HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-6, Page 8ESTER MAR'SETS ,ttrtged Each WOdtte'sday nr.414 Wheat ... ........�,rx... .. Oats.55. µ Barley Fancily Flour 5..80 Creamery butter 58 Dairy Butter 45 Lard 35` Potatoes 1,35 1,75 Hay .418 to $19 W -z' . per ewt 15.50 MUS':"AIM SUCCESS. The following pupils entered by Mrs. Gambrill at the February examination held by the London College of Music (Eng.) were enz;uei tiv successful. Miss \Iay :la;rke of Elinwill e: ur ed a first •vitss Harlots certific't. vanced Senior Vocal; Miss Gladys Harvey, a First, Advanced Senor; Miss Lila Sanders, a First Senior; Miss Evelyn Caron of Hensall, First- class, Adv. Int, Plano; Grant Sand- ers First-class Int., and Robt. Garnbrill pass, boys of only ten and nine res- pectively. es-pectively. The tests required are gar titularly severe, consequently all the pupils are to be congratteated upon. the big marks obtained. According to reports. you will red a big oven to make room for the loaves if you use our flour. ,Harvey Bros. COBE FOR, FUEL. -1 wlil have a car of Coke for domestic use at l;x- ;eter Station Jan, 30. Anyone :n need of fuel call up D. TIEMAN, Dash- wood. ICE CREAM. SB;verwood's at Willson's ;11 the time. Orders taken for parties, Wilson's. Phone 56. 1 he Thames Roan 'Farmers 4-lub vt he �,inform. the that the L t ttee ' ar tner paper has no cunne.• tion the United. Farmers of Oa - tar, -1 he:.r official organ: has not vet Leen pt,b;,ished,, I.e',i FL Robinson', Secretary. r MEN' MADE -TO -MEASURE SLUM Thi, Department of our Store is "tonin;' fust. We are timing out p£, z c.t fitting suits at reasonable pruc es ; cut in any style you wtsht Ask Mr. Sheere to how you uur cloths and styles. JONES & MAY, Exeter. We have a good stock of WHITE FLOUR, some wheatlets, oatmeal,, oat flour and corn flour, Harvey Bros. FOR SALE. One good Second-hand 10 n. p gasoline engine, Farrb nks-Morse make: excellent condition. One cream separator. Melotte; and, one good 6,ft stiff tooth cultivator.-WM, WARD MAN WANTED. A married man, to engage by the year an farm, near Exeter. W. D. SANDERS TO ORGANIZE TURF CLUB. Al'. those iatenetsted in the organ- ization of a Turf Club in. Exeter will please attend a meeting for that pur- pose in the Town Hall, Exeter, en Friday, Feb. 7tle at 8 o'clock p.m. BARGAINS I A quantity of. Black and Green Tea also Coffee, regular 65c.; to clear at 50e. 10 per cent. off .on all 'foot- wear for February, -H. Bierling, Ex- eter North. ESTRAY STEER, There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, North Half Lot 6, Con A. Stephen a red yearling steer The owner can, have same by proving owner.•',i: and paying expenses. Ferdinand Disjardi,ne. LA :4' :\ ANTED. 3ct; ,t•rt: or more land for flax for n e ve;r, for which good rental wilt 1 ped Jntarto Flax Company Jo;, Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12. SALES OF BUTTERMILK. AT EXETER Mr C W. Robinson, auctioneer, will sell the butteirmi'k of Exeter Cream- ery AT THE CREAMERY, on Thurs day, Feb. 13th, 1919, at 3 o'clock. AT WINCHELSEA Mr. R. S. Brown, auctiorveer, will sell the buttermilk of Winchelsea Creamery AT THE CREAMERY, on Saturday, Feb. 15th; 1919, at 3 o'clock. Terms made known on the day of sale. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS -Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until noon, Monday, Feb- ruary 10th, 1919, for the construction of the Anderson Drain, in the Town- ships of Fullerton, Blarnshar.d and Us - tome. Plans. specifications, etc., may be seen at the Clerk's. Office, Full- artoa, or at Ian Rogers' O. L. S. Office, Mitchell., .A. marked cheque representing 10 pea' cent. of the con- tract price must accompany each ten- der. The lowest or any tender .not necessarily accepted. fit. H. POMEROY, Township Clerk.. Fullerton P.O. VOT1iCE wr_ PrO h� ou {kuM Owing CO ianre 2?�`_'r`rt~.� A 'situation the :Fuel i0ommise inera of the Township of Usborne have order- ed four oar -loads of screened soft boat tihrou,g,h their dealer, W. Q. Medd Wi iebeLsea. Seeing that there Is tikety to be little or no llined Goal tortlheouing'ratepayens are advised to: niece .tiheir orders with either the Reeve or any of the Councilloa'& to Secure tSheir .needs,' r13;ENRY BTRANG, Clerk. EXETER A]]IttIGATE,, THi7RSnAT, FEB, 6, t 9tH LOCAL DOINGS.. etc i>lc a el Harvey's Flour is good flour. Mr. I. R. Carling is confined to his home with influenza. Mr Thos. E. Handford is quite at has home in .Ingersoll. Mrs Eli, Snell is confined to her her bed through, illness. Mr. Jos. Davis, who recently got. his