The Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-27, Page 2• Br Asroamuist.
'riga Derectieent is for the uses of our farm readers who want the etivIce
ff an expert or any question regarding soil, seed, crops, etc. If your question
• it of szAticient rer.eral interest, it Wit he answered through this column. If
;stamped and addreesed envelop* enefecorl with your letter, a corp
te not subjected to actual frost,
, *newer. ten? no maned to you. Address Agronomist, oar* et Wilson Pub ishi a
not grow if the soil and air etre odd. neereacga. St We Toronto.
:Oder to :shorten the time of - reach. to mevent the eeld geteIng•inand the
ing condition tot. use or a owning heat „wetting oat. It. ie Sestet to On-.
into flower.. • It is the enaly v'ege- see.•ve heat in a bed that le low emu
tabes 'whic1. are the most Profitable elle that is buelt hith np
and most appreciated, Ferthenriore, 'Cold frames are Meech like hotbeds
with a hotbeditis poesi.ble to mature in outward appeatance, but zio Mon'
certain vegetabitegiln parts of Ciusada ore is put inside as. teOldeframeet are
where, if started -in .the • open,. they used later in the spring then the hote
wingel not ripen beforebeing killed betle and.lees heat :neeilede tliere be
:frinsh. Again, -with a Itethed it is ing eufficieht from :the sun . shining
poisible to raattrre .large erep When thteugh the glaeti, and the gneiss and
without : !one the crop Would. 1)e veny framo, ustially afferd sufficient pro,
• Certain-•vegetablee atso,- even teelien from light frosts at right
abould there be elide
Details in regard to making aot-
hence must be started ihi warm soil beds nill be fouled in a eamphiee
reeth Thin litorre Serorg Lambsn-eakening the future bleeding vale and warm air such as le afforded laY oniiell can be obtained free On April -
7110 ealate. • of rouglmge de- Itea et the theit. The5e laInh$ e'rr° a hotbed:, and the plants grown there eatien to the Publieations Braimh,
tn.:we:go ett. gee ',the and econornie the intere foundation of the flock. It are not sot out in the open ur,til oearm Deparnuent of Agricultto.-e, Ottawa.-
einteenennet wed • a great Milo- 111°' a west* et time er$ reeneY te trl- weather. Exrertmental Farms Nete.
neat,. t too nee eg ee ef the elev. :en, in improted boxel and allow its such crops as radisb, ict.z000, spire e
It is miliag ' e e het- s1ner., espedally I -aloe to,loo lest by improper systems a:eh, carrots, and other vegetables e re Cold 'A -rather 'flirt.
' thee -ling' cht,--, to kh1.1l in 1 igorells' ef fet?ii:L'g artti ni'allagealeats "d that eviiich will read), merketeltle eize in ten wasirley when it la celd -and
is -.- hat thousands of men are doing
. ext.,:i'Eo.o. •,, I I''''"."' -1z iivir1eheleut to a relatie-ely short season and a -re ette- ettpleanoit ne- hangiag out clothes.
susteni ehe ezegaleo feteis i.e. a kw bY neglecting to give their ewe lamts ily handled while the weather is still lenge Imeles v.heineer it 'it hiraily to
euffielert nourishilig food to de -veep , tee-en:ego reeitet. imeroring Neal in earlY srring, reach the stage berg teethes, on perell er from earn-
,rneeen is a itQl4 111:,.;veril aw,. their inherent possibiHties. Every
i effort ehould be made to preteet theee whezi they are ready foe tree enugh er of legree to teeee. then tillze doithee-
' ceet e :eel:ling ...keen. :tering e win- SO011er when kept in the hothed or ltaa tend meagaie incen gee been, to
• tern : eourtee are tee nest roughage
°IT° :1°211.1143 from de1eter.11elis ir-flueat:'es cold frame than if ene ligt ee weie. ar.atite. . Cut lino irt eller: lengths,
crope. Ceevee ond alfalfa hae• are: tilet retard their PhYs"-eal der °P' ant 4 the seeds Were plented in the se:hie:tee te t' 1, edlowing e'er a
feed and when In*214"..
