The Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-13, Page 6To Prove Our Claims
A Tea -Pot Test is better than a page
of Advertisement.
Is the Purest & Finest Flavored: Tea
your money can. purchase.
r Stanwood Pier
A Plea for drops and Breenne..
I men remember the time when nay
broom, and dustpan were ehvays
standing in ray way in a corner of the
kitchen, and the rest of my cleaning
equipment, consisting of a wet mop, a monieiit 1 can collect all the n1at-i
a scrub brush, two pails,
and some
unbeautiful cleaning cloths,' disfigured erials I, will mead for cleaning. ' IgE
illy back po2`clz. For years 1 did my the living` room, ;1 dust oft' pictures, CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION
cleaning with theseprimitive utensils said -a bi ac` and `fuicniture, and cover REPORTS NO CURRENTS.
scrubbing, polishing, them tri Put them in anotlzex 'room.evithout realizing that times had Then 1 clean the door with the vecu-
changed since my mother taught ane urn cleaner and dry mop. The kitchen
the methods grandmother had taught is even easier, and altogether cleaning Last of Stefansson's Party Lands
her, is one of the least strenuous and most safely on Coast of Alaska After
The :day that I woke up to the idea satisfactory of my duties as house- Years on Ice .Floe.
of a e1eanilag closet filled with con- t laeepea".--et. ' '. ' 13. `
venient and. effecteve implements was
1 used to clielike Cleaning days thor-
oughly. The strong soap and hot
water made -my hands red'and rougla, "�
I breathed .in Bust; and the cap I wore
was hot and, disarranged my hair..
1g /AT I ge .about. it ,systematically. Int
The Department ax floe Naval Ser-
a red letter day- When I decided to flow Cured' 1lyseif of, tho Worn"! vice at Ottawa lois received fraan. Yu -
have a cleaning closet and to fill it Habit. S kon, Alaska, a despatch from Stoker
with up-to-date equipment, I had be- Speaking of how he broke off Storkersen announcing the safe aril. -
gun tq realree that 1 seas wasting smoking, a' friend said to me: 41, val of his ice exploration party on
relalin cotaisene 137 Rncoaal «ar:gem:mut wit %14"" " hours of time, and no one knows how made up my iniad not tubemastered I November 7 last, on the north coast
wosgaw . � ou3d much strength, in toiling with that by anything that: couldn't talk,'- i of Alaska. This brings to an end tho.
tiealed aha: he had believed, he sl► bxooixi anci leap. I now realize that I Later, when I was wrestling with the exploratory work of the Canudian.krc-
. ,..,.,• , o er,one:ity in--, ,. - _ ems ser d that. tic Expedition:
CHAPTER XLI.--(Gaeta.}
There was :t shy t�ci cele in her eye :and �l.e power i' p , wasn't really cleaning my house as it worry habit,.I x m e
c �t him. pre ss nr itself on jvdge,. ell wry, on should be cleaned. A good deal of the I had Worried until I was under- the: The work carried out by Storkersen
es she glanced .. time 1 seas simply stirring up dart or doctor's care. Then, one day, my; was planned by Mr. Stefansson, who
"That's a Swift eoraenseek, he wltnees; Jerry's straleh�fOTWard,
w -i v �d "Bait i cant let you. hares., definite manner,
his ane1 tali not affecting it at all. husband and I were riding on a street; intended to commtlnd the party per-
k, t*� 1 god.
bink member of the bar is ill:ter-' alertness, and his impoeinl physeal I had the closet built in a recess car that was blocked in front of a' sanally, but Was lixeveuted from do- the ache of the crawling
t a
ate. I was trying to slid somethingi';igor made him a formidable crass -t in one corner of the kitchen. It is store with large windows. Glancing in so by typhoid, which overtook hint Gone tears
over on you, iv :lee ~shah youd do; a:~Maur, Ee won his case, an a feet high, 18 inches deep, and S toward the windows I eaw the reflec-. about three weeks before the expect
about it: ('Trask congratialated him and added{ feet nide, and ie painted lvhite tion- of a woman's face with the most: ed start, WI_ hnrror and death in their keep.
