HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-27, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR EXETER, ONTARCO, THURSDAY 'MAR. 27, 1919 SANDEl til & CREDOS CANADA'S ,POPULATION 8,835,000. Our Corner Two thousand Doukhobors have of- fered to give their lands and honiesito ?attuned soldiers, who have saved t'}`anda from the Huns. A pr1oximately one a out of every 9 marriages in the United States is rminated by dieorca. About 36 per t`.t of the .divorces are caused by tieaexton. -- - -- - Ex-Governer Francis of Missouri, speaking of newsnapors, said, "Each year the local pauper gives from: '$500 to $5000 in free lutes to the commun- ity in which it is located, No other agency can or will do this, The edit- or, in proportion to meatus, does more for his home town thatf any other ten Men, and in all farness he, ought to be eupoorted, not because you like him or admire his writeigs, but because his local paver is the best inveettnreent a community eau make. It may not be ttrdliently crowded with thought, but flueneially it is %mor>e of a benefit to. the community than the preacher or teacher,. Uridefesftenek me, 1 am not' (speaking of moral or spiritual; values, 44 ye.t on moral questions you will find most of the newspapers', on the sight side. To -day the ,editor of a live localp aper does the most for e of anyone an t • 8 least moveottt eax h. the y The Toronto Star Weekly discuss- ing the Qood Roads Scheme an West arn. Ontario, says the following of Hu- ron County, -""'Huron leads the way: Huroi: has shown plenty of progress - Wetness. With Clinton as the hub, there are four amain, roadways which nave beers taken, into the; scheme and S e tapa their s11 titlaiab, with t a branches, parts of the courttty, Directly south of Clinton there as the, Exeter road to the Middlesex border, the aim being to, connect with Ltrndose and St. Thomas. From this CIiinitors-Exeter road there' tse five distinct cross lines. At the south there is the Centralia, Devon; • road to Grand Bead t the Elimville road to Kelton., the Brevvatcir- Farquhar coos, road and other smaller ones, From Clinton north there is; the God - Erich lute, which to the east connects with Seafortb and Stratford, and may in time link up weth Toronto. From Clinton north there is the Blyth, Bel - grave road to Winghem„ From God - Erich ,north there is the lake shore rd 1aading aw1aY into Bruce county. lion, Seaforth north to Wroxeter we likese ood ed; and all these have suety glinMOM PHONE $la TAMAN'S Men's Wear DRESSING GOWNS SWEATER COATS NECKWEAR STSCA> IR EEVV S HOLDERS GARTERS BELTS SOCKS BANDKERCHIEFS T1'IIES. Ordered and Ready-to- wear Clothing._ °yD 8I4.*S AND OLD BLAKS VO DS, WORSTEDS, 1nTC, 10G STOCK IREADY-TO- SUitS AND PAN1 Tailor & Furnisher Canada's estimated population; was given in the Commons the other day as 8,835,000. The census of 1911 show- ed 7,206,643. 1 r,.. HOLDING THE STEPLADDI,R, Tack a smatll, piece of rubber over- shoe to bottom of stepladder legs, and tbey well ,not ,slip en a wet floor, It's better to use precaution and save a hard fall, with a bzokert leg or arm, ee a result. Most accidents come as the. !result of lack t'rf prepauti.,)n, ' A WET, LATE SPRING. I Vim, a writer in the Weekly Sun, € p:edicts a late spring, and says "`viy resders seal; remember my forecast last fall that the pziesent winter n oulei be' mild, because my, .r cord of the weathe, shows that about every tee 3ears we hare had a mild winter. In looking over these same records lately note that these 'mild winters are followed by wet, late springs and a showery, or abnormal wet harvest, ENTITLED TO VOTh, PartiesWho are e tt jtle(d to, vote at Municipal, Provincial and Federal teiec- tioris : Every person shall, be entitled toenc dlist be t ne; an the voters' who is of the .full age of 21 years, a Brit- ish subject .,not disqualified, and rat- ed Ion the last treelsed assessmentroll at $100 ian .villages and, townships, $200 in towns with a populactiion not ex- ceeding 3,000,: and $300 in other towns and S400 in cities, Chap. 20 of the Dominion statutes of 1918, says:- -"Ev-ery female person shall be entitled to vote at Dominion elections who is a British sw subject, and of e a b the f e i ,full, of 21 years, and who posdesses the qualifications which would entitle a male person to vote;;" It will be seen that a female must have the same qual- ification as a male voter. Just because a female is a daughter of a man who. is qualified to vote it does not give the qualification to, vote. RETURNED SOLDIi RS. Private Charles Triebner, son of Mr. and Mia, Frank Triebner, arrived home from overseas quietly gnat Friday night. For some reason the people of town were not informed, of lois con ing, and his ,paints alone; met him at the station, Private Triebner enlisted itt January, 1917, in the Coreetruction Battalion., (after vainly endeavoring to get .into the 161st the year before,'be- 14 unfused b en a ,of bis" few' years. Ian .February he went tceEngland" and was transferred to the Motor Section, going iatl,most imnatdip;tely to France, where hereforyearand ah be was -a a1f motorcycle -despatch rider., ,He was vs outded onoe, in the leg, frena. which he soon secoveuted,t Private Triebner witdessed Land took part ire the Rhyl riot in Wages a few weeks ago. An- other brother, William, is still over- seas, verseas, having gone over in the early day, of the war. • Pte. Samuel William Sims, son of err. Jonah Sines of Stephen, arriveel home from overseas on 1 riday eyen- ing and was met at Centralia 'station by a large crowd who gave him a warm receptions Pte. Sims enliisitddin and went oveesseas with the 161st. He was severely wou.rt ed in the left arm at Vimy Ridge, and coat/pleated in England, His arms is stilt troublesome but getting better all the time. Private Joe rollick, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A; Follick, was among those who returned from England Monday. Jce joined to Weidtern Ontario Reg - nient and was on 'teaching England trap ferred to the 47th and later the 44th, in which battalion has fought for some months: He was wounded in the mouth and conva2'esoed in England. His sister, Miss Ediia, event to Lona don to meet him and he was given sa warm welcome home. Private Wilfred Stewart, son of Mr. and 1vlrs, J. A. Stewart, returned from the war on Monday eventing;,. He ern; fisted and went overseas with. the 161st After a month in England he went to France with the first draft and con- tinued an the fighting lime uai,til the war ceased, passing through several of the big engegeeneenita: He . was` wounded but once, and then only. slightly. "Tuck"' is looking'- well and all are ,glad to see hire home agaisfl A brother Douglas is still overseas.- Private Nelson Stacey, son of Jabez Stacey of the West, who had for`sev- eral years mode his home with friielias: on the Lake Road, on Monday morn,- iegt returned from overseas. He; enlist- ed in the 161st, and Went o etrsteas with that battalion, and a month latex "eget to Frnnete, whose, hie fought un- til the arna,istic,e was signeida He slip- ped home quietly but has been warm- ly we1conded by his Wends since. ' - Mrs..Perry Windsor recenv,,ed a•te 1 egrana o'n Monday than her husband' had arrived a Halifax that day, and aiontld x ac1a Exeter - sometime- this Week,. Perry etel, et;ecl in St, Thomas in the 91st and went to England in Juno, 1916. Owing to neuritis and apuenldiciti,s he %as never sent to France; He was ,rarried over :a year ago and his wife arrived in Exeter several months since, and is staying. with Perry's penults; Mr, and• ilirs. George Winttisor. Miss Gladys Cooke, V. A. D. nurse, returned.;from overseas last week She was. very ill while in England and for a time her life was despaired of. She retie eyed, however, and_Came direct £roan' the hospital to her home here. Miss