HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-9, Page 8eETER MAR -WETS Changed Eacb, Wednesday Fall Wheat Spree; Wheat ,,. „», „•2,06: Oats ,,, :,,, 70 Barley „> 990 Family Flour r . Creamery butter ,,,, , 58 Dairy Butter ,,, 45 to 48 Ne;, Laid Eggs t o'aer 1 week old 60 Real small. or held Eggs ,,,, ,.. 46. Lard 31 Potetcea .., . .. 135 - 1.75 Ha', per ton ,..,,. 15.00 to 16,00 Boge per ewt „ . ... 17.50 ANNUAL MEETING EXET1;.R AGRICULT'L SOCIE 1Y The Ai ed Meetixxg of the Exeter A esulturas Society :will be e.e,cl in the Town. Hall. Exeter, on Fridge, January 17th, 1919 at 1.30 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing Presid- ,,,xr. ,Viee-Presetleet and Directors for the eesuia"g year, and trartsaet ng oth- er ;rztpertant busesess. Al:? members end !interested pasties bouid attesad this reeeteag, The D'tztectors are particularly^ re- quested to meet befare the ;mewl zrxeeer% at 1 o'clock sharp. W D. SANDERS R• G, SEI D'ON Preeeient Secretary Tr' our Wheatleta for b:+eekfast, Food and we have some nice Oat Meal, HARVEY BROS. MOVING PICTURES. High Class tiMovieg Pictures will be put on in the Dome Theratee on Sat- urday evening next; Do net mise, them, They will be good. FISl•1 l FISH!! FIST-' ! At Wilson's—Fresh White Fish, Herring laid Hadde always on hand in. season. FOR SALE Cbeice feed beans ate+ca,sonabk j.. price, also a n umber o ehunke aa, eig tFTee geed brood sows, due t litter in 11art:.h,, CARLIN BROS., Phore. 52, HENSALL LOOAL DOINGS, Make 1919 a see ng Tear, Corp C Horsley of Clinton, is Listed with the killed, We have been having some Mee winter weather during the past week Herb. 14L. Zettel of Greed Bears, pr'soner in Germany, is repatriated! Mr Orville Southcott has beers in dere-se the week at Dr. Hyn.'lnan's hospital. Mr, Robert Dion ey was takers el of ;rehire= an Sunday and ie Stili eon -- fined to, his bed. :Hiss Laura Jory has accepted a. position with Mr. Lee Wilsen le the store and has commenced riety. We are glad to see Road Commiss- ioner Bissett out again. after ten days.' illness, ?1iies: Gladys s else re- covermg ,nicely. Rev R. J. Bowen, M. A., will oc- cupy the pulpit in Caeca Presbyteries" Church. on Sunday ntareexg, end in the Trivia Memorial Church in tine eve' ng, A behalf of the Bible Soc- iety. School re -opened on Monday with large attendance of pupils, The staff of teec1>R,rs in the High School we,; one, short owine to .illness in the family of. Kiss Ross, whose home i. near Willierestown, Miss Martian is substituti,n ; in the Primary roan of the Public School, until a teacher is secured, the former teacher, Miss Horton, ha)arsg been engaged to take the Fourth Book work, which has for several years beezi ,n. charge se:74kis Vosper, resigned. Mrs Margaret Allem of tows" receiv- ed wood the other day of the death. of her sister, Mrs, Eli.abkth Shoe- bore= hoebot um in Fairbury, Sask.., at the home of her soot Irrraeste Mrs, Shae- bothem woe borti in London 77 rears ago, and resided there for marry eears. She :s survived by four brothers and .zve sisters. They are; Wm. Wilsson, of Cromarty, David Of Broup ldale, leisee:rd Fw`i Loreto:), Soutar, Saua7 a, of Ails, Crag, Mrs. \lacy J. Hobbs near Thoradale, Mrs.Nancy C.O'Neil� of Parkhill, 'eIrs. Margaxet llen of � Exeter, Mrs - 4tarthe 4. Rou.tied.g,v of VETERINARY PRACTICE. Zurich, and Mrs. Prudence ,e'err, of Neb asks, W S. Dr. Hersey A. Corsant has bought •,••�• the practice of Sweet 8: Reid and RETURNED SOLDIeRS, will continue business at the same stand. W R Sheppard of 'Mitchell, Geo. L Kemp of St. Mans, Fred T. Ar - MODEL FLOUR is good Flour. Our nold of G:oder„ ch, flour is Whiter now as restrictions are being removed.; Try it I MAIL CLOSES. HARVEY BROS, (eying to the changes in the rail - TEACHER WANT1e,U. N4ay time -table the morning mans at the post -office are now .suede up at Fat the. Primary Department of Ex- 9 o'clock for the south and 10 tec.1a4 k eter Public School. Duties -commence for the north. Jan 6th. Apvly Miss K. MacFaul, --- Exeter 5 CENTS A CALL ON THE LOST.—A pair of black curly driv K1RItTON LINE, ing gloves. Frartder kindly leave at Commencing January lst a charge of this office, 5c is beim; made to call people On the Kirkton Telephone Line. The SECOND-HAND STOVES—A few same rate is in effect from St, Marys good second -.hand, coal or wood cook and a protest is being made in that stoves for sale—a snap.