HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-2-6, Page 2US STUDY 1 NO LOSS ON WHEAT LUMBER MARKET 1 IS Canada Should Endeavor to Meet Requirements of European Trade. A tl•;;spateh from Ottawa sslys:- rci rplus of Sixty Mi?li ,an Bushels in Canada Will Sell Readily. <ie r. ttQh Eagan Otealva' 'That the Canadian lumber trade will '•'•s'rTueh as the Carealian Gove:ailment experience some. difficulty . in seeur- has guaranteed the price of ttiu. i tag its ;hare of oi'tlers for recoil- of the crisp of 1918 alai the carrying abut.'' i"n fieri( ill Europe unless more costs thereof, it Is to ely interested. attention is .geld to the d'aquirt'nrellt'in the dispee ati:,I1 of the ex ?erte.bl ; € tI't: overseas market. is a warning „ra:n reinl.inini^, in .!lir deun..x.y. It genet by the, Commi's=a'-i of Constar- s eel rated thet filet expo- tame Shtl'- 1 t -rat to t -'.in a ,l hl,e) arc' E�~s offarm- ialue ea wiw.-tt nowamounts to from do teneaer eeem Sw,a.. i70,0i)0,0f9 to 7(.1,(101O00 bushels. At r ( z he Ilritieb aaal allied Govern - ells it is pointed out, t?illll. more .c tthe giZt. rptyetze.t� aIIT=3:ie. are re:: ,^{S 1e grain eithe Th iti'aah Lil:1 t the Chic{' tlllils In Ca fl:: , the United St:Dt" , 7 r 'n file F ural. In tr :et C lilt i C �,Id.:lit;i3 t: «� i `� t:i:i t OwCover..ilellee prates � acme le the one 'ai +net to the "extra �` 3 taallier [ +lt de :�'ie ....'alk size,* of •-?rilbe itip'ra„nts f;tnc: n •Ca:itr is w illd .4 ceilt:i to make Atlantic. from tide side t i the tAtlantic.+oca their guarantees.It is stated '.1s 8.:r . 1iratea- Cc,Iunahia {� 1 s'. , ha lever, that there is no 1'.):' -sen , tie `Milton elft "the to .2E. t :T: tl • t all, t `a' .1.l,1T! (1°r- bra .tor - 1rilic r!.-h«t}}1` c he:ex:afore imported t: :n14 n hill f t .' its' Cts 1 ,• ):At.l tJ '1.8' 1)y U 6±t?awQti h'needali; bas been in a • T -.:t ' Jrt t1 lar:+ Y o+l:' I !•rill • C • Car. ...'.la gr nh 111 Cie 'i ori? In3'i- tl t' farm of large timbers a tri, E: -o :11 to the } ' a a -.a ;gar .ttl ureal"; prier .liar rat LEfkl ' n aeirll;antabit fax Iat lve- St ,ea.:rel woes:,til' for resew, aberi all 12'2.11.. " hu4te1 for \Q. 1 iter into ai} t r'a l'l: ➢ t. Nortliere. It is al c ?:Sed that the r i xr Se ar : „Spe2 , �Tt G t t'a L II�� is due tQ L P It lath Cala main is to enlarge :let i' , a"ideetio l in writs , 1ia3T lin, axle r. 'the laE,i' tlr'ila�':'i tl' k.ta-.. Es!Ni3 n r:tng4 ea ti Ar , ,tl .t ,r .,er1. . Expert c o3iipany till. grit t- nraver. `a!i(t `al'''es,- including mei-- Ing lter manta !+'c1 ! l :t, likely tY na y i! g ,anal tFI 3 _ kely do so taut +�r tee It -le:•t frrsddl • -t = en tile e.Za. l,h'c?l h,e., . it',ierta pre - /nee:. a. a btu desalt, in. va osis "If ,. Canada," •e a„ t:3:.'. ! , Ji'v'. Ceritlnt.ea, , .. a'al:', flL'all2r h.1 ,-. fur e. lr, the v.it'iou «, rNii:iGGIN't THE SANT/ :,Fates eawa to l ritir'h standards at i tavaallea standards, tl.eli she can do I, snot,• to bs l,:tsl full general. Old London Being Stri,lped of It to «' 'This, it 's p�•fIlted out, Is y War -dilate Defence's. petty ie:ll:y ti,7 'e'S.ibk with freight' Old London is being un -e anclialgged. :awe cit the p<eeent high le'v'el, but Cellar refuges and hast:Ynents and in tv: o y eire i ',tie -ht rated? may go bombproof shelter.; are "being stripped low cakoaarll for Canada to comuete of the eandbate upholetcry- which has with Sweden ,trill Russia, provided been tut essential , if not ornamental we Ina ittasntere to the r'equir'ement% feature of their equipneet for the et' flit' t.11tarit rea ri ot. 1 last 1\ w years. .4°••—•—•.