HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-30, Page 2In infusion is worth every cent of its cost, the flavor is Delicious and the strength Abundant. The Most Economical Beyond AU Question... 541 Tca.Obtainable Anywhe e. Inur Stanwood Pier PROSPECT BREIT IN FIJI ISLANDS • TINY COLONY AS A uorwul, OUTLOOK FOR PEACE DAYS Indoor Play. these off peifeetly 'erith emailll mi Toys For Days of Romauce flare Changed to PIay material of ac Avilieh best!, Ale or fine sandpaper or &Beard tbe Pleases Th DS ie at liond in nearly ecilllb d Big ht- ose of sues an more pleasure in a steizg of etnPtY Never use meeal haap everaen • y- home. The babe eft= finds *eels or a few clothespins than r STOCKS 11. 1L Connolly & Co. Members Mentreal Stook Exeharige. 105.106 TRANSPORTATION SOU-DENO,. BON.DS unless it is the very fine invisible wire dustrial Development. et.--- tt, -so-- ---e-e. ones,. a;nd! then use them eparingly. the rattles and b.aus which have oorne; cause they sex:etch the scalp and tear eeseions of Great Britain hes a More for eittreetee taloa innyeisities. e , t from an expensive toy .1.10,1). As the: the hair, A aeap brush has poor benefel and peogressive postawar ant- I education of other children has been. - hand if properl till d ill do the Work look than ties. I'iji Islands, thae tiny eondueted largely by the missions, and i child grows articles and materials at be'etles whieh (1° Ti°t y u ze '15 g vet i "e'ell and irrieate the scalp at the cc/tatty in tbe middle of the Soutnern arrangeraeute have now been made same thne. The best brueni is one Feellic Ocean which has never been I \thereby these mission schools -will re - b eh to be o,VOMed be- Proba,bly none of the smeller pos- • • a • h th re"' he used eor foaling ern oetting ,or I that. has the bristlee set in groups of in the public eye, vehieb one herilly ceive Got ernment aid -von ey. :A great jos. AR sorts of impel, may 1 for scrapbooks, Maganhies furnieh i sieghtly uneven lengthtile bristles OVer reads 11bOltt and of which the , bromedat up tie a certain staudard. The- a wealth of pietures to out out, to! eihorail be fairly stiff for a heaey head aVerttga Arne:lean names but little. ' leet Governor of Fell was an'advocate paint, or to paete. i of heir and less stiff for a thin head Ent, left to itself, little ti bids fair of education, and R was Omagh him Crayons, Inlets, pencils aad paend of heir. The purpose of the brach is to foefee ahead with surprisims rapid- that a number of importairnUdiranCeS ?aid 0. bleekboard veal nee only arlardt le dean and polish, and it will neither iiy, building en its valuable Indus- were made which, hi the fame, shoold mueh pleasure, but veil help to teeet0 (neai nor polisn it it is soiled. ties, bioadening and extending its erove of partienIge benefit to the the chili to AN -rite and draw in (mud& Wash bruelies in warla b01.1.11>. Water educationa1. syetera, opening up new children of the 'elands. A new high f,,,-,...4' .1 i arerrinse in a eolution cif alum water.te . anetee, of teene, and corning to hare sebool was recently opened at Suva. train eye and hand without madue KeflP a stiff nail Ives)). and waeda a more and more in ecireston with the "RSI011tesLod,g= A printing frame end a, eupg'y of water or eeeee ana water- ° aeset which the itlethee Country etemin and. fatigue. temple of times a week in borax and. outsiof de world. until it heeorees .d 1,7. ore Printed the outlines of !eaves; and through the hair re7a, rdfe,se fl'3r,Isi This, briefs" et the 1rrip..v,.:.loa Worth or Food Stored in Gestic. everal Proudred Thousand Dollar/a blueprint paper on IN -1114.4y rnay be Never attempt to snag eiges. may well be. proud.