HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-27, Page 5„ 24 Years thesame .44 goo tea, ss good 'T'stea Sold only in sealed packages 26 gym. Munioi. pality Year Net cost per Kw,, Hr. of Current ac. tually used Toronto 1914 1915 1916 1917 Hamilton Ottawa 1914 1915 1916 1917 Loudon Kitchener 1916 1917 1914 1915 1916 1917 Galt St. Thomas 1915 1916 1917 19115 1916 1917 19'14 1915 1916 1917 4,5 3.9 3,1 2`7 3.7 3, 2.6 3.8 3.4 3.4 48 3.3 26 3.9 3.6 3.2 2.6 2.4 ass 3.6 3.2 3.0 From Vol. 2 -.10th Annual Report of Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario uTTa., mmrm WHAT HYDRO SAVED IN LIGHTING BILLS IN contrast with the rising cost of almost every other commodity, Hydro Power was furnished in 1918 to 203 Municipalities at less cost than in any previous year. A constant downward trend in cost to con- sumers indicates that the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario is attaining its object - to provide electrical service at low rates. The Commission is vitally interested in the user of Hydro Power. The Commission recom- mends only those accessories and appliances which will give thorough satisfaction. HYDRO Quality Lamps are endorsed by the Commis- sion for lighting purposes. HYDRO Quality Lamps are tested for brit- , liancy, current consumption and durability. They haoe a definitely known rating for each of these essential features. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO SOLD BY - Hydro Electric System HYDRO SHOP WELCQIVIF,T,O • ROBIN Oh Robin. Robintart'thiou.comd back to Otte? I :know that better days' are mine when. thy lied breast „I see; I hear thee up in niei• maple tree while thy istyeet songyou sings As you make lneply lo„th9,9ther one, and you " nuke 't fie w'e'txd1g=' Sing on, sing en, keep trilling thy sweet lay, For rich and .rard are tby tuneful notes as you',spx ng from.spray to spray;, The keavnea on, the trees will soon be out rand''hett ,to the wooi'do you'll hie, Aiad I'll, lint ii¢} mild for that sweet. straln,''for at iaay, far away you'll fly. ,j)5.414' litti otic. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK. WEDNESDAY. • The 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles arrive in Toronto. The steamship Celtic arrived- at Halifax with troops, Bread prices are up to ten cents a small loaf in Toronto. The Quebec referendum will likely be taken on the 10th ot .April, The Orange Grand Lodge of East- ern Ontario is meeting at Cornwall, Hamilton defeated Selkirk, Man., 6 to 1, in the first of the Allan Cup final gams at Toronto, Thonla:t C. Deavitt, ex -warden of Simeoe county, and three years alder- man of Mee ford, is dead, An agreement has been reached ainong the Allies concerning the strength of the army of occupation. Charles Caruana of Buffalo is the high individual bowler at the Amer- ican Bowling Congress tourney at Toledo, The allotment of export orders for dour will necessarily be small un- til such time as there is more ship- ping accommodation. A deputation of unemployed, back- ed by a parade, placed their griev- ances before Premier Hearst at Par- liament Buildings, Toronto. Airs. Eva Hogarth and her four young children were found dead in the kitchen of their home, 45 Rains- ford road, Toronto, from gas poison- ing. Owing to the high cost ot Amer- ican flour, the supplies sent by the Allies to Berlin will not enable the Government to increase the bread ration. Lt. -Col. W. H. Price, during the budget debate in the Ontario Legis- lature, scored war -time profiteers and those responsible for the Kinmei Camp riots. Premier Lloyd George has been urged by the representatives of France, Italy and the United States to remain at Paris for another fort- night before returning to Britain. Jess Willard has commenced train- ing and is down to 268 pounds, His total revenue from the bout with Dempsey will be at least $200,000, a motion picture concern having guaranteed $100,000 for a film in addition to the $100,000 guaranteed by Tex Rickard: THURSDAY. Montreal gave the 5th C. M.R.'s a joyous greeting Tuesday night. Several speakers were heard on the Ontario Budget debate yesterday. Large shipments of oats