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The Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-20, Page 8
47,. EXETER. Ai]ITDi3ATE, THURSBAY, FEB, 5B, 1 Q r.; EER MARKETS Changed Eich Wednesday 'Fall Wheat 'pores What --- Oats........, Barley Family Flour Creamery Butter Dairy Butter Eo t>> Lard Potatoe. Bogs 55 70 5.70 58 45-48 ^....., ..$L50 —$1.75 .,.... ..... $18 to $19 ,...,, ... 16,75 Maar Ge xerai Mewbura, Minister tax 'tl3 9ti t eel Defence, has written to the c em .:t.°hdiit,, Officers of the varieus d striets saying,— " ty ng,— , ilesros i elem. i$ ped e ste.;diiy ;.10, troops will be returned at the rate of thirty thousand per =sash Senior February, 'March and AmiSe-sty thousand th. May; forty- tiv deet nd per month thereafter' It this erosram ss carried out, eme- tically the e. rtire C. E. F. should be is(i%nt.nit the end of August. Oa or aiseut the First .of March the ftrs t unees, Ls, tE . w'aaaadian Army Corps Jesse Gr er i,.ittria far Canada and the will follow rapidly. The ..IinietGr requests that all re:S turned men be given e warm evcic:ame house the 1 tna s` Thur ay night.utterEons .h • Ri.n:. led enjoy youmely .s. GIRLS PLAY HOCKEY. A great game of hockey will be played here on Wed,.n.'s lay or T rs day night oz net week, he fast Clinton. hockey girls are expected They are remarkably fine players and still be b©y-.. b`V tt he for d am Ext`r ate and see. the game, WANTED—A. married or single man to w ori; u -t farm by year. Free house and wood if necessary. Apply by writine to the Advocate. Office. Tie',Sissies:. Bad of Caven Pres - c;: t< s ze Church will hold 'a sale of Home. Marie Geo king and Candy in Mies %rigs Store on Saturday after - steers, '£'ebreary 2?std, FARM F OR SALE, jai! were ar:n, 2's miles f: srn Ex ,etc good roads. :ire locality. The farm is in fine condition aatel ;f pur- chaser wishe• s a reasonablefor amount s o rt may be left on mortgag e of years. If not sold in reasonable time. l be Exeter, Ont. d Apply to S. MARTConcert in Opera ;House on Friday evening. Feb. Bads under nuspiees o[ Lctdits' Md of 'ItLan S Church. Felt reartieutara later, Harvey's Flour is good flour. FARM FOR SALE. 150 acre fare for sale on the Sth Concession of Usborzne; good build- ings, well fenced and well drained; frith 25 acres of good bush: Conven- -dent to school and church, and six tees from Exeter; Apply at this office According to reports you will need a big oven to male room for the loaves if you use our flour. arvey Bros. COKE FOR FUEL,—I will haves a car of Coke for domestic use at Ex- eter Station Jan. D ' T Ey 1AN,one anDn ed of fuel call up h - wood. Redpath yaugorders d1 s 1n ando s 100 lb. bags, Phone 56. ..Ir. NOTICE TOO FARMERS. Ata m.•eting of the Executive Com mittee of the Exeter Branch of the i"nit d Farmers' Association it was (1ctf ••n : and a those interested hin t h L sited Farmers' Movement to b hld in th• Town Hall, Exeter, on February 2.8t:h, 1919. at 7,.30 p.m. to discusF, th. advisability of selecting United harmer Candidates for the Federal e.nndl lexov fcial no lata es at to the n s: attnd. J ti I AT,CL1FFE • of Exec. Committee rip /111"."111"."IFIWFAIIIVAIFVEAPENIF 11 LOCAL DOINGS. &Jai otlialhaitillitAitaaradicallt Ala Alkali' Friday was St. Valen;tiaree's Day. hip. Francis Hamilton is quite ill of congestion of the lungs, Mr John Nimrod is confined to his. home owing to leg trouble. Mr. Gordon Copeland jas engaged with Dr. Browning in his drug store. Ott, Lada claims from Germany $1,140,000,000 of war expenditures and damages claimed. The Young Meaa':s and Young Wom- en's Bible Cases of James Street Church will hold a banquet on March 3rd, James Street hockey team again won. out over the other eombintatian on Tuesday evening, by a score of 3-2,. Ree. Y elland preached in Main Street Church on Sunday morning and Mrs. (Rev.) Graham occupied the pul- p.t a the evening. Mr. Phillipson of the Bank of Commerce staff has been transferred to the Branch at Sault: Ste. elarie said, left eat Monday for that place. A very pleisseat time was spent in the School Hall of the Trivia Oleo: - oriel Church on Friday evening last when a Vale.•ttiue SoeiaJ; was given by the Auxiliary Girls, Games Were played and all enjoyed themselves. Tho newly organized Band cave an opea air program ion Saturday even- ing ire, front of the Molsons Bank., and acquitted to galves a e a Bad lsuccjess- rung and Leader Gidley and the liand desteve every encouragement. The ath c1 in hetsee ofa cuTl orntonedrSm le, atteently r a few weeks' illness of dropsy, and the internment vies made at Zion cemetery, Mr. Smale had been a res- ident of ("shortie all his life. He was twice mairried, and is survived by his sec orad wife. The School At Home an Friday venin:; was well attended andwas a most enjoyable affair. A choice pros grow o• readings, dialogues, songs, Instrumentals end promenades was given, P.r,;t.