HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-16, Page 4" ' attaclted to thea sIII so Iong as sae ,ertV(cate�j continued tranaportitl� troops to Zurich The E t.3 " IVs OF WEEK Canada, p Sanders: & Creech, ProprietorsFRIDAA1 .. important Events Which Have Fire did e4,50Q damage. to.Mullin Hall,Toronto Subscription Price -In advance $.1,50 per year air Canada,,; $2.00 in the United States, All subscriptions not paid in advance 50c. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Display s'ldvert.sug-Made known otl. ail, licatian. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e. three insertl'>ns Ia1.00. Farce or Reel Estate for sale 50. each in .r: In or one month of four ir3uere', e:t.. - 25c. fee, each - subsequent tn, rt;a>n �i `e, ▪ els articles of notpmare theefive nue, Per -Stile; To Rent, cs 1 eed Last. Fa'und, etc., each in - se i •:a 5c L, ^a: Reeling rart,ces, etc., 10c. icer. lk 1. i ei asc.`« r n. No notice ten tba-i 25 Cod c+f Tha ks :Talc. Lees- 1+. s^ 10z. an:l 5c a !ire A^• 1a ':es $2 for one insertion an ,�.o insertions if moderate site Card; not ova eedislg 1 year. • 'F lt'R DAY. JAN. 16tb. eee ". 19 Grand Bend Wm. Dewey of Lake Erie es... L, s� .rauied r;'e>r4.-Mr.0 Sha r.:'s; c., :y}.,, a ',14.141 on the 'th. 'r.:i see ef Seuthemptcn :Ire: vi : , t ctrves. arnu ui here.. -- Prive e leu e, 'Mallard steered hon'.: to ^ c- !•-c ' : t - '.. t T w day. Queer! ,a Stu Mae • .1,E ; area • weal to ince ;tial'. £r place Parish:1i Bead plat -ad -e.> ,,,.• Tse was lcav"- icti tee. �+a, .r"d mend shots were fared to t, elcras e him home. 1st see one we.; vthid Pres -ate Mollarcl was able G. alms kerne.- A dartee we givee t?: arise eve:tine for him. -Mr As:,;f s y:,, teae at Thee -- turd :<w- a few days. Cromarty i.xu titer o Mr. and Mrs. • le Halbert, near Cromar- ty, ea e l a .r home on Jan. nth, at- to :a ow clays'*?M,-zass. The an - n -:e i „ . death was p;l.umo.n- ia , tettesk of in luen ta. Desseo.1 .+ :even every attention and de - . reseed away t f b" housecs pr eumotei:i had '.et Sate .v.f~ spec z. dee.. Stns.e oe 1tt 31 e -% o 1g ee ' > ,>f friends, `c "vs 'E i er Be cede e c lou; . a F.-... .:e `. meetly ...la .o end.orr,.w Tei d a zt Jen 5, lasintit dee v Lucan. lar.. Calvin, Williams, who is c igag • I, e3 with the D, .X� C. Navigation: Co., 's 3uffalo, s pending a. f,ew weeks with anis brother' and, sinters here, -Mr. Roy Seeger of Toronto Unifrereity spent he holidays at his home here•-lfrs, Iarrison ed e' ,is visiting at the wince oe Ilei parealts., Mx. autd 14irs, Nm Klopo o'f #o]snn.-•11?x, 3. Elgnn :leas .returned to Toronto to,. resume r is studies 'at the School of P --ac- acal Science, -Mr. • and Mrs. Humph- ey Daym-an and son, Leslie, of Ken - :Lady, Sask., are visiatieg at the home s• ear. and 12rs. J:as. Green, Parr Line. -We notice on Saturday's Buffalo expren. that a, sale leas been. consum- -natea whereby Direct Hal J. 2.06% lessee to the ownership of parties li • ng ixi°t Zurich, Ont, -Mr. Fred E. Du- :.harme lia; sold, bits 20 acre farm nor - of St. Joseph, on the Sauble Line, a lea bzo:h•er, Mr. \Vu . Dueharme, vha gets Immediate posteesi0'n. The former has purchased,. the 91-acrearnl south of St. Joseph, from lir. Wilfred i Laporte, and gets anmediate Possess - Lee of the same. Mr. Chr.,a Schra. ,las sold the 81 acre farm nor.h -of Make which I- e purchaeed from Mr. Zirk; last June, to Mr. Jas. Masse >f St Joseph, .for S5250. Mr. Masse. sets possession of sane next March, -Messrs Sam. Oesch and Ted Rau Ind Earl. Rau have gone to Detroit -Mr Wm, Bechier of Elkton, Miele„ is vision„ relatives here. --lir, Edmund )esch has returned from a visit in Michigan with relatives. Occurred Out ing the Week. S The Arenas of Toronto were dem feated 4 to 2 at Ottawa Icat night, The Busy World's Ha ppenitrgs Care 'The touring Waterloo county curl - era were defeated at ,St. Thomas and London. An attempt has bean made at Prague to assassinate Dr, Karl Kra. - mare, Premier of Czeeho-Slovakia. .A deputation is to go to Ottawa to ask for a grain elevator for Ontario of a capacity of at least one million bushels, John Vegry*nuiek, on Austrian, was found guilty of murder at fl'oree all, and sentenced to be hanged on March 28, George Geeler, a G.T.R.track:a n. was instantly killed, by a snor,rleegh during a terrifze atone' on his beat near Harriston, Tom Powell, well kno a; n as pitcher with the Drantfor e O.B A. e},. team, is dead as :he result of art at- tack of influenza, The London & Lancashire Fire In- surance Co. is arranging to take over fully (3ompiled and Pelt Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper A Solid :floor's Enjoyment, 9:1:?ESD A.Y. Former German Crown Prince is " fllxued" in Holland. The Ontario Government will end private labor agencies. The production of copper has been curtailed awaiting final settlement in price. Attempt is made to overthrow the Cevetnm at at Warsaw by anti- Socialists. Alfred erevier, aged 63, was gored by a bull and died in a hospital at alantreal, Sir Arthur Pearson told of work for the blind at St. Dunstan's to the Canzulian Club. lir, Edward Grey, general man- t seven companies in addition to those ager of the Imperial Bank, resigns, 'already absorbed, owine to ill -health. The Eastern Ontario Dairymen's i eeo P. Sussing was fined $1,000 eoevention at Belleville is marked Hamilton for violation of the On- by the :best ea:ti:..i.i<zn of cheese ever tario Temperance Act, yet seen in C: n.^4 ., A tractor schoolis heirooadu eTl The oItm i - in S>xccted to re l'y the Department of Agriculture at Hatllz.lx rxt'eat t,Vt ee day next with thant, Ont., with about 50 attend-.tmzlcosorzrtly Caanaditive talonsold.,., ariersil .pass.ngers, The Coniagas Mines, Ltd., annual statement shows a decrease in silver production of 367,000 ounces in ,918. Views of Premier Borden as to re- presentation at the Peace Conference are put before the Allies by Great Britain. Bouquets of roses were presented to retiring members at the final session of the 1918 City Council of Toronto. St, James' Methodist Church, Win- nipeg. was burned to te ground on Snnalay morning; loss $2u,000; in- curance $91;000. Hon E n t I) MLC r es evarenues , died suddenly on a hunting trip on Saturday night at the Laurentide Fish and Game Club. 'WEDNESDAY. The Government plans to Make dental inspection in the schools general. Canada's three principal railways' gross earnings increased by $29,580.- 125 in 1918. London's Red Cross campaign, aiming at $75,000, raised $35,7655.50 the first day. Pensions for children of deceased or totally disabled soldiers have been considerably increased, Sir .Atelier Pearson was presented r .a . Wvixia. k:, : a;.t a great meeting In Massey Hall, Toronto. The Austro-Hungarian battleship calzlaurg, requisitioned by France, has arrived at Toulon. Arthur W. Vardon, of Galt, drop- ped deed at his desk in the Goldie &: McCulloch Co's yard office. e fliooded waters of the River Seine are still rising and Parte cel- lars are beginning to fll up. Notice of motion was given to To- ronto Piesbytery to change tenure of ofd Tit o Lal at .`an r tact e c, end his reniiii were JT -res Cemetery. Clan- d='+(:sday ofee:ao:;an. p A;, KI-3il,i..-Tbe death took place at Aa-tc-3,a Hospital, London, on the Al o': • a ` riper resident of this town in the person ofJohn Daubs, a harm r nmker. He is surveyed by his seethe:, Mrs J. Daubs of Parkhill, a brotee« James in France and three sisters., The funeral was held here om Thursday. TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on once rude of the paper only. Check off thio list, at ;Say assist eau to remember an i m t item: Deaths Marxzages, Births. Accidents, Church News, Suppers or Prose ntatiosaa, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News, ,Fires, Public improvements, Law Cases, The Craps, School 'Matters. Avoid all items reflecting on per- ste-al character, but send ALL THE NEWS. .ter "eel ee of elders in the church ' Ina remarkably fast game of hoc- key, the Canadians of Montreal de- feated Arenas of Toronto by 7 to 6. Inspector of Detectives Kennedy has resigned from the Toronto police force. Seventy-one second-class con- stables were promoted to first-class rank. All restrictions in the shipment of egg size anthracite coal has been re- moved by the 11. S. Fuel Administra- tion. R. B. Rice's Queen City rink won the final of the main event at the Galt bonspiel from the Brampton rink, skipped by Tom Thauburn. Two St. Thomas grocers were fined $25 and costs :each for selling adul- terated maple sugar, and warned of heavier penalties for second offence. THURSDAY. Rev_ Edward Cockburn, librarian of Knox College, is dead. Fighting continues between the Poles and Ruthenians for the posses- sion of Lemberg. Earlscourt (Toronto) citizens will oppose the move to restrict express free delivery zones. The Hydro is pressing for a refund of $2,000,000 Laid in duty on ports for Chippawa power develop- ment. The Bell Telephone Co.'s applica- tion for leave to increase rates was heard by the Dominion Railway Board at Ottawa. The newsprint case was argued be- fore the Paper Tribunal at Ottawa by counsel for the publishers and for the manufacturers_ Congressman -elect flerger of the Milwaukee Leader and four other So- cialists were found guilty of treason by a jury at Chicago. The Union Bank will pay a 10 per cent. dividend and sell the balanee of the authorized capital to sharehold- ers at 'e160 per share. The funeral of Col. Roosevelt .took place yesterday at his home on Sagaalore Hill. The body was buried in Young's Memorial Cemetery. Milverton and London were the winners of the second and third events, respectively; at the Galt invi- tation. bonspiel, which closed :yester- day- The three-year-old daughter of Mrs. Henry °liver, in Sandwich West, died of influenza, the fifth victimin the family within two weeks. Maj! -Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, who recently retired from the command of Military District No. 3, died at his residence in Kingston after a brief iilzi ess. The e Irrl rial LiftAssurance p eCo s annual report shows that 51 per cent,, or $365,393, of the total 1918 death claims Were due to the influ- enza epidemic. • Rev. A. J. Vining, College Street Baptist Church, Toronto, and whc acted as chaplain at 'the front fot some time, bas resigned his charge on account of ill -health. At the Northlencl inquiry in Ot- tawa Major Westmore, O.C., the con- ducting party, said he and his staff - would: be well satisfied to continue If you are renewing nr subsc•rib- img fier any of tb,e 'Canadian daily or weekay papers, you may do eo at this office. We have always looked after this for scores of aux subscribers and ere stili doing so. We can give it to Tori cbeaier as well as Save all expen- tes fro. const ctien, and nowadays. it .costs at least eight cents in cash be- -sides stationery, to order a paper -•a�lY U7H TIME The important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and, the body develop- ing. A growing child needs ,every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body In vigorous health. To ::a ',developing child SC.:I TT'S Er � •ter i', ION comes with particular help. Thousands of thestrong men .and wozr.on of 'today' were in youth -time nourished and. <; sts ngtheneci to withstand Thr inroads of disease by the consistent use of Scott's. Scott 8a iiovme.Toronto, Ont. 18-1 As_'oalaations found, d in various allied countries to study the problem .f a league of natloes will hold a ,lomat meeting in Perls on .Tan. 26. (`>°nada's revenue fot•.nine months of the present :fiscal year is about thirty-two million dollars greater tient in the e ee ;lkrioi last year, Stickia of nitrate of soda znanu- fo:ture+l in Frn nee for war purposes. ere beia.g placed at the disposal of agriculturists by the Ministry of 1t•z•,aement. Baron Allaralz von Deni 13. ,Men- Tel , nephew of Count von Bernstoz•g, x-aas sentenced at San Francisco yes- terday to three months in jail for having a forged. passport. SATURDAY. Ludendor*f has ben given permis- sion to spend one month in Sweden. Hon, J. A. Calder addressed the Canadian Club of Toronto on work. of repatriation. Spartackle workers at Essen, Ger- many, have decided on a general strike on January 19: The Marconi stations et Sable Is- Iand and Camperdown (Halifax) are again on a peace basis. Dismissal of about fifty employes foreshadows early dissolution of the Canada Food Board staff. Memorial services for Theodpre Roosevelt will be held at the Wash- ington Capital on February 9. Commander A. P. B. Carpenter, on the Vindictive at Zeebrugge, was. a visitor in Toronto yesterday. The Alberta Labor Federation de - ceded on the formation of a political party outside of the Federation, Ontario is to give Ottawa power to expropriate Provincial uncultivated farm Iands for soldiers' settlement. It is expected that all Canadian forces overseas will have been brought home by the end of August. The Appellate Division of the Al- berta Supreme Court has ruled deal- ing in futures on grain exchanges illegal The polo team of the Royal Air Force of Canada won from Squadron "A," U. S. Cavalry, at New York last night by 12 to 10. The remarkable prosperity of the paper business was indicated in argu- ments of counsel for the publishers before the Paper Control Tribunal. The Scandinavian, ,with 268 sol- diers besides civilian passengers, and the hospital ship Araguaya, with over 700 invalided soldiers, have ar- rived from England. Officers .of the Northland testified in the inquiry, showing that method of serving, not insufficiency of sup- ply, was the cause of any trouble over food shortage. Canadian racing and breeding in- terests have asked the Cabinet at Ottawa to lift the ban which brought about the suspension of racing in Canada last summer. MONDAY. Toronto Hydro linemen and elec- tricians have been granted an in- crease. The allied commissions in Berlin are being protected by Government troops. The steamer G. R. Flagg is in dis- tress some 20 or 30 miles from Halifax. Canadiens of Montreal beat the Arenas of Toronto in an N. IL L. game at Montreal by 13 to 3. Notable tributes to memory of Col. Roosevelt were delivered from four Toronto pulpits. Bolshevik troops have attacked the new positions of allied forces in the Archangel area. Julius E. Waterous, one of the founders of the Waterous Engine Works, Brantford, is dead, aged 75 years. James Devine, a carter, was crush- ed to death at Kingston Junction, apparently while trying to board a moving train. Fortunato Tedesco, a respectable Italian workman in Guelph, was mur- dered almost at his , own door about midnight Saturday. First British Labor leaders, mem- bers of the House of Commons, have refused to attend the Socialist con- ference at Lauranne. James Conner, before the People's. Forum, . declared that the news- papers were not . being allowed to publish. 1 rr ash all the news aboutRussia. a. 1 The steamer Castalia, with 44 men is drifting helpless and in a z -king condition: off the Nova Scotia s.>t, several steamers trying in vain o take off the crew. A St. Thorras soldier returned from France to find that his wife had eloped with a "safe player," taking the three 'children, and having sold most of the furniture. Ignace Jan Paderewski, the Polish 1,•.E filer. has been slightly wounded by Sri assassin, who entered the room of his hotel at Warsaw and fired: one at hisi,. according to an Ex --A 7,a, ego Telegraph despatch from „:spenhagen, "'FLU.' BAD IN ST, MARYS DISTRICT ST. MARYS.--Several of the deethe last week were due to influenza, lien- 1'v Creighton, once of the oldest rest - dente sef Blanshard, died- in his Roth year, the funeral taking place Tues day.-Archee Wiles a proxnhient young bushier a man, with pron.erty in. both Fullarton Said Blanshard Town- ships, succumbed to ru;eumonia ,on elonday,- After an illness of several sears, Mrs Joseph Albert has died. She wee a --daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Hamilton, and was widely connected 1n this district, -News has also reached here of the sudden death in Pittsburg of Mrs. Ethel t'i.rton Forsyth. wile of Rev, Henry lI For- syth, of Ben Avon P,zlesb, tc ran Church of Blanshhvd.-Peter full rt Muneytown, la the employ of A. L. McCredie, the flaxman, died as a re- sult of influanza,-Peter Marsiebi"h, of the St Marys Cement plant, was ale so another victim of influenza. Others who have died during the week of the trouble, which seems to Romedy Kidney or Bladder troubles by first removing the cense. If yea are a sufferer use Gin Pills. 50c. a box. Sold everywhere. SIR EDMUND WALKER,' O.V.O. LL.D., D,C,L-, President CAPITAL PMD UP, $(5,000,000 SIR JOHN Peal C;Pr .*•at Maraaser H. V. F. JONES. Ass't. Gen'i, Manager RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SENDING MONEY ABROAD Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from, The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The cost is moderate. Apply for particulars. 65 EXETER BR. --A, L+. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON-J, A F. S. KENT, Mgr., at Dashwood, McDonald, Digr INCORPORATED 1855 • f • • .0 0f{ f �'{! {i,1.KMf•{,.AA0 ,10.0 Id f *SU 10"e411 Ili{`40.t11!!! DONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 i 07 Branches 111 Canada A General Banking l illcss Transacted is Circular Letters o4' Credkt Bank Menet Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPS R T _.MEN : Iatsraat allowed at highest cnrrrat rats EXETER 1&'ANCH- W D. CLARKE, litnager be more ^ fatal than before, ar: ,-\Irs. Michael Brethour, wife of the well- knowe Blanshard farmer who died in her 34th year after a brief illness, at her home oar, the ,Base line; Her mo - ether, Mrs Ralph Hunt of St. Marys died at her home here on the 10th, Both deaths were due to pneumoz' ' William Waddell of Motherwell alas died on the 10th, in his 40th year. Mrs. Jeer: Mo;crpp of the Base lime, Baan-- ehard died the same day, and M1r. and Mrs Wesley Hodge of Fullerton lost J a two-year old child Saturday CLINTON-The. wife of Ex -Mayor Harrison Wiltse died suddenly at the family residence on, Jan. S. Up to • Monday evening she was in good health. She is survived by her hus- , band, two sons and is is daughters, one of whom is a teacher in, the Clin- t ton Model School. Notice to Creditors In the mattet of the Estateof Henry l Atkinson,;` ]ate of the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middle- sex, farmer, deceaeed Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims ag- ainst the &estate of Hens -y Atkinson, who d'ie.1 onor about the 28th day of N'ovenlber, 1918. are required eleor be fore February 3rd, 1919, to send by post prepaid or deliver to posers. Gladman atanbury, of the Village of Exeter, solicitors for the Executor of the said deceased their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their nc cwunts and the nature of the secur- ities ,if any held by them.. And further take notice that after said last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among thepar ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said Executor shall not be liable .for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distrib- ution. GLAD??IAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executor, Dated at Exeter this .9th day of Jan- uary, 1919, The Saivation Army Million Dollar Fund MAIL YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ONE OF THE TREASURERS BELOW, OR TO COMMISSIONER RICHARDS, 20 ALBERT ST, TORONTO :.: .• .• • :vat Vie MUST provide for the need of the Sod -Ler and his family! It is absolutely necessary to ensure certain safeguards and comforts to our boys over there and over here, so that they may be re-established in Canada, strong in body and soul, contented that we at home have stood by them to the finish. What sacrifice can we make for the boys who were prepared to sacrifice every- thing for us? What the Salvation Army Has Done , It has provided comforts for fighting 'nen since the twelfth day of the War. Hundreds of thouse:ids of parcels of food and clothing fcr the boys. Tens of thousands of beds in Hostels in. daily use in France, England and Canada. 197 Huts for Soldiers. 1,200 uniformed workers. 45 ambulances. Thousands of War widows cared for, Looked after soldiers' families. Labored.for the Master. • -- Helped to preserve the home ties. Given the MOTHER touch to, lonely men. Soldiers Home January What Remains to be Done Keep 'the Hostels open and open more, so that every returning soldier can get a clean bcd"ar_d wholesome meals at a price `he can afford to pay. Provide comforts and safeguards for our boys, advan:.ing into Germany, as well as those corm _ • ho=e and needing a place to eat and sleep, inaIialifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, London, Chatham, Winnipeg or . Vancouver. Guide and assist soldiers' families, especially the widows- and orphans. Coming Campaign 19th to 25th The Salvation Army is equipped andorganized to take care of the soldiers' URGENT AND PERSONAL needs -needs that are imperative. It has never made a general appeal for funds to carry on this work until now.i G ve and give liberally. If you are not certain that, your contribution will be taken up by a canvasser, send it, .direct to the Hon. Treasurer, Sir Edmund Walker, Toronto -subscriptions will "be acknowledged.,' "God loveth a cheerful giver" SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMITTEE Headquarters: Treasurer Toronfo :'ani! Ontario: Treasurer New Brunswick: Treasurer SIR EDMUND WALKER TAMES M. CHRISTIE DONALD Nova ScotiaAA , 13 > Toronto D tierce, Halifax,NMS.