and rye have been bought for export account. Hamilton's first civic banquet for returned soldiers was a success every way. Wool men met in Toronto to allot to ma.hrfacturers orders from Rou- mania. The Canadian Pacific Railway earned 10.97 per cent. on the coin - mon shares in 1918.. The date for the electio of aicle- gates to the Hungarian National As- sembly has been fixed for April 13. The French Government has con- sented to the resumption of horse racing in France beginning May 5. More tarms have changed hands in St. ,Thomas so far this year than in any year during the. past decade. The Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry received au enthusias- tic welcome in Ottawa. ,r1:- The :Canadian Council of Agrieul- ture has .invited Sir Adam Beck to address its annual meeting in Win- nipeg. A. reception prodigious in its en- tttuatagnrl °' wall!;, accorded. R the 4th C. M,. a. In Toronto` on its return from the 'war, FRIDAX,� Hon. W. J. Hanna is dead. Civil servants in Alberta are incor- porated. One thousand soldiers were ban- queted ,at the Toronto Armories, Kitchener has secured better ra- dial service on the Grand River Rail- way. aii- w The Kitchener and Waterloo Manufacturers' Association has been formed. The Canadian Jewish Congress bas been made permanent, to meet bi- ennially. The steamship Battle docked at Halifax, and the Cedric is bringing 4,510 more soldiers, Niagara polis G.W,V,A, urgently requests immediate increase of th scale of pensions, H. H. Dewart, KC., and Hon, L B. Lucas engaged in hot debate in the budget discussion in the •Legislature. Ted Lewis and Jack. Britton ha,Ye been rematched to meet for the welterweight title at Canton, 011ie, luny • 4. The 'action ot the British Govern- ment in withdrawing support from sterling exchange may have far- reaching effect. The Lancashire cotton employers have decided to grant the workers a 49,1 -hour week. The offer will be considered. A third political party in Canada is proposed by a Regina returned ta- ter, to be recruited from the G.W.Y.A., Grain Growers and Labor. ' Selkirk, Man., beat Hamilton in. Toronto last night by 5 to 1, but lose the Allan Cup round by one goal, the Tigers having won the first game by 6 to 1, Ex -Emperor Charles of Austria- Hungary will likely reside in Swit aerland. The Federal Council has favorably considered his request re- cently made. Racing will be resumed at the Canadian National Exhibition next fall after a lapse of several years. It is intimated from Ottawa that there Will be no interference with the C. R. A. season. SATURDAY. The inquest continued on the riots at Rhyl, Wales. Gas in usable quantities has been discovered in Rockwood. McGill University is to nominate a Rhodes scholar this year. Morley Daniels, the victim of the Paris crossing fatality, died of his injuries. An Oxford county branch of the United Farmers of Ontario has been organized. Robbers made a haul from an ex- press car at Niagara Falls, but over- looked a $40,000 package of furs, Conductor T. Northcott, of Strat- ford, may die from injuries received when lie was struck by an engine rod. Troops from the steamship Celtic arrive at Ontario points; some of these men were at Rhyl during the riots. The St, Thomas Board of Trade launched a membership campaign and will make special inquiry into local affairs. Wladek Zbyszko, the Polish wrest- ler, defeated Ed. Lewis, of Lexing- ton, Ky., for the heavyweight chain pionship of the world. The 19 -year-old wife of a soldier who has just arrived from overseas was found dead of carbolic poisoning after a veterans' ball at Calgary. The Belgian Government announc- ed that beginning June 1 all persons will be allowed to visit the devas- tated areas and battlefields of that country. Rev. Richard D. Irwin, Anglican, of Montreal, died in his 75th year, his end hastened doubtless by his having been run over by an automo- bile last July. The Italian delegation to the Peace Conference has unanimously decided to withdraw unless Fiume is assigned to Italy, contemporaneously with signing of peace, i Boys s and Gni& List Have Pets Dogs, Pigeons, Rabbits, Cats, Canares. Among 