HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-9, Page 5-44'*"' STORI
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Exact Copy of Wrapper. Cr:NTAU>< eoMPA,Mx, NRw ,QNK afTv,
For Infanta and Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine GnstorIa
Bears the
for Over
Thirty Years
Unexcelled diming ear sere: •,t
Sleep g cars on night trains and
Parlor calm on principal day train,
Full information from any Gr rs3
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-'
lug District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Phos 46w. Agent, Exeter
`.s"irRATFORD.. ONT.
We paaoe ;g,raduaite+s in , znOsitions.
Lady Students of last term are now
earning as high as $15 sand even
$20 per Week white boys are earn-
ing ]z ;her salaries, We've Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart-
ments Write for our free Catal-
D. A, McLachlan, Prin.
ST. MARYS-Wm. Ee1ey,` an ern:'
ployere at the cement works, who re-
sides on Thumps street, was taken
ill with influenza the first part of
the week ,and died ,Saturday morning
at thte age of 48 yerarsll . A widow
and a grown-up family survive.
Auction Sale
oa Lot 13, Coe, 1, London Rd. Ste,
Mien Tow;nshin, on TUESDAY, JAN.
21. 1919, at 1 o'clock, the following--
Hones --1 hay mare sup. in .'ail. n
,)ear -olid; 1 bay marc. 9 years, e foal;
need brown mare; 1 brown n u.re,.
9 rears, dtrver goad single and dnru!,1e
2 Mies rleing three; 1 gelding, ria-
te two; 2 .tielt.leg foals.
Cattle -Cow, 7 -years, •°clue Jaa, March
e.. t,w•, 6—years, due in April; taw, 6 -
-wears due in June; Farrow Caw, 4 yr;
Heifer, 2 -years, due he March; fleeter
2 -years; 2 h'e-,fers, 1 -year; Steer, 1.yr
2 h•e;,fers. 12 -months; Steer 12-m'eath
old, 4.spring calves.
P s-1 sow, due in February,
p ee. 2, ,1a eters old,
Impi_e r :tits-IeCerzu e,k Bender,
McCarnn,cle mower, hay :eke cultiv-
ator Cocka':nutt sulky. plow; Fleury 21
walking plow, 2 -furrow arn�g plow ;
set diamond ]:•arrows, land r-011e.r, Deer
;n; drill, scuttler, two and half !eel)
tire wagon, farm wagon; set of hob-
sleghs, fanning mill, hay rack, 2 ;.et
work .harness, water trough, v
apes, 150 foot track rope, cream
, t:pautator, Inteereati,onal; 22 reel yin
blower pines evidifletrees, neck l okees
and other articles to numerous to
First class calSe dog. ,
No reserve as the proprietor has
given up farming.
Terms -.All sums ocf $10 and under
cash, over that amount 10 morntlts
credit on approvled joint notes. A
diecount of 4 per cent toff r''or cash
on. credit amounts.
Auctioneer . Proprietor
MITCHELL The funeral took
place on Saturday of John Henry Vic-
tor, aged 41 years, who died Thursday
at the home of his father, Henry -vic-
toa, Trafalgar street, Interment was
made: in Broadhagen, Cemetery, Log-
an Tow.nshi.p.
Churches vs. Socialists,
BERLIN, Jan. 6. Independent
Socialist members of the Prussiau
Cabinet have decided to resign, it lrae
been learned. -bAmong them will be
Adolf Hoffsnani., whose course to-
ward churches and schools has re-
-anted, in batter opposition, even
frons some of hie colleagues.
Sixty thousand Catholics and Fro-
.stants of I3erlin. raker a mass
:meting on ThurgdaY, neareltecl in :c
nocession to the ni aistr y of Public
orabip, where t3, s s; a demon -
tion against Adolf Hoffmann, In-
!-pendent Socialist, who holds that
• i 1'Li -
ozo, Dr.Karl
a knecht and
),a Luxembourg, the Radical lead-
s, were also tar; ee of the crowd's
,',:'r. As the throng starched along
streets it sang "Deutschland
' :., Alles,"
Atter reaching the building, entry
gained and a large number of
It ople entered s7, rching for Hoff-
Sau, but he was not found, The
.fwd then dislreza;ec1,
Maxim Gorky Now n Bolshevik.
ZURICH, Jan, 6.-- Maxim Gorky.
the Russian author and revolution-
, ist, has been cleated a member of
are Petrograd Se r is t, according to
ilussian advices received here,
i Despatches in late November re-
, ported that Maxim Corky, who was
, at Urst opposed to the Bolabevaki,
Iliad joined them and had accented a
position in the Bolshevik Department
of Education,
Ontario Government flab prices
re increased,
by C.I. Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Do Not Fear When Fighting a
German or a Gerne!•
Br D. P,d,• EOM.
The cool :tighter always wins and 80
there is no need to become ,panic-
stricken.. Avoid fear and crowds. B
excise he the fresh air and practice the
three C'$ ; A Clean Mouth, a Clean
Skin and 'Clean Bowels. To carry off
the poisons that accumulate within the
body and to 'ward off an attack of the
infictensa bacillus, take a good liver
regulator to move the bowels. Such .a
one is made up of Mayapple,, leaves of
aloe, root of jalap, and is to be had
at any drug store, and called "Pleasant:
Purgative Pellets," ,'
11 a bad cold develops, go to bed, wrap
sip well, drink freely of hot lemonade
and take a hot mustard foot - bath.
,Have the bedroom warm but well ven-
tilated. Obtain at the nearest drug
store "Anuric Tablets" to flush the
kidneys and control the pains and.
aches. Take an 'Anuric" tablet every
two hours, together with copious drinks
of lemonade. If a true ease of influ-
enza, the food should be simple, such as
broths, milk, buttermilk end ice-cream;
but it is important that food be given
regularly in order to keep up patient's
strength and vitality. After the acute
attack has passed, which id generally
from three to seven Jaya, the .system
should be built up by the use of a good
iron tonic, such as "Irontic" tablets, to
be obtained at some drug stores, or
that well known blood- maker and
herbal tonic made from roots and
barks of forestlaves-sold everywhere esl
Dr Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
$5.0 for $4 °°
,• i
'ar-Savin s
As 'Christmas Gifts
UY a War -Savings Stamp for $4.00 and
affixi t
it toofCertificate
1 the tsfic
1?><' ate
that will be given. you. Fill in the
name of the one to whom you wish to make this Christ-
mas Gift -the most desirable of Gifts, for it may well
mark the commencement of habits of Thrift, the
stepping stone to Success.
The Certificate
In offering your gift you could say, "If you invest
your savings regularly in War -Savings Stamps; you
will soon fill this certificate, which becomes Canada's
pledge to payyou $50 on the first day of 1924."
"With every 2$ cents you save you can buy a THRIFT
Stamp; 16 of which on a Thrift Card will be exchanged
for a W. -S. 5."
"An excellent investment for small
savings; and a strong incentive to
every -day economy.'
Minister of Finance
Money -Order Post: Offices, Banks and
Wherever the W,-S.S sign is displayed.
Mr and Mr;. Chamberlain of Niagara
spent the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Mrs Chamber-
laian's payments,}-\tr. Gavin Moir, of
Quebec, is paying hes annual visit at
MONO. ASIMPI.•••PaiNg.sol
this season, of the year: to his brother
Andrew. —Dr. J. W. Peck has re-
turned from his trip to St. John, N.S.
-M. W. Bush' and sisters of London
spent a few days here recently with
tbe.ir relatives and fri,e':ds.-Rev. Mr.
Garrett of St. Paul's church, has
Comfort of Body....._ 1 MAKE CNCIIETE TILE
Many children and adults
are ,constant sufferers from cold
hands and feet and are acutely
susceptible to every chilll and
sudden climatic change. There
is definite help in
which furnishes fuel to warm
the body, helps make pure,
red blood and maintain the system
in a state of robustness, so that
the buffeting winds or the sudden
chill of evening are enjoyed rather
than feared. For comfort of
body and bouyant health,
take Scott's Emulsion.
watt BQwne, Toronto. Out. 18-13
Write oti erre aide of the paper
or beck off this lint, it .ssay as, ist
you to 'rem aubenr an irnpoa lrt item
Deaths Marrs wes, Births,
Accidents, Church News,
Suppers or PrennialiorTj,.
Removals, Visitors,
Lodge News, Non,
Public Improvements,
Later Castes, The Crops,
School Matters.
Avioid all items reflecting on per-
sonal character, but sand ALL THE
secured the :ti'Iunro children, the veli-
r.novn eaterta'ners, for a concert in
the Town hall. on Friday evening Jan-
uary the 10th.. --Miss Grace Elder who
has been, In. Toronto for some months
i• borne spew:tag the holidays. --Mrs.
L Waiper and son, who have bean,
]aero for some months intend, return
int; to the west, where Mrs. Fl. site ;'s
daughter, are 1 wing. -Mn and Urs,
W H Reynolds have been visited ;y
."e.. ::Yes 'i'F %nt from the •aesf,
Mr. Geo. Ialbfl;eisch of Detroit vis
itcd ]fere for a few days. -Misses -Sei-
m and Gertrude Wcicteloh of Detroit
visited with their parents, Mr. end
;lira. H. F. `Veselok for a few "eeks.
-Mr. Wm Leham' ef Caledonia, Mich,
visited relatives here, --Miss Merearet
Stelck, nurse of Guelph, is visitin t
the home of her mother., -Mr, Moses
9 Ge ger left on. Tuesday far 13ader to
attend the foal. ral of his aunt, the
lata Mrs. J. Kriereb er;-Mr. John. 'Wid
rich and sister Mollie of Neer Yot1.
and Misses L. Erb and )3.Strire of
:linden. were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gascho.--Word was received
here of the death Of Mrs. J. r aereber,
wh; ch took plate at her home in Ba-
den Deee;.ased foreter]y lived on the
Bronson Line, Hay, Her husband pre-
deceased her about five years. -Pte,
Charfea Hartman arrived at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hartman, Goshen Line, south, Satur.
day Mr, Hartman enlisted over two
year., ago and and sate active duty
in the trenches in France. -After sus •
fering for aom,e years from tuberi:uio'•
sis, Louis Dabus, a respected farm-
er living on the Babylon, Line, Hay,
passed away an Saturday, Dec. 28th.
Deceased was in, poor health for :some
time and his death was not unexpect-
ed. He leaves a widow and a familg
of small children. to mourn his loss.
The funleira] was held to the R. C.
cemetery.. --H. F. Weselah, H. A. )scow
aid and A. F7' Hess were. re-elected
Pot+Ice• Trustees for 1919. -Miss Gais-
er, nurse of Crediton, is nursing Mrs.
E Wurm, who is seriously
and Mrs. John Kipper and family ar-
rived here from Biggar, Sash. Mr.
Kipper will open up another black-
smith shop. stn, Zuricht-Hay Countci,
was ze-elected by acclamation.
'.-,-.::i--...--- -
. Chunky Bar
.....,... 1. Zz.-',',....,.:,,
` �. 1:_.., .,�; =_ _ :, :..,;-: You can use Comfort to the very
• a a i ; :>:
n. last. Itdoes break
a .
.6' o
n, g
. ."
: -
d , �
_.,u not when w r
� ,, YF , down. And the bar is the biggest
R � and best you can get for the
, money. "Comfort" the
A�.� ort gives you
.M,..t . greatest (possible soap economy,
}.... the' greatest possible satisfaction.
a ,' Y:;". 1:i+l">f PP'f'Bllt9lAS y.•
>:, For 25 years lle
. the biggest se r�
• 97
�.i� and sales still growing.
J4,. ��},Yyt4i .-1l., a+"x "4 +
VS: 24 st
" It's All Right'
IWelt Cured and Pronely Made
Cement Tile iqual to Clay.
Strangles, an Infectious Disease or"
Colts. May 'Be Controlled --- The
Cause, Symptoms and Treatment
of This Serious. Disease.
(contributed ntributed or nntsrlo Department at
Agrieultufe, Toronto.) ..
0 make a^;uerete tile satis-
factorily cto il; ;nany things insist
be taken into consideration.
In the first place it is very
necessary thai tta manufacturer have
experience in t' • rzaking of Concrete
tile; besides, a, is esaentit.l to have
good strong machinery, a good quer-.
ity of sand and gravel, or crnslwd
rock,. first. -class cement, des teriai and.
cement thoroughly mixed, s nd a kiln
where the tile may be steem cured.
Only strong, heavy and durable
ssaehinery should are need With
r>• ,eject to material a good + grega to
would be one part neaten .l. which
e- rind pass through a treaty -mesh
sieve, and two parts, esti l . n"x1d
range from the previous • ee acrd n-
tinned up to one-quarter huh stone.
Only good sharp material sl o Rid be
used -- one in which th- rt• t }1 3 r
should be avoided. If thin
procured a sand woe -line' rues! • .e
will have to be added to the eget ,e,
stent of the plant.
Where a great many tiler . ••'at'ite^-
turers make a mistake in ''ng
of e0nerete tine is In tile~ to( fief;
they use too "lean" a raiesuf.. tie et
is not enough cement to the m rid.
The proper mixture for f:. s'-. s
tile is one part cement to 21?� parrs
of crushed material, ^nd in zit+ "^•�a-
Should the mix be more lean then
one to three of a to;ai aggre vette
sufficient water being added t s the
mixture to make a gine vette/e'en e,r,
When the tile are complete.,1, t s.,y
should be placed in kilns where they
may be steams cured and left there
for a period of not less than 43
The kiln should be abaft six feet
in height and of a width ; efficient to
allow the required number cat trucks
on which the tile have lice n placed
to rest during the curing process.
The tile should be placed in the
kiln not more than 11.4 soure after
it has been manufacture.; and kept
there for 48 hours daring the
steaming process. After it has been
cured it might be removed from the
kiln and piled in the yard, and
Should have at least two weeks hard-
ening before beim; again disturbed.
Before the produer of any *Pe 'plant
is offered tor sale eamplee ,mould be
tested either at the plant o: a at to
the Drainage Departmzt:.t at the
0.. A. C., Guelph, to he it.;., �'a see
if it is of the proper strength.—W. R.
Scott, I3.S,A., 0. A. College, Guelph.
Strangles --Its Cause and Cure.
Strangles, commonly Galled "Colt
Distemper," is an infectious, febrile,
erruptive disease p'°culiar to horses,
especially to colts or quite young
horses, but those of all ages are li-
able to suffer. One attack does not
render an anima] immune froma
second, but there are few cases in
which an animal suffers the second
The disease appears in two forms,
known as (a) Regular Strangles,
(b) Irregular Strangles, often called
"Bastard Strangles." As with all
contagious or infectious diseases it
is caused by a specific virus which
is communicable from animal to ani-
mal by contact or surroundings, may
be carried from a diseased to 'a
healthy animal on the hands or
clothes of the attendant, on pails,
forks, harness, clothing, etc., and it
is possible it may be carried consider-
able distances in the air.
Symptoms When the abscesses
form in the space between the arms
of the lower jaw (called the maxil-
lary space) the general health is
often so little affected that nothing
wrong is suspected until the abse..:.ses
break, but in most eases there is a
dullness, more or loss loss of appe-
tite, increase of temperature, nasal
discharge, at first watery, but soon
becoming purulent. Bough, often dif-
ficulty in swallowing. A tumor or
tumors can be felt, and ge.ierally
seen in the neighborhood of the head,
usually in the space already referred
to in the throat or higher ue i est
posterior to the lower jaw. 1 ora
cases the patient becomes uu - t o
swallow, the cou ' a becomts .3 `
painful and breathing more or less
labored and difficult; and he usu tty
stands with his nose protru.led, .r r-
ing a. supply of fresh air if al ,peen
Treatment.—In mild cases good.
care and comfortable quarters r..re all
that is needed,
other than flushing.
out the cavities of the abscess s three
times daily With a five per ca • •. solu-
tion of one of the coal tar ani optics
or carbolic acid. In more_acute cases
in addition to the above it is good
practice to steam the nostrils occa-
sionally by holding the patient's head
in steam escaping from a pot of boil
ing water, to which has bees added'
a little carbolic acid. Feed and water
out of a high manger, as he swallows
with greater ease when head is ele-
vated. Give the patient two to four
drams of hyposulphite of soda (ac-
cording to size) three times daily.
Keep hot poultices to the throat,
lance abscesses as soon as reacty and'
treat as above. Feed on soft, easily
swallowed and easily digested food.
If he wont eat keep up his strength
by giving new milk and raw eggs
with an oz. of sweet spirits of nitre
several times daily. Do not attempt
to drench him. Give the powders out
o! a spool, placing them well back
on the tongue. Give the liquids with
a 2 -oz. syringe. If there be danger
of suffocation, and.. the amateur can-
not relieve it, a veterinarian should
be sent for promptly. In cases of irri-
gularstrangles the same treatme
less the local attention to the fokiti
lug abscesses is allthat an amateu
and, after all,; that a veterinarian ca