HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-27, Page 6t.
Its 1,..Tiarnistakabie
Economy in Use-
• ‘,1•YVY•6101....' OS,
is speedily proven
in a Tea -Pot
100 Value 100°7 Pure
Sealed Packet Only,
e • rateenneee-.
a 537
Capprigat sircpaztom Walla Cc:pupal_ by special sl-raLuzatluent witu Teas, nuea
Artkur Stanwood Per
A Virtue May Became a Vice, they should fist b id with melted
We have been accustomed to think-' Parafte•
ing of virtue as being a precious ,ITE
session, and always pos- Aluminum* cookingudteneils require
t .• ‘
carried to the nth degree beeomes
. good but virtue
, the least heat.- POodS rediiiiiing long, - S
vice. Or perhaps I should say a vire slow cooking eho.ulet .benput in 'an.
e 1 Yrc, 4 '
--is intemperauceas train as any no waste snae between. the Iota and
a-urrueem • saw pa , 3 e .,
enough to• held it, so that eye is
tue carried to excess becomes a vice
form of everdoiug Perhaps the fact the close fittingdid, eOnc,e etaru ied it FLESH OF CARIBOU PRAISED
d where gas is weed TOV AMP -Ilia -food
is born in on me just now because will cook withvery little fire, and
theinselve h other vessel, using but one burner.
will sometimes coole alongside an-
ivith one or two persons who pride
who invests in all sorts Canadian ArctT
ic ravellers e 1
to their friends are their chief faults, Ile 'mall Dc are
them see their mistake. They know cimacinery o m work
And, a eourse, no one can make f htmake his far
NortherneBarrene Afford Araple
that the thing they pride themselves an
lighter, and lets his wife rub along
old way, ought to change places
Food Supply -
upon is in itself a virtue, and can not with her
see how they are overdoing •ifor a ahile. By the time
his returned from
ileialraur Stefanssonrecently
he has rubbed out eight or ten wash-
Wlhis Arctie exploration
One is a woman who prgles herself kinngusekoiens ablbeeoda,rd-a.ndthaltlas nimat7ped a tour said while at Edmonton recent-
, on plain speaking. $he says she sime ly drat if the musk oxen of the Great
ply tells the truth at all times. New, rough kitchen their twice a week for
Barren were given a little scientific
of eourse, truth in itself is a virtue A year or two, lie will melte up his
and one greatly to be desired, But mind that things are somehow pretty care and supervision they would af-
CHAPTER XLII—tCont'd.) !you'll get a good many a tem before one can go to excess even with the th• • • , f t e e ply second only to the rapidly grow
one-sided, and that he had better ford. a new and ebendant meat *up -
"Ana gine a hazaleame !utter she e /. . k 1 - sb NV, traho 1 member it used to puzzle ink of his wife s ewe or par o ing ratie industry o2
the gpreat wheat-
, andnotohisa •
41.'-ou're tProeull "
wrote you about, me," zuggeeted It .11,eei F'4ts Id '''...e ; e°11a wa me as a child to get my mother's fine ttirnheeUrne f own
11 the
distmetion. She would sometimes tell Try .
tellttne Y,oe're a. smart trial washing blankets this ay:"Musk xn, ire ' 11 sad Stefensson, What a comfort money would be
. - "Oh, yes. It seinalei meell rdeer .. T. he,v aew us that we must always speek the
than the is." aawyer. nom wanted to anow Fold so they et ie a tub; thee melt "have been left hithe.rto exclusively that oue could spend anywhere ip. the
le eo e en, truth, and then knock the whole
al sliall always think she's pretty ' :Nu wure tieing, so I mat. . in , . in hot water ane pound pure white to the Eskimos and Indians for hunt- world, without exchanging it for the
',And if (1101'1Q..3 for her. Thate 'hat they. thing over', for .me at least, by say- soap and one-half pound borax. Add big purposes, but their meat is as' local brand of cerreney?
