HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-20, Page 4`he Exeter Advocate t --Sanders & Creteciz, Proprietors subscription Price -1n advance $1,50 Miser year in Canada; $2.00 in the '3ited States. Allsubscriptions not ,?dela in advance 50c. extra charged. THURSDAY, 11ARCH 20, 1919 EXECUTORS' Auction Sale r V . Lt ABLEFAR.I � LANDS A.'� IN USBORNE The undeaigtzed. Executors of the -state of the Late Thomas. Ellerrsn,g- son, of the Village lof• Exeter, deeeas- 'red will offer for sale by public auct- .ioa on Lot 29, Cort, 6, 'Usborne an TUESDAY, XdiRCH 25, 1919, at y o clot'•.: p,m. the following property LOT 29 CON. 6, USBORNE, being n n,):,.se 1 of 100 acres of first-class nit as ell fenced and under -drained, and on which are the following buiid- ngs, commodious frame house, ,and good bank barn, 44x72, and other out- buildi:t,gs ; also good orchard. 10 acres .hardwood bush, fall p",owia=: done. NORTH HALF LOT 27, CON, 6 Z g , t � T '1 „ "�1 ere composed o. t l3 R ,, 1 5 acres more or less; well tented and °.anderdr..tned small orchard. ;ill. but 10 acre, seeded to grass, balance plow • eel. 8 acre. i bush. Tarns Made known oa day of •:ale The sale ti subject to reserve bid. \US$ MARY EL1.ERINGTON MRS, ROBERT MICHAEL �RE?' A. ELLERINGTON Executors W ROBINSON L L CARLING Auct. Solici tar for Execute*' Auction Sale rrARM. STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS :an, Lot 92 Con 7 Stephen n Po.. un FRIDAY, MACH 28, 1919 At 1 o'clock, harp, the following:. £domes.. ;two teams of work horses; geldaa; O 6 years old, carriage; one mleang, a years old, carriage. • tattle -1 cow, due April 3rd; 1 ' lav due April 10; 1 cow du.e April Oath; 1 cow due in April.; 1 cow with slf at foot; these are* young cos; 2 farrow cows; 3 yearlings, 5 sprin � alt�es Hogs --1 pure Yorkshire sow, due May 3rd; 8 pigs 3 months old; 7 erg , 175 lbs. krap'-e:gents .-Coal oil Tractor, 8-16 Inte arati'ona1, as good as now; titf tooth cultivator, suitable for enactor, nearly new; tractor plow, sear new; 4 -horse Cockshutt plow; Me•- Zoratick 13 -disc grata drill; McCo- 'wick 14 -plate disc; steel land .roller sets diamond harrows; 2 walking ,plows ; two -horse scuffler and bean puller combiated, new; single horse 'tdrff;er; two -furrow walking plow; Dain hay. loader; McCormick o -toot =sower; M:,ssey:« Ha,:is mower; side - .1 ivory° rake; dump rake; McConn- ... k binder; cutting box; CL,nton faai- aanv mil; 1200 lbs scales; 2 grain griabders, 10in, plate; two gasoline ei ,giaes, 2 h.p., line shaft and belts; 2 s~ of put; erg, 2 sets bobsleighs, two ;aasons. hay rack, combined rack Mei- tte cream separator, 2 set single! bar- ra,,ss; 3 sec double harness, set harn- ess collars; top buggy, cutter, robe manure spreader, hay forks and rope, ..'circular saw 75 grain bags, shove,'s, ▪ arks, chains and other articles too -,-rrfinerous to ntenti+on•, A quantity s_led barley. No reserve as the proprietor is giv- ;:nig up farming. Terms -S10 +dad under cash; over r.'':t.3.t amount 9 months' credit of fern - Wittig ap;:roved joint notes, or 4 per ,ze nt per annum !ditscount in lieu of , motes. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. W D. SANDERS, Prop. .notice to Creditors lin the matter of the Estate of Mary Ballovill, late of the Village of Ex- eter, in the Cou,ty of Huron,_spin- ster, deceased. Niotice is hereby given pursuant to •.fatutes in that behalf that all crud - r --tors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said • Balkwill, who died on or about Third Day of January, 1919, are required on or before thet 1st day of April, 1919, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Isaac R. Carling, teeter, Ont., solicitor for The Can- ada Trust Co., the administrator : of As estate, their chr"istiar *ores Avid surnames, addreoes and descrip- filmsbin, the full particulars of' "their