HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-27, Page 4The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creecb, Proprietors Subscription. Price—In advance $1,50 per year in Canada; 32.00 in the United States. Ali subscriptions not paid in, advance 50c. extra charged. THURSDAY, FEB. 27th, 1919 Lucan Mr G A. Stah;'le:v 'is agaia able to b4 do,w,t to his place of btuiniess.-- Mr.F. 1i Neil spenat sek1eral days at Grand +'alley, --,Mn Jonathan 'groves - bee purchased INfr. D. B. aleViaara tre'lelerece our Alice streetf—Mr. L. A. Save•iee of Vgtelrford visited a le* thy: ei.th .his .brother.. Aucz.on Sale OF FORD TRU CIL, `BUS, JRAY- I ')UTFIT, FARM IMPLEMENT: • ;t''iaaan Stre,;. Exeter, en SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919 ...‘e 1 o'clock sharp, the following. Feel Truck, .all equipped; 'Bee; I i tf etna rack, Ice Pete- and otit_i• ; a we ;; in.; stows, s, soca—es tooth culti- vator o s::i h'. s of light slei:kz tru: k wagon. with log nuns'., meet: n -beg t wagon. hay rater, •;naval bee. single wagon with platform, '4 putrieys. 2 cant hook, 2 crow bar., "' pi'k-. 5 shovels, 2 sugar beet forks 4 nt:.aure forks, stone boat. Z set nervi sierras barrens set team bar - tress, 4 madras chetret, horse 'irpp rag mach( se. 4 set of bells, anvil :amt e: attacher 2 dacen grain. bags, feed bit, 4 :.e. o; douh:et,-'es, 2 axe:,, 1 plane fire: clan set tools, such 'w; piser• h':ewers ..:til wrenches; And Bathe: teaea generally used in .t r=r•t chess draftee' business. Large man ti.w' c -tr, Th' er, Organ baby cutter, 4 chairs. Terms Cash. MRS. 1' G. CREECH, Adnriti,•stiwatrix C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. Auction Sale `OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 16, Con. 9, Stephen, 3ae Mites North-west of Credxtoin. on TUESDAY, MARCH 4th, 1919 Commencing at 12 o'clock p. m. sharp, the following,— Horee,--1 horse ri:sina 6, weight a - Leto Wet lbs..; horse rt air 10 ie ata: 1601; span heavy carriage geldings, riains; 11; heavy draft filly, r s n 3; driving colt, rising 3; harness party, bu;gw ,•r' i Cate -e-5 fresh cows; 2 eo,vs due April 1, cow due March 1; 2 year old heifer due March 15; 3 two year old heifers due latter part of May; 3 two-year-old eteers,. about 1001) lbs. each; 2 heifers r'si'tg 2; steer rasing 2, 9 yell—Iles, 5 calves; Mauro -bred Shorthorn rota bull (107012) calved. Jan 2. 1916. The above cattle are all chore stock, 2 brood sows with lit- ter at foot; 8 stockers, about 5 doz. heal, collie do;.. Impiemteas —7 -foot Massey -Harris bider, ,nearly new; 3 -horse Deering cul`ivator nearly new; Massey -Harris 13 disc drill.; Deering. mower, 5 -ft. cut ; Oliver corn cultivator, Cockshutt riding plow, single furrow; 2 walking plow;, 12 -foot hay- rake, D,eering;lan,d roller 4 -section diainrand harrows, 1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 2 lum- ber wagons, new wagon, rack, large gravel box, 2 pair bobsleighs, top buggy, cutter, road cart, fanning mill with bagger; 2000 lbs. scales, wheel- barrow, 32 -ft. extension ladder, 24 -ft. eaten ion ladder, work bench, Chat - hair incubator, and brooder, bean picker, 125 3 -inch tile, 50 foot 1-ir:eh pining, cross -cut saw, hand corn planter dehorner, large chop box, capacity 3a bush., gasoline tank, grind stone feed boiler, R. R. mail :sox, 2 sets double harness, set • driving harness. tangle. harness, 150 bush. man - golds, 4 tons timothy hay, quantity wood, forks shovels, witT;etrees, ceckyokes, chains hoes and ,kumerous other articles., Household Furniture—Range cook stove nearly new; base burner, :fear - 1y new; wood or coal heater, woad `beater, sideboard, glass cupboard, book case, sink with flour bin, 2 bed- steads, good leather pouch, washing. machiae. parlor lamas. No reserve as the proprietor has -sold his farm, Terms—A11 sums of $10, and ander •cash : over that amount 9 months' -credit on furnishing approved Mem notes; 4 per cent. off for cash in credit amounts, Hay, wood and roots cash. Frank Taylor ALF. MELICK, E. Boseeiberry, Proprietor • Auctienne ens Alonzo. Hodgins, Clerk. Auction Sale ,OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Qr. Lor 7., Con. 3, McGi'llear :ty, ,..n THURSDAY, FEB 27, 1919 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Hoesch -1 gelding rising 6 yrs.; 2 nelaing.. rising 3 years; 1 =,eid :ng ricin.' 