HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-27, Page 4The Exeter Advocate saw& Cxaechp Proprietors .rt Subscription Price—In advance $1.50 per year in Caratia; 12.00 in the Uniited, States, Au subscriptions ,Moll OM in advance 50c. extra, charged. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1914 Whalen �4 halon, Mareh 23rd, 1919, Dear Editor :— While sitting this Sabbath evenarg atl;etly anteing over the sermon pre .shed this afternoon by our pas- tor. Rev. Finlay, front the text, when God told the Israelites that, '`Every place where the soles of your feet ;,teen tread will I give unto. you." And gtacin g tits offer along side the pres•- e it gene -es -eon I th''srk that the world tat- city, especially the people. of the Ch ,reh, are rio4ss,iag .t great de: e• 52 ay of reward fos ,twist tter o r� .. ered. fathers received is the whir° i, exeitenrea:t for the material than•; o. this life, such as pteasurrt, riches, dress, poi,; ions of ho;toi 'n worldly pursuits. teed g-; t fisc etio'a of • ave .elfish desires: It seems to me that there are a laeee number echo hr.'re to sered the Chriet'aa etenda tl religott .e=re to when they east elut_h the. lever of the mat.'enittiistic self (e six days of the noel:, forgetful of Weir de;+ to the .other fellow, ami on. the seventh day or S:tbbntie don their Su id ty ear'+ anti rest the'•r tired frame with a vest, to some relet',ve c� entad, where the root''ts and gain:, of the Fa• me r.,' t: lube 0 • some other ca. h cavi te. se;: -'ntenesting problem can b;; talked over. In conclusion. .may 1 ask -it any w ender that the prayer meet- s and rather church Bathe 'no:l thet ore the people of God a place to g3gt. their :-p,rttual s,de of lite satisfied fast dwindlIng away. and the trend egmaa's ambition .is after those things that the Mater told us to nold .tis s. ondary in our lives i• It maftte•s n to what creed or :Ie°nominatiort w ores we we are all travelling to eternity and we shalt be eith r accepted, or (ejected for our stewardship Were wheat at lest we depart this lite to gess into that promised land. John Wright. ZION. tete Thursday afternoon lout at the ,nes. et: tin assistant teacher, Mrs. 1I. Isyle. the Sunday School Class •nerd, a ANUP-BUILDING FORCE Regardless of climate or -environment, Nature exacts ther toll of wear and tear on the system and there is frequent need for an effectual aid to restore strength and vitality. SCOTT'S EMULSION a systemic strengthener, free from harmful drugs, nourishes 'and replenishes the needs of the body naturally. Scott's may be used daily, in any climate, with benefit and strength to the body. Take Scott's Emulsion - it builds up the body. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 18-11 piens: f 'fttit rte l e -teacher, Mrs, J. H: l Andrew, who with her husband is about tc move to Exetent, A. snapshot w.;., taken of teachers. and Blass, ,unch w sa seated, anti the tolLawiizg address reaci ter- e bich. Mrs. Andrew :rade a fe lig ,reply,— Der s. Anthrew,—It .is wjtli , .r cert. xegeet that we learn that you are soot, toleave our neighborhood end therefore our Sunday School • • 4=v e hi,ao enjoyed your teaching from Sun day to Sunday and we: hope that the lessons you have taught And thoughts imparted ,not only in spoken woods but alsc through the example you have set in your every day lite, may be so itnpeessed upon our minds that wn shall not soon forget them. We tee1 that in you we, are losing a real Lee to. but w'hil,e we. shall miss you here azo doubt you will find your place i.,, the: Exeter ,Sunday School, and we ate sure: -wit., be of benefit to it. We 4asure you that you have our very beat wishes for a bright and happy future in your crew- home. We welt year to accept this Hymn Hook as a slight token of our sincere apprecia- ttota' of your services as teacher of the Primary Ciaas of .Zion, Sunday Schon: Signed Ly Asst. Teacher .* Class, Stephen Miss Beatrice Graobeil of Dashwood :+Jtt:::tt a tew days with her, sister, Mrs. W l'ngiartd,—Mr. Ira Tetreau -spent Su eery at litewaterr, --Mt. and airs. F. 1 ,e....ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H Krait. ---Mr. Jacob Link left fcr i i:akv'Jle, Mich., to attend the funer- al of his brother, C. Link. He was *e e:ompanied by his sonein,-law, Mr. Jolts Jae:abs, oL neer EveteaseDo not forges the concert to be given by the til, ce Bush Farmers' Club April 2— :a'1r. Norman Vincent has moved onto lll:S. new fame on the 16th, recently va- ned by Mr. Simon alorlock. Kirkton The fol owiA articles were shipped March 13 to the Red Cross Society to Hyman Hall, Lo:nd.on, by the Kirk- tcct Patriotic Society and Help -a -bit Club :-75 ,pairs day socks, 9 suits lay- jatna, , 4 teesels, 29 head bandages, 5 honest -wives, 3 webs grey flannel, 1, web flame::. 1e, 1 boy's `sweater, 2 tn; talcum powder, 3 lead pencils, nregaetnes and papers.—Mrs. A. Bretlt- our, Sec rotary, Kirkton. Pte Rueben. Switzer of f(irktan re- turned home from overseas. Hensall Mrs E. S. Hardie has returned from a month's visit with her parents. in Guelph and daughter in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. A. W. tE. Hemphill were in Taranto last week,—Mr. F. Bengough has sold his three ;lots: at the east end o! the village to Mr, F. Daitaaist—The Rev Dr Drumm, ;B, A., of Lor{don conducted services in Cannel Church art Sunday.—Rev, L A. .McConnell, the pastor of Carmel Church, who has Leen. ill •dueling the. past two weeks, is improtting,-3fi;ss Florence Bonthron Ira; returned from Barrie, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. McMartin and ler two young daugliltet>s;.-Mr, and Mrs. Weir Acheson of the new Commer- ciale ase b,n visited their hear ciaog h - tors 01 Toronto and Miss Sadie, who has been in O.rill a trn'tning as a nurse —.Miss Ella Boa, who was recently nianlried at E.ye:tter to a Mr. Hall of the. West, left here together with her husband, for their new home in the 'West.—Mr. Robt. Munn of Hensaliaarte(- ce:itly dis,pos,ed of a good pair of four-year-old geldings to Mr. Gilbeart Dow of Exeter for the liandsomeesum of $.475. The team weeleeed over 3,200 pounds. Me. Dan Brintnell has also said another four yeai old geld- ing. for $300,—Jahn Elder's auction sale of thareughbred cattle, and also of farm, stock •on Wednesday was very largely attended4 The stock realized $8000. : I• Banking Ser.1. OUR banking liequi ements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BAND OF COMMERCE IA a _ - '+.. ► f ' i COP 0,1.v ..--4,,r---- kb_,__ 'A t‘., --ki--- _ :,t / r�. • ,..... 4i1,4 M.111- y ! FaicE When motor car prices are discussed, keep. in mindthe fact that you can buy the Gray -Dort at the lowest price compatible with quality in a light car. ' The Gray -Dort is not built down to a price. It is built to a very high standard of service and beauty. Efficiency in buying and build- ing has made the price low. Thus every dollar invested in a Gray -Dort brings you heaping value—in service, in appearance, in comfort, in economy of upkeep. The' quiet, powerful Gray -Dort Motor gives you perfect control of thee and distance. The deep upholstery, long springs, commodious body, assure comfort in riding, and driving. The standard equipment', banishes trouble. The beauty of appearance is lasting. The touring car is 51245; the Gray Dort Special—the car with added refinements and extra equipment la•5135 extra; there are also a coupe, and a sedan. Ail prices f.o.b. Chatham and are subject to change without notice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited ` Chatham, Ont. In the-U.S.:—Dort Motor Car Co.,.Flint, Mich. T. H. Newell, . p,aaIer', Ex• ter, • . r,{ � ,,ret, , Lucan ,,° . Notice to Creditors. .Revels ,.Pow(elt and 141cDetrjjtttent •.are In the matter of the Estate' of Mary Balkwill, late of the Viliage'oft Ex- eter, in the .County" of Huron, seises iter, ,deceased Notice its hereby mit pursuant to Statutes sn that ke1314f tlat all cred— itor; and others; aving claims or de wands against the estate of the said Mar> Balkw%ll, who deed on or about tl`ie Third Day of January, 1919, are vequired on or before thea lst day of April, 1919,.to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Isaac R. Carling,, Exeter, Ont., solicitor for The Can- ada Trust Co., the admiinis+traltor. of the " estate, their christian i- roes and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their ac- counts arnd the nature of the secur- ities if any, held by them. And take notice that after said last mentioned date the said adminis- trator will proceied to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said adminlistrator will not be liable rar. said assets or any part thereof, to any itersot, or persot;a of whose claims notice shall not have been received bv then, at the time of such distrib- ution. recovering from the r il'":aess. Mr Har ry Ryan. has ,goon twat Stratford where - he has taken a posjtyon as book -keep - r for the Straltford House Furnish-- Co. • Zurich Mr. end Mrs. Johtt, Wal,per are mov- ing to Harrow, where Mr•. WalPer has secured a positiota—Lloyd O'Brien who has been in Kitchener for some time. has rreturnte!d to his home here.— Dr. B Campbell was a visitor in a- ronto for a few ;dayaaa11Irs. F. it- wer of Exeter ,vilsaltted at the home of her daughter, Mrs, D. K elhler. Woodham 17 r. Wna. Barnes and son Frank of Stornoway, Sask:, are vicsiting at the the home of •sir•. Geo. Morphy,—Mr. Thos Camm, accompanied •by his sis- ter. Mrs. Will Gray of Croswell, Mich. were guests of their brother, Mr. Chas, Carom a few dates last week—The Woodham Patriotic League shipped to Toronto for the months of January, February and Mo,t:h for the refugee sufferers of Belgium, the following: 21 pairs stockings, $6 nieces of under- wear, 62 dresses, 20 handkerchiefs, 7 flaauel shirtsf—Mrs, A. Rundle, Sec. Winchelsea A p ets:A; ev int took place at the home of Mrs, Upshall Mar, 12, when her daitahter Emma, was married to Mr. Chas Godbolt, the ceremony be - rag pe formed by Retr, Parnaby. Only neer relatives were present,—Mr. Jos- iah Creery's sale ,ties a great success, totalling $9,435. The was one of'the largest saes ever held in Usbornei— Mr and Mrs. Chas Gadbolt were pres- cated with a heeutiful couch and li- brary table, accompanied by an ad - (Lees, recently, by the members of Sunshine church,. A pleasant everting was afterwia: ds spent by all, Clandeboye Mrs Susan Wyatt who died recent- ly left an estate of $16,680, and auth- orises bequests of $2000 to St, James Anglican Church Clandeboye, $4000 to " the poor and needy" and $500 to her nurse; the balance going to various rel atives including $4000 to a grandnep- hew. Leslie Warnpole. WHALEN Several farmers around here have tapped the maples, the weather be- ing, ideal far the job, and there are good praseects for a big run,—Several changes in farms have taken place lately„ George ,Hern has sold his 50 acres to John Sherritt of Stephen, the ,same man who bought 300 acres from Croz'er Bras. These twa broth- ers have fanned and threshed for years and are now retiring with plenty of this world's goadsto live on. They are moving to St. 1lfarys this week.— Leo Mitchell of the Cedar! Swamp was operated on for appendicitis last week hislife.— time to save cl just in r,m v e 1 an Mr, end Mrs. Geo. Squire spent Sun- day with thea- parents in Exgter,— Mr, Wm. Morley was in Stratford an business ;Monday. --Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Jones are rejoicing at the arrival of their seventh child—a baby girl.—Bil- 1y Sherwill of Granton arrived home on Friday to his wife and family; also Jack ,Bains came ,an last Friday and was met in London by his brother. Charlie. BRUCEFIELD—Manager Madden of the Molsons Bank has been transferr- ed to Highgate, and left Thursday for that. town. Mr. Ham of Toronto suc- ceeds him helve. SEAFORTH—Douglas Sparks died at his home near Dinsmore, Sask., of pluro-pneumonia after a week's alI- tiless, He was 30 years of age, and was married only a month before. His par- ents lige here, and were former 'resi- dents of Stanley Tp. Auction Sale IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIesS, STOVE ETC. At. the Barn of the proprietor, Sini- coe Street, Exetier, ort WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1919 Alt 2 o'clock the following properly: Rubber tired buggy, top buggy, dray wagon single horse. plow, •scuffles,; set iron harrows, set hefvy single harness and light set, grinclateineseriumber bags set whlffletraes, co01k stove, coal or woodeoebeking utensils, household' furniture,. and many other articles. Terms Cash. C. W. Robinson, Thos. Welsh, Auctioneer Proprietor Auction Sale 25 COWS AND 124 EWES art Central Hata.Exeter, on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1919 at 1 o'clock, the following, - 25 First Class Jeurham, Grade Cows all ;springers. 