HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-6, Page 7••.r fly Agronomist. . Tide Department le for the usa of our farm readers who want the advlof , ts .tquestion an export on any question regarding soli, seed, crops, eyour tc. if Ile of sufficient general Interest, It will be answered through this column. If *tamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed with your letter, a c amswer wilt be maned to you. Addrese Agronomistcar0 Wi Puompletelishin (Coe (-tele 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. For eews there fie very little differ- ence in the food value of sugar beets and mangel-n-urzeks, The eugar Training Rural Leaders. Le in the beautitel ecenetry isn'er alwiaye beautiful. Poets and alter writers have eleseanted ou the won- ders and attra,efilinte of listing from 'tha eV' • • -a" dle beets contain more carbohydrates or who dwell in tOWZIa Ora CitieS have if not, It will, be answered personally If atamped„addret,7sed envelope is en. sugar, about twice as maeb. as the been dulnel into thinkieg thet social closed. Pr-, Currier will not prescribe foreledividual oases Or Make diagnosis. Address Dv: Andrew F. Currier, care of Wlistin pqhllehing Co,, 73 Adelaide St West, Toronto. preelically the same, Sugar beets exl'st• puling resent years, thst • Zritacerniu 1. .clarizoIly;re:iteke,Palvntdell0'. 11;e2r flthro.arnagt/el'e d"a'eriti•itrilteweklitelee rahalgsl:m4tatelQue Muscle Strain ad Rupture. - It let neves:eery ,to renogniee fire -t! piece enteehment, it ienrecte en 4,444 GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX By A.ndrew F. Center, Or. Currier will Answer all signed letters pertaining to Health. If yout question Is of general interest it will be answered through these oslumns; mannels otherwiee the analysis ie Pre. ems, peculiar to rural life, tie not ! If a tendon, been teen fr-om tts cent. of fat, while mangale contaie t nunetien reol.ne eunous and then of all the difference between a strain. a muscle ar Ration of a ennede 1.1 per cent- of 'protein. 15.4 per cent. anxious. So it hos gradually come and a eprain carbohydrates, and 0.1 per ceut. SC Utile r A eprain is an injury to tbe teen retract an a cprees on e has eon tGt-fl. the divided fragrnerite z ceuree, le extra anion a e . it e A I eNe opeie• rem dons or ligaments in nee vicinity og - the eletie edelserCei the iniju.ey vrIrjertz.1111;r3erdk, L4St i,vinter will long be remember- t the feet that the older trees that n'ore sugar in tits sugar beets is a valuable illfar:Y to lusty youth and iie renviv- a jeine, 1 which tvill be very eel:eat:we to ths ed by fruit erow'ers ta the province! left overehedewed them. Where they food hilt the mast ol,7 our rations fer ing a plate en the eerricula of Fame A straie is the serrinIzine of a ten-: toveli. Asf Ontario and Quebec as one of the 1 have sagielent light t:IleY should: dairy cows contain carixthydrat,ee, of our carregos- ire or the ernesede to 'which ie is at-; Bieeileveeete7:s 'will be breiten ait.1 hardest on fruit trees of ally that hes" succeed- '• starch and sager. lIl excess- Starch Pulther, thi-' ehuriiacs are coming tached aad which lieldi It in atm pre-', more er lees Lleed will Gov.:, into the been expenienee(1. 1 When re -ph -astir g Nsitere. enother is. preteneal2y a -s vainanin for o food to realize the importance o2 provid- per veneer i nnix,a .111.0..4e:11g zweang ozd din, 1Vhile peach trees were killed backl tree ilas beets, fill the hole with good as sugar, but it is not quite, so dlgesti- tr. g ST•let:!4^.1 treininis. for thelr rand A s- • • - et f i r about th t i • I ural Cave of Trees After Winter Injury. 