HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-27, Page 8EXE FEB, ,ABYOGA.TE, T} URlJIAY, MAR, 87 1,819 EXETER. I ARYETS Changed Each Wednesday Fall Wheat , Spring Wheat ... a Oat Family o F ` lour . �, r ........5,7O Creamery Butter 58i Dairy Butter ,,,,,. 45-48' Eggs .... r 38 Lard 33: Potatoes .$1.50 —$1.75; Fla} ,,,,,, , ......• 18 to $19 Hoge 7 8,00 2.06 21:1, We find thatthe matt that minds his own busr,'iness has about all he can well, do. The grass is beginning to 'green, and art sp ,e, of all predictioons it looks like en early spring. The fine weather has made the country roads nearly fit for good automobile n elinge "Air Ed. Stone of Usbiorne purchas- ed the Andrew street property of the late Mary BaLkw"ill at the auction sale .vn Fr day last, Miskettie Sweet has purchased the 1,1 piece of land owned by the Trry t. Memorial Church east of the churc't died and will build a garage thereon for :her automobile. H. S. EXAMINATIONS Forth 1,—Labii, i'V; S. Stanbury, V, A Hogarth, G. C. Hind; 11., E. Thompson, J. A Christie, E. L. Alex- ander and C. Davis, equal; III,, R. R, Ratcliffe, E, J. Hogarth, E. B. Brown G. I i/Creech, Form IL, History, L, F. Turnbull, M. johns,, V. Rowcliffe, C. Andie•rtion, G, $ab -d, G. Dew ; II., G. Hatter, M, Kuntz, A. Harding, R, Broadfoot, C. Heaman, I, F'rnscis,. IA, W. Lawson. D. Ashy, H. J. Dignan, E. Pfaff, J,W, Borley, V. Walker. Form III., Chemistry -I„ M Pick- ard; II,. O. Truemtver, J. M. Harvey, B. Medd, E. Hogarth, P. Cann; III., N Anderson, E. M. Strang, M. Camra, V. Heywood, L. Walker and M. Walker .*anal, L. Beavers, V. Bell, M. Moodie H. M. Laing, T. Creery. H. J. Haviland, Prin, Harvey's flour is good flour, SAWING MATCH AT FARQUHAR On Friday, March 28th, at 2 o'clock jet the afternoon a Sawing Match will fie conducted at Farquhar, Open to all comers Five prizes offered—$20, $10, $7. $5, Entrance fee $1. Each pair to make a cut off each end CO the log. A great contest of saw - g ability. and loads of fun for every- dy. Sharpen your saw and coine along, AOR SALE 4 -horse power Connor Gasoline En- gine, neer. Apply to S. Martin & San, Exeter. ...mill. CARD OF THANKS, Mr. Eli Snell and family wish to thank the friends and neighbors for 'tui: many 'kindnesses shown during the illness and suctuetit death of the to wife and mother. Farewell Concert on W. M. CIarke, organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church, on Monday, March - A'cnii<ssion 25c.; children tinder twelve 15c. Program at 8 o'clock, I�fs2s >40 LsOCAL DOINOS. �.�►,� ,��>� Farmers are busy making maple' }rep, mad ss ,notice a,` fety' trees in town tapped,. Friends will confer a favor by leav- ing bundles of clean white rags at the Advocate Office for Mrs. East, Mr. R. T. Luker last week purchas- ed Mr. Alex, DOW.> house on Main St. now occupied. by ?t1'r, M. E. Gardiner. Frreiude ;Mere plead to see Miss Stella ,Gilliies able to be out for a walk, after an illness of several mon- ths. Mr. H. Rowe zis moving this week to ,the ,house iregeiatly owned by the late ,Miss Mary .13alkkwill 'on Andrew street, Mr. Michael Elford shoved this week from Utsborne, to Exeter, into the house he recently purchasleci from Mr, Wilbur lelartiin, Messrs Sandy Pardon and Andrew Campbell have taken over the Over- land, automobile busitl•ess here, and Mr. Newell will devote al!l hi$ time to the Gray -Dort. The fire brigade .bad a run to the home of Mrs. Birk on Saturday, but it proved to be a false; alarm: We un- der taaid alt old rag was the only thing of fine, Mr. Earl Parsons, who has been suffering from knee trouble, which developed from a kick by a :horse while in France, was in, London Tue'p day to have it exaattned. The series of special tnnejetings un- der the Forward Movement that were held in Cloven Church last, week, were fairly well attended, and the addreiss- es were exceptionally good. Mr. A. E. Cooper, temperance field secretary