-- 1 It is a big busi'Ie r.. There are • 1 N4;1. "ND'S DIRIH RATH i tone of acrd w be motets anti carried I.tl'yi i ST IN HISTORY ;away to corporate depot?, and thou ! sand:: of eandhags to be emptied. 1 •=.a' a.P'h tam: Leeden s..- i Britt, mai coact to shells, which in I ll::lr: rese.dar-an i4 drakaasle I' � � ; many instance:: encased the protect- el ? ?tee i . Calla W. Sale :,y, tris' • in lags, are being knocked down, ?Sni .9,` t:Z1fArET., till GI.' 1tutl Urlty oft ."sail I.[sndoe will Seen cease to be an + 7.4.-4 1, 'ft:`i ' st: a li cent to i emoted city, - a:lau ate t ,a Ee' rs°;:r C.,>e :1"" They, All the :'skelters are now on the re- "Ypres will be a memorial,"says are sufficient for this transition per Tae tetra of PPPI)Ie•f aun�ll is et.eI t r . ,ctira.OA% T' :--:r".l. 2, ➢•;s' ,lce3*, that. ,5:° tl:: whole of 1�ll :ar.�i ; tn(1 'silt (Incl the •su estio t V • a G..ette "•n which 1od. All the rest trill ire demobilized ° acquired land from the Earl of the ups lieu, l; ,1P : , f1°, T f tat gt; n has ho A t stmm�ter z7 1 the lands of Kiri:lands and the farm t e , .. p , e t «•1 to 25.x. sand Y4 ee l; s :i} death tette. been 1ii:ide that something should be ; future generations may learn the hor- as fast as possible, 1 -.Y.11*,f Z. ua. i. �zt.. ' .... •a -.la ;;I •t• he high- done to commemorate their war ser- "tors of tear.. There is nothing . more "The new armies will begin form- of Jedderfields. ^ Bt::a �+12:, .,ct•.. ,.v y, ), to ,..1+,: Q4 tea. t,:a •-?"ri .., , •tet 1, yt ea, w;as. �c *� i t.,. •v extravagant, ,compose Captain Percy blacicenzl., Med in 'Eng-- '�ta ttl, ;,,, t,, , t,A.• No 1 .....-a1 vice, - of ala 1• a tl'lvarant, of impressive than the sight of the ing February 1 and till be :):f t++ ...r+ 1 u,..:,,.: •.. ` ,., «...g, ,.ctrl til: vic.�t ole l;;t''',i ;5l this respect. course; hut it is ure•ed that n neat r • • n e f tilo-e who action, was the eldest son of Count e stricken cit • with the keletons of its eel in the first •instance, c o In Le . stn the ! til rate was 15.8 ?Ave:ea:us—It his only ween lately thaM the 1ritirh eexesol• has allowed . t „t published cf the damage ,clone +b r the various ,t,la.tv,.;1 otYty deta.a,'! to be puI>,kslhed t* } , ZepaJe;iii raids over Loudon. Nor'. that tall e"atngei' i.. ei}'.:'oils the curtain has 'seen lii'ted Arid thee publication of photograph. 'le permitted. This is a house in the yeast end of London which was hit by i bends from -E Zep- pelin. AR It innia"tes netts Waled. YPRES RUINS TO i+.J0.R HL L TACT NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HE BANKS AND BRAES. What s Going On in the Highland3 and Low iandel of Auld Scotia. During i. M.C.A. •seek, in Dundee the amount .realized was £10,200. Captain Id. H. McKee, Harthill, Batligate, has beefs awarded a bar to his Military Medal, aecoremg, to freights lets outeel The Military Set -vice 141ec'al has Ontario whoa- No. 2, Winter; per. y>alar lee, $2,14 :to a2 22; No. do., been awarded to Pte. James McNee, $2.11 to $2.7.9; N1.. 