HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-1-2, Page 2s•
By Agronomist.
This Department le for the use of our farm readers who want the Elated
af an expert on any queatIon regarding soil, tieed, croi" e‘c. 11 your question
le ef suffieient generai interest, it wilt be answered through this column. If
and aelciregeed envelope is enclosed with your letter. a complete
answer will be malted te you. Address Agronomist. care of Wawa Publishing
Go., Ltd., n Acleiaide et W., Taranto,
WintererFof the Dairy COWS, ed daily rations for the 1,000 pound
Cows e fed. in ;;;;;;1;during dairy cow suitable to the individual
one half of the year or more and
feecliog daring tlins period may,
through ignorance or on amount of
using unsuitable feeds, be made very
expensive. The pi•ofits from the
herd will of ceugeo, deeend to a
needs of farmers throughout t 10
No. 1. --Mixed hay 16 pounds, tur-
nips or mangels 40 pounds, meal nue-
' ture composed of bran 6 parte,.
gmound barley 2 parts, oil eake 1
The market demand* vary b dif-
fereut parts of the country. Some
markets pay the beet Prices far
brown eggs and in others the white
egg sells at a provienn. The farm-
er who markets eggs b small quanti-
ties will seldom realize that any dis-
Unction is made but it will pay him
to keep one breed of fowls so that
the eggs will all be of one color.
If eggs are sold to a private trade
it pays to grade than and oily sell
cartons containing eggs of one color.
This gives the package a more pleas-
ing appearauee and buyers will be
r...uNtot robv Arosi
.• •
more satisfied even though. there is HOW WIN CL05E ni; VA ALL \ OUR Ete.4.
no difference between the quality of 1-0 3IMPLE,IET IT IlYiTIFiE5,
the egge of mixed colors and the i covER Durimy - pRE5T0 ctilkva.
One of our customers always liket , t that it resembles thsi, ueconsciousuess and It -sowing eldidren nam hours of
large extent on the eeonomy of the part and cotton seed meal 1 part. 'brown eggs because she said .hat tneem
Methods of winter feeding followed.. This zneal fed at the rate of 1 pound appeared richer and more wholesernei
conornieal feeding does not mean. per 34 pounds of milk produced. . than clear white eggs. Many deal -
scant suppliee, but the esing of the. No. 2. -Mixed clover hay 12 pounds, ers like the eldaite eggs the best be -
kinds of feeis and feed combinations; corn ensilage 30 pounds, meal mix- eauee blood rings can be located in a i
that will be likely to produce the ture composed of bran 5 parts, cot- white egg a little quicker than in a;
hest results at the loa-eet cost. i ton seed 2 parts, oil ealte 1 part, fed brown egg. In other words, when a i
As the milk produced :depends upon; at the rate of 1 pound for evert- 3 white egg is candled there is /heel
the quantity and meility of the feed or 31'.,. pounds of milk produced difficulty in telling if it is absolutely!
consumed, every effort should be made,: All cows are not et the eame tent-, fresh. Personally we think that
to supply the cow -with all she will', perament. On this account a studeu`: either color is very attractive on per -
sat of a ration eonthining palatabilng ehould be made of the regairementsjectly fresh eggs and the main pointd
ty, easy dierestibnity, variety and of the indieidual enimal. In ther/ is to sell fresh stock that is either alll
nutrition. g
' hest -bred herd:, eews vary in emit% of one eolor or the other.
