HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 7AIR FLIGHT ACROSS ATLANTIC
'scrip. is "Feasible as There are Airplanes Now Available Which are
Capable of Making the Journey -Mail Service Bets', een
England and United States in 1920.
A despatch from .London says: -
Gen. Brarrelcer, who is giving up bis
post las Mester-General of Personnel
'.in the .Air Ministry to devote his
't!me to oommercial aviation, in an 'in-
terciew wall, the Dairy Express as-
serted that: a flight across the At-
tlantic probably would be accom-
piits'hed in May. Tie added that the
trip was fed.$ 1e at the present mo-
ment as there were three or four
;types of all -planets ;available Wilkie
were Capp:= e of reakhig the flight,
Gen. Bra n:ekes: said the tiise wee
not far distant when airplanes 'eget
be owned and driven as automobile,
are to -day. Ile said it prebab!y
would be recesaavy to £stabl'sh •an
aerial polies. fuzee, the duty of ti• hieh
would be pan usit,h over air routes
and frontiees.
The Evereete News eayss it has been
oi'fieially ie.s: rale: that the British
Admiralty i einharlcing on a hig pro-
gramme ofairship construction. Aires
ships are be:ng built with a gas capa-
city of 2,500,000 cubic feet. The air-
craft .will havb a. large i.fting cape--
c:ity and will he ably to make between
60 and 70 miles an hour, and ,they
~vats - carry crews of 25 men.
Sti'ai larger airships are . irojeeted
and flights uslih paseengere are pre -
dieted for the near future. Several
e.irships 'which z.i;+: he equal in eize
and capacity to the largest 7eppeli'ne;
and which are of a similar rigid type
are he:'ng bunt.. Primarily they are
hosing eonstrueted for sea work and
general observation duty for the
These air -hips, it is ...asad, will
he capable. of remaining in the girt
!ter a week..
The new$na;ter saga a.. regelar air-
ship mail service between England
and the. that: ed • States during the.
si:xiixner of 1920 is regard . 'as eel: -
WTI by airship 'builders.
ter- , ,
Effective ht 1920. -Remaining
State- l .petted to Fall
;n Line.
Veterans Give Aad:-Meesxs W. B. Tait (1), David Longhnan (2) and ii, D. 'Maxwell, (3) have keen
nameti by the - Great War Veterans' Association, 'at the request of the Dominion Government,. to .act as an ;ad-
victory council to the Repatriation Ctxxurettee, of wlrith Hen. J. A. ('.alder ,is tbairman and Mr, II, J. Daly chief
executive officer. Theee three, all of -ahem save .el -vice early in the war, and have been home 'in Canada so k
enough to have a grasp of the nen' conditions the war has brought about, are devoting their hole time to
confereng with the committee upon its many pirb'ems. M • Tait who is a graduate of De.hou .ae arca Hee-
yard Universities, and prior to going overseas was a seletant professor of psychology' at McGill T7river.'i'y,
served as major with the 7th Canadian ii'sege latter}. Mr. Maxwell, ttho belongs to Winnipeg, e*' ::i d e,.r :
enough 'in 1914 to receive the regimental number "723", served with the 8th Battalion, the "Little tl t'!
Devils", and was wounded at the second battle of Ypres. He was twice president of the ti5'innieeg G. W. V'
A. Mr. ; Loug hna,n served. overseas with the 16th Battatien and eves wounded at Ypres. Siaee his return
Canada 'lie has been honored w'ith many offices ,in veterans' organizations ar,d is . now editor of "The
How Germans Controlled Indus-
try Before 1914.
A despatch from London says: -
from Washington Sir ifolzErie Gedd
in ee, illinister without
' ;Zaro the neva Cbaitet, i 'x
What fs .0_ dog on in the EIi ;hlan(1 s
and Lowlands vi Auld
sation for the, use of a part of Gran-
ton Harbor,
Coatbridge Town Council presented
Capt. John R. Lamberton with a gold
watch in honor of his being awarded
the D.S.O. and M.C.
waSSergt. 5 ►illiam Stevenson, who
s awarded the D.C.iU,, is the thanes
son of Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Pot-
air Hugh Stewart, Deptyty Lord A despatch from New York :aye: ` 5malc.d Meats -Rol:s, 32 to 33e;
;Nine+ British vesee's Val total lima. me:I i:m, 3S to 39c; isavY, 30
Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, present- �; g� to ;Xs; cooked hams, 51 to ole; becks
A des:ler . tt 'carrying capacity of 27 50 mel 'h v
Tot:onto, Jan 21. --Manitoba wheat,
---No. 1 Nur-herbs, , $2.24%; No.