3, elo«, $2.07 to Black Wattle Campsie. S2 11 to $2.15; No. 1 Spi c eg, $2.00 John Given,the oldest pastorali ill to 112.1 , No. 2 Spring, $2.06 to awarded d tilt:, Ia $2,i'i; No. 3 S,hring S7.02 t;a x+2.10.. t�,'tlrlilag , has been :shipping r y'.nee, ?case a lna to 1erial Service Med,' 1 readstuffs Toro1lte, 'Feb d—Malhitoba wheat —No.1 Northern, $2.2. %; No.2 Northam, :2.21 i; No. 2 Northern, $+2.17: ND. 4 v hent, $2.1] 3':, in .store Fort William, not i,1 'liuIing tai:. Manitoba eats—No. C.W., 03%e; Nv. 8 C.W., 57%e; e,.tra. No.1 feed, 60:eac; Nal, 1 feed, 50%e, in stem Font William. American corn---No.2 yei%rrw,, $1.45; No. 4 yellow, $1.42; Jaemary ship. anent. Ontario Q:et`, r w (rep.^-. o. 2 wl,;:te, 5y to b c; white, nat. Mr. Laidlaw, the :rather of 1'iptr. , Pts. 'tioq+' e2.00. r , Marley Malting 'r•F• (Top, 72 Dan Irai,llaav, V.(,., has passed away r�. ,), l«, tc �.i«S'^; !C ,Atu:ll' t4) fi lit', +il'aSsii . at his home in Doddington. E Ituel�1,ite;tt••-No. 2, '1; nalxti..a'1. t 9' r r " ' ' f Ii e••. -;'Jo. 2, $1.25, 'nominal. Provo �t rrzl:..,lan of Sty A..drtvr c, :. �- , hat, given notice of his intention to ? Manitoba Ilene -Old tree, war tire from the civic chair: icl;ali* $l1 .,5, Tra„tlta. 1) 1 On trio Meal -'`oar u' quality, ',•i ...same )g'l'en x : al nem the county of C1.1uuknna to t 'ail'tea**d—Cae !:;4 , els ":et•red i4iont- M'jar Francis Roy Tarleton. alio :1 3lc,a;I: ,, ' 3p,� i 4'iti'e P.` n, Mont - Ilea been awarded the Military Cr,)+is, ;aBli: w ." 01 T `+«" s� �'4+ ) a i` rtt�n` 1434 « o o. Mrs. Wiee Dairsie. .11 n 'r+i _ ,c+ , n f + In .+..1, „ 0 ta)) , .:2 f+t a Lon, ti`aek To r Sara 'Pr rent' a1 reat eplit o1' et. Vie, canSteel's; o. le:awelt, 1eas i'utwn a patttia twlkkE h ;t. ' -»L :;. 1< ,?, *t1 to `.t,t, t}`ati, weighs two .and one-half petrel 1 Ten oto. �q T s i ,•kaad aulrt i` i r »�l alfa '1 I'anz_ :`aStC axF , Moir, R.N., killed in faction, wits .tile ; C luaus' Prc duct �'6'holesa<" on of J. air « Noir, Datiam�`•, villa t it: :g « •-Na. 1 sstonag�, r.) fa 51st; Dr. 7o5C`Ikn1 Cetus has been 'aL ev.iia, �1tt.00 i I ° ,, Aloe itccal And pointed interim medical ()Mem' for i' , x , hl. . I). M, Lamont, M.A., Bo'ne.se Acst storage", 58 «, b0,; t<neone, ARMYdtshtl , hair been :lppointt'.d (las ictal ;eased:,t �w-, Gil to f=i t.�'��'�� lal tt,;+„rsl�ltC,t-a.�; eaI t3, 58 :)G.,eh''sie. d; 'ryr Mr�1Sit or R« O. Irving, 141.4 .« Gwiil alllts, 5il .t1 ,oc ; vi"rliaiait; <'z+,`i'v ieIL1ll li '!h 'action ryas `i Go11 0;t�,0 4lf,p,t,.+n0+as' .fine ' Ma'or-General W. 11. i1ycroft,l f 1;ceee--1' 1 w, l.rrg., '8to esl hn E�ill �t't d as a ]Re finder of `he �Q© OOU f'Yold Line � GterxnanyT a Stand Reminder plaster hi Valo of Leven Academy. tuan9,. e prin s 1 x to C ; altsek , +, •to t1 ; henry 13e11 Irving, Millbank, Locker o'ac':i•• - s:�i•kll•, (_° t ;;,'a,',�1, 32 tri bio, a4r, w ,... ,.t �. teens, to 2915e; .al.rint; a�axc,'l:arae, Transition A:rdgalrney, has lead the Hellenes Horrors () War to Future During the lr<lnsitione t ' to t') '29c, ,'alai' a, r,'.9 to nr a i. Order of the Redeemer ]seat)tve+l ail, Comb homey t`ad a, 10 oe, «:4.50 Period. flim. Generations. A despatch, from London says: The decision of the Belgian Govern- ment to maintain Ypres, the scene of several battles between: the British and the Germans in its present condi- tion as a permanent memorial, is en- dorsed heartily by British press argil public opinion. to $5.ata ares clta:ibis' 1'2 res. $;,5:1 ata The regulations governing the The emu Qum4,00 ,)er tlo,,t,n. T r C il of Clef 1..a:, ner • of occupation are dealt with decided to erect a memorial to the 1:. r' ,:11.10-- Io agar,;a'i thee, `�:a•,aa in an ofiieial statement issued by Win- men from the burgh who have fallen sten Spencer Churchill, Secretary for in the war. I War sa `s a London des •etch. The ! Lieut. Arthur D. Linnie, son of Mr. f ltentr'l l : IarItet„ ' 3 1, i and alts. Thomas I3innie, Lengiddree 1 '_� cad. I` *. ? --I luta.