'Neil, Parkhill, W. I. El-•
Ce rtraia, and A, Neeb, Dash •
w a .i Mr. John Hays red an address
of e' elate and also presented Ruin
air McC arthy with a, well filled parse
a get ark,rn lis Mt. Carme end Mc -
G ?I v -a; earrshoners. Rev. lit t ;ex
hem t ly thanked his peoolz -t::'ar
t o
gereaoue g t. H' a so gave en
rSrtf; w`Gn «'il �i.QlLn. of his exp r. .r..t1
slur the wear. The program %V3.-
rse.! hti , tieing "God -Save tit
el.ss :dee, Patton cont hues it at h
gore --Mr. John Hogan met with. <r
'gee panful accident Last Thureti.tr
While Lvoekem.g on the road drag lx .•
.aceide:itly had les leg brok 'n ab•-ve.
the leve Mr. Hogan Will be laid off
duty tat atme ;meths.—Mr. Jack. Mad-
den lora, mead d Mr. Geoge Maier of
G.-ntrd bead to work fere the sutnnu r.
lad Mrs. Michael U'Briert and
Miss Ma -y have moved to deer rima'
'Monne here. We welcome this werthy
ani to our mast. Mr. Vincent
i uairten of Sandwich College arrived
'some Saturday for a few necks. --Mrs.
.t yam visited her friend, Mrs. Leonard
let Parlddee, wino es seriously f!.
Doh:: Gardener has returned from
;:faire. --Alas Kate Doupe and her
,beettiter have moved to Kirktotr —Tac•k
-atieclair ie hack, atter sp'enchng the
etestter :n Owen Sound... -Carp. Reuben
Steetzer ;and hie bride arrived home
lea;; week.—Burnside, the home at Mr.
Mem Denham. Fourth Lena, 131ansir trd
the _•cen'te fii .t very mote wed-
, ea Thursday, Bare h 20, when
e1d-.•t daughter, Vera Irene:, be-
came tine bride of Reginald If. Doupe
oe Kirkton. The ceremony wee per nne1J Le the Rev. A. W. Brown of
t c
`tete diet Church Kirkton, of
txSitee the bride and groom. are hall)
buec: nrernber . On;y in nnectate rel-
neve.- of both peattie,s were present.
ter congratueete'onu a dainty ,ulr
per was served by three girl ;'riends
of the bride, after which the ,bride
and groor:+ left for their new hone: in
Lesborne, the bride wearing a envy
blue serge suit with sand trimnninge
is the root of nearly all digestive
evils. If your digestion is weak or
out of kilter, better eat less and rase
the new aid to better digestion.
,Pleasant to take—effective. Let
ti' -molds help straighten out your
digestive troubles.
MAKERS Or scorns EmoLSICri
19 -IA
The sawing match held here last
Feecley brought a large crowd of spec
tatora, but not as many participants
ley, the.cont'est as was ,ev,pe;ctetk. The
young chaps in the vicinity not laving
seen a match before seemed a little
timed to tackle The job.. The log was
22 larches m idianeeter at the butt end
19 inches at the top. !tir. Jas,. Law-
son of Exeter acted, as tint -keeper,
1%r Thos McCurdy of I1ugtown furn-
ished the Culbert, Foltowi g is the
net of prize wietners :—
First, 'Mitchell Bros., of Centralia,
$20, for two cuts, 2 mune 6 3-5 see. •
Second, F. Tuffel, and Butst zi of
Staffs, $15, time 2 mine 12 sec.
Third, A. Campberll and Geo. Bell
of Farquhar, $1.0, time 2 tnin, 36% sec.
I�°otnrth, j. Bray grid `% Austin o f
Farquhar, $7, time, 2 alma„ 48 sec.
• Fafth Wrlson end .Cox of. Erueet%e1d
$5, time. 3 area, 36 see.
Mr, John I-igdgert, who has been
sitter in for atime with, a bt okten
1,:3 able to be out ;again by the
aid of crutches —We forgot to: men-
tion last week the marriage -of Mr.
Archie Hod ,ert tof Russ'-1dale to Mrs.
