HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-23, Page 1THIR,TY-FIRST 'YEAR
. +.XETE R,
Our Corner
It is said that the Ontario Goeern.-
nient well take over the liquor bust
Hess of this province. In this way it
is hoped to overcome abuses as .far
as possible; ia the giving of prescrip-
tions; to prevent unnecessary incon-
venience to those legitimately requir-
ing liquor for anedical purposes; to el-
imlutate all private gain and insure a
supply of pure liquor to those who
are entitled under the law to purchase
In agricultural, products the County
of Huron stands high bath as to the
quantity and quality as compared with
the other counties in Ontario. In
quantity Heron is third for horses,
third for cattle, fourth for swine,
second for poultry, fourth for barley,
first for oats, first for flax, third for
Haired grains, second for naangels, sec-
ond for beans, third for hay and for
glover, third for orchards> Without
going any farther it is easy eo 'see
that Iluron takes no back seat in
Tom Sanders, writing from Belgium
on Dee. 24th, to his parents, Mr. and
Met T. G. Sanders, says in part, ---
Christmas Iivc, and, here we are in a
little village about 15 Kilometres from
Namur. We moved from F1enn, near
Mone, about two weeks ago. By the
latest reports wee will be here some-
ttme, pzobably un,.,: ,v a demobilize:
We, the, 19th Battery, have this vil-
lage to ourselves. The other battcsies
of the 4th .Division are in. neighboring
Tillages. The horses are belated in
different stables and the men are in
the houses with the civilians. There
are, ten of us en, this house with an
old wee and hie sin. We are 4uite
eonafort:.ble, but I wish I could talk
ireach and it would be :ouch nicer.
• told the other day) by the
tette. ;l, that the whole Ca tadsan eorps
would ba;ac Juno I r ary d
b }. b
y J
you tenet mother r tee Nov. 15 with tbe
enc 1n.'t:r, for Christmas Dinner from
the tome,. You may shank them for
tree. Fisc Battery has prepared quite
a dome: for to-mrnrrow. They collect-
ed five francs from each man, so the
enclosure came in quite handy and at
the tient time. I also received a par-
cel from Sexsnith Patriotic League.
That Inenas one parcel and two let-
ter: 1 have received over here. I wont -
der where the rest are,. The parcel
wet broken open and repacked in
cemene over, but nevertheless I a n -
ii o t it. Please thank theta.
Men's Wear
Ordered and Ready -to
wear Clothing.
151111'5 AND PANTS
Yi. W. Tarnan
Tailor!v F
What promisee to be a lively ses-
sion of parliament ,opens in• Ottawa
on Feb. 20th.
Gide i* h Township by vote did ,tort
laver the election( of reeve and coun-
cillors for two year terrine We think
they w ere right.
It is est mated that 590,000 bushels
of oats suitable for se_d!ng purposes
may be obtained from Ontario for
Southern, Saskatcherae and Albertat
The District Representaeivres of the
Provincia' Department of Agriculture
have beer, requested to assist in pro-
eureatt this supaly, but the prevalence
of wild oats throughout parts of Cel
tral and Western Ontario will prevent
meat- farmers from tek-ing edvantage.
'of the peem um offered, There is a
f'leztitu'a supply' in 'Manitoba of oats
polluted with wild oats, which may
be obtained, at a, lower Bost, but it is
hoped that Ontario farmers can sup=
Pie alta that are ureetieaily free from
wild oats and get them delsvased in
good time .for seeding in. Saskatchew-'
an. and Aberta.
Private Leon Treble, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Treble of Exeter was une
of the many boys .who returned on
the Olympic, arriving here on. Monday
evening. Private Treble enlisted as
the early part of 1,915 with the
33rd Battalion. After straining in
London the battalion went to Quebec
in December, 1915, and left for over-
seas in \larch, 1916. ] ovate Treble
went to France in an early draft from
the battalion in May, 1916, being; then
transterred to the First British Col-
umbia Battalion. 11 spent several
months in the fighting line and was
wounded at the Third Battle of Y'p-
rees, dusint a heavy bombardment.