The most ezonornieal ration znust productive ahtlit:- tl'erefore to obtain'
4 a * • ---------C,'
have as a heeds, eheap but rich, untri-1. the greatest profit, records should be Rh/Wag Stumps.
tieus, farm -grown roughaetes such as kept of both milk and feed, sem teets, In clearing eut-over land of stumps.l. - -
clover le.4.y, ensilage and roots. The made oecasiouallY to ascertain if ft' there are many ways, lsoth economical! hack to the su
to balanee the roughage ration encl.:grain. the same. But the pocket -book iS b • one and might well be fo. e
llow el' more
4411 ehPeenve, 14 'e re'Lts are; The above method can be used in' +
,.. , ,. . 1,o presume that the waete substaoces
Ey Andrew F Comer. M.D.
r. Currter enswer ail signed lettere pretaiaing to tomb. It rota
foneiton fig Pr general latereat it will be aastvezed through these columns;
Pt apt, it 'will be antivered personally it stamped, eddreseed envelope is lie,
*lotted. Dr. Currier will not preaertbe for indleidual ea508 or make diagnoste,
Address Dr. Andrew P. Currier, ear* of Wilaoe Publishing Co. 71 Ado:aide
Weat. Toronto.
Many have tried to define sleep but battery for the renewal of eieetri,
energy. It ie more importnnt thar
' Sleep,
1 do not know of any definition that food; some people have gone without
Tisheenetatelyo;a4iteisefpacistonroyt tohrelsnaemlaest fc000udldthrgeeo oltl•.sfour weeks. few if any
all people nor for the same Person Most people are toted up if compelled
ieng witheet sleep,
all the time,. but this we can say, to go without sieep forty-eight hours.
whatever else sleep maY be it is al- The Arrangement of nature is that
ways unconsciouseess, not necessar- the Amount of 'ee.p required variee
ily profound for light sleepers walten for different people and at different
on the slightest dieturbanee. On the Periods of life'. An infant eleepe al -
graded pack. •-Ii0 Mlle (Ma UNA 'AM STTAfirol other hand it may be so stupefying MOSt continuously, and for infante
, - ----- ...MP seetenreagggg -- '" '' or coma when the brain is aral -zed sleep flaiiy are blispenealde fee
ii thoughnutrien t at
/ brain is inactive in normal sleep the heaithy ceve.opment. In ma tire 1 e
eight hours daily eatiefy most people,
by injury or disease. But though the
I ing and working hours. The heart women frequently Ling alde to get
! and lungs along v:ith fewer hours than men.
must keep on without In old age many say they ere eatis-
urinary end. mine of the other parts many ern to the conditions of
of the m^chirerv re ri h If tarne fled n•ith four or five hours but this
IS not a general rtne and 1 nelleve
' pause sr respite, the digestion, the
i e . • a o a - 1 .
' We know thet anaemia of the brain chilehood and find it delrai,)1e t,i
will cause unconsciousness and it eleep the greater part- of the tima.
i seems to me this !nest be the prin- The hinernating anlinels teach us
i therrame since the influertee of many
final factor in producing sleep. Fur-' the ratio of sleep to the con3erva-
tion ef vital force and furnish suffi-
cient fuel Trent their own tiseee:t to
1., poison'drugs and other substances keep their ;machinery in operation
circulating in the bleed is seen, the several meal" Vie. eestom in tropi-
vsinese stupor and unconscious. cal eountricte of sleeping an hour or
, . . .
liberal feedirig of meals is advisable; woehl pay to increase decreziete the- d • -
• -
aen firing oyealetito.1, eees which follow their use it is fair te."0 aftvr the tn. - ay 4 g
• .1
an extra supply of nutrients in a' MIMI production at a minimeni cost .
o no spent in const ering le mos ere-,
t t - 'd - tl t - cs — irtestines and lin-Adder. and the ma-
; poisonous mattee odroehed from the pecially during the eununer months,
especially the urea, the. extensively b. temperate climates. es.
nomaers that .ie on the I ef the body,
to provide the heavy milking COW withi Cows, in order to make a maxi-. hit hard if some time and thought are! reakIng
1 ground. --O, 8. R.
less bulky form. i should be housed under the most fay-
, I =nice], and at the scline time the' The Child at The Gate. ; terial generated hy the excessive
A pound of grain when the cow is' orable conditions, that is, In regal"' to most practieel Method. I Quertione and Answers.
