HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-2, Page 4The Exeter Advocatej Satelers .& Creech, Proprietors . f. Subscription Price -In advance $1:50 per year et : Canada;. $2.0U• in the United tesub c ' States. All s s ons. no t r� paid in advance 50c. extra charged. ofthe 1916 Ceunen gage a brief ac- count of thee etewardshise while the other nontretnee, did some criticising, but ort the whole there was little fault fownd with. the work of the colleen,pecia:.nr.entin was, ma e, to the lit e Canadian Flag and Victery Lost t ?la ' whichhad h d be..n praslenited to the Council for safe -keening. The matter of erecting some. worthy remembranice ADVERTISING RATES • to honor ,of the boys of this mune';- pality wJio were rancid to the colors, Display rtu sxg.- Made know �. n was else taken, up and on a standing vote of the audttelnpe it. was 'decided that a marble tabeet be put in the Hail with the -names oe the heroes. ineRribed thereon.. Nathan Sernbreek has returned to Aurora, after a few- days' holidays at has hone here. • Miss Revi gton of Lucas, has been extgaged to assist: int Dr. ti'me's drug store It becomes our sad duty to m+ rtt;on the death of the late Charles W. F tkbe aer whet' h took -place Tuesdays The ,decleatied hes been ill for some time and i;n.:spite of the best of ";are very little hope was errtertained for his recover},: He: died at the age of 20 years. His remains will be in- terred in the Greer/eta cemetery en Tlrutsiday. To the so/Towner mother end bereaved members of the featly we ,externa our sharers sympathy, Pts Clarence Hct tzme n,.n, of the Pioneers rettirned td camp in L uid on or, Monday after spendhis Xmas boledays at hoarse, Herb Falmer and Murray Holtzmann mede a business trip to London tin Satu k13y. The Misses C;1'aressa; and Wallis dill oz• St. Joseph's Hospital staff, Lon, - don, vineteti their parents fora Lew days last week. Miss •Martha We rtz:el at d qhs, Bernt- ka serene the guests of Mr. and \ire. Win Weitzel ,last! week. Ili Lawsox and Frank Taylor have entette-a the butcherx,t;; business :std dela flourishing trade :last tw-eek, C.1Llstian Beasver as attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Peter cleaver st Elkton, 1L'ac1x, It any ortee hae been, •; njoying the ten, day's heetese season In this neigh barhood it ie Bine Host 'lith„ Ile can be seeit starting off early .ia the nrorn;:,trr; with dote and gun and usual- ly comes back late at night loaded. with game. We haven't, been .tble to fend out where he has his famous hunting ground. It is a good one., and. seldom invaded because from all ap- pe.:tra;tees the rabbits are "014 J3 y 3" and well kept, on aeelicatieti. Stray Animals -•-(ane insertion 50c. three insertions $1.00. Farre or Real Estate for sale SQ. each insertion for one month of four -insertions, 2$c. for each subsequent insertion, Miscellaneous articles of not more then five li res, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Loat, Found, etc., each int sertion 25e Local Reading notices, etc., 10c, per line per insertion No aotace Tess than 25e. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c, and 5c. a line Auction Sales- $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch—$6 per year. THURSDAY, JA' . 2, 1919. School Report SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 1. Usborne, for the month. of December► Those marked " were absent for ex-' amination ;--5th Class --Harold Wood 74, Sr. 4th Class, Antra Moir 76, 'Cl. 1Down, E Mitchel; Jr 4th. Class,— Harry Strati;; 83, G. Cudntore 68 Olive Wood of lelviiif Mar; Sr. 3rd ,lass, W. Fret!, 76, V. Dunn; Jr. 3rd, M. Strang 79, M. Cudmore 67, Loreen Dunn Melville Down; Sr. 2nd, pro- moted to Jr. 3rd,, ::v, Oke 7S, P. Hav- re; 76, P. Wood 76;; Jr. 2nd M. Boa 66; 1st Class, promoted to Jr. 2nd, bf. Moir„ I- I. Horton; not promoted, Duna; Primer, V. Oke, J. Horton, G. Boa. School re -opens Jan. 6th. Myra E. Morgans teacher Centralia Mi Lloyd Bayn ham of Exeter a;; artists as releiviag agent at the sta- tion; for Mr. C. Turner, he