HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 44"e Exeter Advocate
Senders & Creech, Proprietors.
Subscripticu. Price—In advance $1,50
;der year in Canada;. $2,00 in, the
United States. Alt subscriptions not
aid in advance 50e. extra charged,.
Disp ;y Advertising—.Made len,orvn
ala 1 ;r show,
St . Animals --Once insertfoaa 50c,
t•' in + d.ati SL';t.
1 or leaf Estate for sale 50.
i' . e t cin for one month of Sour
aa.ers, 25e. for each subsequent
„tee ir,
• e.' ane oars articles of not ma=o:e
•`,hat ivef 1x a Sale, To Rent. or
Wanted x *st,Found, etc, tai in-
iio Z5
La; Re di^a :ataticea etc., I per
p ase tou. • No ;:once less
Card €a Thanks 50.e.
advertising 10z7. and 5c a 'line
t,,m. Sales $ f tl t. ::.sertaon
tt?r two 7esertiOns Lt moderate
essiena; Cards' I> nett exceeding 1
.-'-4 per year.
71i1.711SDAV, JA.N. 23r4i 1910
Whalen CSk
7.:e F, a;.a,-: fr; we.,tia; r of me past
, F1., .airtt�;,St a p,vnaS-
.9a1 ° .iGD , art such good
air, and \irs. Harv -e. `Faith
e av n'l t ; p> r, Srruley h'r leis
the ferraer .i moths.---jir- .anti • lire,
+ Li y,i' 1 1 a. eleei visited The
to -e> 's ^'. tor, Mrs. Stulaerby , on Sun, -
i d a i i:t:z Kirk, wlio has
as %+..t \fit*'t 'a' .,tnaraaa:r, retuuraxl
to filar ,i: Klrtzt4?»a last weeL—
JaTe‘ yam,>.v i s ?ented the farm
<rtreizently ¢jariat.,ht from i. lace t e
ala, ;, to Jori, Webb, who will take;
and Mrs.
loh n Wright v i ed. on Wednesday at
"M tr,:t Mrs. R. Ne l's, near Lui an,--'
e'e i ,J 2, -,Flet ler», on Sundt'.. al-
to- .t ;ii, dye a raortth., owing t.a the
^l t! ::1 deaths _r our nnaidst,—Mr.
\\ rt;. Mieflese a o Granton
"" it`ndt ay with his o a,rents„—Thr':
rl iI -
Wm, ^ ;,a.ei.:otto.l- took
B -r: Cemetery.
a,• e 44 years of a° ,e, and :eaves
1 and tyv., children The
died ;:est fiumnner of
reneente is 3 letter receivzd Cram,
'tile i ten 11 1pi9'�•, °"k !,. r tu:2a to Eng-
-3 *t Mrs, John \\ r aha --
Iie $.»,tett ;ter l. i few lines to, let
1 .,an well 'tai
;? a : t ,, da before vary
▪ -4 :':_r. ...za:e you that I
erect •,,
1,4 a5 i ,+.)(1:.1 n�-
ls .„arse .:elle.
art.;v,;n trade~ :a .star •
eneadatens hat deer eal t , e.1 t i.,
nood ewe ti:, :'tier nae, We are _clot do-
: ? + ;t, .:*;,:elft quer ;net
we :IX on
'that.a "."+otisness is our o>lf.ef
g3: 1
usually the ease
Fe trouble oceasio ai1y. I
m: a .. ;,.t. y , d .,' O ;.y.
• > re t».:- \ i ii ile -?tri::
thous ;;t, t?- them to remember is
boys 01'2 lac 1 have : ti :n-L:'.u. 15
i- oxo aata the past n1 nth
iron; A\.- -ho ail :7, my
ehrzll. ,-;:l 1 *`red pretty good. While
away on holidays 1
burgh. Scotland, and Old Lon.1-.-n,
Was at Buck-i4ham Palate and
Soled t':. old ILstarc sce:1ee t:ry
much. Weal Ada I must close, and
with a]i my old friends over there a
hapF y and prosperous New Y ear.—
Newton G. :'1;.alson,
'_r Frank Hardy is see^c1 n a few
clay; a Ottawa.—lir. C:. -e J reu',;.ley
of L Laden was a visitor here last
week.—Ed. A. Webb of Stratford
and 0 E. Webb of Wenend 'pent
a day in town last week Mr. William
.Sarepsoa of Virenaia is calking on..old
acquajntaaces after an absen:e of ;:ver
a quarter century.