Northern, $92.21; NA.• 3 Northern(
a2.17?h ; No.. 4 wheat, 32.11%; i!
store Pert William, not inci'uding taxi;
Manit'o'ba etata Nos 2 C..W,, 71ci
No. C.W,,, (8x; extra No. 1 feed
t8 $ ; No. 1 feed, 56e, in store I+'•ori
" A.ineriedu corn . N0. 3 ,yellow, $1.75;
No. 4 yellow, $1.50, January shlpm<eut,
Or ario oats, new -crop•--No. 2,
nhi e, 70 to Tic; No. 3 smite, 69. to
72c, ace rd:ng to freights e tside.
•Outerio whea't-No. 1 `.nt:�r, pee
cal• "lot, $2.14 to $2.2°2; No, 2 do,
32.11. to 32.19; No. 3, doe $2.07 t o
' $2.15; No. 1 Spring, '2.09 to $2.17;
No. 2 Sp'rin'g;, /42,06 to $2.14: No. 3
Spring, $2.02 to $2.17 f.o.b., shipping
, L Y -.s, a t � , n a to f } ,, - .i:- s.
T,-c.'c•t,•-1,x-s'-:L -g, glary crop, Bra tc
'i0 e, a loos.?;r. 7 ;- fa:gilt,s :outside,
lirtCa t4 6 erst-Nor .i, $1.25,
Rye• -No. '2, $1.45, ::aminal.
eiariee i flour -01..i crop, war
n+trz_ty, 411.35, ora�l,to.
()i see -le flour --War c;tta:'a.y, ei1
r•- op. $10.25, :n bag ; Mon�trea.1 and
tie, present s oxpmen't.
M .:;ecc, C-.tr ants, d 'livered I'vfor,t-
t real freights, bog in ,,'. d Bran,
$87.2x5 1, cr ton; shorts, $42.25 r :r ton,.
}•iay----No. 1 $23 to $24 }.er, ton;
vexed, $`21 to $2" pe.r' ton, track Tor-
Straw -Car lots, $10 to $11, track
Provido nv,---Wholesale
Barrelled Meets, --Pickled pork, $48;
Olympic and Aquitania Will .1x9 ' me.=„ pork. $4't.,
be Leaned Deripc FAltruar Grren Meats -Out of pickle, le
-� y .4 than €rnmked,
says;_ -Th, :;r,, seems natirn was
voted dry re: 'I horaday by constitu-
tional amr tenent, effective approxi-
mately a tee.- hence, when the Legi--
lature of 1*:elee. ,ai, the home of Wil-
liam Jennie llsyen, Oise of, the foie
roost char. -This, of prohibition, rati-
tied the 1^t a c,se l antenilnent, Itatia- '
Cation of the a iaendn .nt by 36 of the
•48 States :',: necessary to inalte it
a valid pari (,"r the Amerieen coi:aLitn-:
tion. Neilss., ;, wes the ti::rti ix:ii'
r St ,a ..n i- t n 'e'"
Only eight ..:tic., i1.=„a rt bat,. 1,' t,..
.old thronglt �,talttr, ilius fay' of rhes: ;
Legislature.: to approve the amend.:
meet. The:. iniesin' C'=tlr:lila}a.a:e'aSlili
New ;ore Yf't'1=. r�2n:i:iyit'atlia, New ;
Jors�'y, C onnee'tie•ut, 1:,hode I 1ant1,
Minnesota, New i;te:;i..o :it:,i Is4:c a{id..
Th' 01 tiles. missing States are.'
among this thirteen otigisi ti t 1=••4•iitg
States. Prc')F'.u,iti�=n Zc,t+'. � c:.itcet'
most of thee t• eight Sits to ratify'
before tate end of the moatli, The s
Legislature:- s=� all eight of thesie
SWAM,. except that o:i Nevada, are in •
se cion. N ;•ado's Le ;,..latus',; will'
meet January 20,
tl a. ed to Sergeant - 'been' aced, at the dispo ai •of t 1, rt
dons, the Milit 41 d 1 a ceded toi''- 4•
to iL i3realci2 t bacon, 4. to 4"rc,
ien.can of ernmen for the trans- 9. re
William Legge Goz-
,! Al ` plain, AO to. 474; lacks, boneless, 50
address before the Associated Cham- i St. Donald Main, reported massing,
portation of troors Benne, it vas en-- Dry gate i Mats -1 on'g e'. are, in
thing that had been learned in the : commander of the Empress o The vellum of the Royal Humane pounced here on Tueeda b . Bi:tish tons, .",0c• in ca es, 3Q 1 c; clear be:-
�var and the greatest benefit that tains Society has been awarded to Miss Y } ,
the;41in;':try of Sh:ip 2 g Th t , <.,� saes, 28e to 2Rx:e; fat k•acxa, 25c,
that� bar, the Second, h, s
{ are th Carom a A art (t .. tiSin^a- � T.ard P ,
hers of Comiuerce, said the biggest cry : e a w,. G f . , ' •
is a son of the late Capt. W. S. liam. t,;,,,Co.tFg id..:,, 35 ts 3fz1.