being laid up with ianflueaze Messrs J. Dempsey and Thornes Bcylc are home from work oa account` o` an attack of influenza. Zlessrs Made1ene and, Myrtle Brown o• Londe,. are spend',n, a few days wait Erie ids '• t Centralia. Miss, Win:t'e Essery of London spent the holiday at her home here, Mr A. Banco' k is visiting ts'itli Ms W. R. Elnet. Mrs H. Mills and Mr. Rex Nitzlls aruved ]come from Alvin.,tan Monda.y, Reeg recovered from an 's L _ - f.tluenza. Dashwood Mr. Art. Graupner of Toronto some the holiday with their parents hero, Dr. and Mrs. Broughton of Whitby are visiting et the home of Mr. J. Kellerman, Mr. Wm. Brenner of Stratford vis- ited with relatives in town a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. McCa,n•n of Stratford visited with friends in town over the holiday. - Mr. Walter Fassold• of London spent Chusstaias with his parents. bliss Esther Graybiel of Toronto is visiting at ,her home here. Mrs, Katzenmaier of Kitcheiner is visiting at the home of . Mr. J. K. Goetz. The Misses Nettie and Vera Brok- enshire of Stratforrd are spending the holidays with relatives here. Crediton Lieut. H. A. Eckert, V. S„ begs to inform the public that he has ou- •ened an office in Crediton, opposite •Wuerth & Son's Feed Store.. Prompt -attention paid teen l calls day or night. Tetlephorse No. 4. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Having procured a supply of Anti- Influenza serum; manufactured tinder r `United States License No. 41, wheel •°^-"�---•�• 'tis buarante;ea to produce an unman- e- .,in, 95 peer' Cent. of all un expoded cases I am •'prepa.rc- - cid to sup.ly' th.e public with • the serum- at $2.50 per heeds. Since r,ro- cerninse, the same I have been inform- - • ed \that certain responsible, or irre- sponsible oersons claim my charges are exorbitant. I am prepared to sup- ply the pub3;ic with an Exper°itnet,ttai Ungueeemiteed Serum for 35c• a head :'plus charge .for tr,;re H. A. ECKE.RT, V. S. A Hap= y New Year to all the -read- ers of the Advocate ! May 1919 b, reg you every joy and hapgen:;ess. We. are plea's'ed to state that the majority of our sick are innprovj g,• • Miss Leona F,ifalkbser er, is quite ill. at ;present, but we hope there will soon be a change for the. better. Dr. Edw. Eckert of Sebringville is :taking charge of hie brother's Veter- inary pra, tare•dulness' Els. illness caus- edKby•an. attack of broneh tis. ,e'".Mr. Ward of Toronto' y-; is taking charge of the Rank during the ab- seace of Mr• McDonald wine has been • B1 with the "flu".. We are clad to know, however, that, Mac n raiiidly .recovering Ezra •Est•. d �:';F d'„ a1 , Fi:�ton,"Rau and .ad=ar 5. ' Wuertlt or Kitchener are hors fon' . the holidays. 4Ir. an: : Mrs' •... and ., Russell Iduxtab' e i of Hani ltorn are visfl iffg at the licrrie nf IYIr,s and Mrs. Harry Nom'nation Meeting was- held' itithe Town It* last Monday. ' f u rte • a, num be', were riom,iretted for the position • of Reeve. Deputy -'Reeve and Coue'i .._•oleo and although, some ees'grted sheen sets merry contest onaa. The member~ Lumley Death, --A bright young life eat ceded oa Saturday, Dec. 21.;t, We efer to the 4ensese. of Mary Rebecca. Bolton, the seocad daughter of Mr. .,,i Mrs. Gordon, Bolton, at the age l4 years, .Deceased had only been all about a week, Although a doctor was called at once he,r condition was not. thought to be serious. A day or two before her death she seemed drowsy and `did not know •the members ,of the fails r> only at times.i The end name Peaceful. "Beery" was of a pleasant d:sposit,on and quite humorous„ Not beetg very strong for about a year she drove to school with her pony, and a buggy full of happy children was a familiar sight passing along the raid. The funeral, which was private was held from her parents' residence on Monday, Rev. McConnell of Hen - sail conducting the service at the home and grave, She is survived 'by her parent,= and six young sisters, who mourn .her early demene;. The ''lora] offerings were beautiful. Chiselhurst The December sh',pment of the Pat- riotic Circle wase -13 shirts, 7 help - es shirts, 12 pair pyjamas, 34 towels 4 trench tower, 31 pair socks, 12 mat- tress covers; also 24 pales socks and 24 tiench towels in Christmas boxes to b'oys overseas~, Letters have been, received by, the President, Mrs. Eyre, saying that the boys got their Christ- mas' boxes:—The Misses Slavin, of Hensall spent Chnistmas with their brother .and fainly here.