"Now you ::ow'. Accordingto rayin �steriotzt?ly, " k uu'Vi pttg. e l ~lie [throughout. A shelf for bottles and clistressecl expression imp rnable. 9 Star]tersen's party, when they left g'
teacher, some mei: will discarge a toast " cans of cleaning znatenial is built 5 had looked for some time before Is.A' ever the quiet of the coming y0 las,
,tenographer for dor r.eeting them,, V hat he ha,1 meant bl that Jerry 1 feet 6 inches floor the floor, and the the north coast of Alaska at Class And t e loved around me sleep.
etid others tit:.11 maker her their i.r:r.tte i reaiifed that the face belonged to my land. consisted of nine whites and four
secretary."' _ !learned rned when Trask appointed hi11. cleat from which the mops and husband's wife, There Was not a Eskimos. with sledges. They started ' ing' ones
`"I hope you draw one of t^e right AsSisttant district Attorney. y illi a' brooms laang is 5 feet 3 inches from, thing to harry for, and there I sat March i5, 131S. After about two
i 3. For'I clan't belief; .;Uu'd ever salaryof three thousand dollars a}the floor. The dustp it and some of fuming and fretting. 1 laughed -and, weeks of travel northward across the A silver bell has been anonymous -
let any~~c :'s soppy I:irglisla a n,tli- dela nd world enough to peep him, the shorter brushes hang 8 feet from was more surprised at the difference. ice Storkensen sent back three of the 1y presented to the town of Guild -
out flying it. tx;p °-a pers rt r::xtla your
bevy ever.•. nzirsete Terry felt that the, the floor. All are provided with the laugh made in nzy appearance,England, for use bythe town -
sledges and four of the men. Two ford
out other provision. than those secured.
by his rifle, his party lauded all safe.
The other four members of the
party were: I3ustav elastic, Lorne
Knight, Martin Kilian and G. G. Guo
Coining home to England.
Ever the shimmer of the .English
And a southern wind a-blowaing;
Ever a twitter of dawn at the eaves;
And the distant kine a -lowing;
Ever the glory of Autumn sheaves,
And a dimpled brook a -flowing.
Ever the church at the foot of the
hill; -
And the tavern'ssign a-swiuging;
Ever a voice at the window -sill,
And the children a -tugging and
Ever the clatter that comes from the
And a thrush at my heart a -singing.
Gone is the dawn with its lurking
On a night of tearless weeping;
t;. eat fat \Spatia:;
"1 thiiik I'd make ie t a
le fess al-.
ere.taons s I caul,::" said Bate, look- shote.d ever get a start at the leave conenient banging, and all cloths are master of the thing that could'st talk, back three more sledges
r r First I joined a gymnasium, and it
int pleased. "I wouldn't wart to neve Very away, hung lip by means of taps. loop.c, tour of lois companions. Theirandall Plbut
lar an
este.. the incli�:idualnes of a letter." l So pec peeMIS a eondition seemed 'Everything that I use in cleaning did Wonder•s for me: 1 becanle happy then was to camp on the Ice, and drift
` Irate and Jerry held v� r coos s+n-z1ar to v.;;,. urit an alteration In the i'am- is in that closet. A supply of new. and. enthusrnstie about it And when with it. l'hey carried practically no
ciiseussi0x:s; Jerry found it entertain-, nee node of life. They could con- cloths is kept in a tin box. on the. eves I found myself worrying sat provisions, expecting to live on seals
ing to draw her out, to hear her come tenue ill their lodgings until April, floor, so that I never have to waste! thinl:rn.g unhappy thoughts, I and polar bears,
merle on the teacher and ora the pu- when their ic;ise of apartment ex- time in Bunting sometliing with which down and read an interesting article d
Pile, to get her views about the world or an entertaining story or just a
of bus neer that she was re wring Tailed, but then, Jerry determined, to dust and polish, A small lin lard
enter. In all teal he took they should move to a more dignified pail and an old enamel saucepan are funny paragraph. If after this my
herself t� mind switched back to gloom, I tried
a nits."hievty°lc Qu'•t of pleasure, for zteirhbOrhnod. One evening he invit- on the shelf ready for cleyning lire-; niemol•izir' a short poem
he lilt that if Nora's marriage ed suggestions. a F T' 1 k d It h e me
� w. cst~as
S. J. DLINCAJkl.Ct.ARK, with
Canada's Valorous Achievements
No Currents Westward.
deer when be had moldered how he i screw eaves fastened to the ends, for , Then and there I resolved ? to be hundred miles from Alaska he sent crier on the day Peace is signed,.