2 years; 1 filly, rissng 1 year. Cattle -1 new welsh cow, 2 ::ows due i; March, 2 cow -s due in .April, 1 cow due in, May, 2 farrow rows ; 1 heifer rising 2 years; 11 steers rising 2 years 4 heifer calves, 4 steer calves. Hogs -1 'sow, with litter 2 weeks' olid; 1 sow with tea pigs 8 weeks old; 1 sow with pig, 2 Digs three .months old. Implements, Grain, Etc.— Massey -. SHzrris bender, 6 -ft. cut, new Massey 'Harris cultivator; McCormick mower, • new National twin plowy, hay rack :;gravel box, set sleighs, set sling ropes and cleat, hay rope, 9 tons of mixed hay, 75 �usle1s barley, 150bush. oats and barley mixed, a quantity seed oats ,O. A. C. 72 ; a quantity of feed oats, aagiran';ity of cut straw, water tank, 14 Thar -el cape. ; Chatham incubator, ne ; cook stove, coal or wood ; Oak hekte-:, iron bed and spring, 5 kit- rche.t choirs, dresser, centre table; 2,rocici:ng. chairs, and other articles -too aumenous to mention. • ms—Grein • Cash; 7 months' ere - Al i.i: approve3 joint notes, or 5 per 4,eea.. ere- annum off for cash.. pu i-_Vely no reserve as the prow— i-nt-a ar ;raker West; W,1 Y ILL P FRANK TAYLOR Prop, ..Aunt, Grand Bend De tlt of Mr. Louis. Ravelte:--Thett•'e. passed away at hie home in Bosanquet another of the best kerma tesidients of this community, in the person of Mr. Louis Rae -elle, who died on Sun- day last et the age of 52 yeh;rsi De- ceased was a victim of aneroid and had been in failing health for many months, hence his demise was not irk tike least tukexpecited1 For a number of ye:,;r, Mk'. Rave1i e kept store here and through his commercial dealings with the public became well known throughout this community. Besides wt;fe'he is surtlived by two sons ;nd two daughters, all of whom were here at the time of his deaths The auneral took plate to the Grand Bend eat:n ry on Tuitenday at 2 Weil:cle.. CLEARING Auction Sale PEDIGREED STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS On Lot 4. Con. 3, Blanchard, 1% \Ire; North East of Kirktoo„ on TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919 At 1e o'clock p. m. sharp, following: do _e;—Regi.;tered Clyde mare, sir- ed by Coynacke; Re,;, mare, sired by 't-i:c:sunt Addison,+ Both mare, are aa.foal and both are imp. dams. Per-. nc o.r ,gelding rising 3; driving mare old, good in all harness; Agri. l' T •t Ir « t>a.k•� 1 yr., e,.tt,«bie for ri.,rstra . , I; .driving, horse, 3 yrs. old, sired Dotan; driving colt, rising 1 sired by Dotan Re',istered Shorthorn Cattle—regi:- e'- produced on day sof sale—Cow. wish calf at foot; cow• due Sept. 5; '>.v due. Oct. 2; yearling heifer. Iii;h 'grade Holste`as—Cow clue %Ile 25; 2 ,coat; due April 2; haler sae time. el sale; heifer due April 10. Two-year old Jersey heifer, due Sept, 2, Jersey heifer, 1 yr.; Durham calf. Sheep—Regastered, Oxford ram; 3 e;. Oxford ewes with lambs at foot; f ret Oxford shearlieg ewes in lamb; 6 .Let:.ester ew(as in Iamb; 15 grad.• ewes in lamb. Hogs and Poultry. -10 store hogs weighing 140 lbs; 20 hens, 2 geese. Hay and Grain -9 tons hay, timothy and clover; 150 bush, seed oats,. •ime proved Banner from registered seed; 300 bush seed oats, Yellow Russian; 100 bush seed barley, O.A.C. 21; 10 hush :p'i'ts wheat, Regenerrated Fife; 30 bush. sprit; wheat, Marquis; 2 bus, timothy send; 10 bush. buckwheat, 5 bus '`filet seed, 15 bags potatoes. Imo ent etta--nf_ww Detanlg binder ;' •ex Deena t, mower; Deering hay - loaders hay rake, Bissell roller, new at'. -dri'l. Massey Harris 17 tooth :ultiveto: (Massey Harris.; Cockshutt cora cultivator; manure spreader Bain 2;1).1 and box; farm truck, e: bob- :ei,hs 3 -sec. iron ,harrows, disc. h cit:o,v; Cockshutt riding plow; twin plow+ 2 walking plows, scuffler; Clio. - can fanning mill, top buggy, auto seat cutter, hay rack, new stock rack, gra-' vel box, 2 &et double harness; 1. brass mounted set single harness, new ladder btu; truck, Stewart horse