—Pte. Peter McNaughton of London spent the lees :day under the parental roof. Shipka - Quite a ':number from here attentd- esi thk pomenatione on Mondays—Mrs Johr. :Lynch of Detroit- is spending a week with friends • hems—Messrs: William and Mat. Sw.eitzer spent Cleriatinas with ,his, another in Wind.yor -il3r . Sandy arx Mz-Z; 3C �hee. s ';t he Tiett't hal:dae London.-vlr. and M s lldrss i•4r Kenz ie and tamely, of W:ndstee' i'nd. Me, Thee-e,cinenz=,q of Vancouver, B. C vKpre' Christmas visitors at Mr. ?ete, Mci enz e's`-Mr. Wm. McKei- e v:sjted friends in Toronto over roc Incl dae.-Miss Lyme Schroeder of Lada spent Christmas at her home '- e.rc.t--Mr Samuel Hodg'.+n:, of Sask- tatchewan sr jted aid, friends herelast ve lc seer. Donald and Miss • Isabel y'ehl i of 'Toronto visited their sister 2. Deed McRen,zje on ,Christmas Day •Zurich Mr E. A. Deichert of Detroit Vis - tel relatives and friends here—Miss ai.oxie Eilbe,r, who spen;£`the' roiill'nn,ers ,easor:, at Monckeytort, is hiome • again, Mr ,j1 E. Hess of :Toronalo Unever-- dts is visiting ,relatives and friends ie'e .Miss Ada Wurrn of New Yor1: s visiting relatives and friends here. f.si 'Made: Routledge, who has con. ducted:. a' millinery department' `'a' :4i rwich, .is ` spending the holiday§ oat, .;er home Isere.—Mr. ;Jacob Waods{hw'"s farts, on. the Saublie eutt, :of St. Joseph, to Mr. Wm. Bei- retie- of 'Hay Towneiri'.ip'.-Mrs. E t rt_etpe,er and daughter, Mrs Ayers ur�rl r1i xl�_vasY ed r e1aties ins Detroit -MiOdigna He'elemani was called tr. 1'aetr.ele :owi g to • the serious a,llne ;e sf het s srt'er, Mrsellreernan—Mr.Fer- dinaii0Heivald of Waterloo Se ' near • lewald of London e'r r ate `bo1,Vdays with 'rely+'_ se w eel fees. e,d'inr here !NEM TOPICS OF WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred Dui ing the Week, The Busy W i id's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and. Attractive Shape for the Reader* of Our Paper A Solid Flour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY. The new pension, regulations for soldiers will go into force on Jan. 1. The 1917 Victory bonds appeared for the first time on the Toronto Stock Exchange_ The Brantford Courier, after 5Z years, has been obliged to dis- continue publication. Many changes in legislation were urged by nurses upon a special com- mittee of the Legislature, At the annual meeting of the Union Bank, to be held in Winnipeg on Jana 8, the assets will be shown as. $153,000,0Q0, Three masked robbers bound the watchman of an office building in Montreal, blew open a safe, and took e50,000 worth of diamonds. Disarmament of liners and mer - client ships, which were provided with naval guns to fight U-boats, has been begun in the 'United States, The Allied Maritime Council has decided that the new marine flag of the Entente shall be hoisted for the first time on Austrian merchantmen in the Adriatic. Four candidates were nominated in Toronto for mayor, seven for the Board of Control, forty-nine for the Council and twenty-four for the Board of Education, It is stated Its labor circles in To- ronto, in reply to a speech delivered by Hon. A. K. Maclean in Ottawa re- cently, that there are upward of 35,, 000 workers in Toronto district out of employment, The Canadian National Railways is now by order-in-Counejl made the designation of the Canadian North- ern Railway and the Canadian Gov- ernment Railways, including the Intereolonial and the National Trans- continental. Major ;Henry Cameron, Conserva- tive, and John W. Widdifield, repre- senting the United Farmers of On- tario, were nominated at Beaverton. for the Legislature seat for North