Cooke is stipl weak, and her many friend..' welcome her home, and hope. that she may be speietdily restored to, her former good health. Local News A ,quiet wedding was performed on March 26th at the home of the brick's' father, by Rev. Foote, when Miss. Fran ccs Scott, daughter of Mr. James Scott of Exeter, became the bride of Mir fames McKellar .of Hibbert Mr. Henry Passmore of town re- ceived ward last week of the death in Vancouver, S.iG., of his daughter, El- izabeth, wife of ,Metier Duguid, whom she married about a. year ago. Deceas- ed wit bent and raised in Usborne, and went to -the w:eef about ten years ago,,. A ,prize of ten dollars is offered by the Teachers of Wept Huron to the section making the most improvel- ments to the property -Moth village and country -in. the way of building, and seeding (roadside, cleaning up gen erally around ?orchards, homes '" and barns , replacing read rail fences, with wire, Planting trees alohng road, etc, Let every property owner see; that his property is not an eye -sore to the others, Let us all. join and see what we can do. ' You will add to the value of your property. The membere of the tLogie Circle the Sunday School officers, and Chown of Coven. Church, greet en Mendavice,e- " „ ri n' to s osve Miss Francon, Scout er h r Mica Scott has been most popular among the young people anc%a valued worker in these organizations, and the tmembetrs took this way of .epc- pressing to her their appreciation and good wishes. The ,interesting process of opening the 'name's ware enjpygd by all after which refnes aryaits were eersjed. The decorations for the ac- ee:Men which were in the hands of Misses Blanche Senior and A1'ee and Flossie Vincent were most tastefully arnenged. Exeter Council Exeter, Mareh .24th, 1e19, The Municipal Council of the vil- lage of Exeter met in regular session with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting held March 10th. were read and approved. Communications were read as fol- lows: Letter from the Dept. of Game and Fisheries, Toronto, re the ap- pointment of Wellington Johns as distributor for this district, Ap- proved. Letter from the Bell Telephone Co„ re the opening up of. Andrew Street to 'place thereon poles and wires. The Reeve granted the re- quest subject to the :Street ?Corte iniasioner's oversight. Letter aur wered March 14, 1919, 'approved:" A circular letter with blank peti- tion forms from the office - ofh to secretary of the Dominion Alliance, Toronto, requesting that the same be considered and passed ugon by the council, embodying provisions prohibiting the .manufacturing and importation of intoxicating liquors. Per Snell and Elston that letter and petition be iisld over for further considration--Carried. A letter with petition enclosed from Mr. T. ' Stephenson, secretary of the Anglers Ass'n,, Ailsa Craig, re Rock Glen Fishway and licenses granted, etc., asking that the same be signed by the members of the council and others, and to be sent forward to the Hon. Finlay Mc- Durmid, Minister of Public Works and Highways, Toronto. Per Elston. and Penhale that the petition as re- ceived be accepted and signed as re- quested. Carried. Circular letter from the Toronto Trophy -Craft Co,, re medals and tro- phies. Filed. -Letter from the secretary of the local Soldiers' Aid Society offering for sale their piano. The piano hav- ing been removed from the Town Hall, letter was ordered filed. Circular letter from Goderieh Board of Trade, re uniform rates for hydro electric power, referred to the Utilities Commission. Letter from Milton Hersey Co., Ltd., Montreal, and the James; Lon- don & Hertzberg, Toronto, re servi- ces as consulting engineers for pav- ing of streets. Filed. A letter from D. Patterson, County engineer, Auburn, Ont., advising the council that he would be in Exe- ,ter on Tuesday, March 25, the meinbers of the council to . meet with hila; for consultation. A letter was