f Bri-
could bo gotten from it was s • keen added Margaret Caird, daughter of Profes- e. - ure tierces 29 ase to 300;
British people had di,envered as u. 'the Mildatr Cross awarded to son Caird, fora Heroic rescue in St. value Ccl' Cabo..:r ~baton:a Pan- tubs, 30 to 30?.e; pails, SOti to
nation what they cttulcl do if they ltul' to
Robert Masson ('relg of Par- �;th'•: stay, 30?:1•e• print 31 to 31i'ie. Sherlen-
'� (:a #niu Guy Anderson Herbert ' Cedric ' and � t . trig, iiercc:,,' 25'., to 26ti=a;. tube, 9d. ;t
led tsgether, - monis e( rie rm -q,
They had inn roped nlacltii�era:` and ttrklsiil, p ' I In adtliticn, it is ant.aunccd, t- to 26c; peels, 26 to 2$?;c. 1 -Iii Whits,
1 e, p of `vho ryas awarded the Croix de Guerre ,
methods thada and also eget tris power, the The Presbytery Sr Mirk sent O:ymp'fc, Mauretania and Aequitania,.27 to "?7? c,.
3tui tstrtes. They : 4ottg;rxtttlataons to Miss Thomson, incl Balms •in July: last, has naw ben t i.,} -
t mode • h • of c c- „ t,irce of the :amen: )3r.t .h trnao
awarded the M.C. He is a native of s•,h ps, will bring additional Aazerieen t Montreal Markets
troops home dialing February.
had learned much about German Edinburgh, h, to her on her one bun-
:, •" industries and they AN the Ger-! dredth birthday.
1* 1
In t ll 1 'B "ti h 'n lustry Tie i' Lieut Jame- Robertson killed la
Ardrossan T Connell 1 ) p 0 1a5, 1 c
foretheonly son of Hemetbeen employee ed in l>i inn ii,g Name grab $11
apeltel and tungsten, �tluch, thoufit nzat Sc;toal, 'aer;;enizt William Huttltr-on of ----4.--....... l$68.00"to X70.00, hay, N.:'). 2, perton,im
controlled through (xcrnxatt)*, came al- The Rothesay • School Board have Andros,, who was awarded the D.C.M. car 10.,x, 1;19,U0 to S U.OU, Chse_ ,
most entirely from the British Em -1 d or religious ious inti uet nn in i ago, has sinew 1O SAY GOOD-__BYE e fins t choice
rn, fity 51 tet x,28,00; but -
f 1 about xhiec. mouths TO CANADIAN BOYS . r^am'�ly ial? to 63c; gs,
pare, while the whole monopoly of :schools, and that it be made man -.been awarded the Military 144Ieda1,•to rhril. c . , o
magneto manufacture, iildispensib)e datory. The death took glace recently at !selected 57 to 58 ; Na. bag,1 stock ,z,
to modern development in steel , ° nmron e 1 r ' of A despatch from' London says.--- ; to 53e; Pctatoes, per cat bests
Lieut. A. G. Montgomery, C a Toatitlt(ad 1 Farm, Helot sbu gli, A movement is afoot in Buxton the $1.70, 'dre;.sd hogs,, abatto r 1,1011
p ants, was held leech by the damping Ili hlan icr, killed in action, was a ,Tames Ca11 1.1, a sell I;no�vn breede a521.00 to $`'.3, 00; 'lard, ure,
of pieces of apparratu:, suthas evan1R giantl-nGpliety of De:in Montgomery, of Ayrshire cattle and Leicester beautiful little Derbyshire townwhere ai. 0 ills, net 31 to 32z cw.
sIzeep, so many Canadian wounded and iii- ; '
bun -
Troon. G Montreal, Jan. Z. -Oats, extra
Owing to the coal situation the The Olympic is brad A u:aria h tie feed 85c; flour, new standard
cuts can rd. ec ria i c - al a _ .25 to 11,30; rc la,:t oats,
i't i'a84an etCit las reeam- .,,,, + .,� r t a
the war, action, was a y rrezidad the early closfnf� of shops 1 n
Sir Erie mentioned Robertson, headmaster of :1 ;e Gram- C:at}aaittri troops during the, past ,b'. 90 lbs•, $1•QO $4,40; bran
It an instance, s S i I. and one service a Sunda y in chinches. not±1is. $87,25, ehorts $1.2.`25; >VSo1 i1Z e
r , . , " T
castings v„ ,.,,r -J.••- -+.-,. ___ Clyde
of btditlutzrgnf
at prices lower than the eost of the The Order of the British Empire
raw material.
