HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-20, Page 7Markets of the World
• tt- Oasttitfi4.
Toronto, ii'e ,, 11. --Manitoba Wheat
to -.-No. 1 lr'or llern, , 2.24Y2; No. 2
Northern , $2.2114. • i o. 3 Northern,
2,1714; No. 4 wheat • $2.1111, in
#tt}x`e 1''ort Willi'a=it,
Manitelet cr; is No. 2 C. W.; 08%e;
No. 3C.W., I;11/:e; extra No. 1 feed,
63'1/,ce; No. 1 feel, 59 te; No, 2 feed,
55% e, in sore ]!ort William;
Manitoba Marley --No. 3 C.W,, 81%eIlio. 4 C,W., 76%e; rejected, 09%0;
:feed, 69%c, in store Fort Wil: taint
American Bern -No. 8 ye'lleov, $1.50;
Non 4 yelUUaw> 81.47, prompt 2hipmont. .
Ontario er I . --No. 2white,. 57 to
00e; No. 3 w,rhete, 50 to 59c,.accordiula
to fre:ight:e cu esi(ie.
Ontario Nene:it--No. 1 Winter, per,
car let, $2.14 to $2.22; No. 2, d0.,'
$$2.11 to $2.19; No. 3, deo. $2,07 to
$2.15 f.odi., ..,, )ping points, amording
to freight
Ontario teltenteeNo. 1 Sprig;;, $2.09
to $2.17; ]'io. 2, do., $2.06 to $2.14;
No. 3, do., $2.02 to $`2.10 f o.I>, 0141-
pi"points- ittegooling. to fl eighte
eas- .No. 2, $1.775 to $1.80, accord-'
g to freloien. out.ide.-
Boltey-•-I, .ttint,� 73 t 78e, nominal.
B etknn hent Nv: 2, .1.U0, nominal,
p3•e--No In $.1.25, nominal,
•Manitoba 1',,,..u1 --eve rlantent stan-
€lard, $10.55 ; ; $11.35. Toronto,
Ontario fine.�
: - -War c ttality, $0.755 in
frogs, Torpid,. and «+i..iltre 1, pxennpt
r;lipmont. •. 1
Millfee(l t'a lots, delivered Mont-
real freights) begs• included. 13ran,'
37.25 per ton; 7horte812.25 per ton;
gooal flour, $". ,.1 pot bog. •
,- r *22
'1-Iaz• l�0 1; •.,.» £4•too; mixer],.
$20 to $21 in i
ton, trace.. Toronto,
Straw-•-t'n .ots, $10 to $11 per ton,
e'er. lots,
Montreal Markets
Montreal, Feb. 11.---Oats-'.-Extra
No. 1 feed, 74e. Flour --New stand-
ard grade, $11.25 to $11.35. Roiled
oats --Bags, 90 lbs, $3.90 to $4.25.
Biotin $37.25, Shorts, $42.25. lllouit-
1'ie, $68.00. flay --No, 2, � per ton, ear
lots, $23.00.
Cheese -Finest eanterns, 24 to 25e.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 51 to 51's,
Eggs ---Se eeted, 50e; No. 1 :tock, 47'
to 54c. Pot atee I'er bate, cat lets,
$1.75. Banned begs ---Abattoir kil-
,l -led, $24.00 Lard -',ere, Wet .1 pane,
20 lbs. net, 25 to 2Se.
Country ti°roducc-- itoleo€ile.
Batter ---Dai •v, tater u.tl rolls, 28 to
30o; prints, 40 to 41':. Creamery,
fresh made, zo ids, Cite; prints, 52c,.
Eggs -New bid, 45 t:4 46e.
Dressed poultry -Spring chickens 1
20 '
to 32e; ros,. IGS,.,,`, fnwvl, `,.•
"�! to
Yoe; ducleliuge, 32e; turkeys, 40c;i
equnbs, doz., $4.50; geese, 25e.