1 they ite, not, but it iS 11511a:13y due to utf •S'eology d'I d - 4:- • f may Or) 0 .14,41rf, 5010.0 in Nla„,(911.4 acx= se",1 !teens neitIeeaer beAween Me, lett the digestive traf,:t of the raili.hter:''• -17•77-"".1.7147-04, tender. cr the lyrealc, saen tnest, 11.00,1..41 . . it was amorg the apple 4re,e4 and in 11.e leers rate:el: titan etre the same cow Call readi'y change the that IL.) effen,;:cct ,,a,stinfx 13_4. 4- V.et real -hod gt;',')11,3 toach men 1-i. . „.. - the colder dietricts wineet the gre---eit e‘r* vit. A raPid war inlet sugar"; ere in figurirtg•a retion loesee .octeurred. a Ot rs..1114Virax 011,1 (as;,?,,,A tr,t ee, 35 by t. e cons7.acr tas va'luable st, s (.• tt" •_, h - - • ' 4 Ott , t't e•tr ttt, I n 11.1, I "11, (L.' igt1 4.3 IS 10 1V The forma the winter injini- eel: I use at' dentimite.--L-aperimental oes 'sneer. Thie 7...e;ng the elv,e, Its - • "" •"'" J.*" ' • i as we h4.,,e in nicnn rations an cicoesa to ile.,,) ,:hent. 1,711.11. il,„,,i, 0,...,./.574-a•y , „ - ' : , - s'‘,ir. ot.e.x.r; the ,Trilaraa iatory 1,14,ot..-..- wen; root killing, spiitting of the 1 Farm:4 Noi'e. oratvel...e 1 .;',-„,- the zift,-...:01..e or Ii.01,,,on„, , bark af the Laze of the tree, some -i, .....,.,-.... i of cnrbenydratei,p lee would rat be neeeren. '.1.'o (lo iii.7e, eee rarer.. en., . e ,„1 I , , , - ....s, -?..:1 $ 4 ..; ••••• , ,i., 4.4,4° .41L ;.','`•t lea :1.,!..k pt. finle.$. l[r.Vitil OS (.T.,..1.1:. rot", bark! Illarketing at The Ferra. 1 willing to pay very meeh for the ex- Ill'alIzier, is( a1.1:Vicrilt t• -r ilk rag -rear tl, a :t,!,,,,::€4 44.• -. • I ,d ,,- s,s, Ss .vt"1,,,,,:t at. ,..,,ert et,....r....„:* ..s.Plitting on the teuelt, teenle killing,' 'S'oret.‘ farrecre Melee; on ineie trev-: tie anieuet of sugar in the sugar fralii:r8.$ .4i3r-:-1 izakt; a 4t1-1".4' of ell i'.:.t.. .o...-„ 14. ,11 -- ;t 1-0,5,7 1-4,17tr • •E4' Z'Pn 7.4 "::-va) 1.'..e:' .."!1 1T-4 tiv- ("retell injury and 1:illie.;;; be a? tbe;(sd roslb tak(" 1.0saatage 01 tile trale: beets over and above that in zetzense:e. C''''''''''''r`7" t2:3A'f"" l'''?„:"il, 11::3„-,t4G*". ttC tree r,1 .". oner,..t ye l'Its. fce: oti-- #"_':.::;-I,..-.I..1.rd tiv4..:.k-. 13 ......t "t.r,`,.‘ t9P- The frulet end leaf buds oe the !reit is centime:7.'1y peseing in order to! One grcat ‘73:7.;;;Z. of any leitel of :or''' 1:tve- tie weyr-A '60 oVli Vi 1.74r:i,r, ..,-;;;.• 1 nee n„en,neeed foreen. enene ",; ft,T,!;-;-.. tloals- ot,-;.-itri.'.1 ,...--..trv-e-- to erallev trees were often Wiled also. Whileintepaee of prodnere raised on the root, in. a rat "MI ior diiir,y cowi4 is f•-•,-,i?417-, ts:,- ';:ie--; 1 •-"--- of r---- -:-: 1 tlo rt -,t are.ranatt tkaaaa, :!..; k•,,,7. ,s l.;-. t'.7,-.Stl-C. f:. -a. 1 41:4 -Or a :•.I-..•1: ;,:atc A large number entree:1 diedderiner feral. To mane-, however, the high-, that flay furiftth a slccolent fona a ri%,',.4a1'.zol, tot Le ai...10 t're .97.7.gg'.4"4: real .1, Va... -•7--;;;.,,, th:,.. als -a; •Jia.,,-.,::,"alat-,- ..--.1; frrA i':::': - ' G ;T:Ertil.-1: tlli" :412r2,4 1618, there were-, many mere which ;way in front with its- incessant 1,inni- ,.h -ch is very ar.re:i4e:,,-, nza ko,-...?,-, •:raprzy(,:..t,r.te.t. Then lic, c' -'n 1 11.1;,.• c nia..er.t 1-,traer.1..-.. ,1%;ora?1st-4:e .* 1 r,,...1;:.^ eto gc-d seri.-- , , maztri,f..; Ir,i7.4ro:..1..,,,....,fla,:,l, natzint-3.zitr..-1.-4,11,;„-e;.-1,-- tafl1(•,::.„L. •elle liceened is Ireene Avezit into thile etleter in 4 very week, letting of wheele and pi. 'ng of en. Om dige?tive trael of the onitnel in liriereten-1".",e:-;:nd ,in r'....'.';',4- --,;431 ,,,-, encd conditi•oll 'end may yet die. By! gines is like a lost oppoaurity---I rod coadit.lon and en...Ws-3 her to <11,..ibei"Zerriieri'.. e.1.4i4 tt. the t'ato Vraletinq. 1-4 htegen it .should ;lest becnuee it is never use& t geet end essimilete eceninniezille i Itural r-an>"01e1e,y is now 0. :e,,Ig,. ig na,,!, viten ..,1 1,q4tm.,,,,d toit.,%,,,-.. ;a, Tr:doli't-ti aril ht.ttrnaei ,zi, 4;4'7,1 in d'.;.