J A ;lumber of farmers are tssing- C-:°' b the latticed gate t'lle ' '''t.'" ' v,ork of muscular isssues which gwel B. E. Tea -Eight years aga I safer -
fresh is equivalent to several pounds cleanliness, god ventilation, plenty'
of grain after the cow has decreased' of light, with necessarybetitIl'g stump pullers, and after pulling Her litt:e face peers through. 1 na the feeling of fatigne are all con- ed a fracture of the spine. An un -
an"' the, .
materially in her milk flow. Feed occasional grooming. .1 stump they find it a hard job to move, The whole 'mule world of out -of -,loo; tributing factors in intheeing sleep. able te walk. and am much troubled
one pound of meal for every M i A cow slunk hs.ve all the g004; particularly the white pir.es in eaY', Liee just beyord her view. / The voluntary =Fouler system, that with conatipation. I have AO attend -
pounds of zniik produced; as her laeta- • quality roughage el -.e 'WalltS, with al sew, They sometimes are ten feee , „ , „. , „ , 1 irl the muscles cc.ntrulled by the will, 'ng phygleli-n. and would' be very
tion period progresses. decrease the well Waimea grain ration regulated ; e ' the e e t g Small, wistful nonos s.retch towaroi l'; quiescent and' ret for the muscles glad if you would tell me what 7
meal gradually to one pound for every by her production, also plenty a .F.res11,
, or tame across e spree. o rao e,
an 1 'ni a hard ma .ei o TOON? 1 4•0
4 1 ' V • t • 1 e 'the bolt . ; is: eesential to ims. Imo every other could do.
e rm
! machine, if , u y such a.
five peanas dit' milk produced. " water and front one to three outees• that, it can lal piled. As a rule theyThet locks thharet gate, machiee, the hymen Angx%er--If yoreallhave
The following, are two well-balanc-lof ealt added to her feed dai1y. heave it alone., in which c dq• ;,• • . she Ponders in he- 1.•1•ildish thoughtin 1
on . ion ... 13.
rong ard, /nolqt waitP '
v40, -,zed coatinuouslY, soon 'near out. trouble as you ho,ve stated, 1 Amid
as bad as it was before it was pellet, Whe- st eer h . . ., . eoll.e who are Poen s'eePere do not:, Ftippose you stralt be entirey help -
To place the bar, before her feet, always. slants eeverely if they ran 11e les% and tbirk it would be wire if
A method that I have found both
praetical and economical is to breen Cilt"' "nr:ing down the path, ii quietly in bed a suffieheet number of you could have suitable make] at-
w;tholit 'motion and without mingle I :mid not think, of pre -
up with dyearnite. Melte a m2,1, 1.4 ..;:.INAI eYe? flash, the baby heert ening
cap Where the butt of the sienna
Oth unrefroning wrath. / brain activity. though of course. they scribing for rea-ia feet, that is not
Many reraelies can be gienn forr, Corn and oats ;pound together,! joins the roots. Look at it Iran'. ;. miss the great boon el peaceful con- a part or th., wark of this 'depart -
destroying" lice on cattle. About the , equal parte, inane a enney et-' bottom side and loeate a small cavity Per nare tees ache. to feel the deetn anneee ,5"„et.p. That the brain is aoae- mem; hue I might eay, iit general,
peter, !, ; o slowa
z . ., . *at :I I e h l 4: I that I Arun think it probable,. that
simplest and most effective is arty:time ear brood sowo. The addition. that -will bold about two er thr.e. 1-1•1 1 e ' , e d ' . ''.' '— go -
good coal tar dip or disinfeetent. a one part wheat middlings gives &Was of dynamite after heel= lege e It so far, so far awayin tho shin tthe heart down
nigitt the sunset glowed ; and the blood accumulates on the
This product •,,•.ow is on sale in almon more variety and improves the re-, removed from the paper. •If you , Lail i bL'e of the eirculation. The
every town ziol it is deep and ef- suite at farrowing time. Some of, cannot find a cavity, cut away erough ' Out far beyond the duety waye, Vtil‘adS
teetive. As ordinarily purelmeed, it the most -successful bresflers of ' soil or part of the roots so as to en-nil/70nd the roadside flowers. object of sleep is renperation, re -
r sg . -