The: injury right a and
an r vvus ther a foot z
J Y�
the member was badly shattered. lie
was returned to England and spent
eleven months :;n. hospital. After ai-
parent recovery he was about to re-
n o
tum to France when the foot became
werie and he was placed in office
work and later transferred, to the
Dental Corps, and remained there
until b return home. Private Treble
on his various leaves visited in .Ire-
land, Scotland and Wales, but much
of his spare time was spent in. sight
seeing in London,. He was given .a
warm receptlion on his return bonne.
j The Company now know, as the St.
'Marys, Mediaa and Riekton Telephone
Company, Limited, was orgamized 14
years ago. The promoters, started out
with the idea of ,upp]Ying a small rur-
al community with telephone service
nil made an agreement with the Belt
Rel. Co for a 1pcaa toll connection
at Exeter and St. Marys, and later on
with \litclaell, and access to other
paints on the Bell C+o's. System at
�establiileed rates.. At the end tef
the first year there were 19 eubscrib-
`era connected to the System. 'Po -day
there are 1129 connected to the three
Exchange", installed en the Villages of
I' srkton, Granton and :Medina, and the
line. cater a very large rural area.
For a number of years there has
been free service between the St.
Mary;, :Medina and Kirkton System
and the. Bell Co's. St. Marys and Ex-
eter Exchaneres, Expensive. trunk
line: haver been. constructed end main-
tained to haad,e tht.; business. fhe
caUing rate i s abnormal, amounting to
about 1,900 calla per week smith St.
3larye and 825 calls per- week with
Exeter, or a total of 2,725 with both
places This has entaeled a ;treat
deal of work as it applees to the
Central Offices and has increased the
operating cost which trader the b -
normal .condi,t!ians of the war p'aiod
has meant no small sum. Besides het,
the present trunk lines were so ;on-
gested that something had to be rlone
to relieve them either by the estab-
lishment of a toll charge or bear the
expense of the construction and the
maintenance of additional eircuiks,
And the Bell Tel. Co, -absolutely re-
fused to continue this free service.
After a very careful study of the
n whole matter the Representatives ef
the two Companies decided that et
wouearl be in, the best interests ce:' all
concerned to abolishthe free serve -e
and establish the very reasonable toll
. of 5e. Thi=, agreement met with the
of The e Ontario Railway
\ittn:cipai Board.
Title would eut down .tthe center;
rate. eliminate all Icinee of unnec-
essary •Conversation and provide an
a n
des . uate, efficient service to , the
patrons of botch systems who ;require
the use of ,:thcse+,trunk lines Lor nec-
essary social or business pur-
poses and la o. general way regulate
and +materially improve the whole ser-
vice at a ciharge •r that cannot be call-
ed other than seasonable if consid-
ered in a fair eight, having in mind
the .facilities supplied by the two conn-
panie.s, and the area serves', and that
the revenue derived would ,assist ,to
some extent at least in tihee upkeep at
the necessary trunk lines tend the
operating costs.
Thee .doss not interfere eviih the
local iservice supplied by tbhe Bell Co,
at tmh
eDxchan es
h is
e ve.
e�d 'bythen-Cr axnuuchar e
`:loss it disturb the service er joyed bs
the St. 31Larys, Medina and Iterkton
subscribers as it applies to their own
System, but it ensures an efficient
service with the adjo;ning business
roitts and access to all points on, the
Ball 'Co's System at the established
rates of the :Bell Co. based from .the
,uoint ,of :connection so that we feel
satisfied +Ghat this new arrangement
is in tike best interests of our sub-
scribers, patrons and shareLolders
and also of the subscribers connected
to 'the Bell Cos Mitchell, St. Marys
and Exeter Exchanges and we hope
to receive tthe hearty co-operation of
John, Perry, Mgr,
Private Gordon Hooper, son of ;air
and Mrs, Adolphus Hooper of the
Lake Road, Hay, also returned home
on Monday evening. Private Hooper
enlisted at Toronto and went overseas
with a Toronto t. e 'after-
L a 7. rout 135 t•a11Las t lI Lfter
wards went to France and was rev
erely wounded in the face;, He re -
co-vered in England end returned home
an the Olympic. He was given a
warm welcome. A brother, Grant,
is still overseas,
The School Board met according to
statute an Jcauary 15tHin the office
of the secretary, with all present ex-
cept E. M. Dignan. The newly elect-
ed Trustees subscribed .to elle oath of
office, R. N. Creech, Jos, Harvey, J,
PI. Greive and Rev. A. A. '.irumper.