discharge from the army, has re summed his positron in the :ilolscns Bank. The Canada. Food Board has re moved the restrictions ion the use or beef, veal butter, sugar, flour, lard. and other fats. Mrs Andrew, who, resides with her scat, Mr Geo. Andrew, is seriously ill, and h.er great age gives little hope of recovery, Mr, M. E. Gardiner has moved from the, Biickwood residence ,on Nelson street, to the residence just vacated by Mr Percy Gullies. Mr W. J, Smith, London Road, • outh, lost a good mare on, Sunday last by slipping and breaking her leg. A: a result she had; to be shot. "Mr and Mrs. John. Cudrne went t=, Marden on Monday, where the former will take 'treatment in the hos. pita!," -Crystal City (Man.) Courier. Rev. W M. Martin; of London oc• cupied the. Thames Road Presbyter ia'n church pulpit Sunday morning and Stone church pulpit in the afternoon A special and interesting program of pantomime and lantern :Aides was riven at the League meeting in the Jame Street church on. Tuesday evening Letter., received from Pte. Willi -un Davis and Pte. Wilfred Mack indie ate that at the time of writing they tin ere tilt in Germany, being station ed at S. c t, burg, 8 Pte Walter Harness of London was home over Sunday. Edward Taylor is home from Wing- ham visiting his parents. Mrs. Edwards and two children of London are visiting here. Mr, Jas, Handford was in Ingersoll owing to the illness of his brother, Mrs. Hastings is in Toronto 'this III week attending a Wotnen's. Institutr ftneetine Mt' Peter Bawden,,.left Wednesday to viait with his sister, Mrs. :Dart, at Colchester. Miss Edith Mancur has returned frem a visit With her brothers in Pet erhorc and Toronto, Miss Cora Sanders of Stratford Busyness College is spending a few day. a: her home here. Mrs Fred Bawden left Wednesday moraine for a Visit at Detroit, ;,rank-: enmuth, Mich,, and Sarnia. M'. Jack Hurdon of Buffalo is vis- iting here for a few days With father Mr. N. D. Hurdon. :elks Stella Sanders of Stratford Business College spent a few days at her home here during the week. ?dr. John McIntyre, who has been ririting here with Mr. A. Dow, re- turned to his home in Toronto Mon- day. Mr. Russell Smith and family of Lendo,a visited Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne, during the week Mrs Amy and daughter of Burford arrived here on Saturday to visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jory Mrs. Williams of Exeter is visiting with he • sister, Mrs. John Dayma*t and also attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Ethel Dayrnare Mrs. Wil- liams though in ,her 91st year is quite. a smart old lady. PIGS LOST. There strayed from! the premises of the tmdersfi at,ed, London Road south Z pigs about 100 pounds each. EDWARD KNIGHT. William Gardiner had a valuable horse slip on the ice the .tither day, breaking its leg, and necessitating :t being shot. It happened while he was nowinv it to a buyer, Mr within. Martin Av. purchased a ouildin ; lot on the career of \lbert and job:; Streets front Mr. C. B. Snail and we understand, he will erect a. handsome dwelling thereon. In Main Street Church next Sun d',y morning Dr. Medd's theme will be, 'lite work of the Bible Society" and it the evening, "Fortetokens of Doom," ear,. "To Hell and Stay." For failure to affix revenue :tamps on medicines being sold, our men were assessed 550 and costs each on Tuesday, when the cases ',ame up befar: Magaistrate W. D. Sanders, Mr. John Mallett has disposed of his neat frame dwelling on Huron street to Mr. G. W. Davis, manager of the Exeter branch of the Jackson Man Co. and will take possession shortly The men's club will hold a meeting on Thur day evening next at 8 p. rn: in. the Trivitt ;Memorial S. S. Hall, when the subject for discussion will be resolved that the establi,shanent of a consumer's union, wbould• be a bene- fit to all consumers All men are cordially invited,, This will be an interesting debate on a live topic and the sides wall be well represented. The continued mild weather is com- mencing to cause some anxiety among those who lay up a supply of ice for summer use. There is scarcely any ice. yet formed an the river from where the supply is usually taken. It will take at least three weeks of real cold wjealther for the ice to be- come thick .enough for !practical pur- poses. It has been stated that 55 years ago there was a winker similar to this in every way to the present season, and that year the spring was unusually backward. ANOTHER RATE INCREASE. On February 1st Grand 'Trunk Rail- way rates on return tickets were in- creased 8 per cents The price of single tickets will remain the same; r1 short time ago the rates were in- creased 15 per cent. COUNTY MEETING. the annual meeting of the County's L O. L. of South Huron was held j in the local Lodge Room here on Tuesday last. The attendance was about aa usual.. All the, old officers were re-elected for the coming year. Reeve Beavers extended an invita- tion to the members to celebrate the next 12th of July in ExVter, which was considered and it was decided to hold the celebration here. POSTAGE RATE. `� The Senate and' House conf)erees in Washington have completed their pre- liminary review of the proposed Rev- enue bill by agreeing to restore the pre-war postage rules on, 'first-class mail matter after July 1 nexts The agreement .an postal rates will mean a return to the use of the tw »oent stamp for letter postage, and the one - cent postal. card rate. Is Canada to have its pre-war postai rates restored ar are we to be handicapped as com- pared with our rivals to the United States. ? MEMORIAL SERVICE. On. Sunday evening .a memorial ser- vice. was conducted in Cavern, Presby- terian.. Church in. honor of Pte. John D. Laing, soca; of Mat and Mrs. Thos. Laing of Exeter, whose death in Bel- gium was mentioned some weeks ago. Pte Laing enlisted, in the 161st, but went to France with the 24th Battalion in March last, On, the march into Germany he was; taken 11,1 of influenza and pneumonia at Charleroi, Belgium,' and passed away on Dec, 20, To pay a last sad respect to the deceased a largit eOngregation attended the memorial service, which was very ap- propriate, and conducted by the pas- tor, Rev Foote. The choir sang sev- eral selections in keeping ,with the odcas''ioin,. Miss .Ada Willis left Wednesday for Stratford to attend the wedding of a friend, Miss Margaret Bowes of that city, to M' George. 'Kilpatrick ' ".of Vancouver, his NEW VETERINARY. A. M. VINING, V. S., has opened atilt afiice in McDonell's Stables, John street, Exeter Prompt attention naid to all calls day or night, Phone 120. VETERINARY PRACTICE. Dr. Henry A. Carsaat has bought ,he practice of Sweet & Reid and. will continue business at the same stand. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year' old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. . G. J. DOW • MONEY' TO LOAN We have, a large mount of 'private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S'l ANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, .Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commiss8oaer, Solicitor for the ;2ol- stons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at Rawest rates of interest. Office -Main, Street, Exeter, Dr. G. F. Roulston, L, D. S„ D. 'D. S. DENTIST Member of the, R. C. O, D. S, of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R 1CINSMAN, L. D. S., D.1). S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman, & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR foe' Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sakes a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wanlerooms, suext door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hutton and Midtdlese Prices Reasonable aegl Sada-an Guaranteed. • Ontario,. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every.. thing inthe grocery line Call and see us, A trial as to quality. will convin- 00. 6 Produce taken in exchange Jas. Could; Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRL+CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER JONES & MAY PHONIC 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-362n GREAT FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE1 immcnse t c !ust ile Reduced Thousands of Dollars' . Worth of Up- To -Date Merchandise, Commencing this week and contiauint throughout February, we are conducting a Great Stock Reduc'ang Sale, which will mean a raze oppor- tunity for you to save d eaers eat, your Spring RequSremeet,ts. We have just finished Stock a1 't, asul find that our Stock is nearly double what we carry in norman timers. While wholesale prices tn. nearly all line; are still advanein^ we find that we must reduce aur stack and turn it into cash, As the object of thins sale is to raise money, these Bargains must be sold on a cash bast, Produce with be taken as cash. As quantities in many lines are limited the early buyers will get bes: values It is impossible to give a rn nit:ete list of bargains -- but below we. quote a few items to give you et idea of our values, - Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Hundreds of pairs will he found in open bunks on our counter. Shopping made easy. You can wait on yourselves, We must reduce our stock, so have put the knife in deep. None of these bargain Shoes allow- ed out on approval, as we cannot afford to miss sales. 