The Exeter Advocate, 1919-3-6, Page 5R Children Cry for Fletcher's -:CASTO 1 • The Kind You Rave Always Bought, and which has been • in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of 'and has been made under his per- `' -�..fi�t.._ sonal supervision since its infancy. • """cow -Are" Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as -good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Eerience a ainst Experiment. What is' AS T' RIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural, sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THC QeNTAO NKW YORK Y. TRY T. E SCALES The scales seldom fail to reveal the truth, they are a fair gauge of health. If you are losing weight and are not feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re- place the loss and build up the powers of resistance. SCOTTS EMUSI a unique combination of tonic and nourishment, having definite reconstructive properties, enriches the blood, restores weight and imparts vigor and tone to the whole system. If you feel yourself losing ground, try Scott's Emulsion—the Strength -Builder. Scott & llowne,'Toronto, Ont. 1S-8 MOSO-iliffiSF1111111111Elh and other Farm Necessities Second -hand Binders and Mowers in good condition. A McCormick Hay -loader and Maxwell 10 -foot Steel Rake. These will lie sold at a sacrifice price. We also handle Litter Carriers, Hay Fork Tracks, Wind Mills, Twine, Fencing and Roofing. Agency for the Clay Gates. Drop in and see our Buggies. We Specialize in. Repair Work -carrying a full line of Massey -Harris Repairs, and also Conor Machine Repai?s. B. M. FRANCIS OLD COMMERCAIL HOUSE AGENT, EXETER Hensall Mr Edward Sheffer has retuirned from Toronto, where he was visiiting lnenlber, of his family, Mr, John Coulter, who has sold one of his dwellings en Richmond street, west to Miss C V. Smith,, the latter having sold her premises on King street, to Mr. T. W. Parlmer(,--torsi A. Ross left last week ,to v2sit a number of her relatives in Sheldon, North 'Oak- --Miss Spuhl, who has be..en livii#g here (for a nurnhter of years, slay-Ia g sold her neat little fwclling on Rich- mond street, to M'r. James W. Boo.- throa, ,has gone to Waterloo to le - side with her sister, Mrs. G. F. Yung - blue -Mr. sold The dwelling later to Mr. Owen -Geiger, who has in turn sold it to Mr. Wrn. Hildebrain,d.-.,fir, Thos. KPeart, who suffered a paraly- tic stroke recently, is improving, al- though still ill. He was visited last week by his son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Niro. D. McHarg of London,. -Carmel church intends building a new shed. -Mrs, T. G. Robinson of Toronto is here visiting her ea"ronts air. and Mrs. W. H. Reynolciv,-Miss Amy Lanunie has gone to Toronto to st'or'k tan the new institution that has opened ,for the blind. -J. Dieksaf- ter spending two months uert, s Blyth, has returned to our village. Zurich loch J Routledge is assisting at the l blench of the Afoisarts Bank ow- ing to the illeess of his brother, Mr. K. Routledge,. -_Mass AlIie Fee of Win- nipeg, Mart., is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr, W. G. Wellington Fee -Mr Jacob Howald has returned from Kitchener, where he purchased a com- fortable home and will move to that city in the spring: -Miss 1. Voelsing of Hanover is visiting her sister, Mrs, N. E Dallms.--Mrs, John Gascho has returned ,from a visit with her par- ents, Pigeon, Mich. -Nix Chas. Eilber who spent the past year or so out West, has returned to his home here. -SIr. John Bender has sold his 100 - acres of land west of Dashwood and Henry gives lSchadeeof theduring Sa b e Line, who re; ently sold his farm to Mr. J. La- , parte gcts the 50 acres: ea which the buildings are situated, and ifr, Hen- ry «riegand of the 15th cost.. gets the 50 acre., in that concession, PARKHILL Thos. Langford Rogers, formerly manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Parkhill branch, died at his home, Toronto on Feb. 21 atter a few clays illness, aged 70 years, The