•'' te 7,7S4XIO• tO tell 4alt:r tr•22.$ Wilkill 1 it, 'VMS itri.Ving through $.01.ItirArelt•-:larg0 rInDlinti Of Gillf.sr TOCIII in tie e,,71 elel,"itrnI on 'th'-' e'n-TIA,74;•`n a 6-,:, Ilw .gnet-; Ls r.,3 proilv.ly repolrel : Za14'.f;:i: trol in thr .1U1* toi f:te l'O'ie 5! 7ars going Inv die this wintee or whit+. een Oetarte tin an endeavor to locate ration, Igazegele ore jeet lie valuable ltvree: Vol Calp:241411 Ar4zAla...',;ir,11 et:°:vq .6.at":40,.....,7, a 11,,, ith, i „Ire ,,,t -i, -,,ii.,..7" c4introl$ Isilii lg.- lee. bave affelitlenal dead need on, thenz,1 •(:-to-ii., Peaches awl Plums for eanning,' so far as' this suca.etrity is a,.,ocerned, I-rge. ev,an-l'tart The -2a.;.1,-;4 i.OU-11;.:,73 the Is;.,a.ui.t. tir:•asTAI rialeht 4,i'-'. Ti--t-,,e, injirtio,i; demtAted tir0 0: and 1:1; Ma 1)0 pez:"Ii;,V.a to prune them Meaty products were on sale by the as eugar beete. intelitgently. Thsee will be r-teriyidieedside hut there was seldom any --e--.--- reasee of crotch .nelury, bereenee, votite ett,ention to the Igor where almest a.1 of. the hark and ror A -s cansequeece we atop - were I'-dy-Irri ex eurel the ban: led zit a large number th'es-e road - a larg,K, 11166 zr...d •,',11tve the Iarter S:de tablen before we found, etilat we Meet in the head ef this tree. Treee were after. Short beide do riot Ducks and Gardens. injured wey are very Mleatip--'nleese lite motorist, he wants to know I fe•ied out a labor-saving practice (j) enigin avaii therus'eltri of ft-4:radr' fart us 1/1. sum,irtl nr • d„11,,,f,„:„.t,‘" viiir4re ranot ba Civet! , , netes of ir,e-te -a ec,"...e, reet tbeit ruraz, neteni,: heeey le -nig -et uee evere peee.lele clianze renazr 44,074, mietisitere ervight bse fully tee7tied for; ,•,;,11 1.0,1 4 4" 's ^eel Let tlen ehe pee' -n :he rer:.1 ' • • - • .13;;;": Oen ; trete ker. Value or -Farm Boolacrepiug. ; or d;;t1a.r,,..3.:,t;,...„: ern 0. neetene it' jr r rs:%. • ;* :11:7'. bode in nini R-aOe ;4? eeedee teeelt 7,4,41,,ta:4:7•7A1,1 ;t "Yonr Fr..111Ce.•,' Af.Tar.-it 13041:: a :coy reett% frern. •:ee eiigh: neer-. • --ewe ereet te ere:see:ego fetinere to t!cn of foeee. . ' tler inn 'fed eertion wu factory as they Tel'r.ty ?inner for years; eillsat he is steppnig, for before he in iny garden by toning advantage of hnow more enee-4 teen. benuceen ereen seen, ;-;:,71 :ar,‘,/....,; al; V.... '` T ral.Vra'..le.1 7 • lien; oe Lae- naiuo and oven.c.mily will break clown In tin, Journey, we founa, only one (illIll:-Ianad :satsestreoiiug1 -o weed -killing .tand 'Wherever faninees keep re 1', of (A:ens is- a: ones,: t, este Lieu rrees cre At eeee. teed tAi, the .e..r dlivided the gar- their basies...-e. if reilthin ine..0 na ue-el: ,,icen4r„.1 :a -.,,..„,,,,Lt.,, ..,..ed.,,,tro a i ne ;;•,...- r ,,:•a.,..?...;,. r-,,,;( -.,cc, ,,a, , ;..i., in a weakened cenditiori and of little stopa. If they do met die before doing 80, Infi.i vilto knew hew to advertiee for den into two p,arb3.....one el which to the eeseent neeneee, it, eenni te pre.' may lee: et near the 0,i,e, a, 7 l',.:. l'i..,; s4:1, ,;11:v-:;-•. Tile crehard eiteuld ?:e goee over eare- Inotor trade and 120 WaS 8 Greek- Pasture the duelts, tho c•titer to be mote th:iff. I heee %nen d'ealing, with bre ; v.hierit nia'-r• re, -In rnee•le ce A'll'eA II- • ..eie. ' l e7-", -e• l'i'''' '1141?:y this wint,:x eel ee,,let..ned for Reduced to braes taelee, the devices aueklessthe tarn:ere _era ..e.tere. and Inte ;11-' ter len gite vny.-,„,,...:,•;” euell injury. Whet( werdree the Ile used were two A -shaped sign- In the duck garden, which is eeiclos- ways enee•tragel ;:l.t• :a aleng this,' frotterd:ately Iltert. 7A ii •ese.--...itetz7, e'I'r▪ e A • ni: eiteele ". k ill:O - e ;J ; V174arki, the (lead ball: shenld be -re- boaran one placed eleout eaven reds ed with poultry eating, garrden ere -Ts line. e he a am37; farm ond take es 1.41,, aul :t, :e 1,17,,tally u ,,,i'21.4:p.,,:oar.„..;,:,;i !",. ,i1I•0 l';'1,' 0,:‘,"Ziiell molted fveni 1.1no pet. -Les, ard the each side of tile selVng tent- A were g'reirn whieh Were Ilat e3SilY ill- raueli r:ezeure in knowing v. -'eat the tine, 1,..in 'a wleeli meet eteseie wee: , llinerlrzl '. -...,e,:e ;, • •to Al , Painted mei lzer:: re.inted with Placard for 4`Poars.," "Plums.", Jared by ducklings—such ."op s as farm is predieong 01 11 yeer and tom- with. ;4 ero (Vetn-A. er Aft% sra•,1 ark tuul caln:•:-g.m. in the main top of each Plaeard had two (*.Oats equaz,n, ecorn,b ersoptatoes, tomatoee, parinir one year's re Vete( with allot's- '1 '4 ore tics. istilitt: 101 • • .4. Ileum barb , ,Allite lead paint. If 11111011 of tho "Peaelles." et ]id b11 111 111.44 The sugaz crctc:Ilis aro the futnie of the punched in and by these, the plaeards. and wen freits, The ducklinge de - and cane tr. I will use e -our beelt nowe since rri.eieg. Adienz they ere !sinned te. eneet ▪ • " %one reel ii: AA simpler anti easier to refer to ree such ieng4age. eirt• c: • tree ritolalti be ceati lewd as veey were hung on the signboard. Then voured innutnerable hitrinful inseets'than my own methed." ,.. .. g . ' douhtfia. .1?' 1,4:at,- cif the tree:, in alieve each siKilboa:rd. A CFMail----1-nrv, and were of material help •elearien, the Thu; writes J. 13. Reel, a wholeIale. prepar;ug Seed roe Seriee, elrevieg. tile enilnerd Lee effe:•••ic.1 in this way Ensign was waving.. From obserea-t garden of mullitudee of tender sprout-, and retail flour end feed deeler of and she trees ere wide cermet. apart tion, Something moninr, will attreet, ing Nenedn Of• couree„ if the garden ,hi North Iietley, Qee..,. to file commis. -.No7 1 c.taliefft.7,_,LIt10:nzlIerr,......:;•,....•,•4tlgei1e1f• i to permit of nieteirre a young tree attention •roore cluickIY tlatIn W411al vcry :.nrall, but few du.elts could be Mon ef Ceneervation. The Farmers' 10101111 and Feice belf way belween, Without too Much still object.. The signbe"ard.s. werq". safely entitled in the enclosure. Even Ace:lent Beek referred to above is a llit'ile eiete ere, s7riadring from the eller trees, it would - placed -.so that the• driver lied than te. though (lecke do not ecratch, the eon- siterics yet reinprobensive .,.4%,It ot farm ing _grown eil the fee:a, it is a mettee" - lie well to pien te ii5 nii next spring. slow down befere COralillg to the tent, of thorough ele.inhin e•el gi.r.,:e the! I tinu•al traznping.61' many ;webbed feet • boekkeeyine le'enke Whi6 any farm-. •Good emits nosy be •obtained from The product -s being offered for sale over a saann area lvemin miune small •er may °Mein from the Careeniesimi le:F,e.(3-. i.n reed. nsees fee the enrh-rg drive. I these in'ared tree% for some yeave, were, In a good -steed tent,, with ae and delicate plants: of Con;ervt;.en, Ottawa, by ,sotaig In b ..h" .' •"1 l' ei • n: • ;And, in the incene'ree. the youne- trees table aexoss. the froet, The' 'tent WAS' his aprileation how many atentiPll ADV; Malik% yka'll eon wear, at is a. ,n), v. nee etene, ente , will 'be COrAing Wt./ tf.;i11111r,. °Nlrlurto neatly deeorated, the attendent NV03 land he Warotke.. If you ere iteeing. 4e105 a teat and not 'left esitil :rehire when', . 1.and thsre i's avail:lel...le, however, the .setting very pleasing. and •ilitt products were Childieres Beauty. money, you Want to know where you. may rai, be time t,,t- it pro -i, :of an orchard elsewhere- is deeleanie, prime and packed to stand a long 4 periy or, as eften brapr;or.3„ may not Other -h•:,'.'03 rriay be planted so.ecess- motor trip. Really,. from ob.serva- Keeping the eb2dren out in tie are Rising unerie it is o be done at all. • fall'y where trees were killed last wine tIon ;mei orienting the number of pee- fresh air, elothed in a sensible man-' Yoa are malting inone-y, yete likewise . Menet. faimere de stot knew wiled 1 C 1.er, although it hes been _said that pie -who etopped, this Greek had hit and occupied with et healthful want tre. know what farm Activities varlet tl I It young trees ninil not do well where upon a combination which attracted P1'45'.' Neill keep them roleest and *1.T0 elr".ng it for you, Sa you an astonish nee difference in farm pro -I y ley aro me eg. t Illra es , old'er tree has been. Sometimes the trode. platt the seeds of physical perfection sPeciallze in there. and beauty so deeply and firinly that 'fits wliet114217 you ere sonnet a variety ' eatable to your farm cr net. If you they will. flourish. and yield the flaw- When cooking rice ill a little lemon do not know v.that you are 1F,Aving she needs. hopes to see in the fete of her child. and also 110011-1 it very white, .1 yon had better senterre a few bnerhel; i of. some variety that has proved its --- Ieve should receive all tile roughage less bloesam every mother seeretly juice is added it improves the flavor Just as 'soon ves the weather ie ___________ — .. ............,_... . . . ,........ ........_ 1 worth either at Guilrdi Colitere, or et warm enough in the spring all the e • Ar , the Cent;ral Experimental Farm, Ewes that ere strong and in good ,sh•cep end lambs 6'hould be dipped to Tliat Pay in the hfe of a Farm i;.t. oroan : tawa, It is a matter r indifference ried until near lambing time Without After the sheep have be -en turned - --' . whether the seine variety stands at. flesh when winter sets in can be oar- free them from lice and tielee . . it. t - inuch grain. They ne.1-71 ' need., how- out to paetureetliey• etti'd not require -Witmer:ex a rural community un-'1:Gar after car aerived with shining "O.A.C. 72" has g :yen good. results I 1 the top at both places. In oats, the i over, 14 supply of good clover Inty and nrech•attention extept to see that the dertakes to aid the farm wereen in cans of ueeful food. Cars driven by at Goeiph, While the 13anner is re -I a few roots, about three pounds per pasture is not overstocked and that their problems, that cainnranity en- i independent hasky-looking farmers emennended at Ottawa. In berley, t -head 'each day. If a little grain is they here plenty of :fresh water and tors the ihnelisehit When a. certain:with boys and girls taking a joy ride - the "O.A.C., 21" is g,iving splendid . :. • , fed for about four -weeks before they salt. little villafte. which I know -planned' ii. the ba•ek 'seat What puzzled me satisfaction at Guelph anti elsewhere.; lamb, T. A 4,i,1 Le ire Ti.e c'etitele. 17,,ed Been"; lies been nteed eiiez tfle'ei ;eel g.`",i,2-.'lett steels from the ii.orltrkted 1;1‘..0 United ..tttates, and *h i•••• - ' e ei! • 4 . 111'4 *.rjzr Z.10raertts of tereinee DzinirEion. • etorTs Vrtaited States re. als-f exteirl tc *ras teen drawn to A. littlte17,1tra ItIV; itres's warning the pr't.'le not to Lo cie.:.,iverl into buying., datfir of whit.cfuli, as flatfish ; Olen er ir: price," eaid Capt. INrn " ?e. all-1AI.. however, it is lint fair to ael. would not be cheaper them vfetish had the prices eted Pro- fits to fishermen and distr`buters of flatfish not been fixed by the Camobe Food Bcand on such a scale that a inarket might be created for them, and in order t„) introduce them to the Canad.bn public as a -substitute for higher priced fish sueh as -halibut, ,SablID21 and whitefish. Flatfish 0r0 Cetedereil a great drelicy in Great Brltain where the eale especially on pound per head each day of naixed oats and bran, they will be in good condition when lambing eome comes. These feeds stimulate the mak florw, and their use before and