400 pair Ladies' Empress Shoes worth $4.50 to $7.50 pair, our -ale price $1,98 to $3.98 36 pair Ladies' high laced shoes. English last, on sale at $3.49 pair. 150 pair Men's Slater, Astoria and Long -Life Fine Shoes in, black and brown, guaranteed solid leather throughout, worth up to $7.50 a $4pai,50r, paira a rare snap to clear at , Men's Heavy Cote work -shoes, s olid leather, to be sold at 43,93 Children's Shoes at: Special Prices Space does not permit descrip- tion, Come and see them, Men's Black Rubber Boots, Feb, sale price 33.40 Leather Leggings at 51.98 at Men's Clothing and Hats 30 Men's Ulster Overcoats to clear at $12, $13 and ,15, 50 Men's Rain Coats, regular 613,50 and 315.00 to clear at $10,00 Melt's Sovereign Brand Suits to clear at $15.00 and SIS. 3 Only Men's Wallaby Fur Coats regular 575.00 for 360,00 10 Men's Black Dog Coats worth up to 545, to clear at 330 to $38. 24 Boys' Bloomer Suits, sizes 29 to 35, splendid school suits, to clear 36,50 $2,a'0 Boys' Odd Coats at ` OVERALL BARGAINS -15 Doz Mert's Overalls. Bi;; 13 brand, sold everywhere at $2.00. Get your supply in Feb. at Smocks to match at MEN'S FELT HATS, couldn't be day, all colors, for Feb. Sale only at Boys' Overcoats and' Suits. Space and see them. $1.69, bought under $3.00 wholelsaleltoo- $2.75 does not permit description, Conte Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, 98c. 10 dozen Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Wool and Cotton mixture, sizes 36 to 44, well worth 150 garment. Our special reduction sale price, the garment 95c. 5 dozen Men's all wool Heather regularly worth 75c. to clear at 59c $ dozen Men's fine negligee Shirts .51.75 value to clear at $1.25 3 dozen pair Men's Heavy ,Lined Kid Gloves, were $2.00 to clear at 2 dozen pair Men's Knitted Wollen. Gloves at clear at $45c, 5 dol Men's Heavy Leather Mitts, reduced to per pair pair 4 dol Boys' Heavy Winter Caps clearing at X1,00 pair ,sc. Our Ladies' Wear Department r 7 doz fine Voile Blouses, sizes 36 to 44, worth up to $1.75, Feb. Sal price $1.19 each Ladies Crepe and Silk Blouses Odd lines and Sizes to clear at $3.95 each. , , 20 doz. pair Ladies' all Wool Cashmere hose, in black only, regular- ly worth 85c., for Feb. sale price 63c. 2 pair for $1,25 Corset cover embroideries, 200 yards, worth up to 50c. yard, to clear at 29c, yd, SILK POPLINS -All colors, including black, 36 in. wide, good wear- ing quality, special Feb. sale price, 11.50 yd, Black Parlette Silk -one week only -36 in. wide, worth. $2.00 yard, Feb Hale pricer 5 1.50 Ladies' Silk Gloves, 5 doz• pair in white, black and some colors, double -tipped fingers, on sale while they last at 75c. pr. PLUM AND CORDUROY VELVETS in nearly all colors, sold all season at 90c. and $1.00 yd. Feb sale price , 69c yd, Ladies' Winter, Coats all greatly reduced in price. Up-to-date coats as low as Ladies' Seal Plush Coats -6 on] 34.50 Feb sale Y- left -beautiful quality, were 334.50 pie $25 each;. All Children's Coats reduced ,ii prices. Furs! Furs! Furs! Alt ,our Ladies: and Girls' Neck Furs and Muffs must go Price. Beautiful sets in Wolf, Fox, Persian Lamb, Etc., ly low prices. 1only Bink Marmot Coat, was $110 for . 1 only Canadian Muskrat Coat, was. $125 for 2 only Canadian Muskrat Coats were .$140 for 1 onnly. Hudson Seal Coat, was 3240, for 1 only Fur Collared Coat, was $23.50, far regardless of at rediculous- Cotton Staple Bargains $85.00 $100.00 $110 $200. $15 Heavy Crash, Towelling, regularly 30c. for 23c, yd. Factory Cotton, 30c. qualaty, for 20c. Fine Bleached Cotton! 35c. quality for 25c, White Flannielette, 350 yds., extra fine quality, regularly 45c. yd. fox ct 4 Webs Black Denim, extra heavy weight for Overalls and Smock's', 75c. value fou' 55c, yd', Ladve;' Sweaters, amid scarf and Cap, sets all greattly reduced irl trice YARN • SPECIAL -100 lbs. Canadian, 2 and 3 ,ply, grey, black, white and mottled, to clear at 29c. per v, Ib, skein, • Flannelette. Blankets, Ibex and Defiance brands, Get your su l at $3.05 and ;$3.95 pair. Grocery Specials Old Homestead Soaps 5c bar. Lennox Soap 6c. bar' Richard's Pure Soap 7c. bar Comfort Lye, reg. 15c for .18c Best Mb' Ned Tea„ reg. 70c. at 50c. Car Redpath Sugar just received. Get your supply this month. JONES &' DRAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford A' Lton Bran* Clothier Men sA d Rom