---`„';' statement; says: "The British military Connnanders was killed as the result of an aero -'a' sr.;'-, . Y t;.' te, ,"11 ':", t.e '11.:'e, Plane accident. ate 'c l € of , I' g :, ' 1, 1 (141 t,a tire of the opinion that 900,000 men p C 1 . ,A..+ , lir in, '"., at5. Sheet a.al. a , I 1 .tee 1o '.1.711. I),'- .,: i 7r++• tion put up in ever shelter y purr 19ir and Countess de Sierra Largo, of Melte; 'tillrra e:'1' ,►.", P p p y t r once wonderful buildings rising gaunt have enlisted since Ja y 1, ..flu to o...,.,, r• inscri ter 1,000 o * .atl..t.on, ..i:t the tle;tlk .rating its record and how it helped into the sky. In a sense there are and who do not exceed thirty-seven T'drlogle' T)ornoc 1 Iar,:tl«� v 1C, v-.Q(j e al, 20 :e.r. lit'y sate rtes 1sq:+t, The :r.i:-llleess of the the nation would be an inexpensive few things more beautiful, To patch years of age. Volunteers will be ac- N. Kemp has been eIecied to fill 28 't,) i0r, Hirth rate tlg, l w Impreccel t d the vacancy in Galashiels Town Conn - h F£•alt in the hl.,„i;,� t ,T, =r i en a and at the same time fitting way of it up -would be impossible. Every- eepted for one year's service from «a s d b the death of Councillor I • . t t; r n, ,an(1. recognizing he part played by Lon- among spoil otltertvlse entitled to re- crl rns e y.ltd teak AI ill i don'sie "halls of safer ” which saved Thomson. Teroato, Fade 4.- 'Glade. he:ave TO FAY SOLDIERS y' ' Ftabert Ilunter, who huts been as- steer:, '.::`..0th +to 'tl•t. 0; ;,uta her':. 21 SHILLINGS �yEEKLY 1 so many lives, 2' sistant teacher in. Kirkconnel Public cattle choke, a10. 5 to :x11.25; •i,, one, therefore, will welcome the de- cision that the remains of the old. city shall. be left t intact instead of being cleared away. "The Cast abounds in the ruins o{. the last vestiges of once tlorious civilizations which have been over- thrown. Ypres will stand for centur- ies as a reminder that civilization itself cannot be overthrown and as a monument to the generations sacriiie- e ants x INCREASE TO BIIITISH N<I.t 1 TO BE REGARDED AS BONUS lease while sixty-nine battalions of young soldiers now on home service will be sent immediately to help , guard the Rhine bridgcheall and re- lease the older men. r nu zap in a 'l.o'rn ten Ballantyne, town chamberlain of shbeillings ala a)a g g Galashiels, and president of Galashiels slkilIings and sixpence per weer: for p John Davidson,'of Cro ilea army pay. Leave will be' granted on attache(' to the Scota Franco Motor a AmbulanceCorps, h beenawarded to occupation armies.i The death in action is announced the home army, the army - of the from Vancouver of Arthur Laidlaw, Rhine, and the army of the Middle a brother of Sir ll.obertt Laidlaw, East, n detachment of frac Far North, Wolfelec, Hawick. and garrisons of the Crown colonies 1 Sir William Robertson, Lord Lieut - "These • India. � enant of Fife, estimates that there `:These ar raligements seem to be are newly sic hundred Fife men in the best devisable for the year 1919. the hands of the Germans. During the year, however, we must The Croix