e the statement'' -of their ac- ritmttt and the netts* of the secur- Woo if say, held by them. Awl take notice that after said Fitt ;mentioned date the said adminis-• ttor well proceed to distribute the • zsseta of the deceased among the par - dies entitled thereto, 'having regard to the :claims of which they shall ;dhen .have; notice and that., the said Ftz sraTistrator- will not 'be `liable for assets or any parct thereof, toany 3P or pennons of ,whole claims Rce .shatVnot have. been "received ''dee :them, at° th:e time of such distrib- ISAAC R CARLING, Solicitor for Aclmiirr6s-trafor Exeter P. O. The Canada Trust Co., Londion, Adm'infis'trrartor. rated at Exeter, this 10th; day of March, 1919. ':Notice to Debtors .S3ebtors it) .the Estate 'of the late aTrar ''Balkwill,->will hereby ,take not } rflrn Sart X11 accounts• mut be " pafd Like fitviith to the solicitor of the 34- A Ntratoro of, the Estate, rhe tarn- Trust' to, -London. t • ,; .i.S`AAC' R. CARLING, Soltgc:ytar. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS onLot 11, Coin. 1, Biddalph To, 2 1--2 Miles south of Ceattralia, on THURS,. DAY, MARCH 27th, 1919, at 12 -port, sharp, the: followitt•g, - Horses -1 gelding, rising 6' yeafes; 1 gelding, rising 4; 1 mare Hsi ,ng 5; 1 driving mare, 11 years; 1 driving Mare 20 years; 1 driving colt, rising 4 years; 1 draft colt rising 3 years Cattle -1 Durham cow, 5 years, due May 1st; 1 Durham, cow, 7 years, due May 20; 1 ne.w ranch cow; 10 cattle coming 3; 14 cattle earning 2; 16 cat_ tie coming one year;; 1 calf. Also 100 chicken and :hens, Implements - Massey Harris binder 7 ft. cut, nearly nett ; 1laasey-Harris fertilizer drill, 11 hoe; Masstey',-Ha,rris .spriag tooth cultivator, complete; 1 Brantford mower, 5 -ft. cut; Maxwell hay loader, Deering hay rake; Planet Jr. corn and bean cultivtitor; disk harrow, wooden. roller, set iron har- rows; Nixon grain. drill 10 hoe; Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow, nearly new, rol- It a . - colters, Wilkinson walking plow 21; Verity walking •plow Bean extra tongue for Massey Harris drill; larva mower, good wagon, good wagon box double; hay rack, good shape; set of .!j.i- ropes; gravel box, light wagon, pole and shaft complete; set sleighs; Brantford Butter; bale -bearing rubber tire ) LY t , gO d top buggy; good boggy pole and neckyoke; 3 set heavy double harness; set double driving harness, ,nearly new; 3 set light single harness; extra bridle and collars; 50 =ain bags; set bag trucks; sugar ket- tle- Chatham fanningmill ; 100 sap pails and Spites ; 4 oak lxa' refs; 3 wheelbar- reis ; Premier cream separator, size 2; forks, shovels, chains, pulleys, lumber etc. Household -Effects -Home Comfort range wood or coal; McC:lary coal ha•.ter, large size; 4 bedroom suit,.s. 2 iron beds, oak sideboard, psirlos suite 4 rocking chairs, dining room table and chairs, 3 small tables, hang- ing lamp dishes kitchen uten,tls, kit- ehea table and chairs, washing - mach- ine, ;nearly new, churn, flour and sug- ar bin, tubs, pails, etc. Terms -S10 and under, cash., over that amount 7 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per eta per annum off for cash on credit amounts. W. ARTHUR O'NEIL, Prop, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. ALONZO HODGINS, Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S Auction Sale OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROP- ERTY, HOUSEHOLD AND PER- SONAL EFFECTS. The undersigned Administrator .of the Estate of the late Mary Baikwill, late of the Village ,of Exeter, deceas- ed, wail offer for sale by public auc- tion on ANDREW STRE1rT, EXET- ER, on FRIDAY, MAR. 21, 1919, at 1 o'clock tslrarp, the followings - VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY Good frame house, and lot, on An- drew Street, Exeter, being Lot 67 on West Side, being the home of the