- , e 4 NA .. CcEnYrigiit 01.10t(P1D. 7/ant* C9=1./2=71,017,01;tgrgla - I a-re:tamer:elle CHAPTER XXXI; II.- (Cont's1), i eg e rise:neer os ht, . , -1 • t - - s•te for ^e seeds flowere, 'teat:ern:ere other insects, elle "'Ile -til*-: --1.) ": "^ ''''''' '‘ gained by a newepaper eareespondeet I . , 1, ri,„1„,, .11.,, • 4 ,,. 4 4 4 .4.4? 4.1ing e *0 SU.: 1 We'r2::. the tangled n/ used,..teott ;LT c .N., E. 0. wont. ee-Kaiser alweye showed foe his Tlie peternel solleitude whieli the ellen% de that, ter eleelle eel:el"; „4„, „oht 1, ,.. 1 ,„, T,....,.. ,,,,, r, i' 0 mere ettaarel riejeeo - 'till • Fort he• r• eanD °'''ll beT°17 °III 141.41'L h0;111:11- g from an Paten ley; with the lIo-a„ J. , , ni v,o, n. 1. 4 t., 4. •,• 4 N 4 4.- 4 . ' , • '4:1 . AI. l a e , , t "e - reeeinee ;see .%; sateen . . enid the Oster. ' tatees hare fo•• hint. Tra,.a, "erAiml ef heppy isecenatiou to ehildrees chl the hair limit" abot'o "I wouldn't talte chazieee Ninth you ',, te. . Ins- ... 1.• ,,,, ie. eatstten of s e' t - I i shtee. (Nettle' weafr. the eneed out,' ' ' ' l '' "' * ' ''• " " 4* • ' ' • gtal.Vin people nee often almost ; dee+ of ore of the larseest imeenees i * e ' withonf 'cm," atniwerei Jorrld- i !nuriurety lie miler fieste L" 111 Debut Wooden leeses ma,,r ne 1. PI foe th.-e patietice. Never plat the Their at.: eatie"erso it, the 'it:loath mt.. "liieit touched, otin hearten. hut oereW nnei.find bthealh'llg „ileux,11'n,„ "Y,:),,in., nil 12', errovee 'n'ed ":"'houl he lvd-"P'.'''''l t° 1-1.1.:"`Ita,...fl"t,'„* alliii7e; chains and ethics will readily parents often tlo when cheating the, • -, •Y 01 +tel. • • , •11 . Iative Council, ' h , tele ;mil a reel en o . et. t I wore crovodiIeali in, character, The - that tne lealeter's syntmeteetie tears - 0h. here!" erled the Chief, iereatif end, 1..leit Ite. propetmi If) tell. slares, dell hozeses, foies and the like, thr-1 sealll bd conlene 14,01=e -hi 4-- , rtrorn 1,%410 IS a reandror of the Leah - trying to gcz; eV.,-.0.11te agetinet ettese, are 1)\leses and ems intent; W.!Polue leoittee, steambeatie, stages and heir or eetaa clutteee, 13e gentle alill Fiji Tor many Tegeblett quota's from the viels h.,-o•st,.. tee, . eta teeth egrese elle els:e'en" lie a tliousana otha th.:Dgo, old oottou well as pateent. 1 V.'rell accmainted with coutlitions tbere, yettrs end is uausually eriln'el. nrarlefurtee Volksihneie ars accoant stet ule „af 17' "."21-l''` ('''': ehereepen menet:et:ono west erate , -Itretty teiree eael Phsehen. ' rteteeee naetse neteese ties:. lee iii- ';. cloth. teiit into el-leeit etripa ana sow- 'Tlie brush elletted net be maa 'an° and well °edified to force:et v•bet the of wha wiiiipiro Carle, a member of ,,y0a,re '.9.1 1.' ..„0,tth the t;ontie en,„ a etite. tt, nprte. et:, ,,,,,m. ed teget'aer 0" 1. to er..e", 'Ali melte the snarls are tal watt then seParatotl le -tee ban'il't et"ere e'er ea"); eol'on"Y. the Berlin Woritere' and Soldiers' eeet --, ,llo44ect fp .,1 ,r 1.1111' 'ie ld'et3C4`... ptisent ft .1 leal been entirely h's" wenn yards of reint esti:illy:b. te drive the tile It 1.11 sine brush gently, begirinittgi ei. _ ' , r.' • t:011110f1, f011111, St0r041 aesay In the 1.11'..:EVC:1, itheseri,o inieofeee uY aeli tnet smile of the eanlitiatee Ter 1. 01,.11 , , „ ,,,.. ,_ . ,, , e ,, , ., • ...... • i „ ...e, t sime eae wnen the ,,,,eji Islands mes n., , 0 t oaea anti solar wresea IS SO 0a-.711,17 al. Sae 3.4043 nag 1.1`..452, +,elltri•2 14 0 .0 1 atlas. moat e eters, s 0-0.- - e'sn' isteel-ae far as the greet majority of i the people of Canada were con- Ito:sem z cattle. Carle writea: VII riterkee une. tee letter 93" -and, 1.,,,,i ter, es' ''...n*".' Ti" it "UPerri :" . . 