250,000 boys and gir is in Western. Ontario are thousands of prospective purchasers at good prices of dogs, birds, fine cats pigeons, ified Ads. in The Free white mice, Belgian hares, ''can.ents, big brothers or these boys and girls, their parades rabbits. Most of friends, read the For Sale CAa.ss.fish, ferrets, guinea pigs, Press. Most rugged, red-bloode d boys have some pets and a lot of trading, buying and seIting takes place carli' lathe spring, Why don't you let of here know what pets you want to sell or buy. Thousands of eager eyes are scan^ sing the claasifted ads. in The Free Press For Sale arid Wanted to Purchase columns e very day. ,fust wxi;te down a careful description of the pet you want to. buy or sell, figure the cost of ad. at t wo cents a ward each in- sertion. Groups of figures of four or legs count as one word. Send ad. together with payment,a,tlld sap how many tinge; you want your ad. to ap pear. Better run it three days. Onion WCSTERN ON'rAalo'3 1Qti$MOST tis NEWOFAPEA • . , .. w. r... ii .• 2 FIMTSJRIES I �= cA►z4�n►.�� �_ (1919) i'Y.E►R Jam' r1l�l!�?�'�s:S►s coin. DURING ---1919 -- �`�::� JAN.$ 4.00 FEB. 4.01 MAR. $ 4.02 AMC $ 4.03 MAY $4.04 JUNE.$4.0 1 ,ta4 ( \ L !��►� 1 . Y. .y r el. .i4•lGii11 i i` •y y .�`i..rrit Alii=� THEN AFFIXED TO A TAR 6----=t:1lorr d► i 0 142112 V TD THE,GDNDITIONS C Buys W-55 Where You. SeeThis Sign Read PRINTED THEREON E� FIVE DOLLARS (\ WILL BE PAYABLE /,l_ .AN. 1,1924 1•-• ; ��;u•;iuG'ICU'.Ipito,C :.•'ii; �9:�n;^ the Figures Notice how the cost -and the cash value -of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W S.S. 25 MITCHELL -Henry Roney , a well known citizen, died Mar. 20, aged 82. He was stricken with paralysis about a year ago. He was born in Ireland and farmed near here 50; years, retir- ing 12 years ago. cal ACTUAL S'IWE L" the"'"Bigger Bar Be, sure you receive your own favorite brand "Comfort". Do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted. "Comfort" is the biggest and best for the money. For nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality, popularity and big sales. So why buy ex-' perience instead of soap Comfort Soap -"It's All Right" PL1`GSLEY, DTNOMAN i ii't?O i3ON TO, ONT. :ui i of Edi' •.-gra. voted $500 towel es c'..iipensati.,:t to five teachers for the le. s of th . t' ef- fects in a fire, and their teachers dou,:,te•l a day's pay, amounting to $4;1.1 mare. i`. Seot'lnnd ..•, l'%...._.: jr.,:' 1 2 ' 1 in an International Soccer t.,, ,i ;..iaet Postmen are decianding e:i=. ,.c - don from the Government on Cie bonus question. ' Salvation Army • followers said farewell to Coritii:::sioner Howard at Toronto y.:sterday. -St. Thomas G.W.Y.A. strongl; aro= tests against the it :s.q sacy and un- fairness of p.nsi;..:;, The situation at i'gypt h, s im- proved greatlyiaui,. ,ro anrt ,... _mu- dria are now trot ,q,:il. :The ' Canadian. Government, Las beet asked + to establish a d ir; ct sti':;asltip service with Jamaica. The Vienna Government has :i ; tin notidsal ex -Emperor Charles t.a, t it is desirable he quits the copni.e. The 58th Battalion and the 2nd C.iVT,I2. shrived iii Toronto re �, ardaay audri received'an: eutliusia tie ;recepr tion: Canadiens defeated Seattle at the latter city Saturday in the second game of the Stanley Cup series by 4 to 2. One person was killed and five in- jured in. Toronto when a freight train: struck a motorcar at a Kingston road crossing. The Coughlan' shipyards at Van- couver are to be placed under a com- mittee of six for operation for "at least sixty days. Daylight=saving is to go into effect reit Sunday on the Pere Marquette, Michigan Central and W'abasit Rail- ways in St. Thomas. Clarence Engel, of Waterloo, 15 Fears of age, accidentally shot and killed his, sister, aged 13, with his brother's ^ revolver. W. C. Good told tlte,,:People's Forum in Torontn''.1;hi t 4 ro'"t,ection;, tt fallowed' ''to its llog earsconeinsion,, Would result In the '' overthrow of 4iv1lizatiohn , tt j The deerillb In steel price -quota tions, brought about in the .past week hi the Uisited States, will, it is be- lieved have a stimulating, effect 'Oil,, business 'generally.