,...-4,,s. �.� has been conferred on Lady Helen
GIMLT OF STARTING WAR Munro Ferguson, and Lady Steel, of
` FIXED ON KAISER South Africa.
Major Angus McPherson, Argylls,
capacitated have been cared for
Argyishire's recent efforts on be-
half of the Reel Cross funds realized
nearly £10,000.
"give , 4v Live Stock ,Markets
that we are grateful for the excellent steers,' 51,.00 to 513.50^, butchers'
behavior and management of the oattle, tlrcire, $12,00 to $1:f 50 do.
troops." ; good, 311.00 to 311.50; do. in•e.'ium,
Public reference is grade to the $10.00 to 810.25;; do. common, 3825
pnblie expressioto the feelan
g;,:� Toronto, Jan, 21 ---Choice he:N
A • despatch from Berne says: -A gassed, arose from the rank of private By using various colors to mark manner in which Canadian officers I to $8.50; buns, choice, y 310,20 to
tiermazl commission appointed to ,1+N- to that of major since the beginning dot/ling,
each child having its own have endeavored to interest the in -;511;00; da. meclinm buds, 39.00 t.
torixzine tlla fos:mer liuis'ei's repo=:s,- of the war. color, much time may he sawed in o-� habitants in the troops by spans tinct' $9.50: do. rough bull., $7.501 too 38.00;
- wv theace 10.25 tai
"' h 1 11 1 Burns' Cottage and Museum at inn• and putting away clothing hospitality. !hu4•clie-a co ,
;medium, b >
trial, according to ,storm tion re-
��yy, 4'� a ' bility for t \Cali' td. a 1 1 i "ar re- turns a t a '
. -.i CO I1r , �,; L e'srr mended that he be brought to L Fall or winter pruning of grape-
vines may be done at any time slur--
ceived from Berlin. e ig; ing' mild weather from November' to
March, while the vines are in a dor-
mant condii'ion.
Ezltlbles Britain. to Admit B•epr ee.
:;enta�Uves of Dominions.
A despatch from Landon .dye:
At+ording to the official statement
given cal by the Governments taking
part in the preliminary peace conter-
eat'ion a the meeting adopted the .fel-
1owing two general principle:'::
One. --1 ae1i delegation being a unit,
the number of delegate, ,'n,miu it
shailhave no infh {'race neer;its statue
at the conference.
Tv.o;--In the selc'tien of its dele-
gation each nation may tt a:t l itself
of the panel sy stens, Thie will eimble
each state at discretion to (eiti,ist its
interests to such .per.•one a h may,
Tlie adoption of the panel system
will in particular enable the 7'3, iti:i
Empire to admit among its five orle-
gatei representatives o' .the Domin-
ions, in -eluding ding• Nev,•iou Bland which
has no separate repro ntatiot
O imba. _
FIRST BATCH Ol, Titool's
A despatch front Panama Saye: -
The Br itisli troopship Empress of
Asia passed through the Patntuna
Canal on Thursday on itstray\from
• England to Vancouver with 1.400. dis-
chzrged soldiers en board.
Alloway was visited by over fifty
thousand persons during; the year
.ending September 30tH.
There was a big -demand in Glas-
gow streets for the flags sold in aid
of harry Lauder's. Fund for ;Scottish
Soldiers and Sailor;;.
The death has been annou.need of
Lady Naesmyth, of Pesso, mother of
tho present Sir J. Tolnica Nacsmyth,
:seventh baronet of Posso,
The recommendation is ammo:wed
by Herr I�autsky, Who was' appointed
by the present German (1 esernnient
to ailed examination of ,loeuinenls; in
the archives of tho I''o,•eig 1 Office.
"Marginal notes in tho. KaiseC';s
own hand::•ri'tiitg on the most niipori-
ant papers iii the Foreign Office prove
he was one of the prineipal wer mak- Major Colin Arthur Jardine. M.C.,
era," Kauteky reported. It is nee- who has received a bar to his D.S.O.,
ei nvy to bring;• hing before a tribunn is a sort of Sir John Jardine, M.P.
for Itoxburghshi�•e.