An old enemy is with us again, and
- whether we fight a German or a germ,
we must put up a good fight, and not be
afraid. The influenza runs a very brief
.course when the patient is careful, and
-if we keep the system in good condition
and throw off the poisons which tend to
accumulate within our bodies, we can
escape the disease. Remember these
three C's—a clean mouth, a clean skin,
and clean bowels. To carry off poisons
from the system and keep the bowels
loose, daily doses of a pleasant laxative
should be taken. Such a one is made
of May -apple, leaves of aloe, root of
jalap, and called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. Hot lemonade should be used
freely if attacked by a cold, and the
:mat -lent should be put to bed after a hot
mustard foot -bath.
To prevent the attack of bronchitis or
:pneumonia and to control the pain,
Anuric tablets should be obtained at the
drag store, and one given every two
,hours, ,with lemonade. The Anuric tab-
lets were first discovered by Dr. Pierce,
'and, as they flushthe bladder and
• :cleanse the kidneys, they carry away
-ranch of the poisons and: the uric acid.
It is important that broths, milk, but-
-'termilk, ice-cream and simple diet
be given regularly -to strengthen the sys-
a tem and increase the vital resistance.
':The fever is diminished by the use of the i de
Anuric tablets, but in addition, the fore- r0
bead, arms and hands may be bathed :Ye
.with water (tepid) in which a table- ' Co
apoonful of salaratus has been dissolved
a quart. After an attack of grip or
,pneumonia to build up and strengthen to
;,fie system, obtain at the drug store a
: good iron tonic, called a Trontie'y Tab-
lieu, or that well known herbal tonic, wn
,fir, Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery.
saxarleS took pinee at the Titiptlst con-
• National Steel Gar • preferred made
a five -point gain ors the Toronto Stock
e Exchan,
StroudgeCurtin„ Olub won the chief
event at the Barrie bonspiel, which
concluded yesterday,
It is reported, that Rosa Lukean-
burg, the female Spartacati leader,
has been murdered, -
Representatives of capital, labor
and agriculture Addressed the Social
Welfare Congress,
A report to the Soldiers' Aid. Com-
mission shows that 31,286 veterans.
have returned to Ontario.
•Tretheway silver stock doubled its
value yesterday on the report of tt
rich end on than Castle property.
Siam is to htece two repree nl;itaye
at the Peau' (oiigl £ T' is dee
to leer activo !:'r icip3t .m _ :i1' war.
The eieteerone arrived ae et. Jone
with more e 1.2.;) rye e r :..
nearly 700 boieg e 1a ,:ii „i o, 'i= -r;,
The Toroe o Boar,' of E.1eatiee
by a vote off to 7, fevered a:aa'lei
of the boat 1 Leine ptad for tier. it
Organized labor will give every
vssis.tanee to the Salvation Army in
r>s ttxort8 to raise one million dollar;-
its C armee.
Hamilton City Council decided to
sae the Ontario Hydro -electric Com-
eriesi0n to take over and operate the:
radial lines.
x e.rof
.. d s
nt jaws
o Jnas
_+ g rive, Windsor, dsor, was run over by
auoMobile and died soon after of
:.; i :juries,.
Col. Robt, S. Low, builder of
C aeps Porden end Valcartior and re-
!niftier of Halifax, is dead from
.•!resod-poisoni,lg following an opc•ra-
Lyman Morrison, 16 years old, and
*.;''t :a Fuller, 19, charged, with the
".1. 'er of Theodore Taylor last 24th
t May near Toiustown, north of Co-
'! wes acquitted by the jury at the
lr!1 , _ng Assizes, but admitting
.a. -i
beaten Taylor.
Important Events Which Hav
, Occurred Dut ing the Week,
The Busy World's happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into.
Handy and Attractive Shape tor
the Readers .or 'Our Paper A
Solid ilonr's Enjoyment.
Parliament is to open February
The Dominion Railway Board is in
session in Toronto.