1 "I requeste'l these on duty to show HOW WILHELM HELD OUT tee, Chiee came f, leveed "Every offiett, Ilene of the party menagaren emoted out p. • me his Diajeety':1 provisions --those, 1.:10 111.0St Fileee§dAve plaethinge for I ean testify to tim estr.rees ea his willieg nest, ,a view to cerited--only in story hooke. The tiny -"Nilo are toe'," nemanial thet Done. re,- „..setees -esesti eel ee (laid are thoso ferniele the 44. r, N•4-...1...4.4 .N " • M...- . ConCerrano Fish ' colony, with its sandy beaches and be it Observed, of 1.2 e Ireperial privette Chie:drnoweetneel tO lite ed•t• tea -aria out of which lie may ewe- The tone exports of Canadian fish: palreetrinreed lagoons, were. essoelatea te have get je on this thing' leslan's lawytar :retie ten ehaeuent titen theee tvhien lupus:: him het give eear entoursited to f1:13,000,000 pounds.' -es-ca rie 4 4t .E , •"14 t b1.1 • d t'"•`"-1-8 le I l•fly regarded as a state institution. f as' rer"z."val):: t'`.0 f"(znudlallie ard 11:«F,41, hint cw ff ite a light, senneete; hit (11111.wll rather of the meet patralave r rietiss 'esti closely -with pieutes, powreadily 111cW11 111.f.0 the large nens and pleeen In en hew." ; par.tee reatidneepielted govern- that many oe the expeente rheeharst ;trod emolted eri eerne 1 - eet'o4 .a t, mid to 1a great mills grind 11 h' ,teens 1wte ehangta storerooms, I expeeted to find a store but what r as tliare surpassed all The 'frill story urn be on. the Presses. ieete, fee els enease the judge, awl ap- , hien little to de. It i I well itnoten Ti • - • • f • -h as lease mieuees ige , Loewe 3fuyes. But the : . tt. • se t e. • * Cul IC:4 tile orsearned lifter a leetef e • e .1 tele thee t t„ h i., my eepectatione. Ilere in large, roat.c, teette,"' said Jersy e. , • Fes •ine eo , .• .. 4.. heueehold, not of the court, which is ' * rls'a '"f• ou reir wea t sug eoecanu "of bees seatement as to how the; tlioueand tiellars sled see."ve three • • • • 4. 1 4‘ 1 • tI money vets to be used?" months in pa eon. Miley:en went, q. uttelnne.7".e ;.re .,4s°%11' 111... Ian , trees help s en„ eman 1p4.1.01. 011. Ca,141i11011 •;.; Up• uh.te td,d, roo as everyth ng, "To elect P. maygr who'd be geed to about the tit- voelferatieg that the " , • , , • ma, .e oopra, liOntireds of thouganda of •de, _ at eniot to nna wee-. inetiel them - het the Fel ‘eacte It i- "o" 1%lt ever thing ore ean eossibl- niing rather than to be anaemed or , ed to the emelt family ;red fire111.1, leeneees oe bananas are phrthepte tan conceive in the way in food No, I imeauete. tee :mild want te sortie - the, folit'S he was. robbing? I did', euteeme of trial was a eomplete !f°, Tlie Chief 4.'1.17Sed, Jeory and Sheeel, areete, men tote were on the eleket erttertieneil by a perforreane.e in which' ‘ArZgrin Uri Anttska. It is On 1,110: eionen e, daily newinaper neen etneinelinust correct myeelf. One earl not eurnishe's conceive thet after fens yeare. of war that." fer lersteelf Load the hon- .1 1} here on the Pacific tenet betwehn, eseperted •seitirly and, eiser.t. to releake nite eentemetible efforte, of , ehandeel toys, hewever, railroads and hard smoked and canned. I such enormous quantities of food could be stored. Preeerveal meate in great han and the woman, and then was ewith haat he appealel te the votere, he lute little part. Among the me- ' ineenet fresh, frozen, gaited, ninpered ' - - ze :soon o with up -to- e- 1 fth Sheeher. telselmeed for the pa.troi • the oppositien, oppoeitesen that for the trains of all eort- irtve rerennial j minute cabled 110174 of world happen- , • , wagon Brwell waited to see the fires time, in any mayoralty iterapaign t f- o all crs. • • 0Y The oulachon IS probably the fat- ergo. test ti? ilshee but its on 111.15 11 00U11 and adveuture have changed to days tile high eeiring5' The