for Huron, preached in the Methodist churches here on Sunday. A campaign is to be started to fight against the return of the, open bar IP Ontario. The War Veterans are now comfor- tably installed in their club rooms, loaned by the Canada Club, and furth- er furnished and trade more com- fortable by the ladies of the Soldiers' Aid Society. AU returned soldiers are welcome to the club rooms, P Corp S. J. V. Cann, who recently returned from overseas wears the .nil— nary medal modestly and does not anxiously tell the story of the small company of five holding a trench for some time alone waiting for re:ie- fencements which inever turned up,, Money will not buy better flour grain we can supply: It makes excel - t bread. Harivey Bros, We have a fair stock of feed on fend, and have a car of oats coming. 'Hnr'oey Bros. HALTER FOUND. On Main street, Exeter, on March 22 a leather halter,, Owner can have same. by calling at this office and pay- ir g for this notice, THE BEST OF THE SEASON Oratorio, and Cantata Choruses, Solos, Duetts, Quartettes, Etc. 50 voice:; under direction of W. M. Clarke, iOrgansiht and Choirmaster of James Street Church. WANTED. for the Master ti Organist� and IGhon.' _ James St. Methodist Church. Apply to S. Martin, Secretary. WANTED. An apnmentice to learn Apply G. 'M. Armstrong. WAN:FED To purchase good second-hand up right piano. State. condition and best cash price, Box 66, Exeter, Ont. AN'CONA EGGS FOR SALE. Shepherd strain 75c. for 15.—John Pollard,, R. R. 2, Dalshwood. ' miiliauery, Rev. ,Paaniaby of Elinlville addressed the James Street League ors Tuesday evening on. "Probliems of Canaidiian Cit enehiat" Mr, W. I,. Clarke expects to leave for Richmond on Friday or Sateeday, His smother and son wail visit for a time An. Glxes �. 1\ r, Frani Bok ]e who has been trav- elling for the Imperial Oil -Company, niesigned his positilon and Nvtil1 go back to his former occupation as barber, taking over the shop he recently leas- ed to Mr. Elmer Harnee:et He will take possession, April lst. Mr. L. Hardy of town, received the sad *yew.s lastweekof the death of his brother Charles J, Hardy a London Township. Decemed had been sick only a few days from influenzal and pneumonia. He was 58 yea of age and las one of the best known and moat highly respected residents of that township,, He is survived by his wife, two sons and three brothers James Bell of New Westmiilnster, B. C., brother 'of John Bell, Exeter„ died in than city recently.. Death was the result of a kick from, a horse receiv- ed years ago. He went West 30 years ago from. Usbprne. township, where he was barn. His wife and two daughters survive. Mr. Jas, E. Jeck'ell, of. Mo;natreal, formerly of Exeter, left that city on the 26th of March for Genoa, .Italy; to assemble a number of locomotives built .by the firm for. which he works, for the Italian Governtnent, From there,he goes to South Africa. He expects to be away a, year. TURNIP CONTRACTS TAKEN. the undlensfigsacd wiiU receive con- tract; onntract; far turnips to be delivered next fall.—R. G. SELDON, Exeter, FARM FOR SALE 150 agile farm far sale on: the 8th Concessloin of Usborne; good vuild trigs, well fenced and well drained; with 25 acres of good bush► Coniven- i:•e'nt to school and . church, and syr mile: -'.from Exeter. Apply at this, oft►:e moOMMOONom SERIOUS INJURY. Relatives received word here this week of the serious condition; of Con- ductor Thomas N. Noethcott, who was seriously injured in; a raiieva,y wreck near Guelph anTlrursday even- ing last. ConductorNorthcott was in charge of his train and When nearing Guelph the axle of his engine broke, He was aporoaehing the engine when some of the nods sprung out sand struck him across the chest, breaking his ;right collar boric fracturing several. ribs and puncturing his rights lung, He is pow confined to the Guelph Gener- al Hospital in a rather serious condi- tion, 13OWLERS' ANNUAL MEETING. The Exeter Bowling Association held their annual meeting on Monday evening. Favorable reports were re- ceived, The membership fee was fix- ed at .