clippers and sheep shearing attachment; Melon crew: separator, 550 capacity; 30 grail bags, churn, grind stone, wheel- barrow, 3 horse blankets, reckyoke, a-hitfletrees, forks, shovels, Etc. Furniture—Range, coal heater; ex- tension table, small table, 3 bedsteads i h mattress and 'springs, 'earl -Ong desk, coal oil heater, hanging lamp, 15 yards ',i to;eum, 3 doz. half -gal. seal- ers, lady's bicycle. Te• -ms —310 and tinder cash, over that ,amount 11 months credit on ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent in lieu of notes. No reserve as proprietor has rented hi; farm A. N. WATSON, Prop, P. F. DOUPE, Auct, Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFECTS on Main Street Exeter, on. Saturday March 8th, 1919, at 1 o'clock, — Basfebunner; 3 -burner gasoline stove Detroit; small heater, coal or wood; quantity pipes; square exten :ion table walnut sideboard; half doxen dining, chairs, oak; couch; 2 upholstered oar - lox chairs; 2 cockers, Walnut parlor table 2 oak tables, kitchen cabinet, oak bedroom suite, mattress and bed springs; oak dress•ei and washstand; iron bed, mattress and springs; odd chairs ; sewing maciijnve ; curtains, pa1- es and blinds; pictures, one tapestry run ; 2 tapestry carpets, matting ,sand linoleum; 2 galvanized tubs; cne wooden tub; boiler, washboard rnd beach, kitchen utensils, lamps, dishes end ,other articles to numerous to me.ation. -Also a quantity of coal. • Ternts—Cash. Mr, 'Susan Prior C. W. .Robinson Proprietress Auctioneer Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK. • On Lot 12, Conk. 10, Usbarine Tp. on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, '19 at 1 o'clock sharp the following,— Henes-1 registered Clyde stallion; 1 horse 7 years old; 1 horse 8 years yid; 3 horses 4 -yr. old; 1 registered marc 4 years old; 1 horse rising 2 veers; 1 filly rising 1 year. Re_istered Cattle—Pedigrees wane producer, at time of sale,—Scotch and Scratch top, ed -1 aged bull " Good limes" at head` of the herd; 12 cows supposed to be in calf or calves with them; 1 th,reehyear old heifer, Pup. in calf; 6 two-year old heifers, sup. in til ; 3 yearling "heifers; 3 bulls about 13 yeses; 2 bulls 8 months; 1 4ei!er 8 months; 1 bull 4 months 6 heifer calves about 4 months. Grade Cattle -1 grade cow, sup. in if t 2 fat cows; 8 two-year steers ;. good ood grassrteers• • 1 two-year hekt- err, sup in calif; 3 heifers 1.yeas- old L steers 1 year old; 4 calves about 8 ,months; 3 calves about 4 months,: i sows supposed to Pigs—8 young s w p 'be ia pas, 1 sow supposed to farrow at ince of sale; 1 sow supposed to coarse is azo April; 1 hog, 1 year and a half ort,; Thoroughbred' York; 1 York, - ;8 months old; 16 chunk pigs, 20 pigs just weaned.' Terms -8 months' credit on approv ed a:eau notes Or 4 per cent, discotuntt in knee of notes. J. E. •CREL+RY Prop. Robert Brown & Perry Doupe, Auct. xo5 re, ,y k• -„Tao. Skinner, Clerk WANT GOVERNMENT BONUSLS Continued from page one. i Ottawa defeated the Arenas of To - tion of the efforts so far in attempts ionto at Ottawa by 9 to 3. ' Sixteen hundred returned at repatriation, calls attention to a e h ti drontomeArn held phase of that wort: which needs very a banquet at the Toronto Governor - serious attention. Farming being the nela 's Prize won the ith basic industry of our country, upon General's t in the final with which all others depend, it was felt Belleville at Toronto yesome of Pat - that very generous measures must be Red Henry,,the historic homey, adopted to induce the boys to get back iter enrin destroyfax county, Vin- to the land, This is made more a ginia,rhas seen destroyed o f fire, p` Dr. Hollis Dann, Dean of Faculty parent, when we consider the liberal of Music, Cornell University, was the inducement held out in other walks of guest of honor at a notable dinner life, Canada being essentially an agri- here, cultural country, the lack of labor on Hamilton's tax rate will be 32 the farms is the most serious obstacle mills, exclusive of Pro'incial war tax to production that the farmer is up (a mill more), which, is five mills against, and any measure of liberal higher than last Year. bonuses or other inducements, similar American troops have arrived in to that rendered those wishing to learn Berlin. They will be used to guard trades or go to school to induce our food transports expected to be sent young men to settle on farms, will do to the German e pirate much to restore farming to normal Miss Mae Mi .c of Brockville, just conditions and help put it where it be- trained in Kt* , +on, has been ap longs as the greatest and most needed Pointed sup, z ='t z.tent of the Fort of occupations. 