haleyon dins of romance ' e4ne' white flour ai :seeks piled up to thousends of eggs, draneatie departure. There was a' had been so malignant as to l'IllpUgti With the ti„.d... i s „ti , 1 ,,/ , rn,,,, ma.,,,...en twit. dille,rent lunde of ears and 'when el:" of big bushiees and big industrial de- , bit of &selpline that exceeded his; the character et a nominee for that . . . ' x's • ll le °us •:.t'l the itelv ,1,,:icato flavor a•ail, expecIations era that he was obl;'`ged ' important off:ice. dllg`Ille'l Ile trarted, te solid at erninary tenme,ras" v a, teonneent. The Fiji of the story to reeore in hie narrative with a note. yes -tors awl newseepere insisten that, is acle to eonstrect his own eysteme teases. In the ahuudance and con- ' I: b s n re. oo . i o .ri 0 of admiration far the Chief. When , their eandldatee were ths etreager 11 L01.11119' to hie own ideas. Lead , eistence of it fats, its nutritive value.. the deiver cf the wagon. 59.WwhO the' for the attack that bad h0011 made and tin. soldiers, that en be marehal- hi very like timt of the bes;:• grades!' Belong to Britaite bandeuffed prisoner was that was de-; upon them; they pre,lictesi teetary by ea to sul,t the will of their general, are • •-• of meat It is e.ometimce called, thel The Fij . . . . . ,p . I Islards ere e eoloniel tee- s:este:leg t'he •steps, his face did not; an overwhelming majority. I3ut the favoriteee and aleo horses, dogs eat- • ' -'' " - elle fith" necause ti Itlequirremet eoei;on of Great Britain, Sava, a fair- ehange its impassive express:ton; lee, beet -informed erelong them admitted arid °tier aral 1 11 i h' h. lend "5 . •• ' ' " ' ''' ' ''' Ina s' a o w le ' ' , hit of her ging it up t6: hlhed 011Y', iio m the he s e ., . , modern in nearly every the Chief, with. head et rect, raised his; from geed. If Maguire weent go t n 1, '''t . xr• 11-' ' ' dry, the,n setting fire to .its tail and i rt-- t P P l. - great that one man alone eau rot form brought his hand up and saluted. And yrivatdly that she outicek was far themselves readdet t a s 112,03 All -1 ect is • e ' . ' 1 free hand and returned the saluteJ actively o work or the fea party , teats, tricycles • end carrieges), easiest Inowing Ot to learn. It hunts elowlee , ing. Heading the administration. is arty idea f them e. The value of the :or e o toy votaries (such as wagons, port of call. Fiji is not self -govern- "The incident euggested," 'moralized i they might pull through; the leaders „ . and conr.istently with a white, smoke- stock arnotmts to several hundred Bridewell, "that he =lett have been " talsored with hen until he suddenly brooms, car -pet sweepers, ar(Ana a ices Ileum and provides excellent il.-: the Governor, appointed from Londonthousand dollars. a great Chief of Pollee if he had, disappeseed frost the cite*. That ac- arlieIes for doll housekeeping are luntination when candles are searce. 1 The administration eonatiets of a "Were it not that these food sup - only been honctst." i t'on. of his disheartened them. The adapted to play• in whteh the imagine- --.......-0._-Legislative Coencii, composed of 20 1- p lee are nd en 1 can ee e ebetter d ' I ae , circumstances of the dieappearance, tive element is most irapertant. Beene se persons. Ten of tho members are employed at the mereent, I should , the story that had just come to hiran es be presently .S3t fOlt'll, clisarnied drawirg, sewing, weitine, and build- . ' PALESTINE IS HOME OF BIRDS i colonial officers and vote with the like to suggest that they ehould re - gigantic basins, of lard, coffee, test, chocolate, jellies, and preserves of every kind, arranged in apparently endless rows. Hundreds of blue sugar loaves, bags of peas and beans, dried