A fall -grown timber wolf was shot
near Thedford on Sunday.,
The Duchess of Luxembourg has
Signified her willingness to abdicate
the throne,
lsenneth J. Dunstan was elected. by
acclamation President of the Toronto
Board of Trade,
Montenegro has declared that Ital-
ian troops must evacuate Monte
negrin territory.
Peter Major, aged 21, of Price, was
i'owned when skating on lake St.
Cl ir, Sunday afternoon.
The Ontario Government is to
,a1 •'p new waters for fishing put-
eses in the earth eountry.
J E. Carter was elected tnayor by
re aldermen of Guelph under the
ci 1 v
pan a, f cit, goy c rnntt nt.
Karl I isuer, the Bavarian Premier,
is independent candidate in 32 dis
i , S .
tr at. r ther a
n Gt, n 1n le ti
r e e ons,
.1 new High record was created for -
1:1�'. \'lctory bonds at Montreal,
when sales were effected at 1023i.
Oweadian export shipments are ar
re:led on account, it is stated, of con-
geetion in British and French ports
The Province of Quebee is sellin
a parcel of 41,625,000 bonds bearin
4;x per cent. at 85,9 1, thus yielding
L 50 per cent.
The Priuce of \\'ales, who has been
5 i'itiug the American area of occu-
pation in Germany. returned yester-
day to the British seetot',
The new scheme of war gratuities
to replace post -discharge pay, and.
the free transport home of soldiers'
dependents, are both made retro --
i14 t ii -e.
The Genesee Dinghy Club of Ro-
chester has ehallenged for the Doug
1.., COP. a new international trophy
for 14 -foot dinghies. The cup is held
by the Toronto Canoe Club,
The Social Service Congress is in
segs ion Toronto.
Gen. Dentine has inflicted a severe
thfeat on Bolshevik forces.
Thee e 937 Victory Bond reached a
it hi -;i price of 103 at Montreal,
The Arenas of Toronto defeated
i 'ansa et Toronto 5 to 2 last night.
r'.•-' =a attempt to capture
D ill.' r nberg and hold him to ransom
Wong 1 en a Toronto Chinaman,
was shot at and injured by an un-
lda.a+ .:i person.
Arrangements are being made i
Greet Britain to demobolize 27,000
overseas troops daily.
1 C. Breithaupt was elected chair
:wan of the Kitchener Water Commis
siren for his twentieth term,
The new Technical School at Lon.
don was `ormally opened by Hon. Dr
Cody, Min ist er of Education.
Seven States of the U. S. Union
yesterdayvoted in favor of the pro-
hibition constitutional amendment.
Brantford Social Service League is
to endeavor to teach cleanliness in
the homes through the Sunday
Faculty of Applied Science, Tani
versify of Toronto, is starting a spe
:,sal course for returned soldiers
February 1.
A campaign to raise $750,000 for
educational purposes was started by
the Redemptorist Order of the Ro-
man Catholic Church.
Rev. G. W. Lattimer, for the past
two years rector of St. Matthew's
Anglican Church, London, died of
pneumonia following "flu."
Antoine and Michel Wendling, Al-
satians, of Brockville, learned yes-
terday of the death of their brother
near Strasbourg, exactly three years
Sii'VRfA` ,
Owing to a case of rabies, all dogs
in Brantford are to be tied up.
Full military honors were paid at
'i: lumen' of Capt, Harry R. Smith,
A counter-revolution has broken
out in Petrograd, according to a re-
port from Revel.
The Baptist convention adopted a
minimum salary of 31,000 a year for
!some missionaries.
The war savings and thrift stamps
are hereafter to be printed in French
as well as English.
The Alberta Liberal convention
urges immediate repeal of the War
Time Elections Act.
The formal opening of the Peace
Conference was held to -day. Premier
Clemenceau presided.
Manitoba plans to aid returned
solrliers by furnishing at cost stan-
dardized houses and barns.
Sir Adam Beck announced that the
Hydro is prepared to take over the
Oakville -Hamilton radial.
Col. H. C. Cox, Toronto entertain-
ed the returned officers connected
with the 9th Mississauga Horse.
The British Admiralty has no Pres-
- ent intention, it is stated, of relaxing
- its strict blockade against Germany.
Bonds are in great demand on the
Toronto Stock Exchange. War bonds
maintain their recent sharp advances.