de:;eased; Lots 164 and 165, North Side Vic- toria Street, Exeter, on which is a frame house and shed; Lot 34 .on East Side of Elizabeth Street, Exeter North, on which is a frame house. All sold with ,reserve bid. Also Hrousehold. Goods, Chattels, and ,Personal Effects of deceased. Ternts-Of Real Estate made known on day of sale; Of Chattels and Per- sonal Effects, Cash. THE CANADA TRUST CO, London AdMir{istrator, C. W. ROBINSON, I. R. CARLING Auct Solicitor for Admiritstrtator Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEMENTS Ile undersigned has 'been 'instruct- ed to sell by ;public' auction on Part Lot 17, Kion. "1, Stephen', one gaff mile soutth of Exeter, on/ Thursday, ,March 27t1h, 1919, et one o'clock sharp the following propertY REAL ESTA:flE-Part of Lot 17, Con. 1, Stephen Tp, containing< twenty- five ,acres of land more or less. On the ;property is is comfortable %rick house and a good ,barn 'small orchard ]3be soli is first class and fencing and draining are in good condition. This Ls ,a well located and desirable, farm. HORSES -1 ,horse ,rising 8 years, general 'purpose; 1 driving thorse t 9 yrs. old quiet and 'reliable. tGOWlS-1 cow ewe tAnpil 121st; 1 cow ;due June 12; pow with calf at loot; 1 steer ,rising I" year;heifer +ris- ing 1 year. HOGS -1 brood sow: IMPLEiMIENTS-,Binder 6 it. cut Ma,ssey,llarris; mower, 5 foot cut Masser- Harris; hay rake, irollea•,''eal- tivaibrj ,disc seeddril•1; set 4 section har+l'o$4; walking tplow; riding 'plow two ,Carrow plow snuffler; 3-4 wagon' truek'•wagon p ilei th; J}g1-t sleigh; hay rack' waggon bol; 5gravel box; tpig rack; top buggy ,buggy pone ; 'cutter ranting mill; pt pe ;, wheelbarrow; set-tdoubte iharnesa; set single her - nese ; collars; wstertro agth ; , cream separator; hag truck; •3lrain bags ;. Ladders; extension ladder; oak 'bar- rel ,;r,wgiiffletrees, neckyoke9 ; ,cant hook, hayknibe, scoop 'shovel; pick; shovel; 'spade • ,crowbar ; ;chains ; .fork hoes; 1a•;quantity of hay' ani oat sheav es; a quantity of seed ;potatoes. HOUSEHOLD P f2ENITIIBE- wa.ghing rnenhine; Home , (Comfort. range; coal -heater• /with 'oven; ;box stove; extension table /lounge; (flour bin, and other {artistes too numerous to ,mention. • TERMS OF SALE REAL ESTATE-20'zr cent. coa.sih on day of sale and balance . within 30 d P L t' ays. ossessron upon comp a von of 'payment. CdIAATTELS-$10 and. under ,cash; over, lihat'amo.unt 8 months'icredit ortt tun- . AVOID /�/�** v tithing atppro'%,d joint •notes.. A1�„ WVG�1V ;discount of 14 per rent. off for caislb on.,credit amounts,. Hoy, oat #heaves 3RQ wUGI. 1r11, i and potatoes to • be 'cash_. yng i'urther rparticulare • and conditions • gpfeads of ,sal,; Toade known.,on flay of sale or Diseese 4" •mom may 'be had upon ' applying to under - Auction Sale' OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS ANT) OVERT,AND AUTO, AT ELIMVILLE ori THURSDAY, MAR..20, 1919, at 1 o'clock p,m. share, the: following Stock -Good driving mare 4 -yr -old; Jersey cow, 4 years, due April 2, Hol- stein. cow,, due is April; farrow cow, 6 year; old; heifer 18 months' old; 3 calves, 39 hens, ;3 geese, 1 goose, end 2 ganders, Implements -Massey- Harris seed drill; root pulper; light wagon, carry 2500 lbs,; light sleigh; set heavy har- ness; set single harness ; T. Eaton No. 3 cream separator; set counter scal- es 240 lbs; 1 five -octave organ; 1 Chase traitor; 1 Ovetrlautd Car, five passenger; and other articles too numerous to mention, Terms -Sums of $5 and under, Cash; Over SS 8 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes, or 4 per cent off for cash. MARK WILD T. CAMERON, Prop. Auct. 5. W. Skinner, Clerk. Dashwood Miss Browb. of Centralia spent a fey days with Mss Hazel Snell, Mr, Henry L. K:aft spent a day in Code 'c a rt It as v �. last t ele act at s a k. juryman 7 tin lnspe.to Tom of Goderich visited our school on Thursday, Miss Wolfe of Crediton visited rel- atives s ,rte a t t r I, i9~el:, • Mr and Mrs.. Chas. Schroeder spent the tit h end in Strathroy. \I sac.