fruits, biscuits, etc. One is speeeb- less and involuntarily thinks of the old jest that the quantities are so exploit ot his neighbor of the second' felt that he would not have let per many of these ttee at hand in every Brilliant Plumage Abounds in Valley i • • . main un starbel n a national mu - t resentatives of the European Imelda- ' Governor Seven members are ren- • di 0 i floor. And it w„as from Bennett and; sore: affairs jeopardize party sueeees home. of the Jordan. ; tion,p s c ' two re resent the. native Fijian e • an people in Older• lathou seurn as an. everlasting token to the une in the beet posesibie toys 11 a Swerms of European birde. visit and one repre.sents the Indians who 1 lm tl t not *cm Jerry that Mrs. Donoirain it he had foreseen the pessiblity of , , ,.. notable perforrnaace of their hero, for wese guy; he meant not to injure hisl 1)13' box of plain ,ernoeth, - ," woe -en Palestine in \tinter and many breed , are natives of India. The native Ft_ children and their children's children and Kete and Pethr learned of ,that. success; in their vernacular he was a, Bennett raced hassle in hie, suPPer prestige by participeting in a losing Mocks. They ears -'1. 'n be 12.11 O1.1 there. The moos, as in Dante's line jians do not have the right to vote. might still see how in Gerreany- hour, just to tell them. Mrs. Dono- fight. Moreover, for the execution ed in the stores and must usually be line, still pess the winter 'trailing As a rule they are not greatly ad- Ihaielee rnailiGioonds, isietelirivoitud-t.-,:those. by the h-ae. and Kate (.115;;,tuared eagerly what of the rather coarse work .of eleetion rawett from planea lumber at a mill, their long -drawn line across the 1 y " ' - d e er-d• o' ed t• n th ' - Bs , : 1. anee as ee I. Ill, Ilea 10 , 01.1Cn PR, the most probable. reward for such ' day the rerviees of Dolan as Chef a by a carpenter, or by an ingenious and in the seeing the voice of the ' they are stalwart and hard and in - an achievement would be; Kate Police had been abseletely BOORS FOR CHILDREN theught. that Jerry was the logical , "elec. Tile.- Polite Commissiener, ertoor c„. • dustrious workers. indisPell- parent. Mr. H. G. Weils, in his beok tle h •d in the land. tur e e -* sueeesser row to the Chief of Police; inghly disturbed by the turn that , • • ' 1110 11; Or, s tem. es, grtee ie. 01.01hing' DA ,. 1 A •... Although the area of the 'Fiji Is- Love of Good Book's is a Foundation _ r „er MS xor , e., , .,., The Baty Lan.. ts apteroprietely a , lands is greater than that of the Mrs. Donohue, while admitting the events had taken, maned in Dolan's Whole blacks 41.4 by 2tt by let in- .sa a ''''''''. stronghold of the pigeon family,. 1-lawailan Islands, the former have for Good Character. plaus'hility of Kate's suggestion, place a man a no piratical tenden- - * - ' e - i turtle doves are found, the wood. man, would be made Police Commis- , to he hoped, ing the latter in two. Almost any • an the common pigeon, the true , Of this number about 500 are Euro- good books the noxious weede of he 11r3.7 0. lawyer, as well as a police- pcliee officer from sehoin netheng inchee; and quarters made by saw_ pigaeon comes in myriads in winter, 1 t f n.1 b t 150,000. When you find a child who loves popuaion o o ya ou eecretly honed that, her sen, new that cies -whatever, a sehce and diligent rates; half blot:its, 214 by 2is by 1 e eiloner. Both Kate and Mrs. Donohue wood may be used to make these,' . ova o empture, is still aboundant, peens, the rest being composed envy, hatre'd, jealousy and malice both wfid and tame, throughout the meetly of natives and Indians, "%vial are not so likely to grow in his mind ' • CHAPTER XXXVIIL country. s ee a. scattering of Chinese. Suva is a and choke out the exquisite blossoms found' the Pollee Commissioner's blocks except thet which is nicely to action disappointing. Bat they look- split or selinter or that which read- A. a mutt -et to these • I ed forward -confidently to zome tart- tiv war - "every raven after his kind," es, Basewood beech or syca- 'the beautiful tropical city, with every of love, tenderness, en.eellishness, The story of Chief Dolan's arrest nnatg recognition of Jerry's qualities, more ncey be used. 