re- mains arrived in Parkhill on the after- noon train on:Monday, accompanied by Robt. Rogers, only sort of deceased,. .and Arthur Rogers, a brother- ile was a Canadian, born near Ntontreal in 1849 He came to Parkhill from 'Montreal in 1875 as manager of the Exchange Bank, in the building now nct•upied by the Commerce. When' this bank failed in 1882 he bought the building and with his brother Ar- thur conducted a private bank until about 17 years ago, in 1902, when he sold out to the Bank of Commerce, being instated as manager of this branch office. Two years ago his health failed and he retired from busi- ness, shortly afterwards moving to Toronto; He is survived by his wife one son Robert and four daughters, Donna, Mrs. Brook; Kathleen, Mrs. Barker and Dorothy, and by several grand-childrelal. Mr, Arthur Rogers of Winnipeg and Mrs. Robt. R. Rog- ers of Toronto accompanied the re- nmaina to Parkhill. Mr, Ed. Christie of Exeter also attended the funerals. KIPPEN Much sympathy is felt with Mr.and Mrs William Love, whose eldest sen, Forrest died in Seaforth on Feb. 27 where he had been attending the Col- legiate Institute., He was a clever lad of 16 years. Ten days ago he was taken ill with some trouble which set- tled in his brake, Physicians did not underistand his case for some time, thinking it was menlengitis.,-The sen of Rev. Air. Johnston of Varna, another student in the same school, is also ill with the same mysrtetrious disease. Doctors now bellieve it is in- fluenza, settled in the bentin.-Miss IIMOOMINIk A Fine Car—Low Priced WE could build .e Gray: Dort carr to sell at a lower price. But we don't believe you want such a car—a. car whose only merit is cheapness. We believe you would rather pay a fair price fora goodlight car, And: in buying the Gray -Dort you get the finest light car that engineering skill and high-priced ma- terials can build. Moro dints that -•you get this fine car at a really low price. Efficiency in the factory end big production make it possible. We suave built the. Gray -Dort for the man who wants et caro£ senaibis price; a car economieai in upkeep; but t►vitriol our* perforutance,free from trouble, com- fortable anZ commodious, equipped for core -free driv- ing, end unquestionably handsome. The tsvtrint ease is $1,245; the Gray -Dort Special - the car with added refinement and extra equipment, is $185 extra; there arts also the coupe and thesedan. All prieee f.a,�b, Chatham; all prices snbjact to change without notice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham, Ont. In thaUndtudStates—the Dort MotorCar Co., Elnnt,Mich. T. H. Newell, Dealer, Exeter, Ont. KNOW A'WOMAN'S i art a woman. Waa t T h h.; ever is r guile than .tny MAN'S, cr. a -¢ . . ascarnd- band 1 r ; arid .lth. And t t •144 I :lith and Mr....tau,•salsa ¢tl a 1s.:..tto p,afis t z t , : a t t r , :, tCrv, may 04:;y the pneelr Are t •:i t ¢ v, unfit f: t t i duties? write a:.et t, l: rax ,h+ tv you Mer a n.:,t 1 Will send you is n , r' b t..13 trial of a hate treatment t r s et your iia¢: v.cluetl together W ',r• .art. aerstotva,menirtcau:atla who Itav^,r 1 el through your troul.lw^i and rw i¢ ,rl 1. til or you eau secure this 1°Ili treat La: at f r year daughter, •i ter or moth If net ftlffer front pan iu the head. back„ or bowel,. foelaig, t n, ,ht and dragging l:ttn y. i:•-� t 1 t•,:'5'. : larement of tut x d t• r, 1.4;t: -r r t"ith (pleat t uri... t, <!t..trte cumtipatimt or iIt z paia t : t, s . ,i P, tv or irr, g u- 9., tdo,tte I. 7 r.?'.rt:t':1- ness, dcpresstal.•, t ¢e hs holy, desire • to •ry, fear or , ti1 about to ha,r,i:rn, cre Int a the spine, pal - pita: ,tz, la ., 3 s as iii.: ,i. vallotvcom- plexi •i, %:.. v ° - , to ';r the eyes, p.i•t in the . t ureaa t;• Veral feeling that l',.^ iii : .. rbc,. tai + . I s t't yott to send w.,: 'y for ray walla.. i d tys' treat- ment enti,.•ly f:: e :rid p..' t, 1, to prov.