ean be reduized by adding water, al- ssvine feed small quantities otf diJ able you to locate yoor ho:n in Tiemother aid that shininPeth newel, remration. It in relexation
o 'wn 1 a
though it will do rto berm if you put gester tankage along with the grain! hard part of the roote, in the eentre. Lcd up tGois otowers. tense innseles, ret of brain and
God, her inetber says. takes eare nerve cells, like rest in an electric
it on full strength. 72 ono had a, feed. About 40 pounds of digester Take clay and mud and make a And
dipping vat 30 that he could dip the, taneane to no pounds of the zulitedl nest or ring around the cavity an,t • Of little, wandering feet,
yeti would he neeefitted by the °mat
sienal uee et an enema 'containing
about one quart 4,2 bot water and
eel), end' a tableepoeitful a turpen-
tine -the turpentine . being earefulltr
and theraughly Mixed „with the eoup
animals it'll over, the lice would be , grain ewe will ineure strong wan place the explosive, packing it into a Then \AY elb Stronger hands bar (Asti Ring, Happy BeUs.
Food Control Corner
destroyed at once, but with a small' developed pent; at •-•trrowing time ; ttrall compect mese T vo or thre Tbat dear, filr-reaehing street? I
• Ring out the old, riog in the new,
. a. a rat on. untie not a strictly bal.! eartridg•es will be sufficient, depend»!
out the false, ring in th'e true. Why Canada Mug Still Save an4
/ ficient reserve flesh and energy to ' piece of itnne -------------------- ,Tne long road may be good to you; ! Bing
force pump and have it quite effective.
thoroughly along the back bone, es- H usesFor Hired Help. place on top the paper that was used 1 Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
i For those that here we see no more.; Adlied. countries toglae. h or the
time in the history of ;he United
Homes are the great stabilizeN of ; Yen may be wise to see
, , States and Canada the Ltia-In elan)
thc withers clear up to the horns., cgi eta ; . . . d . . i • ! Now pile some. mud on top, plenty
for cartridges.
Were put there by the Stronger, Ring in redress to all mankind.
peeially on the batk of the neck and
toted get a buneh catl--------- an' anuel on --------------------------------------------------- ing on how large the tump is and. T gate is shut but in the year;
' • I Ring, happy bells, across the snow.
terd this is impraetleable, One "•lu" • i ."
The year is going, let him go
enelosure and spray them with adear child, we truet
results and the tows will possess Fur -:ow le'iow take a :nett come,
. 'he practical way is to take. this dini properly uourieli their:litters. lion and prime with No. 6 blasting And other hare, that must
,4-s, Ring out the grief that saps the mind, There are no wheat reserve:- in the
:d eloth or a bruelli and apply it zip, place in centre of d'ynamite and. Be leund a eve °
Pae it on liberally and rah in with dustrial methods recognize the value af it. and pack firmly. Split the enti
u brush. If you do thie taw' or three: see your eeeurity.
f d th 1 b ef fuse and light powder train and
eeen oines meping nor - '11
year was ended without reserves m.
Itile sin, wheat being on hand. The United
; Ring mit the want, the care,
I The faithless coldness of the times; States ane Canada had letred-theit
i Ring out, ring out, my mournful bins in order to Inencet Great nritain
• . . • 1 „,
times at Intervale, of abotrt one week. t...
yon will &grey "egliee. fixed and thus preventing the heavy get to a piece 0 s e. e ,
rhymes, n 1 . • t. .3 1., . .. p . .,.. ....
Ioesee that result trom constant shift- flee in all direetions and eon be picked Gluten bread, sliced and toe ,
But ring the fuller minstrel in, probable increase in the eeverity of
mg from place to earage, ..es a r0. up and ueed for fuel. Always look! then buttered anti spread with ir-,
the submarine menriee. Thie l'iltall.,
'Ile 1 f his ' e To , Inane! lar e uP so as to dodge any pieces that ; pie auger and nuts is expellent o or
ete Great Britain to ereate a reeeree
;Ring snit old shapes of foul disease;
induetrial concerns Provide neat end emu! lime.