'Blocks' of hard- c-eow tribe of every species is in , modem convenience, with the es:cep- g•ratitude and the desire to do unto as printed in the Standaed was a rade some brilliant opening for he talents, hottort_ wood. like oak, may be passed down from ; tion of street ears, and with large others as they would be done lay, The blew to Demoeratie hopes. Maxwell now that he had performed abundance, and birds of prey, and htl. feno-ee candidates for office ant on act in the line of duty. That frosn one generation to another. A the great griffon vulture, the "eagle": stores, •banIcs, hotels theatres and love of good books is one foundation iseued immed•late and impassioned he was not long going to remain a box or chest th keeo there in is al- of Scripture, to the sparrow hawk, business houses. Freight and pas_ for good character. It is the excep- (reel:sewers of complierty in the patrolman they Were 'assured; Jerry most a necessity. adeitson to tee are a feature of the country. senger steamers call regularly at tion, not the rule, to encounter sordid - 15 • • In the deep. tropical Jordan Val- Suva on their way from Canada or nes, greed or insensibility in the man or woman who kows and loves good books. Robert Louis Stevenson once said that s long as a man had a friend, he had something to live for. Is it not true so long as one can love a good and bea.utiful book that life never will be without hope? No one, perhaps, has spoken more feelingly of the companionship of good books than Richard Aunger- vyle, when he called them "the gold- en vessels of the temple; fruitful olives, wines of Engaddi• fig trees knowing no sterility and burning lamps ever to be held in the hand." Happy are the children of this day and age in that they have so many itood books; in that if they cannot buy, they can certainly borrow from the uublie libraries. Here is one, truth, a very. simple truth, that all parents are ender °Hi- gttion to teach their children -that if they can leaa'n to love books, they can always forget the irritations of Mr. Hedstrom points out, as an ex- men and things; they can lay aside ample, that a native, after One cares and still. their passions; they year's residence, may obtain a small can put their worries and disappointpieee of planting ground near his meets to sleep. ip horne, raise and harvest his crop, mid The war may be over, but all the then, the next year, take a piece of betties have not yet been fought land probably thew miles from his Every day there are mental battler,' home. In many instances, he says, feught greater than that of the that the commonest kinds are of an a native will till a series oZ plots in nifaene a, the advance on imy Ridge. African family, en interesting illus- rotation,' probably not "visiting tho Those who ate beet equipped to fight tration of the scientific' interest which unites with the ecligions to make Palestine among the most,interesting of all countries. Chief's alleged design to raise a cam- himself admitted that. He had p.a:em fund by extottion. They re- sought Trask's advice, as he had told served final judgment until his guilt Nora that he intended to do; and was proved, but they assured the Trask had asked him to continue 05 public that should he be found guilty, the police force tin eftee the election. no one would denounce more heartily Then, however that turned oat, Trask then they a private enterprise of so would find a place for him in some . . blacks -Timm whichno en of things ley. we find a sort of aviary of real , can be -constructer-4We Wells letee, the United States to- Australia or to have some play boards of the same .troPieal birds. wilich ,found there a , vice versa. During the war the call wood, 18 by 9, 9 by 9, and e by eies refuge Iron the last glacial epoch- , of steamers was not as frequent incites. These boards make oceans', the lovely little 'sun , bird, or "Jei•- 1 as in the past; but traffic is expected 1 icho hummthg bird," ,the landefeed- , to he resumed in the .“ very near islands provinces, counties, platforms; - 1- f filer white -breasted kingfisher Mid a future. . fhaaneful a charactee. Nevesetelese, law office. liteanwhele, 11. 'WO be stages i the episode put them on the defensive of the utmest advantage to a pros- wails tents, and targets. .There 'cent. species of gregarious thrush. .. ounste the reat l Good Quality Soil. at the outset and gave their oppon- ' pective disbect :attorney if Jerry hardy be too 15311.7 0! the block's, but On the coast is .f g 1 One of the interesting things about the Government land situation. ents a tactleal advantage of which could ferret out evidence that would a hundead wiax make a fair stareLi Indian fishing owl; and =long 'the 1 Fiji is have ' In the first place, says Mr. Hedstrom, Trask, an.d White, the Republican convict the ringleaders of the ma- Thus feentehed, a and or a groused rocks of Marsaba the monks candidate for Mayor, made the anost chine that had far so leng misgovern- children Itill need only some parental half-tanted the orange -winged black- the soil of the islands is of the high - Trask deelared his intention, al -elect- ed and plundered the Gay. They ve ed District Attorney, to probe to the' bought off Dolan now," Trask said. bottom ,of the likelanail scandal; he "I can't prove it, but PI bet he held • wee not satisfied that It was merely ern up. Ile woulln eve _Len • • ' ' i; -1'n f est quality and capable of grovsing al- most anything that can be cultivated with success in the tropics. There are a private undertaking of Deletes by all on his own ,shottiders just ior Pees m t I Y thousands of acees awaiting cultiva- which Dolan elone was to profit; it love. 0-). of the favorite foe= of play little Pigmy Mobite sparrow, which smy hours in. consteuctive play. birds pecu tar o a es n tion he says, slid fine =able land was to be remembered that Dolan ac- (To be continued.) copied a conspicuous place in the leteal euggestions; a tvord of encouragement bird, net y noev and then, with possibly some ad- African, •type, as mitch out of his judicateon questions, to 'attitude as the hyrax. One of the . 41, , • Democrattc machine, that -the mantle A Harvest That Never Ends. of the en boss Maguire had in fact Ali through the year wheat is being descended to him, that he had been harvested. In January it is being cut particularly active in getting Max- well nominated, that there had long in the great fields of the Argentine for all children is blowing soap bub- lives in reed beds, is one of the rarest can be leased from the Goverhinent bles, and on stormy days this •vrill birds in the world. at a rental as low as a penny an acre' prove a great resource. Children must Reptiles abound, and even the for 10 -years or so. The better lands, never be allowed to put other ehile Nile crocodile, the leviathan of the of caerse, bring a higher eental, and drents pipes into their own mouths. Bible' lingeeed long enough to