CANADIANS ARRIVE 1 Mrs. Sophia Lucy Maekworth
AT VL_11)IVOSTOK Comm', a sister -in -levy of Dr. Connal,
---• I Glasgow, has been apointed at mem-
A despatch from Vladivostok
lien of the Order of the British Ens-
- •--The 'troopship Protesilaus, with ire
s,ieut,-Col. Bickford, 90 officers, and
1,069 other ranks" of the Canadian
Siberian Expeditionary Forces, are
rived here on Thursday. Rifleman
Butler, of Peterboro, Ont., was' killed i
aboard the steamer by failing debris
during a severe storm encountered on
.)an. 1. The death of Butler makes
a total of five to date in the :"force,
Sei'gt. Winn,. ,Engineers, who sue- ;
cuinbed to exposure at River Camp
yesterday, being the fifth. The tat-
ter's death is Ilse second .to occur at `
that camp.
say �.
Wotan Workers in Great Britain
are snaking a vigorous fight to secure
the same wages paid men ;for the
performed bythe
Of work
' kind.
Although seventy years of age Sir
Henry Jones has crossed the Atlantic
to tell the people of the United States
about the British effort in the war.
The trusteee of the estate of the
late George Dickson have presente 1
to Glasgow corporation the oil paint-
ing '`Falls of Dochart, Killen" by Sir
Alfred East, R.A.
Lance -Corporals A. D. Cameron and
D. Macintosh, Argylls, were present-
ed with wrist watches by the`ecitizens
of Tobermory in recognition of their
having won Military Medals.
Lieut. -Col. A. G. Scougal, M. C.,
Royal Scots, killed in action, was a
son of the late Dr: Scougal, inspector
of training colleges.
The Admiralty has awarded f3,500
to the Duke of Buccleuch as compen-
Don't Fold Pugs.
1$10.n); do. goad, 39.50 to $10.00; do.
$8.50 to '8.75; da. tome:ton,
i $7.00 to $7.75; ..Mocker;, 38.00 to
Never foul a rug, as it snakes a ! $10.00; 'teedere, 310.50 to 51.1.50;
• anner+s, 36.00 to 36,50; milkers,
ways that does not cause out. Ai. c
i goodann 'to ehe: ee, $90.00 'to 3140.00; cies
roll it up. i cam, and med. 365.00 to $ 7:,.00:
•5pring33er5, $90.00 to $14:0.00; light
ewes, -1;10.00 to 31050; yearlings,
$12.'75 to $13.25; spring 1amss,
$15.25 to $16.00; calves, 'good
choice, $10.00 to $17.75; hog;•::
7 �5; d
:�,.���,�� �• M . ; !. Fteightei off ca��•a, $19,21,, o. fel and
'watered, $17.00; do. f.o.b. ev'unwry
points, $10.25.
Montreal, Jan. 21, Choice steers
312.00 to $13,00; good, $10.50 tc
$11.50; mediur, $9.00 to $10.00;
choice butcher lulls, $9.00 to $10.00:
good, $8.50 to $9.00; medium, $8.01;
to $8.50; choice butcher cows, $9.50
to $10.50; 'good, 38.00 to $9.00,
medians, $7.00 to 48.00; centime.
$5.00 to 36.00; sheep, $9.00 to
$11,00; iambs. $11.00 to 813.00; sm:
fed calves, $12.00 to $15.09; grass-
fed, $5.00 to $7.00; cho<_.._ select
s hogs, $18 to 18.25.
A Worth -While Purchase.
Alaska has been worth much more
than its cost to the United States. A
half -century ago. Alaska 'SIMS pur-
chased at a cost of $7,200,Ot0O and that
original investment has been returned
to the nation more than soaelzty fold.
-._ . for fro:iu the products of. the land and
sea Alaska has added to the national
`7 w OO.000 000 the
. lilt upward of s5 a�
�. �'• a . ���
xa4 tsr# t .. tVea cam.. r ,av �...� . x sSrmr„> .. :".,„eater part 01 'Which has been pro,
A New Stunt- New va s of h in a, til a^,:o lana cltxceci during the lana. 20 ;veal's. Two
y p .s care, 1 e.n� cicz isetil C.
every Mit;;. This flying machine t;sas ship's gaits as ,its stasti�ng• plat- sources of large aizcl{, to clY income acres
:forth. I copper ore and the fisheries.
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