he er.',.:113,':Ure'7F.c4gla.t,t:•''saesnhtlillid.,` as, sts is ;ewe me to underetand. But 'I tell ing the truth should not be spoken at
'nt,""1"'si•louid neddr have betel as you, Mr. Dor.ohue; I dradt cere how all times. It was sometime before to this enough cold water to cover goad as ordinary beef, and there is As ono result of the league of na-
the blankets and poem the mixture no reason why it should not be sold teens movement we may have an in,
Janney ae I um." smart you are,
thinyou can t pm any-.
on me." I found out that she meant it is often
' better to keep still than to smell the ovea thexin n; allowing them to soak CaPadian markets. There are 2,- tem
rnational coin, We may even have
.*Tielly trite? ra try not to be, "Tog tell the truth, I've been ra- • t • oven night. The next morning pour 000,000 acres of grass and moss -cave an international paper note, or certifs. ei:lone of htr or hateful, Jerry. But,. re.. trtitle If telling the treth is only
,her afraid I might be able to," this off, rinse the blankets thorough- ered prairie in the Far North, aher e calf.. or whatever we may choose to
1 dia fee: glad 1 wasn't at home phfeeling to wound someone and do no le ial -Terry. ''But 1 haven't foundy and without wringing hang them the animals can feed themselves call it
whea ale eared. and I couldn't help i good, then say nothing. If it can
apythirg yet" . out to dry, Their weight keeps them without shelter or protection. The' .An international coin (rat tentative-
Deilia relieved that etie wasn't in:.
'No, and you won't. --Now we'll go do good, then tell it, ' in shape and elothes-pins are un- soatheen edge of this eegon is al- ly described) would be stamped onone.
seli.,n 1 eai.ed. New that will pro- . „ ,
heal:te, t;',..,? ena of :t, roor:e who zip erel look at the seemed floor. ,But the w oman of whore 1 write necessary. When dry beat with a ready recognized as a superb cattle- side with an internatioital design,
He shor.-el Jerry the liarary, with di no line in 1 1., t L • o
ng te eeiher min+ with peopie like `a .
• . • ' i*e vane- of the pentl throe:sea the •• .• s 1 e truth ellme. carpet beater to raise the nap.
,, "I tell them all just what 1 think,".
Erv., at the Wailere iLetiee firen't g4.)-: grazing district, Musk oxen multi- stating its value in the monetary
a pity to allow so much good food to
go to waste. If the slaughter of the
caribou is begun by market hunters,
the Government ehould so eafeguard
the animals as .to prevent their ex-
termination. It is to be hoped the
caribou will not meet the fate of
the buffalo in the United States. If
the herds are properly conserved they
should add materially to Canada'e
meat supply for many years.
'The development of the food re-
sources of the vast mossy tundras
of northern Canada will demonstrate
anew that the northern limit of pro-
ductivity has not yet been reached,
and that a great fertile area of Can-
ada, more extensive than her famous
wheat lands, remains as yet virtually
known and unexploited,"
May be One of the Outcomes of the
League- Netiens.
us," •
goeita reap.e tteee tee pee, e „ ply rapidly and if an effort were made terms of various countries. On the
-.41,-.e i atm nee eeereame ena eb,e she saes, And she does. Friend and° Diet for Convalescents. do propagate them they would soon other side it would exhibit design and
I'm not so .41zre. I leave an idea i,didt,e'ssns-; and anituy tied isueee foe, saint and sinner, old and young,'
Nera wee% End many eu The patient recovering from inilu- develop into a prolific source of meat lettering to identify it with the tour
frier:7e iimang the parsens ife51,.grehnul:Sti- were si ending tagetlier in the ern- her views.
iete a room where Kate and mora rieh and poor, all have the benefit of enza• or pneumonia requires a plain, supply for civilized markets. The try or its orighe
Lin': '''••••`"a".• 8he "117`..'n't hy:•.4 eltillg lgaeure of a wirelow. .Maguire led Ne one Is ever left in nourishing diet Just at this time only supervisien necessary would be Evora year many millions of dot
cleubt as to what she thinks about by lam worth of foreign coins are melted
vein Kew, teal I sae.'" she'd Ledo to jerry away and remarked, ••That them personally and all tl • f 'ly '' the convalescent is tired of milks, to guard them from decheation
haw you fur a frieni. Thee'd Lanny len' tanu1 soups, broth, etc., and has little actu- native hunters and the ravages by at the mints of each wition of the
roenes to be the nureery." Wherever she goes she leaves be -
wise." ten. „aid Jerry, He knew now hind a trail of wounded and bleeding,. al desire to eat. It is here that the Wolves, This superintendence could world and used ae bulliou for convert.
have F,- rit us sr: L'il a presera other- „.••, ,,, , •
that Kate and Nozet were quite likely, , 1 skill of the housewife must be bo given them by a special deteil of Bion into that petioles particular coke.
"Deo yceir inentieitip ;he cares - i f Z dor a 1 athy and apoplectic individualan real • •
alerat, rot ;nine."' , to ie nee s. ; ' used to decoy these irritable, nervous rangers or Royal Mounted I•Police, age. It seems a pity, because an eta
labor. Au internatione
• according to the temperament of he va •
"I think s Loth of tee" i Maguire took Jerry up to the bil-• _ , .1.. in lids to take proper nourishment. whose force the Government plans to vious waste of
auditors. Need to saysheal gold pieco, in perlinps three de -
"Have you nen her at alle Jerry?' Is: to help them on the road to recovery. increase."
,t1 e._ nominations, wo
, lend room at the top of the house.
"I hope we'll }rave many a friendly about, as welcome as the flu. Invitee; .3. L Ro th • uld do awe), with tide
Kete eyea Iran 60 rtIrdOUSly f „ • : few pointers that will aid results , . , ano ra. ma tern .
n,anie ap eie o an oL, ening," he said.: tions never come lier •way and wA use
are: plorer recently in Edmonton, direct- a
"Not Ilnee -he Wmarriedbsurdity,
laughed. "We'd, now, guess you've seen it come signs are hastily torn down. Do not ask the patient what he ed attention to the Barren Lands
tt . I
Men of perfect genius are knowe
Jere— reesed his alm"ration of I would like to eat.
a„ didn't even know she NVIV,, living , • when she appears round a corner. caribou as another source of meat
ine Vanlace until the eleek ei acquain ances regar lee s supply which he believes, if properly
with the curd giving her address." wicked woman, but she believes her- Serve small portions In a dainty,
"me' ' the house anti thanked the host for ,
his tourtesy. They. found Kate and attractive mannevhusbanded, would be virtually inex-
Jerry suddenly took elf his but and self to be unusually good. They
Nora waiting for them an the first, Remember that persons recovering eau,seibie.
wavel it to a „polieeman on the op- .flood. • think her excessive truth -telling is a from such diseases cannot eat *reel
caribous in northern Canada," said
l'I estimate there are 00,000,000
posits ,eidewalla who grinned and; "Don't you think, Mrs. Donohue,! vice, a cloak for venting her spite,
came across the street.large meals a day. Invade the food
.• !we'll have quite the house?" Maguire. but she really believes she is doing allowance so that the required" Mr:Rouse. "They winter in the Bar -
meet my wife," sala Jerry.
wantl'e,eee • asked. I the right thing.
eeienan e ee are
'She "I think it will be a evonderfult Directly her opposite as a man of 'amount of nourishment can be pro -
[her family portioned into five meals, as follows:
knows all about you."
!house," Kate an ered with enthusi-
"Indeed I do." Kate gave the ser- am. who has her as an awful
geant her hand, "And I was eo glad. . • example Seeing where over-raueh toast, hot milk,
'Ail the eredit goes to her." Ma-, . ch7ocoalate orrcuoitc'oa.
when Jerry told me of your promo-. has Ted with her, he has
'I guire jerked his then* towards speaking
'lion." have' gone to the other extreme and won't 10 a.m.—Poached egg on toast, tea.
"You'll be springingup the Iadder to tell you a story on myself, just to I talk at all. Claiming that silence is, 1 p.m.—Baked potato, salad, tocoa.
'Nora. "Say, Mre. Donohue, ru
now by. leaps and bounds," 4 p.m.—Boiled or broiled fish,
mit' i give you a line on my wife, When! golden, he has over -played his part,
jerry. lwe were on our honeymoon, we stope! too, and he keeps still when he should toast, tea
Sheehan gleamed with pleasure ,ped in Chicago so she could buy sortie! talk. He is secretive, in the extreme, t.3.0 p.m.—Hot cocoa, toast with
and answered, "Do you mind my say-, clothes. Her trousseau, you know.i withholds his confidence where it "
ing„ Donohue, that you'd be a better . —
And then she said to me, 'Before, eyelet should be given, never blames any-
But you've done better or yourself , one and never praises- It is as easy Usesiof French Chalk.
officer once you got yourself a wife? • I get one single thing for myself, Inn;
in every way than I ever supposedto get an opinion from him es it is French chalk is not nearly so -well
going to buy clothes for you, and
you would. That's the plain Irish of h I d 't • ' • ant tosee'
to converse with an oyster. . known as it should be, for it is 'a
it, now I'm telling. you, AI fivou in these things you're wearing!:
Hie policy has estranged everyone
—17' Deer' i the says. A. green Fedora hat and
The all laughed e.heerfully, , ta. green suit it was, all very nifty, I, he knows. His children shun him,
end ; thouglet. What's the matter?' I, his wife is as far from him as one
Sheehan N4ith his white -gloved hand i says. 'I've alwaya kind of fancied' pole from the other, and his business
p#,Iare Kate his beet salute before -myself in green.,
pa5=sing on. 1 - It's one thing: associates have as little to do with
i that's kept me in doubt whether I, him as possible. His uncommunica-
, On a Senday afternoon in October could ever com.e to tare for you,' she L.
Jerry and Kate were passing the hige iveness kept him from advancement
answered. `If I can be sure Pll ;lever
in business and shut him out of all
new house on the corner of the boule-; see von in a green hat or green suit 7 .
— ard, now all but completed, end sew .agai, I'll feel more hopeful in mar! social life.. And his entire family
the door of it standing open. "Let's
go in and gook ::t evert, said terry. ; mind,' she says. So now she does with ; have to suffer with him.
They entered and wandered trete and with the house as she pleases i So every virtue becomes a vice if
1—which is no doubt the way you do it is worked too hard. The over -neat
though the newly plastered rooms with your husband and your house;woman who keeps her family from
and poked their heads into closets.
They were admiring the large fire -1
!Mrs. Donohue." • I enjoying their home is a sinner
1 Kate laughed, quite at her ease'
place in what was presumably the!Honest inquiry becomes inquisitive -
i now. "Yes, pretty much," . • she •
dining room when they heard foot- 1 ness when carried too far, Ambition
steps along the hall,. turninr, they I
I answered.
! "Did you think to tell Jerry about,
I which - interferes with one's fellows
beheld Nora and 'Patrick Maguire in i nava and Nally ?,, asked Nora. is autocracy. So we might carry it
the doorway.into everything. It simply resolves
• :ThNoe' ifiedsidt not."thigthat Is going to itself into the- axiom that over -in-
"Jerry!" cried Nora, with a ring I
dulgence is intemperance or vice.
of unaffected cordiality in her voice.
Her face leghted with a smile that ; dine
happen in our new house is a wed -
Nora said. "Dave and Nellie
embraced Kate in its friendliness. 1
I Sims—we're going to make the wed -
Mrs. Donohue, have you met myi ding party a kind of house-warming. Homely Wrinkles.
e •
Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Dono- Just a few people—I hope y-ou'll both Cereals cooked in skitn mi .
lk in- •
ewe," said Maguire, coming forward; be sure to come—and your mother, stead of water are more palatable CLEANINGeUP. THE WAR ZONE
genially and shaking bands, -"Gead; too, Jerry."