• to yours if •gnat these ailments can be eerily ani -•urely overcome me at your own lame. suit:.nut the c.1 r:: r of hospital t:eattneut,or the dangers of : n operation. Woznen every- where are eseturiii the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home treatment, lust when you have been bene- fited, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good worn elosu; to some other sufferer. My house treatment is for all, young or old. MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 810 Road My FREE Offer: To Mothers of Daughter,. I wall eznlain sirerla• lir i c at.:+ t Oh •lily and effectually dispels lire., u z i,ness s ,lorosis). irre aLuits a, Itemb.;lies anal t.c.itstche in young tw,+• siand r te to plump- zaessand Ls .Rh r .; a .r worried about your daughter. i enc: ii'er it costs you nothing to give my method of home treat- ment a complete ten days triad. and if you wall to continue, it gists only a few cents a week to do , o and it does not inter- feia witli one's daily work. Is health worth asking for Write for the free treatment suited to your needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return :nail. Cut out this offer, mark tlae places that tell your feeliss and return to nie. Write and ask for the free tree tumid today, as you may not see this offer again. Address: Windsor, Ontario Kitty Burns of Hensall, a former school teacher, who was visiting her nephew;, the Messrs. Peter and David Kilpatrick, vvai stricken with apoplexy a few days ago, but is improving nice- ly, SEAFOR'FH-Sincere regret was expressed by many friends here on Friday, when it became known that Miss Mary Beatrice Love, only daugh- ter of Mrs. James Love, formerly .of Seaforth; had passed away the prev- ious evening at the home of her moth-- er in Toronto. BLANSHARD- Mr. D. Campbell has sold his 50 acre farm, Lot 25, Baseline, formerly the Nelson Fletch- er farm, to Mr. Wm. Pringle of the 8th of Blaryshard, who gets posses- sion on April. 1st" • Saintsbury Mr. H. W. Hodgins has disposed of of his fifty -acre farm in Usborne Tp. on the Town line, being the east half of lot 8, ,to Mr. Fred Davis. The price paid was .$3,500. Immediate pos- session given. Will Stand Every Test •r' ACTUAL SIZE—the "Bigger Bar" Quality ? Weight ? Shape ? Compare "Comfort" with any other soap—"Comfort" stands the test. That's a big claim to make, but our. 25 year's record of the largest sale of any soap in Canada is the best proof of its truth. Why experiment ? You know "'Comfort" "It's All Right" PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. 411.5111421,, 6 j 1 Saskatoon reporting the lowest tern- perature, 49 below zero. Sault Ste. Marie also has the coldest dip of the season, with heavy snowfall. FRIDAY'. - The Manitoba Government will not hold an election until next year. The February bank statennent con- tinues to show gains in savings de- posits. Dr. John Noble was elected presi- dent of the Burns Literary Society of Toronto, The Canadian Red Cross Society will ask permission to continue its work in peace time.. Alfred Guerin, aged six, was fat- ally hurt when struck by a motor truck in Toronto. To remedy the ice shortage at Wei' "' land an artificial ice Merit, costing ,;35,000, is to be installed, Julius Frassdorf, .a e • earity So- cialist, has been electe' P . i+Tent of the "Free State of Sax. ny." The three-year-old so Z lai+ and Mrs. W. J. Cords of Owe.. = noel flied as a result of Severe scat ,ng The osteopaths of Quel a 1"aolrnnce were refused legal stats the leg, islature Public Bills Co lues. The French delegates tc ^he lesae Conference will strent ; of poee the sinking of the su:..z,.._red Ger- man ships. The Bolsbeviki troops t ` ?elated d a counter-attack en Mond gni, :t ow newly -obtained allied 1 ,.,. lee:. but were repulsed. There was a lively c -.eta of the Conservative party, at v Let; h the 'hi- tario Temperance Act e : s the chief: subject of discussion. Granite Ladies' Cu lie C 1 t': of Toronto again woe the Oettarl'a I,a- dies' Tapkard ytst erda;t ::n4 1. ,` ewe its permanent owners, Investigation shows th l per cent. of the students ,•1 Dr: .