i mid szore logo- Thoughtful atterttion in open and tile plants ,Ieveleped thane. 'nap at eaelt end. Take tileee nieeee
oss a eh:h., met legagg. value. These the learns, yards and feed racks facia-
arrangSr4T. There is usually greater „large? frent in the Loge:, ineteii loops on coin-en-
v:Ws ...le nel,1 ' e etir and harvested. at totes the hangeeas of the fleet, and, „areefizcnalagthr Neegheotatbbeide,steootvt 11 efinent'ttll.e,eee. ket lettelts or nails. Petett on Hue all
a time Niiszten, laheart eau bo seoee„ enables the man in. charap.mmatolasp. pGrvigixiirag fag.
vild'ele. edil groel;:e ta their foed Iralvv., mate elle needs of the too tool. Cauliflower olea van he eaphins, towele. etec, lift I,..;;011.8 fr011e
81111tn. firth:ICS, suell ail heti:kerchiefs,
On tieriehe oceg neern there le a veze;and roe -thaw: should he ._feel ill separe
Pgri:ot7 *te,ionlertietl"-Irti5; tilniffitlotl'all:1:(1.4'o";;1;2:1'' lt.;::%11.4e'etleas:Loniailica'r, ad7dr.::Veti:Iitri:.' V.;
itthY 01 erelte VI an n in the repo:it:1n i at reeke. It the we4tBer 's warPa innallitt'P frees er veil -tee:ether, to ee'd :Lenge avid the eerasitre to a
rotatie.t ene admirably allotted elea a the mu:41.4V maY be fed ingrow eue„eree„-e lead eneeera. 4era . bad end. i have faued lege one of
math sevagg et myselt .i reel ea-
, piesale.--1`-tra. C. F. St,
Zor Ogee. „e feequent charge of toe yarele, providing eine has racks.
plants in.. hethed will glevele, a -tair
rougliage 1: hege e. larger eenaompg ratekh that may be eagle- moved
lien tte•t hceeeini to the health and , enellt -5,uve tree and labor.They auPP17 7"14"
.s3,j r. OJp..)1.-4
fa •
thrift ei the elteep. To furnieb, a, oar, • allotted he bunt ao ae to seep the dirt • -
of the heat in it Jet oee, et t., ; Ti haet rant' te eat in co:et west:
ittY hd• •'*es net involve ad- and cline, front sifting down into the
chief eons it and to agelse in" ther 'e un'tento °Mae ti the hien
eitiorge geteenes, and with the witielfleeee while the eheep is eating.
varlet). tn.' seite.h'e creps grown on; this the hotbed Amend ee et a Igo. neetene venue
ear tithes tines iSc noCare of •Spraying Equipment
. • eide of a building, wet! or 4e. brarti s,:ript: mid tep ell the tree:, eon ean
In preparing the spraying equip_ fence where the eold wiede -oil Vit," advice t -f (1, ihretta
kind of t'ee; Far e eelts at a time der-
• irg earl • in the eetsort with the -idea be olitained. The menere reed shirld eoa neve get lane heenete eri meeh
teeted preferatte on thee eeettiz° ..Get tut the eta' sep ehle
teen ger tovelning the nook to one:
Ing the whater. 'merit much wild be gained ith star.te broken and all the sunshine poasinle Thtergart o: the Camia Fool
111 eEP::(0.•!7:".,1 . feeds for breeteng
e-ees wog". f , f ween sueetaeht ef having everythirg ready when the, lee hot -when it is pat in, and it eheehl, tha lattle r. }lee T.te.ti.. • :.-.•e Igoe e etemege bone-.
• By Andrew V. Currier, MI).