] By MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, M..A,t0=.)
It had been the general Belief of
Lecturer InModena HiataryIn'i'orontoUniversity.
geographers tied Polars tbat there Largo Fluids/me Volona,over 1CAdouble column
paR, cquaf to shoat SUtI onilnery aces. I'srturea
' r •t 1"�d His mother thought orations which must be mixed til'; g was a current running westward and on avers Hare- Nearly sC0 ufiioia 1'hou�s, hcaiclps
T' p an w or a has giv n that Storkorsel:'s patty would be car- Beautiful ceeere.i Plates. one drntGle pas e, in tnpst
definitely setticd�, any one thing, It it would -be nice it they could live them. A basket for marrying mater- taffaetive data s, ahos�inm camm,nag hesvy (Curr
,• theIlo:rbin:ee should eon-" r the park, i3etty, in ials and small brushes conveniently, so maziy peasant things to think lied wast parallel to the coast of Si• o..ttezy,worth$bouth�ltthei+ricc nt.the tool:. that somesvhe a neer i but that out repel now da I have FIRsr COME, FIRST SERVE!).
bene t the Donohue and . 1 "lei u' Id- h from the shelf and a chamois b • '� Find rho drift laeen to ttzo west- A�iE�iS }�j�i{j�� -r e
that Kate ,
of getting a sob as a stenogzap i. -a. Irate were Eleni.
It would hardly. be possible to send
her until the following year; mean- I "What do you say, Irate?" Je
about a y, y ort.. -- lvsave tcaito:y. Np
o li�houlti h o do collage instead heedless rapture exclaimed,
n o -ganga eco: i , p Nme to toxo, Tha etegantrnlxcle vet and superior
zte g . n t that be lovely! But Peter and. ,or polishing metals and glass hangs to hunt u something nese. ward, Storkersen would undoubtedly
y• P i? ZI epi I established 1x1 my home a have remained on the lee all winter, G n n �+
while, elle Was lequ3rng some l uowl- awed.
edge which would be useful to her • I haven't anything to say, Je
any where. Jerry could not enema It's awfullygood of you to think
that his philanthropic purposes could
noav be balked; as the condition that; me but you know we're going to 1
1 d hive fate to prepare for an out for ourselves pretty soon."
in its place beside the oiled dust
rry cloths.
A handl-patver vacuum r',eaner, with ttl:ins books—cheerful and - happy
r in seel omelet pboto'a well this oI. on sa r st•
"refuge spot," which still is and al- but it appears from his despatch that gm T11is is Lt1FFE1i.EN•r to any eater~ ar
P = baa',S onthc markot, tlrcrefora eampetition nit..<nd
ways will a fixture there.. It con- no such westward drift was found, but Sial mediae espet1 s or elaborate working o•stilt
that the ice cake on which they were and full instructions immediately.
camped was carried around in what The J. L. NiioOLS CO, Limited, TORONTO
may be considered a large eddy. They •sem'-:f MOWI?
commenced their drift about 73 north . EAGLE
which I can clean walls and furniture cites And whin task follows' task
of as sveil as ::cors, is the most impart- until it seems there will not be hours
oak ant of, my implements. I never knew enough in the day for their bour-
what really eleaiiing a rug or floor lisoment, when. I find myself become
vacuum .
Wren T uire.l
la 4 { mean{; until. aeq my•
independent life no longer existed,a1 he flushed andFstopped It would I cleaner, and even at that it probably th to ons azi r, hurrying fit of the
she could, no doubt, be persuaded to :then does not do the world as thoroughly
forego the piurge, to do instead the ,
n t be so easy, this explanation. blues seems imminent -1 simply drop
thin; that was lo obviously beat for 1 „ - T guess you and T must have as a power cleaner would do it, everything and flee to my refuge to
Betty, Peter, and herself. If a life klittlA carpet sweeper takes up surface' read myself caln7. S. L.
