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The Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 3
The Latest Designs • These cute little rompers Have con - treating collar, belt and cuffs, which. are sufficient trimming for the cos- tume. McCall Pattern No, 8690, Child's Rompers, In 4 sizes, 1 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. R1 came they cae to the bridge. and joined $ the throng of retaining refugees. More ili;;ihi 200 walked in in two. days. BEATTTY AND THE .HUNS,. 'TERRORIZED TUE STRASBOURG CITIZENS TO THE LAST Alsatians Declare Life Was ;Wade Undesirable During, the Four Years of the War, The !alloying rough notes of a four days stay in Strasbourg, in the early part of December, have been forwarded by . correspondent who signs himself E. A, S.: The taking over of the administra- tion of Strasbourg by the French has been completed with remarkable speed and efficiency, The last Ger- man soldiers were leaving the town as French cavalry entered it. Up to the last the Germans behaved in the usual German way, trying to terror- ize the civilian population by the senseless discharge of rifles and re- volvers in the air during the night preceding the occupation. spoke during my four days' stay in Strasbourg with scores of Alsa- tians, who were unanimous in deolar- ing that life fn Strasbourg was un- bearable during over .four years o$ war. Denunciations on the slightest pretext were followed by forcible re- moval to Germany, where most of them have remained ever since, It must be remembered, however, that there is to -day a very 1 British Admiral Has Profound n- ten t For Cowardly Foe. "f eclue';t you ,will report on sinking of II -93, as sante appeared avoidable." "Torpedoes you failed to send with latest convoy of submarines yon will forward by next transport." "You will stop usieg your wireless„ tial fuxthoz' orders." The above are three wirelees ones sages typical of those that Admiral Beatty sent across the seas to Kiel durizzg the days the German deet was surrendering. OLDER MEN FOUGHT IN WAR Average Age higher Than in Former Conflicts—Generals Were Old Sten.. "Old men for enamel and young Hien for war" is an -adage old as history*. Nearly all wars have been fought by young men,. The young filen had a great part in the present ear, although the age percentage was higher. than in wars of the past, be- ceuse of the enormous demand for reeii. But the distinction of this was in the fact that most of its generals fie 'high command were men of mature years. Several were taken from the retired list after the great war began. Most of the great>martial figures in history had their marked success Few who were up with the Grand While young men. A.le ander died at Fleet for the recent surrender have thirty-three. Hannibal crossed the returned -without a reverence for the Alps at twenty-nine. Charlemagne .whole attitude and bearing of the Ifri , lc'gan elle conquest of Saxony before fish Commander -in -Chief. i he was thirty. Godfrey of Bouillon. Deprived of his Trafalgar, Beatty ' Was made king of Jerusalem at ,i. M has been sending wireless broadside tl r y casette `t'hcre are only a few exceptions, Caesar was fifty-one after broadside into the Idiuis. Said crossed the Rubicon and a commander at Rosyth: eThey are when hsN t eating the dirt thrown thein by Beau = Glncittus was sixty-one when cal-eep You i G4, ile th ty." h Ieh" from the Flow, TO -NIGHT TRX So they have been, 1 Three of the great figures at Wat- Beatty ived and dreamt and were each forty-six, Washington T e • pondered the Day for .Baur long years,. g n Ire- Kinard s The Road and the Book. when L r.ayfaring, care no more t learn What lies beyond the path's nes turn- And vision takes with no rospousive 9 thrill The. valley view beyond the hit: It will be time for rue to quit the road, Thio jostling -crowd, the joyous .din; And I shall ,calmly doff the pilgrim's And seek the restful wayside inn. '4 hen I can say '"to -morrow" : care- leasly, With no deep sense of mystery --- Upon that day. when I without regret Can see the sun of its hope set, The book of life will reach its logie's end, With "`finis" all that's left to write, I'll dedicate it to some faithful friend And find oblivion in the night. B t. has1 erloo, Na ol. on, W ll . t nd -tie., L1Q!melit sembled his men in eeng 'azale" lutfonavy exude? at forty-three. "Men," be said in that abrupt, Mee I At the beginning of the great war for sive way of .his, biting his words, Kitchener was sixty-four. Haig will be "they're coming out. I always said fifty' -eight next June, Petaiu is sixty - they would." A week later he repeat- two, De Castelnau is sixty-seven, ea the same address, On the day of Fotl was sixty-seven Oct. 2, while the great surrender he again address- Hindenbnr w s t one on the ed life tars. "Men," he began, "I al- . sailie day, Pershing is fifty-eight.. that Cold and Tired Feei ei; Get R'ell, Keep Well, Kill Spanish Flu by using the QLD RELIABLE. MINARD's LiNIMENT CO., Ltd. Yarmouth. N S ways told you they'd come out. IMan in and I,ud n ort! are each fn .Paris -to -Chanel Canal g ed - ergo purely Not on a pieee of string, though!" 