Dr. Currier will answer all signed letters pertaining to Health. If your
question Is of general interest It w1I be answered through these columns;
If not, It will be antwered personally If stamped, addressed envelope Is en-
closed. Or. Currier will not preeorlhe for individual oeses or make diagnosis.
sAfe.clvwsseTro.roAnntdor.ow F. Currier. care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide
Why ICIastieate? • and over eatlnie teeele te overweight.
A popular eten neonate( int et en. I promised to tell you 'eoetley how tc
vivo that is given to overweight. in- Irrorent overeg • ilerr;thiltrwistytIi:1
dinhinels, is ulw:itys to get up - from 1,0,1 "en! "•
'no ;,•t
et;rined tA;betleulpnitgurl!AAIviry:ntr;010NIIA,ii,,e1. ,ttlAbit,?,1 tat very the?otiehly vn
ehoulti be sipeed slowly) you will net
ltitin'eledaon;inoNt.,;°s,Naoatti:.for any length ef overeat. Yon won't haev 4,71111! 0, The
not neoeseary. thank Coilit i
. s X-rays have ;hewn that '1&1 1'»
• to leave the stem:tell et onee. The
seareetion or eagg.„„ is tha <Io'nia food heirig literal when ,you swallow
vetion of an at -genial -1i from artyor 1" '00411.''; t't) °r the
all a the element., neeeseary to Rs °cell' the Ileed 1e r. l'bserb it
raitiltion. Thee 'obeli 'carbohydrates rald•144 lelle time te°;ael`""te:t
(enereige oaeers) aod far:a zesty, •l'°.°";•"e1.3:h
:lee eaten, arcane (meet element ef lie. 'Ili: tierilaiettay it4 effiebeereg
44041.) leenger 115 1' Jf, the hotly fI reyr4 4at;:'111ea 4. 444
depeived of...eaten, water hunger fie- Fe?
:ans. Ia 14ogieak1te. upon a ,„
tee. eith • ell•1h;e5'!•*Ilt" eu:
i. stornith fistala (tilt:oration to oat- Za...74,,:'11:Lrt41:„C'r ;r'i,or.:"1",;s•L
nide) he pas then tleit {Wring 111.111gZe
thre WC?, A Struhg E.-41stt*Eaelie41E;Ot iv. 8*" n."*".
siningeh. These eenteeeneene enno ti:S Pie4ess hoe gore en.
stepped tiontorarlie, ley thawing „, Yea 'Ceet 'day,'4 .0-,3,ut ,hews
th;itv, g 711ra VIPeW Fele..14 L''.;111f."01 vermin need-
enno041 reenos tasee sweet. toien is tie !Oliith.4, nor do ;jou /tare;
• elhgeni than A eertaia :semen: ee-
traeting hanger ptehis leyeating
citice(0014 G e& ,nop cacrig toe_ orlty • o: dienidans, tiehhe etcheuele
eliengli to know- ieeee delightful
are. v:hen regteiart
e't".° 3":"Ic ''"'"'N i"";°*;'Ijc"'f4rc: 1-cace
ulue-tenthe to vie en in 1St ter. done, Ir.
'..1re°t11-"1,1 re :I's.' el('07 :;1 eL:1071I •-i• !
- •• • 4-, .
at. .tegm . 44
piYe. .A .to.. -1,0r. k:hows, a galup,- •
• , •
end deen goes t' th01,11;:sWITe rat.::etttlat.l.to1"is-51,5;v•of
be kept hot by th eroughly banking' ihne r nue •ri :len% one ieer se Now it we ale e z".1
feod a".147,' a:wily to Vie effieience- of th•lY for the first alV7:ee•tiell ertivere the outside of the freme with nurture, un,,te cap.
gest-ion•An order ter eiglipment or replies tide
the ration.. It stimulates di
f1:10.•ned -tames up the di- sh41()41 Pler'.411 st'v'•ffal weekofoe
Aeahaev 1.'•". Eeees the firet. epeeying for seale. At that
that reere nee.irot to a dr1.' lhaion. oral time the pewee sprayer reede a thorg
kept in tene.":". ;herds. and elieds ale
carefel it.eaning it lent had or might'
terelcrey •hgenue and g-
Antall overhauling to follow up the.
enit teeth met lied it" . Meg e
lihe the perSchi
(the 1.4!0.1.4!0.gra
le41 up eell41.1404'e'en ito,a &tee et,
my meet *4 311 elee the rate.