da `a^e still seemed a goal to a little heart-to-heart talk. Mother, dirt, r crumbs, and
thread from
c a , lint, "r
sewing, etc., when I am ,in a hurry GIVE EX -KAISER TASTE OF IT
and do not want to use the vaeuem—
cleaner. A good corn broom does Group of French Soldiers Prescribe
good service, although it isn't in use Punishment in Military Form.
a third as much as it used to be, and
a whisk broom is often bandy. Two , A little French weekly, the Cri de
goon camel's-hair Paint brushes of•Paris, lately received from e group of
different sizes help Inc in cleaning the! French letters the following letter on
crevices in my good furniture, anal the subject of the ex -Kaiser's pnnish-
two small vegetable brushes find a meats ----
so you needn't be in any haste. FIe were once, you know " bundrc-d uses. This is how we think the Kaiser
meets --
believed that if he said just tlis and With a meanie nod she withdrew. ought to be punished:
than dilated on Date's duty to her {gI use a dry string mop, oiled, for g ,
brother and sister and herself, the; Peter and Betty took their books and the bare floors in my dining roam, William II, shall wage swap until
Tiobhinses would not be last to the, went into Kate's room. Kate closed living room, and liedraoms, and a suet death. ensues:
I)orcli+ �-s immediately • The prospect her notebook and sat with down- mop for kitchen and torches. A mon Every day lie shall march 15 miles
of keeping them in the family cheer - 'cast eyes, waiting, while Jerry paced wringer fastened to a pail saves me With full pack and'egtiipment, carry -
ed L:�xay immensely, and was only to and fro with his hands behind his the unpleasant task of syringing out Ing a quick -truing rifle and a load of
r� that zest I Finally he began, with some- hand -grenades. • -He shall wear a
trench helmet and never be allowed
o hake it off. • - .
• At the end of his 15 -anile march
he shall , be .made' to cross marshy
.cued with water up •to; his waist.
e :neper: , .
strive towaeda, she would see that it don't you want to go up and visit Mrs.
war wise to qualify herself for work' Bennett for a while? And Peter, you
in width her natural gifts would have acid Betty can go and study in the
freer play than would be theirs should • other room."
ane be content with only a common- Mrs. Donohue ecce .ted exile anti-
school, education. Jerry believed that p
he could say, 'Nov:, Kate, I knows ex- a:taly. She lingered for a word of
actly why you were so possessed to ! admonit'on, "Now, Kate, don't you
rash out into the world and earn your . be stubborn. Jerry's told me what
living. But the thing that you e2-' he wants to do for you, and I'm sure
pected inc to do never came off, and 1 e approve. Things aren't as they
neeof several factorsgaveheel`. I'i y the mop with my, hands, and saves
to life t a time when his mother what less poise of manner than he strength besides =:I saye.old under -
suspected that gloom enveloped his . was already accustomed to display in clothing particularly for Mop cloths,soul. the courtroom. because it is soft and absorbent and
For .another thing, the election "Of course I know - what put the not linty.
suint ill all respects as Jerry hoped idea of launching out dor yourselves( A stiff scrub brush and two galvan-
it would do. lel:e welt was badly de- into your head. Mother gave you a!- ironpailsare also included in He shall be made to ,walk down
feated Trask was victor over Mul- hint that I was wanting to get_inar-1 the outfit. For dusters I use a soft sodden communication -trenches in
lcea•n by a huge majority; the old ried, and you felt that you and Peter cloth that does not shed lint ,I find whict telephone wires • shall have
Democi•at:0 city machine, if not , and Betty might be preventing me.aid silk clothing makes excellent dust- been arti'ully arranged so ass to en -
old him.
He shall spend every night In a
narrow tench, in which a few dozen
rats shall be kept and near which
there will tie some decaying car -
smashed, was seriously disabled. Two
mouths intervened before the new
rdreinisti•atian entered upon its du-
ties. Trask invited Jerry to pass the
interval in his office as his assistant4 and thea,, as Kate did not speak, he
and offered him a salary a little Icontinued. "And I'm glad it is. 1
larger than that which he had been knew, off and on, that she didn't love
receiving as a patrolman. Plunging ( me enough. There's nobody now
into the new work with ardor, Jerry that I'm the least bit interested in;
Whether there was ever any reason
for that belief or not, you must know
the situation's altogether different
to -day." He hesitated for a moment,
ere., To make these dustless T. oil
them slightly, putting a little oil in
one corner of the cloth, rolling it
tightly, and leaving it a few minutes
for the oil to spread through. Too
much apt" to give a streaky ap- `oases- -
.11ly As scan as he begins to doze oft
pearance or to darken woodwork.
dustpan is a long -handled one -that �•a few' hard -grenades, shall be explod-
has trap -which opens automatically'as well as a mine, which should
latitude and 146 west' longtitude. The
reached most north-westerly ! poin t ea hod by
them Storkersen reports to have been
74 north latitude and 152 west longi-
tude, while the most easterly point
reached. was 144 k. west longitude. In
addition to valuable deep-sea sound-
ings, which wore taken, although no
report of then has been received, this
exploration lass shown the inaccuracy
of the theory previously held' as to
currents in this part -el' the Polar Sea,
and has given additional demonstra-
tion of the safety and suitability for
Polar exploration of the method of
living• on the country. for Storkersen
reports that after seven months with -
had almost at once an opportunity to and you and Peter and Betty are part when I set it in position on- the floor, throw lion- bodily some ten y
demonstrate his capabilities. Trask. of the family, and I want to have you and closes without losing,, a scrap of away.
dirt when t lift it- up.; Every night he shall be made to
An ordinary dish map with a wood- walk for two hours in' the dark across
en handle helps me to clean out dif- broken ground, and to cross several,
ficult corners and shall spaces, and a *wire entanglements while carrying,
cases of hand -grenades
tui -wed over to him a case that was get the advantages that I'd give you
scheduled for early trial, and Jerry if I was really your brothel. 'l'he e's
went into it with such thoroughness a college education ahead. for . every
and s°.ngle-mindedness that he was
unaware of .the interest with which
his employer vias watching him. He But what is 'a person without
collected an impressive array of judi.- pride, Jerry?" She looked tip at him
dial decisions supporting his client's.svith clear eyes, even though there
contention, he was indefab guable in was a puzzled frown on her brow.
seeking out witnesses, and he showed «What you offer us is tiie life of a
parasite, and if '1 agreed to it I should
be throwing away the pride that is all
that makes me a. real person—real to
one of you. Yon won't let pride
stand in the way, will you, Kate?"
skill and soundness in sketching the
argument. When he sii:bmittee, the
result of his researches, Trauk- :'.aid
to him, "I think you'd 'better try this myself anyway. Besides•" -she smiled,
case." That hid been more than and the puzzled frown vanished and
Jerry had Hoped to de; he tingled a livelier• •light shone in her eyes—
with exctteinent, and in the er..nangs a`tlae fact that you're ;riot aili:eresteil
returned to the office and paced the in anyone ,zloty has no s��p�xec,ai *grafi-
floor preparing for his t'irst. forensic eaaiee for the" enure, 3y next wean
effort. It was successful, so ,suceeate or next month you may be in love
fol that immediately Tr•aek gave him with ,solve evoman--and not just oft
another and mote complieeted case and oar."
to wr17'li out. Ai"l hare aoaatci Judy's ''You don't tuiderstand n1e," cried
eeepaeatiaa peeved so :painstaking Jerry. "I shall probably Bever ma -r-
and showed such a grasp of both de- y. et shall. be much too busy to fall.
tails a?:cl. principles that '1Tasi: 'sapid, ir, love,—and I think I'm not capable
"I can't do- better than let you ,go o'- : any very Permanent :feel it .. atone
into roust with it." a erconat -
bering the trial Trask stopped in lCai •laughed; she ::prang up and,
small stepladder enables tape to reach
the high places. When cleaning 1 As for hygiene and comfort, he I
wear heavy denim aprons and lubber ;shall change his underclothes only
gloves, and these are kept . •in. the 'on the first of each month, so as to
closet also. Several'tools vthieh I am `•become - a prey to vermin; he shall be
constantly -needing when I ani, clean- allowed to wash on that day only.
ing I keep in •a box with my cleaning 'For rations, he shall be entitled to
materials -'a tack hammer, a screw one tin of bully . beef per day, with a
driver, a tgck puller, and an 'assort quarter of a loaf of bread, and, as an
ppetiser, some -sardines in oil; he
all drink either water or sour wine,
half a Pint for et'c'h Ideal.