Ontario, to succeed the late Hon, W. H. Hoyle, .A syndicate of wealthy Kentucky breeders and racing menhave bought four race courses in that state for $7,000,000 and will close his- toric Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby has been run for many years. WEDNN'ESDAY. Three and a half inches of snow fell in Toronto yesterday, Joseph Bourque, ex -mayor of Hull, is dead. Col. Roosevelt, who has beesi"i11 in hospital, has returned home, ' Ogilvie Flour Mill shares sold on the Stock Exchange at a new record price. A new bridge will likely be built by next summer connecting Ottawa and Hull. Labor unions in Great Britain are demanding a forty-four hours week at present wages. In the Krista Penitentiary, in Petrograd, 3,205 persons are being detained on various accusations. c To make a final delivery* of. Qhrist- mas mail in Toronto 438 extra car- riers and 245 wagons were used. The Northland, with returning troops, has arrived at Halifax. The Carmania will arrive on Sunday. The Building Trades League of Toronto has decided to take a refer- endum upon a shorter working day. Cables of season's greetings were exchanged between Col. J. A. Gunn and H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. Maj. -Gen. Rhodes, U.S.A., who was injured by the fall of an airplane at Louvres, is recovering in hospital in Paris. The issue of permits for importa- tion of cattle, sheep, swine, etc., from Great Britain will be resumed on Jan. 1. Six soldiers' were thrown out of a military motor car in Toronto when it collided with another car, but none were hurt. David Palmer was sentenced to 30 days in jail for betting on a hockey game at the Toronto Arena. His counsel will enter an appeal. Mrs. Wm. Beattie, of Brampton, died of -influenza and pneumonia; she was a sister of Edward H. Dale, who died of the same disease on Sunday. Fourteen cents a quart is too high a •,price for milk, according to: the Food Board's regulations, the :Chat- s hani Fair Price Committee finds;, and it has reported this 'finding tp the THURSDAY.. London is being decorated for the reception of President Wilson. Soldiers from the steamship Gram- pian will arrive at Ontario points to- morrow. President Wilson reviewed the American troops at the front on Lan- gres Plateau, About a mile of poles belonging to the Ingersoll Telephone Co. were brought down by the snowstorm. American Consul Treadwell, at Tashkent, Russian Turkestan, has been arrested by the Bolshevik'. An explosion setting off the sprin- kler system caused damage in the premises of the Southam Press, Lim- ited, Toronto. More than three hundredPg ige be- longing to a farmer west of Brocie=. ville had to be killed, owing to an outbreakof cholera. Jos. Roussve, a French-Canadian from. Martina- walked into; the. Toronto, police station and said he wished tosurrender himself to police. ,4ffic als. John -Mike, a Turk, of Brantford, fired at a Hungarian girl' he greatly admires, but •missed her, and turned his.' "revolver pn• ;himself, indicting; grazing wounds 'The German `Democratic party it making an appeal forunity by all Liberal parties who ant a republicublic and are averse to seeing the country! fall ' into 'hands; of; .reactionaries or. extremists starless from •England indleate'illet Ithe baseball boom there is subsiding with the departure of Canadian ant Atneriran troops. The game will tie supplant cricket. It is declared that the ,British and Freztch Ambassador's "at Madrid have de n nded on behalf of their Governs inents the expulsion of ell Germans from the Spanish one in Morocco, Appeals have been sent, but so fat without avail, to the Ministers of Jus- tice and of Labor by the Machinists' Union and the Trades and Labor Council of Stratford, asking for the immediate release of Arthur Skid- more. FRIDAY.. Parliament is expected to open in the second week of February. Welland Canal work is to be con- tin'aed on the "eost plus" basis. Soldiers front the Corsican and the Grampian arrived at Ontario points to -day, British Columbia's honey crop thin