Live poultry -Rooster , 90c; fowl
2.1 to 80o; ducklings, , th„ Wee,. turkeys,
35e; Spring, ciliate ' . 24e; geese, 18e.1
>< hole salers are sellifts to the re-
tail trade at the foiin;v , i' price's:
t hecse--1\Cwv, large, ;;,?_ to 28e;
twins, 28 to 281,ia; intt, iaege, 28 to
2'£1-e; twin, 261e t()•til
BL.tter,-Fresh deity. i .vie, 4( to;
48c; creamery, ; algin. 51 to 53e; s
pr°in;i(, 52 to 54e„
Margarine ----32 to 33•°.
Eggs. --No. 1 storage, AO to a•2e: new,
laid, 55e; new laid in certens, 57e. I
., Dressed poultry.--S;.nota' t•Iliekene.
.,3 to 388; rooeters, 28 to :,ale; fowl 32'
to 35e; turkeys, 4) to SUe. (hu'klings,
,; c ,. ,,.
]b. „to 3iit clog .,
doz., 85,50;
geese, 27 to 29:.
Potatoes--•(i,lteeitlt'. f.o.b. track
i t 1 to •'1 • lots, t1 .0
0o cel t 1 0,
Beans --'-• (u od 'n', hand -niched
!bus11eI, $4.50 to $;i.00. I1nported
hand-l)ieked, Burma or Italian, $1.00;
Limn, 111c.
.E ney,-1';xtraeted clover: r -lb. Lige,
28 to 29e ih,; 104. tins, 27 to 28o;
till -11w, tin:, 20 104. tins,
buckwheat, 60-
lb. tin, 21 to lase. Conti): 16 -oz., $4.50
to 135.00 doe.; 12 -ox., S'..10 to $.4.00
M aplo.• I'r('ducts.--Syl•tap, nee gallon,
$2.25 to ;':;.11 . sugar, Ile. 27 �o 28e.
ProviR ions---Wltnleeale
Sniukcl meats --Rants, medium, 36
to 88e; do., heavy, 30 to 32e; cooked
49 to 51e; ro11s, 31 to 3:2e,; breaifast
bacon, 41 to 45c; backs, plain, 44 to
45c; boneless, 50 to 52e.
Cured meats -Long clear bneon, 28
to 20e • clear bellies, 27 to 28e.
Lard --Pure. tierces, 27 to 27%o;
tubs, 2•M to 28e; pails, 3'" ;u, to 281'ba;
snilits, 281 to 20c. Compound,
tierces, 251,E to 25%e; tubs, 25% to
26x'ac; pail's, 20 to 26 e; prints, 271,1to 27'�e.
Free to Boys
Tarns like' silty,
spin-OA:spin-OA:A E Watt and
e.t£tising as much
friss Its though it
were running the
elm:trio light plant
of your town. 1Taa
brass lacquered
boiler, with sr!itey
valve. blued s:eei
firebox, with spirit
burners, and blued
steel clition»; tell
running parts of
best quality metal.
S'1. el)d us your name.
and we will send
you 40 peek: es of
our lot ely ernboes-
ed St. Patrick and
1:aster Postcards
to sell at 10 cents
a nacltaate, 'When -
cold, fiend us the.
money and we will
.lend you the steam,
engine, with all.
charges prepaid.
3Sa'F.,s"a"3°, 47, '2.0E03220
Live Stock Markets
Toronto, Feb. 11, -Choice heavy ex -
poet steers, $15.00 to $16.75;• do.,
goed, $14.00 to $14.50; choice butcher
steers, $13.00 to $13.50; butchers'.
cattle, -choice, $12.00 to 813.00;
good, -$11.25 to $11.75; do., conte on,
89,50 to $10.00; bulls, choice. 810.50
to 811.00; do., roe' lmet llulls, '8.'5 to
$9 .25; do., rou,h t)' ll , $'7,tO to P.00;
butchers' cow; , (holee $10.00 to
'11.00; do,, hood„o.9,0C1 to 89.50; do.,
tne(llUrl, $8.00 to $850; do,. nommon,.