This shall last for 865 days . in the.
year,„, During the lineal hours ` one
might iinpi''ove his mind by reading
aloud to him selected passages, ficin -
$ache philosophers, ,iii lien of the
1 And necessaz`y aro Soap, floor 'Wan, e u t?mary 'reading of the ' coiniiaui i -
w elaing soda, eteeeituye polish, bath. 411e•
good any- , erha. e he nn u, oe matte,ee
brick stove o1;s'�1• arid a ,cod. scotla;x+ ,,uws p � 1
a lr r �
are .0
iris pre7rer•�;,1:tjli. !realize �e staif¢rilgs ei .� r
ee oi'e putting items bind -brushes 1. 31iillets of Men Wibi, finrough his
back in the closet I see th is ti r air;i 'aulti Vete sent to theslaughter.
thoroughly clown. Mo+ T m ca
be cleaned v -•-• ,1 i'n son ilia,.
'rater, ,,n� t1'x`� temp . � row sli �odaasio
• l
meait of agile, screws, and tacks. a
On the shelf. are a eoltection of the -:
cleaning liquids, washing powders,
and polisrung m�atexlials that .I .use: in
cleaning. A supply of kerosene, am-
monia, elcohole and•'linseed oil is :dept
ala pilot jars plainly labeled.
Some `1iilae 'other motorial§ which
Write to.ciasr for coca)_• bid
rams CATAl;..OGUE
showing our full lines of Bicycles for rites
and women, Lays and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, inner Tubes,
Lamps, Bells, Cycloreter5, Saddles, Equip -
=eat and Porta of Bicycles. You can buy
your supplies from us at wholesale pricer.
27 Notre Duras Street West, Montrort
` !'•:•• C. 111isa•-'•-x11'-. woo ... ....>-.- ...c -M, r, ,f ..-_.•,hT ^RCWuti'n.3P�ti4;.n+G. 4Crh
The Only ss°¢� "UNIVERSAL" 'homograph
—entitled to the name because It actually does pias
ALL records curen SCTLI.
to tcscertaiia if. his. assi'tant needed 'tuiking her arm inside lois, patted 1 ,y
sir.:' Jerry was moss- a.ainiilzng a'hand while she Walked with jliri to " _ Ili lit . ' da and water, y`
;limes~; anal after live minutes "Task and fro. rly 1[lW sh hen
sent away seek:fled,. 1-te had seen re-;• j dusters' gb into tli weelt+9 r moat oa
ao be con ialu e.) !
repulgt.,as thtio+v Aia4 1 Lino
y ielend of Barbadoes is said
lap IS kept free front nealeria by the
piny fish knovtt1 as "millions, which'
d voux the larvae 3ti the early stages
its development.
And here are the reasons:
1. The "Ultona " the only reproducer vbhiah has the
right DIAPHRAGM, exact WEIGHT and correct
NEEDLE for playing each make of record exactly
as it should be played.. A mere turd of the hand
makes it ready or whichever make of record you
desire to play.
R. The all -wood tone chamber—built like a violin --
,,gives complete freedom from all metallic harshness.
The 7g3runswick Is the one instrument that gives you
absolutely unrestricted choice of all the world's re-
corded music.
Wall This Coulon 7'or Pull 7Z/stalls
Dept. W. L. - Excelsior Life Bldg.
Please send me, free of
charge. your booklet
showing` he 73runswick
St. or R.'11.
new method of reproduc-
tion. March B. P.0 Prov.
$ `'"ItMi�WFLE4-..- [af�',xJPR'!F�.�3.w�i �i .p Cin'. r -V=
t V it s•
SEND IT TO 0. t �Fre5
Parker's can clean or dye carper,
curtains, Daces, draperies, gowns, etc.,
and make them look like new.,
Send your_ faded or spotted clothing
or household goods, and
will renew thein.
We play carriage charges one way and guarantee
satisfactory work.
1 fur booklet on household helps that save money
sent free on .re q ueeit
will be q iO
Cleaners and.Dyers
791 Yonge St. + - Toronto