the Chevalier of the remake the old British regular Legion of Honor has been awarded army, so as to provide,,on a volun- to Lieut -Col. John Alexander Stiri- tar�y basis, overseas garrisons` and ing of Fiinpendavie. foreign stations." Major Duprez, a relative of Field In connection with the foregoing Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, has pur- WILL NOT CALL ON GERMANY A des atc.Il from London says:-- r appointed headmaster. pay TO PAY ALLIED COSTS OF WAR <, The death is announced of Andreer ts° $30„50, w , n1::v,+:,k The -a of the soldiers of the ]3ritisIl' "The men of the bell armies will School for seventeen years, has been good, $11).00 ha $10,5 0; 110. corneae,. • $8..50 to $8 ,5; Ltz” ehoiee, i $900• d'a rrrt'°^h la's h, S7'?«) to tar psi• army aim will be retained until a + A despatch from London says:- t i y but hers' costa, theaa, $9.011 to :Steal) tae«e.t ftoti:., again is reached probe! The Peace Conference has settled one do. good, $8.00 tea ; can; a ), to a:uni. ably will be tt.e.,ty-one shillings a''important point with regard to the privates, to forty two shillings for Liberal Association. D .25 to $7.50; tea. eamraen, a,.0•) to week and food and lodgings, accord- Lieut o n awl s ,>0. r6, atocke-ria, ,', 00 to al.0.00; indemnity riuestion, the Paris corres Colonels, in addition to the ordinary feeders $10.50 to 811.a0; 'v o tete ing to a -Statement made by W. A. pendent oir the Evening Standard says d t defence." ice " $5.00 to 55.50 • mh ke. a Appleton, Secretary of the General he bas reasons for reporting. The is generous a scale as possible nips as tar e0 , " , good t., Federation of Trade Unions to thedee:axes, ,' g the Crab de Guerre. choice, ,.,. $65. 'ta 8 >0.00, , , e :n. P54111aily Mail. ' 'Conference, he det.ares, has e:ilminat- '`TI t Will 11 be and anal., $(9x,00 to 1+,«a.1)i1, $90,00 to $130..00; 1, tigilt> til,1s11 to $9..50; ye ellinega.,ai'2.00 t,+ *i'» +11: arming lambs, $14.00 to $14 .50; cAnse ' good to choice, $15.00 to $15.50; h«,Y3 fed and watered, $10 ,00 to ''31a, -a. Mariareal, Feb. 4 (anne' ' t .: t $4.50 to $6.00; but :need belle 47.14.1 eo-+vs, $9.00 'to $10.50; r.>l ,a , ":2.50 sheep, $8.00 to $9„50; mill: fed eta, 812.00 to $16.00; eha,ice select 'hogs. $16.50. BRITISH I ARLIAIIENT TO MEET FEB. 11 A despatch from! London says:— ed any intention of 'calling upon Ger- Marry and her associates to pay the allied countries the cost of the war or to impose heavy indemnities upon the enemy nations, The new British Parliament, accord- Future Army of Occupation ing to present plans will meet on Largely French and American February 11, with Prime Minister — LIoyd George and Andrew Bonar Law, A despatch from London says:— the Government leader in the House . The British contribution to the allied of Commons,. attending. The time armies of occupation in the Rhineland, used in giving the oath to members will be shortened, and it is expected says the Times, will be less France nuof i e ally than that of either r ranee of the that an hour after the session begins declared, must be regarded as a bonus, both houses will assemble to hear the United States, consideration having and not as representing an increase speech from the throne. Sir James , been given Britisht the part played in the Lowther will be re-elected speaker v,ar by the Navy and to Brit- of the House. ish responsibilities in other parts