24 Leicester Ewes all in lamb or with lamb at ;Malde. Theee cows aireall selected and par- ties wanting forst-class cows should attend , this 'sale. Terms -7 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes with 6 per cent, ALP'` PAUL C. W. ROBINSON !Proprietor Auctioneer Notice to Debtors Debtors to the Estate of the late, Mary: Balkwill'will'•hereby take rat.-. let, that all accounts must be re forthwith to the so1icitor'"of 't` he ad- rninkstrator of the Estate, Thee Can- ada Trust.Co, London', ISAAC' R. CARLINGCARLING'• * .. _ .. Solricitoa ISAAC R. CARLING, Solicitor for Administrator Exeter P. O. The Canada Trust Co„ London, Adriiinerstra+tor. Dated at Exeter, this 10th day of March, 1919. Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS on Lot 22, Can. 2, Stephen Tn., on FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Horses—Two teams of work horses 1 gelding 6 years old, carriage; one gelding, 5 years old, carriage. Cattle -1 cow, due April 3rd; 1 cow due April 10; 1 caw due April 15th; 1 cow due in April;,1 cow with call' at foot; these are all young cows; 2 farrow cows; 3 yearlings, 5 spring calves Hogs -1 pure Yorkishire sow, due May 3rd; 8 pigs 3 months old; 7 bogs, 175 lbs. Implements; --Coal oil Tractor, 8-16 Intennaqona1, as good as new; stiff tooth cultivator, suitable tor tractor, nearly new; tractor plow, near ly new; 4 -horse Cockshutt plow; Mc- Cormick 13 -disc grain drill; McCore niick 14 -plate disc; steel land roller 2 •sets ,diamond harrows ; 2 walking plows; two -horse scuffler and bean puller combined, new; single horse scuffler; two -furrow walking plow; Dain hay loader; McCormick 6 -foot mower; Mas•seya-Harris mower; side - delivery rake; dump rake; McCorm- ick binder; cutting box; Clinton fan- nittg milt; 1200 lbs scales; 2 grain grinders, loan. plate; two gasoline engines, 2 h.p., line shaft and belts; 2 root pulners, 2 sets bobsleighs, two wagons, hay rack, combined rack Mel- otte cream separator, 2 set single liar a ness; 3 set double harness, setham.- collars; top buggy, cutter, robe manure spreader, hay forks and rope, circular saw 75 grain bags, shovels, forks, chains and other articles too numerous to mention, A quantity of seed bailey. ! s No aeserve as the proprietor is giv- ing up farming. Terms—$10 cdnd under cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on fern - jibing approved joint notes, or 4 per cant per annum tdiscount ;n lieu of notes, C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. W. D. SANDERS, Prop. EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH mosammesse A, E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager onPoRaTEs ISSN lir WILSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,8Q0,000 Capital Reserve $8,800,000 Over 190 Branches scattered throughout 4anude Over 100 scattered throughout ()sold& A general Banking Business Transacted Clroular Lettara �f Credit A general Banking Business Transacted Getters et Credit Bank Money Orders BANK DEPARTMENT lank Money Orders SAVINGS- BANK DEPARTMENT 1rxtsreat alak loll at li{itiet canon rate ErE�ra H�:►rex_ W D. CLAMS, Yrier. E7 TV:11 B See— W D. CLA S, itassegrr. 5, J. •MERNER, M. P., SHORTHORN DISPERSION Auction Sale ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1st, '19 1 have instruc(t(ed the undersigned auctioneers to sell without reserve at my late farm half mile south of Sea - forth, ;my entire Herd of Scotch Short- horns, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp comprising • 50 females, cows with calves at foot and heifers ; 10 Bulls, including the, good im- ported Bruce Mayflower bull, Major Mayflower,. Quite a number are imported cattle, others of some of the most fashionable Scotch pedigrees of the breed, and' excellent individuals as well. We do not hesitate in saying, this will be one of the chaitoest herds of Shorthorns both as to breeding and quality as has gone through a Western Ontario, Sale Ring for same time, Plan to attend and write for catalogue. J. J. MERNER Proprietor Capt. T. 'E. Robsein, Thos. Brown, C. W. Robinson, Frank Taylor, Auct- ioneers. Grand Bend Mr Adolph Allen was in Parkhill Saturday attending a sake.