HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-6, Page 6asigereetaesteehassmadeemeteneemeMeal
ts Richness influality I' Y. STIAY AAP (*;9
._ _ 'r "Extriet" the erewsies call—Extrie!
. .-hrik . in Ilaig Holds the Line.
- ei BAIgI AGTboratlie rtisg, Hun'ermnDeivin lraSnmea!a,Eh.xl tErxe-
lWes -Pt results 2 UBAS IN DAY, tt
Tea housand risonersl etriel
iris}, s‘,„/,/,-sh„,, vEssEL hithDE tinnathlantioylerchsairaleleasabultokeis,EVxHtlaitaiiie!'
NOTABLE 11ECC)RD Down eVery street with shrill -pitched
Aud fixing feet—we Lear—Fsxtriel
ar.y B, Mitchell," in the Decoy All about—Extrie!
From Harleni to the Battery,
Service Since Early ia 1016, Sank
equalled no other
Teas OR sale, anywhere
Froirt Leaden to the Zuyder Zee,
Many Hun Subineeives, a roT, Toklo to fair Dundee—
TWO German submarines were sun% In divers tonguea they cry "Extrier
an '
in one clay by the Mary 13. Mitchell, a The ewood:Bad-In—web the eame
sailing vessel, one of the tanyetery They dubbed it—well, at last it eaWit
ren or Mixed :: Sea od Packets
Only. ships" a the war. This craft: was one. With gas and flame. Then fell Ban -
of the firet, if uot the first, of the petnne, 0
"4 decoy ships which played havoc Nvith They teek Cotables ad crossed the
the lIsboats. This vessel went into Somme.
the decoy service early in 191a, under To Moutdidier they drove their wedge
'command of Lieutenant John Lowrie. With Noyon on the southern edge.
he Waa
All her officers and crew' volenteered For sevea daye the long front bent
for the hazardous work-. $
Until it seemed their force was spent,
provided with a twelve -Pounder and And on they surged across their dead,
two wesheoheeesed sia_poaretorg ., Yet ever in the new we read--
She sighted the first submarine Haag Holds the Line."
bree miles away and loafed aleng A oeulion tem ead mere they thin
awaiting a chance to bag its The Against a wall that swayed and
Germau crafe f.ollowed at a safe (us, .
, swung—
tanee for a tlree, hldt allallY "rawlee Out-trumbered—yes! But unafraid1
ere:ea:tee; esaa wave. 41-1
CIOSOr mid after eatisfying itself that The earth rocked with their cannon -
31 17,....taa hawse:, eery it had etsperier speed and guti power ade,
t inela e VOCCI, id"ftc.*:;.'r
a essee
--th:9111'hrdtd:,.- heeeesheeseeted"-T7—.-eso
uoaaranrs zee:zees:I eneeen chemise -sr ;sr seeseeet
ClialaTtrit atentee:ta---,C.,". "" t a eie•
-.*:;":1 ni.,,.., ierTy, opened fire.
i- But oh the Hutinish blood that drainerd
as-ee nn. tea ,, . se, ,, ne, ,,• i -- . a 1 1/4...,Ne, 411:?,. ,tl:•,•,^t- ;„r d re s isegethate, Failure of the myetery ebip to re-. with every ehellsawevt yard they
o.,!.. --a, e al -• - as. it ... egee eel gme amus.anset, I don't turn fire at one baffled the Genitals gained.
ei .te a re n ' . au: de; et :fay er; ita Zte':.C.:71-.11:17 an i.,71 -6t41°' offieers, They were quiet for fifteen Tn Berlin, banners waved tliat day
saess. leo fee e , ea:. us adnith s' te tee tee dn a fait'al'ra Irjd'erenas mieutes and then resumed fete. Witen And bells rang mat --but who can say
Ye! 'ere hut- "774 2,‘,;en eau, the subiaarine came "fileielltlY elese What depth of woe they lcriew who
”"Irs„I",a,,,;.-2,4h7t"T:t ddhh. lel; and was in gcorl poeition abeam, the
were bregla lei() play and landed six read
a s .. . .
"e es, yea tl, a I :eve, Jerry; it's, You that coneertled gave of the 'Failing 1 n
. . s 11- Then columns of the eedless dead—
, ts e then I ire ee to merry. WIlOW th61l WCLrnded—milen nule
nen.- Get. , haek tadie ; at Iliial W.1 ,E.:::1: c' e, riort:11 bite on the submarine, vallieb
Return—train after trein—the while
- 9 nee
se. es e .1 arr.. .lerry a nate af pianalvenees was unable to fire an :Additional shell Haig. holds the'line!
!est de. .t.,,, red' I Just three minutes after the first hit, ‘, ---
:tee a yea ..
- { f dee . - ' ea tel Ishn eo?"; the submarine was blown, up by a They *trove for Paris arid Caleis,
* r- • "-al; ' Iass hate LITC.;:;.'" ariC r) 5,11.-, h'In.' Silat whie1 holed it just below the They thought to scatter and dierney
, . asset e g ia ' ta when -hang. eecaIrione foresieeir and caurted an explosion Our hosts—to eplit the allied. mass—
;, et 1 hit 1 dere to eetres rat as Yau evbich tingte a vast column of water 'The answer earne—"You Shall not
'2, . .';'...;.•'.
.., • T
rn,-) 0) it. V.;-;171".‘" ha the en i of, liffil no tile pass11,1
t e ,,., :1/4 , a at ,i. ea. , 6 1 .
a / neat tne enesseeet, A Suceezeful Ruse, "From guns left by the Bolshevik,
e enier. --e- :term:hes it lea I Fee'," 1.;11` the sane day another Geteg From Austria's guns they liad their
t asee 4 'hes a and 1 dcaono-i man s,d-entreine appronehed the nlary Pick*
......',"4;:' ro? ItnY 1P:11. IL Mitebell and opened fire at a dis- Gode uht a duel! A stadium
:a de: - .:
'' v el'''. a'dh*r:d-hi art"i I'm 115:7. tame of atout two miles, After the Where all the eager world had come
as- flea ea t deeliete that I'm hshth reand the mate. aaip Nees To eee the beast recoilitig there
t a2, - ,
:,;,!,,laaFt vit':;.,:::o'. lat'll."11.01t,:e'ol:"-e7elleec"ertlel,:, s'ierrei and a boat' put .oft'. To all In led de eat—while ev reethere
r'r,.i:, il Haig bolds the linel
-,2 , Boa tee!, ease 1 as, eeej (lege aepeerences the craft was abandone,...1
t n ..e.:1 --se, Mr. tdletsa7 e seamlies elneit elle The eulimarine eperoacbed the sup -1
- , 1 have." I posed wreelt at full suer:lee speed. i:
TEE D. C. M.
ar ei **Yea I -ea ., fin 1 other reareurce s and Then it sulnnergea for a time and 1 ----
te itresat's irwinae iiirtetione," sahi euatlenly rose to the surface again.; alms Precedence of All Other Dec-
•,"as- ;sees: . ilr.,-; Sz r. :I ey tey arrials . "Yeti tell me, Nore,()retie= Except the V.C.
The genrers of the Mary 13. Mite i
.-',•de :•":-.• 10' r t"..*,7,11.. i ,,i;„1!„.; a me; neer yetateet,t pra_ve t, rho' Landed a shell just below the! Who does not know the red, blue,
,Terte „etre 1"
til 'IN:: .
: 1.7.,3,117,
.4.nn.......1.:•, "; Yoel da he- etiehar ..n. to rays piereed the side' red ribbon a the Distinguished Con-
* a s." conning towel' tied
v. - e c re herre egi ewe,. es , ,„....„ ..,,,,... my foot above the water. A flash of duct Medal? Yet it is quite a modern
...1 gem : ...ree t) ,......s: ;:,.? 1:-...tv„,r , V m .x„y . 4:1. .. 4,',;t .1....,..sv 0. ........ . ,.....
hi itliant blue flame and a denee yellow ' decoration, dating with the Conspice-
a oraehh he, e :I "*"1" C't II+ bY ladator "ea to mine ."