The political factions in Poland
have come to an agreement and
Paderewski is forming a Government.
Charles Cooper was sentenced at
Haileybury to be hanged on April 1F
for the murder of Theodore Taylor.
Stratford Board of Health decided
:a prohibit public dances from Mon -
•lay next owing to prevalence of
Chicoutimi Roman Catholic Cathe-
dral was destroyed by fire, the Ioss
^.nlouming to $3550,000, including a
$100,000 Rubens.
Prince Edward Island Central
Farmers' Institute endorses the de-
mand of the United Farmers of On-
tario for low tariff on farm imple-
ments, etc.
Rev. Dr. O. C. S. Wallace, of Mont-
real, president-elect of the Baptist
. convention, delivered an animated
address on impressions gathered
visiting Britain and France.
Many Presbyterian churches held
annual meetings.
The Western Ontario Dairymen's
convention is meeting at London.
Premier Lenin has begun to lose
faith in the future of Bolshevism.
German gold reserves are to be
transferred from Berlin to Frank-
The 3Oth annual convention of On-
tario and. Quebec Baptists is in ses-
A tax onimmigrants was advocat-
ed by a speaker at the Social Welfare
Congress,, _
Korea will make protest to the
Peace Conference against annexation
to Japan.
The Ontario Government is to take
over the business of sealing liquor for
medical purposes.
Class One men under the M.S.A. in
good standing on November 11 are.
to receive certiacates of protection,
Brantford . police believe that in
the conviction of Andrew Tretjak
they have secured one of the leaders
of Bolshevism in Canada.
The Hamilton. Radial Railway Co.
and Burlington have practically
reached an agreement for resumption
of service to Oakville.
Miss Mabel Mills was fatally in-
jured when hurled with others off a
sleigh which swerved and struck the
parapet of a bridge in Galt.
Henry Challis bf Kent Bridge has
been missing since Dec, 30, when he
purchased a ticket to Chatham; he
had quite a sum of money on him.
The British troopship Empress of
Asia passed through the .'Panama
Canal yesterday en route to Vancou-
ver with 1,400 discharged soldiers.
A jury maturing- into the cause of
nth of Mrs. Charlotte Huntley, To-
nto, on January 4, brought in a
dict attributing her death to John
A movement is on foot in Jamaica
make Kingston a free port.
The strike 'in Pert > has '• been set -
ed and the situation is again nor-
.Further discussion on ministers'.
Peace and justice are Britain's
aims in Europe.
Paderewski believes Poland is
with new Government.
"Freedom of seas" is not a subject
for the Peace Conference.
The Navy League has arranged to
get a training ship in Thunder Bay
next summer:
Ontario is ready for a progressive
education act, Prof. Sandford said at
the Open Forum.
Rev. Father Minehan spoke to the
People's Forum, Toronto, on "The
Rights of Capital."
Black Hand letters have been re-
ceived by two Welland citizens, one a
prominent Serbian merchant.
Harry Lauder spoke in Massey
Hall, Toronto, in aid of the Salvation
army campaign to raise one million
Prof. R. W. Angus addressed the
Royal Canadian Institute on prob-
lems connected with Hydro -electric
Canadian millers will be permitted
to manufacture flour into patents for
export to Newfoundland and the
West Indies.
TorontoRiverdaleboxers lost 'six
bouts and won two in the annual
inter -city tournament at Pittsburg on
Saturday night.
Six children were brought from
Cobourg to Toronto for Pasteur treat-
ment, and dogs in that town are or-
dered restaateed.
Alberta Liberals in convention at
Calgary passed a resolution before
adjournment Friday calling for com-
plete. Federal prohibition.
Sinn Fein handbills were distri-
butted in Windsor, inviting to a Sun-
day mass meeting in Detroit of
"Friends of Irish Freedom."
Ofacers of the .75th Battalion have
decided to erect a marble tablet ir_-
St. Paul's Church, Toronto, to Col.
S. G. Beckett when the unit comes
The amalgamation of the Bank of
Ottawa and Bank of Nova Scotia,
subject to the approval of the share-
{ zolders of the Bank of Ottawa, is
: aaiaounced. The annual statement of
tlla Bank of Nova Scotia denotes a
>`.r of expansion.