received from Mr. Madman, secretary of the Cemetery Board, with the following recommen- dations from the Board: "That the caretaker's galaxy for the year. 1919 commencing April 1st, be $650,00 and that Mr. Pord be paid a bonus of $50 for the year just closing. Al- so that the Cemetery 13Y -law be al- tered so as to read, "That the charges for graves be , as follows: brick and planked grave $15.00; shoulder grave planked and bricked $10,00. plain grave without, brick or plank $8.00. Pei' Elston and Penhale e hale that the ryrecommendations as received; from the Cemetery Board be approved and that the By-laws be changed accordinglY.-- Carried. 'The Regime wins delegated to go to Toronto Thuir'dday re Good. Roads movement. $1000 .was appropriated for "building new sidewalks art 1919. A subsereptiion'litst its to be cocked r+c•,Sojdiers' Mente>'rayl: aiud the council to • un.'dleaatalte the' ca)aa*as; by die. Tae,`ipayrnent to :Yule Jacksion: C,a'y err ,1919. S300:00, ' was made. . the o11osvune a cciou its were paid, Gladiean & Stanbury, drawing agree meats re xMr..yForid and Corplolrr!lion:: 1913 to 1917, .$13;00; Cecil Ford lab; or cernetery 2e00; Rots_ s T4.Ylot hemlock 255.1,80; 'R. E. DaviSe, rent cf plow 2:50; H, Suacknia'n, acct 10:07; ]. Gi]les;pie, ,cleetaing crossings: 2.50, J 'Scanlon, Clerk'. ' I spent a few days it towns. Centralia 32r. Raymond. Genies has returned Farmer.,' Club. -.The Centralia Far - trees' Club w611 hold their regular meeting, the 2nd and 4th 'Thursdays of each month. Reti- Father dcCarty, who left Mt. Garnelaboutthree years agoas Chap- lain overseas, is expected 'home Fri- day ;tight. March 28, when a xecep- tion will be held to greet hien on his arrival at the station. On Thursday eveniztg of last week the ;B'ble class, of which Air. N. Mit- chelt is teacher held a sumptuous ban. quet fan the basement of the church. Rev. Finlay acted as toast-mzt ten'and a number of splendid toasts were giv- en. The first, a toast to our King, was ?re>ponded to by the entire com- pany prising and singing the National Anthem. Among the other toasts was onprom:sed by Mr. Andrew Hicks to "Our Country" and responded to by Mr. W. R. Elliott; also a toast pro- posed to "Our Guests" by Mr. John Eeserry and responded to by Rev. Ba- ker of Credt'ston and Mr. G. Medd of of Exeter, There were a goodly num- ber al' other toasts followed and all were very much enjoyed by those who were listeners,' The company" of about isevetnty all went home much .leased with i }t t h o evening's s nroceed- 'angs. Pte. Win. Sims, who enlisted with the 161st returned to his home here on Frtklay evening,. He was met ,n London by his father and ,mother. A targe compalny of friends met at the station to avelciana,e him back again, Mr. W m,don An ens... acted asca h unman and called on Mr. H. Eilber, M. P. P„ to ;give an address of welaame, also . . Rev, 'Baker Babof Cradlzton and 12r ori W R. Elliott to make an addieess. Pte. Sites expressed his pleasure at being hone again. Pte J. Wade who resided here a few years ago when; his father was the station agent, who returned to his borne in -Denfield this week, called on fr;ends in the village Tuesday. 6frs, A, Brooks and Miss Lillian ac- e'oinpaa ed by. Miss Weston, spent the week end in BBeLgrave. Miss Ettiie Webber is visiting with a..ends' in London ;this week. Mr, Geo. Hicks from the; West is v.:sitin,g with his nephews, lriessre. Jas and Wm Oke;. Making maple syrup is the order of the day. Crediton Died in ,Michigan. -Word has been. pe. efae•d here of the death of Mr,. Christian, Link of Linkville, Mich, who ,4ied' on Monday last in that place, Deceased was aged ap g 72 years, and was a former resident of Crediton, but left here about thirty-five years ago, since riesidang in Michigan,. He is survived by two sons and four'; daughters. The fine weather has dried up the roads, The grader has beleo put on the job and ;has donne( good