The Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-2, Page 8,..tee MR, MARKETS Chooeed Each Wednesday Yell OSplogreTa -Z•06 Vats......- ., K . .,u, . , , 79. 3arey ,..,, 90 leamily Flow .. ....,. ..5.90 'fiery butter 58 31airy Butter 45 to 48 Mee alive 17, dressed 21 se ,..- alike 18, dressed 26. `Tatirkeys alive 30, dressed 40 .Ruc.ko alive 20, dressed 28 New Laid Eggs rriotover 1 week old 60 66 real small or lxeid Eggs gaer'fttatote .,. ti1.35 1,75 %may per ton .••.,..,. 15.00 to 16,00 ug, ,.,.,..,. 17.25 ' 'J THE CITIZENS OF 1;XETER. t take thio, :apnoxtunity of most +Gs>zdially thenkOttg. the citizens .of Ex - Ke: for their loyal support to me for the conIi,derxce they fare wined in me et electieg me by ac- ''a„113,atrtattiotzfor atliiryxd ternr as reeve mow" the hipat cipye 1: shall. be my pleaettre to promote best interests of Exeter and do what 1 can to make this abetter and kyrighter town. I extend to elf my Ow'.wishes for a happy an,d Prosper - ,14o, New €`,ear:. Yours respectfully, B. W. F. Bkaverss. Irs oar Wlteatleta tor bt+eeklast ;lr*.eend, void we lave $ome nice Oat ;Meat HARVEY BROS. If yet: reside on the farm you will =rely find The Farmers' Stun a prof- itable and candid friend, Its market T, parts. both stock and grtie, are un is luallect. while its independent views oxeye eel: beer: appreciated, Oise Doe. lar for fuhi year's subscription. Tlet. iFernaers' h Weekly Sun, Tororn' CARL GF THANKS 'Mr and Mrs. John 11. Andrew of t;sborne wish to thank the mew etrieed, for thee kindness and sem- atattaze riur:,^ng the illness and recent bereavement anent at their daughter, also toa the Laany beautiful floral tribute-. "t1OD f• 1.. F LO R is good .Flour, Our lour a whiter eow as restrictions are otiela; , ..anored. Try it HARVEY BROS. -FARMER CLUB MEETING. Theme* Road Farmers" Club will -meet oe Monday everting, Jan. Otho et> hear the report of the [snt;,tetl 'Farmers Convention of Toronto. seer TEACHER WA tiTh..D. Fot the Primary Department of Ex meter Public School,. Duties commence Jan 6th. Apply Miss K. MacFaul, seter `LOST, -A pair of black curly (Iris-- Ow rivk g gloves. Firmer kindly eave Zt. ditia office SECOND-HAND STOVES -A few ,good second- , coal -or wood cook stn fors a seep. -Geo. Hawkins ESTRAY,isomer HEIF hR There strayed away from the prem - al -the undersigned, about three exeeks ago, sed heifer. A reward will Ire : given for her xeturar, or for anfor- ema,tion that willlead to her recovery Otto Ewald, Butcher, Crediton MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED bit. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- ' 'lite. Strictly confidential; no witness .;AND WANTED. ;3(10 acrei or more land for flax {for next ve•tr. for which good rental era', ba paid Ontario Flax Company Jos. Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12 N OTI(CE Owing a, • lc.• .probable serious fuel :situation ::p Nei Commissioners of the :Town. -.:rip of Usborne have order - .;ed .lour c., r- :, Lis of screened soffit eoa1 through . t, ii dealer, W. G. Medd .Wivahelsea. E., ..ing that there is likely to be 1 i tie or no ;herd coal. •lorthcoming int; .-payers are advised. to ;place their priers with either the „Reeve or any of the Coun:c,illors to *secure their needs. HENRY STRANG, ,Clerk. FARM FOR SALE Lot 1 • Cou. Usborne Tp., about 104 :acres •with 5 acnes timber thereon; seeded; down far five years. WlSeod brick house with kitchen, slate prod on both; bank barn, 50x75 feet, with cement floors' an basement; about apple trees. This is an excellent farm, well watered and well located. 'Wil' be sold right., If not sold will :be rented. Apnly to Wm. Whiteford, 'Exeter, Ont. Mail Contract SEALED TENDI,RS, addressed to -elle Postmaster 'General, will be ,re- ce, veci at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, the24th day of January,1919, for tthe conveyance of His Majesty's .Mails, on a proposed Contract for :four years six times per week, over Exeter ll0; '3 Rural Route, from the '----Ptr444alaster General's Pleasure. Prirnted notices containing furthee. inforfriation as to conditions of pro- ;posed Cantracfmay be seen andblank forms of Tender may be obtained at Abe Post, Offices of Exeter, Hay, Eiimv Ile; " Hen all and Crediton, and last the office of thei Post ' Office 1fnspector, London. CHAS. E. M. FISHER. moist Office 'Inapectior. *Post Offace inspector's 0ffiice4 "Landon, 13th December, 1918. EX E rER 111J1LG.' TE, TR UD8DA t JAN. St 1319 ApApvpmpimpporrAipt LOCAL DOINGS. 