$5,00. It was decided to hold a tournament again this year. Regret was expressed that W. D. Clark;e,.the treasurer for some years, was leaving town, Ilse election of officers re- sulted as follows, --Hon, Pres., J. J. Monier, M.P., H. Eilber, M,I,".?, ; Pres.. E. J. Christie;; Vice., N. J. Dore; Sec., R. N. Creech; Tress, F. W. B. Delean; Hon, Members, Judge Dick- son, W. D. Clarke; Grounds Corn., Messrs. Rivers, Rowe and Russell; Membership Com„ the pre,sitb rtt, vice and secretary; Match Com., Messes. Creech, 'Taman, Stewart and Christie;' i ot.rnrunent Com., Messrs, Gladmast,' Seldon Stewart, Heaman, Tainan Rowe and Creech. A Memorial Service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. 5...W. Baird, ini James Street Church on Sunday ev-' ening for the late Flight Lieut. Cecil Pickard, and the late Private Wilbur Rowe, 4 Letters were read from chap - Leine and chums of the boys, an a,p- propriate .,nernion, was preached, and the music was in keeping with the occasion; • The congnegatiton of the Tijviet Memorial Church svlere high in their praise of the singing by the choir on Sunday .night lasts The solo by Mrs. N, J. Dore was admirably sung, while the anthem by the choir was cam- m:ented upon as being ani of the fin- est 'unest ever rendered in the church. Miss McFaul presided at the organa, and is to be cengaatulateid non her efforts as organist and choir leader. Prof. Clarke, organist and choir eeader of James Street Churcee has accepted a similar 'position with the the Baptist Church ane Leamington and leaves here shortly, It may be said that the Professor ,since having charge of James Street choir hast praventhim- self master of his ch,as,en profession, an organistmarked ability and pos- sessing qualities as a chbim- leader that few can, boast of. Mr. Clark will carry away withehiin the best wishes of a large circle of friends, who will re- gret, his departure._ At the regular 'meeting of the Men'; Club of the. Trivitt Memorial Church held ;last ,Thur sda.y the following • res- elution. we..; passed and forwarded to Sir Thomas Wh,itsi:—Moved by W. D Sanders, J. Pe, seconded. by Dr. Ro'ul-- ston, "That in view .of the wiid'el- spre'ad .evils resulting from: race, track gambling and the aeceise ity for thrift and economy during the periiod, of re- construction; e-co struction; this meeting desires to place on record its conviction that rig chrvnige o,r n odifitatiton snhiauld be made in; the •O jdier in-Coundai, dated June 7th, 1917. Prohibiting the said race track ,gambling:{' — Calaried unani - mounely. FLAX LAND WANTED: 400 ACRES FOR GROWING FLAX 1 to . awe Mrs. Wm. Bray svgs in4 London over Sunday, ilfrs. tBawden . of Clinton was a visit- or here during the week. Mr R. Balkwiill of St, Thomas was a visitor part of last week. Mr. W H. Lesiett of Landon was a visitor in town, this week. DEATH OF MRS. ELI SNELL. After an illness of some months the death occurred on Saturday evening at hex; home here, of Annie Dinney, wife, of Mir. Eb Snell , at the age of 64 years, l: month, and 9 days,: The late Mrs Snell was boas at Oshawabe tng one of twin sistters.t After the re- moval. of the family to Stephen Town- ship, she : about "45 years' ago -married 6?r. Eli 'Snell, and her whole life since has been, spent in, Stephen and Exeter. Mr. Frank, Sheere spent the- week end in Brantford and London. Mrs. McDonald and dauglete,r of Guelph are visiting relatives here, Mr. Earl Southcott went to Toronto to meet his old soldier chum, Wilfrid Stewart Mrs. Fred May svgs in, London east week attending the funeral of her un- cle, the late Dean Davis Miss ;Carrie Dyer left on. Monday for Brantford to spend some time with her spsltier, Mrs. Ed. Dyer. Mr. Aaron Sutton, who has been visiting