—Geo. Hawkins ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed away from the prem- ises oI the undersigned. about three weeks ago, red heifer A reward will be given for her return, or for infor- mation that will lead to her recovery Otto Ewald, Butcher, Crediton, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness LAND WANTED. 300 acres or more land for fax for next year. for which good rental will be paid. Ontario Flax Company Jou. Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12 CROIX DE GUERRE Capt Will J. Knight has been, award ed the French War Cross, Croix de Queue. tau Class, for distinguished' service in the field. DEATH' OF MISS GILLIS. There passed awaey at Dr. leyrd- man's Hospital, or► Tuesday mornings Alice :Myrtle Gillis, only daughter of the late David Gi11ie aged 20 years 1 month. The deceased was taken, 10. of iztflueoza on Saturday., She was at once removed to the hospital, but she soon succumbed to true rates of the deadly disease, The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Exeter cemetery. QU ANCEDILLING, The marriage took place at 'the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Samuel Mingo east of 'Jensen, on Wednesday, Jain. 8th, at 12 o'clock noon of their daughter, Laura 13eatrce to Mr. E. Maurice Quaace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quaz ce of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A E. Doan of Henle The cere- mony aver. all sat dowa to a sump- tuous wedatg dimer:. The young. couple took the_ ev 'ng train for a tris: to Haw,lttan♦ lecredotu and Tor- onto, The bride travelling in a tailor - el suit of brown valour, with, ht io match and wearing a black fox let of furs the gift of the grootn. Qn their return they will] take up .cheer residence on. Ann Street, Exeter. Con- gratulations and best wishes are theirs Mr. W, H. elartyrz of London spent Wednesday in Exeter!• County Clerk Geo. W Holman of Gode:rich visited relatives here last week Miss May Sanders returned Satur- day sight from a two week' visit Windsor Mrs. Trumper and, children have re- turned from a visit of three weeks in London. Miss Olive S. W.dlert leas returned from two weeks'holidays. Mies 41yr- de Willert spent a few days at l;ome Mr. Frani: Boyle, traveller for Ike Imperial Oil Co„ is attending a meet- ing of the compares at Hamilton this week Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kuntz were coiled to I3a:lhwood owing to the death of the former's father Jacob Kuntz, lfr, Herb. Trevethick of :efeifort, Sash,, arrived here Saturday to elsit snelatives and friends in this neigu- borhood, Miss Rosabell Pfaff, who visited hese parents, returned to London to re- sume her music course at the ltillikin College. Mrs E J, Spackman, who has been bore for several days, owing to the illness of Mrs. Tamaas, returned to her home in Toronto' Monday. Mr. A, E. Andrew and younger son, returned bonne last week from the west where they spent the summer oa their farm, The elder son re- mained le the west. Miss Gert'- Short returned Monday town, A protest should go in from 1 to Toz(onto, where she will resume• her studies at the Deaconess emu" - Exeter as well, When a oust amer "ne School. Miss Fern Short also re- turned to London to resume her stud- ies at the Business College. of the Bell Line pays $20 a year for a phone he should have free smoke o:z a territory a little larger than his own village, This is the general tien- ion of the Bell patrons.. INSTALLATION OF OFICERS. The ix"stailation of officers of Leb- anon Fonest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & For Infants and Children A 14i., took place en Fra lay even - an Use For Over30Years iris, St John's night. V. aVor. Bto. M. Eacrett performed the ceremony, Always bears assisted by Past Masters Tne fol- lowing officers were ;nstalled:-=1. P. Signaturctiie of r M., Bro. A. Hastings; W. M., B:o. W. J Beer; S. W., Bret R. N. Rowe; j W., Bro. A. E. Kuhn; Chap., V. War Bro. M. Eacrett; Secy War. Tiro R. N. Creech; Treas., V. Wor. Ero C H. Sanders; Dir. of Cer., Wor, Bro. W. W. ;Taman; S. D., Bro. Nelson Stanaake; j. D., Bro. E. M. NOTItCE Dignan; I. G., Bro. R. W. Puke; S. _ S., Bra. H. 5. Hovland; '5. S., Bro. Opti a. he probable serious fuel M,,, J. Southcott; Tyler, Bro. S. Sweet eitnati .: • e • Fuel Commissioners of Auditors;- Bros. F. J. Delbridge, R. the 'Toa: ,a -i;t of Usborne have order- 'V Fuke, ,ed four :-toads of screenedsoft coal tihrot, , ale's deader, �V. Ct. Medd; DEATH OF MISS BALKWILL. WirreheLses. Seeing that there is Au Exeter woman„ Miss Mary Balk - likely to b tittle or no hard coal wilt,died on. January 3rd in London, forthcoming r.:ta.payers are advised to at the age of 60 years}, She was born place their orders with either the in Exeter, and was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Wm. Balkwill. Her parents and an. only brother died scy- eral years ago. Miss Balkwill resided in Exeter nearly all her life, and was 7;e.,pected and 'esteemed by all who k:uew her. She was a faithful and consistent member of the James St. Methodist Church and a devoted Christian,. The remains were brought here on Saturday, .arid the funeral., private, which � va= "'vane, took 'Place m Sunday from the resi.idence of her` cousins, Mr: I. R. and the Misses Carl- ini;, to Exeter Cemetery. CASTOR IA Reeve or any of the Councillors to secure their needs. Ti5NBY STRANG, 'Clerk. FARM FOR SALE Lot 1 Con. Usboirrie Tp., about 104 acres with 5 acres timber thereon; has been seeded down for five years. Good brick house with kitchen., slate root on. both; bank barn 50x75 feet, wit', cement floors in basement; about 30 apple trees;, This is an excellent farm, well watered and well located. Wil' be sold right. If not " sold rx+i11 DEATH OF MRS. PASSMORE. be rented. Apply to Wm. Whiteford, Exeter, Ont. The death occurred in Calgary, Alta. on January grid, of 'a former Exeter lady, in the persona of OliiVe Hoop- , er, wife of Arthur Passmore, at the age ,of 36 years. Deceased bad'beeu i11 only a.few days of influenza ' and pneumonia, She had for years been } troubled with asthma, Mrs. Passmore was a daughter of the late Nelson Hooper and Eliza Pickard, and was a native of Exeter.; After the death of her parents she resided for .some ears with her aunt, Mrs; "Win. G, Bis - nett: Later she trained as a nurse in Victoria Hospital, . Lendor4:t. Several years alga -she maritired, Mr. Arthur Passntose,, son sof Mr. Henry Passmore of town, Since their marriage ° they resided in the West, except during the year of 1917, when they lived' in Exeter, Beisaides the husband she is survived by two daughters. Thee fun- funeral un funeral, -.took place in Calgary. Mail Cont><act SEALED TENDERS, addressed to -the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, the. 24th day of January1919„for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, :an a proposed Contract for four years six times per-week,:•over Exeter No. 3 Rural Route, from the Postmaster. General's Pleasure. Printed 'notices containing ` further. information as -to`conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of _Exeter . Hay, E1inn�-alle, Hensall and `Credited, and tat the office of the post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, post Office .Inspector. Post Office inspector's Offivice, London, 13th December 1918. .All.interested ,3n the "Choral .Soc- iety” are cordially invited to attend a nieetling 'qn Monday evemi,ng, next, at 8 ,a'clack sharto ito the School room of James St. ,Church. All sing- er; are welcome. • "Wo -L, Clarke, Director. Notice of Tender HAULING BUILDING MATERIAL FOR WINCHELSEA SCHOOL Sealed Tenders will be received by the undelttsii:gnled for the hauling of 20 thousand Milton, pressed brick to be taken, from the car on the siding at. Exeter, and hauled to the Win- chelsea. School yard, and _arefaily piled. Anyone may tender for one or more thousand,. The brick are ex- pected about the 20th of Januray, Tende-(sfor hauling 16 cords' of gra- vel from Wood's Pit and put in •a neat pile in the Wirachjetstea School yard. The gravel must be clean acid fit for. cement work.. Anyone may tender for one or more cords. Con- tract to be completed before June 1, 1919, Tend(ens "far hauling 7 cords of sand s Pit,aput irt, a fiom Canln and neat pile in the Winlch)elisea School yard. Contract to be completed before Juhe i lst, 1919. Anyone may tender for one or more cords.' The lowest or any tender not nec- 1 essarily accepted by the committees: Tenders to be in 'the hands of the' Secretary on or before the 16th day of January, 1919. j, W.' SKINNER EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1919 - JONES & MAY PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-362e Great Clearing Sale of Furs Ali , Our Ladles' Fur Coats and Sets Must Go Regardless of Price Although we have bad a splend'd season's business in Furs, we do not wish to carry over a. single z.z,r•uent to next falls So this is the reason for our lig price reductio--, Of course at these reduced prices they must be sold for strictly cob b ;t f.; 4mpassibie to give a complete list of and description of our far k. so we +,i;iJI ,only mention a few Janes to give you an idea of aur paices.— 1 only Lady's Uludson Sent ,Coat, beaut'ful quality of skies, Old Rose Pople 'trued, in. very latest style, was $240, Jewelry 5a1e price $200 00 lens42 1 only 25.00,tyforSe'ect Caitad':en 1,usi.r:at Coat. ,L: inch, was $100,00 2 Only Mustkatt Coats, same as above, one: 45 .nth long, were, $140,00, .for , ,,,,, ....... , ••:.. , , ,. , $110.00 1 .only Mink Marmot Coat, was $110.00, far $85.00 Sets Scarfs and Muffs 2 Natural Wolf Sets were $22.50, for . ... ...... ..... 317.00 1 Natural Wolf Set, was 530.00, for ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, , 522.00 1 Natural Wolf Set, was .. 332.50 for ...... ............ .... ...... $25.00 1 Natural Lynx Set, was 333.00 for ,..,,,,,, , 325,00 1 Patagonia Fox Set, was 327 00 for $21 00 1 Black Fox Set, Was 336 00 for ......... 525 00 1 Natural Wolf Set, was 525 50 for ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,• •439 00 1 Natural Wolf Set, was $23 50 for ,,,,,.,,, „ , _woo Z Badge' Sets,, were 3iZ850 for ., , ..... ...... ......... 522 00 1 Columbia Sable Set was 333 50 for ....... ......... $25 "00 E:ctra Special Black Russian Waif Muffs and Neck Furs to clear at each...... ........ .... ..... ...... ......... ....,, ,,,,,, ,,, 35 00 Men's Fur Coats Men's ;Best Quality Wallaby or Tasmania Coon Coats, reg 375 for 360.00 Men's Black Dog Coats at elear at..... ... 335 00 e''en's Heavy Ulster Overcoats at ,.,... at 31300 `-: $15 00 BIG BARGAINS IN BOYS' OVERCOATS YOUNG MEN'S BELTED OVERCOATS IN THE NEWEST STYLES BOX'S HOCKEY SHOES -- ALI. SIZES IN STOCK GREAT CLEARING SALL. STILL CONTINUES ON LADIES' PLUeli AND CLOTH COATS, DRESSES AND SUITS JONES & MAY Headquarter* far ter Ctbitated SeadMard St Lion Bantle Clothing ?'its aid &p i. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices) teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convig•i Oe. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould HORSES WANTED, I warn't an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year+ old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years olid up weighing from 1300 'pounds up,. Parties having thie reetrired stuff, write or phone 83 'Exeter.j DOWG. MONEY TO LOAN Wit hero a brge moored of private Et at»'too Loan on fame and Altagm: pty at law rotes of lntatt. (9lSI AD'ME3rN & STANBU1tY Barrist'era, So4dcftou . E►xttei. ISAAC R. CARY.ING, B. Barrister Solicitor, Notate Public," Commissioner; `Solicirtor for the Mai- sons Batik, Et& Motley tb loan at »,reit rates of intent. Office—Main Street; Ex'etee. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE .FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Dr, G. F, Roueston;. L. D. S., D. 'D. S. DENTIST Member of thtie, R. C. a, 110. S, of Ont, Honor 'Graduate Toronto University Office over Carnage Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R, KINSMAN; I.. D..S., D. D. S Honor Graduate Toronto Uanwersity Teeth extracted without pain or any bad. effects: Office' Over Gladnian ::& Stanbury's Office, Mainz Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE1sR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, , ,Midd jes'ex and Oxford. , . Farm Stock Snaps a .Specialty. Office e,<af Cock huts Watiesoomnext-°' door to Ceantral', Hotel,' Main Street, Exeter.; FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer, far Cour es oi` Htunotc orad Middlesex priced ' Rhe ax d Satiefaetion Guaranteed. Creditors, — Ontario. A Clearing Sale of general Store Goods -AT A REDUCED PRIME A discount of 15 Per Cent on orders not• less than $ 5. Everything will. be sold as the Proprietor has bought a farm. M. Wild, Elimville Exeter Bargain Stor Stock Taking Sale DURING JANUARY WE ARE BUSY TAKING STOCK AND THERE ARE PLENTY OF ODDS • AND ENDS THROWN OUT AT A. PRICE 'THAT MAKES THEM' GOOI) BUYING. e, Clearing Sale of Wool Caps wad Neck Scarfs at 48c. Odd Lines of Cozy Slippers at 98c. Odd Lines, of „Underwear, Gloves, Mit:;, Ti1es, Etc. Men',., and ,Boys'• Heavy Rubbers and `Sox. ' FINE SI-10ES IN ALL. THE NEW COLORS AND SHAPES. eave 1 ,