•aeipal H. J. Havilazad was chairman- and Mrs. Cochrane peeved for the promenades. The auctiars sale of Mr, J. H. An- drew on Friday last was a great sue- e ss and prices were the highest ever paid in the towdshio of Usborne. Eight tows averaged $154.75; steer, 20 months old $135,00 each; heifers sols! at $116.00 each; calves 10 mon- ths old, $.88.00 each, young pigs $10 each; hens $1.25 each. The services in James Street Meth,- who Church on Sunday were •n, the interest : ot the Women's ;fiissieonary Society. The sermons by the panto; were apuropriate, and the e;hoir, ush- er: ane' collection, takers were mem- bers of the Missionary 'Society„ OnMonday evening the Society gave a supuer and it was well attenxledJ Reuben Graham of the Graham Ho- tel, Clinton, was on Friday sentenced to Goderich jail for 30 days at hard labor. He has frequently violated the Canada Temperance Act, and this time Magistrate Andrews made it a jail term The case arose from an auto trip recently when officers captured some nine quart bottles of whiskey in his grip When he came home. The following item is copied from n Witraipeg paper and the Dr. Mack referred to is a nephew of Mr. David Mack of Exeter:—"Gilbert Plains, Man., Feb, 7—John Mack, 13 year old, son. of Dr. C. A. Mack of this town, was burned to death this morning when gasoline with which he attempt- ed to light the fire exploded. His father, who is suffering from an at- tack of influenza, was forced to flee from the houa'e in his bare feet and night clothes. Three other children 'and Mrs Mack escaped from the buitdine without injury. The accident occurred at 8 o'clock, when the boy arose to light the kitchen, stove to prepare breakfast;( In: his hurry, he filled a cup with gasoline and threw it into the fire. The explosion, blew the top off the stove and started a fire in the kitcheents Neighbors suc- cessfully extinguished the. blaze. The boy wa.• taken, to anearby, home where medical aid was rendered, but with- out avail. Dr. Mack is reported to be in a very precarious condition as' the result of the exposure." SOLID BUSINESS. We- underts,Yaind that Mr. T. Boyle, who recently purchased a business in Landon has scold it again, and gives possess6,on this week. HORSE KILLED. Mr R. N. Rowe lost one of the val- uable horses belonging to the hearse team on Tuesday afte(rinoon.e Mr. Rowe and Mr. T. Dinney were driv- ing in, the country when the iron, on one wide of the end of the tongue broke and frightening the team they ran away. Mr. Dinne,ya who was driv- ing, was drawn over the dashboard and thus lost control In the run one horse struck a tele -phone pole and was killed. Mr. .Dinmey and Mr. Rower both escaped injury, ;NEW WALL PAPERS. Visit our WaJI Paper Dept. and see our beau:itul display swing. Y. { We have a good stock .of WHITE' FLOUR. some wheatlets, oatmeal, oat flour ^,nd darnur. Harvey Bras. MAN WAN rED. A mar.i&l maul to engage by the year en farm, near Exeter. SANDEI2S MEN'S SPRING SUITS. Cal.'% i a and see Mr. Sheere a New Spring Suit made to measure, Prices medium. guaranteed. about your A .fit JONES & MAY. LAND WANTED. 300 acre or more land for flax for next year, for w ich good resitil trill be palet Ontario Flax 'Company jos, Davis, Exeter. • Phone 13 r 12, NOTI(G'E le serious fuel Owing to the rpralaab :situation the ,Fuel Commissioners of the Township of Usborne have order- ed four car -toads of .screened soft anal through their dealer, W. G. Medd Winchelsea. Seeing thi at there is Ilkely to be, little or no hard coal forthcoming ratepayers are advised the 'plc their orders JP3 with eitheither Bee -7e or any of the iCou'nci:llors to • secure their needs, ialCN Y 'STRRANeG, {Clee]rk. TURF CLUB ORGANIZED. The adjourned meeting for the or- ganization of a Turf Club in Exeter was held in, the Library ReadingRoom on Thus;sday evening last, when the Members' Subscription Committee re,- ported a membeeshin of about sixty. The' election of officers and directors took place with the following result Hon. Pres, N. D. Hurdon; Pres., A 5. MCDonell; Vice -Pres., W. R. El. Lett Sec., A. E. Kuhn; 'Treas., W D. Clarke; Other Directors, R, T Luker, James Essery, C. H. Sanders R. G. Seldon, Fred Elleritngton. It i,, proposed to rent the track and put an a race meet during the summett At' a meeting of the directors eon Monday, .,evening Mr. McDonel1, re- signed as president, and Mr. Eleler- ingtan was elected to that office ; Mr Kuhr. asestigesed as