°ford Collegiate Institute . re sots oar daughters of mere-l:aute yr 'formers. Brantford women's organizations ask the Board of Eder ation to re- scind the motion aboiisaing, owlet drill in all the sal"ools, a sed to maize the drill eompuisol'y. Wm, Proudfoot, Kr Leader of the Oppositiwlt, and-. elei,a--MZee i Heart, delivered lengoay adds e • e 3 ----aa„, in the debate on the r ply to the speech from the throne Thirty-four Government. E1.lplay- rnent Bureaus have bc'u opened so far in Canada, and several more etre to be establishes! in the next two weeks in the Maritime Provinces, SATURDAY. The Provincial Ifyds., reports the best year in its history. The Provincial hou ing bill was given its second reading, F., The French troop;, evacuated Mannheim an Wednesday. The first of three troop trains ar- rived from the Dnepr(' •s of Brisson. The Russian situatio t is again en- der consideration by t:.' t•onfe:t- tee at Paris. A delegation tram till --nth e ,it - (11 on the Government, nee s 4 t, -r' ext, tension of the '1". & N. O. Mars. Philip McDonald of e. se. worth died of heart failure jest v° 1, •r i on and daughter came in iron. 1. earty. Arthur Stringer, the Caereit i t a,pnet and novelist, addressing to 'e' ';el/5-- Press el/5Press Club, criticized the cr . • right act. The Peace Confers•'le i+f• ea to reach agreements on t to : e im- portant questions betty cen :+..; ch 8 and 15. Gen. Pau and his co11 :tglae.s• c,i the .'- French Mission were given a to e ing reception by the Parliament j Stere ii day afternoon. Net profit. ' of Rtil grin r. �, Dairy for .1x918 amour:.•d e ;12,- 122, an' increase of $41.747 sa:. s the profits of 1917. Pte. S. M. Warwick, of T.. .into, just returned from war. tell.; -s Ger- mans in a picture shoe; in- Cuiogne singing "Rule, Britannit." Thomas Wooley, ccs .k at S rnia Railroad Y.M.C.A., shot and ;_filled Arthur Seigmiller, a fireman, mei his own wife, and then killed hint: elf, The Royal Canadian Yacht Club has purchased five Bolls of the Pa- tricia class by such fano am designers as Herremhoff, Owensm Uardiner and Cox. _ Bert West, chief electrician; and Samuel Smith, chief timekeeper, at the munitions plant at Nobel, died from drinking alcohol treated with acetone. The Canadian Confce+ionery, Bis- cuit & Chocolate Indus'; les, Ltd., has been formed to secur" export busi- ness after the war, the drat organi- zation of its kind. MONDAY. The 1937 and 1922 Victory bonds again made new high prices on Sat- urday. John Anderson.,, oi' f . Waaeeburg, who was in a naway ` iaent "teki days ago,- is dead. Stratford Board of Health has re- moved the ban. on dancing, which was imposed because of the "flu." Martial law has been declared in Madrid, and troops are patrolling the streets. Order has been restored. Of the 117 ships holding storage cargoes of grain at Buffalo at the close of last season, 71 have been--' unloaded. Dr. J. M. Harper of Quebec, the eminent educationist and author, died as the result of being struck by a street ear. Two hundred thousand persons are idle in Berlin owing to the general strike, which is extending into south- ern and central Germany. The Londolt Evening News sug- gests that Sir Arthur Currie should receive the governorship of Malta, shortly to be made vacant. Kitchener firemen celebrated the aa.,.;,.: end of their "years of coafiaren"tent". at the fire halls by a banquet on the inauguration of the two -platoon system. Earl Thompson, the former Royal Air Force hurdler, beat'Lieut. Bots Simpson of California, world's cham- pion, in the 120 yards high hurdles at.' Boston on Saturday. Brantford Social Service League is: now caring for sixty-three children of twenty-one families, whose fath- ers were carried off in the recent influenza; .epidemic, Canadiens . beat Ottawa 6 to 3 at Montreal Saturday in the ' N.H.L.: play-off series. Ottawa must win four` straight games to win the champion- ship and go to trie coast for.the Stat ley Cue set •ies... r 4 4 ,,