eke came from the 'hole. Almost ous Gallantry Medal of the Royal
satire I in ne haste to dessert, TIe;. "In thde, rf.atizr '4.i.s :zap.......7.p:Ke. I E,m, ,
anotber Shell strucle Nasty in 1854, the year of the coin -
fleet cfr hie, ereine tn F.T.:„,,, Gr her!war.: seen i.1-71,1g1..t ta write to Mr. sluadarhalledln -
e --d Mc Terei tilling lira that yeu are e-ri- lervard and the eubinarine eves eriee,
eve. d -leets reed a eve d 11!. hand se reeameneament of the Crimean Campaign,
eiza te inerey me and thet Iiis at- veloped in black smoke and sank into The Meritorious Service Medal dates
a lead ', back nine years eaelier.
the evater bow foremast, with
he r sil. tOtate a h -t vsu've teals, Nora was silent. Thee elle cerise guraling and hissing. ! The earliest known medal for clis-
gea'nes on :Is fesnt p ;re cal tae ari teok Jerzy by the arils and ;seal, The oilleial report does not say that' tinguished condust is that awarded by
eel" ere." i "New, Jerreldne (lea't "2''1 1741 11n2 the Mary B. Mitchell was filled with Charles the First. The recipient was
Jarrat !gnat' I hdra, arel airreal tollt-'-' '.e.1`. t"./...d rte:"‘„.1%--'nedias!alesi,doeTits,hig- ,,Tee wood to keen her from sin „lig, but Sir Robert Welch, of the Irish Com-
- kl
follow .Nora, s he we s eeeeing the v.i''''? 4 C''''C''"3". L'':'" „Tts' I -"ha" ''''sF" el% this was doubtless the case. as other mend, who recovered the Royal Stan-
' a, • aoves entl ta".,. to me" She I u -h -
de re. .
"1 can't rice ..tej news. Jerra; 57012 .'" ::: r ' ,-1: •—i" -
, 1 F.,„43. {1,.,,,i1 „,.1 tbe a gag thee mystery ships were so equipped and dad at the Battle of Edge Hill, Pre-
aresee*t reges. in ray," ehe gal under, ruraraag ttdd'e.de-: on ilna -912A-G PaS'Sed. 'WC
' re able to float in spite of any
d 1.1 ber torPedoes e
sumably that award woultl be the
see irette, Deere:ea ,t.,,,a ea at, f nn an reura els aece. 'Why do you damatte infiiete on leen quivaient of officer's D.C.M. of to -day
cee, lees y zo„. ,,,,,I.:2. tem.
, a ' jareat me :Ike a steteglity I, ttle girl, and shells. Their guns were frequent- '- —namely, the E.s.o.
•1 s '
"Yet, ratah tee rae il(AV't <1.(nTY ans..! Jerrelrins . Ise, not a naughty little ly bidden behind doors in the sides ,., The youngest winner of the D.C.M.
wergl, ar.I he entered with hi an g17'1; I'm e nice rett. ;T:11. Ana of of the ship which. could be swung • p.• t ,.. K.
is eiva e John arc Innen, of the
eorize I'll de anearnag e-ou :Fan only r
"Yea -re ou tweet me as; if 1 hart no !don t yen tlame yell re rather urrund - -
tadhada wpm 1 to poor little ma?"
eee st.
Qinte a stroke ot yourF,. Odle:get i'eritette te eeu anuet teeth.
Veal; I diatat went to le beiheral I She :stroked h's cheek with the eolt BLACK FOX INDUSTRY
wall you new." !heed that bed treat round from bee
"Toelve given me :mane rihists, ;end Iliati has neck, She leaked at him'
1 r.,re to stand en them, vhother i V.11.'fi eyee that were both mischievous
it u -y
gthere ea cr nota" Jerry eeelied;and. trepreachful.
genry. "1 tlartle We've get to ceme! "Xa," JaraY aaii, 'Tin llat heIng
. .
to an unaerstezems ode:. -ler all abcrattun:sine, Nora. And. I'm suss asking
, Black Watch, a sixteen -year-old bay.
The medal was awarded him in 1916,
and, much to his regret, his parents
Carried on Exteesivesucceeded in getting him discharged
ly in All Parts!
from the army because he was ander
'of Canada and Northern States.
age! Youth will be served.