T ET a swum ease yourautfering, living
i Yggutq� *take and let me tell you of
m 1pTer Ittisaetrstment,
read. YOU ten a tree trial, post-
paid, and put, you la teach with V •
worriers le Canada who will ��
endty tellidurt Nay method
has done fpr tbem, 44
It you are trembled acnes
with weak, tired tions, btu',
feelings, h ea d- O der weakne.,,
ache. b a c k- constipation, ea -
ache. bear, G tarrhal conditions,
ing dowco
n painiatheeides,rtstt-
tarty orlrrekularly,
4 bloatin`. sense of f¢lliager
misplacement of Internal or -
cans, nervousness, desire to cry.
Palpitation, hot flashes. dark rings
under the eyes. or a loss of interest.
In life, write tome to -day. Address:
Mrs. M. Summers, Sex s40 Windsor, Gni.
Chi sel burst
Tare Patriotic Circle ship; ed to
Hymen 11.4j,. London for the year 1913
146 sha:'ts, 242 pairs socks, 266 tow-
ele 76 hospital ghats,. 104 pyjama
suits, 29 .!.0 ts, 41 inateress covers,
5 comforters, 18 don, handker: hiefs,
1 roll old cotton, 1 box maple areana,
total of 1196 articles, valued at $993,05
—The folloween officers were elected
for 191Q Pres,, Mrs,. Grant Ryckman,
Vice. Mrs. Baviaigton; Sec., Eliza Wal
lace, Treas.. Mrs. G. L. Wren; cut-
ter:. are Mrs. \Farley, Mrs. Frank Ryck
man, Mrs Dalrymple, Mrs. Patterson
Mrs Wna. Pybus, On; Dec, 16th, 41.
fruit and
p.ckles, 2 boxes of
apo es, chicken, box. home 'c ookin•g
value SZ6.50, were sent to Byron
Sanitarium,—Next week one of our
prosperous young farmers will be tak-
ing unto himself a life partner. --Some'
of the Masonic brethren from this roc
a',ity alteaded the funeral of the late
Harold Gleam on Tuesday,
A mincellameous shower was tender-
ed Ml,i: Gertie Mitchell at the home
of Mr,- Mehvn TraquaJr by her aunt,
Mrs Fran' !in Horton, on Friday af-
ternoon. when about thirty-five young
ladle., were present. The gifts rec. iv -
ed were useful and pretty—Mrs. Jac-
que: of Su.ashiee visited !ler parents
for a lee* days the first of the week;
—Miss Ellea Ford of Hensall js the
guest of her sinters, \Mgrs. Gordon and
J. A Balton. --\V. N. Glenn was in•the
Forest City Monday and Tuesday.—
Norman Workman, and young daugh-
ter of :Manitoba. were guests of Ilii•,
G, Ryekman, Itis sister.—Mrs, Sim-
mons is somewhat improved in
strength and is able to sit up a short
time each day, --This last week or
two has been. exceptionally .mild. We
think the weather nein must have
made a mistake.
(Intended for last week,)
• Mrs Ffannah. Simmons is ,quite po.ar-
lv at thee: home of her daughter, Mr..,
Hoggarth, haying sustained a . r ."ht
stroke,—Mrs. W. N. Glenna is in Lon -
don visitiag her mother. Mr. A,CaWc
and daughter, London Road, spent an
evenin with Grant Ryckmen and
A pretty wedding took place Lathe
Sylvan Methodist parsonage at high
noon ion January 15 when Rev. Salton
united in matrimony Charles ilruce
Harmer of McGillivray and Miss Ber-
tha Shaddock, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Enoch Shaddock sof Parkhill.
Lester Shaddock was best ina.n and
Miss Mabel Harmer bridesmaid.
McGillivray Council met in -the
Township, Hall on the 13th Januaryd
pursuant to statute, The following
members subscribed to their declara-
tion and qualification of office, J. J.
Poore, reeve; A. E. Rosser, -deputy'
reeve; Daniel Lewis, Weston. Ma-
guire and William Dixon councillors.
By-law No. 1 of 1919 was passed
appointing township officers as fol-
lows. f. D. Drummond, clerk, salary
$300; A. F. Smith„ Treasurer, salary
$175; Jahn W. Morgan, assessor, sal-
ary $13 0 ; W. T. Amos and Alex- W.
Stewart, auditors, salary $12.50 each;
Geo. Saunders, janitor, salary $15.00;
R. J: Hamilton, M.HO., salary el5.00
James Neil, member Board of. Health,
J. J.' Ferguson, and Thos. Hindmarsh
sanitary inspectors.
A number of accounts were passed•
and adjournment made until Feb. 3rd
at 7 p.iu. J.D. Drummond, Clerk.
Have You Friends
Who Suffer?
You have friends who are discour-
aged, who seem to .have lost all inter-
est in life,' and whose suiteriugs are
acute because they are_afflicted with
Kidney or Bladder trouble?
Here is your -golden opportunity to
be a real friend to your friends. Tell
them about Gin Pills, they ey have
done for others; and about tiie thou-
sands who have found relief by taking
this remedy.
Persuade your friends to try teem, i
only a sample box: Mrs. James Har.:.
of Port Rowan took the advice of
friend and wrote us for a. k-ee-sn spa.
Hear in. her own -words Cie rest:it: - -
"My husband tad . suffered for
some time with lame back and
Kidney Troubles. He became so
bad, work was almost impossible.
So many remedies were tried with-
out effect that he became discour-
aged., A friend advised him. to
give Gin Pills a trial, which he
did,and to-dayhe is almost entire-
ly ured."
-The case of W. T. Baldwin, of Smith
vile, Ont., is similar in many respects..
Mr. Baldwin. suffered from a pain in
the back for over three years. Filially.
on advice from friends he tried, Gin
Pills, with the result that he obtained
relief from his pain after taking the
first box.
There is no ~need for anyone to
invest a eent in Gin Pills until they
have received a sample free and trial
• them, as Mr. Harris did. Write to -day,
telling us to'send a sample box free to
your friend's address.
The National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto; Ontario.
15.S residents should address Na-Dru-
Cu Inc., 20a= Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. iv
C.V,O., LL.D., D.C,L., President
CAPITAL PMD UP, $15,000,000
SIR J01-"'1 AIRD, General. Mnniger
H. V. F, JONES. Ass.% Gen'L Manager
RESERVE FUND, $13.500,000
Convenience, security and economy are sec ,'ed by
the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank.
They enable the bearer to identify himself afld are
readily converted into the current coin of any foreign
country. 73
EXETER BR—A, 1:. 'Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—J, A, AfcDonald, Mgr
F. S, KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood, -
Capital & Reserve $8,800,00I
97 Branches kr Canada
A General Banking Business Transacit
C�frC a
d ttnl r
Letters o;E Credit
1.- '' Bank Mone
.�..: ,� b Orders
lIntarest allowed at hllgbatt current rote
W D CLARKE, Manager
..• *oa•,4y0.,y,n*AT••• 0.41/001,4 4•f •f •l•, •"YRI•lit•• •
. Keep Them Smiling
Home Coming
The 'Welcome " sign still hangs high on the doors of the
Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! While
our soldiers have need of the comforts—spiritual as well as
bodily—DON'T shut the doors in the boys' faces—Keep them
The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for the
boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva-
tion Army has made a general appeal for its work. We urge
you now, for the sake of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor
in the solution of Canada's Reconstruction problems, with
the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally!
Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year.
While there is a company of Canadians in uniform over there
or over HERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie.
The weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers
that MUST be guarded against. - A happy smile and a com-
fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance. Do not
let the Hostels shut for lack of funds!
The Salvation Arany
Miili�n Dollar Fund
January 19th to 25th
"First to Serve—Last to Appeal"
A WORD ABOUT THE HOSTELS!—Have you ever been
inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned
man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton, .
or any others that he has stayed in 'oser HERE.
Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home
the fried eggs, and hot coffee -and hot baths cooking,
you very well, he maygiveyou Ifh he knows
comfort the. Salvation a giveirt these nen spiritualrfr
home and all. it means! g Lassies men far from
your subscription
Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: SIR EDMUND. WALKER
Toronto, Ont
Treasurer New Brunswick:
Bank of Commerce St,oh
Treasurer Nova Scotia:• r n, N.B.
of Commerce, Halifax, N.S.
or to
St.. Toronto