On motion of Creech and Greve,
F. W. Gladman was elected chairman,
Miss IC• MaeFaul was re -appointed
Secretary -Treasurer, with the i falson
Bank custhdialn, of the. funds.
The following- committees were duly
elected, -Insurance, Dignan and
Greive;-,Fuel, Dignan and Harvey;
Teachers 'supply and ether supply,
Gladman and Creech; Grounds and
Sanitary, Harvey, Trumper and
Grieve; • Special, Gladman, Creech
and Trumpet.
Mr. j'. G. Stanbury was appointed
representative to the Library Board
far 1919-20-21.; and Mr. G. Mawson
audito. for 1919.
The chairman and Secretary Tress-
erer were empowered -to sign. orders
and borrow money when needed,
The Teachers' Supply Committees
reported that Miss Ross of the High;
School staff had resigned, and Miss
Gregory had been,' engaged as supply
at $100 per month, awaiting a perman-
ent appointment of a teacher; also
that Miss Dow had been engaged to
teach the Primary Room at $525 per
Tear,. Bath are now on duty.
In view of tire fact that Miss Clara
Vosper, resigned, had taught most
successfully en the Exeter school for
thirty-six pears, and after consultation
with the 1918 Board, it wras moved by
F. W. Gladman :and seconded by . R.
N. Creech„ that her faaitlaful services
be recognized by an hontorartuin of
$200,00 The mratvan carnied
Tee Board decided to .inspect the
school at 10.30. Friday tutor Hung.
The following accounts were passed
Miss Martin, S18, S. Martin et on,
$1.50; W. S. Howey 4.80 'vfr, Maw -
'son $5.00.°
The tda+ird. Wedniesde.yr of ;the month
was chosen; as the night of regular
Ma,n and wife to take charge of the
I3uroni County House, of Refuge and
farmin connection therewith; Also an
Assisetant Matrotl. Duties to com-
mence as '.soon :es passible},. Applica-
tions In writing, or a personal avpli-
ca g
t10iP, t6 .
tore, unidieirlsnl�,rnerd as soon as
possible preferred.
John Torrance,
Jm,stnector H. of R.
Clinton, Jain. 21, 1919. Clinton.
January 13th, 1919
The Council elect for the Township
of Usberne for *919 met at the Town-
ship Hall on above date pursuant to
Statute. All the members were pre-
sent, made and subscribed as to their
qualification and Declaration of Office
and took their places at the 'Council
Board Reeve A. Mitchell, Councillors --
William Coates, John T. Morgan; John
Hanna, Fred C. Stewart.
Resolutions were passed that the sal-
aries for the year and the appointment
of the various Officers be as follows:—
ollows:Reeve $60.00; Councillors, each to
be Road Comisioner of their own Sub
Div. at $50.00 per year. Clerk, Henry
Strang ;200.00 Treasurer, P. Coates,
."85.00; Collector, Wni. Brock e75.00;
Assessor, Thos. Hunkin, ;$90.Oo; Audi-
tors—William Johns, and E. N. Sheir
each $10.0x; Caretaker of Hall, Geo.
Kellett, $so.00.
Board .of Health, H. K. IIyndnnan,.
M. 0.1-I.; A. Mitchell; Reeve, Chair-
man; John Delbudge, Geo. Kellett, San.:
Inspector; H. Strang, Secty. Board of
Fence Viewers for 1919 Frank Down
W. Kerslake, Fred Delbri3lge,Amos
Douple, Jas. Hazelwood.
Poundkeep+ers;—Jno. Luxton, Sam
Hunter, Chas. ' Keddy, P. M. Moir, H.
N. Taylor, W. Hazelwood, Thos. Allen,
John Shute, and that the Clerk notify
said parties, of their appointment.
Coates -Hannan. That a Bylaw be
drafted confirming the foregoing reso-
lutions as to officers, Salaries &c., Car,
Coates, Morgan. That a copy of the
Municipal World be supplied the Coun-
cil and Officers for the year: By re-
solution the Engineers Report on the
Winchelsea Cfeek Drain Improvement
will be considered at the next regular
meeting of Council. Clerk to "notify.
parties assessed under the scheme of
the Council's intention. Council ad-
journed to meet Feb. 1st at s p. m°
HenryStrang, Clerk
by C: H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- Loth of Lmcan. .Possession has not
face: Strictly confidential no witness been taken yet.
Local News
Mr. Herb Walters Was in Landon
on business Tuesday,
Mr C. W. Robinson is again able
to be out around after his --event
Division Court was held in the
Town Ha3,' on Wed nesday, Judge E.
N. Lewin presiding,
:Vise May Wood is unable to attend
to her duties at the Bank of Come
merce owing to illness.
vir. Thos. Newell this week perch -
toed the dwelling property he has.
been living in on William Street, own-
ed by Mrs. M. Fowe1L
We acknowledge with thanks from
Private Harry J. Fuke, a coley of a
newspaper, the Express & Echo, elat-
ed December 31st, 1918, and pub-
lished at Exeter, England. Private
Duke was in all probability visiting in
Exeter at the times VVe shall com-
mrent out it et a future issue,
Mrs Gordon Murray of Hatnilton, a
held-knowna, speak"r in women's or-
ganazatio°ns: with address the eiti,ens
oe Exeter and community in James
St. Church, Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Don't miss hearing her as
she te makteet a tour through the
County and giving addresses. I very -
body"' u elcome, Silver collection.
At them,eeting of the Dairymen's
Association is London last weak the
following won prizes, -W. G. Medd of
Winchelsea, 4th for 36 lbs butter; erd
for 1 lb prints, 2nd for October 56
pounds, 2nd for June 14 nounds; and
a special prize. James H, Ross of
Exeter, 6th for 56 ib box; 5th for
October 56 1bs.t; and 5th for June
,14 1b. box.
The death occurred at-Chmton ton
Moaday, Jan. 20, of an. old .:and re- l
spected .resident of Exeter, in . the
person of John Mellott, at the age
78 years, Death was due to old age.
Mr. Mellott came to Exeter from Eng-
land many dears ago, and residedeere
until two years ago. His wife prede-
rede-ceased him several years. He is sur-
vived by one son, John W. Mellott,
who. recently returned from overseas.
The remains were brought hire OA
on Monday and the funeral took place
from the ;undertaking warterooms of
Mr. R. N. Rowe on Tuesday to the
heeter cemetery.
Anew; n liee
g. -The annual
inn of the Itilrktan Agricultural So-
ciety uta held an Friday °tternoon
last. The treasurer's report showed
the past year the best in the history
of the society, Receipts were $1573
expenditure $1357, leaving a balance
an hand of 5216.
The following are the officers for
1919, -President, John, Cole; first vice
president,• Wm. Brock; second .ice -
president, Samuel Routley; directors
James Moore, Wm. Robinson, Richard
Paynter, Robert Berry, A. Berryhill,
A Brethour, James Stephens, Thos.
McCurdy, R. N. Thur; J. Cree.ry, D.
Roger and Wm. Atkinson; honorary
detectors, J. J. Mterner, M. P., Dr.
Steele, I.P.; John Benn wies, M.P,P, ;
Henry Either, M,P.P„ Samuel Doupe
and Wm Pridhaen auditors, A. M.
Driver and. Wmt Ratcliffe;; secret-
ary+ -treasurer, Amos. Doupe.
James Moore, on: behalf of Mrs,
Moore, presented the society with a
large flag for the agricdltural hall
in honor of her late father, Robert
Beattie who was secatetaryt-treasurer
of the socbety for 25 years.
The fall fair will be held en October
2nd and 3rd.
John. Cole and A. Donee were ap-
pointed to attend the district meeing
in. London on January 30, and also to
attend the fairs' convention to be held
in Toronto on Feb. 13 and 14.
Miss Minnie Neil of Lon,dton is vis-
iting relatives ,here. -Mrs. F. Smith
and Mrs Ebby of London spent the
week end with the former's parents
Alm, and Mrs. Eli .Bice. -else Geta Lew-
is who was i;11 !recently, is very much
improved—Mr. R. L. Atkinson has
been oaa the sick lust the past few days
and W. R, Mills of Centralia is acting
relieving agent-idr, and Mrs. Roy
Bradley have returned to their home
in To,roaito after spending a month
with friends and relatives. -Mr. W. J;
Cunningham who has beern snick since
last October has resumed his duties
as section labotarnaainl,-Tore Farmers'
Club of this vicinity have relcen,tly.
taken possession of :the told village
hall incl have .begun, to remodel it.
Same will be used ;for all public meet-
ings, concerts, etc., This is ,a good
move made by this ;organization as
this v Mage ha,sbeen without a hall
far aL number of years, -Mr. E. A .Mc.
Kenzie, who has kept a. general store
here for the past five years, has sold
his store and resutdence, to Mr. 'J: L,
Samiipson of London, who takes nas-
session about Feb. i.,st.-Miss Edith
Lewis has spent the past few days
with fleenYds in London. -The Misses
Shipley of Denfield are smvending ;t
few days with Mr. amid Mrs. McKee,-
zite..-Mr- ,Geo. Flynn, section foreman
is ill at pareseaantt. • We hope for a quick
recovery; -Mr. Herb Atkinson. Toe -
onto, has returned to. lois home after
spending ' a fe v reeks w.sth bas bro.
thers of this place, -It pus rumored that
thei?'armaex's Club have 'bought the
C1 mndeboyc elevator, "recently .owned,;
by Messrs. D: B, ,McVicar nand R. Fair
Lieut. H. A, Eckert, V. S., beg;,
to inform the public that he has Op-
ened an office in Creditors,, opposite
Wuerth & Son's Feed Sure. Prompt
attention paid to aril calls day or night.
Telephone Na 4.
The Crediton Itlethodist Sunday
School will hold their Entertainment
on, Friday .Eventing, Jan. 240 at $
A meeting will be held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening, Jan. 27, at
8 p.: m., for the turpose of re -organ-
izing our Band. All: old members and
those who wish to join are heartily
invited to attend.
The fine weather i � a fuel saver.
No doubt spring will be late and the
weather unf s to do seed -leer at the us-
ual time
Ervia Fah„ner and Edgar Wuerth of
Kitchener are home for a few days.
'tris:: Clarissa Hiel of London is vis-
iting her parents.
The new automobile i tenses are
narking their appearance. The fine
weather and good roads has made it
ideal motoring.
Edward Fulmer has bought Alfred
eielici 's fine 100 -acre farm. As yet
Mr. elelick's plans are indefinite. We
trust, however, that he will be able
to locate in this vicinity, as he and
fair famly are highly respected.
elr. and Mrs, Wesley Winer of Mar-
lette. Mich., are visiting old a cquaint-
ance.: in our midst: They are former
resident: of this place, We are pleas-
ed to yeatheft they are doing well
in Uncle Sam's lend.
Mrs. Mary newer underwent an cp
eratien last Saturday. We are pleas-
ed to. say that at the time of writing
her condition. is quite favorable.
Rev 5 M. Hauch was in Kitchen-
eris st Wednesday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Russell of Toronto
i~ visit mI„ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Young.
Judging from rumors cupid must le
busy and there should be a busy time
far our clergymen before long.
J I3'. I•roltzmmn is in Kitchener
this week attending an organization of
the Sunday School,
The posteoned. Christmas entertain-
ment of the Evangelical Sunday
School was given last Friday night
to a large audience. Considering the
interrupted practices and sickness in.
the school the program was rendered
very creditably. This year a. new tle-
partute from the old style Christmas
entertainment was taken: Instead of
receivinggifts, the whole =hoot in
an Its blanches gave their gifts. The
first part of the program consisted of
chonises, recitations, dialogues and
songs, while e the,latter consustod
a pageant entitled, 'White Gifts for
the Twin ," The work was exception-
ally well: done and when the gifts had
all been placed at the foot -of the cross
it was found that they amounted to
$321.0(: This a a record breaker in
the history of the school;" 'The m e-
mesult, will be divided among the Ar-
menian Fund; Y. M. C. A.; Muskoka
Hospital-, Belgian Relief an.d the Or-
phans' Home in Flat Rock, Ohio.
Last Sunday Memorial services were
held in the Evangelical Church in
honor of Mrs. Barbara. Hoist, Chas,
Fi+rtkbe.,ner and Wilbur Morlock.
Miss Edith Wolper left on Satur-
day for an extended visit with rela-
tives in Detroit, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and
Springi;eid, Mo.
Mr Wm. Schroeder left an Saturday
for Detroit, Mich.
A cpllection amounting to $40 was
taken up en the Evangelical Calvary
Church last Sabbath ba behalf of the
One eveaeung each week has be 'n
set apart for the study of the S. S.
lessor.. iut particular, arid of the Bible
in. general- Great interest is being
taken., and the already large number
attenrtra;a is expected to Increase.
Gaps E. Broughton of Whitby is
visiting at the home of J. Kellerman.
Mr Art Graupnrer of Toronto visit-
ed with his par:enits this week. -
An organ has been .installed in our
_school, thus supplying a long felt
w ant.
Miss Ida Routledge of Zurich; spent
the week end with Miss Laird.
Coal has arraveci ,and those in need
are. now .supplied with, sufficient to
put them through till serilag,
Mr. Oaear Ha+rtleib of Detroit is
visiting at his hone,
Messrs G. Edighoffer and J. C.
Read spent Saturday iii London on
Mrs. IJ Pfaff of Sarnia and Mrs.
Heiser of Seaford) spent theweek end
with relatives in towns.
Miss Edith Wolper is at present .vis-.
urn Detroit,
Great. :impravenaetdts are going on
at ,ori:• • Bank, It will soon ; be the
beauty spot im+ tow,n.
The thole or the Evangelical Calv-
ary Church held their annual, election
of officers On; Friday evening, as fol-
lows :-Leader; Euloeem Guenther; As-
sistarnt. Leader, Mrs, Aaron Oestreich-
erg P1eaideazt, Aaron Oestreschier;
Vice -Pres., Catharine Finkbeiner;
Sec'yeltreas., Beatrice Gra'biiel; Or-
ganitat. Mina Ehlers;: Assist, Mrs, Aar-
on Oestreicl>ier; Librarians, L. Guen-
ther and Clarence Yager,
The Memnoriral Servtice for the late
Pte. Ted Ilsewas held in the Lutheran;•
Church Sunday evening and was large-
ly attended;.
Mr, G. Kellerman is vesitin,g in Kit-
Our teacheng staff are arranging to.
have, the concert - which had to be.
postponed fowling tU the ban at Christ-
mas. A bond vely entertainment is
n ome ed_ Definite nOnOmmncemen;
be made shortly.
The "flu" has practically died out
in our :neighborhood, we hope never
to return.
bliss Iieyrock of Zurich is visiting°'
her sister, Mrs. Guenther.
Mr J C. Reid intends to install rite
hydro in his barn,
Mr Wm, Hey visited friends irs
town Sunday.
The Misses Hilda Snell, Ella anti:
Isabel Cameron left Ivlanday for Lon-
The continued fine weather :is such~•'.,
that care are still punting.
Mr T. Kluunte Ss making payin use' -
of hes car these daysm' He is using
it to drive the circular for cutting
Mrs H. Wiltert and Mrs. William
Kleinstiver are at present visiting int
meeting will; be held in, Moffett's Ho-
tel oa�oFraday, Jan, 24th, at�8 o'c]pcl
p the . urpo a of organizing a
Farmer,' Club, Mr. john McIntyre
and :lfr. Wt.. D. Sanders will be pres-
ent to address the meletin;. Full ate
tenelone•e requested.
Mr. '1 . Willis .has erected a new tc e
Mr. Mesion Elston has been appoint-
ed choir leader for the church here,
Mr. Lloyd Hodgson having resigned.
Mr. Nelson Baker bought the ,out-
put of buttermilk from the creamery
for thi • year.
Mrs. E. Andrea spent Monday with
friend; "n London.
A alerting of the farmers of this
vicinity will Le held in Centralia Fri-
day right for the purpose of opening
a Fanners' Club.
Hay Council
Council meet aec•ording to statute or
the 13th, and the following subscribed
to the dec:laratian.of office and prov-
erty qualifia atien, John Laporte,
reeve; Casper 'Fir al. er, Samuel Dietz
John C"ampbelll and Wm, E. Turnbull
councillors, Andres.- F. Haus was
apnolmted clerk of the Township at a
salary of $200, and clerk of the tele-
phone system at a salary of $90.
Other ofticials appointed were at'
follows John :Teeter, treasurer, sal-
ary 5110: E F. Kiopp, assessor, sal-
ary $95; R. F. Stade, collector, sal-
ary $95; Donald Burns and Jacob.
l°Iaberer, auditors salary. $8 each; :Mrs
L. Rupp, caretaker, salary $30; A.
Heideman, membertuber Board of
a c
salary 20 e
. 0 r day; ;- -
C E' e
Y . pC. alb n s
Spector for Western Division Ind. W;
Dougall jr., inspector far Easters
The Clerk wag ordered to rider
one cop;' of the elunicipal Word for
eat. e member ;a the council. ulna, the
clerk, treasurer and assessor.
'lee reeve was authorized a look
after tie lands subjeet to sale for
taxa anti see that the Township se-
cures plotter titles for same.
A nembet of accounts were order --
ed a: I'd real adjournment made to :-•at.
Feb. Ist, at 2 p.m.
Hill -J, Stephen, on Jan, 19, to Mr..
and Mrs. Garfield Hili, a daughter.
Senior -At Wellesley Hospital, Tor-
onto, on Jan. 17,to efr. and Mrs, E.
H. Senior, formerly Of Exeter, aeon.
Stoneman-3Jitchrell-At the home of
the. bride's parents, Lumley, an Jan:..
22, by Rev. A. E. Doan of Hensait*,
Gertie, youngest daughter of Me
and Ars. J. S. Mitchell, to Carl';
Harmer -Sbtvddock- At Parkhill, On
Jan 15, Charles Bruce Harmer . of
McGillivray, to Bertha, daughter or
- Mr atari Mrs. Enoch Shaddock of
Dauncey-ln Exeter, on fan. 17 John
Dauslcey, aged 75 years, 5 monthe,
Mallett -In Cliatani,. an Jan. 20, Johan
Mallett; aged 78 year,
Er ovula -In Clinton, on Jan. 18, Johns
Brown, formerly- of Stephan,, aged
55 years.
Ross—Int Tuckeirsani,th, on January Le
Williatn J. Ross, aged 48 years, and.
5 months..
Waleh-In . St. Mairys, on January 18
P.ataick Vvallsh, aged 74 sears ' and
10 anoeath,s:
Bellmozre-At Brandon, Man,, on, Jam •
18, Sarah Dearing; wife of 9dblpph
Betllmotre, and sestet of hers. A. S.
Davis of Exeter, itt .her 49th year..
Marshall-ln loving memory of Pte,
James R. Marshall, beloved 'be ov f
1 son of
Elizabeth Marseali, killed in aotuon
at Lens, Jan. 21, 1918.
He little . thought when leavingdlomre. • •
That hie would never return;
But pave he lies in a lonely grave
And we ane�
1e ,ft,ta mourn,.
His cheery way, hissmiling face
Are a pleasure to recall;
There is nothing left to -answer
But his photo ,ton; the wait '
Sleep a dear n son in, a soldier's grave
Your life for your country' ym*e
nobly gate;
But safe in God's,l:ccp:hit snoworu,i,
Mother, Y ]e,
Sistr and Brother,