HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-2, Page 5Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind, You Rave Always Bought, and which has been
' in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
• . 'and has been made under his per-.
sons' supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no one to deceive yot£ in this.
All counterfeits, Imitations and Just -as -good" are but
Biperiments that trifle with :and endanger the health of
Infants and Children.-�-E rience a ainst Fxper went.
What'll" AS IA
Catstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and liowelst aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The O$Utiiren!i Panacea ---he Aiotbetf'a dead
In Ilse Far Over 30 Years
The Kind YOU Have Always Bought
lThe death :occted on Dec. 21st
elf. Mary Rebecca Bolton., daughter of
r. ' and . Gordon, B ton: n her
� nd. �, Mrs.off, , i
15t11 Year. She underwent an opera
tiaz: a y esr ag,o• !n Lo1icit 1v but hadl
apnarentiy recovereK1 A week be
1luac her derrnsine, however,she took
'nick and failed rapidly. Sincere sten-
? clleeatl- v of Mee. s felt (or Hugh J. e McDorreldhe
also greatly regretateld!, She was a
{ daughter ,of the late H. N. McTaggart
'who was a store -keeper at Citiaelhurst
!and later resided here), Shewas 49
a fears .ot age. Besides her husba ed
elm leaves a ,son, Wet geeton, and a
daughter. Edna. Her illness had ''ec-
tent over several months, --Services
hert resumed in the churches on, Sue-
' day after the ban ;being on for a
time, owing to ,influenza. --The annual
Christmas Tree (postponed) was held
xse New Year"s evening', --Miss Ida
Dick and Mr. Arnold Bell of Toronto
` risiaGed hieret--Antdretw Boa of Belle-
ville College €; •borne for htolidays•;---
Pte Wax Baker and Peter McNaugh-
ton were welcomed, :home from over -
!etas. ,lest weeks --Dr. and Mrs. Peck
1 haB ke beee, Mh1 jOhos
Ola visiting
t alink l nor, hes re-
ferned tc, West Lorne„ -Mr. and Errs.
'aeorge Brooks are• visiting la Otte -
•rte ---Mr; Wo,olek is: very a at pres-
ent.. --Mr and Mrs. John T. Mitchell
a;az.;.ouitcct the engagement of their
• voungeet daughter, Gertrude, to Mr.
tisEarl Stoma= of Hibbert, the mar-
riage to take place in January.
\ire 1-Iavilaxatdd left Saturday to vis-
it ht Toronto. Her daughter, Mins
Edna of Montreal, after spendingthe
Ci'riatma= holidays here, returned the
emu; day
• S
Auction Sale
on Lot, 1, Con. 1, Lake= Road, Town-
ship of Hay, on SATURDAY, JAN 4,
at one o'clock, the following, -
1 Stock --3 drientg horse 1 Jersey t'ow
du 3.r, oa•
I Iinp;ement,, Etc., -1 set single bar -
A chath;e of tintle will be ma da on tnem ; one Half set work Irtrness• ane;
single plow, two -furrow Plow, s•nen
horse cultivator, set harrows, light
witgoa, buggy, cutter, democrat wag -
tom Dream separator, straw cutter, pul-
per, washing machine, base burner
heating stove, oak 'table, forks, shovels
andother articles too numerous to
Information now .d agent's handy ` mention.
Te•nv-81.0 and under, cash; Byer
that atnotrart 6 months credit on ap-
proved joint notes. 4 Per cent per
annum off for cash on credit amounts
Duct. Prop.
JAUARY 5th, 1919.
N. J. Bole, Agent, l zc*tor.
We place gradualtes itu i pot itionsi..
Lady Students of last term are now
earning; as high as $15 and even
$Z0 per week vette boys are earn -
in ;higher salaries. We've Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart-
menits. Write for our free Cact*.
oe ue.
D. A. McLachlan„ Prin.
4ILSA CRAIG --The sudden' death
occurred ort Dec. 28th`, of Miss Janee
McKellar at the home{ ,of her sister,
Mrs Harry Swaim,. The deceased had
come to look after Isar• sister and
children, wlia were( 11, and s'he took
ill mid deed.
Grand Bend
Mr. Sant Carreere of Toronto is vis-
iting Itis paaienitee He was i11 with
influenza but y,: on the mend, -- Mr
John Sinns, smiles over the arrival of
a son on. the 23rd December:.-' Mr.
Stephen Webb of B. Line, has bought
;41r. Dolph Allen's house here,-Mfirs.
Kennedy of Sarni visited et :'r rus
Green's Christmas. --Mr, and Mrs.
Sita Dewey arrived here from L•zl:e
Et6e: and mu, stay for the winter --
ells) Myrtle and Arnold Rat -elle of
Stratford are visiting their parents.
'+Zr. and Mrs. T:., Ravehe,-- Miss C.
yTam9ton is on the sick Est.
Auction Sale
At the Paint of Thomas Clark,
14. Concession, 11, klsbonme, eel
At 1 o"clock, the following stock
20 Grade Cows, ire calf to thorough •'
bred Polled Angus Bull, due in Feb-
ruary. March and April; 20 Polled An-
gus Calves, 3 yeaarip�tgs--2 steers, 3
Term --8 months' credit on, futxt;sh-
i te. approved ;teat notes.- 6 per cent.
per annum_ off for cash or, credit a -t
Mrs .Milton Clark, C. W. Robanson..
Psoprieteess Auct;oneeeI
Frank Coates, ,Clerk
w HT The llogitaI'fer S hell lNDED AINAO E .PAYS
SPANISH. INELUN1A , will: ended 1
.1S� ir Chiilt'.n e
Int An, z, W, $oval. s
1 tea Editor,—
T�4 annuli , resort at flier Ifo .
s�pp !
Avoid erow4e,• coughs and cowardli, for Sick Oislldr'tsst, 'trona, Matka a
but fear neither germs nor Germane1 tzew re6Ritl, dea!>tfts t 2liiYl' handl
Seep the system in good order, take Cap the war ,»hese upon its work.
plenty of exercise in the fresh air and f rhe tgsit a to X
Proven Methods of Clitinrug Love
Land, Swamps, and `$prin s.
Mutual Respect and C'onfidienee Artie
the 3ree totes of Successful Go-,.
operations- How These May
Q nae yaitteset r!1 o it CR a!t Developed I An Uo it
_ , against disease. E sen r & s ft m its [tgric,xtuze, Toronto.)
raetice cleanliness, Remember a clean n >r tnunrtrt Y,
p , no light 011p fzi ries of ♦ Sospital's ,
mouth a clean akin and ekean bowels i did a se`tP the ntltiona1 citU ` t:t:ontributea br onta�rlo Department oft
are a protecting armour g 23C?) cios#tors and
nttr ei 0
To ]veep the liver and bowels regular a forces bare a n•. eerwle4 overtt.ata, +,� general the Conditions makina:e
and to carry away the poisons within, Yet the uutnbet• of patients treated dr&iris r,eresaary are Those wheree.
it is best to take a vegetak►lep 1 every its 6,045, or IAg 8 more than :t 3'ear,'
these its- atlanto, 75 were frotta the gravitational or free watezf
other day,made up of May -apple, aloes, 246 placer, gUtstdefTorttFtt� tn. staff is either osi. the surface of thea
la d ted to be had at The tireless efforts of tlt
erfere with the proPer growth pet
Pleasant Pellets. If there is a sudden the little patients trent 24 da3!t in plant roots. The instances where tlses
onset of what appears like a hard cold, 1914 to 24 this year. water is lying on the land, sueb :