HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 2• •-• By Agronomist This Department te foe the use of our farm readers who want the advice ef an expert on any question. regartlina 0011, seed, Grope, etc. it your question Is of sufficient general interest it will be answered through thIs columnif complete etamped and addreseed envelope Is enclosed with your ietter, a ensvver will be melleti to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson PuleWhine Coe Ltd., 7$ Adeiaide Se We Toronto. INTERNATIONAL LESSON - JANUARY 26 Lesson lee Isreel Crossing The Sea. Exoduze 1.4: 21-15: 2. Gulden Text, Ex, 14: 30. theee who trust in Him and die -coins et their foes? dissatisfaction, and unrest among , ^ eountry young folks is that older per- t h. • The lieree.and liatlt. he tltreiwn ,the eea, . jehevali is my etioimength end eonge Aud beCoine nty ealvation," For u. :nee o -f wee." IXe LITTLE CHILDREN ON THE FARM By N. F. 'althorn 1.;_iras. f. ate_g.t.it ,tx1Le,,..,lea_tle 4,o,,,f_lii_le_pe_erip4.1! ilInch is eaid and wr, itten, about ""'" II-1-7""'Y:enT''"Z, mititnig eaten hfe atte-aetive to young ;t071,,,thlyir, nakteLT fife th'e'ysirementi;,_,' peop.ie, but there are tew persona who ed tins deliverance at the Red Sea, It, makee that the training a our future brame the symbp1 and the asSuranee, fanners and farmers' wives rauet, be - ed at ealvatem, as it is with us to this I giu ,in eaely ehildhood. deF, For ilaes not God etill save One of the principal re a .-.., ons for FITTING COWS FOR LACT.ATIONehighly fe,d on heat-producin eoods "D 14: 1-31 n Pe -KT 4.. • . t seems nro ... ' e - -ese eestliairle, 1 ie- , . - f tile song are of iaterl soue have the habit of talking much . g neamp by the setee 3,10ses mast ae,er eereee o All ramearxials. when in proper ext -a date,. and were writteu atter the eon,' about the hardships of a farraer's !Just previous to calving, bave expected' to find a paesag'e here, poeeibly by a ford or at low tee. quest of Pelestine. See, tor exam/04y life, inveighing against the weather, vironment and under normal concli-i There was an Egypitian fortre-es ne-a'r verses 1.3-18, where God is said al--; fretting over toes of' animals, failure tione, uaturally take on flesh during' ADVICE ON PLANT DISEASES. (the name lelieadol means far:we—as) e„ead_e„ to have led Ills pppile to Rie' of crops e,te This cOnstant corn.- nregneney, ehe reserve being used in- 1 - . n , il view of the Present vital need and '11' arinY :WO'S already an pursuit. I nd to heve see'elc e p - . i Experimental Farm urg,es everY found themselves hemmed in ou every fear' I ferent occupations, as to why tbeY produetion ehen the young Jai ached Lank- a • en the rno pliere In consultine; see-eral - for inereesed production the Central e-,-eetieea,4e aiPire ci C born. As we expect a dairy cow toi alar ple Edom. Xb anaan city dwellers, who are working in elf- • give much more milk than her calf, farmer to look well iato the ques- side, They were "entangled in the' mooll requires it is only reasonable that she; ti on. of crop diseasee, for the losses lead," and there seemed no escape), • left homes in the country, they have ood Con rol C • ot feiZe s th^ ' f P-------------------. ; almoz1 univerally deelea.ed it was t tl coin- "..—..-- be- should be in extra good condition f which the-ee diseases cause each yen' Paniestaleken, the people turned an: flesh at calvine time. A further con- 3 1 orchard, field and. garden are, in Moses with fierce reproaches, "Is et, well-nonriehed ealves which eannop in the; Nothing, was ever seid about the ab - The U.S. Department of Agrieul- ,EgeYPatet'll,?e°11 ehave birta',F,111 las lir, ,e,, An enormous deficiency be expected from poorly -nourished! principal- solute security the farming people i ture eetimates that the smutted ..7,.1" 'e„,_'' L'S Pee 's, "aueassa'"e".,: stock, of food animals in the iod has been found to give meater leader gene noUt res le°nid-etnilt! „„e European countries has eccurred in' have against want,e. a being_one's own boss, the joys _s the independence cows, Grain fed during the dry Per.'" wheat grown. in that country in 1517, se steeal.ctIt reprojettesealt11 co -wares ane returns than the same amount of! e _ - ' i would RR a line of freight ears reach.-- 41'.1e-..: the past four years of war, duriugi nag from New York to Cleveland (600 ye not, etand st'''.3, ail see the salve:, hien period production was emcee. eana4_7_ Ere, the beauty a the wood, grain fed after calving, these re -1 miles.. i In 1916 in Canada the loss tion of the Lord." "The Lord ellen' eerily bampered, while consumption! and hills in changing seasons,. anczti turns beilig 711 the' tbrlu a a ninrei from rust on grain amounted to e50,-efight for you," he 'seed, Night eame by the armies probably more than" th....e4 in_te_rfs, t of the growing anereal vigeroue calf and inereaged milk, the wind eheagell to the east, the made up for the decreased consump-','":„''''' 000,000 while the Canadian potato ' on !crop in 1915 was abneet eut tn, tvo tide weld old, antra way was °Palled lion a the civilian populatiou. The! The value a freelt air, pure, productio.n.. To leave tbe eows hi pro -t 4 V ''''' on the ileft the eea formed a beerier, fiengettl,,ng of, wholesome food, plenty of rOonl per comae:on of flesh, one of the first he the .„„,e,aees of bright And .,,,. , through the eea. On the right and requieitee i: to give them teuffieientt. grach'iyO; e men bad to have plenty I deters for play or exerelee, tranquility rest between learat'on periodr. The! about one quarter of the Proekt!et rifebtihr. againist a aank at, -, a mind and communion with Nature, tow thet le milked up to within two; Ontario apple crop is loet from apple te ho ?mar of The est:mated decrease in Buropeau, , ra seta a family a children, fer ;lea stab and the the bee in the plum creP", eloutl, perhaPus al'resavy fog dalean by live stock since the war, net Counting! al ' - or three weelie tee outweighs any advantages of educe. - of n2/v.aig insY P"'"' from brown rot is at least as high, i the wind in the faee of the enemy Russia, Austria-Tim:pry and up quite a ret 'rd for that year buti i Con, el:maces to make money, or These are only a few common exe; And so, upon firm grouud, the people:. Balkans, is made up as follows: elle will serene fall IX in the nexti to tree -dem and aefetYe teetile 28 080 000! amusement facilities which are found lactation period. Eaeli cow should': : metes of the uumeroue d'seases Passed over rest period. Sheep ' 45,500 000 la - 'f ' V + . "• f ' which yearly take heavy tell -of our li . . • a• e „"er a ers eons an y plained about the hard work, etc. eaideratioxe le the procuring of strong,11the aggrep,,,ate, simply appalling,. 'because there evere eo groves in a ••••••• 30 4e5 pow Why not imprese these things upon ena-need, and the tide earne beck so ''''' 4 4 4 t it • •,, •• , elle plastic, attentive minds of chil- ; xn s o sea. I of cheerfulness:, hopeful:wee and pa - peeled will depend upon her condition age farm would. pay the hired rnan's" the Egyptians," 'l d eh °tei o . w he r e o . . wages. conditiori o: fleeh then Very littre, A gaeat number of these diseaseel In verse 25 we should read "he stock numbered as follows: margin. of V,ev. Ver.) ale from to eight weeks o a crops everywi ...... 4 .... ed it -itab:-.11 ger chereet wheels dragged heavily been 'said that the &Dare aenually14/1 tbe sand and nand tilo wind 1.1Qgt" tere. „e • i lest from erola eeltevale the habit The feeding a the cow during thisi diseases on ithe ayer-° thet Lord "di comAted the h f Total ..... . ... .....115.005,0001firen? It pays to an ovee wee 1 -hon, La tot -----------------------" et f lif In dealing witb the uncoutrollable forces s e. e b a; a fr If sins is in good theid t fthe" ience tu any se us :on o e. . 6,526,113! of Nature, the farmer sboula hold 2.174,300, fast to reason and philosophy and „ „... 3,034,778.1 never grumble. stnswer Questions, Carefully bit of food saved from the wastageomace passed beneath two: 1.:N;aa" Total 12,33i1,101 I The country child Le born into a snore than maintenanee ratien is eon be prevented by well tied and boueel taloa^ eltariot evbeela" (eat: Cattle necessary. but the feeder should , simple measures and since we are were made with a lieht -wooden bodY, Hogs watt+ that ,she does not lose her: greatt fond a stout axle set as 'iar back 1 p if site bas eh., now in the midst of the thrifty contlielon. ' i crisis the world bas ever seen, every ame on the two wheels 'led s Ourne thin and run down then a lib- tbe eral ration shoeld be allowed. The I of diK'ase beoomes not only profit kor, fixed lute ble axle mid then ewes bent In other -words the decrease in Es-- worel of love-eese. wonder ;md de- eluaaQte,' ef the ra,tiort need not differ the grower but an aseet to our coura.upward and attached hy a beutl of rope is nearly ten times the total live light. As soou ae he can exprese cows. Prtetum. supplemented by stock population of Canada, counting ,l' hiniself in epeezia, he finds a thou - materially Irene that fed. to the mil& try and a bon to starving hurnanity. leather to the font a the chariot. , The horses were yoked to the pole and roots-% or eilage and legume hay the available help on leant ea.eases tte.4 age hl tlie wheels atm— -- ozily those leading eourttries from' sand questione to ask.. of em,„.,,, in. order to make it erley roe ', everyone to get in 'touch with all a "II t ' • Ch *i tt" sLage or stain crops in summes children shoula not: be ellovead to es Them were 'two, or often go oieb Whieh figure, are available. in winter should be suffielent for the the following sources of Mformation ' Britain's imports as based on flor- in addition up to six or seven pounds: , ..... . sbiele The "tank" is the adaptation B -i ..* '' ." . '- 1 077 154 000 lbs. 2 95 2,3/ lb portance of a right start, and air: - drove, one was an archer with bow Beef poorer condit on ebould receive er eighted parents will realize the na- - am' identification of Diseasew and Advice and arrows, and one the bearer of a pare per day if reeseeeary. It is import -e,, . of the earne kind df machine to utter ... ..... , ... 45 ,7 , • s. a .1,061,082,03'2 lbs. 190 850,520 doz. eat° the dawning powers of the Regarding ',treatment: • orted; year ending in the a three men in each, of whom one mal figures, are: vow m goad condition. Those are givemee chatter unceasiugly, aud must be taught net to interetipt peetione when they are busy, but. coneiderate, far - ant at all tirnee that dairy cows re- 1. The Agricultural Representative modem evarfare—but how great the Eggs " • ....... ^4' • eeive a laxative ration but particularly In Your County, if there is one; phone awe • rence. -Canada, in the so just at allying ciao. T.0 this! or write him or get him to call, 15: 1-21. The Song of Victory. fall of 1918, exp end, the grain ration should eonsieti 2. The Agricultural College M your There were war -Nets and minstrels Beer of such laxative feeds as Wheat bran I Province. Each college maltee it a in Israel, An early colleettion of a and on cake together with either' poet of its policy to answer all songs was known as "The Book of e eth , • • • • .... the Wars of Jehovah" (Num. 21: 14), Butter raid it is °edible tbat ibis eong may Eggs • ^ • — . 104,710,813 lbs. .. 149,034,503 Iles. 6,783,466 lbs. .. 3,861,389 doz. ground oats, barley, or corn, prefer--° such inquiries. child. Dangerous pitfalls should never be peernitted on a farm, ancl the fences should be secure against roving cat- tle. This ensuros peace of mind for the mother waithou,t constant re- course to "Don'ts," which are very difficult for an active, enterprising child to remember. It is very easy to keep a youne chile quietly entertained. A pile of clean eorn-cobs will afford occupa- tion an,d amusement. It can learn to make walls, log houses, foxtresses, fences, etc, Corn -cobs can be dress: - ed in scraps a calico to 'make dolls for little girle, Odd -shaped gourds w,t11 serve as different kende of ani. raids. Acorn cups can be doll dishes, and hieltory-nuts serve as heads fez dofls niade a corn -busks. There is an infinite store a treasures to be found in the woods and fields. Moss and wild flowers ear; be transplanted and made into fairy gardens Bright pebbles or queerly shaped stones can make tiny rockeries. Parents should purehase books tell- ing about plants and aniereale and thus be able to answer a child's pertinent orestioue ebout Nattire's wonders. Co -Operate With Teacher Of course, ell turtleitious parent take an interest in the. progmes of their children ite. school. Father and mother -should consider it a duty to lay aside their own reading or sew- ing in the evening to help the little ones with their studies. It is worth whale to revive eee'e knowledge ef j Arithmetic and gralnmar and keep in touel: e MI new eeheel methods, All sorts of home occupations and innocent anueeemente should be en- ' courage:I by parents, / If the mother and father can join in , cartle-malcmte, popping corn, creeltiug , • t nuts, playing eheekero, siuging choluses around the piano. reading " :stout' aria store*, they will be laying up stores of lieppy memoriee . litet the c tebie thatite ' children te country life anal the ohl home fame Oa account of their isolated situa- aeon, many cavalry lab and laeziate are oppreeeed with a sense of baee- fulr.c se and awkwardnees, when rrteet- ing trangers. Teere is no neei of tlas peeuearity. hewever. Careful, bluely, home training will eradicate such ten leneles and give ease of marner anal proper household or outdoor w enjoy either agricultural people who were aeee- speech. I here known of two feno'lles al TIe.altb children are full of trawled' energy and vim. They made eaey ere intereatin7.k. ir It. 61 k they t „I havior. redly popular and mac) a mile be - Many parents never ask a child to mimeo of their cordial, (Utility be - ably the former, in equal parts. For 3. The Central Experimental Farm h been 13, eeerve 1 in that me col- do a bit of w or , unt ey ae ua 3 a every 100 pounds of the above grain, at Ottawa maintains a well-equipped lection. It breathes the exultant fire need the child's help. Then the I ,iennth a tbenetf,alna!es \cern descend` mixture there should be added 11 plant disease service evhich everyone and poe.sion of thet first great vietorv 'untrained, inexperiencea litele one il ets erom severei, eeneraeiorie of eountre pound each of ground rock phosphate,/ is invited to malice use of. .A.delresse and the new tonfidence in God which awkward and unwilling. dwellers. In each home, from the ehareoal ails], conunon Salt. The salt , Divieion of- Botany, C. E. F., Ottawa, it inspired. le a necessity n1 a ra on w e 1 . . not receiving the grain eheuld be fed has also branch stations for the study Prevents Eggs From Cracking. \Then boiling eggs wet. the shells thoroughly in cold water before drop- / days of infancy, the little ones Were It is the part of -wisdom and due to ...hewn the correct way to eepress the child, to teaeh. it bow to work, other ingredients act. as a tonic. Cows 4. The Central Experimental Farm "I will sing unto 3eleovith, themselvee in speeele proper table foe he hate ping ill the baiting water and they -will • tr,iumphed gloriously: not cxac,k. ow to use its hands and its strength,li b• • - - and to inculcate babits of useful in -1 ni nes, polite teams te. itreetang, ett. some of this tonic mixture separately, of plant diseases, any of which -will _ „ st ees dustry while it is still young a There is nothing me...a pleazing then or the last day or two before calving be glad to give every aesistance on immature. Of course, its tiny effort. or e • andito hear a little. Child ilisp-"TlIO.uis you' the regular ration should be replaced request. Atidress, Meld Laboratory are of no value, but the mother and , . / or Lxeitse me" readily and natural - by bran alone which should be fed of Plant Pathology, (Charlottetown, father will: reap great beneate it'll 4' , ' . • `' lv A timid little to' 'should be led up to calving time and for a few days PE 1), (Fredericton, N.B.), (St. se, yews to come, .and it will have the I ;sal, , by tee hand to visiters and told te afterwaeds. Catharines, Ont.) or (Brandon Men.). ... ' By .Andrew F. Currier, M.'.1). advantago of capability and effieiency 1 e!, ' . '-''' . "Geed mornint " To ensure the best results from the In writina do not werrv aliout the e , . . . Dr. Currier will ansvver all signed leteers pertaining to Health. If your in 'manhood or womanhood. 1 Cneerful mornmg greetings should above method of fitt'ing the cow for exact address. Your letter *will question is of general interest it will be enswered through these columns; ' As eoon as a child Can toddle about! be exchanged in the borne In e her lactation period she should be reach the Proper place if it goes to If not, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope ls en - the houee, the mother should teach it buusehold where hoepitisay abounds. allowed plenty of exercise. Running any GOVernment Department Give the children have ample oppartunity closed. or. Currier will not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnosis. Address Dr. Andrew F. Currier, core of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide o.rderly 'habits and usefulnesa, by tell to become accuetomed to Woll-bred with the raUch cows in summer and as full and clear a description of the West, Toronto. mg it kindly to e pick up it; own toys .ix dal conduct. Wino turned out in the barnyard for trouble as you can, and send speca one put them. in a box or bae.ket,I an 1"iour or two daily in winter will mens where possible. Several specia -Enlarged Glands In the Necks the swollen gland may remain mac- hould allow it to earry small artickes maces There is no better preparation for nieet requirements in this regard. mens are better than one. They -Many inquiries have come to this til and perlmps do little ham un- 6 in life than a foandation of department concerning this very come less inflammation is re -excited by ehins . • • from room to room for her, and pick . firo. - eelfereeepect and good mariners. h ' GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX This exercise will be found to do away with many of the calving and udder trouble; experienced with cows HIRAM JOHNSON, LTD. The oldest established Raw Fur Dealers In Montreal HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Satisfaction guaranteed to shippers 410 St.Paui S L'West, Montreal 444144=11.10191411..14441144041441 The Mghest Price RAW FURS ;to us, no matter what quo.ndty. We my the highest price, also express charges. Try -once and you re assured 'of eattsfactiou. ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 Ste Paul W. Montreal, P.Q. Reference; Bane of Hocizelage. B kterry. en business for 10 Team Send your St. Pau I St. ee2S West MareTele,Al. acing manufacturers and not buying to re. isell we alwayi assure the fairest grading and the highest market prices. Quick returns! . iNo price. list issued nut we guarantee to bold your skins separate until you eccept t70 raieet our offer. 60 should be typical of the trouble and up e ips ot. the kitchen Ine. he, Physical culture tends to eliminate Should be packed so as to arrivein mon trouble, commn oenough at any 1 some disturbing cause. dear little one will be happy to think muscular awkwardness. Simple e good condition. When addressed to period- of life but paetieularly so, In many eases the abscess breaks it is 'helping mother." Children ' eyrenesties can be preeticed at home , em. oui yeale will e pioi o pato-, sweats, a's well as at echool. Turning poles, dumb bells, Indian clubs, trapezes, (8) about, no postage is required on during childhood. I through the skin and discharges its ehmild be taught to be salf-helpful: lettere, or on packages ef specimens A child with such a collection -of' contents, but instead of healing and to help others. A child of three not exceeding 12 oz. in weight. I • el - other elescee-es often pi omp .e as ... e • b do --f - • - lib 4idt e'l ' = glands was called scrofulous in foe= . . . etc., eau be nmee and boys ally wash and drees Reel and then' ain help wait on the baby; to bring towele greatly enjoy cultivating their :etrength and neaseular control in the and soap for weshing, to help dress" big barn on rainy days. it, buttoning Its apron, lacing its shoes, ole. At this' age, a child can have a Bulletins: rime times before the influence of . at i'll°1' continue to isc large an n en 'open sore for an indefinite re - Bulletins give 4in condensed ,Torm baeteria jee causing disease lees mai .. all the important information about known and understood, - period. diseases and their centrol. If well We aim. know that they are gener- This dieease is very often associa- studied they give . a clear -under- ally, or at least veal often, due to the ,eed with disease of the tonsils and standing of the trouble, and if kept influence of the tubercle bacillus and baeteria aee vexy often directly trans - for reference they sae* burdening that the tissues in general of those ferred. from the tonsils to the- Wm - the memory with many detail's of who suffer with them are weak:and phatic glands in the neck with subs.e- methods. They are sent free of of poor eesisting power, but it does quent disease in these glands. charge. , not fellow byeany means that mils When children suffer from enlarged Requests seat to any oe the ad- monary tubereulosis will necessarily and troublesorne tonells it is very dresses given ,above will bring. hal- develop in such cases. important to examine the neck and let -ins on plant diseases, Write for These glands iaxe a part of the ben- see if there are not aLso . enlaeged either; (a), a list ef those published plastic se -stem and tire normally dense lyinphabic gIands. from which . you can make your own and firm in structure sereemg ae s The lemiatea of diseased tonsils election, (b), itheee 'bulletina. deal- kind of filter f Or the materials -which will sometimes be follovred by dis- ing with the .deselese of seine paetidular must be 'sepaxated from 'the lymph appearance ef 'swollen clands in the crop, as potatoes, or (e), a bulletin stream on its way to join the blood neck. on a certain disease, as smut' in cermet oats. ' • It is not siumnge that bacteria It can be laid down as a rule that enlarged glands in the neck, partic- Cut this out and put aWay, for fur- which may be retained in them in the course of this _filtering procese should tion and that io euch eases there is cause disease. an urgent call for au abundance of The lymphatic glands on either simple food, espeeially milk, outeof- side of the neck are very 'numerous and a eingle oee of them may be - Mother is a little girl who' trod my com,e diseased and enlarged, oe an path before Yee , entire chain ali them on either side jtisb a bigger' -911.211er• little gill whe or both eldes. ran ahead— ularly in children, mean poor nutri- ther eeferencee—Experimental Verms Note. •Mother, door life, sleep, cod -liver -oil and A child who is thus diseased should be taken Oat of school, removed to They may resembee etateg oe the country and eneouraged to play :Bigger, wiser, stronger oial Who' al- beads or they may become diethict out of dooes in the sunshine as much as possible. A child with diseha masses or tumors re %lays watches o er me, One who knows the pitfalls in the - • There may be no very great degree le -egged road I tread. Of swelling at the -surface but the en- al- largement of indivictrials or groups Mother is a playmate who wile ways treat me kindly-- ,o.f. glands may extend deeply into the ;Playmate 'who well yield. me what Ilssu°e of the neck. don - The enlargement may begin in .Lrue happiness demands. , adult life and then it is possible that painful they must be opened and moti.1)07.sInbiltersits bliahl,cbillrre,,,r Tiede -tgin it may gradually subside. treated as absceseee elsewhere are ' -This is particularly the ease when treated, who understand E. the person affected. has good care and . After they aee opened it is often Mothee i.s an- older able playmate treatment and leads a normal life. necessary to serape the interior and She will never let my feet tstrae ;into in g glands, tleat is with running sores in the neck, should have sucl7 sores dressed and 'deemed daily in addi- tion to the care which. is given to his diet habits. When theee -acute inflammation childhood and progress slowly until in these glands and (they are very be:fetend me— In .othee cases there occur acute vemove any diseased tiseues which Teatexyeax she rtravelled' in the_ p:atii altae.1:s of inflamination, tthe inflamed would retard the healing proceSS", that'e mine 110 day' gland oe ',glands soppeekete and under- - Not all eielarged ghinds reemive 1 evei: veect I ileae a :rae feom Which go' the leiet03°Y whieh is common to removal; good ;judgment is required she might defend 331 0— ebeeeesee iii ()thee poitions of the 'hi eleeicileg when an opeimtion is nee, PT'aitleful little pct.]. who eon aheaclo body. e s e a ry and lion ex l,e as i oe it shoul c ren d lklal.ried tile woy i 1 W11011 tile in fl all) rn a lion e ub ei (lee be. Let Them Invite Playmates One wise mother 'as eoon as her small broom and clusteloth and ase children are old enough . to go tc sist in tidying up the rooms. 'When school; allows them to invite one or mother washes dishes, it can wipe 'WI) schoolmates to spend the after - men or entire d'ay.on pleasant Satur- teaegoons, pans and saueer, and put them in place on the table. . One daYe. 'Ea -ch child h.as its regular Tactfut mother makes lumeelholeleasks tasks every day. On Saturday these a rouncl of games for the little help- ,are, quickly accomplished in anticipa- ere. They play being automobiles tion of the company. When -there twigs cal eyingdishes a.= kitchen is' extra work, the little girl g-aests table to cupboard, play being must think it great fun to help Wash brownies or fairies and make beds, dishes, and churn butter; -while the sweep hearth, dust turniture, etc. Singing familar songs While work- ing lightens all labor. Of couese, young children should never be allowed _to tarry heavya glass of milk is given to ,each one boys help husk corn, or weed in tlee gaecien. A plain country dinner is served •at noon, and before the chill- dren leave tor home, a simple, whole- some lunch. of bread and butter and leads, or -work et tasks until fatigu- ed. "Just of several differ- ent duties Is the -beet way to train them. Out-of-doors •cielldren love to fol - of the hungry, happy band. Iu the country, the Sabbath th1 re- tains its primal significance as a day of p'eace and rest. Little ones enjoy the Tide to church, •the meeting -of IcAv a ldfldfattier shout' And if earl- f3.0ends aod relatives, the damning, trolled properly need never be in tem irisplieing eongs and instruction in the way. The sharp ears and bright Sunday school. eyes will'. learn much of agricuatural Family visiting in tale winter time, methods end store up tesefel knowl- walks in the web& and fields in sum - edge. inee, the ellingkee of eacred stings Country children el -enact be given around the piano in the evening, close small garden tools and aliowed le have miniaturew truck end floer bade of thembeea,buratief thlierpiclitty;a religion b.i. which theityrsilleilld, be given a few easeatial ermnexit of. aur dountry, is fosteeed in °cm forefathers eretablished the gov- country life to -day. Parnily prayers, study of the Sceeptures, reading eel: - mono by celebrated writers', or stories with a moral purpose -teach the use- fulness, beauty ancl happiness of an inward, epirieu,at life, and surround elle chiedeen -with noble, uplifting in, finencee. tore% as nails, hammer, eineill saw, etc. They will some learn to Mend mall breaks en -fences, make chicken coops, clove cotee, rabbit traps, etc. All children love akin -Lab. Pet dogs, cats, cleielcens, duck's, tame rabbits, squirrel.% etc, axe soureee of nevee-faeling delight. The babe, of vegularly eariog fee pets, bringing them eood and wetee at appointed time's, supplying them with fresh Do net throw away the silk from etraw, ete, is valuable trebling TOT the diseartiedoahibrella. It will mese children. - excellent linings 'for y011.1: bate,' •