The number of foxes in the ranches During the war .something like one
of Prince Edward Island at the be- thousand D.C.Mi's have been confer-
Meetare." ' yeu to de what is reany the kiedest ginning of the pelting season in 1917 red for individual cases of elistin-
qatne upste irs," iaite Ne,:a, after thirg to Maguire." t was approximately ten thousandguished conduct and devotion to duty
c peeve. "We Can't stand talking . "Ohhnm!" said ;acre. "So it's From December 1, 1917, to January in the field. Many of the recipients
he. rea Mr. Magp,'re's feelings that N'C'n'i'a 31, 118, 2,500 foxes were killed and have earned the decoration on a sec -
She led athe way ea to the sitting- analors coact—that they ehouldna be their skins marketed. The pup pro- ond, third ancrfourth occasion, and
rettn. Jerry wrdleed peat her te the hurt, or anything of filet sort. Jeroy-
deletion for 1918 is 3,500, therefore have been given bars to their medal
Lae- 1,:ildow ervi !coked out. Ma- kins dear, I -wonder if I nails,- do lave
enhe wae stra waairg in his car; ha e-ou 'ellen you ride re great high moral making the number of foxes at the accordingly.
saw Jerry as the window, veered to horse. Especially when you ride it opening of the present pelting season' Here and there many years have
him again with a smile the!: mieht as ferociottely right at me." 117000. If estimates of 3,500 for this separated the winning of the'D.C.M.
have been geed -humored er &.ilst She continued to stroke his cheek season's kill and *shipments abroad frote that of gaining the bar. For
leave bear/ derleave, and then, starting and the look into Xs face with her raiz- are correct the season of 1919 will example, Company -Sergeant-Major
his engines MOVEid rapidly av ny. ehietgAIS, whimsical eyes tendher with 7,000 , W. L. McIntyre of the King's Royal
"Do yea let him take you on auto- ter:10y challenging smile. open for ranch breeding j
ineleile deivezs?" esked Jerry. Suclaenly his alms were round her, selected foxes as a breeding stock. Rifle Corps, who won the D.C.M. in
eametimee." "Thsee, then!" he exclaimed among Japanese and Norwegian operators the South African War during 1902,
"Hove doe e it happen that he asks tile kisses. "Of ,coarse I love you-- are entering the fox breeding Indus- was given his clasp for bravery dur-
and you've got to love me. And— try on a small scale, Japan having ing the present war in Augusto 1916.
"Beta/lee ha finds me pIeannt cern- You've got to do what yeu're told. taken 34 island foxes this year and Thus 14 years separated the winning
pany, I suppese"
, Do you uncles. stared, you. teasing little
Norway 24. Good prices have been of the medal and the winning of the
My queion may have sounded in- thin
$750 clasp.
au 'ting' I didn't mean -it so. All / "Yes." She sighed and gahim each realized, probably averaging.
each. American ranchers took 253 On one occasion the D.C.M. was
meant was, haw de you and he ham- another lase "Aren't you the bead -
pen to have ettablizared such friendly hearted fellow, Jeered Shall I write
.?'" the letter now?" island foxes in 1918. cancelled and the Victoria ross given
Raising ranch bred foxes is an in- in. its plebe. This happened a couple
"In the first place, threugh my "I wish you would." dustry that is being carried on ex- of years ago to Pte. W. Jackson, of
I had mane to knew ban a little, I deep it in the box for ane?" - the A.ustralian Imperial Forces
teaching cf his recce. Then, when "And then you eould take it and tensively in all the Canadian prov
inces, in at least a dozen of the north- A man in the ranks wears the D.
staked him one day to help me to get "Nothing eertainly could be safee
Dave pardoned'. He premised to do than that:" ermost of the United States, and be -
what he ceuld when a new governor She .sat down at her veriting-ta' .ble girming in Japan and Norway, all ly-
was ,elected. Than, when Dave was and Jerry watched her while sheing in much the same climatic belt,
pardoned without his leaving been wrate and felt a new and sweeter adapted. to domesticathig the black
able to do anythang about it, he just tenderness far leer. What a winning fox under the most favorable condi-
kept on being nee to me." aittle pereen et was that could give iss, tions.
"Ile 'events to marry yam dimwit no graceacillyl
he'" e
She handed him the note for his
eyes:, , apprma. It eves as follows:—
"Have you eVer told him definite& Deer Mr 1. ..4.
"In Flanders Fields."
. (Canada's Answer.)
that you couldn't marry him--itlist 1 foel ani. nt I must tell you 1 a•Rest now m peace ye Flanders dead,
e Me, Guam With each a cross to mark his bed
you were gedno: to inarhy me?" eh
,graged to be married Ito
Not definitely—not eta that Bet Donohue. Try got to hos (Tian), Where poppies grow.
I've 'tented to lean there was inane pointed, I tiara:. we had better not The boastful 1-Itin
one glee the- 1 carrell very mach eee each either a,ny more.
Sinceeely yours, ho thought by might andrs,vord and
Mageae tiara= his chances Neeo, Gorcoran. To win the world, his miest has fled.
are Feeley good—thinks they're ern- "Just right" seal Jerry. ye liable dead, ,
rarys,ing?" She seated end actdreceed and
"I cen't be sage, amay, what he stamped the note and handed it to The •tight ye led is won,
titial,p." hint agetn. And peace is round us shed.
"Aren't Yau treating him exactly - Sae' 'deserved and 1---sceriMed rauee we live and love because you bled
ee eou treated Coecoran. When you -pettang; he vowed to barreseln that al- "In Flanders fields."
lend premised to maere ria? And though reounting the high 12201)51neran'i )741:1 tre4tinig Ite• now exactly homsu
e had cceeded wen this gone st Your cause hag f,riuP
mhed 'ga,inst the
as yea 'treated me then?" I was a performance to he avoided in foe,
"You can't say that, -Terry. I, the future. To ,u$ in vain ye did not throw '
letvenh, 171,aivred M,r. Magurre." -He hie& leas a fess mere minutes The torch;
-if you dada% feel in the 'beak osa with her; patrol duty summoned him.
that e-ou might anarey him,' He dropped her letter in the first mail With pride we bold. it high,
3 bavo41 put a stop to his box
. . that ,he var;,,,,,,,ea. and had .a. ino. And freedom's light boll -never die.
e-eg, ,it; rci: u , nt , 1 ps. aitana steehea,e,, Sleep then in peace
4 Inles eesuee Imo
. - seeped 1? e nt so o
oyung ' criteerene upon receivinit
g . -
tha htdhperihhhea itkat I need in1301 (To be.tmatinuled,) Where po,,pelielelabnloctvesrs
C.M. in -the place of honor on the left
breast of his tunic, unless he holds
the V.C. All other medals and awards
—excepting .the V.C.—follow the D.
o.m, But the officer who gains the
D.C.M. in the ranks and afterwaeds
wins further decorations in the form
of the DSO, M.C., D.F.O., .D.
P.C., or any of the Orders of Knight-
hood \veers the D.C.M. after them,
but still in front of all war medals.
A pinch of salt added to fruit when
&editing greatly 1'2112)rates the flavor.
11. rd. Connolly 0.
Members Montreal Stock
near 17 every woman, when, unless she "'bed
is willing t ki: .k the '
The tiene must come in the life
Nursing The Sica. ,110 exertiee himself, A foot bath mei
, miniater to the sick and suffering, and,
oe I W edaren under the elethea to one in
e else faile.. In /limes no detail is une
end often induces sloe) when all
1:vfil ceinutittie'slo'sesIZIlisbh: 0: 1.71:th<4etaerojtinftt or tillief4sudf4,1r1 ell.te lea
ni0e . e
Substential Supper Dishes.
. One of the first qualifications for During the cold weather tile house
the positien of nurse ie a willingnees wife turns her attention teveard snore
_ to yield abeolute obedience to the suhetantial diehee than these voitkh
! plevemetau in charge, and to use pain- have eatdefied ber family daring the
Istaailtg accuracy in tarrying out his summer season. We are confaig to
dire -diens, T'ne patient's faith in the realize that meet onee daily le in
doctor ehould also be ergouragea as most caeca sufficient, and, following
Tana' 4$ that physician has charge of the suggestioa of these who have
the case, since it has a distinct -.alae made daeteties a study, aro finding
i in fuethering the reeovery a the patit acceptable nmny,' dishes which do Pot
lent. , A tranquil mind being of the call for meet at all Besales being
tnbiloetdiinportance to the patient, nouriebalg eaid appetizing, the dishes
t overethingt must seem to be moving described he -ow are eoraparatively in-
ernoothly and estel'y DO Imtter sabat expelaihe All have been teeted per-
, - 4 , % .. m . . m
- to her for care and comfort.
difficultiee the nurse nury hare to en- smelly by the writer and earted geod,
counter. The inaelld should not be aleaeugle tit net claimed that all
t allowed to feel any responsibility, are original.
's1ate1e1 abt h 01171 0850, 4am:A Rieet—Cat in email' pieces
"i I know you win sew—away, every- three cr four slices of bacon and fry
ibilletlYlibITI:\thysiii"rs050thathtilc:ogit7t 11131 a.'Lit 11 25 "oatialethdzremr 01;1!•011SLIcaadlia'2:111'1•1".‘iVe Ptoan.c°01)nifi4
room, and thbougli everybody knows, slowly a few ininutes To this add
these eimple precarasioas ere very of- two cups of eookei eiee tied the ova
;amount of tanned termite. Cook to -
ten Peglect,ed. ,
Ii It
Too Tatlelt .5,tres cannot be put upon gether unth well blended, seeasesaing
the aphee.rance of the sick -room.
to taste with fait and pepper—eay-
must be as cheerful and attrective a's ehne u hhea—ot choPPed -0 or
A 0 •
P 01;:ibrlees, tlthatvitpueyes theealerze rapnhisofthepa
patient tga-raesatn. poppers. Serve aloe° er
romelinge. The mune bereelr mast Bierulte with Orme Dreesiagee-
contribute te t
he agreeable environ- 1`,2ake a White sauee and in it melt
ma:it*, atolliebentdeaabgaevarnaultt able.n;cmkapilae. a eupful of eheese cut in aluarl Plat'aa',
Oaten the biscuit and par :he dheese
ly net, No food' must be in right— meetere over them This is a hearty
even meilleine bottlea should riot be tdieh and very goof,: to taete. Serve
obstrusively in evidence. . :hot. A few hard hoilea egere. a small
sgrasesea hea hewer to seatae, and tan of tuna, or dried beef 'V2 201 to
aids nature's healing aroceeeee. So the (*yearn sauce farT:'11°3 22 l'ielsing
ail grating and dietarbing 2102503 111122t 022 to the hisault dish.
must be banished from the &leis -room,' Salevle -4th Ht:4 r'''''"I'vrits' -13*e
ten accompanied by ere es oe. a hier..telk
Thetputtime of coal on the tin of bakg pder or butrmi
aereeeraemag biscuits, usieg one's favorite tecipe.
neiees. It may be brought to the Retrieve salmon from the can, free it
roam wrappea in newspaper, ond laid from bones end ekin and add it to a
noiselessly on the fire, paper and ali, 1 r•-che thickIlale the fish to milk gravY er white 5221200 21222130
. re'almite
As fresh air is said to be the beste qulse
tonic, the sick -room ehould be well table sized !"..-75 IcT "Tying*
ventilated. An open fire is a aao the biteult «r41r
arirge on a platter!
than over with the hoe gravy and
means ef ventilation. A thermometer
. requen .y used in a sick- (ish'd The blasults may be buttered,
elhould be f ti
at but if the gravy .le rich erionah, this
,I room. A window may be opened
the top on a sunny day no matter haw i will not be nece:searv.
ill the patient trtay be, if in tbe open -I
ing a wooden frame covered with flan -1 A CANADIAN 114 GERMANY
nod is fitted. An umbrella covered
with a shawl makee a gofer screen Deecribes Triumphal adareb Through
aWahtt)enatihnegeostneftelowasdare te
e iopensina tent.
,thepati-, 1:faio
unlarrtGd—eayClasfnuoeIrTs eLr000ntkoe,ina
Looked Fine.