of A despatch from London says:— The ays;The Admiralty announces that pend- ing the conclusions of the Committee of Enquiry on the subject, it has been decided to increase the pay of all naval men, ranging from an extra shilling per day for ordinary seamen to six shillings for captains and high- er ranks, igherranks, with similar increases to the Royal Marines. This extra pay, it is the world. FRENCH CUSTOMS LINE FIXED ALONG FRONTIERS OF 1870 Home -Made Drinking Cup. Many tines on a train or in an A despatch •Frcrn Paris says:—One. office it is impassible to find a kink- ed the first consequences of the re- ink cup. Here is a little cup that can occupation of .Alsace-Lorraine has be made from any ordinary sheet of been the suppression of the Customs writing or typing paper. Take an line of the Vosges. A decree appear- eight -inch square of paper and fold ed in the Official Journal fixing the it diagonally into half. Fold the two French Customs line along the fron- opposite ends over each other into the tiers of .1870. The German Customs middle, then bend back the two centre agents ha.. -e been dismissed and an triangular pieces left. On opening agreement has been made with Switz- youwill have a nice little drinking errand for opening the frontiers. cup. • raw of the present pay, which may ulti- mately be considered a just and equitable remuneration. 80,000 OF AIR FORCE WILL BE RETAINED that noapplication further for renounces chased the residential estate of ': A despatch: from London says:— !The Air Force for the armies of oc- cupation, says an effic d announce- ment, has been selected on the same basis and with the same emoluments as the other branches of the service. sig: thousand five h:l;dl'ec offi- cers and seventy-five thousand men will be retained out of approximately three hundred tho• sand. of individual officers or men on pivot- al or special grounds can be consider- ed. Victims of The Huns—This photograph of human skeletons is . that of a hatch of British prisoners just after it release from the German pri- son camps. They ware laterally starved! 'alive. Beech -Hills, Haddington. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fell, of Beare die Mains, Lillislea, have serving in the army four sons, eight grandsons and forty-six nephews. The engagement is announced of George F. Barbour, Bonskeld, and Helen Victoria, daughter of Colonel Scott, Master of Polwarth. Dr. D. D. Brown, superintendent of James Murray's Royal Asylum, Perth, has been appointed superin- tendent of Aberdeen Royal Asylum. Lieut. Douglas Caldre, of Bath- gate, who joined the army in To- ronto, Canada, is reported wounded. Lieut. -J. A. Kirk, killed in action, was a son of Mr. and. Mrs. Kirk, Gal- loway street, Maxwellton. Of One Mind. A jury recently motto inquire int( a case of suicide. After sitting through the evidence the twelve tarn retired, and, after deliberating, returned with the following verdict: `"The jury are all of one ,mindes temporarily insane!” ',,X' "3E' 1i',T1 X' illb" °'E�' I'LL 'SUR:PRIVe- t" 9P:Clala ii`( `a sataa 11'+' 11-4 Toteaael1--; &'e S t' •-� 'a.. 40-ne' OUT 6ri `frltw cs«is 1 ^.4t"��lt7css tlri^rf a`as 6l1 A`Tr 0113-M VAC4,'Tagli - f-i®frz'? WEt1,'adit:,L. `Elft; SEI4D "rata g two HA"i'5 I Pict;Eli OJT - LIP HERE Ri4l- T +\t,r`M- •"SEs ta£t- P ' '; 4Eft'l NOw i1T?Een r-- w{�}�-En(�a't.t.- gv1 i tri' ? 'I « ,4 rat, ii• .tr • kn • • 7-10