1 William Isola+ .,r. iter«l;ii;1, The resolution, which was moved by• 'Felson Bdgei.o;r felloff a load of +1Sr. Bx, W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, and loge at the Onta '.r Beals t. e s eatnp seconded by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, of Clkn- at Novae, Parry k acre .. 1)s>:. e, au! ton, is as follows: 'That we the :hat :lcaglt Peseetl oe'• ° t T ;:d, committee of Huron County Council ap A new Spanish tai ,; :rojecte-1 pointed to consider the Soldier's Land to run from Vigo to tl. i A.- •••It frark- Settlement proposition, wish to place tier as part o f an 4, r• pr o ject on record our appreciation of#he ef�fa developing the1tituf,,o. fort of oilea transport Royal Geo: c'e*.telt- ur gavernnrents, both. I?omin- • �•i Hitlit:tx with 1,424 Can:.?i, .t Sol - ion and Provincial, towards repatria- , eters , and the Empreee of L, (rein ks Hon at afar brave v b't e ldi so er a b ys and, e>xnccted .bout Tucselu with eelea recognizing in a tangible manner their y patriotism, sacrifice :end bravery, and' roarer we pledge our support to the further- Mrs. Leonard Spence and her ing of any Scheme whereby these eta I daughter, Mrs,':s (Huge Boughrer, forts for world freedom on the part died of influenza within five hours of each other yesterday morning at of our heroic sons will be recognized, 73i.a,klPord. not only according to their merits butt According to a despatch front Mun- gin- ner, commensuratewilbe ealt tthVourh in a ecia- iclt Prinee Joachim of Prtet-;in, young- 1 tion of their heroism and ourP abilit ' c t� son of they former' emperor, has y • Lean arri,sted for taking part in Cer- to deal generously with them, But eon intrigues." we are of the opinion that more at- Queen Marie of Romualdo has tention should be given by our govern written to Charles Boyle of Wood- ments to devising; schemes for the re- stock a Inter of grateful appreeta- taining of our boys on the farms by :eta of iris w:r, Col, "Joe" Boyie's assisting such after the manner of the "zerrtees to tar people. benefits allowed others for vocational 1 harmonious conference orris, held training or further education, said as- i r la.itehener by the Conciliation sistance to take the form of bonuses ileard inquiring into differences be - or gifts other than loans to those •.• • n the furnicurc maki.rs and their who wish to return to farm life, and onployes, with r. presentutives of the that the Legislature of the Province be • ..'..eafacturers and workingmen. asked to pass legislation empowering County Councils to supplement such grants or bonuses made for such pur- poses." The following resolution, moved by Messrs. Young, of Colborne, and Goven lock, of alcKillop, was also adopted: "That the reeves and council of each municipality be requested to act as a look out committee to collect in the speediest way possible all particulars regarding our returning soldiers that they may be assisted so far as pos- sible in resuming their former posi- tions or occupations in the civil life of each community, and to take all neces- sary steps to carry out the wishes of the people regarding the repatriation of our country boys." NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred Dut ing the Week. THURSDAY. Troops from the Princess Juliana have arrived at Ontario points. Prof,M. W. Wallace gave an address in Toronto on "Labor Unrest and Its Causes." Hydro -electric power, supplied from Merrickville, was turned on at Perth. Winston Churchill says the En- tente are not holding troops to send to Russia. The commission to investigate the advisability