A room a little 'shaded is more rest- ter from Bonn, under date of Dec-
ful to a patient, but a little sunshine ember 8th, says in part:
the room makes it more eheerful.] "We have had a great time ever
The one in charge of a sick per -a since the. 11th of November. First
son should not allow visitors to stay there were the receptions and that
long, even though the phesiolan has sort of thing. The joy of the 13e1 -
given permiesion to receive callersa aia-a people was unbounded, ond =-
Neither should the nurse talk too thing was too good fcr us. The only
'much herself. Often the patient is difficulty was sometimes in avoiding
fatigued hi this way. Some other- their kindnesses and different meth-
essise good nurses fail in this /meta ods of expressing a weleorne. Even
MART. They do net -use discretion the poor people ran for hours with
about when to talk and when to keep'
pitchers of coffee, a substitete, for
! they have not been able to buy the
Unless the ettend'ent has some lit -a real thing. This lasted all through
tie occusiation to fill the Odd moments Belgium, but, needless to sav, it has
of leisure, the sick rene is often un- been quite the other Way in Gesenarty.
pleasantry conscious of being a bur- We have had no trouble. The people
den to one who may have other duties are very deferential. and reedy to do
to attend to. So the mime may oc- what they are told, but receive us in
cupy her hands with some bit of work what someone called a "frigid silence."
that may be readily picked lip and They look foolish. sullen, or mourn -
laid down. Don't read, unless -the atd, or uninterested. rnev take off
patient es asleep. That is too absorb- their hats, but don't smile; eeither
Ing in appearance, and the patient do we, so far as that goes. The
often hesitates to interrupt ' girls, however, are girls,' anti I ex -
Making the bed properly as one of cept a good many of them—they do
"0the whole, the country we
have passed through has not been
noticeably hostile, nor do the people
appear to havenbuffered much. Now
we are just outside of Bonn and with-
in a few miles of the Rhimet and begin
to encounter a distinctly hostile at-
mosphere, but that does not worry
any of us. We are the van'grard of
the British forces and the first in
Germany, and it is all novel and in-
teresting. I am lucky to be in this
march, but it has been a long, hard
one. The men have been splendid
did their 15 to 22 miles a day with
full, equipment, real at the end of it
marched into billets in some Ger-
man towns looking as fresh as
daisies. They did not'feel that way,
but no German was going to know ,
how sore were their feet and backs.
"We carry colors, the bands play.,
the Boche salutes the flag, ancl
everything is lovely. I have never
seen the battalions look so well. It
seems to be tacitly accepted, how-
ever, that every man look his best,
the necessary requisites of a good
nurse. Stretcth the under sheet tight-
ly over the mattress and tuck it in
firmly, and much d-iscomfort wad be
avoided. In order to eintrige the
sheets while the patient is in bed, the
under one is rolled lengthwise from
tbe edge of the bed to Where the pee -
SOD. lies. The clean :sheet rolled in
like matinee, is, tucked hi at one side,
and inmolled over the space from
Wheal the filet was taken,' until the
Iwo rolls are side by side. The pati-
ent may then turn or be lifted over
the rolls to the clean eheat, the soil-
ed one is removed, and the rest of the
clean one unrolled. The upper sheet
may be changed by freeing all the
clothes et the foot of the bed,
spreading a ean sheet ever all. Over
this ,sheet a blanket is laid . The
clean.'clothes should then he tucked in
securely at the foot, and the seared,
set slipped from melee. . Blankets
are the better for frequent airimg
Pillows ntay be eoinfortatly aeranged
by placing a large one under the back
and Shoulders, and a snia13 one undee
the head, drawing the lower coo.nera
of the latter well &own so as to fit do hie best and he his best. The
into the nape of the neck, thus giving I3oche is seeing a force of .real solt
support to the bead- Idlers,. All I hone is that he will
never think, of 'starting; somethinga-
To. raise pereon in bed to a sit-
ting -posture, when too weak to helm he evould simply get more than he
himself, have the patient put his was looking foi.
right am around the ,nursea neck "All in all, this march has been a
while her right WM supports his wonderful experience, from Mans to
shoulders. The nurse then leaning Bonn, from the last days of fighting
backtiard need tneke but little effort to the entry deep into Germany, and
and evetth peactice can raise the pati - an occupation of her rich Kingdom of
ent with. ewe. Prussia. One must pineh himself to
Frequent bathin%. is eefroshing, and know that he is not dreaming and to-
aets as both cure and antidote for fev- realize that after all the collapse has
erish condirbions. The Water ,sheted corae'Te are definite victors ancV
be tepid for face and hends, and peace is practically assured."
warmer for the rest of the hotly. The
patient should be stecovei.ed only a The'hathecIrail 122 Antwern, Belgium
little at. a time, and allowed te make leas a 'seatliing capaeley oe 23,000, '