• ine. v;i1l yeu veer".
• kuirxy. er e. he •)ohn:11
n,- ea; •eeniee,.
tenestieete ;lad Ane
In V. -Le three 41
aehe en ?
ereeto ' 41-%, t
eteehe I
1,i10 '
C E•r""-?':•11
a elu
: hone,
• 111.4 it llasset 10.I
g..44 v.-13;,;. - e-....1.?cns th,•? gL44 r411 »414'Ito :13440:".a4 in !Ile fan. This is to be a little talk of a nese den ene in ot liege. The grezitee
4":17..itt-7r4 Neov the.ram,,.,1
e4fhe in:born yeneClen1the eughe ard zesthe to get more out of wr land ndeneewtttthr meled.., :
4.,a•.:,-;:.," 1,y • - r ';
szrce fcrrh ! ratztritatat fehd tem Lettere- cells as there is reolateg 'more your labor and Your life. It isn't Art tilt Illi• fili 412;. 17)1t• ill'i.g illS441.4:4: A,/ 1113,;..:,.4.1:01:, -,•,,,•; til.• tinl. .1 7
faun the eagini. with religion or pligosophy or talk. It'e,t! on 3.10 hills af.u. ouphab:/„. 4141,..1 11.40.
Lt.%) to cogne raet. the leritaesee ttr--3till"-h'ItY'7
44 exerethe h4eet1 the a fau:ty ignition ay:Item when the not for highbrows or lowbrow*.
: the :'rei'!"- Pc'11•:•• 1'41" till!:
• •
(^heel:thee er 1 e.ireuletery ,•ysterns. vmather is v.*: for sPraSing. A' It's for the entire farm common- lir... 11, -. to rei.„1.).N1 to n ti 'te -.
yule/ere. Small potatoes arid ea,b- Pisttin ring or' leak exist, the engine' joy'.
;jelled by pregnant ewes. Where no is far away from them, because it .A. L'g planD number may ecera at 1 am. '.4', •.• ....,;;:...,.(I, -I?„ s . ,-, -,., " ' ' .) '
VktIVOS must ilk. reground to make teem
nmay allew the spark to flath at the; oleo 1 C'nerniseneeer, whe ii' .7, 1,0E11 dee-
form of sacculenee is available oil at tightleh The timing aPPeretus is capable of lifting them 'way up ' first like a sucer,4sion of chords of: merla ary or v.-01, piekitg?"
meal will he.lei to counteraet the di:- the clouds. Too many fine rten- harmony. But doze your eyes, set. patelica to England in et:a:Ica:on
trimental influences of too zmich or cause hack-, eible folk have never realized the po- ° your imaginatitei at work and you a Tahli.:. niqethegierntoi nbeet a•,:yed ;:el 1°::4:ng i with the situation tieveir.pri over-
leughtige and groin foods. f I 1 d t i 1 1 tl tine • it eh the ennort cf
?, y! wrong time and this mill
1 - 4 , tent power of music to get behind find that it is an idealization of the is to he oeare gee dryienetpag me_ ; 8ea it .111 mullet:MO-a evi
firing. Carburettor troublea cause
Redd and torn silage are the m' et e_atterY teitca 1,8 a halliiY.d(Two for ,c•-• shim' . fire. end ig-t unatestand
palatable ane tale:thee forms of nue. It's music, eomething We all en- 11.t sttk' FOP MOSt
tne teal t't hen there et a brulten
• are ezo good tele aro teach rig,: evlil lose in pumer. Oensimally. the'. Too many people think that musks eitil„ieel, near '1 all true poetry is.' .41 ()Ilk ,
rrtvre anl pe6p7e close to the
Food COitild Corer
" rfz.r-1 .". n I "Ne Stock
A roTghago ration a any kind is itanY elaYs epraying an orchard. plows 'mid churns and saw e and all sound of your OWn neighborly brook, is for meate and other animel produets from
the ae. and au- the explosion will • tiled is wed whea the weary
1123 been identified
ehould contain a3 higit a pereentage g" never seen it at work. So this, talk thendersemin. future cc neumptiun, end the. wet-pick-
v.ith the live stock indvstry a Caa-
• ,h4,1 1*4 .te 041 4)f • If there is an improper mixture or the jobs of the farm heezeise they've or the musical interpretation of a
fail or rot have ttuffident ewer ; nig mhen it is •
for 'immediate use
Vora a mixture ef home-gr.oten. grains. i '•'"ell 1-e When foods are dry-piekeO they
ef protein as it is possible 'to obtain- on; e e hi •; of mine ia to he bottom facts about °; Have you ever .attended a nature,
It. 011.,. bare,. ... ,... biet1 by thrusting a sharp 'knife
inure en .abufida.nt eupply • ie, concert without a hurnan being pies - - aro
e,i•-• ... • e ,e- ; • of - • eo P 0 , ! A grouch is a poor worker, so? ', en.t except yourself nor a single man -
make. an ideal ra,tion for pregnant evill make a inside out , made tune being played. ', through the right side of the roof ?f.
heler1catreo Oil the o erat r •may
e,ves. Corn may he fed Fearing:lye! ; of a frown,. it's a great thing to have i Hear the _chirp:rig of the birds the mouth until the Jugular vein Is
put tea inueh in the cylinder. Carboni egeel if 43, song
ein0 Power of the eneitie. In general tile around. If you'll get yeur people'singing their recurrent notes with a, be- Period. He wili be able to simply the
etuthorities ove.r there the latest di -
but it is a fat-prodaeing food eevered. Blood will immediately The
deposito result and this reduces the
its use Must be tempered with: gin to nun from the mouth.
met information an to canditione on
ment. Ily feeding, a. variety of suit- you've done a lot to dear out the , rat -a -tet -tat of the grasshoppers and brain is then plexced by thrusting
this a1ti:e and back up representation:4
judg. diretelons aecompanying on engine singing and humming and whistlinge;rhythm most, enchanting. Heat the.
ithel'e le doubt as. to the cendition of 1 the groove in the
1 shoeld be followed to the letter. If
la levee ere.hard is to be sprayed and Weed4 of diecont'ent 'and from what 1 their kindred. •Hear the bass drum.g the itrtife thmalrh
:title roaehaee an 1.o ..,. e . g ' made by the Canadian Cabinet "SlInie-
A,,ts it le an eaey er.atter to regulate' can understand, :Anything these days miter of the mouth until it reaehes
ada for many years 111111 haa the .con-
tido= ef all thozo with whom he.
has been associated, or with whom he
has come into contact during thii
„ ters OVCrSAAS to the British autivori-
briap,, the the engire it is hest to have it 04e1 -to help the labor problem is to be ties dealing with thie problem, and
hn expeeieneed repair mar9 welcomed with open arra& endeavor to 'develop whatever ch u-
441.4» tangent of food so an to
ewes throes% to itemOing tinle in a! 1131 -Ilea bY
who can hua the fttults and remedy, nels that may open towarde the
thrifty end vieroroua hotelition. Wild you try it out en the farm? re-establishment of ethe imeort trade
Ewe 34113 .,S that are to be retained there. „ I Get the crowd. together the first fine
t. ei Cite oe the factora in successful- night out on the porch or in the barn. in Canadian animal products.
to replenieh, the eleeteng flock ehould
epeaying is 'aging everything at the Invite the neighbors. lake out the in a statement issued by the 7S111
loteeethe very heat_of treatment dur-
- . . ter of Agriculttn•e it waa emphasized
ize7The hfifiten it is silarttsig,lited right time and nsitally the right tizne piano or the organ and get the plan- on a fine old concert grand. !without food for twenty-four 110131.8
o Chat the 'present difficulty is due aole-
'policy to save feei at. th.e expense of. hsts • - h • - before killing. The head should be
, - . ly to the sudden tom nation of the
ist to help. If there's EL violinist, or Altogether, hat a melody, 'what!
• none too lone eo finielt the work '
when the equipment is in the best of anybody else, fine! But if there a. harmony unfolds! This is Music' • •
, wrapped neatty in paper and the reel „ , g.
1. al. , et, tec 1 en am a 1 ...tea
1 found It 't• • ••th le "
condition. Often an ,:nexperience•d isn't a 'alarm or any musician, area- for the musician to hear and profit' •
Worker with a gas engine will have tour or professional, try the player- by. There's a fine agereation in which •e d the' cla I t et t - b -
ft intact. In cold weather one can
bit - a mos any 15 ame e reserve stock's on hand provided as
a margin of eafdy fleculd the war
good suceess t'or several years, simply; piano er the talking and singing any of us may indulge -interpreting leeen • b indefinitely prulonged. Once these
by accepting the machhie as it comes machine. - intesic-finding the composer% real, ' ge, f g 4 f ' ed. + 11, 0
, If t - Cr% is or imm ea.e se
reel poet \shell dry -picked.
stocks are ilistributed St he confidently
. ' it is a trifle quicker to scald. it and
from the smelters and following dire:- The very first night will do it. The message. . .. - , e.xpected the demand for our live
tions without nny ihreanirg or neelg -second time will be fine, and the third When the family and the workers II' Ode 1 t '11•e
prce lac s 1.1 be ie:med and
The chemizal mixtinge neeessaey hid What is this going to do for you? of asking what the music means to usle, the ‚wet method of inciting. i
less experiments. I will make it 'a regular institution. gather for that "sing," try this id
----5 --:ea 1 tht- method the bloom is spoiled and 1 s -
. „. . i.„ i continue for many y gaie.
the bird will not keep so wee. Ad 1 The present problem is to arrange
spraying usually cause rubber to rot It's going to make fun and enter- them. 'scalded fowls should be immedietely a.
ere its for the purchase of supples on
or to become hard. rhe pump and i tainment. And we all need it. i For insteece, suppose you have put oere„,,,
the hose must be thoroughly flushed 1 You'll be surprised how a little on ,a record. of a violin composition _ , e the continent of Europe, where 1141 -
Out at the doe
es of each day's work,: idea like this wili brighten up the "What dace it mean to you ?" you ask. .
consideration than in. the past,
The. feathers are now et gesaalar I doebtedly a great shertage of meats
for if the sediment dries on the valves:whole life of the hem. You'll start Is it about !anything that sounds fang and fats exists. Once peace is 'signed
the bottom of the spray tank is not and music. The hired man will go this suggest to you?" drY-eicked feathers are more valu-
it will cause them to adhere. Wh.en' humming and whistling better songs. Mar? What idea or picture does - - ••
able than wet -picked either see-
, _ .,. for - and stable governments set up in the
countries now in the turmoil of 'm-
ing or for home use. When dry-piek-
thoroughly cleaned the material about his jobs 'with great tunes an On a 'Fturtmer day dose your eyes • • ' ' copstraction, there is no doubt that
which accumulates well soon clog the his lips. And the humming and as you he in your hammock or mg it is easy to separate the differ- ,,,
t quality feathers es they are out. e ^poi ea. e in meats and ant-
e -t t - d "
4. • , ling products will enter into a period
hese or the nozzles. When a tank whistling will work itself out in more stretch out on the grass. All nature en • ' • .