1 their middle fifties. Tho Italian gen- German population in the town esti- The High Seas Fleet on a piece of .erals are of advanced age. The con- mated by the latest returns to - be string! Was the thing ever better ex- dition s of fighting were such that line about 65,000. The Alsatians seem to pressed? In. all this wide war no and tarigade officers were subjected to be getting a little of their own back more dramatic day than November 21. the severest examinations to deter - on these and their position is not an bas passed es by. The speetact r seine their physical fitness The age enviable one. By a decree of the side, great grey ships steaznira in bat- of retirement vias placed low, with French no purely German household,' tee array, meant nought•—ordinaryy :the generalin command held person- business premises, or German room manoeuvres. !ally responsible for exceptions. But was allowed to display a tricolor or It wasn't the ships that mattered, it is clear that the men -who had the bunting or any form of deearation, but the niers in Mein, For people who planning to do were unusually mature. and as all Alsatians vied with one like to play with human emotions it The theory that older men would be another in their display of patriotic was an unreturning orgy. The HIans unable, because of fixed habits of ardor the contrast was very marked who so arrogantly goose-stepped across thought, to adopt their plans to the and !the German inhabitants made the bodies of outraged women. four .. changed conditions of warn eking is ., very' noticeable by his lack of national emblems. Alsatians Sing "1larsellaise." There was, however, not the slight -I est disorder or ill feeling on the part of the Alsatian, who sang the "Mar- out and meet them by appointment, seillaise" all day witha strong Ger- like meeting a girl—only they'll be man accent and were immensely am- punctual-" used at the more youthful members of Admiral Beatty knew all about that. ,the French army, both officers and He isa, disgusted, disappointed man, men, who walked to the Rhine in and his every gesture has emphasized, freezone, the ether discovery of .a Giza - order to spit just once into it. This the fact, He was out to humiliate theharmless pastime seemed to fill the The separate skirt and blouse may Alsatiangamin with delight. Not a be made one of the moat attractive single policeman was visible, and the costumes that one could wear, and . French military carried out all their this is surely an illustration of such. administrative duties with wonderful enough; to follow up with cowardice hello, but is said to be sufficient to rid McCall Pattern Na. 8713, Ladies' fifer and discretion. —only Germans could do that; rank1 one's' feet of every hard or soft teen Waist. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. A remarkable sight was that of the materialists reasoning: "Is it going to or callus. Price, 20 cents. No. 8710, Ladies' French poiltls walking about with Al- serve any useful purpose if we come You apply Just a few drops on the Four -Piece Skirt. In sizes, 22 to 34 salmi soldiers in German uniforms. waist. Price, 20 cents. Transfer These latter filled the streets and Design No. 883. Price, 15 cents. were mostly deserters from the Ger- These patterns may be obtained man army or had ben allowed to re - from your local McCall dearer, or tinn over the Rhine, the Germans froali the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., having no more use for them. Hardly Toronto, Dept. W. years ago --in the waters of the Firth of Forth, now cringed to heel like a dog with its tail between its legs, "To think we've waited all these years to tight them," ruminated a Bri- tish admiral, "and now to have to go completely refuted by results. o --o It Works! Try It Tells how to loosen a sore, tender- corn so It lifts o out without pain. a.--o.-o--o--o—o o.,•. -o e o o Good news spreads rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing Hun, to make him eat worms. In all his messages you will detect a virile undercurrent of contempt, To dis- honor the sea by murder was bad cinnati man, which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the ringers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter , ounce of freezone, which willcost very The Use of Lime. It is an old saying, "Lime snakes the father rich and the son poor." This is on account of the property of -fine to make some plant food avail- able, thereby increasing the loss from. bourg was on the Rhine Bridge, which the soil and leaving less for future useis the dividing line between Alsace and --Germany. The bridge is ten minutes drive from the. centre of the town. The one bank is held by the French and the other by the Ger- mans, and the centre of the bridge is Rumania, it is announced, has be- a sort of No Man's Land. The Ger- gun to show an interest in Canadaian mans allow no one to cross to their Holstein cattle and Percheron horses, side, and threaten every officer with with prospects of purehaees being immediate arrest if he crosses the grade in both dividing line; but from the German any of these youths could speak any- thing but German, but they were de- termined 011 every occasion to show their love for France by plastering themselves with red, white and blue. The most curious and at the same time the most pathetic sight in Stras- But, in connection with crop rotation and the use of manure and fertilizers, lime aids in maintaining the soil at a high degree of productiveness. lines. The Popular Choice " People of culture. taste and refine- ment are keen for health, simplicity and contentment. Thousands of these . people choose the Cereal drink INSTANT POSTUM as their r rabble bev- erage everage in place of tea or coffee l HLeal. hfu Econolnic0l Delicious side there pours, in one uninterrupted flow, a procession of wretched hum- anity which can only be compared with the exodus from Belgium !luring the early days of the war. They are mostly Alsatians who, for various reasons, have been kept in Germany for, years or months in durance vile and are now returning to homes, which in many cases have been se- questrated and sold up, by the . Ger- mans. They are mostly women and very young children or old men. They are all poverty .stricken and bear an their hollow faces the traces of end- less suffering. They carry with them all their earthly possessions—bicycles (without rubber tires), perambulators handcarts, the children grasping some cherished toy, an aged woman borne on a stretcher—and move on in a never-ending stream out of the sha- dow into the sunlight, from- the hor- rors of internment camp into a coun- try which is France once more, to the accompaniment of bands and the waving of flags and with a joy which is immense and demonstrative. British Prisoners Return. Mixed with the motley crowd are Alsatian soldiers in German field. gray and, saddest of all, British sol- diers, singly and in little groups; some of their old khaki tunics, with German trousers and German . caps, nearly all in rags, and hollow-cheeked and hungry. There were 20 degrees of frost,-lut not one had any over- . moat. 1 was the first British officer they had seen formonths or. years, and they were delighted, for it made them think that home wee neer at hand. Most of these men had been; allowed by the Germans to escape and they bad been simply turned adrift to find their way back, without food or proper clothing. In clue course out?" and deciding in the negative. tender, aching corn and instantly the Beaten bullies with a moral kink. soreness is relieved, and soon the corn Beatty knew all that and acted aa. is so shriveled that it lifts out with- eordingly. Icy courtesy. Granite firmness. Contempt. Safe Paths Over the Sea. "Britannia rules .the waves"—no idle boast; Necessity's her plea -- Her rule must reach front coast to fur- thest coast, Whose paths are on the sea. Had this Brisisb boast been an idle toast Where would our race be now? - By Krupp's* grim steel 'heath the Kaisers heel, Slaves at the Teuton plough. She early sought and with Iife-blood bought An Empire o'er the wave; By fleets 'twas won and from jealous Hun Only her fleets could save. To her distant lands and •India's Strand Her highways are the eea; The race that outbuilds our Mother- land Holds to her wealth the key. Britannia's need with millions to feed Is safe paths o'er the sea; Would you have hien of the British breed Ask bread on bended knee? Would you have them yield old Nep- tune's shield, A jeaous foe to please? They kept in the past with broadside blast Real freedonx of the seas. Has this rule been just as a sacred r trust? • Let subject races say. At Britannia's call they gave their all, To save for her "the day." So long as she boasts her "far-flung" coasts, And her union of the free, She must make sure that the ties en- dure By safe Paths o'er the sea. "Big Bertha" Left to Rust. Dismembered and with its war -worn parts already beginning to rust, the big A. nice way to use stale bread is to Bertha, which startled the world by elice and steam it. Then butter its long-range fire on Paris last Spring, well and pour over the slices well has been left to its fate in an old Ger- seasoned canned tomatoes. man artillery yard in West • Prussia. The famous. gun is lying in the open rilinard,s . Liniment Cures Colda, -Sca air, protected from the curiousby a board fence, the Third Army has Place a piano cornerwiseaid keen out pain. It is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never inflames or even irritates the adjoin- I ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thole 11 sands of deaths annually from lockjaw and; infection heretofore result:ng front the suicidal habit of eutth:ng corns. RECEIVED NEWS IN SIX MINUTES. When the British Empire Learned That War Was Declared. It required only six minutes to in- form the British Empire that England Construction of a canal to give Purls direct communication with the English Channel at Dieppe is receive ing' serious consideration. Thee plan is by no means a new one. It was originally suggested in 1694 and has since been reproposed on several ocasions. The congestion of traffe on the Seine makes the project one of considerable importance at this time, According to the plans that have been prepared, the waterway -will acommadate vessels of about 1,400 -ton caro capacity. It will he approximately 102 miles in length, as compared with the Seine's deviants Comforting relief from patio route of some 219 miles. Tracks will makes Sloan's like be laid parallel with it so that barges may he towed by -electric locomotives. roi , 0101.x. ZQ ,1IPP.irD maxim * • ai4 fob printing aunt In Reiter* Ontarlo. Insurance carried $LOO, WtY •*e for 11,100 on euide We. Box IL W1ison PublloOne Co., Ltd.. Toronto. liirfiact,Y NEWSPAPER Fon SAL,* i* New Qntarle. Qwnef solos tii frat?c}s. win sell $Z-Ooe. Wgrt?t 4oi>,ble teat amount. Apply J. l3.. olo Wtlsp* :I blashtne Co., Limited. Toronto. 14111CSd:LA11'i OVII OArzC R. Uaiona. I,Utees. >*r e intet•aal and ezternsl,, pure3 wet eat pain b7 our boas treatment, Write cw before toe late, Dr. Schaaf liiedlca/ Co,. !Samoa. cotlipswoo4 Ont. Utilizing Wheat 'Straw. One of the scientists of the Iini Iversity of Saskatchewan, vale bas been experimenting for some time with the manufacture aaf gas from wheat straw, has been able, by a gas- bag, attachment of 300 cubic feet ca- pacity, to ran his automobile with. perfectly satisfactory results. It is estimated, says the Saskatchewan Herald, that a ton of straw will gen- erste 11,000 to 12,000 cubic feet of gas, and that 300 feet of gas is equal to a gallon of gasoline, so that with this hitherto waste product on his bands the farmer c•ill be able to run his automobile. Ultlar4's Zdobnent Cares DIs euhper:. • If Canada is to maintain a large export trade it will be necessary for every stockman to maintain the maximum number of animals on h:s Zarin. and to famish his stock before marketing it. ,OXEYR.Miff D D.ASKAlYOftlinGIST its inereSnet Ua., tl3etreet, I' Frics Hilo, KNOCKS OUT PALS# THE FIRST ROUND MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. The Vindictive. No sooner had the Germans evaeu- ated Ostend and Zeebrugge than the British Admiralty authorities set about clearing the barbers of sunken ships and other material intended to block up the waterways to the docks. A waterway has already been cleared, allowing vessels carrying about 100 tons of cargo to go right -up to the deep -water quay and discharge. It is proposed shortly to begin the work of raising the Vindictive. It is not' improbable that her ultimate desina- + ---- tion will be the Thames. To get her to the surface, however, will be one of the stiffest pieces of -work which. the salvage men have had cast upon them, World's Liniment 4. This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful, sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to penetrate .cite:out rubbing and pro- duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made in. Canada. At all drug stores. A large bottle means economy. 30c.. 60c.. ;L::o, Stinara's 2:inini,ent Crazes 'a1phtherla The present Japanese dynasty is by far the oldest in the world, for Yoshihito claims to be the one hun- dred and twenty-third monarch of an unbroken line dating from the seventh century before the Christian era. was at war on the night of August 4, r,,, 1914, .says Lord Harcourt, who was then Colonial Secretary. "On that unforgettable night," said to the Empire Parliamentary As- sociation, "I was in the cabinet room, Downing Street, with a few colleague Our eyes were on the clock, our thoughts on one subject only; but there was a feeble effort to direct -our connersatiou to other matters. We were waiting for a reply, which we knew full well would never come, to our ultimatum to Berlin. "When Big Ben struck 11; 30—mi:d night in Berlin -we left the room knowing that the British Empire was at war. "I crossed to the colonial office to senda war telegram to the whole of the' British Empire, I asked the offi- cial in charge of that duty how long it would take. He said 'about six min- utes.' "I asked him to return to my room when he had bone his, work. fn seven minutes he was back and before morn- ing I received an acknowledgment of my telegram from every single colonial protectorate, and even -islet in the Pa- cific. "So the grim machinery of war be- • gan revolving in perfect order and with , perfect : ,preparation '`because, more than two years previously, an in- dividual warbook had been prepared by the colonial committee of defense for every single -protectorate and is- land. rt was at that moment locked in the .safe of each Government or .commissioner and they knew at once what to do." q *a©ftp Envies he r.Cu a -lir Envies s- s; flood.'Talcs (Extract of Roots— ' os learned. Other guns of large calibre are within the yard, a few Geritan sol- diers acting as guards. =oaring Lialiuoat:.0i2Ses Garret tn' Clew>f the top clear of vases, and 'other bt•,ic a -brat. This will give a much bet- ter sound. ED 7. ISSUE —'19. You don'tneedmercury,potash r any other strong mineral to ure pimples caused by poor of — , druggist calk it "Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup—and your skin will clear up as fresh as a baby's. It will sweetenyour stomachand regulate your bowels." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.O0Bottles. r At drug stores. Nitti4 0}! Thin Endy Halt or Thick and Healthy? A scalp cared for by Cuticura usually means thick, glossy hair. Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap are ex- cellent. Precede shampoos by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan- druff, itching and irritation of the scalp. Nothing better for the corn piexion, hair or skin. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post. card: Cuticura. Dept. t1, Boeton U. S. A." Sold by dealers throughout the world. Fain ? Hirat's v., stop it ! Used for 40 years to relieve rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains; A3'n bac toothache, earache, swollen joints, sore throat and other pails- •ful complaints. Have a.bottle in the house. Ail dealers or write M. HIRST REMEDY COMPANY. Hamilton, Canada Hotcl Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California: Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor ,sports through- out the - Winter inter' months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MGTGR.IN.G, Y FISHING,BAY A . AND SURF T3ATIiING Write for Winter Folder.and Golf Program., .JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager • di