HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-6, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
• Sasrders Et Creech, Propriiatorc,
Subseriptiout Prjce--In advance $1,50
~ir year in Canada; $2,00 in the
United States. Au subseriptyans not
ttsaist in advance 50e, extra eharged.
Display Advert sing.-..Madie ?;grown
tan application.
Stray Animals -One insertiran: SOc.
.!avec insertions $1,00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50.
each ineertion for one month of four
+iznaerttana, 25e. for each subsegoent
all ce dancers articles of not more
"demo five hoes, For Sale, To Rent, or
Wanted Lost, Found, etc,, each in-
aertion 25c
Lora: Reading notices, etc., 10c. per
:area taco ..,rts,.«t,.orz. No notice less
."aaan tae, Card of Thanks 50c,
daagal advertising 10c. and 5c. a tine
Auction Sates $2 for one ;Insertion
.and 53 for two insertions if moderate
esslanai Cards not exccedtag 1
etada-56 per year.
FEB. 6, 1919
Mr T.
,lalmp, spelt Thursday in
fe ,a d(^:l,
ate a:td Mrs. H. Hoffman. :Ind rem-
elt tented in. Zur't•n ea Sunday.
s'r wain of t'rediton has ellen g
ed ,: blacksmith with Mr. P. las
Mr :anti. Mrs. \i'rn. Held were vis-
itor; ta Ltaldlaa. over the week end.
Me ,le=m,t.-t Zinni.r artd ah4i'r,Miss
o Strattard vis ted with reaz-
livet i1 teres a few days last week,.
ale end firs. E G, Kraft and Mrs.
l'reear spent Saturday and Sunday
'.l Loedon,
Mr Kent of Sancoe spent a few
ley-, frit], redatives.
a),.ath—The death occurred on Sat
ar day last, Feb. 1st, of John Bower-
3ow r -
u i, at the age of 45 yeast* The
dote eased had been in failing health
t::on., Bright's Disease for atearere.1
%ear- and for two years had been. ccn
litted to his bed, the end coming
aaadu nn.. Dena -teed was a son of
the la.. Ichabod Bowerman, who for
many years resided in Exeter, and
was corn on the north boundary of
alsban-at Township. Many years ears
rr,. went to Dakota and nomeeteadcd
gofer- a. that State, returning italic
tee. y tare age, to Landon, and about
eive yesr.- . to moved to Kirkton 'o
ii,. zC ad Miss Stioa
rano :rod art4 sift: with one .l,attglutet
avr ive' I)et red etas an. .stimau e
ae:tt,_ ,,,:e n.l highly re>i,e:ted by ail
•.'ha knew him. Th_ funeral toa,c
rata: a to Kirkton cemetery on 'rues -
Mr Amos Doupe attended the 4Iis-
t. -ie: • treating of the agricultural .;oc-
ieties ie Landon on Thursday,- Pte.
R.. L Gardiner, sett of Mr. and. \irs.
F. C. Gardiner of Kirkton, has return-
ed front overseas. His home is in. Sar
via. where h.,,s wie and three children
live. He was twice wounded and is
staiering from trench, fever. -Mr
Delver attended the. funeral of a
corner ,employe .of the Bank, rleorge
siarri; at Lakeside, -Pte. Alfred Camp,
recently returned from overseas a,nd
L•isitecl. at Mr, Joseph Doune's„-Mr.
John Bowerman has been on the si"k
kat lately.
Steve Robinson's farm in this town -
ab p was sold by H. Stanley at the
Munroe House, Ailsa Craig on Sat -e
:rday to A. Stewart, 2nd con. of Mc-
Gillivray. The price was $5976, and
rsill be used for grazing taurposes.-
The death occurred, suddenly of James
McGeary at his home in Strathroy on
Friday, Jan. 31. The deceased resid-
•e'd tat icG3.Uj'vtray for a number of
years, and was in good health until
s a1y ,san, Pte. Jas. McGeary was Meta
ed Fn, action in 19184 His death was
Age to heart failure,? Besides alis wife
he heaves two daughters.
Fes T and
Tour Friends
"I beg you to publish my letter."
It is only natural that people write
ns c Thusiastie letters about Gin Pills,
Woal,l','t you do the same, if, after
sut'e ;rz from backache for years, you
round relief/ Wouldn't you wish your
friends and others to know what Gin
Pills had done for you, and what they
will do for them? Of course, you
would, and that is the only reason that
prompts people to write us praising
::his great remedy.
Read what Isidore Thomas says in
"My ease was very serious, and
1 was so sick everybody expected
gee, death any day. No suffering
could be worse than what I had to
endure. Eight boxes of Gin Pills
were sufficient to cure nie entire-
ly. I beg you to publish my let-
ter and tell all sufferers of Kid-
kriey Trouble not to despair nor
wait, as Gin Pills will cure them.
X have to be very thankful to you,
:and I recommend Gin Pills to all
-ray friends suffering from kidney
rrn.portant Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Rut Into
Bandy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,
JosePb J. Walsh, one of the oldest
merchants in Stratford, died very
The Landed Banking & Loan Co.
report net profits in 1918 of
Captain Samuel Filgate, who was
born in Toronto on Christmas Eve,
1818, died at Montreal,
Stephen Icing, for Many years in
business in Ingersoll and in Strat-
ford, is dead, aged 63 years.
An issue of Grand Trunk Pacific
bonds, totalling $5,254,633, is being
offered ou the market to -day.
British forces in the Caspian area
nave advanced from Baku and oceu-
pied the Trans -Caucasian Railway.
Sir Herbert Antes stated to the
Canadian Club that there was: still a
pressing steed for money to carry on
the eourttry's buustness,
The Swiss authorlttes have issued.
stringent regulations regarding the
entrance into the republic of Social-
ist delegates to the Berne Conference,
Col. David Carnegie told the
C.M.A. that Canada bas the oppor-
tunity to become one of the greatest
steel exporting countries in the
The westbound "National" express
on the T. a N. O. Ry. was wrecked.
near :Matheson, but no ane was ser-
iously hurt, so far as has been.
ears. Victor Carey, wife of a sol-
dier still in France, who had nursed
back to health many "fit" patients
In Hamilton, died of that disease in
St. Mary's.
The Swiss Confederation does not
regard favorably the application for
inclusion among the cantons of the.
former Austrian districts of Waal -
berg and Tyrol.
The militia authorities are trying
to arrange with the overseas auth-
orities to place soldiers on the trans-
ports grouped according to military
ilistriets, so as to expedite their
travel by train in Canada, and not
waste rolling stock.
Two young boys of Nairn, near
London, have already made maple
Bank of Nova Scotia make, ten-
peint rise on Toronto Stock Ex-
4'.,utat ,xi)O tourists, mostly old
*wintry people, left for a. visit to
Creat throngs in Toronto welcom-
ed 180 men, front the hospital ship
Religious services were held at
Arlerongen Castle on the occasion of
the ex -Kaiser's birthday.
Large bodies of Turkish troops
have Joined Tartar bands and are at-
taching Armenian villages.
All the Canadian divisions are
back from Germany and are in Bel-
gium, Ottawa is informed.
Thirty-four murders occurred in
the department of the Seine during
December due to Ameriean deserters.
A farewell was tendered to Rev.
Arthur W. Payne (Toronto), who Is
leaving as a missionary to the Jews
in Jerusalem.
An investigation win be held as to
the cause of the death of Ragael
Rodiguez, a Mexican soldier, In the
General Hospital, Toronto.
The Megantic has arrived at HaIi-
fax with soldiers and soldiers' depen-
dents, civilian passengers, and the
famous Harvard Surgical Unit.
A Berlin wireless message says
that the whole of Germany's western
army had been transported to de-
mobilization centres by January 18.
Pte. Ray Ward of Chatham, who
returned a. few days ago after nine-
teen months' service in France, cele-
brated his sixteenth birthday yester-
Mrs. Bessie Traver Douglas, wife
of the Bell Telephone Company's
Welland manager, dropped dead
while combing her hair, having ap-
parently been in good health.
The license to manufacture beer
eld by the Lion Brewery Company
f Kitchener was ordered cancelled
by Magistrate' Watt at Guelph be-
ause of selling liquor containing
ver 2% per cent. alcohol.
E. F. B. Johnston, K.C., Toronto,
is dead.
The Grand Trunk Pacific bonds,
aggregating over five millions, have
all been sold.
Paul Rader, the noted Chicago'
.,vangelist, opened a series of revival
meetings; in Toronto.
Legislation to protect investors is
foreshadowed at the coming session
of the Provincial. House.
The trend of Canadian stock mar-
kets was downward yesterday, in
sympathy with New York.
Charles Courtney, the 70 -year-old
coach of the Cornell crews, who re-
tired last fall, has consented to coach
the crews again this season.
Mr. Justice Hodgins' report on
conditions on the "Northland espe-
dally blames the officers for lack of
efficient or sympathetic dealing with
George Gibson, of London, Ont.,
formerly of the Pittsburg and New
York National League Clubs, last
night signed a contract to manage
the Toronto team next season.
Edward Overholt slipped and fell
out of the rear vestibule of a trolley
ar near Thorold, when attempting
o move inside on instructions from
the conductor. and was fatally in-
Rev. Dr. Samuel Lyle, former mod-
erator of the Presbyterian General
Asaembiy, and pastor of Central
Church, Hamilton, for thirty-two•
years, died =in his sleep at the age
of seventy-seven.
Frank Evans and John King, of
Port Dover, were badly scorched and
a horse was singed almost bare, when
a tractor they ;wore, driving broke
gas main and the gas escaping took
re from the fire -box.
Take the advice of those who have c
'tried most remedies and found that
is Pills cure.
Gin Pills are, not a eure-all-but' a
ssttientific remedy for Kidney or Blad-
der Troubles, They contain the bene-
ficial ingredient of gin, without the
alcohol, and gin hasbeen recognized
-for ;years •as the most perfect agent for
up the lydaeys andrestoring
'these organs to perform their natural
/The National Drug & Chemical Co,
•zda. Limited, Torontd,Ontario.
FLS. residents should address Na-Dru- a
ane., 202 alain,St., Buffalo, N.Y." era l d
Reeve Joseph Weber, of Neustadt,
was arrested on five charges of using
seditious language and attempting to
impede the operation of the M.B.A.
He went to attend the County Coun-
cil at Owen Sound and was arrested
after the firsteday's session.
Chatham is to have two beds of
Flanders poppies.
Butterflies have beert seen in Re-
gina this month.
Nine defaulters were given jail
sentences and fines at Sudbury.
Polish and Czecho-Slovak differ-
ences are reported to be settled.
John T, Small, I.C., died suddenly
while playing golf at Pinehurst,. N.C,
A cargo of currants and tobacco
from Turkish districts has reached
New York.
The l3ank of Toronto announces
an increase in its dividend to 12 per
cent. per annum.
Public lectures are to be delivered
in London next month on Canadian
natural resources.
The German Government contem-
plates taking measures to force idle
men and slackers to go to work.
The Yukon Exeeutive Council is
to be reduced from ten members to
three, says Commissioner George
Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, speaking
at Bond Street Congregational
Church. Toronto, said the Kaiser
should be banged.
Alfred Noble, a young insoles, of
Bentinck Township, was fatally
Brushed by a failing tree in his bro-
ts'er's bush, near Durham,
Thorold has decided to observe
of eaell week as welcoming
y for the soldiers returning dur-
ing the previous seven days.
F. G. Ericson, who as ,acting in
l', ronto for Roy [,. Conger, confirm -
el the story that airplanes had been
purchased front the Imperial Muni-
' ions Hoard.
The building of homes in Ontario
•s to be facilitated by the Govern -
Tann by powers given to municipals -
Ls to expropriate vacant land if
,ter:ss ary.
Iilg:n County Council decided to
spend $102,000 on good roads con-
:;truction and maintenance this year,
almost $45,000 more than last year.
Lieut. "}Ion" Dibble announces
that he will row again at the English
Henley, and may also participate in
the Knights of Columbus regatta on
the Seine at Paris.
An order -in -council has been pass-
ed to create the Lake of the Woods
Control Board, representing the Gov-
ernments of the Dominion and the
Province of Ontario.
Chinese celebrated their New
Year's Day.
Canadian railroads announce an
increase in passenger rates effective
t o -day.
The Bolsheviks are endeavoring to
surround the Allied troops in Arch-
angel district.
The Prince Edward Island Aerial
Transport Co., Ltd., is incorporated.
with $250,000 capital.
The Baltic, with 2,191 Canadian
soldiers on board, is expected to dock
at Halifax in about a week.
About 46,500 +' Canadian soldiers
and 3,500 dependents have been
brought home in two months.
The Italians are reported to have
evacuated and Serbian troops to have
occupied the port of Fiume,
Admiral Jellicoe will start onhis
tour in connection with an Empire
naval scheme about February 20.
The citizens of Vienna are in a
state of revolt against the high taxa-
tion imposed by the Finance Minister.
A single transaction in 1923.Vic-
tory Bonds on the Toronto Stock Ex-
change Friday amounted to $500,000.
Huskies drew their unconscious
Indian master fifty miles across trail -
less country to safety and medical
treatment at Le Pas.
Capt. J. H. Burnham, M.P. for
West Peterboro, has a proposal to
lay before the Commons to appoint a
minimum wage board.
Benny Leonard, lightweight cham-
pion, won his first bout in the Pacific
coast, defeating Joseph Benjamin at
San. Francisco Friday night.
Jack Dempsey will meet Willard
for any purse Tex Rickard cares to
offer. Dempsey is willing to meet
Carpentier, the winner to meet Wil-
lard the day following.
The Federal Government has ap-
pointed a sub -committee of the Cabi-
net to confer with the Ottawa civic
authorities as to a new arrangement
between the Government and the
Former Grand Duchess Marie Ade-
laide of Luxemburg has gone to
Prof. Coleman addressed the Royal,
Canadian Institute on geological
work in Gaspe.
t No export orders for flour have as
yet been received to relieve the pres-
ent situation.
A memorial service was held by
St. Andrew's College, Toronto, for
pupils and ex -pupils who fell in war.
Arthur Hawkes, addressing the
People's Forum, said that there was
no need for violence in this country.
Kent County Council calls on the
Legislature for a more aggressive
policy for permanent improvement of
Canadian pulp and paper exports
for November show an increase of
$1,955,945 compared with November
in 1917.
The Washington Government has
refused passports to negroes desir-
ing to attend a Pan-African Congress
at Paris.
Willard Dalrymple was killed in-
:tautly by a switch engine on the
Essex Terminal Railroad track in
American delegates to the Peace
Conference will not,.object to the ap-',
tointment of Bern'storff as delegate
trona Germany.
Welland Board of Trade has start-
ed on an extensive program for new
industries and for better conditions
Por workingmen.
Lily Card, aged five, and Lillian
Stewart, six, next-door neighbors and;
playmates, in Windsor,.,died within
a few hours, of diphtheria.;,
Reeve Joseph Weber of Neustadt,
who walked nine. miles Thursday"
night from Owen Sound to Shallow'
Lake, and spent the rest of the might:
n .a shed, now has ' pneumonia as a:..
For Infants and Children
In Use: For Over30Yaws
Always bears
Signature of
Dan. Brintriell recently sold his fine
young ,gray team to W. Cudmore o£
Seafortl4 for the handsome sum of
5550,00.—Mrs. Melvin, Traquair is not
enjoying very goodhealth at present,.
-Louie Kirk and Lilly Selves are vis-
itiag relatives in St. Marys and vic-
inity. -Mrs. Hobkirk of Hensall spent
the week
end with hernacre,
Selves, Jr. -Norman, Workman
little daughter of 'Manitoba have re-
turned home, after spending some
weeks with relatives on, this line, -Miss
Maude Glenn spent the oast week
with relatives. at Varna.
A number of the frierlda 01 Jos,
Grace gathered at his home, swamp
line, and ,enjoyed an oyster supner
honor in, s, n " a?
fhiss success s at the
tary trim at London for failure to re-
port, some person, being mean, enough
to lodge a complaint., --John Rider of
Lucan, who misted in the West and
was in Freeace for two years, was
presented with a gold nodal by his
friends last meek at Luc= -Percy
Foster, son,.tof Jan. Faster, near Gran-
ton, returned home from overseas last
week. --'Rev. Allen Duffield of Elm -
rale, north of Toronto, preached an
excellent sermon. here ors Sunday, end
assisted the. pastor; Rev. Finlay, wan
the Satins wen .r -•Mr, and Airs. Clar-
ence il-inion. of Granton spent Sun -
here with iris parents. -Miss Bessie
'Mode) spent Tuesday with friends in
London, ---Mr. John. Duffield of ',lit
Forest visited friends here on Sunday,
Wedded, -An iaterestng event oc-
curred at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Tuckersmith, on Wednesday
last week, lichen. Miss Ethel Dayman,
daughter of Mr. and...Mrs. John Day -
man, became the, bride of Mr. George
Squire of Usbornle,, scan of Mr. 3cx; y
Squire of Exeter. The ceremony was
performed by Rev R. L, W.xlaon of
Varna circuit, it the presence of :hike
a large wedding party. The "ere
many wag performed under :tn arch
of evergreens and u•oses, the wedding
march beim; played by Mrs. Joseue
Daymt,r,, sister 'of the groan, The
bride looked charming in a ;Tress of
grey setia with pearl trimmings, hav-
ing bridal veil caught up with orange
blossoms and carrying in her band a
bouquet of noses. Both bride rand
groom were unattenided: After con-
gratulations about fifty sat (town to
a sumptuous repast, The groom's
gift to the bride was a beautifulpeari
necklace, and to the pianist ahead -
some .gold jewel box. The presents
were numerous and costly, The ev-
ening was pleasantly spent with
mouth organ selections and music by
the. bride's Sunday School class, The
bride's ;going away dress was a black
silk trimmed with beads and black
silk fringe Amid showers of confetti
the .hapaly couple left for their new
home on the groom's farm, tha,Squire
homestead, a mile and half south of
in Usborne Township.
Private; Ross Dick, Chas. Canfield
and David Kiipfer, and Driver W.
Glenn !lave recently returned from
overseas. -Mr, Wm. Stoneman,' of Sas-
katoon, after 8 years, absence, is visit-
ing old friends and relatives, -Several
property changes have been made
recently. -Mr. George Scott bought
Mrs McPherson's shop and house in
one; Mr Fred Bengough purchased
several lots formerly owned by the
late Ms. Busch; as did also Mr. Rich-
ard Pollock, while Miss C. V. Smith
has sold her store and dwelling to T.
W. Parlmer.
.Wedded. -At Hillcrest farm, Tuck
eramith, at high noon on Jdnuary 22
the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. • John T.
Mitchell was the scene of a pretty
wedding when their youngest daugh-
ter, Violet Gertrude, was united in
marriage to Mr. James Carl Stoneman
of Hibbert. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev, E. Doan, in the pres
enoc of about 40 guests. The "groom's
gift to the bride was 'a pearl neck-
lace and the gifts to the young cou-
ple were numerous and costly. After
a short trip they have taken! up their
r.,eaidence on the groom's farm on the
12th concession of Hibbert.
Another of the pioneers of this sec-
tione passed atvtay Jan. 24, n the nel-
son of Mr. Christian Schwarrtzem,tru-
ber, at the age ,af 75 years, 10 months
anal 22 days. Decreased had been in
poor healthfor some Yearse Fde was
born in Waterloo County, and when
still quite young, settled in Hay, end
has live there ever since; The fun-
eral was 'head' on, Mondays: Besides.his
widow four sons and two daughters
survive, viz: Jacob, Chris, J., Rudy
and Dated.; Mrs. John Erb and Mrs.
John L Gerber, all of the Bronson
Line. -The marriage took place at
Chatham on Tuesday of Miss Merle,
daughter of Mrs: Louis Jeffery of this
tillaae, amid Mr. Ed. Lague. They will
reside mu Detrcl,t-Revs .F. B. Mey-;
er pperfoemied the ceremotiuy at the
I:v'augelical parsonage, Zurich, on
Tuesday levenMg,. when Miss Annie
E , '-daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Johnston,, Blake, b'ecaltnel the bride' of
Mr. Earl E. Weida of this village.
They will reside in Zurich,. -Pte. Dav-
id kipter sof Dixie returned home from
eve;. seas:-Taeblack pacing stallion,
Direct Hal, ; Jr„ 2,06j , recently pur-
chased by Mr. R. T. Dunlop, was
brought here last week,, -Mr. Joh3t
Ga.scho and;daughter, of town, are
.visiting relatives in" Pigeon, Mich, -
EXETER, BR. -A. U. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A, McDonald, etas
F. S. KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood,
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
97 Branches n Canada
IP General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
jtntwareat allowed at highest aart;eat rate
W D CLA.RKE, /Lanai -Pr
I nut a woman.
any have
suffered eexr ence gained better
I kaowyour need for sympathy and health.
And the treatment that .gave me health
and strength, Dew interest in life, 1 want to
pass on to you, that you, too, may enjoy the
priceless boon of health.
Are you unhappy, unfit for your duties?