of mothers' pensions be- gan its sessions. Fred. Fountain killed his wife and two children and tried to end his own life at Niagara Falls. A general strike of the coal miners in the Ruhr region of Westphalia, Germany, is reported. United States exports in January were at the highest figure of any month in the country's history. Three Russian Governments have definitely declined to attend the pro- posed conference in the Sea of Mar - mora. One German protestor against the signing of the new armistice terms demands that a period of national mourning' be ordered. Whatt Judson, an employe of Lyn Roller Mills, near Brockville, drank Paris green in the presence of his wife and daughter, and died in a few hours. Harry Thorne, of Toronto, skated a dead heat with Johnny Goodman, Manitoba champion, in the half -mile race at the Winnipeg Winter Carni- val. The time was 1.39. Granites of Toronto won the On- tario Tankard yesterday, Paris 'being the runners-up. The semi-final and finals of the Governor -General's prize will be curled to -day. During Convalescence the aftermath of acute disease, when physical strength is at low ebb, the body needs particular, effective nourishment to hasten res- toration of strength and vim. There is no better time to utilize the peculiar, nutrient qualities of scorns EMULSI Being a rich food and tonic,' it" quickly aids in the restoration o,Tl., ,• of the depleted vitality and improves rov the blood - quality. P. oo quality. Scon's builds up the body by Nature's best medium -nourishment. Scott LtItowne,Torouto, Ont. 114 SATURDAY, There is :.. a•ri,lt:s of fsii through- out the Dominion. Troop from the Royal Gtorge ar- rived in Ontario. Cattail es ie e• Inas lest year woe $33,850,000 i,. 17,000 tlri.•s Gen. Pau an.: the Freesia Mr si.'an will arrive in Toronto on ::A nday. N. 13. Nash, K.C„ was ele i Pat -at: dent of the Ontario Bar Arse .ken. .^ The Peace Memorial. Bridge pe- ject ort the Niagara frontier Is re- vived, Statistics show the real defaulters in Quebec to number only about 12 per cent. The first instalment of the histor- ies of Canadian overseas battalions has been received at Ottawa. Important discoveries of fuel oil have been made on the Duke of Devonshire's estates in Derbyshire. The British Government has decid- ed to release an additional fifty per cent. of spirits for public consump- tion. Sir Thomas Lipton is coming to America soon to inspect the Sham- rock IV, which is in drydock at Brooklyn, Ex -Grand Duke Friedrich August of Oldenburg has presented a demand to the Diet for 150,000 marks yearly as an allowance. A hundred interned aliens, mostly Germans and Austrian laborers, were taken out of Vernon Camp, B.C., on Thursday to be deported. Brockville Soldiers' Aid Commis- sion tendered the first o1 a series of banquets to returned soldiers, about 200 veterans being present. 11. R. Rathbone, prominent Chi- cago lawyer, delivered a notable ad- dress at the annual banquet in. To- ronto of the Ontario Bar Association. Eleven persons are believed to have been burned to death 'and an- other may die as the result of a fire which destroyed a boarding house at St, Jovite. Quebec. MONDAY. Troops are arriving from the Royal George. Adelini Patti, the famous opera singer, is dangerous i11 at her home in Wales. A Russian was stabbed and P. C. Levis was badly hurt in Toronto in a fracas on York street.. The first President of the Bavarian Republic is Herr Simon, chairman of the Workmen and Peasants' Council. Jaynes Wilson of Hanover has been appointed Sheriff of Grey, succeeding the late T. H. Thomson of Owen Sound. A Communist revolt broke out in Budapest on Thursday last, says a despatch to the Paris Matin from Zurich. F. R. Parnell's majority over W. F. Longdon in the recent by-election in St. Catharines is officially stated to be 170. It is announced that the Canadian Pacific Ocean Steamship Line's best vessels may shortly make Portland -their terminus. Fire which broke out in Thorold, destroyed the plant known as the Thorold Basket Factory. The total loss will .be about $20,000. Thirty-eight thousand German prisoners have