• Lula Ste',nhaera and Olivia W'c'.ti.r t".sited in London last week. s - Whalen S ev:ra1 of our young people in corn- li..uy with Walter Gunning spent Fri d ty eveain, a� the home; of Ifs sister ',Ir. Percy Passmore, Thames Road, ---fi trve; su.her;)y was he. e from L+adon of er Sunday with his mother, --'Thera was a splentdid turn out pa the ladies at the W \I.S, met:king on Thuat,elay, They also closed up the Red Croas work donna by the ladies here -`during the war,. It is a credit to our ladies, who have so earnestly helped the soldiers, The Trustee Board held their ann.uai meeting, and after dealing tisf th the usual church business they re-engaged the janitor Joha Wright for the 10th term. - Re4. Finlay addriessed a mass meet- ing in the baslemertt of the church on Thursday ,evening! -Pte Noble Park- inson of London Township, visited friends here on Friday. Kirkton Miss ,Edith Doupe is working with the White & May Co., St. Marys. - Wm Roadhouse, son of Mrs. Thos, Roadhouse, has gone to. Manitoba to n ork for Mr. Kennedy, formerly of this •place; -Miss Greve 'of Millbagk is rdsitvn,tg 'friends in. Kirkton and vie- ini,tyJ-Mr J. Morphet has 'left the, farm to reside ,in, the villager He ]tis taken the :house- that H. White vac- ated to take up Morphet's farm• -Mrs Thos. Washburn has been attendiing her mother who is i:1b i,n Walkdrt-on.- Miss Jean Atkey is visiting friends in St. Thomas,. Stephen Mrs. J. S. Stephen is recovering from a severe. attack of gall stone: trouble. -Mr. George Mason, of Grand Bend visited at Mr. W. Lafond's on Fr.:day..-John Neuswanger of Zurich vis.ted with fritends • here last week, - \Ir. and Mrs} E, Disjardine gave a party at their ;home on Wei_ci'te,.sday evening last •int honor of their nephew PL•e Robert Teftreau, who has re- cently returned from overseas,' Rpb- ert .exdisi}ed in. 1916 with the 149th at Grand Bend, trained several months in Canada and then served overseas until the end of the war.. -The Black Bush Farmers' Club.meets at. S. S. No. 11, iseco,nd and fourth Fridays.- Mr. George Link made a business trip to London )arve day last week -A surprise birthday party was held at Mr. D. Ziler's ,Wtidln(esday night hast in honor of Miss Clara W'�egairnd of Hay. Saintsbury The .death occured here on March 6 of a tsneil known person in the name of Sarah Brown, wife of James Isaac at the age of 76 years. Born. in rhe County of Antrim, Ireland, she ,.ame to this Country with her parents and settled on the farm an which she died She marriedliter .now bereaved nusband about 56 years ago, and was a faithful member of the Fraser Preisbyter}an; Church.. She leases to'mourn, ger sus band fou: sons and three daughters, Anidrets and Will of Bzdduiph ,Aria of Fgi t and Garnet at hone, Mrs. Ben Dabbs and .Mrs. Thos. Quinton. o' Saintsbury and Mrs. jos. Atkint',on of Wheatley. All were present when she passed away and at the funeral, which took plaice to -St. James ceme- tery Claindeboye, on the following Sat urday. being viery largely attended,= Mr. Fred Rollstan of Strathroy visit- ed around here the fare, part of the week. -Mr. Wm. Davis, who has been sick, is ,able to sit, up th.eset days. We hope for a speedy recot'ery,.•-Lenten services are held here each Friday night at 8 pant. CASTOR IA For Wants and Children in .Us. -For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1 1•7° signed'. .: C V. Robinson Auer=eer Iii[Ila� Gladden R Stanbary, ' Solicitors ,for � t� c ;estate of IlaWilson, sant -i 30 DRORJ .tfOPJ'COUGHJ'' • ' the estetr, ;.t; Wm, H. Wood BALE THIS WRCHILDREN- FLucan Johu Park is on a fair Hiway to zcco.srerj..-Rev. McDer'ment and :rev. Powell A ere re ,an the stck list }art iroek; -Mr O. L •7d Comt: has •tccepced a pcsittot. with a Galt item ..Airs Rich ebb of London spent a•few days here last week, -Mr.• Heber .McFalls of Brampton was- here a fete days last week• to ship his household effects to ;his place of bussu ss, hating been unable for months to get a houseL- Mr, Lorne Phinn sof they R. F. C., who arrived home Wednesday, has been re- cert'aj the hearty congratulations of his many friends upon his safe return -Mr. Nelks Hoffman. who for a num- ber o1 years has held the position, of teller at the,Merchants Bank has been made manager of the new branch which has been, opened at Ailsa Craig. 'He ,has been succeeded here by Mr. Mann of Stratford. Zurich Melick & Braun have taken over the hardware and furniture bus` less of 1•lartleib & Faust, -_Mrs. C. O. Sneath and son Gordon of St. Joseph are vis - 'tato relatives at Baden -Mr. 'Henry Faust of Caro, Mich., visited relat- ive; Iterer. Mr. H. H. Hapoel and bride arrived at the borne of the tatters, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Heideman of this village, from Detroit, whore they \\ere irtr-t d few te s ago: Mr, aid Mrs. Happel intend to spend the winter months in Zurich. Woodham Mr ,Pet cy Rodd has returned to Conquest, Sask.:, after visiting for a. few months with his mother, Mrs. Harry Rodd,, -Clarence Gunning and family- have moved .into the village. We welcome then to our village and is}t Clarence every success in his :rc,i business.- v1 ss Grileves of ,Mill - b t,tk is rslun , her cousin, firs. Hir- am Copeland -Robert Johnston, of Con ooest, Sask.; has been the guest at Jame., Routley. Mount Carmel Rev, Fr. Hogan. of Lucan and O'Neil 01 Parkhill v sited Rev. Fr, Tieirttey en Thursday of last week. -Mr. Arth- ur Curtis. returned soldier, has been engaged by Mr, Skinner of Parkhill to take the ,egg route in this district for this season -Mss Mae Patton is seriously ill at the home. of her father Richard Patton of the 14th Con of McGillivray.,-'`.t"Iessrs. Mike and John Ryan purchased the 100 acre farm for- merly owned by Pat. Kiigall:n of God- erich.-Mrs. Joe Mahoney spent a few days at London last week., -Messrs, P. Reardon and James O'Rourk called, on friends its London last week - Miss Nora Collins left on Saturday for De- troit where she will visit friends. Hensall Mr. George Jackson has purchased Mr. James Tapp's property a mile or more ,south of town,•, -Miss E. Dick- son, Miss M. Fee and Miss A. Dins - dale hatze taken pos,iltions with Joynt & Calidhvell in their new store.- Mr. and Mrs. W. Welsh of Toronto are spending a few weeks with their rel- atives. -Mr. George Glenn, having sod his farm near Brucgefaiel;d, has for the present together with his wife and family moved into our village, -Thos. Peart, who suffered a stroke recent- ly, is inrppovt ng and hei is belling vits- itecl by a number of his relatives, some. from the west. -During the past week we have welcomed home two more from overseas, Lieut. Jas. Munn of the Flying Corps, and Nursing S.is- ter Mabel Cudmoret;-Mr. W. A. Mc- Laren. hardware merchant has pur- chased ;11fr•. F. W. Smallacomb's brick shop ion the south side, of Kung St. - A wedding of interest to many Hen- sall friends was solemnized at the home .of the bridde,'s mother .in Strat- ford reoe,ntly ,when Rev. Mr. Moore, who was rector of the Anglican church here for over a year, was united in marriage to Muss Hanel. Drake of Stretford, J ET.a woman ease your natetfat. 1 weal a you to write. tai let met* you d my simpler:method of barnottostmeat. send you tea days' fres alai. post- s` paid. and put you la torah with woad 11 Casa&a who wet gladly p as tysethei �� pandas bap done for them. If sosarstsatblsi oaaoa- with weak. tired a boas', btad- teeliap, he a i- ' der weakaw. ache, b s c k ossodpattft, es - 'eke. bear- c‘, tarried csadidens, Psis is the slie., regu- larly er I r copula el y, bloating. seam of lalllaser misplacement of interact or- gans. aervourteas. desire to cry, palpitation, hat Mashes, dark rings under the eyes. ora loss of interest is life. write to me to -day. Address: Mfs. M. Sommers. 