his safe here, returned to near Pontiac, Mich., on Thuradey,last Mrs. D. G. Leitch of Chesley is vis- iting at the home of her brother, Mr; . WD. Clarke, prior to his leaving town. Mr. .Thos. Welsh of Hamilton is here thi, week .disposing of some of his chattels, after which he will re- turn. Mr. Julius Sokoloff, who has been spending some months in various cit- ies in the UnTed States. returned Monday. Mrs. Wm,. Schroeder and daughter of Detroit are viisiteng for two weeks with (relatives and friends in Exeter, and Dashwood. Mr. (Frank Northcott of Alvtnslton visited relatives here Thursday, prior to hi.; brother Charles gong to the West to reside. Mrs. Geo. Powell, who has, been vis- iting with her daughter Lo'ndiori rc some time, •returnied to her home here, Mill 'street, Tuelsday niig'ht, Mr. Garnet Cockwilil left last week for Bladsworth, Sask., where he in- tends making hs future homee .' His family will leave shortly to join him. Private Oliver; Hodge,rt, sea of Mr. Archie Hodgert of Regina, formerly of Exeter on his way hoine from over- seas, called on relatives here iats(t week. Mr. Fred. Leatho: a of Saskatchewan who has been vie'elee With his father, Mr. Robert L•eaeh,rn. Longden, was iru town ithis week shaking hands eith old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Northcott and familyleft on, h i_ sday terThadworth .S-ask.'Mr. Northcott spent last sum- mer in, the Wiest and has nee ;one here ro live. '. e ' ONTARIO FLAX CO..,She was •a most amiable and plep,sasg JOS. DAVIS, Exeter, .Nort; ernan,' a losing , wife and a devoted P•honie 13 r t2 'mother, aurid' a wide circle of` friends as'we]i. as`relatives regret her depart- ure and sympathize • with, the husband ad childr' az un .their loss.! Three sons Corn Contracts ' ;trctd two ,daughters• survive,. John. Pd k. � }; 'Will. and ' 12rs. Jolla Nor'ry sof` Ei.et'�`r: :W amd Mrs Jos. Noorsthcatt•: of, Hay; Fade •Tile Exeter Canning Company . , >.s, broth `s and tw.a :sisters-' also survive, c,,:.,t•'With farmer. tti ';" jnn , on>76ttae Alberta, � ert ready tA' John .Dannney 'irk Rotb .and grow;.C`orn for canning. $10.00 per Thornas of Exeter, Chris, oaf Stephen, ton ,'41 be paid same. as ; last year jl, s 'e. ; Lynxes` ,of Edmonton • and Seed corn of the finest duality et re tris e2O '•antler of 7; Battefo+rd duced price, 15c, per 115.„:,..4:6^growers 7 lie fitai;esil svltich way ,private,.. took' on contract. teaee .to' Exeter'', retteietery "an etoley 27th -4t Exeter Canning Co. afternoon. risde ; rei.tor: *h. "di nd t 9i a .h h e at ., bantisl,ing t5eir kt ir011btf`9• Tile Nib 34. ai'Pt of O.nsaa Try' them; • JONES 8i !AY !HONE 32 CANADA F.00OD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Ladies' & Misses' Stylish Spring Suits and Coats We have just placed in stock ow last shipments for the season of Lade ies'' and Misses Suits and Coats. "Make your selection while there is a large stock to choose from. Our Coats are made from Dervgal tweeds, serges, covert cloths, etc,, in all the sew(est colorings and styles Our Suits are alit all wool serges, in colors black, brown, naryand sand. FOR STOUT FIGURES we have an exceptionally fine range of Suits and Coats i also black ngoilre Ind serge. coats for elderly ladies. New $ilk and Kid Gloves For Easter We have as jinusegt,se stock of "Kayser" and "Nibgara Maid" brands of silk .gloves for the coming season in all the popular colors. Prices 75c. to $1,50 a pair. Kid gloves for ladies, in tan, white and black at last season's prices, Special Sale of Ladies' Voile Blouses at 98c. 10 dozen only Ladles' fine voile blouses, sizes 36 ,to 46, in dainty pat- terns, regularly ssorth up to $1,75 .each, Clearing sale price only 98e. each Ladies' Fine Lisle Hosiery 3 pair for $1.80 15 dozea pairs Ladies' fine lisle hosiery in black onliy, size% 8 1-2 to 10 regularly worth 50c, a. pair. Our early spring selling price 350, or 3 for $L Men's Tailored -to -measure Suits Men! order your spring suit now, so as to ensure dela.`tery for Eas- ter. A splendid stock of navy and black suitings, also ,colored tsseeds,attd worsteds. Perfect fit guaranteed, Men's Furnishings The new spring stylesfor men are here in Caps, Hats, Ties, Socks, Gloves, Shirts, Shoes, Etc, Etc. SPECIAL—Men's good quality working socks at 3 pair for $1,00, SPRING WALL PAPERS for any kind or room an the newest designs now in stock. Dozens ,of patterns to select from. HOUSE FURNISI•IINGS at great money saving prices. SPECIAL—Floor Oilsloths, all widths at 60c. par sq. yard. (To -dais's wholesale price is ,65c,) VELVETEEN SPECIAL -200 yds velveteen in fine range of colors regularly worth° $1.00 ,yd,, -to clear at only 50c. yd. ASK FOR ONE OF OUR STYLE BOOKS JONES & MAY N..adt*art.w M, tie Ceielkate11 gielMard t Lim i u '- Ciottw•i,i Mrs as 4 lv�a e Mrs. N, J. Dore is visiting 1n Hamil- ton for a feve tiay0. Mrs, Harry Galland two children of London are visiting with' Mrs,&Gales mother, Mrs. Piper. Mr, loner Jacobs of Sfephyty ata! Mr Jacob Link of Dashwood left Monday to attend the funeral Of the hitter's brother, Mr. Chris�tialt Link, who died at Lin kvill�e, Mich',, ort Monday. AVOID °°Hr� aria C�OUG tomahlSpreads Disease ` meet *07o I we MOH fE:b Iniac Tft T TOR Cm1LUREII NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING„ V. S., has opened an. office it McDonell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or night Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Conant has bought the prackiae of Sweet & Reid and. will continue business at the same stand Calls promptly attended night and day Phone 8. Ammilme i HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 Year' old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weigbiin¢ from 1300 pounds up. Parties hawing the requi ed stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G, J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rotftstoai, L., D. S„ D. 'D. S. DENTIST Office over CaxiIni'i Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoon. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., AD. S.- Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales ' a 'S;pecialty. Office at Cockshutt Wa*!erodina, next door to Central Hotel„ Main Street, Exeter. FRANIK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Cou>ntiies of Hunan and Middlesex • Prices Reasona'bie and 'Satisfaction Guaranteed Cneditort, — Ontario; Tea & Comae Store For the choioeat groceries, fruits, ltd, teas, ooifee and every. thing in the grocery lime. (fall and see ns. A trial as to quality Will coal- 08. Produce taken In exchange Jas. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRT CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER MONEY TO LOAN We have a ,large, aaulottnt of private fuxuds to loan on farm amid village e property at A.rates of interest. Exeter for ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitorr, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solisaitor far the Mol - ,sone 'Baulk, Etc, Money to loan et rawest rates of interea't; Office -Main Street; Exeter, CENTRAL "?Ik1 F'ORO SANT, lr ree•,ognimGed as one, of the most re- liable ; Cominercial- SSchools; in Can - . ala The instructors C instructors are expeiienr` and:the r e op- -dare ed o. - Courses e.1 Graduates arse placed inn o°sit'on•'ands they, meet with 3uceess. St.udclnts ma4.;triter at any time. i :rite• a tonce for free catalogue: D. A. McLachlan. 'Pero. Sale We offer the following clearing lines during March LADIES' PUMPS, SLIPPERS, OXFORDS- PER PAIR.',.,.,, - 45c 4° Ladies' High Shoes :at $1.95, $2,89, $3.49, :*$3.65, 03:95, $4.49• Tier pa% MEN'S SHOES $3.25, $3 85, .$4.85 ansi $5,65` '00 pad. ,.C11L- DREN'SS SHOES $1.95, $2;45 "and 52195 e.a p tines .all Iear. lav and .aro• . .,. offered at ottani -loss' than ,:presieE},`t wboliaie '•prices. ..w we'