work. No doubt the cars will, again make their 'apuearance soon. Last Friday night a number from here went to Centralia to welcclame Pte. Wm, Sims, who just a'eturned from France, He enlisted with the 161st arnd saw' active service for some tittle: We welcome him borne and congratulate hue on has safe returns Clayton Sims has ,been busy of late sawing up the . wood for our towns- men. It's got the old , buck saw beaten !to a frazzle. . Our milliners are working overtimel Surely spring must be near at hand,: "Michael tF,iunkbieiiniex es haeing some repa irs unade to his premises. Miss Pearl Geiser of Toledo Ohio, is spending a few days here, with her parents Mx. Chas. Zwicker has a number of nten;sorting out his onioatts.• Hells also removing fain stock ,from the, aid store a; the same is to be reniadielllled by the purchaser. Sam. Finkbeinier of Sarna le visiting with bit mother. -Dashwood Mr, J. Kellerman, made a business trip to London Friday of last week. Mr. Wilbur. Ehlers of Detroit vis- ited weth this ;pan ennts here over Sun- day. Me. H. Howard and sister, Mrs'. Eng fish of Dryedaie cathed on friends., in the village Saitutidaiy. Temperance Day and Pledge Sign- ing was obsedvield in the Evangelical Church last Sabbath,( Addressees were given by G, S. Howard on temper- ance; Rev, W. IJ, Yager on tobacco and Supt. Oest`reicher ;orb profanrtty, A number signed ,the pledge. The annual Business Meeting ;of "the con- gregation will be held on Weidn4esday afternoon, .April. 2nd. Miss Clete Graupner has returned from a visit with friends 'in Elmira: A•c S hol a Far se d ' to be.had in, our village this fall. Five schools have joined end ate sparing no efforts lo make it a Red -letter -day for the community. Rev W. J.` Yager has exchanged; cars with Mr. E. Tiernanrt, for a new Chevrolet, Mr. ,Kenneth Rou'tlleIlge of Zurich vieitecl eitli friends in town this week: Mr: Ali, Zimmer left last week for) Detroitt, Mr. G Kellermata>'"has bastalled a new ;boit'ler ,in his planilnig'Mill and is now about ready ,to supply all lines: of -building ,material. Several new phonies, are being he- sealed n-sealled i n towln. Ars: Wm. Schroeder and li!ttlie daughter of Detroit are visiting with relative bei.- Tt3;s, lVCticliecl Sehroeder of London speackng: a few wele'ke at herhome hexe., Mr. Wilbur Graybeel of Wood;to;k j front a visit in Thedford. Pretty Wedding, -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Haugh,. Lake Road, Stephen was the scene of a joyous and happy event on Wedrveeday after- noon, March 26th, when their daughter Cora was united in matrriage to '2v1e. Earl Geiser son of Mr. Willie= • Ga.'eer, of thesame township,, The ceremony was perforated by Rev. Wm. Yager pastor of the Evangelical Church Dashwood, at four o'clock in the' ^f - `e -noon in 'he presence of about, 75 invited: ,guests, The bride was given away by her father, while, the we,dd;og ,parch vva t being played by '..Liss Het - tie Ga+,ser, elate; of the groom,. The bride was assisted by Miss Pearl, Gais - er, roister of the groom, whsle the groom was supe*arted by Mr. Arthur J-Iaugh. brother of the brideu J.,ttle Miss Wurm: of Zurich niade a charm-;; ing flower-gi4'4. The ceremony ever and the hearty congetetulations of all e tended to the young r.'oupee, a sumptuous wedding supper was served after which a pleasant evening wae spent by an The piesie'nts given to the young couple .formed a stave( , teat array, and comprised articles of use, beauty ajid valuer The happy pair leave this rortnitrg for Teeedo, Ohio, where they spend a s aar . honeymoon, before returning and set.. tling; on the groom's fine farm in Ste- phen. The young couple will have the best wishes of a host of frentds, HON. W. j. HANNA DEAD. Hon,. Wilt = John. Hanna, Mk L. A,, K. C., president of the Imuer-nl C?'1 Co., first food corjt,noL'er for Canada and former provincial aecretary for Ontario, e`ed suddenly yThursday f l aowat PartdgIna, Augusta, Ga,;, eel - a stroke. He went south two sleeks ago: W, J. Ha.