1=140 Wirdssr, 1st. ins dons CENTRAL s rRATFORD.. ONT. Is recognizedas one of the most re- liable Commercial .SSchools. in Can- ada. The ,irnatructors are experienc- ed and the Counties are up-to-date;, Graduates are placed in positions and they meet with success. Students may anter at any time. Write -a tornce for free catalogue. - D_ A. McLachlan, Prte, THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between " MONTREAL, TORONTO• 'DETROIT and CHICAGO Umtaxcelilietd dining car serer ea Sleepimig•cars on night trains and Parlor caro on principal day trains, Full information, from any ` Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. R. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORS ?Love 46w. Agent, Exeter ________ , .- Banking OUR banking requirements may Y be entrusted to this Bark with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE . - .�.1�ADIAN BANK COMMERCE O MERCE INCORPORATED 1855 EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH - A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager vennam r I • INCORPORATED 1855 l` 1111. h LSONS WaLSONBANIII Capital Si Reserve $8,800,000 e7 Branches in Canada A General Banff Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bally[ Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTM EN Interest allowed at higttest curtest rate, EXETBS. !RANCH- W D CL ARER. Mediate- ir . ••a......... ..... . .... ..9I4416.4.1i•04- .. .H40i07", c McGillivray Wm Smithers passed away at his home on Thurfsiday, ,a,ged 73; years. He had been ill for two weeks with an abstructiort of the bowels. He was born in Oshawa in. 1846 and moved to this Township with his parents over 65 years ago, and had lived in the neighborhood ever since. His wife predeceased him fourteen years. GRANTON-The marriage of Mary E., eldest daughter of the late John and Mrs. Stephens of the. 8th con- cession of Blanshard to Thos. E. Hern of Usb,or. ne, was quietly .,ojemll iced at the• mantle on March Sth, the Rev. W H. Alp officiating. CLANDEBOYE-Mr. Hiram Wind - boo who lives south and •west of this place, had the misfortune to ails - Locate this shouKer blade, and as a result is now laid off duty. • A CHILD MUST !ROW A child cannot choose its period of growth. Natum attends to this with laws well-nigh inalterable. A child of retarded growth or feeble vitality needs and should have help to promote healthful growth. coirs EMULSION abundant in nourishing substances thatprom growth and strength, is invaluab a in help to a growing child. Scott's elps child over the weak places. Scott's helps a tlackward chR4 develop naturals dt'ott & Doane, Toronto, ettd.. Costs Less in the End The cost of a motor car is not its price alone. It's the price plus the running cost plus re- pairs dividedby the miles of service. And on this basis the Gray -Dort costs less -less even than cars lower ss in the end wee -priced. Year after year this; fine light car does go farther on a set of tires or a gallon of gasoline -does stay out of the repair shop. You will enjoy owning a Gray -Dort --enjoy, the com- fort of Its` roomy, luxurious body; easy to control in traffic; quick to pickup, speedy on, open stretches' and powerful' on hills ; and you'll be proud of its real beauty. The touringcar is $1245; the Gray -Dort Special the car with. added refinements and extra equipment, is $135 extra; thereare 'also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices f.o.b. Chatham and are subject to change withoutnotice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham Ont . In the U.S. Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich.• T. H. Newell, Dealer, Exeter, Ont.