been repatriated from Russia, not 200,000 as previously re- ported by Swiss newspapers. The highest price ever paid in Eng-, land for a Shorthorn bull was paid Saturday; $25,000 was given for the champion Gartley Lancer L The tour of the Canadian news- paper men through the Maritime Pro- vinces debarkation points and Quebec terminated at Montreal on Saturday, party of a dozen prominent men weet on the tug Pratt from P oat Wil- liam liam to Silver Islet, 24 miles. distant, thus opening that summer resort fere the season. C. W. Feigenspan, president of the f7. S. Brewers' Association, has seren ed notice on New. Yorkers that after Ap,11 1 there will be no more beer in New York state. Fourteen years in the penitentiary is the sentence meted out to Wm. Robertson at Port Hope for assault - erg Governor McLaughlin and his wife at the jail, and breaking jail. EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASI?WOOD BRANCH sienesperezeinerom=emean-gee A, E. KURU, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager r- 1'iCPiYORATfD I854. THE MOLSONS BANK 11011...0111 & Capital Reserve $8,800,000 p 07 Branches in Canada A General Banldng Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Rank Mocxe'}t Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPART liatereat *flowed at bigtteat carnet ruts EXETER 11RANCH--. W D. CLAR:KE, Manse, NT 122 Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor TEAs good tea' Sold only in sealed packages APR.$ 4.03 MAY $ 4.04 $'. JULY$•4 AUG. SE =� WHEN AFFIXED TO A WAR �== SAVINGS CERTIFICATE AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS —� PRINTED THEREON t=_ Read the Figures Notice how the cost—and the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. A-1. Sanders -at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Is recogn•red as one of the' most re- liable Commercial SSch.00ls in Can- ada, The instructors are experienc- ed' and the Courses are up-to-date. Graduates are placed in positions and they meet with success: " Students may enter at any time: Write a tone for free catalogue. D. A, Mclxchtan. Plias THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT T and CHICAGO Unexaelaed dinning car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains: i all information front any 'Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- et:g District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N. J. DORE Picone 46w Agent Exeter Banking S w OUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. , THE H CANADIAN AN B .. NA, L BANK OF COMMERCE EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASI?WOOD BRANCH sienesperezeinerom=emean-gee A, E. KURU, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager r- 1'iCPiYORATfD I854. THE MOLSONS BANK 11011...0111 & Capital Reserve $8,800,000 p 07 Branches in Canada A General Banldng Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Rank Mocxe'}t Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPART liatereat *flowed at bigtteat carnet ruts EXETER 11RANCH--. W D. CLAR:KE, Manse, NT 122 Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor TEAs good tea' Sold only in sealed packages APR.$ 4.03 MAY $ 4.04 $'. JULY$•4 AUG. SE =� WHEN AFFIXED TO A WAR �== SAVINGS CERTIFICATE AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS —� PRINTED THEREON t=_ Read the Figures Notice how the cost—and the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. A-1. Sanders -at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Is recogn•red as one of the' most re- liable Commercial SSch.00ls in Can- ada, The instructors are experienc- ed' and the Courses are up-to-date. Graduates are placed in positions and they meet with success: " Students may enter at any time: Write a tone for free catalogue. D. A, Mclxchtan. Plias THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT T and CHICAGO Unexaelaed dinning car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains: i all information front any 'Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- et:g District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N. J. DORE Picone 46w Agent Exeter