secretary, and Mr Seldom was elected to .fill. the vac- ancy,, Sisiessrs..McDoemelll and. :Kuhn reemaie •our the Board sof-Directarav CASTO R IA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Yeers. Always bears the Signature of The Hearst Government candidate Parnell, was elected iaa, Lincoln Sat- urday. but the Government candidate Cameron was defeated in North. On- tario on Tuesday The Opnositjon candidate. in Lincoln was a Labor man and itt North Ontario a Farmer's can- didate, J. W. Widdifield. At the meeting of the Men's Club in. the Trivitt Memorial School. Hall ort Wednesday evening last Good Roads were discussed, and it was moved, seconded and unanimous- ly adopted, "That the Men's Club do all in their power to support the town council in the construction of a per- manent road on,Main Street" The next rueetirag will be held this Thurs- day evening, when, the discussion wilt be oh. Provincial Highways, Mr. Thos. Boyle of London. town Monday nights Mr. Young Creech of Witldsor is home for a few days. Mr, Jolut Mallett and family were a Loodots over Sunday, Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper and children: visited for a few days in London] Mr. Peter Bawden. returned Satur= day night from a visit in Windsor and Detroit, Mrs, N. 3, Dore left Saturday lo visit for a few days with friends in Windsor. was in Mr. Leon Treble has returned from London, having received his discharge from the army. Miss Reta Rowe and Miss Lela Sang% ders were home from Stratford Nor- mal other Sunday. The Misses Isabelle and Etta Steward,3on spesat the week end in Lucas: with friends, Miss May Armstrong returned last week from a visit with her sister, Mrs McCreath." at Luck :ow, Mrs McCormick and daughter of London are visiting at Mr. John Keyes' William Street. Mr, and Mrs, Dilling of Tucker - smith are visiting with their daugh- ter Mrs E. M. Qua.nce; Misse. Cara and Stella Sanders af- ter a visit at home, returned to Me Stratford Business College Monday.. Mr. W, D. Sanders was in Toronto this week attending a Directors' Meeting of the Farrmers' Associations Mrs Southcott and son. Private Gor- dan Southoott and his little son of Londoaa spent Thursday, last here with relatives. Messrs. T. Cameron; F. j. Del,- bridge, elbridge, D. B. Sanders and lesse Horn went to Goderich this week to act as jurors Mrs. J. R. Inksater, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. 5. Bissett, returned to her home in Paris Wednesday morning. Mrs William Bray of Harmsworth. Alan. arrived here Saturday dight to visit relatives. She is, jio.w in attend- ance on her sister, Mrs. H. II. Brown, "Thames Road, w,ho is not well. Mr Jas. Collisgwood and son Mer- vin of Hamilton, Mr. John Colling- wood, wife and children of Pt .Huron, Mr. Thos Collangwood of London Mr. Thos. Welsh of London spent Sunday and Monday at Exeter, visit- ing relatives and spending afew hours with Private Ernest Collingwood, who returned from France last week. Mr, R. P. Escott of Elmira, Mich,, visited old friends and relatives in town and neighborhood over Sunday. Mr. Escott was a former resident of this community for many years be - fere going to the United States, over thirty years ago. Mr. Escott is • rot genial dispositiosa and meeting so many of his old friends, he enjoyed his visit very much. Four Good Lessons to Remember First—Once your kidneys are affect ed, chronic complaints are sure to fol• low—if you don't remove the cause immediately, Second—You clan't netted kidney or bladder derangements and stay healthy. Putting off will never cure. You must assist Nature. Third—The- synvptoms of kidney or bladder trouble—the commonest symp- toms—are: Pains in the back and sides, swollen joints, painful urination, brick dust deposits, and constant headaches or dizziness. Pounth—The sure and safe remedy for all afflictions caused by weak or deranged kidneys is Gin Pills. Gin Pills have been the means of restoring thousands of chronic suffer ere to health and strength again. If you suffer from kidney or bladder troubles—use Gin Pills. They seldom fail to bring relief. Read what Gin Pills did for Mr. James Stackhouse, of. Toronto. Mr. Stackhouse became convinced that he was is for an attack of Kidney trouble. Although subjected toff -ray treatment, the cause could not be loeated. Fin- ally he was forced to leave his work and go to a hospital. Hie place was filled by another, as he. outer erpeeted to go to work again. Five boxes of Gin Pills put him olt his` feet again, and to -day he le physi- cally fit again and ready for work, Sold everywhere for SOe a box. A free sample on request by writing to The National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limi , ted, Toronto, Qntario. U. S. residents should address NaaDrn Co., Ine ,NO Main St., Buffalo, N.Y, ,qp JONES & MAY PHONR 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Spring House Furnishings The New Wall -Papers are Here Our New Wath Papers for the coming season have just -arrived, They are without a doubt the finest selection sone have ever shown„ Dainty Bed Room papers elaborate Living Room effect4, plain Oat:near, Tile Bath Room Papers, Etc„ Etc. are show= in scores of different patterns and colors, ,Prices mioderates. RUGS LINOLEUMS, CURTAINS_ We have a magnificent stock of Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Curtains, Curtain Nets, Window Blinds, Etc., at remark- ably reasonable prices. Congoleum: Rugs at less' than to -day's whole- sale prices. Ask to see the neer jute Rugs in all sizes—$7.75 up, Ladies! See our Spring Suits and Coats NEW COLORS Memo Corsets We are local Selling Agents for the celeb+,rated Mema Corsets'j This is one of the most popular is nes on the market to -day. We also sell A' -la - Grace and D. & A, Brands. Ask to see the New Goddess laced- front corset. BRASSIERES—New Styles for the Spring now iaar stock. Silk Poplins --$1.50 Silk Poplins 36 in. widef, all popular colors, including black. Our Special Spring Selling Price $7.50 yard. OUR FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE STILL CONTINUES DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS Get your Redpath Granulated Sug- this month, PRICES REASONABLE JONES & MAY H.e&dquortera for the Celebrated Saedlord & LLoo Brenda Clothing Nat as d Dols. NEW Wall Paper New scenes awaken new interest in life. That is just one big reason for new Wall Paper. And now is the time to clothe your house. Wall Paper makes the greatest dif- ference. in the appearance of your home at the smallest cost,! It offers an almost himitless variety of Patterns and arrangement. We carry a full line of all kinds of Wali Paper and we can sell at ae price that will make it attractive to buy from us. We hang parer and would be pleas- te do your job, but if it is your de- sire to have others hang it we shall be pleased to sell you the raper just the same. SEE OUR SAMPLES Ask to see• our samples, it will give us the greatest pleasure, and if you don't sec what you like don't buy. We will measure your room and give youalLinformatiosa free of charge Prompt delivery guaranteed: Phone 53 BERT CLARK. South of James St. Parsonage NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has epeened an office :in McDonell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention paid to all calls day or nights Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Coesarut has . nought the practice of Sweet & Read and will continue business at the same stand a11s promptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We haw a large auto:mt of private funds to loan en farm and village property at low rates of 'interest. GLADMAN & SI ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC ]2, CARLING, B. A. Barrister,. Slolieciftor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal- e; sans $ainlz, 'Etc. Money to loan at ;lowest rates of interest. Offices—Main Street, Exeter..., HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year•+ old up, weighing from 1500. pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rotilstona, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the, R C. C, D. S. of Ont Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carlineg's. Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office aver Gladrnaa & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farre Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockslautt Was-ler•ooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. FRAM l TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties ot Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonnalhle and Satisfaction Gaamnteed. Crediton, — Ontario. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Apices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line, Call and see us. A trial as to quality adi11 conVin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain- Store Choice Bargains PRINTS—Just openled a job' of Prints, consisting of 15 pieces—all.gao"rl patterns, 29 to 30 Uriches wide, in light and dark shades, .worth 30c, per, yard, on sale at 25c. per yard. A CLEARING LINE OF MEN'S SHIRTS „$1.48 EACH. JUST A FEW OVERCOATS BOYS Suits, Mean's Suits Extremely Low Prices. , RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, Our Spring Shoes are arriving look thew over. to Clear h) ETt', adr1 wje wall be pleea!seed to Fiaye you B W. F. Beavers I s,t