I "Well," said Jerry to Kate when and more nutritious.
'Sitbjected to Process to
of you to be interested looking over When baking cookies grease' the 5011 to
'130' ,
thinking that there was sarcastic in- a you think now?" cold Recover lgetals Which Fill It.
Europe's battle ileac% says an edi-
. :, after bidding their entertainers good-
', , . pans, then rinse them. with
bye they -were walking homeward,
Kate, furiously embarrassed, and ...what do water; put the. cookies on the wet
tention in the speech, flushed to the Of cOurse I can't help liking her," greasy smface and they will not torial writer in the Mining and Selene
eyes and was silent Jerry, hardly K t tific Press, have been shoveered with
swered "A.nd. him too Sheis stick when baking.
realize it was your house—" And help loving her still, Jerry." To prevent -rust, or to cover it steel and iron and brass from shells,
less confused, began, ewe dittn,t so attractive I'm afraid you can't
then Nora tactfully interposed, "Ole eyes.
Jerry langhed ,and koleed into her after it appears, paint bed springs, exploded and unexploded, and from
didn't you? I'm sorry, for we hoped "Oh, no, Kate, you're not a inside of the gas oven and all ex- hand grenades. He goes on:
you had come in and were specially"Mtich of this metal will be re -
bit afraid." eept the smoothing surface of the
interested on that account. Now you (THE END.) flatirons, with aluminum paint. It is moved as a necessary preliminary to
must let us :show you all over it; ea- heat resisting and makes a smooth the resumption 'of peaceful pursaits.
wesurface which is easily kept clean.'re really terribly proud of it. This About Princess Pat.
sight of the telephone can The qua/ART of Trietal• is so great
A three-minute egg -timer Placed
Is to be our dining room; it's to be Priacess Patricia, wnose popularitythat it would be a source of annoy -
a sideboard buto have is at its height just now, recalls an alt auto this wall. The in amusing tale in which., as a child, she watched without taking the mind off ance and even of danger 'to the tiller
of the soil A systematic sweeping,
in oak; we're going be
fireplace is to be done in Dutch tiles. u ionganseanee ea% and may save a so to speak, of all the bombarded re-
husbana,—igyou take Jerry down and e Dustless dust -cloths can be made eons will be necessary.'A French
Patriek,"--she turned abruptly to her fretted under the discipline of,Queen
Victoria. She was staying with the charge or °vertinie'
show ban the cellar; I don't believe id of worn hosiery and underwear. Dip engineering Journal describes an ap-
Mrs. Donohue will want to see that, with her legs crossed.'Patsy,"sa them in a half pint of kerosene to Parat" wilich' thougll ceeated for
. Queon at Osborne, and sae one day
but I lenow betel be intereeted." the Queen," little girls should not sit this special-purpose, can. be applied
to the cellar, where vire pointed obediently uncroseed . her. legs, and spoonfuls of linseed oil. Wring out presence of ateel and
been added three table- to other \Teen for it will indicate the
iron not too
which has
So Jerry and Ma ire descended with their legs :crossed." Princess Pat
4'"Uuneeic Ty ere ----.ent baron t,.2 run about the and hang in the air to dry. These deeply buried in the Soil. This, how -
heating arratigemerrbs read eilieedn toOtti, aetinalete.-nlcuarea aer grand. a e ; • :Lee 01.1 ; ion _eessamea bombardment hae lit
on. be washed wasionally and again ever, is a slow way toproceed evhe..e.
ou e . . u grargx041,,,,,,,,,----1 r ae,........., , ----e , • „ ,
, should keep their legs still." remarked filled. the son with, metallic
pie coal bins. Jerry pretende be _ •. LL ,t. ... _
mutner's uisapproval. "Little girls
ntereeted, and -wondered bow Kate Tf onions have sprouted, chop the ees 7
When he and Maguire ascended so the Queen. "Please, grandmitmina," sprouts and use them in potato salad. fragments. Methods of salvaging are
was getting on.
the first floor, neither y„ate nor Nora asked Princess Pat, in desperation, .