1 Writlp 1919: '"ate by the W. S. S. ply The Toronto Deily Star sa adding another 'doliax to its subscriptipn, price at New Ye4,174 Works on the hydro electric railway the main line of • which will, nut through St. MMarys, will probably be commenced new fire war is over, - St. Marys Journal, Dr C:orsant of Lucan, has purchas- ed the veterinary practice of Dr. Sweet and the late Dr. Reid, and took over the same on, Saturday last. .Dr. Sweet is 'reti.rikte from the 'active bus- iness Jarneo Street Methodist Sunday S "boot had a mads meeting, on Sunday afternoon for reeiew4 A co)iectioce was taken for the children of Europe and Alia, Mr. Herman Prior gave a ohort address. Rev baker of Crediton and Rev, Finlay' of Centralia.. occupied James Street pulpit Sunda mornieg and ev- etnizt ,resPectj;vely, The pastor, Rev. wird , has been quite ill, but is re- coverieg otsc-ilY, and was able to be out to clutrch, Mr Wm. Hem has eo?d. Ins 50 -acre farm• on. the 9th cor,lce&slop of Us - borne to Mr; Thornton Seale of the sem": town .hip. Following this deal Al: Hero bought Mrs ,Joai H. An- drew', farm on the 6th eonCtessicrn of U.zbeene. Mr, Andrew will become a citizen of. Exeter. In^. renewire..his subscriPtoison to the Advocate Mr, G. G. Gibson, a Thames Road Old Boy, of St. Louis, Alo., days :--"Please accept army best thanks for your very campliren.'tary refer- ence in your recent issue It will serve two purposes, Yiz: It will show uw friend, that I ar,t still in the land of the living and that while an Amer- ican citizen I ,till love my alive country. I was sorry to see ancon; :he death notices that of Mrs. San -t- wee, wOom 1 have kanown for over fit.) years. One by one the dear old friend; are slipping awayti I knew i,er when Ale lived in Frarncietown. I :n' enclosing the amount of the esti scriptio t to your sellable ,paper for another year, and hope all your readers will a preciete t as much. as I:FTL RNEI] SOLDIe,RS. Durin,° :the week the following sol- dier. have ,returned from overseas: Pte John McDonald, brother of Mrs, 1" G. Creech, Pte; L. E. Day of Ex- eter Sapper Clark, son of Prof. Clark of Exeter S. W. Watson, of Park- hill, F. A. Frederick of Clinton, Sap- per Suaha of Godei-ehr E. J. Bird of St Marys, A. George of . :is,t Craig C. W, Hoskins. of Mitchell, J. W Murray, Pte, Weiss, W. McDou - gall of Goderich, Gunner I. A. 'Turn- bull of K,irkton. AGED LADY PASSES. The death occurred at the home of her ;rand -daughter, Mrs, Nelson Stanlake, Con 2, Hay Tp., December 26, of Isabel Thompson, relict of the late Donald McLeod, aged 76 year:,. Death was due to old age Born. in Scotland she was there married, rural with her husband came to Can- ada mane years ago, settling near Ailsa Creep She had spent the last tune winters with her grand -daughter, Mrs Startlake; She was the last of the family the two sons and two dauhter and the husband hawing pre- deceased her. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Nairn cem- etery A NICE SUM FOR RED CROSS, Mr A J. Grigg, who was Regis - era: for South Huron when the regis- tration was taken last June, has 'n::- ceired from the Canada Reg;:,tration Board. Ottawa, a cheque for $637.36, payable to the general fund of the Red Cross, this amount being there-. muneration of the deputies and as- sistant deputies for their services con June 22nd last which was assigned to tha Red Cross,. The; amount from North Huron. would be a similar one. which means that those who gave of their services in the registration in Huron County contributed to the Red Cros. Fund something like $1300 or $1400 DUNCAN-PASSMORE. A quiet but very pretty wedding took place .at the Main Street Meth- odist parsonage, on Tuesday, Dec. 24, when Miss Ruby Passmore, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Passmore, was united in marriage to Mr. Gilbert Duncan,, all of Usborne. The ceremony was performed by Rev: Dr, Medd, at five ,;o"cback in the af- ternoon,, The bride was beautifully attired in .black taffeta, . trimmed with white satin and fringe., Mises Reta and Pearl Cann, nieces of the bride acted as witnesses The ceremony over all returned to the bride"s home, where a suinjptuous; wedding dinner was served, followed, by'a Choice pro- gram 01 • idusic and games,; The groom's gift to the' bride was a hand- some ai,ecklace, while this was supple- inented with many beautiful and use- ful presents from friends. The young couple left- .Chaa(stmas day for their, future ibomie on, the",groom"s fine `far>ih one the Flugtown Bine. TEACHER WANTI.'D• Second-class' `professional teacher fee S. S. No. 4, Usborne. Duties to commence at once. Salary $650. State,. qualificatiR and 'expetietncef Apply to R . D. Hunter, Exeter, P. 0. ESTRAY HEIFI R A yearling . heifer has strayed 'onto my .property; O,ner can .have same by proving property and paying d- pen$es. . . John Roeszler, Cour_ 7, Stephen. CrETERINARY. PRACTIth. Dr. Henry A. Coasant hes bought the - practice of Swept & Reid and, will cornfifiue'buoluess at the, sVue War Saving` Sterne Promote Thrift. firs W. W. Tainan, who was so. ser6.ously 413: with Pnfeumonia, is notr slowly recover og,, Road Comm,'<ssitoner W. J. Bissett alai daughter Miss Gladys, have both been i1I duriee the week, but are eel covering There are now 50,000 dependent wives and ^itktdrteet of ,Carrel ti sol- dies: waithtie for boats to get back ti Canada. MOT CAR only aecomiodate 503 at each saac a•. W W. Morxrs4r whose pieture ax,- peared in couany with that of e fellow student, with the following complimentary reference to both, nn- ueared in Monda_yyeveni g's Daljy vertiser :--"The Western, Ueiversi,•ty O'Zetlical College has just acclu zed a fine new feather for its cap in 'the fornt of a report from New York of tle. standing taken by two of the fifth year students in examinations held M.:, week in; Bellevue. Hospital,w York. Last Wednesday Wallace W, Morrison went tO New York to write au competiitmve examinations at Belle, vue Hospital Out of a class of 29 writing on, the examination to qualify fo- post -graduate courses, including students from the most famous una- tersity medical colleges, he not only passed successfully, but took first place, Wallace will hardly be recog- nized ecog-t .ized by the name of MgctrieOn, Tie havirno had: his =dose changed from Shosenburg to that Of 143'oraison, and he is a er (d -soap of Mrs. Wi Cam Hawkbasr' of town s PTE. JOHN D. LAINQ DIED, Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Laing of town received word oa. Friday last of the deatld in an hose al stn Belgium of their son, Private John D. Laing, WI - lowing an attack of pttetn'a. Jack enlisted with the 161st Huron Batttl- tor, went to England, and was inl the, first draft to Pam, soon after 'ar- rival He went through' many of the important engagements -during the pas* twn years, only to be stricken, with illness and death altar the war was over. He wast a bright and pop- ular young main and soldier, and sin- cara sympathy is felt for the bereav- e 1 reletiv1esii He wa,s only 19 yearo. of age, haviug,e listed when 17, Ptd H Twyford of Clinton is also listed with the dead. RETURNED SOLDIhRS. Each week sees a few of the sold- ier boys arrive home fromEngland' or France, and all ,the home peoule ioiri, in giving them hearty welcomel Pte Louis Day, who enlisted hot, the 161st Hurons Battalion and went over - sear with that battalion, and later to Trance, returned on Friday night last, and was givers a royal welcome home. Prevate Day in order to enlist had to dispose of his business iaf dairying, an,cl it is a .pleasure to welcome him. back again. He became El in France and was returned to England to re- cover Happily he did. and on. pewee being declared was sent home. Sapper W. A. Clarke; son of Wm. Clarke organist of James Street Meth- odist Church, Exeter, 'hrrived at the home of .his parents on S{alturday morning He enlisted in the 155th battalion, Bay o£1 Quinte, in December 1915 After training in Kiangaton hoe left for England in October, 1916, and further trained at Braanshott camp, and left for France in Dec,embnerevith the lnd Canadian Infantry. He was in the battle of Vimy Ridge, alter which he was ineeCided to England, In Oct•, ober ha returned to France and was gassed at. Cambrai, and returned to England in January, 1918, ,As soon,_as able he was sunt to the. Canadrt(Red Cross Bono Room„ London. On. Dec. iltli he sailed on .the S.S. Corsican fron' Tnlbury Docks, arriving at 3t Johns N.B, on, Dec. 25. The 37 boys' returning from Toropbo to London speak in highest terms of the splendid manner in which the C.P.R. offir_ar>ls treated them. 'Could not be better.' Miss Lily Huston of Dunncille 5s trysitina .her parents here. Mr Fred. Tucker of Clinton :Tent the week end hese with friends. Mrs Rich. Eacrett of Brantford seen Monday with relatives here, Mr Herman Prior of Portage - la - Prainie: is visiting his mother and sis- ter in town. Mils-. Clara Glavin, nurse of Calgary, is visiting with relatives and friends in, this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. A.lfaed Wilcox and two children of Detroit visited Mn and. Mrs. Thos. Webster, Exeter North Mr. and Mrs. Thames I3ayman of Outlook Sask., are visiting Mr. '-and Mrb Richard Davis and other rem-. tives Mr and Mrs. Albert Spencer, who recently returned from the West have !rented the south'•half of the. Bedford doubly: house WiVfa.m. street. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears / the At •t_ • Signature of : " i G/E/ HORSES WANTED.. I want an unlimited number of Horses in :good condition: Geldiang's 5 year, old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties baying' the requ&red stuff, writes or phone 83 Exeter. I&QNE,Y. 110 LOAN Wt Maen kenite 'mount cif • private fundi De loan on ' bleMI said W1a e prosisrty at low ,"I~ttan" f tiotgsnau. ity A19RtiPterij Endre iff ISAAC, S. CARRLING,: B. A. Btirfitter. Soyicilnor, Notary • Public. Commissioner, Solicitor for the Moi - lowest fates of lentemmrt., OLliae,-rMmp Street, xeter. :JONES & MAY PHONE 3t CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 reat January Clearing Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats. In order the clean up our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Goat .s we Offer the baIatnce of our stock for sale, regardless of prices. This is en opportunity to get a rare bargain in good quality coats. 9 Only Black Seal Plush Coats at $25.00 Each 9 only ;Mine %ivality English Silk Sea: Plush. Goats. Were regularly $34.50 coat, All this season's style; to clear at once at each Only* $25 Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies." Cloth Coats in all popular colors of velours and "tweeds, including brown, taupe, black, Burgundy „green and,istory, to be ,old se- gandless of price, ALL GIRLS COATS GREATLY REDUCED IN PR1Ce. Young Men's Belted Overcoats We have a large ,tock of the veru newest styles and calors in Young Mena Belted Oveecoats. These are right up -to -the -mimeo in style and motleatately :priced. Boys' Hockey Shoes all Sizes now in Stock JONES & MAY Headatwwnttt fair dr O st 4 Beadier! S' Liar %t Clothing Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing ill the grocery lir e,; General Store Goods Call and see us. Atrial as to quality will convin- A Clearing Sale of oe. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould A ,Happy and Prosperous 1919' is the Wish of R. N. ROWS the Undertaker Dr, G. F, Itouastom, L. D. S., D. 'D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. C., D. S, of Ont. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office over Carrling's Law Office Closed . Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without, pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladran & Stanbury's Office„,- Main Street, Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEI.R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron_ Perth; Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Warierooms, .next door to Central Hot,ei, Main Street, Exeter., FRANK TAYLOR Waned Auctioneer for Comities of Htmioks ,rel Middlesex Prices _Resineralble and, Satisfaction CreIditviq,' -• UnRatria; AT A REDUCED PRICE A discount of 15 Per Cent on orders not less than $ 5. Everything will be sold as the Proprietor has bought a farm. M. Wild, Elimville Exeter Bargain Store We itend to All Our Customers Our Heartiest ' Greetings and omplimente of the Season