87.00 to $7.50; etoeltere„ 88.00 to
810.50; feeder=, $10.50 to $12.00;
cannel's, 85,35 to 87.00; milkers, good;
to c.Lc,'ce, 890.00 to $1.40.00; dos coin.
al:;l med., $;;150:) to $75.00; swringers-;
$90.00 to 8140 .00;.: light fives, 59.00
to 810.00; yeerlrng:.•.$12.00 to 812.5e;
spring. lambs, 815:00 to $16.00;
calves, good to ehoiee. 815.50 to
$17.50; hogs, fed and watered, $17.50
to 816,25,
Montreal, Feb. 11. Bo;t steels,
$13.50; poorer, $8.50 to 810.00 per
100 11'.34 ,eileice cows and bulls, $10.00
to $11.00; canners, $5.00 to $8,00;
sheep, $10.00; lambs, $14.00;; calves,
miIl'-i;etd, $12.00 to $16.00 per 100 lbs.;.
hogs, $17,30,
OgRMANY $1,140400,004
A despatch from Ottawa says: -
Canada's claims against Germany, in-
cluding; war expenditure to date, now
total over eleven hundred and forty
million dollars, Wier expenditure
alone from. the beginning of the wear
to tate end of last month, totalled
$1:1112.00,00e. This represents ne-
cottut whtc%l have parsed through the
book:. of the Vinain* Deportment. in
addition. claims for actuad enemy tient-
ages against calnadlans „-(debt s for
dein a„ ee by subnt,triues rent in (there
wwe-Yo ..- now total about $19,01+0,000.
A despatch from London say::: --•The
fritieh delegates at the Peace Con-
ference have been :lei?nttely in:,trueted
to claim an indemnity which will in-
clude the east of the war as well as
the Conic a nehtally caused, it was
announced in the Iiottse of Commons
Ore Thursday by Andrew Boner Low,
Uovel•nment leader in the Commons),
in r('ply to a quea,tion.
A. commission is now considering
th' amount to no claimed, the method
by which payment should be made and
the means of enforcing the payment,
Mr. Bonar i.aw added,
The Smile of Victors... -Premier 1..'.'o}:l George aril R
Beiteur rhetegraphed as they were about to enter the
Office on the opening day of the Peace Congrees.
n. Arthur J.
:ch Foreign
In a statement to The Transcript
Colonel W. A. 13ishop, Canada's pm.
mica• " " wlro holds the world's war
record for birdmen, predicts the early
wiping out of distauee by the airplane.
He says: "As soon aa the weather be-
comes suitable -about April 1, 1 think
-an airplane will cross the Atlantic;
and not one, but dozens, for on the
first favorable day there will be an 11>.
ternational race to accomplish this
feat. The winner will probably start
from Newfoundland and land in Ire-
land, making the flight in quite a bit
under twenty-four hours, and without
the net'es: ity of coming dawn. It is
entirely possible to earry sufficient pot-
' rut end other Supplies to do this. and
the Newfoundland togs. about which
more or less leas been said, won't
bother, for the aviator will q.:ieltly
I rise above tate fug belt at the start"
GERMANY $1,140,000,000
A (despatch from London says:..,._.A
new petrol tank, which will neither
leak nor catch fire when perforated by
incendiary bullets, the Daily Mail says,.
has been added to the list of wonder-
ful war inventionn. These tanks were
being built and fitted fit British air-
planes as fast as possible when the
ariltistiaeal was :vignette nail the fight-
ing continued British pilots, would Have
boon immune: from one of the greatest
causes of et ualties. This iuventi0tt
is to be applied to commercialair-
( dlle.nee.
A rleenatch front London says: -•-
The total number of Canadian Chap -
'.,,ins now tort et the overseas
force; is 43b. The number of honors
gained include five C'.M.G's, nide I).
S.U. s, thirty-three mentions ;it mil -
tory desratehes and thirteen brought
to the notice of the Secretary oe' State
for War,
Two Chaplains were killed, one died.
of wounds, one was drpwned on the
L,andovery Castle, which vas sunk
by a German submurir,e; two died of
illness, ural ::1 were woua ted.
MORE ru.1N 10.000,0110 ALIENS'
.1 tae=patch from Washir ton
says: --:Approximately one-tenth of
the population cf the 'United .S+tute.
is coliir.e'er1 of unnatatraiiaed ere s,
aecold tete' to Raymond V, Cristo De-
puty Cent:pie inner of Naturalization,
who dere:are-1 that Audi at condition
would not ;.o permitted by any other
country, and P.:ppm:le") to American
ei.itens tto bele in malting ,; eit'7ens of
alien resider. P t;' e y r n u:. teen, :t .I :t. til:tt won the ele:tr'oi pledge ',t'\ell i)y
ztr. Hc' i:liLl there wen
Sufferings of Petrograd. People ixtg Ferdinand Wounded in an
Terrible ]fey end Description. Attempt to Reach ,Jassy..
A despatch from Iiolttlell Days:-- A des patch leo Berlin says: -A
There has jr.st 'alriveil in Iandon ata general insurree.f• ole. Is in Pr()e 0' 3
Lnglielt trate unionist 17.1K) 31as ,i•,•ed tlirou .10.it Rbtlrearia, according to a
in closest contact with Resal'n work special despat'h from rze :nae Ding
ere in different part: of•the conntr • 1 e'd t'tori Lae been wounded s'.ightly
y ill -"entero. ;
for the p<:s,,.five years. �Ie has come � � '� t' •n to flee Erwin Socha+'r:st
direct from Petrograd, and is the ` to Ja. sy with theI oy tl
course of an interview with a `London liVorisixsgmctt bleeked the roadway
Daiiv tener.e repre enyaative he des-' frern the Royal Petheee, anal the King
cribe,l the terrible ren4. ti -.n of life and }ii, family were f erred to return.
:n lTa ala: under Bolehevik rule. The King wee wouided when the
"Conditions in Petrograd," n(; sell,' 'workers, aacee -tins, to the re to"t, fired
"are 1;eyond belief. The s ferir<g of , U1 en the R:),)-4":;11 I'a:tr .
the people is bo iteiib:e the!,?t ,an ` 11.1 er3 `i the streets us Butte-
senile- be lir mine:1 in. hng d<'' . met nee (t*.Enle gigot eilrg the over-
""Maehinery for food 'dieteilsotio.n throw of the dta. t y, ,eryiaag "Down
hhas ccmr.letely bra'.rn down end with the r t;pat;, :ort ; .ie thr Re-
praot. o:i^ all the �serlee ` i't the city
Ere suffering from :thee: et<.i1a` en. Tin Vi: • ('f 2 en:be ' t It:tt'i that
They have r;a-' d tile.: rttge of s"ni- t:t0 ieeoie :a vein o.' are! R3L: ilei;'1.
Stervation. 1 h St seen pc Sp.:e ,ate . tet t i, In a ':" i1 I'etnn'en t`'o
all`. dying 1n the s.reeta. At night. 11ri!it .. :1 tieittone :.^.* rn lin: D:i-.
Petrograd vas like .t city of th de'.d. kill. t apt)' ! 4 cr- wen::Ridged aan't 15 0
<"I often asked the pt'onS' why they r3> tette , he : '..e:e7.traLe et the Rene
didn't overthrows the 13& iovi in and ira'; ::•n ai,P1 , tic:" ,.. ,' .y'j.£_ :441s,
the reply I get west "W1t e con': 1f w: ee.: a• elect The sconotnie s itt«:diets
lift a little finger that wvsil I (e ti!'' t;l,l . i;� 0•f.•. :;:'r' `:�'oa1l, =e. And eine
of u : kt,:1111 y del:nrein ,re euen =.'etch 4;0-
-Ruze:a has pas`ed bej�owed the Ir,oi t in. '. 'i?1" );`cit•en Of the BInt•-
sphere of po' ties. The, (leonine is tient) { : esee' i-: ale. iii ',o be nese
now one of lain nit3`. Pe'ztt?e acre sty :tenable.
inn wwho:eralc of statt•ution. The lase.' f :LPen tiara • -ef Ituter.:anin was
pulatien of ?etr:egrs.(1 has (itemise I Lit n aa. "tile f&re-t of alt f l';antl-
fronl 2,000,000 to , abeett 000,00:t1. tial gr .* r,, n: 0 zeni'. Vit „o €est C3tt
'ihourat.s hem been telt?t'td or ie,ttt: Ta"u..ty 10. ;?t1+3, she married hu:g
:tied from the effect . of st-tel tail I'`c•t2.n tat- t?iw i;:5i t tesla Piltic(
The iv gn (.f 'terror extend, to the e.f ease Rene' !Ions* t`' „`vii Ce 11e1'
country slit''ie''da. There, hen -none x .:,:t• u'. tt•:' . i9: of .a1w:'e-ssJ1l to
''the people are r'.>t starting." throne t'f Britain 1 rin.rrsing it ito-
^--- - • man t'at'1'o , sirce Porliarin; t at
IN A. BOlkIB t1RC)CI Sfil'L'Elt [:c:;,ntii =t. . _Mo • tie:.n LWO 31ia:tthe,1
1 1 �. rite Of ;.;vt`we-
Fxperienees of it Red Cross Norse ;meet, tier ; ,d t e (etidd :tl);l
During an Eitelny B(liiil�erdan° at 1/ w t77' _�_ .lt + x r ;�, i', •''
'Writing to a fr'e,..l.:s I"e'1 ("'rn: a �el;
nun'st, ;t h I:linaboi Ani:der 5T, r;':r s
a v v tl t 's i. *int er r ••e1 • f:ernlaan t(* I)tto' ttt lt(t 1' (1
r. l t), i to tial t.. rti",1 t; Rxtent of Iter
e::perienoes that the numbers- • of her.,
orga'.nizetion hal to ..gee at th (tont. ' •s.,.<� .t Tat Leone + ea;: -•
h(' says: Capt, a to kt ,�:.rt G tt
hat -e been V 1t ii ) al nine tittle i,; t°,ln hal.;" 4 t f ('t)fi711tr t�ila'1!?e5`
bomburibnent. I don't think Tal ,net. the 1'r• oras twat- t *int:Il;ir,l to, press
be quite the sante. Raining; for tions the uttnu', ( it,r,• redone -iron fst,m Ger.
life and standing for aeten hours ilia nitn* :in"! sn /1- 't , 1-;'•ernany 141:1-
bombproof shelter' that 1 t n(?t 3)omlr- ; °L/ t13e fur' Aa ',;bail&'it'N,
Pr.enear l.lav,i !s.'r,,n ,(n I('l all:tt
10,5i)0,mml persons in this country who
etikl retain their allegiance t.) the
land of tine' birth;
A t;reepat(•h from London says:- -The
British Air Mini.try announces that a
french service inaehine on Wet ws•
clay Insole n r+`eard flight U,•hvCr'It
Paris and Loudon, covering the den
fence in one flour and fifty nnitltee.
The diet:owe is s'ered was 270 miles.
In Panama Canal -The C.P.R. liner Empress 'of Asia, whie'h took many western soldiers, home to Van-
couver, is licie shown passing through the 'big loek at the Pacific end of the Panama Canal. She was the first
British troopship to go through the canal westbound.
OK -it THERE 40E6
MR. JOtyt" t - I MUST
-t✓rA1c. Uta HIM
'\rx vT COhi1l l[i TO
Ms( notete "tE0
1IE's GOIMei tN
`a N1.001,1 -
1'!..t.. JUSi'-1t4\w7
'riERi UII1'1L.1-1[
COME otyrmum! L.INTE:
Imagine a cnnerete dugout about
flirty yards lone;', 008 feet wide, safe-
ven feet high, built under the ground.
Into this limited space. i., erowtled a
1' LS
ell iol ,. mixture t f 1 tole.. w` , a: -
t } 11 L t ftIIl
ears telegraph operators, I ('7 iti'
eillteenct't, railrotttl engineers and
con'lueturs, tour or fi.e ei.iliens,:
aboutseventeen guards with their buy.;
oneta, three dogs, a Ikbcra:l ptlnkling
of French solders meed time, Ameri-
We aro packed in sir ti;;ht divot we
are almost stilled, Weil) the guns
of our barrage are making a featr'ful
racket. Then three deafening bombs,
one right after the other' ---numbs :ti -
way,: fall in threes. The eighteen -
inch c'onente wally 14' our dugout acre
shaken as if they were rade of emit -
board; the air rushee through in it
si•kening blast,
Some ono ewe, ''Quell:' atffair•'."
One of the AInet ie a Is ionts 0e:ww :ng;
gime long enoun'h to remark, "Pretty
close!" The toll y..tmg '«tuatlsrnan 1
am leaning against wipe:, the per-
spiration from his brow and annteme-
ces that; he preterit the trenches.
Now comes compa'r'ative silenee.
Otto guns have stopped. We :t1l hold
our breath. Yes, we can hear d'1:;-
tinetly the sound of the: Beebe rlotor.7,
directly ever our heathe The tai
semis interminable. You grit your
teeth; you clench your hands; you 1
hold your breath; and titan comes a
stupendous, clashing din. This time
you are almost thrown to the ground,
and the concussion deafens you. ou
bold your breath again, expei:tingthat
your last moment has come. A pause,
and then two more, bomiss; explode a
little farther off.
We breathe again, anti our guns
begin tlteiir infernal racket. In the next
pause you hear the horrid rattle of a
rnaohine gun, notour own, and yon
knew the Boeho bee tome back and is
firing on the ruins c'f the house:. he has
just destroyed..
Never so long es I live shall I for-
get those silences in the dugout and
the humming of that motor, like some
hideous and unclean insect. And what
I have described kept up for years,
the tleteeenre i.t after can, NI Cabinet
t'a'tieitic :tion. Tb:' Govornlner.. :ood
ii' et. -1 v.,-.01 se one nredge.
WA!'. CYH1 S.I.I. i'C)Sw1'd;s
10300,000,1100 I)C)LL.i I::'1
A tnispattih Anne \C nitinf too
halt Tl` 1 Ittl cess:, orf the war to ell
I;•11ienrent,•, lie'eleti:Ite, the Central
pewere WW, 1 i,-a,l ret it1 i .1,100,CtCelr,Ut9.
e:.;c•:'. ta1",• 1.c.. .., 1^t :iti atltdre;=
thte �Se eetnl y �aai(t, was
I)'s.:.,l tri .�'? ;cii't •'Umli11:i 321 ti'.t+
Wee C'.'i:,, .
'The stt,,r.;,e `t nrineiple of :eros. th
!Ines in buli,i in th'ice."--George
Ill u?'ug o. brootal 1'e:7n'2m '.'r
sides so the :trawls ww":1 war
deoen evenly.
Thr Gci'reaas have left a »unuraln:t
of utter deeolattion and complete re-
stxuction of towns, vi1letet.a end eoinl-
t.)'yside wwllich no wvor(ds can deSerib'e,:
--Mr. Cedfrey Collins, M.P.
ri 7}OLL AND DOX,T, f411Fl7s�.GE
Pht4 11', ;loll i;+ 15 in.
4t, r t?.it, tuffs I'Mn c imss
} ;n,.1 '-r,ti.� atilt l:a't•,ryt
1h41 ( , r , bus..^.el
the Ne 1: a.1r1 -
Imort are alp.. rzf
1ratiterett,,it is 4e
inches h?a''t and 14
just the right Os?
for the big iw911.
,hist st1r.el u= yorr
ilaatte an `1 tl.ii'er:.3 -
e1'd. wc:'. r; l'I dent
rau 30 i;c i ra oP e
When they are sold send
us naer money and we will
3.r t send you the tilg T)n11,
with all ,.garnet : pre-
paid end we will also
you the Deli. e'arriat t, without any
,'har,ge If you.
mtt[ vwrr Deli to
your friends and get
Just three of them to
sell our• ..'ods• and
earn prises, too. Send
us your name and ad-
dioes to -day so You
•anoll „et w'Car)tiu'irate I7o11 and
quickly Address
120Z2da3P':v.3.:'Q .i
1'lept, 46 Toronto
at.. -t5 . 4,**'eu, ,r.n+c�.::.t.,e ww. •.aenm..,�w.,-n axes
, K'TK-.No.?,