alter lambing is advisable. The we -sent price of such feeds.; is extremely high, but even at the price they should be used, as the •results will mor the 1 pay. It has been founti by experience that lamb% coming ed previous to lambing were -weaker 00271111011 red clover hay can be :fedi The %town was an examnle oC 'What. that. Later through fome one's mis- regtered providing a 7, .14 up sten -1 dare -ear to establish a ce-operative laundry, people took notice. We read of it . inagazines published . half V:07 acroas -the contineryin -Several years after, being Ilear tO the • was there were no farm methers tak. The leading variety et en er p.a.. being regarded as the' meet . ing arlvantage o.f a trip to town to likely to be much better for you than ! (-''z't•eemed, finely flavored ef Fait water fish. In get their laundry and do their shop- • the unknown er mixed sort yau M"Y it., Europe tee% brill, plleiee and flounder ping. "Is the laundry running to- lee =0yd-rig. If you have to buY, a .ar,? 1/1114:11 higher 'in price 'than eod and da-?" I asked the buttennelter. m"ght be we'd for you to consider . haddock or even liatIbut. In Canada Alfalfa ha,y is a very sueceesful locality to make a visit, I determined "No," he said laconically, "she's change eviech has been matte t sae, et .1.1. re.„no,t food for work horses or growing colts,, z,atisfv. my curiosity. My trip busted; didn't pay so they quite" regulations of C.S.G.A. to eneouregonn%" 11' ••• - er• , . • but it cannot be considered first-class took me thrown a eotinere ehonnig hay fee- idle horses, when fed liberal-, good soil, good crops, good farming ly. Alfalfa hay is Oak in protein, a` methods. There wan every evidenee musele-forming nutriment which idle; that farming was carried on in a man - horses are not so much, in need a.:1:„.0: that paid, "What was wrong?" aeked the ex -manager. dilferent th'ings. Every- e thing run Emocthly nt first. Good' manngement, gocd patronage and ali. bV4 lee price as eed are haddock, y;urctur3er..3 of 1.e.,.....ered t.- . is dee to the fact that they ollowieg patags•aph le taken front 0 1. hut' th-i betve hitherto been overleoked in ircular issued by the C.S.G.A.: ; „, f :made and the Food Board have only "Grain harvested from a crop grown rezertly -succeeded in placing them or from Registered Seed may in tura ba the market here." from ewes which had not been grain- qiyite successt\fas; as this contains! 1 co-oneration ehauld mean. A con- takes or fan it-. s-crao poor work was ard, is not more than three genera -i ------',-- less protein. Again, in feeding •, 1 - - •rr • t. q •enoved from 'Elite Stock Seed' i Field Root Seedu Grown in Canada spicuous building. end sign attracted . alfalfa hay to idle horses, one ought; me and / entered a Farrnors' Go- fi i permierhal Ferro:, for to..^ ycar end - which $s a big factor in tho growth to consider the grain ration. Corn, Soon expensive repairs were ed botn whfle growing ann. -s, the and development of the lambs. weal work in better with alfalfa than\lniiss any operative Store. My eye article th1t a -Fanner would failed to °lines - needed and additional machinerr. the sack prior to ,shipp7rig. Sini.e rag- ,ir,g Marcli 8111., 1918, obtained at the end required maro attention than those from. grain -led evre.s, aleo the ewes fed. grain are better 15 their n*erk and bought washing ma, - and that it has beenyroperly The revert of The Dominion Ex - oats, being a carbonaceous food. For 'require f.er family needs. 'More cost—fewer patrorks—businese istered seed brings mote eer bushel offi,.!.e of The Publications Branch of It is best to separate the ewes and dwindled and didn't pay. So Niro than does ordinary seed, the financial the Department of Agriculture at Ot sold out." - advantage which may be realized tarwa, shows that experiments, earried There is enly one person who can from isowing this kii.ed of seed is ob- on at th.