Write and tell me how you feel, and I will
send you ten days' FREE trial of a home
treatment to meet your individual needs,
together with references to women in Canada
who have passed through your troubles and
regained health; or you can secure this
FRES treatment for your daughter, sister or
If you suffer from pain in the head, back,
or bowels, feeling of weight and draggiu1r
down sensations, falling or displacement of
internal organs, bladder irritation with fre-
quent urination, obstinate constipation or
piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregu.
lnrly, bloating dyspepsia, extreme nervous-
ness, depressed spirits melancholy, desire
to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, pal-
pitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallowcom-
plexion, with dark circles under the eyes,
pain in the left breast or a general feeling
that life is not worth living, I invite you to
send today for my complete ten days' treat-
ment entirely free and postpaid, to prove to
yourself that these ailments can be easily
and surety overcome at your own home.
without the expense of hospital treatment, or
the dangers of an operation. Women every.
where are escapingthe surgeon's knife by
knowing of my mple method of home
treatment, and when you have been bene-
fited, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass
the good word along to some other sufferer.
My home treatment is for ala,—young or old.
Read My FRET OM ort
7'o Mothers of Daughters. I will explain a
simple home treatment which speedily and
effectually dispels green -sickness (chlorosis)),
irregularities, headaches and lassitude fa
young women, and restores them to phtmp-
ness and health. Tell me if you are worried
about your daughter. Remember it coats you
nothing to give my method of home treat-
ment a complete ten days trial, and if
you wish to continue, it costs only a few
cents a week to do so, and it does not inter-
fere with one's daily work. Is health worth
asking fort Write for the free treatment
suited to your needs, and I will send it is
plain wrapper by return mail. Cut out this
offer, mark the places that tell your feelings
and return to me. Write and ask for the
free treatment to -day, as you may slat see
this offer again. Actress:
Windsor, Ontario
Is recognized as one of the most re-
liable Commercial SSchools in Can-
ada. The instructors are experienc-
ed and .the Courses are up-to-date;
Graduates are placed in positions and
thy meet with success. Students
may enter at any time.
Write a toffee for free catalogue.
• D. A. McLachlan, Prion,
Dr B Can bell attended the funeral
a. hds aunt; the late Mrs. Johnston,
who died at Detroit, and was inter-
red at St. Thomast--Mr. Jos. Faster
Jr.; .had a successful operation, ser`
formed fo.r apoendieirtes, at St. Joseph
Hospital. Lond,on,r-Mr. V. E. Appy
has left far the West to resume his
duties with the Bank, -Mins Idella. E.
IC]ien, who has conducted a inkiinery
business in Zurich for the past few
years. has sold out to Miss '\i, E.
Routledge. -Mr. Casper Wolper has
sold 150 -acre farm,, situated a few
mdsee south of Zurich, to Itis ^-lei•'h-
bor, Mr Johia Regder, sort of Mr. Jos.
Regier, for $12,500. -Mr. Alex 'Voisin
has sold the 100 -acre farm he pur-
chased from Mr. Samuel, Gdngerich to
Mr, Geo, Brisson] of Tilbury, formerly
of St Joseph:
„M1•U` I f l;ii SYSTEM
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains;
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, _Toronto
Phone 46w Agent, Exeter
Rev Arthur Carlisle, formerly rec-
tor of Holy Trinlity Church and now
of Windsor, has been created a can-
on -Mr. G. A. Stanley had the mis-
fortune one day last week to get One
of his hands injured ;int his coal eleva-
. tor at the depot; Granit, the six-year
old son sof Mr. C, W. Hawksha,w while
playing with a number of boys had
the ill luck to eget one of his hands
caught in a cutting box which they
sere playing with. It is hard to say
'just how severe the accident is
Almost as vital as that of rotecti
the honor
of protecting flag and country, is the dutyof r t
safe_ guarding. health. When strength is well-nigh exhausted
and the resistive powers are reduced, is the time
disease germs are the most potent and when
affords -effectual
splendid and effe
mean's s
j, affords offsetting
tendency toward weakness and rotes i
P tang strength. '
The abundant tonici g
and uni ue- Hour
, ,Q lining properties
t of
tt s Emulsion make it a de end'
P able agent that
may be used everyday,
by aneste toprotect
Y strength,
Scott & Bownc, Toronto, Ont.
Banking Service
YOUR banking requirements may
be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
H 1
EXETER, BR. -A. U. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J. A, McDonald, etas
F. S. KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood,
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
97 Branches n Canada
IP General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
jtntwareat allowed at highest aart;eat rate
W D CLA.RKE, /Lanai -Pr
I nut a woman.
any have
suffered eexr ence gained better
I kaowyour need for sympathy and health.
And the treatment that .gave me health
and strength, Dew interest in life, 1 want to
pass on to you, that you, too, may enjoy the
priceless boon of health.