Belot Rtusell of Farquhar by Rev. Mr
1 teete et 'the manse, Exeter. -- Mr.
Pros, Austin alas eneaneed :vfr. Gar -
Lead Drown for the summer, and we
uadetstand ,is putting in the crop on
C;areerores rami. --Our new neigh-
bor, lir. Harrisou, has got settled on
that McCurdy farm on Thames. Read.
Me and Mrs. Hodgert spent the
ween gad with Me and Mrs. \i'illiam
P,.eae—;Hiss Reta. Pollen of Mitchell
,peat the week end under the parent -
a ,:oof.—hfr.'=.3. „ Meleinol of Toron
to vieeted relatives this week.— The
Bane e Friday n'.ght was a success. —
Mr. and Mrs, A. Ross: of 'Tuekereneth
v:satod at the Temperance. House, —
M. Plater Gat'di'ier hes engeged Mr.
fella hIttetin for the sumnier.
Mr. Edward 1,Vitlson of Forest Banks
Soak., is visiting at the home of Mr.
Joseph Rinne --Mr. Wm. Mills, Sr,,.
wdao L naw• at least ninety years of
age, says he itas never seen so :mild
a winter as the one we have just
,passed through: --Mrs. Howe af Lon-
don went down to Torpedo a few
day. eel, to. meet her husband, Pte.
Janney lic.we, on his return from over
;eta and visited friends in Woodham
t MI iipwc s home last weekPte.
Howe went two ems with the 110th
Betaaion and iaw active service in
Franr'e —Mr, Jas. Swallow has pur-
h i,e.T tele he u ce and lot in the tit-
neefrom Mr. Fred. Stephens. Mr,
S,eph tra intend, azoveag to Strati!'4rd
neat Call.
REPORT OF S. S. No. 14, Stephen
for March. Those marked withan as-
terisk were abient for one exam. —
Sr. IV., Mav, 500; Min., 300; Aritb.,
Ceng Gram., T. Mills 395, A. Anger -
eon 380. 'I. B•r'ooks .368, K. Hacks 358
ei Hodgins, 341, I. Essery 328; Jr
IV.. M Neal 312, F. Weds 295, P.
Hanlon 2R6 L Wade 283, H. Hill 211,
111,. Max. 400, Min., 240; Comp. Arith.,
Liter.. V. Conner 222, F. Huxtable
137; If,, H. Steels 218, M. Neil 166
t;. ()'Brien 163, J. Smith 154, M.Hicks
140; L. Accottderve to class standing,
H. l iecks, L. Wade, H., Wade, ',Flynn
G, Neal, V. Smith; Sr, Pr., lf. Tricks,
W H. Smith, E. Wade. --E.
M. Weston, teacher.
CLINTON—After an illness extend -
int,: over about four year,, Alice 'Ma-
tilda tiioore, wife of Mr, John Rob-
ertson., passed away at the home of
her .sister, .ars. J. Go 4ett, Wetdnes-
day, March 26.—George Warrener, for
aver sixty year a resident of Callon
died last week of pneumonia., Be-
sides his Wife he leaves eight chil-
dren. Nathan of Hensell is a son.—
Mrs N. Davidson died recently quite
The Ultimate in Value
Motorists who come to
the Gray Dort after
having driven other cars,
find in theend--whether
they previously paid
more or less that the
Gray Dort offers the
highest value.
This is the direct result
of the basicpolicy of our
business --to build a fine
lightcar, completely sat -
isfying, sturdy, econom-
ical. That we are able
Ito sell such a car at a
low price is due entirely
to the unequalled effic-
iency of our factory.
UJndoubtedly, you t o 0
will come some day to.
the Gray Dort as the
ultimate in value. You
will demand the - speed,
power, quietness of the
Gray Dort motor; the
roominess and comfort
of the Gray Dort body;
t h e standard equipment.
You will not find these things
at a lower ,price. Youneed
not pay a higher.
The touring canis $1245; the Gray
Dort Special—the car wlth added
refinements and. extra.egnipnaent,
is $135 eztra; there arc also a coupe,
andasedan. iallprices,f.o.ti.Chat-
hax' and are subject to change
r+• SL9ut notice.
Lirnetecl Chatham, Ont. ,
In the U.S.
Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich.
T. H. Newell, Dealer, Exeter, -Ont.
NEMS T3P1C3 EE Hensall
Important Events Which Havet
Occurred Dun ins the Week.
The Busy World'a Happenings Care.
NUT Compiled and Put into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Rotary Clubs are passing resolu-
tions faToring daylight-saving.
Chatham, Chinese are planning to
open a library and evening classes in
The Abitibi Power te Paper Co., -had
ar' cent,in
2 ii per crease in earnings,
last year.
Owing to another outbreak of
Spanish "flu" Lethbridge churches,
schools and theatres are closed.
Toronto City Council decided that
returned men to be employed must
have seen service in a war zone.
Cocaine and morphine to the value
of between six and ten thousand dol-
lars were seized at Windsor Station,
The steamships Olympic and the
Royal George, with more than 6,400
returning Canadians, are anchored at
Halifax, and will dock to -day.
Reports from Vienna say* that a
Ceecho-Slovak army has been sent
to Hungary. Prof. T. G. htasaryk,
prwictcint of Czeeho-Storakia,. bas re -
Tee Duffelo and Goderich fine of
tee timid Trunk Railway System has
re•nnoved front the London Divi-
sion and placed back in the Stratford
t,iv glen.
itaa tad attacks on communica-
te: te: s ..tree macre by Egyptian Na-
a-t , relate. at Calro on Sunday, ,to-
weber with sotue demonstrations in
the City.
war Wilfiam Meredith has been ap-
p-ri,rtett :. eon: urissiotier to investigate
the eh.tr' s of Mr, H. H. Dewart,
K,C„ M.P.P., against Chief Licenae
Inspector Ayear'st,
The steamship Crette docked at
Halifax yesterday, and the ltfetagama
at St. John, with troops: The Tuni-
sign landed 1,200 passengers, but no
troops, at St. John Satur`ay..
Mrs, C. L. Laing, of Niagara Falls,
died of influenza at Woodstock, whi-
ther she went to attend the double
funeral of her sister-in-law and her
aunt, who both died of "tau."
Soldiers and their dependents ar-
rived from the steamship Metagama.
A provincial Liberal convention
will be called likely in May or June.
Orillia Town Council has awarded
paving contracts amounting to about
$180,0 00.
Allied gunboats and monitors have
been ordered to Budapest and are
likely to have started.
Tete Royal George docked at Hall -
fax, but the Olynnpic could not do so
on account of the wind.
A substantial increase in rural
telephone subscription rates is allow-
ed by the Quebec Public Utilities
President Actor of Switzerland has
replied to a letter from President
Ebert, thus recognizing the German
Kostiehand Capablanca, chess
masters, played for five hours to a
draw at Havana yesterday. They will
resume on Monday.
Brantford G. W. V. A, branch
wants the constitution changed so
Haat the organization shall become
0eiitical in future.
t-gir Frederick Stupart told the
f;::; tel Astronomer Society that it
t,i,'y be possible shortly to forecast
weather for a whole winter.
Wm, P. Sparrow was instantly kill-
ed by a glnpole striking him on the
head while he was at work on the
Hydro power canal construction at
Niagara Falls.
Moses Beauchamp, living a couple
of miles from Penetanguishene, died
a moment after remarking that he
guessed he would go like Charles
McGibbon of Penetanguishene, who
died of an apoplectic fit on Saturday.
Mr. MeMaster's tariff amendment
in the House of Common was defeat-
ed on a vote of 115 to 61, all Union-
ists and Hon. W. S. Fielding, also
Messrs. McCrea (Sherbrooke) and
Lapointe (St. Janes, Montreal.) vot-
ing with the Government.
The Olympic's passengers were de-
barked at Halifax by tugs.
Col. Vix, head oe the French mis-.
Rion in Budapest, has been --wounded.
Senator Bradbury withdrew his
bill aimed at the disfranchisement
of enemy aliens.
Stiff fines were imposed on defaul-
ters from New Germany in the
Guelph Police Court:
Supplementary estimates,totalling
over three million dollars, were paste
:ed= by the Ontario Legislature.
A bill to enfranchise woinen for
provincial and municipal elections
was introduced in the Legislature.
The Home Mission Board of the
Presbyterian Church met in Toronto
and transacted important business.
Jose Capablanca of Cuba . beat
Boris. Kostich of Serbia at Havana
in the second of their chess matches.
Troops from the steamship Cedric,
317 in number, were demobilized at
Exhibition Camp, .Toronto, in seventy
A bill to create a Federal Depart-
Ment of Public Health was introduc-
ed in the Commons by Hon. N. W.
Specialcables from Petrograd
state that the supply of food will
determine the fate of the Soviet
Mrs. Roland .Barlow, of Philadel-
phia, won the women's North and
Southgolf championship yesterday
at Pinehurst; N.C.
Senator George Taylor, of Gana-
noque, died in St.. Luke's Hospital,
Ottawa, following a stroke of par-
alysis on Saturday.
Coal prices are to drop 50 cents
a ton in Brantford on the lst of
April, dealers saying they can deliver
more cheaply in the summer:,
The Independent Socialists• in 13a-
varia have demanded that the statues
of all former royalties and statesmen:.
be melted for industrial uses.
The Miners' Conference in Britain
Mr, Fred. Smallncombe and faanaly
left ,east week for the West, where
Mr. Sxnaliuconibe has had land fear
some #bine.--Mrs. Win. Luker, who ee-
Gently fell and broke her leg, is now
able to sit up t -Dr. A. Moir has rent-
ed hes feria lora the, 2nd con_ of Hay
to Wm Buchanan. --The Rev. hfr. Gar-
rett pf St, Paul's Church, accprnpan.--
ed by Mrs. Garrett, was in London
least week, meeting his brother, Sergt.
K. M. Garrett, who .has; returned from
ov'ers'eas. and who was sevelrely
wounided-lira Wm. Murdockhas re
turned from. St, Thomas where he
spent several months with hiss daugh-
ter.—Mr. Richard Poliick has return-
ed from Ohio where he has been for
MO weeks on busine:ss t -Mr, and Mrs.
J, j3 Simpson have returned from the
West whte,tetbn.,y had been for a num-
ber of months„ --Pte, Alfred Clark
who enllt$ted with the 161st, and Ptes,
Arthur Parker and Wm. McLean, who
masted before that, arrived home last
week—Sig. Feud C,lnt* tsn, son of J.
C. Clausen, a former business man of
town, now ,of Caron, Sask., visited
here with old friends,—George Swale
es above to be up after two trenths of
confinement follotveng the fracture of
his knee.
Miss Mary Lee is on the sick list.
—Mr. le. S. Griggs is' moving into the
the ,house v-acaated by Mr. Brock on
North Main street.—Mrs. Blatchford of
Exeter wits the guest of her sisters,
the e isles Lee, last week.—Mr, M,.
Gleason has returned from New On-
tario.—Mrs. Jlmrolel Butler was 'taken
to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a.
few days ago for treatment—Mr. D.
13. McVicar has moved his household
effects to LonKlioin,. Mr. ,j. Brock has
taken possesteion of the residence va-
cated by the fust' named, he having
:ecently ,purchased same.—Mr. J. W.
Hodgins' team took fright the other
u:ght and he had the misforeune of
hieing his shoulder dislocated.
MITCHELL—H. Tuck me -chant
tailor, received iefficial word last week
that hies son, Corp. Lesi.'te 'ruck, had
died on March 20th of menereteids in
Don't think children can be cured
of bed-wetting by spanking them.
The trouble is constitutional, the child
cannot help it, I will send FREE to
any mother my successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. If your
children trouble you in this way, send
no money, but write me to -day. My
treatment is highly recommended to
adults troubled with urine difficulties
by day or night. Address
Mrs. M. Summers,
840 WINDSOR,Ontario.
Box a't .