—Mr, Mor - lock who moved here from the 26tIi concession of Stephen, is now comms fortably sett cd in his new home,- Mrs. Miller of Dashwood is visitirtle her sister, Mrs. L. Ravhelffet—Thos, who have been. fishing suckers report alight runs—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill, Jr„ were in. Parkhill Friday. RANO TRUNK SYs e THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Uasexce),ted dining car service. Sleieprinlg cars an tight trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains,. Full anlfoxrnatuloun from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent., or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Taranto N. J, DORE Phone 46w. Aunt, Exeter Overland Model 90 Teurint 11360 Overland Model 85-4 Tcurint $1495 19ill ,-Kn,th, Faurepurhke 52573 Will1,-Six T,urin£.$2125 r. i. Wit rrreiti sett t Tell Built" The admiration for. the Overland is ; due not only to.its sturdy and graceful appearance but to its utility as well. Overland success is°largely due to the fact that' Overland owners have not only bought Overlands themselves . but `have enthusiastically recommended them to their friends. 'urdon 'and Ca pbell'' Dealers;-, Exeter witty. -overland, Limited, Head Office.and Work., Weet Termite, Ontario Blame,, Montreal. S9 nipor. Rehr. :r: Banking Ser.1. OUR banking liequi ements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BAND OF COMMERCE IA EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH mosammesse A, E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager onPoRaTEs ISSN lir WILSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,8Q0,000 Capital Reserve $8,800,000 Over 190 Branches scattered throughout 4anude Over 100 scattered throughout ()sold& A general Banking Business Transacted Clroular Lettara �f Credit A general Banking Business Transacted Getters et Credit Bank Money Orders BANK DEPARTMENT lank Money Orders SAVINGS- BANK DEPARTMENT 1rxtsreat alak loll at li{itiet canon rate ErE�ra H�:►rex_ W D. CLAMS, Yrier. E7 TV:11 B See— W D. CLA S, itassegrr. 5, J. •MERNER, M. P., SHORTHORN DISPERSION Auction Sale ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1st, '19 1 have instruc(t(ed the undersigned auctioneers to sell without reserve at my late farm half mile south of Sea - forth, ;my entire Herd of Scotch Short- horns, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp comprising • 50 females, cows with calves at foot and heifers ; 10 Bulls, including the, good im- ported Bruce Mayflower bull, Major Mayflower,. Quite a number are imported cattle, others of some of the most fashionable Scotch pedigrees of the breed, and' excellent individuals as well. We do not hesitate in saying, this will be one of the chaitoest herds of Shorthorns both as to breeding and quality as has gone through a Western Ontario, Sale Ring for same time, Plan to attend and write for catalogue. J. J. MERNER Proprietor Capt. T. 'E. Robsein, Thos. Brown, C. W. Robinson, Frank Taylor, Auct- ioneers. Grand Bend Mr Adolph Allen was in Parkhill Saturday attending a sake.—Mr, Mor - lock who moved here from the 26tIi concession of Stephen, is now comms fortably sett cd in his new home,- Mrs. Miller of Dashwood is visitirtle her sister, Mrs. L. Ravhelffet—Thos, who have been. fishing suckers report alight runs—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill, Jr„ were in. Parkhill Friday. RANO TRUNK SYs e THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Uasexce),ted dining car service. Sleieprinlg cars an tight trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains,. Full anlfoxrnatuloun from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent., or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Taranto N. J, DORE Phone 46w. Aunt, Exeter Overland Model 90 Teurint 11360 Overland Model 85-4 Tcurint $1495 19ill ,-Kn,th, Faurepurhke 52573 Will1,-Six T,urin£.$2125 r. i. Wit rrreiti sett t Tell Built" The admiration for. the Overland is ; due not only to.its sturdy and graceful appearance but to its utility as well. Overland success is°largely due to the fact that' Overland owners have not only bought Overlands themselves . but `have enthusiastically recommended them to their friends. 'urdon 'and Ca pbell'' Dealers;-, Exeter witty. -overland, Limited, Head Office.and Work., Weet Termite, Ontario Blame,, Montreal. S9 nipor. Rehr. :r: