HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-13, Page 3ilii,:.-.-.,--• -_.:: �:.�,...._�:.,...-ilii gill. ._.,.. _-. _.__.r._.. _._ �":�...............:._�...,::..:_.:��_._..--__,
w �` PORT 1Pgeeaaedet;a4.11Aettviahr.steasleetoofttlleleiprernopelIelple 1 r--' ..-r.�pRiR .fH N EL POR eal ; St
StvARCTICIN great struggle in their only newspa- I t„�v
' 1 per, a weekly journal. 811owitee
Thou it forma itself being used 1
more and more for commerce, and es • M�.Ni'►.�',
reml r
all embarkation point for the Resettle SMART • T
Ali troops who slipped out of the Arch ' $TVL.L, aaserantassarema=eimenest
For Men, Wornee and Children
�` 011ier soldiers. came
tland and
angel port, over to Seo ,
thence to France.
Sent thin�About This Far Northern .fr.ozn Great Britain, Belgium and � MSO SOOTS, $HOES and
Russian City Which Has Sudden- )'1avnee.
iYhat they found zeas a quiet sea- SENT "mem Write fora copy to
l Become Metropolitan. port"city, stretching along five miles
of water front, although Its width x� I ,, *TORONTO T O
Archangel,,the most important city • many places was only a few blocks, I, R.O. BOX 426
in the Arctic Circle, which for three, It was built largely of wood, and the"
end, a half centuries lass silently car -1 danger of fire seemed to be fixed in !
+ . its people. "On each �< STUDENT..so
nail on its struggle against its the minds of the s
toe the lee has suddenly , been 1 wooden house," we find stated in z
a a 44
1rou =•ht into prominence by the world description of the town, "is printed a ('i � "
war. Man -.
Malty British troopers, who sign telling the owner's occupation €
were unaware of the existence el: tins ; and stating the article, an, ladder or
•valiant little city five years ago, are other utensil, which, by Compulsion,
now having their first acquaintance
with the bleak winter of the Far
North, and are there meeting people
from all parts of the world.
he must provide in as of fire.
"These queer houses make the towe
resemble a painted billboard; on one.
a broom and spade point to a road
For Archangel, through the violent cleaner; On another a fireman`s lad -
Changes brought into its uneventful der; on still another a loaf of bread,
life by the revolutionizing hand of and on a fourth a Pair: of long rubber
war, has become one of the moat boots. On the gables of every third
metropolitan of cities. Five years ago house or so hangs a buneh of red
its 'lees than 40,000 inhabitants led a mountain ash berries. From the plant
quiet, uneventful life, with their ea- thev make a favorite liquor.
tivities dependent largely upon the "The an:trhets, too, ere very curious
elements; for the ehief business, ex- end umeteitl, most of them being out
portation and importation for Russia, of doors, where the wares are shown
was suspnded over half of each year on movable stalls sometimes covered
by' the ice which clogged up this with canvas, or are contained in the
northern outlet to the .great country. large kenne3.sbaned trtrnks which.
To -day the ships and merchants of everY Peasant nosayesses. or are sim-
the worldare meeting there, and the Pli displayed on the cobblestones of
little city has been suggestively re- the place. Reindeer are used as
named "the second London." bath of burden,
Discovered by Traders.. Ships From All Parts of the World.
This far northern port on the Dvina A dramatic incident in the life of
River, twenty-eight miles from the this city of the north occurred dur-
White Sea was discovered, like Alm ing the early days of 'be war when emanations willd the
li eribed. "Warcontingent of the Belgian quietly es of study
erica, in the tireless efforts of traders a
invaded Archangel, took posseesi'm of degrees" will also be granted to stun
to land a short cut to the East. On the city for a few days and as quietly dents who joined, the forces just be -
24, IOfx3, Sir Richard Chan -loft. Try: first day only a few ap- l
pfora their final examinationh in n
cello`, who lied been seri out frompored;the second day Thee ware to i faculty other than medicine. These
London to discover a ren route to be seen everywhere, in their nevi degrees will be placed on a special
India and China arotiiai the northern r,
end of Norway, la:,.l, tl at tlra mouth of khaki uniforms resembling the British, list with, the • word War after the
the Dvina. HO tills srenreened to Mas There were gunners, and flying hien, i short title M.A.. B.A., or others.
cow b;, Ivan the Terrible, and re and men well versed in running ar- I Twelve British prisoners while in
meted automobiles ad 'perambulating Ruhleben camp, in Germany, paseed
c c•ivc tl filar r lent trading privileges forts. They were described as little the London University`s matriculation
?sr Ilii a�,tsltrynaen. His little settle- men, scarcely larger than the dap- examination and others took inter -
meet, of i,vlirrh no trace TIM remains, a,iese, and enveloped ill blur* groaLt- mediate examinations for degrees be
was called Klhollnogori, and the prem coats, the ;Tanners with crossed rttli- science, engineering and econorniC$,
cart site of Archangel was settled in
15R4. During the seventeenth century
It formed. as the only seanort of Rus-
sia. the trade outlet for Moscow with
T ugland and Holland.
The little town took its name from
the Convent of Archangel Michael, angel. It had t'ansforme:l it :rat's a sexuice as part time under articles.
'Which war erected at the southern busy town. It was briitg'ini:' ''o the The Institute ofe CharterednAccount-
end, In the principal cathedral is a p,rt millions of tons of fr lent. Shins ants rias already panned similar re -
ere cross, fourteen feet in height, sere earning in from all parts of the duction of time for serving, similar
s;hrrlr was carved by Peter the Great, Ivorid, brinier~ the dangers of being Royal Institute of British Architects
t,ength of Courses for Former Fight-
ers Shortened in London l,Jniver-
sity Thereby Solving Problem.
The problem of glow young students
are to "pielc up the lost year of war,"
after having served with the colors,
so that they shall not suffer for have
The Weekly
--=1" hundred 1 a hundred years ago, it was navel'
Century OIc In e Pion Widely 'Used
J in Gemauy poring War.
I Though paper clothing wee invented
in obeyed the Call of duty, is being The -pressed pleats at the .Gide afford
ample ed ll = r, and still
eo3ved by universities, cellcges, pro- P. a ire om in wa cl'n,,
pp int- Pres~er've the straight eilhouette, Me- A Saving
rues5 branch institutions and hg appoint- Call Pattern No,, 8709, La dies' Dress. Li ea 1 t h
mete of the Ministry of Labor inall .Maes 31 to 46 bust, Pliee 2Fa
in different way, says a I =don dei;- Cents, . Boll t �Z alt
alta. )?rice, 15 cents.
'inc University of Lon�lcrn is allow- 1 until you get the Spanish 1:auaenza. V -S
in such students to oar's a simile 1
made any real use 'et till the Hun
found himself cut off from the world's
supplies of cotton and wool.
4 00
tons �
alone 0 4
In 1917,
paper in Germany was converted
into paper yarns and woven into fab:
ries of all kinds, Thia yarn is made
from the best quality paper. The A �'r�� 3 I, y,^�, T`{,p
eat-Jo/Xs - tela)'•,T.ap TO D w' 11.4 �14.}'A
paper is cut by spacial, revolving � and li„lit •-Pvrn> :st tea to nr::oi• or
knives into strips.a little less than share time, guod €'ar x+ork ,,int any urs.
half an inch wide. These strips are Wince charges. }ivLtd, Yen•l stamp Far
t?artl rat -. �;iioPltil llazau?';aS:�Atz'zz2i',`
twisted, and then treated with a Moine a .z. rraatrvai.
special mixture to preserve them frcre '
damp. After this treatment this pa-
per yarn can be woven into almost
any kind of material, varying from
coarse canvas to cloth used for mak-
ing sheets, underlines, tablecloths,
and so on. Every kind of material,
in fact, usually blade from eaten or
wool has been manufactured by the
Hun from this paper yarn. Blankets,
dress materials, waterproofs, even
towels and stockings, are made from
the yarn, which stands sending to the
laundry almost as well as ordinary
Last year a German paper estimat-
ed that paper yarns worth seventy-
five million pounds were manufactur-
ed to replace the scarcity of cotton
geode, due to the British blockade,
xpec t'
�1f4C1�:PPD nt,t CIC VOX,I'A.T Su/T
' ublq
reward. itaid Bras., Bochn, ell
Ont. '
role' Serial
NV /DLL ,RQVIPPEla P.,,D, V"SP.?'`l'ER
and job printing pant in Dasterm
Ontario. Insurance carried S1 600. Wit
'go Wilson Publlishing Co . tck d . °oroot a, 62.
NV I 1 LX ZiTJ'1'Tr� 'riI'b R FOft � 'i.M
a . er ora 2P.
fn Neto t]ntarfo. (? vn g
France, Will sell $'4,000. Worth doubt`
that amount. d.ppiy J. I'i. c,o ileo`►
Publishing Co.. Limited. ;Toronto. -
`l'ra sfer Design ate, X363. Rern 1 nder
examination of a personal character
instead of matriculation, while ite
interval between the intermediate ex -
non in red braid on their arms. For
three days they stayed and then van -
i .had as mysteriously as they bad ap-
petered, as if fading away toward the
sae th:
'Briar, in truth, had cornet to Arch -
Remedial Measures.
The Law Institute is caring for its
young legal students by having pas-
sed the "solicitors' articled clerks
act," whereby students who have been
articled may count the period of war
who learned to use tools during his l ioebound all through the long winter,
memorable stav n Holland, when, dis- which lasts from October' until May.
gt;it'ed as a slrinwr gat, he sdd at
fir::t hand the art of shipbuilding.
Peter played an important part in SALVING SHIPS BY MAGNET
the history- of Archaneel, for. when
Archangel had established itself as
the only port in that region, the Czar
the only port in that region ejimM
saw in its nrocpel ity a s.crions obstable
to his ambition to `.lake St. Peters-
burg the (`meat city of Russia. In
ordor to divert the trade,of Arch-
analei, he placed it under vexatious
commercial disadvantages and for
sixtv wears traders had great hard -
shin there.
The next important time in the his-
tory of the northern city is that of
the Napoleonic wars, when all other
ports were closed and it did a rush-
ing business, dominating the sur-
rounding places in everything. This
prosperity lasted for only a short.
time, and the even tenor of its old
life was resumed.
War Brought Changes.
Few were the changes 'which came
to Archangel until the outbreak of the
world war. The closing of the Baltic
brought to it an opportunity such as
would not have arisen in centuries of
If Coffee
Dis gree
theres an easy
-way out.
'Thores no head-
ache, no sleep-
lessness, no Tnler-
voB lsnnss in
coffee -like
flavor and
an etbnOf"1
nd ease xn
s 3trn m a ice
Your :�a,nvo'e
table chink .
ail •..ti'e+D'e's a 1 •,..'"t'sdIn"
has decided to allow "war" stridents
to forego their final examination pro-
vided they pass the intermediate one.
Orders have been introduced into
the bylaws of the Institution of Civil
Novel Methods of Retrieving Vessels Engineers which will allow stnrlents'
Sunk During War. war service to count as having fulfilled
a similar time hi study, apprentice -
Now that peace has conte, salvage Chin or other practieal engineering
operations will commence in real service.
eal:hest. The shortage of shipping' The appointments branch of the
will give an immense impetus to sal- Ministry of Labor has obtained grants
nage enterprise, which will doubtless ; from public funds toward the train-
result in the raising and refloating ! ing expenses of demobilized officers
of a very largo number of the vessels
which have been sunk in the com-
paratively shallow waters around•our
It is anticipated that the sub -sea
magnet, -invented in Japan,—will
play no small part in these salvage
operations. Certain salvage engin-
eers state that not only will the exact
location of a sunken vessel be indi-
cated by these magnets, but that the
vessel herself will actually be brought
to the surface by the same means.
According to this scheme, a sunken
vessel would be raised by means' of a
number of these electric sub -sea mag-
nets, each being capable of lifting as
much as one hundred and fifty tons.
These magnets would be operated
from small salvage steamers, probab-
ly one boat to each magnet.
Having located a sunken vessel,
and men who desire financial aid to
prepare for a particular vocation..
p—o-a-o—o--o —
0 ••••••00.••••••0.....0
Sure ! I igh Heels
Cause Corns But
Cares Who
0...0,--0-0-0-0—•0*0---0._0 G 0 0
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
in high heel footwear they suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely makes the
corn grow bard. This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw and women are
warned to stop it.
A few drops or a drug called freez-
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon the entire
these steamers would be arranged in corn, root and all, lifts out without
the necessary positions over the spot pain. Ask the drug store' man for a
where she lay. The magnets, having 1 which
cotsevery little but is suffiof an ounce of cient to rel
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from pne's feet.
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without inflaming -or even
irritating the surrounding; tissue or
skin. Clip this out and pin on your
wife's dresser.
They Were Discussing the Matter.
The story • is told of , a Southern
"Jinn, have you fed the horses?"
"What did you, feed 'em?"
"Did you feed the cows?"
"What did you feed 'ern?"
"Did you feed the ducks ?99
"What did you feed 'em?"
been electrically energized from their
respective steamers, would then be
placed against the steel sides of thiel
ship. The powerful cables attaching
the magnet to the steamer above
would be slowly wound up by means
of a special low -geared winding -drum.
after the sunken vessel had been lift-
ed to near the surface, divers would
make the necessary temporary repairs.
and close up all hatches, etc. The
water would then be pumped ont ,of farmer who saidto his negro servant:
the vessel, and she would be towed
to the nearest porta
The placing of the magnets in the
correct positions against the hull of
a sunken vessel would have to be
accomplished by means of divers if
the vessel lay in. shallow water; but
if at a greater depth than 200 feet
an electrically -controlled submarine
would be employed.
In the southern portion of the
North Sea, where the largest number
of ships have been sunk during the
war, the average depth is not much 1'Nawsir; dey didn't zactly eat it,
over 100 feet,,which would make sal-
vagedeywas operations comparatively easy. about it when 1 341'
"Hay." ,
"Did they eat it ?"
filmard's lin ment
Correct tip -to -date suit for the
youngster. Developed in r•erge it is
suitable for school }gear. McCall
Pattern No. 8704, Boy's Suit, In 5
sizes, 6 to 14 years. Price, 20 tents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your l'ocaT McCall dealer, .or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,,
Toronto, rept. W.
Ali waxed.
"Where are yougoing?'
oing ?"
"To a husking bee. You get a kiss
if you find a red. ear,"
"I hope you'll find soave red ears:"
"I think i shah I'm taking along
a few."
No Chance_
"You sold my husband a
did you not?"
"Yes, ma'am, I did."
"And you old him it could talk,
did you not?"
"1 certainly'told hint that, ma'am"
"Well, we've had it a week, and he
'hasn't spoken a word yet."
"I remember distinctly, ma'am, tell-
ing your husband the parrot would
talk if you gave him a chance."
At the prat sign of it. its ;Healing
Qualities are amazing.
Yarmouth, ..S.
He Qualified.
Tommy Atkins pleaded exemption
from church parade on the ground
that he was an agnostic. The ser-
geant -major assumed an expression
of innocent interest.
"Don't you believe itt the Ten Com-
mandments?" he mildly asked the bold
free -thinker.
"Not one, sir," was the reply.
"What! Not the one about keeping
the Sabbath?":
"No, sir."
"Al, well, you're the very man I've
been looking for to scrub out the
Winard's Zdni hent Cures DIr. atb.ezrs
TW.LOR$, I.(Th da3. r. C..
Ll internal. and,, ext€real. cured with.
out. pain by our nine treatment. wr.:te
before. lUoo ntn Sclic3X00.. LtedClinv, O.
Article.) Wanted
We buy false teeth, old gold, silver,
diamonds, platinum and. watches. MA..
est prices paid. Rend parcels by regia..
tered mail and receive money order by
return mall.
64 Victoria Street Toronto
Japan's Lead Pe}:ells.
There are at present more than lir
twenty lead pencil man'hfacteries in
Toki.t alone, and reonthly exports
reach 0,000:000 gross. The graphite
is found in Japan, but is not of gaol
quality. Before the war Japan made
only 400,000 gross a year, and Ger-
many held almost all the trade.
For the Hands.
Local treatment for perspiring and
elaminy bands, due to nervous condi
tion, is not sufficient. Outdoor exer-
cises and proper diet are essential..A.
little alcohol rubbed into the palms
each day helps, but if the condition is
persistent a doctor should be consulted
to prescribe the proper exercises and
I6fnard'a Zdnimiia: Cures Colds, aim
Good pasture lands are the basin
of successful dairy farming. Tha
/lard should ha taken up early in the
;.rel,, so as to allow the last growth
of grass to afford pmitection to the
routs dunirg the winter.
ri?a TMMA
or write Lyman -fear Go., Montreal. P.�a. edea65e.
a big knee like tills, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat.
It is always safe to send a Dominion
Express Money Order. Five .Dollars
costs the cents.
Ranking the Fire.
It is an economy to keep a Bard coal
fire over from day to day, especially
if the range is used as a source of
heat for the room. As a rule a wood
fire is hard to keep over, but the hard
coal fire can be easily kept. In the.
evening rake out the ashes, put coal
on, and open the dampers until the
fresh fuel is burning well. Put on
coal until the fire -box is ahnost full
and close all the dampers except the
check draft damper ' in the stovepipe.
D tnartt'a reinitrae:It. Curoe Ott 2aq to Cosa's
E. S. Food Con*roU4er Heaver. says
that "at can be Oita! almostliierkvtTy„
that horses have disappeared out of
Betgiura, there probably Trow being 15
per cent. of the original aaliineails
Just Accusation.
She (indignantly)—"Here's a man
says women are inherently dishonest."
He (tenderly)—``Well, aren't they
always stealing men's peace of mind
and robbing them of their hearts."
Quit( Relief
for headache
Aheadachein frequently caused
Badly digested foal; the gases
d acids resulting tlaerefrouaaro
absorbed by the blood which'' 'in
rn irritattes+ the nerves ared
uses painful eym?tonin eollcd.
headache, neuralgia, rhe>srna.-
m, etc. 15 to 30 drops of
Mother Selgiel's Syrtip will Cor act
,tionend affordreiief.
faulty digestion a.
I'D �_. -. iSSITE 0.....'19
>t6ita&Sd's re talent mares �Y,�,xa5atl}4><y �.. <
. h
W �•l
YOUR PAM 3 at:.''
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort.
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that sti1
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find -
a warm, soothing relief you never
thought a liniment could produce,
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure
to give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. • Your own or any
other druggist bas it. Made. in Can-
ada. Get it today.
Ile .
will clean it off without laying uQ
the horse. No blister, no hellgone. Concentrated --only a fel*
ops required at an application. $2.50 peg
bottle delivered. Deseri'b ypus rase fort,t 5 in,ttu.'tlan�,,
end Hooka R free. ADsGRBINS. JR., the antt4
septic hlnlraent for ;,unkind: reduces Painful Swell:nesyt
'$marred Glands, Wen,. irruises Vn,kosc Ve ns aliarM
Pan 'nd ht^a�ntailon. Price 81.25 a boitleat4u trots o1
delivered. Liberal trial bo tle postpaid for !fie.
W. P.D.F..516Er:arsDec..Ms^.3reat.Falb
vss,r: isn Ansa aria Jr. are mitt is Caazd.9„
pile REir Pt
�1 c� i LS x1 ,
ti . ]
i lr . w
.a �t,3 v3 w v.. �aall
R +'l+ -c: teley Vida
?:-<:apfeS wT: I7ICES•
tiyioa"i b�'r.'�e p ...au..'9
a Miy face got rough and. 'Itchy, and
1 was laid 1. had o: Tema It c:uac in
p; orale n, then water blisters, and zuy
sinskiri was sore and res. My Ence lzch,e.d
and 1 had to scratch, end the
from sleeping. The skin was jry and
s: aly, and would 'hued. My f c i
ata awful sight.
"1 saw sin adzert setnewatt
nt for Cuticera
Soap and Ointment and f sent for a free
sample. 1 atamwards bought more, and
it was not over aweekwiyen i wescom-
Fletely healed." (Signed) Miss Annie
or gee, Alderson, Alta., Aug. 28,1917.
If your skin is already healthy and
clear keen it so by "sial; Cutlets= Soap
for toilet proposes assisted by touches
of Calcine Ointment to soothe and
heal any tendency to irritation, redness
or roughness of the skin or scab.
For I!'reo Sample Each by Meal ad•
dress post—card: "Cuticu,.a, Dent. A,
Boston, IJ, S. A." ,Sold everywhere. •
Is the best prophylaxis against disease. Twenty drops o
SPOT N'S daily will act ne an effective preventative—wil
insure your horses and mules against Distenlper and In*
fluenza In any form, ., When there is so much disease, whea
your horse is so often exposed, keep your horse on his feet
by starting the US* of SPOHN'S early.
Your dz-eggist handles
Of our remarkable $1,000.00 Maple Syanna and Sagan prize competition Previously
announced. This is open to an "aura of our ladiapensable a 'Crr'-AnIPtOtiW'
E'iY PCnATon5. Gash prizes to the value of $000.G0
will be awarded in the Syrup contest and 2400.00 in �1
the Sugar. Entries can be made in either or both ---_,s'1
classes. Full particulars to be had by writing for "*""F$ .
one of our special Prize Chemo ttion'Ciraulare.
This contest should powerfully appeal to lion -
users of our "s%Fhssipion" n aoqnind—the one
Evaporator giving -100% resultn. Why delay your
Purchase any longer? 11'•uy now, enter the contest and win a'. Cash prize; and
thus reduce cost of the machine.
The Grimm Manufacturing Company, 53 WellIngten St., hlontrer.4,;(Jae,
DOIVT SUrrtZPa in:
tnee ba prepareii:against attacks of rheumatism, bun a, neural
oothache and eataeha ittually:eirective'for relieving swollen joint
sprsifys, eo •e throat and otlreraip$bliiinaents. got aver,40 veers ss
t'aintiyfriend..nonlexperit>teui: bts7Elite s alwaVettaaviraattleida, B�-.l
the bobse Has a hundred uses. -
dit deafer. of write as. HHIRST ItETABOY CO., Hamilton. Canadsi.