Are you unhappy, unfit for your duties?
Write and tell me how you feel, and I will
send you ten days' FREE trial of a home
treatment to meet your individual needs,
together with references to women in Canada
who have passed through your troubles and
regained health; or you can secure this
FRES treatment for your daughter, sister or
If you suffer from pain in the head, back,
or bowels, feeling of weight and draggiu1r
down sensations, falling or displacement of
internal organs, bladder irritation with fre-
quent urination, obstinate constipation or
piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregu.
lnrly, bloating dyspepsia, extreme nervous-
ness, depressed spirits melancholy, desire
to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, pal-
pitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallowcom-
plexion, with dark circles under the eyes,
pain in the left breast or a general feeling
that life is not worth living, I invite you to
send today for my complete ten days' treat-
ment entirely free and postpaid, to prove to
yourself that these ailments can be easily
and surety overcome at your own home.
without the expense of hospital treatment, or
the dangers of an operation. Women every.
where are escapingthe surgeon's knife by
knowing of my mple method of home
treatment, and when you have been bene-
fited, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass
the good word along to some other sufferer.
My home treatment is for ala,—young or old.
Read My FRET OM ort
7'o Mothers of Daughters. I will explain a
simple home treatment which speedily and
effectually dispels green -sickness (chlorosis)),
irregularities, headaches and lassitude fa
young women, and restores them to phtmp-
ness and health. Tell me if you are worried
about your daughter. Remember it coats you
nothing to give my method of home treat-
ment a complete ten days trial, and if
you wish to continue, it costs only a few
cents a week to do so, and it does not inter-
fere with one's daily work. Is health worth
asking fort Write for the free treatment
suited to your needs, and I will send it is
plain wrapper by return mail. Cut out this
offer, mark the places that tell your feelings
and return to me. Write and ask for the
free treatment to -day, as you may slat see
this offer again. Actress:
Windsor, Ontario
Is recognized as one of the most re-
liable Commercial SSchools in Can-
ada. The instructors are experienc-
ed and .the Courses are up-to-date;
Graduates are placed in positions and
thy meet with success. Students
may enter at any time.
Write a toffee for free catalogue.
• D. A. McLachlan, Prion,
Dr B Can bell attended the funeral
a. hds aunt; the late Mrs. Johnston,
who died at Detroit, and was inter-
red at St. Thomast--Mr. Jos. Faster
Jr.; .had a successful operation, ser`
formed fo.r apoendieirtes, at St. Joseph
Hospital. Lond,on,r-Mr. V. E. Appy
has left far the West to resume his
duties with the Bank, -Mins Idella. E.
IC]ien, who has conducted a inkiinery
business in Zurich for the past few
years. has sold out to Miss '\i, E.
Routledge. -Mr. Casper Wolper has
sold 150 -acre farm,, situated a few
mdsee south of Zurich, to Itis ^-lei•'h-
bor, Mr Johia Regder, sort of Mr. Jos.
Regier, for $12,500. -Mr. Alex 'Voisin
has sold the 100 -acre farm he pur-
chased from Mr. Samuel, Gdngerich to
Mr, Geo, Brisson] of Tilbury, formerly
of St Joseph:
„M1•U` I f l;ii SYSTEM
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains;
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, _Toronto
Phone 46w Agent, Exeter
Rev Arthur Carlisle, formerly rec-
tor of Holy Trinlity Church and now
of Windsor, has been created a can-
on -Mr. G. A. Stanley had the mis-
fortune one day last week to get One
of his hands injured ;int his coal eleva-
. tor at the depot; Granit, the six-year
old son sof Mr. C, W. Hawksha,w while
playing with a number of boys had
the ill luck to eget one of his hands
caught in a cutting box which they
sere playing with. It is hard to say
'just how severe the accident is
Almost as vital as that of rotecti
the honor
of protecting flag and country, is the dutyof r t
safe_ guarding. health. When strength is well-nigh exhausted
and the resistive powers are reduced, is the time
disease germs are the most potent and when
affords -effectual
splendid and effe
mean's s
j, affords offsetting
tendency toward weakness and rotes i
P tang strength. '
The abundant tonici g
and uni ue- Hour
, ,Q lining properties
t of
tt s Emulsion make it a de end'
P able agent that
may be used everyday,
by aneste toprotect
Y strength,
Scott & Bownc, Toronto, Ont.