give - a fairly good 'mice although unusual - a ly nominal, is secured from the high- s, Tristram the Chance of obtaining been only too good aseason to believe an m w eata . Y The Coirib We TJse. specimen nearly twelve feet, long er grade lands especially adapted to the Dernaeratic machine maintained and March it is cut in the East Indies To many people a comb is a comb, while in addition to the African cobra the eultivet•ion of sugar cane. the In esiplaining the land situation itself in power by methods aleht to and Egypt The wheat fields are her- but not se. We are pa,eticulaa- about we find tlie , grass snake among Chore ieb„:,ch had been exposed, etc. vested in April ill Cyprus, Asia Minor the tooth brugi 'we select that it does harmless species, and the wicked lits u a, an in May in China not shed bristles and ds properly made tle horned viper lies in -wait, as in Solemn asseveration of innocence and peesia andCb d• M • • ' . anan june is the busiest her- as to !shape and back but mostpeopre olden times, to bite the heels of the expressions of pions indignation on ,‘„ii s • the eneeitle, and, front the other come "nn - ' . P . terblasts of invective, satire, and in- vest month of the whole year, for 'then use a hate brash. simply because they horse5. menet) ft/ensiled entertainnaeet for Turkey, Greece, Spain and Southern hove a and feel that they cannot As foe the fish, they are EIS akin - the public during the next is•sx weelcg: France, as well ag most of the South- throw it away or get • another one, dant and varied ,as ever, and it is Mee:reit:lie, eander the surface a ern States of America, are all cutting quiee, forgetting that they may be interesting to note that the Sea of contest fee the possession ef Dolan wheat. The more nortberitt States of rainieg theta,. hair hy their thought- Galilee is, still packed with them, and ' T wez waged between the two forces, and Dolan himself, through his at - tenses, was trying to make the best teams for himself thart could. Trask wee 2pproached with the suggestion ti at in the event of hie eleetion to effiee be should •guarantee immunity to Do'ian ;`n return for a fall' confess e'',312. It was hinted to Trask that In rejec'c,cd this proposal, Dolan PreSS or an immediate trial; 1,7•7.1.i.:c-ru, the District Attorney, be without washing, America, as well as Austria, Germany and parts of .1Zusia, do their wheat hereeetiug in. July. August sees the -wheat crop gathered in Great 131.11.8115, and Septembei: and October for Sued- . en and IsTorway. Peru and South Afriea are busy harvesting in Nov- ember and December. Never let silver stand over night lessuses • t • Combs should', be • 'chosen wrAth thought The 'teethMay be farther apart for very hairy hair and nearer togethee foe I1.hin hau The conaleinti we of j -,on fine a epinib drags the, hair out at -the. roots. The teeth should ,be smooth and properly rounded. As ea= a.s a eolith is stgliit or 81'booth broken ,real damage may be done' by the ragxed parrbs, Father smooth • rThe ege of a fish may be deter- mined by emitting !the lines in the scalea, rwhich ,are said to be of annual growth., • ';`• fLest* for three or four years after a crop has been taken from it. ,Fiji's educational system has yet to be ireprovecl in many' ways if 11. is to be brought up to , the high stan- dard maintained in ruo'it countries. Children of Europeans 'are given a thi.m: are those' that know the best that IS in the good books of the world. ' A jolly man always finds himself in good cOmp.any. A single..oeange tree will •often pro- duce 20,000 oranges. The lemon tree's rather thorough primary and second- product is about one-third of ilia ary education which tends to fit them amount. „ .