plucked and drop them into separate
filler is tIsed special care must be of great 'development.
the distant waterfall. The bteeze thatl
P-sY his part* the skull. This loosens the nerves
that have control over the feathers.
mer, the s•oodpecker,
Hear the soft. roulade:3 and trills of:
After thiportion: of the brain has
ovee the leaves is like the swishing a
been paralyzed the feathers dime off
of a dancer's veil. When the rain easily,
-it begins like A scherzo or mazurka;
i The poultry will keep -better if it
falls what a beautiful patter -patter
is not drawn and the birds are kept
For Profit
Ontario Fertilizers
rWithout a
IProfitably Employed
I• -Says Ottawa
ii rertilizera and manure expert -
11 meats were carried out at five Ex-
pernnerital ream Stations, on a
three-year rotation of
(1) Potatoes or other hoed crop, (2)
Grain and (8) Bay. "Theaverago profit
for thethreo years from the plota receiving
both manure and fertilizers of over :CO
per acre p and from fertilizers AIOUGalightly
over $1.) per acro./ 0
•' These calculations arc bar...41 cm the
normal pr e,17Elf prices of 4.11 (4.4 cora:nod.
ties. Under present conditions of tbe
rnarket, notrztlistanding the increased
cost of feitilfzem, the profits would appear
At all the stations, the conibinatiolf
of manure and fertilizers ranked highly.
and tOok hivilest place in the a.vorages."
rionsintoa texperlmental Varms Ilerort
1928. •
ritilefor Free Bulletin's' ot civp Proelkctio3 3
Sc a ama Crop issorovorment Bureau I
of the leimialan Vortilizer Association I
1110welt: vow& mot-iptirmieama.,/,te."0' 2 TEMPLE SLOG,, TORONTO.
21 I
Single Exception
The Fertilizers Were
work and better work. The music is alive. You can hear it and see it.
taken to keep dirt and fine nebbish
from being drawn into the tank. A
good tank filler saves much time in
filling the tank with 'water.
A long length of first class hose is
an economy because of the action of
the spray chemical whieh soon des -
treys cheap hose, and because the
long hose enables the worker to keep
far enough behind the wagon to do
good work. Spray nozzles that are
light and simple fhl construction will
close less frequently than more elab-
orate makes. The angle nozzles en-
able the 'operator to easily direct the
spray 'with a turn of the wrist. This
is very important when spraying
large trees aa the operator must get
in under the Isranches and be sure to
hit all sides of every limb with the
fine. mist.
The •hose and the equiprnent will
soon become coveted 'wlittle the spray-
ing• seletion on the ontside from the
mist whieh falls from the trees. The
hose •which has been dropped throug-h
the grass aprinkled with the praying
solution will aeon rot, :became hard
end 'mettle, if it is not given a thor-
ough dealing before being stored,
The Use of Hot Beds and Cold
Frames. •
• A hotbed is desirable- wherever
vegetables or flowers are grown in
C1.,anada. It 13 a Means :ter -Wig& plants
will get behind the plows and the When you listen to th4 great eompo-
machinery and epeed up things. 1 siteon, znusec es painting in flammg
I propose. We all want to know mine, seine are drab as steel gray; marketed for enough to make „ them
There's another angle to the plan colors. Some chords are red as car-
_ pay a good part of the labor cost of
about the really fine and great music sorne _are muddy, some luaid, seme dressing the fowls. AIso the offal,
of the world. Since we ean we might the tellOr 0.E lashes and some the pink
as well take into our lives the glad-. of the rose petals. You can listen that is too commonly wasted, if Tun
through, a meat chopper and washed,
lions happier and gladded that they the blackness of infinity, f can be fed direct to the flock, prdleio
ous melodies which have made niil- to some music and see only black-
e- ever- ably. in la moist mash so that it will
ate. on the earth. Since the fine WI -learning space. Some phrases
operas 'and great orChestred music gest cats' eyes, green and distrust-BlIg- be evenly distrebuted and kept from
hemming soiled in the runs or litters:
are now brought to our door, let us ful. Whiteeaps dance in an arpeg-
open. and say "Come in." When the gio. Another passage will snake you 4
Why Import Weeds?
boys come back, they are going to think of the ,golclen beams of th,e sun,
tell us a thing or two about musle.! warm and dancing. The whitecaps are The suggestion that seeds of the
They are hearing the best that the wet -they smell 'of salt anesea-weed. Flanders poppy should be imported
world knows. They are listening to They are surging and among welsh to Canada is caerYipg sentiment to
classic piano magic and -wonderful restless impatiente. The rose petals a dangerous extreme. The plant is,
violins and great singing artists, are soft and velvety. A sweet frag- alter all, only a beautiful weed, a
who have volunteered to enteetain grance is wafted in the nostril. It common pest in France. It would be
the boys. They've found it to be not is strange and 'cliffieult to understand
dry stuff or uninteresting but the blOW this can be but it is neverthe-
most joy -making concoction they; less true that music paints real pie -
ever discovered. They acre yelling tures on the min(1.
their heads off now, in applauding! Pity the children who grow up
and asking for more. Do you suppeeet without melody and harmony. Be
that When they cone back home they! 'glad for the youngeters who can look
are going to :forget this new 'taste' out on We with an appreciation and
for art Which they have acquirecli love of music. They wil see beyond
through the wee? I think nail the horizon line. They will see be -
They're going to say: "Now, folks*, yond the. dollar sign. They will see
Where fifty birds and upwards are OUR FAMOUS
dressed annually, the fe.athers can be
wise to take thought and learn from
a fotmer experience of a similar na-
ture, The blueweed, or Bishop's Curse,
was imported several years ago,
amiably for garden purposes exelu-
suvely, but it is now a noisome pest
in portions of eastern Canada. The
thought of the Flanders poppies
"over there" calls forth feelings of
national pride. Bringing them over
here will destroy their sentimental
why can't all the eeighbors get tog more than the dealer routine. They value for Canedians and -will add
getter and start something along the: will blossom and make the loveliest another to our already long liet of
music Eine? I can't forget it. rani flowers en the farm II they can play plant nuisances. g ,
hungry from it" or sing to make folks tingle with
Out MI the OarIll should be the nat.- happiness just to hear them, then. The blanket was first made and ute
are . gem through their earlier mat kee be find real native dyed -be! they become the finest friends and ed 13y Thomas Blanket, a pug Flem.,41; greet:Me' 'temperature ing 14441 wool mtiescalereare. Nature IS Cline116 of C'21 da ish merchant, in 1340.
'Champion" Evaporator
Only users of the "Champion" are en-
titled to enter Our $1,000.00 Prize COM^
petition for Syrup anti Snsar.. .
Hunt f or service, it gEVOS 11111,X1211=1 re-
turns which means lie waste. ,
Users of the "Champion" know what it ,
does and will again prove its merits in
this competition withIts 'cash y.lrize win- ,
n. lig opportunities. • Non - users,. and ;
4004E3 owners muddling along with oicl
wasteful methods had better get in lIne.1
and order a "Chniiipio's." and neeeesary
3;)P3ies now.
Wait= MANU.7ACT,urt,zwo 001'..P.*4.74-ir
wr-.11•=1a,;;4'.n 423rcz,
We pay the best price for Spring
• Muskrats
Send any Fars you have. You are
assured of satiefaction In price and
310 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que.
• In business for SO years
• Reference: Bank of Itochelaga,
St. Henry.