Rubber mats may be cut out of. PPPtenlklated tfilk trivet:Ye passing
was to be seen. He conducted Jerry "what a.re little girls' legs for?" worn-out hot water 'bags. They are :the Ian through Plante fat teeover- :
from room to room, and conscien-useful. to place on ice to keep dishes ing the metal, and returning the. soil '
tiously described the ohara.cter of Fifty English. girl carpenters en- -from slipping Old jar rings Mil t0itS•pltice leveled and ready for till -
tach. Then before pi: mg to the. gaged for sein. Wild
veral years past - serve the sac purpose, age. It 18 also pointed out that the
second flew he
You felloiyairi the abruptly:— log huts for the Britith soldiers in Maio a substitute for a cedarcht cencentration of fixed. nitrogen in
eney's offica'have anaged to stir
"ws in Dien -lot Frane, have returned home with the out of any tight box made of soft these battle field soils, resulting from
intention of following their newly- wood, by painting the inside with oil the enormous quantities of explosives
lige up a goed deal. You've driven
learned trade. ' " of cedar, letting the wood absorb all used, will meke these areas excep-
ale laree ti.ucas to cover, and I guess ,
it will. If there are anyeopen cracks tionally fertile."
very convenient and economical pre-
paration to have on hand for various
purposes. As a cleanser for silk, at is
effective in that it removes grease,
spots almost instantaneously, if ap-
plied in the following way. If the
chalk is purchased in cone-shaped
lumps, it is well to shave them down
to a fine powder, which should then
be mixed with a small quantity of
soap suds until a thick paste has been
formed. After the paste has hard-
ened into round cakes, it is ready
for use. It should again be powder-
ed and spread oral the offending spot,
under which cotton Material has pre-
viitusly been spreed. Sever layers
of tissue paper should - be alaCedeover
the spot and a lot ironeapplied to the
paper, with care, that lit does not
come in contact with the silk itself.
'Nis method will leave the silk free
frem blemieh, if followed carefully.
ren Lands; but in summer venture in
search of pasturage as far south as
Athapupuskow Lake and the region
south of Churchill River. They sup-
ply the Eskimos, Indians, hunters and
lumbermen with quantities of meat
and wolves slaughter thousands of
them annually. Still they are in-
creasing in numberg They are a
species of deer about the size of a
geindeee and. their meat is tender and
of fine flavor. They could easily be
domesticated and, like the caribou
herds of Alaska, now becoming an
abundant meat supply.
"The vast herds of caribou are a
meat nine which' should be worked
by companies, with organized bands
of hunters and equipped with storage
plants on the hunting grounds. It is
in all centuries by their perfect res.
peat to all law, and love of past tree
(Mien; their work in the world is
never innovation, but new creation;
without disturbing for an instant the
foundations which were laid of old
'Write 10.,r2t17 Los' ottr.' bid
showing our full lines of Licycles for Alen
wad Women,13oye and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, loner Tribes.
Earaps, Sells, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equip -
=tent and Parts of Bicycles. 'You can buy
year supplies from us at wholesale prices.
27 Notre Dome Street West, Montreal.
hiltf,114^AUW-4, "41Ir4,,,tiWAYV',41.S41.4)1/2,6151Pic404 " A
Parker's can clean or dye carpets,
curtains:laces, draperies, gowns, etc.,
and make them look like new.
Send your faded or spotted clothing
or household goods; and
will renew'them.
We pay -earliage charges one way and guarantee
satisfactory, work.
Our booklet on household helps that Save money
will be sent free on request to
Cleaner and Dyers
791 Yonge St. •- Toronto