-: Central and other Farms in Solve the fann -Aromas problems of -lone." . growing sr-..eds of ilild roOlta haue to -day and that is beeself. Out of It is immensely worth while to you 1 pro --cd not only theit is possible to the heaps Of ,euggestione and advice to sow .clean and well graded eeed of rairee heavy (teen.% of these seede iill she must cull out and :adjust what varieties of proved- exceNetice. Act Canada, but the eeed 'raised Is at least If a cenntral laindry will fit those lIONV, alfs.1 knew what you ezow.---F.C.N. equal, if not superior, to ithat import, will fit her own needs. put them in a small. pen one week be- idle horses • or homes that do light. na 9" I asked the fore the lambs are ‘due, as it gives work I would expect to get 0atisfoc-1 "Does the ste're -r- Y • tory results by feaa,..1ag a,,itiaifa ha,, competent -looking manager. "Yes, it with -iheir new surroundings. It also and .0tat straw, ,ter good „,,,yhaut stria.; pays well," he replied.; "the shore - the ewes a chance to get, acquainted hal. (lees received a ten per cent. prevents them from being injured by once a day, with a grain ration a oats' overorowding and they tied= refivie er a Talon of corn and nalt-5. drvidreeid laet year and we feel that we served our patrons well." to mother their lambs when they are It can be stated iii a g•eneral way Down at the end -of the str,cet stood a mocle.rn, .delightfally Planned -and equipped consolidated sehool building. separated from the flock. that too much protein re a ration If the ewo is not IsIteen until. after is not geed' far the'llealti'l of any anli- mall. An excess protein does •ef- lambing, all tags of wool should be feet the kidneys. It has been noted trinirried front around. the udder be - in, the west where liberal and 'centime -- fore and immediately after lambing. this neeeledterl, the lareibe !some- times will suck -the tags and swellow them, often earueing balls of wool to forin ill the sboinaoh. - Semi oftertitambeng tihe we should :be given ev•ater with the deal a•canoved. Feed a light grain ration -for a couple of days to avoid edam. trouble but the ed frcm other countries. Besides I admired ate archetecture end the bend in helping to make and keep it To Keep Baby in Bed. securing thie information the Farina needs then she should have a first - ed it. : g- . i ic ist :lob is to bring hereelf to on sethenne.s to keep active babies un- enverxeiveas„4. : Much invention has been expended bq-larmvaletidgense aorgficfidoc,ai:orvkzeidn,,pit-covimdie%gb ne . . . spirit of •the people who Iliad develop- a ,succese, ons reeding of alfalifa bee been pew- ' I deli Mod in the *Due -let that 1 fi . • . • tined; that it is not as good for -the here the young folks from town end are a woriltl weeker. 'To see bor,self der tie covers t..11,:' 11-. 0 anima os el; aombin:ation of foods, :farms might mingle and leara from simple plan depends upon1411gehntieext, beang- ed/tni;ft ,p't ni z ;el, tt $0011.;:lritift:hX celoi:11i.titIlb'Itar.,rothy; a realization of her own importance some of which contain less protein. • each ot . . not ia,s a busy hamseed. woman qvook_ sion of the cotton fleam lag against heavy odds but as a part of an many of workers who ------111213 - LTahabion, tbeyondhtb:dyoungsteat^h's, thoes, Iseoavillawetteernsrariti:2,01‘f704envtio,alibr vt,thtl; a st"i• tialr tt if tiTawfiosettirP9 II :f ti-ehMe liariAllne re- evinces Were snitablit for . her But the mesaneri;la rlf The Highest Price RAW FURS to us, no matter what quantity,. We pay the highest price, also express charges. Try once and you are :teemed oX satisfaction, . 'ABBEY FUR C9MPAOY 310 Paul W. hientreal;' IfftegencO: Bank of kita110434 Hozazyt • G ,• In bmaness Tor 30 yogi.pa.., the plaCe h -ad attacked my nerves anti Fobtters on Seeding Clover. One of the farmers' etandticting lugbration' work for the: Ganunission of' Conservation:jai Dundas comity has the' foliewing to Say in regard to the thiclaress of Seeding :Clover. ' Pays:well when eaid to myself, "Does this t.00 pay?" I had stopped in front of the building, and a paseing Teenier said pleasantly, "De you like.the looks of our school'?" His voice was pardonably piend. the looks and the idea back of it. Ari-------4-4-24ed NVitil it?" I aSked r0t111111, seedling 4J t.1t tion and take a 1)111(15i -eye Another •sehenne begins with a fibre flax prodtiction. seed grain, (3,174 samples of,patatoes, gaged in a useful and very necessary crib, task. She must rise above the situae broad ,strip of ticking encircling the During the yew: 3,680 'samples of things; get a right focus invibewers.ell inattt•ees, at the place where the ?abyss 111 in eliminating any obstacles it +A se-- etrip in the mittlle a the bed is fast- saniTiles a fruit trees. and 886 ,,,,i3 waist wouki natirrally come. 'no dea 1,912 eamples oe Reeler sees, 5,11,18 a ,wroad belt of s trong cotton and her relation to her famiry the world. She should be ruthless &lea 1-. virnrJes of other trees and ,s1rrales of "1 then1 11. tooloyeelio.v6earstdol.:05wacaott.lev;s: filail:r.,i0041! wa,c2na'S_abyll!fl. ecl,,t4Illedre jaaiAlzoereitl;Iiii; ili% tasfamidi nvc,i'aioeris an,i):Ittiraivilftlit etpl4atteh;N;tylvei;ceo-150.ptih-a-lews. 16ealtsii:lit,edlli.h,oi:s.h01005,1117,t0itilabz..1.1r7g9:717tejlo:81t7libeflIii 5111ta4pilialefic%11,71:iel:td:Lit9itaal',.,41:::lete'!0,0u,,11.7e.e:aof8:naditzic100.117:ulldualahafar)s: to -sad dqviii ,4311 icraita crops, evq,4 1 busintss methods, Y00. see," ihe con- arearoAt conibinecl ehould he ',Ong Of lbe,, alsike, 2 ibe. affaitfee and , 6 lin'e. timothy. I find eleo that it pays well e°111(11111°Ii;s n'e chang''' ' '. ' ' ' ' .nd 'lova e ifeol ough tryouts, Lateedry et Leibcx-ss•v'oe clothe eo that tbe :ohiga oath tar. from. Sent& of the 1 r,‘,..',.r:!,111");(1A,-!..0.,.. Pi 11,11:7"kaevr.,T441.',1Y'.7::0$,70=-4:17)1,7v,ty'ltee7ecic,:1072rti4t11,1:1 r tirmS of tobaireo ',mixture to be 8 lbs. of red doeter , boys. and girls need trained hands and lest and recreatien. minds :For their fortuve week. Faeming devices should be given patient ' ibe Is ihelpkee -to wri..... 1rd, pain and 'vegetable •seed.s. and gat to hem. greatest holes toward health and 214 '''' etittevberseenielente. esseite orp an...1,-P j we 4.X7 not Metro:it.' INinle to liera:ve is f i. 4...inued conAtiontially, 'they've 1.°0•001-4;11 tlie period mentio ed Thee hay, as the ,cover'i',6)1A0 to:keep down have echooling tO enalee Seeming prey." 'happiness, Sox the farm ' wontan's J Azinid the' eweeeki..dry in. a rapher health and the farm woneenee pleas. tett/ben ewe (ettetee.: a tenet reAr1PAV 00 , , _ W601d0 that wict. athererise ,st,rt a af,to nionnese, t ono furnishes a unusual place foe a eveannerly—right uree al% ,arings that %Tel az valuable the yettenn en.ogreisie tin the ventousi leave, amonn't a paistere anoi when on ili:lain 'Street---lbele re° sanitary, so fitouinigpse.d dertee sae.c...i,es the 1 WillI '3'cesigoLa andattTct:i'.tbaitri s1:aeiettaul-Isaavertowi peek, •tho de. either et • .It 4:o. "if'0'1111jAgt,e-d. ef,$. 01131 qlE -fatal:4g 'whirlb, :coritsia0vte ftigOtr.,XJO letaliraf time) netaltillevn riyeel feed: ,ge'odiSG srbeelki f poll4t iof triatintaining si1fetibiliAr ithat islitAild bedeinanded by eery laird cikrier, lin °anode., elleidende . as the fruits ,of heir labor, Tills its bemuse heallibh and bappinss are not destroyers hut bulladers,:--,TX, Mires virk lWa inger y at thi Oentral an twenty Beene:IL ItIverieh Anti Statione. ' •