The Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-13, Page 5124 We*. lt'Lr' e. rant' backage a, great hnprovement over the old lead package REDIIOSE TEA'sec good tea' Sold only in ;,sealed packages et HYDRO PROPERTY YDRPROPERTY OF THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO OU are part owner of a great organization hay- ing an investment of over 80 million dollars. You, as a citizen of Ontario, have an interest in every generating plant, every pole, every foot of wire, every piece of machinery and all buildings under the control of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. You buy t 'ectricity from yourself and pay yourself for it. Your interest in Hydro should not end with the power but extend to electrical appliances as well. The name "HYDRO" goes on appliances only after they have been thoroughly tested in the laboratories of the Commission and proved to be thoroughly reliable. HYDRO Quality Lamps, for example, are tested for candle power, current consumption, length of life and freedom from mechanical defects. When you light your home u'i'h HYDRO Quality Lamps you know that: 1:.. y give their full -rated light. use only the proper amount of current and burn for at least 1,500 lighting hours. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION keel IlAtt eeeek OF ONTARIO• SOLD BY— Hydro-Electric System . cr7?iro POWER cro psr,o 1 Farquhar Mr, Thos. McCurdy's auction, sale last week went off as usual, good prices being realizede Messrs. Camer- ae and Rolh,asen doing the tallting.— A Womanns Institute was •organized is the village tact Tuet%diay, with Mrs. Cameron as pres(detat and Miss Viola Hankin eecretary;• We think this is e good move as the ladies have rte ether means of getting together, hence we think they should have: seme,thenge of the kind..—Our ;new school teacher Miss Lewis, is at the time of writing is Dr. Hynelinan's hospital, Exeter, suf- feriae, from a severe cold. Mre Fred, Coleman, formerly of Farquhar, is treeet►in,g eceuaineences in the vicinity and making his home at Chris'Bore 1.ad s —Mr. Thos, Camerons hQs • got Fettled Ls his anew home, the farm re- cently owned by Mr. Bert Francis.— Mr. Andrew Campbell and family have also moved into the premises of the 1 ale 'antes Monteith. Zurich The sad news Was received here r..n et.e. dae of the death of Mr. Anus. We,eloh of Kitchener, brother of Mr. • Ia I Weselolt of this. village. De- <•ca,eci ►tee a pros mica t business man. Mi Heel y F. \Ves,eloh attended the fua:e al -Mr. fIerbert Stephenson of Stanley passed away ,oat W.edett sday 11 was a great shack to -ow resi- dents of this seetipn, as Mr. Ste-ph- ensora tt•ao weti knewn,—Mr. A. A. • Weber and.family of Elmira have reeved onto the farm which be recent- ly pur:Iiasecl from Mr. Henry Claus - 1,w on, the ]3r+n'ason Line.—An inter- estie ; event took place at the home o+' • Mr and Mrs. Jacob Brown,. Goe :he't .Line south, on Tuesday, March •tih, when their _daughter, Luella, was tetite,`l 'a merriFtge to Mr. Cet>;rdan Bergerly of near Kitchener: 4r. and. Mr... Bergerly Slid reside on the fora-t- en, ormen, farm ,hear Kitchener:, -Ong Tues - des, March 4th 'Miss E. Rota Keys, eldest daughter of \fr. J. T. Keys `of the Babylon Line, was united in mar.- alae to Mr. Trenton Austin Sturdy of Giidorle h Towrpshtn.—On :Monday, .Meech 3 Mrs, G. Elliott passed away ..udde kl} at she house of her :laughter Mrs J. E, I;iarnw+ell, of Verne. She fc-t,,erl resided fm Gotlerich Towne ship but since the death of her bus - bend ha, made iter home with her l.rughtere, One son end six daugh- ter, survive, John of Clinton, :qrs. J W. Reid, :Irs, J. E. Harnwelll Mrs. G Mr:,. Jan. Reid, :Ire. E. Clutt- er el e'arua, and :Irs. Z'4'e3,'S>z tf:ct, Fee t; tilt: village. Hensall al d vicinity during haveeendghtdo welcome home two more returned heroes, in the ri 't, lou, .of Pte. Dtinean McEwen and Samuel Dougall, both of whom `ipee::l hone without sending word, so t ':tt ;t public reception at the tra& t.ould not have been given them,—Mr, U. C. Solden recently received a ship,. meat of two fine entire horses from the States, --The Jackson Bros, of Clinton intend opening a clothing or knittin factory here in. the near fu tuie,— irs. Harold Glenn of Thedford i, visiting her sister, Sirs, A. S. Case, --Mrs. A. J. Hummel of Bloomings- burg, Pa„ spent a few days last week with ,her sisters here,—Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Carroll of Lucan recently re- turned from the `West, were in the village. during the past week visiting the. Craig Bros, -Mrs. Wm, Luker of this village while engaged in feeding ,one stock an their premises had the misfortune to slip on the crusted snow or ice and in falling broke her leg above the kne•e.ti-Mr, and Mrs, James Hagan are again ,residents of our vil- Iage,—\lr. Miller of Downie, Mich., who was here visiting his sister-inlaw, 'Ala's. J. Scott, ,has returnled.