HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-2, Page 6HAVE INCURRED 1 tleserved.
had Met the deom that 'saebv
• _These are but four in thalong
t est
.11NEND t4G.slikyiE de:en:es that Shall'endue;e entergot
n ,a4,I ong es the' whr, is eemembered.
To thene. there has vet to- bo edded
that othersliet, the. namee a 'the sub -
Four Most Infamous marine commanders—seal. as he ;mem
an Lb 'the -hespital slap Liaridovery
0 Castle 'and mayelered the. Cunailian
tight f
Corernaudments or Children. be bortey
ue in mind that heg,itnh77, men in the boat—who
are of tw° Out of a Long List of Criminals Thee.; arey'4For all 4:*if them the
1. The growing ehi,j, must have elaeses artd thet .such plants , as stand out as Guilty in a fame the .sought is SQC1Ire, aoryright lieughton Iff-iffibs companK ea seeasi ;manger:tent with glaos. Ansa
plenty of eleep. Up to eix yeare he ferns, palms and the rubber pleat; 'arouse „
sh • uld sieep half the time-awedve Will do better in those parts of the ' Spevial Degree. - 7 SOME 'CLIRIOUS SUPERSTITIONS CHAPTER XXXIII,—(Cont'd.) "I tried, but I ,guess they didn't
• e
oet f twenty-four ho is .Part of roam eviie.ie the light • is ihnitea,!'
"Just keep an eye oa him for a l'irac.,11.
'dile' time rimy be !needed in the --Tay- while flowering plant.% each 'as seeersi Among those names which must The Piobelble Om' in a These 'Wide- wIfile. Keep him, from getting re,or-
'aline Lae, aulturc t ^."`" eyelainen survive the war nd main forever " . ee.spreae •petals*
e, nape, eareeset an 2 A, A r bid and deseouraged " oue ePened the envelope and drew
-.His food ehould plentifal end mut heve as alueb. light as possible. as a part of its history and character,
nutritious. Each ehlla should have Plants are more like human beings four may be selected frere that list of
at least three pints of milk a day. than like brie -a -brae and if grown to 150 Gerinan subinarine eommaadees
frt excess at his the bo-aked• h
Tree left them all at the door_ of out a elm that she glanced at an
thee paseed over to Jerry.
powMe4,esio'Ctaitirit°e•seititYreit! and' understand; and Nora
1T,Ir• Mrlt t arnau anything 1110re—bUt I couldn't help
"Of course I didn't really expect
Part of due may be in some other blighter). the home during dull wine killed or captured by our naval farces -
h -'11•11 b
eonsetjuently he. guesses, saysahir, J. k h• '
avo eae eloper.
y .. "They might have written vele a
-e 41I. or ice cream. ter menthe* they must not be left to which was recently made public, 11 To• wawa 41e.gliesses wildlY and inaccur- beginning each one of them choked
Art. in i in am er s Journal, and
letter anyway!" Jerry exelairned in -
hands with bim; but after making a .
Re should ale°, have liraited quantities tale care of themselves or they will them, says the Louden Daily Tele-
- aiely otheie ef firrater date- call his up and could not speak. Dave found dtglisatIr• "rn bet it was good too.
f • meat- and plenty of eggs, cereals, soon fell to fulfill the purpose. of; graph, is insured such au immertanty *est: I a his 1 • ft Let n
, se read it, will you, Kate ,
. ,e, ; their presence, : as perhaps a German naval tinker . guesses supe it on. Lone after peo- s tongue on y se
pie have clearly seen that there is no the house and was sitting oe the
er he had got into
'No, I don't think I could. I
vegetablee an! filth --
3. He eheell treee al know now that it's poor. I wouldn't
- .... ....., pent a out -of- : There are het a levee umber of' d • •
a n , may desire. First in the eateaorv
' -. ' tl "el — h t • a b sofa with Nara and his mother (im
food, such • - -•
t ee long eontineed.
ooeg asay---not too much work, nor, sueceesful house
i which experience has shown are best
plants and those; eoraes the mart Who placed tupon sub- s • 0 eit,hlefr Isiddiedg
you two to keep
(marine warfare its crown ta sapreme lieved, the steperstItiou lingers.,
4. Ile eheelsi have a daily bath or suited for the purpose demanl eer-, aebievement by the terpedoing of the • , • , .
The thirteen -at -table_ superstition, me straight, I'd keep straight for Mr.
4 u.) -down and a cleansing, bath with tale definite condition The fundae• Lusitenia. He was Kapitan-Leutnant vi el cs.., P 1 Y ask, he sae.. He s a white man, some easiness ewe...,
thing, is an -example. The origin of he is."
warm. water and mild soap at. least raental condition relates to the at -1 Selavieger, cornraanding U-20, a •But it doesn't look as if I could
ane th,a_prejudice•against this number is "Yes. Oh, isn't everybody good ' ` -
coca a week, oftener if possible. even arias alone' by writing Jerry.
raosphere of the room. If this is later U -SS. He had entered the navy --
usueily supposed to be the fact that this nierning,eJerry!" cried Nora. / did heepe 1 could get something are
a. His howels sbould move freely' suitable even the s.oil is of seeondaeY in Igoe, anti reached, thegefore, tbe th'ete ri persons sat (IOWA at the Last She spraag up and Rung her arms „neat „era in a while, et v mod betn
at least once a day. If they do not importenee. ,The etmosPhere must %unfelt of his career, the greateet
hie diet and exerices should be eb re- be kept at a euiteble temperature aud Sullppeer, after whim oceprrea the most brother:-. '
, , , round Jerry and then called th her ''' '11 '- "" t •' d i •
murder the world has blown, before teaeie eyelet °utile ohristianhera. Hat ; - But of course don't linen to et
. writing ina.irfere with my main
gulated ae to being about that result; also, for eueeess, must contain plentr he was thirtve; it WaS only in a 1 , title- all right', Dare; clan% loot. wore:,
the superstition is olt er than Christ -
want you tie see A."
"Anyway you Must keep on. trying.
That's what you ought" to be doleg.
-hluch 'better than. grobbing along m
6. He elieual he interested in life, of rnoisture. A dry atinoephere, shock"cl Jerre. lent a b -t shot:Iced ,
leroveniber last that a mine ia the lanity, Hesiod says it is unlucky to —are you, Jerry .
' • - ee- ' - 'How are you getting .on with
Sullen, deal. er unliappy children are even when plants are well watered, la itthat?"
North Sea put an end to his neeneoriee. SOW cOrt1 on the thirteeeth of the fii•st "Ne, Pm. getting to like , Nora's eprettry well now, 4Typeweeeng I
frequently suffering front the a•ant fatal to vol. growth. Regular "we- ena to ais pereeses„ , a/la an old Nome legend says bound that you shall have a brother
of interest in life. Such a child , tering is another infportant Inter nionth• don't have: 1 t bl •th • 1 l'
ehould he watehed to diarover if pos. for suecess. Deliberate Polices that die twelve great divinities were somehow( Dave
eible what he does enjoy and where nt w•11 o • better ' hon -e -
„a e ea v.e 4 it now uppoura that his supreme dining at Valhalla when Loki, the god "She ecems to have got me a pretty nb-le to -take el e • •
e mpl ti dation if a
f discord, appeared, and a quarrel good one this time,” Dave answered. jes,r gett° afasptotsitioTnheyasfeseolonemiatesures
nue rah, 0 WI ,
his natural interest lies; and it is heated with hot water than they will deed. was not of his own initiating; he ° lie rose and shook bawls with Jerry •
then in easy task to etimulato his in- in thoee heated by hot air or steam v,"as reelected by Ilia saperiors a with Balder occurred in which Balder* and then gave. his sister a hiss. “Whateve • the iesiti i• don't be
limshea the course,
rtereet until his whole attitude is The latter systems abeorb the mole- euitable officer to carry out a plan the g°d Nue°, was hilled• guess now we're all gain°. to get • I
The Friday superstition arose be- busy arid forget what's past" m a burry to leave us, heat,. Don't
; ture front the atmosphere with the a 4 A A
e eesesee ane prepared as a part of the leeve until whet with our wriang
have thhen place on that day. Some pulse to share her happiness with az your regular work, you can coma
deliberate policy a the German Ad- cause the crucifixion is supposed to Jerry was touched by Nora's im- h
a Ile should be taught simple lea• i result that the plant either loses
stne of pereonal hygiene; the use of " some of its leaves by withering -or oe et least eight hundred a year."
miraltv—that is to say, of the Ciennars
persons think that it is unlucky to lum-a-to demonstrate it by relining. .'No; I think that the orate way th
iml:sidttitI towels. haadk.erchlefs, toilet' fells to make healthy growth. Pans Government. Accerding to the evi- to lu.s enr.s. When he liad left the
, • • • • spill salt because Judas Iscariot seems
erticles; good care of teeth, Dose,: of water. etood oahtlie radiators to
Mil it in Da Vi l' e reunited family and was walking '' "
10 i' tO 1,1"."1.t. out aud be independent
slenee wsuelf as available, lus suecess
,het to be healthy ist sate of the finest , will laet ilenger NVIlen the atmosphere d i • it is becauee zetlt is a symbol of in- , at he best, an adorable Nora, , a* --
otlienvise;1 to be spi fr he s po thre .
spur ii, neeeessty. t
eye e, barile aed feet. when you man to be independent.
1 ghe off znoisture always improve the appalled hira rather than home, he thought of time little ineid.
. S. IL ould ...„ sae.,,at to bee , coeoltsone ter Rams. The biome
e eh- a,. 4. -,,,,.. 4. ,4 • . " : . .... , 4
the world'e outcry oe horror was of the Last Supper. °there think that ent -with pleasure, There was Novi .111,7°1 doom(' a 'Litt ?f bArm v.) feel
• au 1•11 • • •
h h 1 1 • if l• I corruptibility, anti spilling it is there- ;Nora brimming with sweet emotions,'
t 1 e even in Berlin, nu upon us . ; elt won't do you a bit of geoa tan-
y:seihie aelfieveraente i.e. the world, .15 kept steriewbet cool and moiet. The return t ere e s lowed mese At e
er. " grumblea Jerry.
there was sconetirnee another Nora !
.....-- . ei) to 70 degrees- Higher tempere.-
Even hie reward WaS stealthily eon- g"eral ttr'sets•
There are some curious and very' what did it matter? This was. the
' the more he taought ahout it He
Hz' Food Can Be Saved at this Table '1•41'eS 11".essitat'e mere frecinent wat: ferred; a took, the form of the Order
witleepread customs of v. superstitious had become so'ntarched to Pet'er and
nature bout sneezing. People some- real
1311..VIsat4eeg:411eille•nizilflieles Betty and they to him that he felt
"1 e' pertiens elpuill be eervea. ' !°"''''i,.,"'" Esra° pints neel t° be wa". of the House el Hohenzollern, the
reaeots ea the table ehoula be eive ' ;ma ilaitY, others not. more than two: we es
er pereonal fietOratiOn. 11-20 thnes say "God bless you to the ethe storms and trials ^ rt
tips; this waa the NoiatliliateTtlorie)uggi it,Posita.•elY ;cruel to eomPel a
ti Fepaat:an. Kate was a creature eff.
ea 1•••1; oPPeatealea 77or ehoiee, 50 that klr '1"-•ce tin'tes a seek • A pot whl'h fluished olievarely; she stranded in a
eneezer. In similar circumstances the • finally emerge (a .1_,.., MUS"s eteel to tree:, them all so. Why did
es, feed I, s le -ea leaf, , . ,. rings Ilelow when tapped with the ta on a. D. • i eoast ' No • fine Romans used to say, "Jupiter preserve 1 eae aisist? Merely toa1 himseif
i 191G, and was blown up by her owl;
••:hes it. ; au -tickle fieetle water Over water.' '
you!" The Greelas (lid the same, and. ' the auestion esaueed him to have mi-
l:ea:id ehauld hi eat at eh t • • ' ina ie bad for plants and only one or.
0 ea.e. • *a ' • . ,. , erke:e. A, ytertla.tettSchwie.gn ate;
the custom was ancient even in the CHAPTER XXXIV. I comfortehle Itt.';!tito ju,g1h11-.:2:ea_sptay3ltfeadt, tgaierei,
la :serving meet, bone or surplus ' tw'a vari°t1es, like the. 5P1res* will i b oramonu ot te-ea, mat, te.opin „.. e ‘,,.... .. , e It was uot long before ,Terry reate- 'would the
fat elmuld ae :eft on the serving plate, sut:ceed if the pots are allowed to submerged through a minefield in tune ge e s letatie, who endeavors to ed that his ProsPects I. for an eie•ly do af ter yea:items ;melt an intimation
account for the eustone in his Prob- marriage, had been, uriproved by of hie a'ceigre end desires ae his
eo they can be utilized ie. I.a.00k. or for stand in water. All pots should be;
2 1 crew 03 tile second submarine anotien-
. The lents; but he evidently knew walling Dave's relertee from prison. Before mother haa given Kete?
. .
tht, comparty.with anether.U-hoat,
a:waking. supplied With good drainage in
When a Hindu sneezes the bystand- '
,. And whe' had his mother etievee-
that had taken place, (Jerry bad felt
Evereahieg atevea ?naiad he eaten.ofn o lio ea i rot kb 1 Ilea in at sh, , , , , , . , •
-P • 1 I' • it ' . , - i " - ' 1 •
, , ,* nearu an exp.osion and felt the sai
. , of its origin.
-1 41 t'l of it in their own yeseel. TI 1 1 1
cry out, "Live!" and the sneezer re- he anff Nora might desire it, meet re- ordineriiY &act( ;
that marriage, no mat•ter how much ea that intim:Wen? she eels ;lei
There should be webby,. edi'de lef" hattani a the
on the plates. ere potted. ley ,r ee
1 -, . -1 • • t with their special signalling devices .
plies, With you. Die Zulu thinks
.. a ,,, s, ' ' main a remote poseibilitv H"ou'i enee of grate:to-as end officious eels
..1 ts the perferm.
tehen to prepare only the amount of: riatej.,..--, ;•Irr9 -
. of direct, draughte.1
- le . ' but failed, and elie never returned to that sneezing is a sign that the good 1
. . , . not marry her a d 1 V. e • t. ct' - She eves aot "n the heea of 'indu' -Me;
to live alone; Nora te:oili.ld Tostmnemnrrer • ' • . •' The' I. ' . 1 t'‘ th,
y In idle gossip. denten ru
AS far us poeeible care should be I. xeea fur is always beneficial,
bnt' to get into communication with U-88,
,aa necued by the family .. ge I A 'een‘peraeure of att caneeS or low- f spirits „are with lum; other peoples him and ]eve her mother to live penetrated te Jerry's mind. His
e„ i her base
....-elit•cl, dreesIna ' er "11 °ftP1' set'mslY tif6et al° `''''''' '' The off , • who sank the Beleigt believe that it irleall5 that evil spirits alone; and to telarrY and have both mother haa acted with 11eliberate in-
" ; der house plents, Palms and ferns' 21 el - ' - ' . arre beeiviti e.uxdpell
i twke a month. Never water a sick- : "el'. °a "le aec" ot "is 811br"rine 411d being the first occupiers of
I are the better far sponging once or Pl'Inee 0'et "TaY i'lileele917, eolleeted her
i sede.bo' tit the danage7rleow 1 menitd,
- ' I mothers live with -them-swell ti:t tent, foreseelee the peessure thut she
f I ly.,913 et,,t,oetn bilt, hi
las ,:.1-rootililieisrinv,g_51`,558xiii: wolild be putting upLon7 Kate; ,ferry
suspected thut sine parpoze and •only
VI^:".31 ratan:C.. 4' !Ideal temaeratree ranges from aberat, —poesibly by order et. his fore a sign of broken friendships and ...ioroire trust, and happy hove. If -
It male him the more unieepay
&hailer 'Ottr,,Trirre
• -4;4044 ...-4.esuved.
How reed Can Be Saved After thei It- plant too freelyi, it more often re
• house is perhape a dim recollection
Meal Is Over. - most, planes nant Paul Wagenfuhr, . commanding
quires to be repeated. of our prehistoric ancestors' attitude
Bite of vegethidee should be kept; will be benefatea by a yearly repot- U-(14. He was a little older than toward a newly discovered cave. There
fer eoz.ps, salad., etc. ing. Healthy plants .and plants in Sehsvioger, having entered the service might be wild beaste already in (ic-
e e from teamed frait can! flower require much moretl in 1900; the quality of his worlt and
• .
Feuit 'hike, f - " water aan
ea weal for gelatine ereeeerts or to; those willeh are sicky. Soil should his successee had been -recognized ay cupetion.
flavor puddings. ' not*tiett•
I no ,.3 wateredlai often fa. i ee- the Order of the Rad E'agle (Roter THE PULSES op THE wEATHEE
kale e and the Hohenzollern Order
slaeuld be used in puddings or to re- I plant with eoldefeet and a hot head with Swords; but a swift retribution, -......
Influence of Atmospheric Pressure at
plate flour in dark cakee., ' soon dice. was at hand. While returning from
Lore twee cake and ealte crumbscomesoggy and always -eold. A -
Juice left evem cooked vegetables
ehould be bayed for soap
All beeaa crumbs should be saved.
All lett over muffine, biscuit, bread
ef any kind 511011(1 be saved, made into
srumbs and used in sealloped dishes,
baking, eta.
No 1/it of ISO! take email to ae
. :toe tl I
How rood Can ie Saved Before It
Reaches the Table.
The buether is often allowed to
heap hones and trimmings. These
:•hould Ise taken home. The bones
* toed meat Should be used for soup.
The fat ehauld be tried out for cook-
thaaii _fruit and vegetables should
be pureed as needed. Overbuy-
ing of perishable food results in
spoilage and waste.
Perish:11;1e fruits and vegetables
:Should be cat -dully, put away and not,
allowed t.,Vegetables and fruits should . be
pared thinly or stamped.
Ceeerils should bo kept in clean,
"e'red jars to prevent their becom-
haxing bo-,vls and cooking utensils
shouth be carefully seraned Much
reod can be saved in this way.
Food should be .catefully. cooked,
•r urned or badly. cooked food is
,vasted, '
• Care of House Plants.
In caaing for house plants it should
e ro s4
C. Raccoon
f„aatias are ..the best
/ al
g value an the mar-
ket toay. They
are made fro
tarred 'prime skins
---good and roomy,With Wide skirt so as 0 insure
warmth to the wearer where Seat-
ed. Tile liningis the best quilted.
Venetian cloth. Length at ascaats:
52 fachea.. Sizes 42, 44, ata 48.
Valeaa Mara aria, Selo. $205.• Coat,.
zo:Rt C. 0. J,;02! auproval a,t oar
leaat gat t'11111.St, asontroai
• sels sunk was the Arable. In October centre, and between these foci a hind withdravral of her little family from
dead. sometimes at intervals of six inonths. Although their departure was not
from the decks of craft and and could not be imminent, there
Was a dispiriting feeling of „immin-
ence and inevitability in the air. Kate
told Jerry with • unconcealed satis-
faction that the Commercial School
practically guaranteed to find you a
e e ve-- ertai
ry cruise during which be sank Parts of tl I ie obe .
the Belgian Prince he encountered a . •There appear to exist in the earth's
ship whieb' could fight back. A British' atmosphere "centres of action," which
aestroyer saw him on the surface, have wide eontrol over climatic eon:ai-
headed for him at top speed, and tions and make it possible to foretell
meanwhile opened fire with every gun; the cbaracter of the weather long in
that would bear. The submarine was I advance.
obviously hit at once, for she failed! One of the most important of all
to submerge in -time, and the destroyer I these centres is that about Iceland.
Beladdi ehe stands triumphant once
Her song rings out anew across the
For over stormy seas and fields of
51221T1, -
Exultantly liar banner floats un-
Her vehirth, left a heritage to you,
Who live the hour of joy, the years. that this infinence is also fele on the Even- more disturbing* • to Jerry
13-87, that he sank ax.s, Feemidabi
• and destroyed altogether 139,000 tons
en -North American continent-- was the onrinotisly determined pre -
From those whose hearts were brave,' oe inereh h• • 0 h The North.. Cape is another similar paration on .Kate's part for the
s ippinge ne o t e yes--
ing to 'make it, which she never
would be.
But Dave's release bad Amplified
the situation. Dave would be able
now th take care of Mrs. Scanlan;
and after Kate and Peter and Betty
had started upon their independent
career, there would be absolutely no-
thing to prevent Jerry and Nara
from getting married and taking
Mrs. Donohue to Mere with them. It
was clear enough to Jerry; and in three eupfula of then -datum allow one
diecovering that marrigge, instead egg. alix thoroughly, tom. luta Rat
of being a thought to play with, bad cakes, dip in flow' anti fia, 10 ham fat.
been suddenly brought forward into
the realm ot immediate actualities, If desired, a hoiden ogg May ho put
would have liked net to consider it
He upon each two patties.
he felt a tremor of dimmer.
at all until -he had -passed his bar ex- To lengthen the life of liteeleera,
aminations and got some. kind of a. met the warm suds and cooked atareh
start towards the practice of his !eft over from wash day, and use to
,one had itetua•ted her -to previdee
so far as Ale wee able: that nothing'
and no one Ainuill stand in the way
of sou's happiness.
{To be centheitel.)
Hain aral Potato Cakes.
Combine _leftover' mashed polatoea
With leftover mineed ham. To each
profession. It was file Most in -
succeeded in ramming. , According as the atmospheric pres- new
convenient time to .have to be both-
rtnenviabIe Reputation. sure there is high or low, mild or ered by plans of marreage and ar-
It is claimed in Germany for Kap- !' an entire 'readjust -
severe winters result in central Eur-
ef , rex, an t ele are those who contend rer eifeeelor seefc)r
itan-Leutnant Rudolf Schneider,
and courage true,
That silent army of unconquered 1917Schneider was wasbed overboard °- e
' nsation of action often exists the roof that had s.haltered them.
f nomn
Conununing With the Dead.
That is a petty picture of simple
drowned, and upon her next cruise
the submarine met a British patrol
boat in the Irish Sea.. It was Christ-
mas Day; she saw her enemy in time
• faith that Mrs. Nina L. Duryea gives and submerged to esca.pe. The patrol
variations of the north polar ice cap I m stenography and had shown pro-
-U-boat had vanished; their terrific ex- a •
Franee. Among the sand dunes of
it she reported that the instructor
was most encouraging. ,Terry won-
dered jealously how she could be so
enthusiastic and so happy; -it was al -
Most ungrateful of her, it tertainly
A warm winter at the North Cape cora
responds to a cold winter in Iceland,
and is followed by cold winds in cern,
tral. Europe and over the Plains of
Hungary. The cause of the phenom-
place if you had taken the full course
elle. it. is thought, is to be found in the -
in her artiele on The Soul of Fighting lx)a.t dromadal„ depth charges where the :
•;; fluency.' And after one', month at
h• constitutes tl t
-Brittany, she says, superstition finds plosione tore her delicate unchain:3m
fertile soil. Bretons are less preach to pieces and /oreed her to thesur-
than any other class in France, having face. Tho patrol boat rammed her
retained their men ianguage
amidships and out her in half. She
and beliefs. They heve little customs fear of Sank, gushing ell and air; no survivors
death, and they are deeply religious.
A cemetery is a place -where children
play, and on fete days it is the meet-
ing place for gossips and swains.
Relatives go always once a week with nana-zur-See Herbert.• Pastkuchen,
flowers to deck the graves and' tidy commanding He was younger
the wee' shrines above them aS they than the others mentioned above, hav-
do their own homes. • , ing entered the. navy only ita 190,
A Breton apparently is not entirely but he had hadtirrie hi' his brief
convinced that the dead has really de -1 service to earn for .himself the Ion
, parted to another woelc1; he behaves Cross of ,the*First Class and, tlie.Ofeler
' as if the lost one were still neaa, hear -of the House ealohenzollerii of the
hag, seeing, and interested in his
former tisseciates. A discreet watcher
-will hear a widow say in a pleasant,
conversational tone, while elle tend
tha grave:
"Waa the rain cold on thee last whieh waa proceeding at four to. five
night? thought of the Whea I lay knots. The trawler ithrnedattely head-
tv'th the c.aildiain gar snug bed be- .ed- foe the. submatiae, which • disap,
hind the lattice. Perhaps thou wouldst peered belovi the atirface of the water.
care to hear thalaJean hr.s twina. That A depth bomb was chopped and found
has proved a happy inaraiage, though meek. for a series of heayee, ex -
Max -le ha,d °thee doe than her good plosions followed,., ono int ParticUlaa
loolce. Also the apple. erea is eeeel- causing an Upheaval three times the
height of other. In the mama
while •othea., trawlera:a had.. joined in
the fray and naa,droppecl,depth bomb
chargee. Then theee was a great
silence; not sound was heard by the
eager lis.tenees on the trawlers, hut
annasa of tal on the aarface.here wit-,
aesa Of; the fact. that the sulmarine
came to the surface.
But Four of Many.
•The °Ricer who torpedoed the Sus-
sex in March of 1916 was Oberleut-
'of cold for the. Northern Hemisphere.
The Judgmeniae Rehearsal.
We knew Ware brazen brow would be was selfish. Of course young
uncrowned; • • things were always excited, by any
For in a World ruled .by the Holy • prospect of change; but -still, if her•
m, mmmother. hhad to nd
Child • effeatialls had gota Out to him and
is Peter a'
Soe hoe for blessed Peace ust*, his
mop up the linaleuin. 'This ma
Only preserves it, but gives a,
Betty and oten her selfish little self,'
she Couldn't("
he so ay and sanguine
over the prospect.
• Hie hardly ever had any eonversa- I
_tion with her; she was always study -
Se when on that last act 'tlic Curtain' jag r .Anci in hea aaaleaa,
rose abatraatien she teemed to Jerry to
And 2121105 of h,attlesliipa to; ourgrovr.by
fleet bowed •
tre he
and marc ocnliea. ea
Th id Class. He afterward was given In. awful silencak -• our foes; lai.r/,:awsanai,illmtalabetelfYarvahisb-,eeinyges(!litills'it°011slYa
eoannand of the 1.313-60 and was lost to I SOCnIOd to hn aki J ee bpeai-- persoeethat he didn't knew at all.
his country in Jame of last year, when aloud; % he gilihood. stage was passing.; wo-
e- trawler sighted the jumping wires -m
of , anhood was blossonlinfa. Eate
-interest and attractiveness a partly submerged eutmarine "'Tis a rehearsal of the Judgment 1gained in
All larvana, take heed, thar sway will
- • end likewise; •
•Though feet of Vengeance for a while
God, nature, history—all ...against
e. thee rise,
And those • base exiles
Furies keep •
Proclaim aloud: "What peoples sow
• Aer Louis Fraser.
IT a man lacks enthusiasm itLai-es
him twice as; long to ae,corata'raa„
aye be found,
And Freedom, „Reason, Truth neer
lord, and next Weela we begin to make
cider. An aevoir, • my well -beloved,
Sleep arelafor all goes well, and i
bave'rnoney in my stocking."
With a tender pat on the erose she
will then aeturn borne to her hard life,
eeasolee by. Ulla eliat nifh .her hua-
• bana,
,44„ea,f4,e4a4Wak,,,,,44.f :
:1.4,41.4-- •
for Jerry as she ,gained in mystery.
Often he watched her when she was
unaware •of it. and wondered uThat
was • going on in that well-shaPed,
well -poised little head.
• To some -of the processes he got
a clue one day; and embarrassed her
by to doing. He brought up from
whom the the letter box oil the ground floor
a large envelope *addressed to Kate
and bearing the name of a Nett, ieoler
magazine. She was standing in a
window when Jerry liended it to her
and he did not see that the color
came at once to her cheeks. Even
so, it was rather tactless of him to
say, pocalarly, "Writing the ,magt,
aaines, Kate?"
Enter the New Year
With tlae determined resolution
to bciemne the owner at some
good dividend paying atocica---
and in the eamiest way.
With that resolve in maul we
stand ready to assist you with
by means of which yen 2111
your savitigs on 0 moiitlxly basis
in the uurebeso of nuy sieleett41.
sound rnarkotable • spourity, en-
titling vou to an <a. mewls and
accruing interim t.
*Vie inylle you to tar a copy
of, our free bbokiet fa: !left Say -
Mg by the :Partial Pinripot
wh 1 oh fully ext‘lain,5s r.ur •lysteln.
H. M. ti.,o4noityl Co.
Ilembere *Montreal St 0,11c nxebauge
• 105-106 trahaportatioh
06C010M, &Mar:4e (0
IN.G.LONG eCtt. enointa