HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-13, Page 8EXErER AITITUGATE, THIJRBDA Y, PEE 13, 1E118 kiXETER4 MARKETS eengeel Each Wildnetday Fen Wheat . • ildr, ••••••••1 0 tS 4.4 —50 Barley Family Flour .. 510 • Creamery Butter 57 Dairy Butter „. 45 Potatoe... .... .41.50 $1,75 Hay . . S18 to $ele Hoge .. .16.00 Vorezert in Opera elouee on Friday et euire, Feb, '2.8th ander auspiees of d of Matu $ Church. Fall artieutars Later. • Hervey's Flour ie good flour. FARM FOR SALE. 150 acre, farm for Sale On the Sth Concession of Usborne; good build h igs. well fenced and well drained; with 25 acres of good bush; Conven- ient to school and ehurch, and six mileA from Exeter. Apply at this office CARD OF THANKS.—The zamily wish tothank the. neighbors and friends for the kindnesses and sympathy shown them during the illness ned subsequent death of the late Men Heamare 41,1011,111111,,.. According to reports you will need a big oven to make room for the Itiave,\you use our flour. .Harvey Bros. COKE FOR. FUEL.—I \yin have a car of Coke. for domestic use at Ex- eter Station Ian 30. Anyone .e need of fuel call up D. TIEMAN, Dash- wood. ..011.110111111.40 ICE CREAM. Swood at Wiison's all the tine. Orders eaten fee parties. Wilson'e Phone 56. lhe Thames Road *Farmers Club WI:she, to 'elform the public that the Unitee leeteter paper has no eonnee- t nta :le United Farmers of On - tart' r: ea official organ nes not vet Len ebiashed. LeKite, H Robinson, Secrotary. 1..•••••••Poo. N• MADE- TO -MEASURE SI:ITS This Departnten.t of our Store is growing fast. We are turnittg. out perfect filets' suits at reuisonable p.rices; cut in any style you wish,„ Ask Mr. Sheere to ,show you our \loth?, and styles. JONES & MAY, Exeter, 4001/111..1101••• We have a good stock of WHITE FLOUR. some wheatlets, oatmeal, oat flour and cora flour. Harvey Bros. •••••••••••• FOR SALE One good Second-hand 10 b. p. gasoline engine., FalrbAnks-Morse make: excellent conelitica. One cream separator. Melotte; and, one good 6 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator.—WM. WARD, ••••••••••••. MAN WANTED. A married man to engage by the year on farm, near Exeter. W. D. SANDERS ..••••••••••• BARGAINS 1 A quantity of Black and Green Tea also Coffee, regular 65c.; to clear at 50c. 10 per cent. off on all 'foot- wear for February.—H. Bierling, Ex- eter North. ESTRAY STEER. There strayed onto the premises of the. undersigned, North Half Lot 6, Con A. Stephan a red yearling steer The owner can have same by proving owner - and paying expenses. Ferdinand Disjardine. L.';I'S ANTED. a..: or more land for flax for ezr, for which good rental will p...d. Ontario Flax Company Joe. Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12 SALE:, OF BUTTERMILK.. AT EXETER Mr C. W. Robinson, auctioneer, will sell the buttermilk of Exeter Cream- ery AT THE CREAMERY, on Thurs day, Feb. 13th, 1919, at 3 o'clock. •••••••••••••• AT WINCHELSEA Mr. R. S. Brown, auctioneer, will sell the buttermilk of Winchalsea Creamery AT THE CREAMERY, on Saturday, Feb. 15th, 1919, at 3 o'clock. Terms made known on. the day. of sale. rrwmprArmirwmpwwip-orwiml LOCAL DOINGS., :t4 25c buys a. Thrift Stamp. aline May Wood is again oa duty at the Bankof Commerce after three weeks illness, Huron County Council lia.s asked for the renuim of the provincial war tax of one mill. on. the dollar. Mr G. J, DOW shipped a load of horses to Niontreal, last Thursday, :lad a load to Marceline on Monday Old friende are glad to see Mr. F. E Willis out again, after being laid up with bloodeelotting in the leg. it is said that a number of horses neer Wingliam are gong blind from. a disease commeneing with sore eyes. 'Mr John Piper is confined to his home, having been injured by a log rolling an him while cutting wood in the bush last week Are you a subscriber, or do you stM borrow your reeighbor's paper? i,Ve will be pleased to. write you .t receipt for a $1.50. Mr John W. Mallett on Friday pur- based from Mr. C. B. Snell the house on Andrew street occupied by Mn W S Howey. Posttession given en .\Iarcb lst. Reeve Sanders of Stephen and Reeve Beavers of Exeter were air; pointed by the County Councij to at- tend the Good Roads convention at ratalto as delegates of Huron Court There are grave fears of anothee crop failure, in the Northwest this }ear. owine,• to the unusually dry dito of the soil. A spring and sum- mer wetter than the average is hopzql tor to save the situation. A t. orbett correspondent says t— IMesst* James Hodgins and 1,Vm. Penrive et Pratt, Man, are spend:re; the winter with triende in. th,:s \len- ity and at Exeteef They visited at their uncle's, Jas. Hodgins, last week." Mr and Mrs. C. H. 'Homey receiv ed a cablegram this week informing them that their son, Edgar J. IforaPy ea.; monied On Feb. Lith to Miss S M Edworthy of Chew-lei:1ln Deven- shire, Eng., and that they expec.ted to sal" very soon for Canada. A meeting to. organise a Turf Club took place in the Public Library tan Friday evening, when a goodly num- were preeent and prelim:marlin were diecussed. A suggestion was meede that the shares be .$10 each An adjournment was made to Feb 13, to secure members. At the recent session of the County Council Reeve W. D. Sanders Stepheu and Reeve '1'„ M, Davis of Goderith moved and seconded a mo- tion that the Goveginguent impose a *Li: on the manufacture of drugs,and remove the obligation from retail drunisis of placing stamps on eer- tain medicines they sell. T.he mo- tion carried. Rules ol the road will be publish- ed in the County papers at the re- quest of Judge Lewis, as the result of a Suit for damages between, Huron County car owners heard at Bayfield. fames McDonald of Kipnen was suing Mr Cardno of Seaforth for &nape, claiming that his car had been dam • aged by the defendant when the lat. ter ran, into it. The contract has been let for the new two -room red pressed brick school house. in. S. S. No. 6, Usborna, and the building, it is expected will be completed about the 15th of Oc- tober. Material for the building will be supplied by the Ross -Taylor Co. Exeter, Mr, John Heywood has the contract for the masion. work, Mr. Caleb Heywood of Exeter for the carpenter work and George Pulley-. blank of Winchelsea for the painting. The Mena- meeting in the Sunday School Hall of the Trivitt Memorial Church on. Thursday night was well attended, and the subject discussed "Resolved that the ,establishment o consumers' union, would be a belief; to all consumers," The .discussion no only proved deeply interesting, •bu was instructive and much enjoyed The discussion for the next meetin will. be on. the subject of a concrete road for the main street of Exeter Rev 5 H. Dyke the Field Secret ary ,of the National Sanitarium Assoc lation, will give a lecture in the Town Hall, on. Sunday evening, Feb 16th, at 8.20 p.m., after church ser vices on, the subject of Tuberculosis it' e nature treatment and prevention, illuatrated with instructive lantern views You will find this lecture in teresting and instructiveu Not pnly those afflicted with this dread dis- ease will learn how to help themsel- ves, but the. information gaine d may be the means of preventing you your sell' from contracting the diseases Only .a collectio.n, taken for the Mus- koke Free Hospital for ConsumPtives. • SOUTH HURON L. 0. L. OFFICERS At. the Orange meeting here last eek the following officers were islet : 'Master, Geo Vanderbesg; Deputy, 13. Armetage; Chap. Rev. W. 13. oultone Rev. -Sec., P. Caotelon; c., J. Sproule, D. of C., C. Rob - sea; Lecturer, Eli Carter; Deputies McMurray, W. J. ,Falconer. Miss AIWA lianiclford has been. con, - fined to her home illness this week„ Mr Ed, Maguire at the- end of thLs week givels up Rural Mail Route No Exeter3, , and Mr, Thos. Laing takes over the dairies, he having reeeived the contract recently., WORKED FOR RED CROSS, As stated in the Advocate a few weekago those who assisted in the Registration work in South Huron turned their pay over to the Red Cross, Mr. A. T. Grigg, Registrar, • Clinton, is in receipt of a letter .of acknowledgement front the I-Iora. Re_ cording Secretaey, a. S, McInnes, to., gether with theofficial receipt for the amount, $637.36. The Advocate has a copy of the letten4 DEATH OF DR., DEMPSTER. New has been received here o the' death of Dr. W. E. Dempster o Toronto, a former wenn-known reeie dent of Exeter, the death taking plac at Timmins, Ontario, on Friday, Feb 7th, at the age of 35 years. The de censed came to Exeter a little ore two years ago and opened a chino practic practice.. He enjoyed a lib eral patronage until last S;errtembe \\ heti he sold' out and nsoved to Tor onto where he accepted a positioeton the rewd as traveller and it was whit he, was on the road 'that he fell a vie tim to influenza at *Timmins, and could rot even get to his home in Toronto. The disease was Ma t Icmg in performing its deadly work, ;tad he passed away as above etated. A short time after coming to Exeter lie married a Miss Strong of Toronto, by whom he is survived, together w'rn one youne son. The deceased was a rather reserved elteposttion, but Was highly thought of by all who manned to form his acquaintaacq He was .t member of the Malsoni.c Order and his death \vjll be much regretted by :. large circle of friends. DlED IN INGERSOLL. M. Thomas E. Handford a former promineat resident of Exeter died at Ingersoll on Friiday last, in his 60th year. Deceased was a victim of in- fluenza sad had been sick only a few days The late Mr. Handford was born u :he Iondon Road, few mite; south of Exeter, and we.;a on of the late Mr. and Mrs, Richard Handford. When a young man he learned the blacksmith trade with his I,rother, the late Isaac Handford, but he 'followed that occupation only a few years. Later he. bought and ex- eively de*. ht horses, shipping al- most exclusively to the West end to MontreaL Many years ago lie be- eame converted at the Crossley and Hunter meeting in the Methodist Church here and ever since, has takers deep and active interest in church work, particularly among the young peoele, When about 25 year of age he married a Miss Robinson, by whom he is survived, together with two daughter, Miss Irene, who is on duty ovettseas, being a nurs- ing sister, and Miss. Labelle at home. He is also survived by three brothers and one sister — ,James and Silas Handford of town, Samuel of Snow- flake, Man, and Mrs. William May of Mitchell The family moved from Ex- eter about seven. years ago and has since made their home in Ingersoll:. The remains were brought here for interment, the funeral taking place from the .Main. Street Methodist Church to the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday. Funeral services were con- ducted in Ingersoll Methodist church Sunday evening and in, Exeter Main Street Church Tuesday afternoon e f r ••••••••••=111. Mr R. G. Seldon was in Ingersoll over Sunday Mr Arthur Middlemiss was ittLon- don on business Monday. Mrs Albert Ford left Monday to visit in London, and Sarnia, Private Melville. Hoskins of London Camp' spent the' week end here with f re t Mrs. (Rev.) R, J Mc. Perkins of In- t bsersoll, is visiting for a few days in. t 'LGIVII the guest of Miss E. Hyridtriant Mr and Mrs!. Earl Spackman of g OwerSound are visiting ,the for_ mer's parents, Mir. and .Mrs. Hugh Spackman Mrs C. Birney, and Mrs. Geo. East- - erbrook attende.d the funeral of the late. Mrs Williamson (Addie Mor - lock) at Burlington The Bishop of Ottawa, Chairman of ' the. Anglican Church War Commis- ' sion addressed a meeting in London on. Tuesday on, the subject of what the Church Ilinis done and is doing for the returned soldiers.; Rev. A. A. Trumpet attended the meeting. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS w Tender.s will be. received by the un- ed dersigned until noon, Monday, Feb- ruary 10th, 1919, far the construction of the Anderson Drain in, the Town- ships of Fullrartate Blanshard and Usitt - borne. Pians. sp,ecification,s, etc.,may be Seett at the Clerk's Office, Full- erton or at John Rogers' 0. L. S. • R Office, Mitchell., A marked cheque nepresenting 10 percoal- tract cent, of the' price must accompany each ten- der. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. H. POMEROY, Township Clerk. Fullerton. P.O. j• RETURNED SOLDIERS. Lloyd Rivers of Exeter, Pte. Ear) Southcott of Exeter, Pte. Bradley of St. Marys., Pte. Haines of Wingham Gutnner McDonald of Mitchell, -Ptet Sangster of Heasalli, Spr. Stevrart of S,eatforth, Gunner Aikenhead of Tien- sane- Sergt. Bissettof Goderich, Pte. Hance, of IVIitchell, Pte. Hoffman, of WIngliam, Pte. Ivers of Dangannon, Sgr Robinson of Granton, Pte.. Rock- wood. of St. Marys, Pte. Snyder of Brussels. Ernest Cellingwood of Ex- eter, Corp J. T. Boardman, A. Strat- ton of Wiregham„ T. G. Britton of Clinten, Spa W. H. Cook of Brus- sels, L. E. Grigg of Th,edford, Gier. T H Hodgins of Lucan, R. B:littek-r in3 t.of Woodham, Spr. G. sLagram, J. T. Reeves of Mitchell, R S. Moore of Dunga.nnon, A, McKenzie of Park- hill, C L. McNaughton of Granton, Spa; G. Mcgevin, L. -C. S. L. Young of Golerich NOT010E Owing to the probable oseiriotio fuei situation the Fuel Conathiseloriers of the Township of Usborne .hive -orcloil‘t ed four' oar -loads of screened soft coal through their dealer, W. G. Medd Winehelsea. Seeing that there; is eirely to be little or no hard coal • forthcoming ;ratepayers are advised to place their orders with either the Reeve or any of the Councillors to secure their needs. • gENICY Jerk. Wall 92 engem-eaves. lineriereetie- enelliille JONES & MAY PHONE 32 CANADA. FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3626 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT First Arrivals of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits and Coats • WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR. FIRST SHIPMENTS OF LAD- IES' AND MISSES' SPRING SUITS' A.ND COATS. .PRICES *MODERATE STYLES EXCLUSIVE OUR SUITS are shown, in 4.11, wool Sergei and Ga,berclines, in 'popular and Newest American Designs. OUR COATS are ink Serges, Velours, Tweeds, Coverts, Moires, Etc., In a wide range of Cloths and Styles. Our February Sale Continues The Rest Week.; oi; 4.-u; February Sale have been, a decided suc- cess. Large crowds daily have advantage of the bargains we are offering. We still have a wide range :eft, aid are puttin out new mee- t:de. from day to day. Gingham Special Fine Dress Gingha.ms and Stripes and Plain Cloths—were 30c. yard., Our February Clearing Sale Price 19c, yd, Don't Miss Our Fur Bargains Our .sets of Ladies' and Girls' Furs are selling rapidly e Don't miss this opoortuvity to secure a real, good set of Wolf, Fox, Persian Lamb, Sable, etc., att he price of a cheap set, Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats are Greatly Reduced in priee. Ladies' and Girls' Winter Coats at Clearing Prices We still have severa 1Ladies' and Gide' Winter Coats— Up-to-date Styles. These must go regardless of price. . More Bargains in Boats and Shoes We have put out on sale hundred; of pair e more of Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes at bargain prices. Come early end get best Choice. REDPATH`S GRANULATED SUG AR. CAR JUST ARRIVED. GET YOUR. SUPPPLY THIS MONTH, JONES & MAY H,eadquerters ler lb* Celebrated Saodlord Lien Brands Clothing Men se d Boys. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Stewart were in Landon over Sunday. Mrs, Bawden of, Clinton visited rel- atives here during the past week. Private Leon Treble is in .London this week to receive hits discharge. Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Duncan, ,of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. Geo Mantle Monday and Tuesday. Mrs David Ross and two children of Sa rnan erre vtisleing the formers par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rivers. Mrs. E. Christie has returned %from' a visit of several weeks with her daughter,,Mrs, Rogers, in Toronto. Mr Jos, Davis' of the Molsons'13ank staff has been •transfenred to 'the breach at Moraisburg, and left Tues. - for that town Mr W. A. Clarke, son of Peal. and Mrs Clarke, who recently re- turned from overseas; left Tuesday to accept a nosition as window trimmer and salesman. at Leamington. FARMERS ATTENTION Mr John. Beer, 36 St. Joseph St, Toronto. is buying a new ditching ma- chine, and will have it ehipped direct to Exeter if he 'can be assured of a ieeasons work; The Exeter Canning , Co will have over 1000 rods , to dig as a start but he would tike more work to follow. Farmers wanting I ditching date are asked to write Mr. Beer at above address at once, mak- ing application for his services for wo'rk' to be done during the summer. It will be inecestary to apply tut once e a er to secure his serviEcixe.estienr thisnsection. 11 lifCo. 0110111••••••1 New scenes awaken new interest in, life. That is just one big reason for new Wall Paper. And now is the time to clothe your house. Wall Paper makes, the greatest dif- ference in the apnearance of your home at the smallest cost. It offers an almost himitless variety of Patterns and arrangement ' We carry a full line of all kinds of Wall, Paper and we cats sell at e price that will make it attractive to buy from us. We hertg paner and would be pleas - to do your job, but if it is your de- sire to have others hang it we shall be- pleased to sell you the paper just the same, SEE OUR SAMPLES • Ask to see our samples, it will give in the greatest pleasure, and if you don't sec what you like don't buy. - We 1,viLl measure your room and give y ou an ;sof armation frea of charge Prompt delivery guaranteed Phone 53 I3ERT CLARK. South of James St. Parsonage NEW- VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S, has opened an office an McDoners Stables, John street, Exeter Peompt attention, paid to all calls day or night 4 Phone 120, VETERINARY PRACTICh.„ Dr. Henry A. Corsant has bought the practioe of Sweet & Reid and will continue business at the same stand, Calls proMptly attended night and day Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GL APMAN & SI ANI3URY &netters, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Ba,nk, Etc. Money to Ioa,n at licevest rates of interest. Office—Main ' Street, Exe ter. HORSES WANTED, I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition Geldings 5 year' old up, weighing frern 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighthig from 1300 pounds up, Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Rotilston, L. D; S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. C., P.S ofOnt Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.1). S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Glachnan, & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Waren-corns, ruext door . to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter'. • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer liar _Counties at Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satlefaction Gnash:need. Crediton, — Ontario. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Spice% teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality Will convin- 00. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWIC. 1 THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter Bargain Store Clearing Lines of Winter Goods THE BALANCE OF OUR, OVERCOATS ARE MARKED DOWN TO LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICE, ONLY A FEW MEN'S SUITS LEFT. BOYS' SWEATER COATS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICE UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, MITS SOX, ETC. RUBBERS IN ALL KINDS BOOTS AND SHOES — WE HAVE. A BIG STOCK AND OUR AS.. SORTMENT GIVES YOU PLIeNTY OF CHOICE. IP' YOU WANT A NICE MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT SEE OUR SAMPLES.. ' • B. W. F.:,Beavers