—The fol- lowing apneared in the Toronto Globe a few days ago la the mrauriage col- umn, At Toronto, by the Rev. R. B. Cochrane, Mary Elizabeth McDonell of Henrall, Ont., to Lieut. G. C. Laugh- ton, M. C., of this city, The bride above mentvoned is the eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. C. A. McDonell, of this village, who has been, nursing in the Military Hospital during the past year or two, and we believe the happy couple intend residing isa T o- ronto. The parents of the bride at I tended the wedding. itttrl!iariu rl . l ''/ f' ;I.. ,if' !'mid , :;•• "For Him" • The pride of Overland owners is the result of Overland performance. Owners tell their friends of their satisfac- tion, in driving it and thus the car's reputation grows. This public appreciation has always been our sole aim, Today the Overland Motor Car reflects the best of our great engineering experience and production facilities. The sales of the Model 90 shown here now number many thousand of ears and are constantly increasing. Qwrrawd ,it0 t(t yo Tadvin $z300. Qherlaerd Mote( 85.4 Towing adl75. Wll s•K,isht Fowr 'Out, ,$z575. W Uys.,r Tanr(naT $2.l,..;• f.o.b. W Toronto, '. H. Newell, Dealer, Exeter, Ont. Phone Willya.OFettand,r4udt.d, head Mace and Works, Weat Toronto, Qntar o Eratctrsr enfreal. ti irr.I a ar,» Regina ItX INCORPORATED 1855 OLSONS %,413 till & Res .rvP, $ 8,80Gs060 e}7 Bralicho t' a ftrriZtlft a 1 meera1 ; 1 rr b l aness T ,r$ Circular Lelle rt. a' (r4 tl=: Bank Ittcertc>! 01r,ft SAVINGS BANK I)EP RTM interest allowed at tnt,3:tz•r `.XFTER BRANCt "i L1 c`.LARKE, .ntanagtec. \ILs Kitty Burns of this place d'ee at the home of her nephews', Messrs Kilpatrick at keopcn on Sunday after two week.:' ,illness following strokes of paralysis. Miss Burns formerly was a public school teacher. McGILLIVRAY.—The death occur- red at lot 13, Con,. 3, McGillivray Tp. on Monday of this week' of Katherine Simpson, aged 62 years.. The funer- al took place to Neil's cemetttery on Wednesday. TJ IC: OF The British naval vide. for 'a personnel of Pdattsville won the Mrii?tr:sn tro- phy .i the annual Oxford count.... bon - l yesterday. Chatham Public Utilith:s revenue increased sed 36 per cent.. ht ring its moa riz,itiissful year. Eh' •1 LL.' r, s pro - 280.000 z\: No Real Substitute ACTUAL; SIZE—the "Bigger Bar Be sure you receive your own favorite brand—"Comfort". Do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted, "Comfort" is the biggest and best for the money. For nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality, popularity and big sales. So why buy ex- perience instead of soap? Comfort Soap—"It's All Right" PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. P:••t ` C put las raself on r., !dl, d ; P'i a' R, p1` i th. ang of Sttrri-nd.•r: g t.'hi ..• wolitral lav„ 1 Id no sup- ported the boNint.7' ai t; hielt t c ,zlizes twenty -roup„ cs,t "., 9n th * state. The Lake Short :1li+ting C . e lade a record output in tt•` 1 istr. t r t ' the mine during the nionth of Trading in war tends z broke all records. New hila peens ns were paid for seven out of the , aglit issues. Conflicting views as to the rat,tse to death of Mr.'. Martha t rev.. of Toronto, were advanced by doctors at the inquest. H. L. Prost, one of H :.lit+can's most prominent citizens, die at Ncw York of influenza and pneur.e. ni . in his 55th year. The report submitted by ti e Com- mission on Belgian affairs to elle War Council advises the revisio:: of the treaties of 1393. Ten thousand returned ' en at- tended the boxing bouts .t•anged for their entertainment at he Ar- mories in Toronto last nigl: Members of the Toronto xiii-anis Club are at Halifax waiting to wel- come and act as conducting party to the troops of the Third Division. The Inland Revenue D partment will emboss war tax stamp:; without extra charge beyond the prise of the stamps an ehroues, money orders, etc. Quebec Province offers 7 .9 acres of land absolutely free, wi::c no red tape or ,"strings" to the dee t, to any returned and honorably di ,harped soldier or sailor of any of use allies. MONDAY. No time has y,-4 been set Sur the ,. prohibition referendum, says : "r Wil- liam Hearst. Hospital cases from the I": xuibo and men from tho Cassanilr.. rived in Ontario Saturday. Workmen's .councils arc ) be formed in Germany for the ....pose of putting a stop to strikes. Wm. H. Comstock, one of the lead- ing business men and oldest citizens of Brockville, is dead, aged 38. Sir Adam Beek addressed two big meetings in Hamilton in co ineetion with the Hydro radial bylaw eau,- paign, The University of Toronto lacrosse team: will tour the Eastern States playing the teams of the 1arg,a col- leges. Idaho Falls, Idaho, has offered $165,000 for the Willard -Dempsey bout. Pocatello, in the sant state, offers $163,000. Jack Johnson arrived in aavana from Spain yesterday, en. route to Mexico City, He wants bouts with Willard and Dempsey. Premier Paderewski has arrived at Posen to explain to the inter -allied mission the critical position of the "' Poles on the Lemberg front. One constable was shot and ser- iously wounded when police from Guelph were worsted in a fight with M.S.A. absentees at New Germany. Major G. W. Barber, V.C., D.S.O., M.C., of Dauphin, Man., is to try to fly across the Atlantic in May. He downed more- than fifty enemy air- planes. The percentage of members of trade unions unemployed at the end of January, 'as just reported by the Department of Labor, was 3.9, as against 8.7 on. Dec. 31, 1915. Rome, Amsterdam, Antwerp and. Berne , have applied for the Olympic games of 1920. The matter will be decided at a meeting of the Inter- national Olympic Committee on April 5th. Premier .ros{eT cct iv:w f3run$mcok;. i at .`I , is ? a.icu' b..1 till;' r.J.e peo 1 Sri stared for it by rete rt arduni till the oi,ol iir$ are all kn ae,