Notice to Debtors
Debtors to the Estate of the late
WXary Balkwill, will hereby take not-
ice that all accounts must be paid
f'r,rthwith to the solicitor of the ad-
ministrator of the Estate, The Can-
ada Trust Co., London,
Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor care cid principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Amt, Toronto
Phone 46w Agent, Exeter
• ' - A. E. KUHN, Manager
• - J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Braucbes scattered thtougbonb Oataada
A General Bunking Business Transacted
Wrangler Letters of Credit
leek Money Orders
Irntawt Awed at lri1hwt roma rate
W 0. CLAMOR, aitailleer
*49.9_ grows to $5.00
And each dollar
grows in value.
Have You Bought
Your THRIFT Stamp
As a means to secure War -Savings Stamps
buy THRIFT Stamps REGULARLY. Thrift
Stamps cost 25 cents each and 16 on a Thrift
Card represent .$4.00 in buying a W-S.S.
The Dominion of Canada will pay you
$5.00 in 1924 for each War -Savings
Stamp you buy this month for $4.00.
Thrift Stamps are sold
by patriotic dealers
War -Savings Stamps
are sold wherever
you see this sign
Don't Let Your
Brown Sugar Crock
Get Empty
TN addition to your Lantic •
"fine" granulated sugar
:you should always keep on
hand a supply of
Old rown. Sugar
It saves money and adds variety and zest to your cooking. The natural delicious molas-
ses taste of Lantic Old-fashioned Brown Sugar is a decided improvement to many sweets.
It blends deliciously with the flavors of all - dried; fruits: Nearly all dishes containing
raisins, dates, figs or currants are better when Made with brown sugar.
Spices and brown sugar are on the friendliest terms.
Spiced cookies and cup cakes and all sweet pickles
or spiced fruits are better when made with -brown
sugar than with white.
For fear these old-fashioned recipes might be for -
gotten, we have`reprinkd a number of the best of
then in a booklet called "Grandmother's Recipes."
We will send it to you upon receipt of a 2c,` stamp.
Your grocer knows this sugar by the name of Lantic
Brilliant Yellow, and will sell you any quantity.
OUR banking requirements
be entrusted to this Bank
every confidence that careful
efficient service will •be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at
. may ,
• ' - A. E. KUHN, Manager
• - J. A. McDONALD, Manager
F. S. KENT, Manager
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
Over 100 Braucbes scattered thtougbonb Oataada
A General Bunking Business Transacted
Wrangler Letters of Credit
leek Money Orders
Irntawt Awed at lri1hwt roma rate
W 0. CLAMOR, aitailleer
*49.9_ grows to $5.00
And each dollar
grows in value.
Have You Bought
Your THRIFT Stamp
As a means to secure War -Savings Stamps
buy THRIFT Stamps REGULARLY. Thrift
Stamps cost 25 cents each and 16 on a Thrift
Card represent .$4.00 in buying a W-S.S.
The Dominion of Canada will pay you
$5.00 in 1924 for each War -Savings
Stamp you buy this month for $4.00.
Thrift Stamps are sold
by patriotic dealers
War -Savings Stamps
are sold wherever
you see this sign
Don't Let Your
Brown Sugar Crock
Get Empty
TN addition to your Lantic •
"fine" granulated sugar
:you should always keep on
hand a supply of
Old rown. Sugar
It saves money and adds variety and zest to your cooking. The natural delicious molas-
ses taste of Lantic Old-fashioned Brown Sugar is a decided improvement to many sweets.
It blends deliciously with the flavors of all - dried; fruits: Nearly all dishes containing
raisins, dates, figs or currants are better when Made with brown sugar.
Spices and brown sugar are on the friendliest terms.
Spiced cookies and cup cakes and all sweet pickles
or spiced fruits are better when made with -brown
sugar than with white.
For fear these old-fashioned recipes might be for -
gotten, we have`reprinkd a number of the best of
then in a booklet called "Grandmother's Recipes."
We will send it to you upon receipt of a 2c,` stamp.
Your grocer knows this sugar by the name of Lantic
Brilliant Yellow, and will sell you any quantity.