-tnat practi,: t1. 1 tw in Sennnit for manta years). He was elected to the Ontario Ltegfetature in 1.902 and at each sueueedin; elee 'ant He became pro.^iacial secret,Jry in 1905, and his ,great reform was in the prison and asylum systems of Diann •• le which have been copied :n many other countries, Births Goodspeed --In E.tteter, on March 21 to the late Mr. Golds sipeed and Mrs. Goodspeed, nee Miss Love, a sort: Caldwell -In Hay, London Road, xt irtb, on March 24, to ear. and Mrs.' J. Caldwell, jr., a. son. Freeman -in Tuckeamith, on :filar. 16, to Mr. and Mrs; J. H. Freeman, a daughter. Gibson -1n Lucan, on March -16, is Mr and Mrs. Walter L, Gibson, a deughter. Marriages McKelllea---Scott-In Exeter, at 14io home of the beide's father, Mr. Kea- neth McKellax of Hibbert, to Mese Frances, daughter of Mr. Jas. Scott Copeland-Colling-In St. 1vlarys, op March 22, Dr. P. T. Copeland of ,St, :Marys, to Mrs. Ada Coning, form- erly of Moosejaw, Ve mereBieery-At the manse, Sea - forth, a... March 19, Webeet. J. \TA- ater to Ella Rachel Berry, both of Gainer.--Haugh.-In Stephen, Lake Road, on March 26th .by Rev. 'i? iye. Yager of Dashwood, Mr. Earl Gair, son of Mr. Wile:a m Gainer of the township of Stephen, to Miss Cpra. deughter of „"iii'. and ASrsi ,),ani Bei^'° Baugh. Westman.-Crawford--in Alma Col;w,pa St Thomas, on .Mar 15, Mary -fit Crawford, daughter of Mr. aril Mrs.. C Crawford, Granton, to Me. Te D M. \Vestman, also of G•rauttonn, Deaths Sinal -In Exeter, on Mar; 22, AO* Diny, wife of EliSnell, aged 64 Wa'tiers• , 1 month anddays. 9dy. tson-- In Clinton, on March eftie Margaret Ellen Leary, wife og 1,1, N, Watson, aged 60 years, Phone - 33r 2 Grediton Chick Haichery CAPACITY 2000 EGGS White Leghorn, and Barred Roa Trayroll Chix for sale $16 to $20a1111411 Place your orders now for Allelic delivery, CustomHaitchiing-10 doz. lots eve, 45c,:'less than. 10 doz ;Alts, 3 , a dozen, Order your space i stating ?number of eggs you want s and date you want reserved, After 'the 31st of April 1 haxe tr sale 5e pullets, .mostly Rooke, s e W yabdottes. Strawberry and Raspberry aeei,s ler sane Write or phone W. A, Sambrook, Prop. e ,Ire Oeu tn Purchase the Following Products 500 BAGS OF RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED, Z CARS OF EXTRA CHOICE QUALITY OF WHITE HAND-PIC1tI- ED BEANS. 100 BAGS OF WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, 200 BAGS MILLETT 2 TONS OF PURE CLOVER HONEY 10,000 LBS. OF DRIED APPLES 10,00u LBS. CHOICE QUALITY D. SETT ONIONS, FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY MARKET VALUES For Sale WE OFFER 5 TONS ONLY OF REDPATHS EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR AT $10,25 PER 100 LBS. NETT CASH;; OR $11.25 PER 100 LBS. CREDIT TERMS, NOT OVER 3 SACKS TO ANY ONE CUSTOMER. CHAS. ZWICK R General Merchant Crediton, Oat. • Farm 1.7 -ft .McCormick hinder, • carrier and truck; Two good. „giee1 ra Ducie,, and Mowers,; These are only a few of our Second -band G 1 13 -tooth cultivator, nearly new. . Call in and see us. We always, have something you need. HOW ABOUT YOUR REPAIRS? Neap us give you goad service ordlering your repeirs +early,; Aleveys bring in broken part when noes" ' _thus saving time antd•iYniiistalzes,, : We specialize in repaiur work, carr y full line of MaiseyrHarfrus,` 'else: Connor Machine repairs. Come in and see oux Buggies, Fence, -Gates, Twine, -Reefing, Etc.. B: 1 . FRANCIS Honlesty is our Policy. Linton and Let Live our lio(t;tol 'ulc ni ng Tire Having rented the premises formerly occupied 15y T. Baker a`s ' an automobile repair shop,I have installe d a complete Vulcanizing plant therein, and am prepared to do all kinds of Vulcanizing ` of automobile tires especialik cord tires. All work 'guaranteed 'money's value, -.Brie in your tires. We paycash'for old tires.-- OHCN 1 TAYLOR. TAYL TIRE SHOP