year amounts to nearly 225 tons. the hrggrst yield yet. Il ,-tor -Apr) ,,i..icl. a Cresswell, Oat , bachelor, committed suicide by junrpiltg out or an. or, hrd tree. Gen. Sin s:off. Coss ce leader at Chita, Siberia, has been sligitily wounded by a bomb thrown in a theatre, A decree published on Wednesday at Paris re-establishes the free sale and use of petroleum products begin- Bing Jan, 1. November bank statement shows sharp reduction in savings deposits, reflecting, of course, withdrawals for the Victory Loan, President Poineare of France spent Christmas on a visit to Ardennes re- gion, He assured the people that reparation would be exacted for Ger- man cringes in firing at women and Children and burning hospitals, The bodies• .of the Misses Susan and Sarah Donovan have arrived at Belleville for burial. They were on the all -fated sleeper which was de- stroyed by fire on Dee. 16. The two sisters had been teaching in the vi- sinity of Regina. A complaint of Western Canada returned invalided soldiers off the hospital ship Regina as to accom- modations on the train journey is characterized by a Militia Depart- ment official at Ottawaas a "criminal outrage." R. D. McCulloch, of Galt, announc- ed, on behalf of his sister, Mrs. Jessie Shearson, 01 Toronto, and himself, their readiness to give a new Nurses' Home to the Galt Hospital Board, in memory of their father, the late Hugh McCulloch. SATURDAY. Mr. Walter Sterling, city auditor of Toronto, is dead. Mr. A. L, E. Davies, a. well-known Toronto choir master, died suddenly, The Polish Government is reeruit- ing officers in. France for the Polish army. Central Ontario Liberals will race' in Toronto on Jan. 21 to form association. Canal traffic at Sault Ste. Marie this past season has been the light- est since 1914. War veterans who reached Ontario yesterday complained of conditions on the transport. Col. John A. Gunn, commanding the Toronto Military District, is to be promoted to brigadier -general. A message from Dantzig says the Germans are dismantling the port and carrying off the -dock machinery. It is reported that the. Abyssinian Government is sending troops to aid the Christians against the Moslems. Serious complaints of the food and sanitary conditions were made by sol- diers who came by the Northland from England. The Woodward & Co. elevator at Portage la Prairie was destroyed by fire, the loss being placed at $400,000 to $450,000, fully insured. Ontario grape -growers asked the Government at Ottawa to extend the time for transporting native wines, to allow such transport as long as sale is allowed. Walter C. Findlay, former Pro- hibition Commissioner for British Columbia, was committed to jail for contempt of court in refusing to tes- tify at the liquor inquiry at Van- couver. The Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co. has been given authority by the Dominion Government, following Coat -roller Magrath's recommenda tions, to mine coal in certain areas under Sydney harbor ' belonging to the Dominion Coal Co. MONDAY. New Year's sermons were preached in' the churches. Soldiers arrived in Ontario from the steamer Northland. The Arenas of Toronto were de- feated 6 to 3 by Canadiens at Mont- real. Arrangements f r o the transfer of Victory bonds of small denominations are announced. • The. German ambassador and his - staff at Madrid will depart from epain on Jan. 9. Hamilton Radial Railway Co. has leeided to put its affairs in the hands If the Exchequer Court as insolvent. The Brantford Courier has ceased publication, the circulation :and `,good- will being taken over by the Ex t THE l Chief Joseph Breakey of the Sarnia tire brigade 'died shortly before noon yesterday after about fifteenmiautes', sickness. - Arrests are being ,made at Cologne of German civilians' for not obeying British orders to be hi their homes at 9 o'clock. Prof. W. H. Greaves of Victoria', College is going to the Khaki • Uni- versity,' 'representing , the Congrega- tional, College. Georges . Carpentier, . famous French_ aviator -boxer, has signed ar- ticles t9 meet-Bombedier Wells, the English, heav'yweigi}t • President `Wilebn'' celebrated his 62nd birthday ,;.le t e;gdo n S day bymany � useessadtYvitigs. George made,gitts -teethe AYier �fice snp ; staff. Toronto curlereseintormallyrOpeisede the season Saturday."The formal '::a opening >at the ;various clubs is, ex pected to take place' on' New 'Year's Grace • Methodist . Church, • St, Thomas, held • a;'memorial service in; honor of. the 24 members 'Of that church who have died - aa a. result of • the Spanish•• influenza. '• OFCOE�RCE�K S1R• D MMU N E D WALKER. C.V,O., 11. D„ D,G,IPresident L, es w rpt CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,OOO RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 Slit JOHN AMC. Cele -4M .ager H. V. F. JONES, Ass's C. en i. Manages SAFETY FOR, SAYINGS Few people are sufficiently alive to the need of carefully selecting a deposi. tory for their savings. This Bank pro- vides a safe place for you. •z EXETER. BR.—A. i. Kuhn, Mgr. C EDITUN--.,j. A. McDonald, Mgr F, S. KENT, Mgr., as Dashwood. MQLSONS SANK Capital & Reserve .$8,800,00o 07 Branches k Canada A General lanidni liminess Trenseetsn ()weldor Lettgars at Credit Bank Monet, Orders SAVINGS BANK D.PPARTE illit.'t+at allowed at blest sweat rate KXkTaa *L&$CH-- w TLZM.1A. /7r ..a.*sa..r.aaaa......aa,,,,.atl. - Saintsbury if you are renewing or subscrib- Mr and Mrs, Edgar Smith of Guelph nes visiting with the former's parents :lit and Mrs, ,W. j, Smith, G rdo,r VJashbunt and sister, Miss Pinel:, vis iter ,in Guelph, Gordon returning Moe day while Miss Annie will remail for a short time.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Me Dbnald attended: the funeral of their n'ece ,Miss Jean McIieller, at Ailsa Craig dela week --Tina At Home held in St, Patttick's Church Hall, a. few nights ago for the children, was very much enjoyed by all peepenti,—Mr. Wm Dickins, who had his ankle frac- tures some time ago, is improving nicely.—Mrs, Jas. Isaac still continues in poor health, and i; not imuroving as rapid,iy as her friends would wish. big Aar any of the Caxter4fran daily es. weekly papers, you may do so at t s office, We have always looked after this for scores of our subscribers and are still doing aa. We can give it to youcheaper as well as save all expen- ses at conmectien, and nowadays it nests at least eight cents In cash be. tides stataatery, to order a paper sitoglY. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate or- rice. Strictly confidential; no witnebs THE GROWTH OF HABIT Robustness to many is almost entirely a matter of habit, the habit of taking care and the consistent use of SCATS EMUSION The energizing properties of Scott's have been proved in thousands of homes nearly everywhere. The habit of using Scott's regularly at trying periods as a means of building up strength and .thwarting weakness is a habit well worth cultivating. Try Sooff s Emulsloin for Increased Strength. - Scott & Bowne, Toronto. Ont. 3.11-11 BUY r -Savings Stam On Sale at all MONEY -ORDER POST OFFICES BANKS AND :- WHEREVER, THIS SIGN IS DISPLAYED, VY .War -Savings; Stamps for $4.00 each, place them odthe Certificate, err ficate, which will be giverri to you;':have your Stamps registered against ainst loss g r free of charge at any Money -Order Post Office; and on the first day of.1924, Canada 'will pay yeti $5.00' each forour Stamps. Ps•. As an 'd to the° urchase of . w. -s. m• �.. P S:, you ,can buy.: THRIFT Staff for 25 cexnts`each: Sixte of. ., Pa ,,. , rsr these Thrift Stamps on a Thrift Card shill be exchanged' fora``{N.- . g ,.. S S. 'Thrift Stam s do n ,:: i t, P of bear inter eat. ; Therrs'v�rtue•�s that they I � enable you to ;apply • ev„ ry r5 centyou caarssave towards the purchase et a ooyernmeitt;tnterest-bearing Security. :r w .�. ,:.. ..+lt._ ._. ,m est.ticiust be ` Y,h . ....paid on Governmrnt botrow- lags'it is but right that every man, woman: and childd. show] L� • F 'ittl►�'the opportutu#y„'tQ_ ea?utlris interest.„ • -Sir Thoinos Whyte. 0• 00 S._ for