_ At all times Lave your the ehilth en's ,une ms. •
o the beet substitutes for
1C0 ot bread is :a potato.
AW FuRsz win Pay 141Vhect
Id rneriset prices See
P S2 years ef reiJatio trading.,
p.ererenee--Union Bk. of Canada.
Write for Price List and Tags
N. SILVER 220 St. Para st. w.
of ail kinds.
Better quality preferred.
Write for prices.
128 Mansfield St. - Montreal
Send your
St. Paut St,
ria 0 NTa
Seine znanufactirers and not buying to re.
a-11 we always assure the fairest grading ana
- s
of breadstuffs that covered postibly
attractive hoases, which they rent to• -----nee• I Ring out the narrowing bet of gold;
time or four montle4, but Cite reeeret
their employees at reasouble rentals.1 1 Ring out the thousand wars of old.
Such cases are useally merely com-1
• meecial propositions, Ilemee are
i Ring in the thousand years of peace. is abnormally low. With no reserves
I in North America, France, Italy and
'provided bemuse: it is cheaper to dot , / Ring in the valiant man and 'free, other nouti.al rountriee, the reservc4.
that than to suffer the loeses due to! The larger heart, the kindlier hand; i in Great Britain are negligibla. lhe
Anyone familiar with the feeding blood flow of the dam. Feeding the'
the constant shifting Ring out the darkness of the land, ; need for reserves of breadstuffs ie.
of a "hare 01- of hogs knows that much erucie or pregnant sow a mixture containing' .-
less diesatisfied labor supply. Simit-1 raw mineral matter is consumed by charcoal, ground rock -phosphate,: Ring in the Christ that is to be. apparent.
ally, during the war, .the Govern -i them vaide from tbat e..etually eon- slaked lime, wood ashes and salti
-Tennyson. The United States Food Admixds-
ments of Great Britain and the 'United taineh iu the food eaten, and known will frequently prevent the .condition.•
and; . The Bulwarks of France. safe from hunger" until a reserve of
ttration says "the world will not be
the employeee of raunitione faetor-n a
technically as the ash content. While These constituents are eheaP
general stateraent as to the neinelati easily procurable. Aside from their' That France could not have stun three hundred million bushels of
States eerablished model towns for,
les and the results in greater labor: or earthy requirements of the hog -may value as a natural food in wintere.vived without her women is the wheat has been established. It will
efficiency have eurparesed. ail expects.- be made, certain abuormalities may roots supply zenith mineral constitu-; opinion of Madeleine Z. Doty, who rAeireirrieca, aenqoutahlerto ciehoep totaiali erNoportian
tions. appear at various stages of the ani- ents in themselves and in the earth. has eireled the globe. She writes:
Herein lies one of the remedies for; men; existence due to a ilefinite lack., which usually accompanies them. i -In Siberia, Russia, Sweden and' Nor- the United States and Canada, out of
the shortage of labor on .fatens. The; of some vital constituent in an an- i For the Sucking Pig: The whiter: way, and in Germany in 1916, the im- which another 150,000,u00 bushels coe
Lan m hand, whether married or ein-1 pareutly perfectly balanced ration, farrowed litter should have access to pression was that of a world runnine.;', wheat shall be set aside.
gle, whether empltoyed permanently' this leek due, in turn, to the absence earth, zods anti ashen ae soon as they' down hill. Nothing was kept ttp.: In 1918 the United States lic.rvest-
or temporarile-, is, in most instances,/ of -the required mineral or salt, in the begin to lean about. This with the For four years houses have gone un-; ed her eecond largest. wheat crop,
dependent on the home surroundingsi son that grew the foods. Here, of milk 02 a propeely fed dam 'will usu- painted, ears unrepaired; nothing has about 900,000,000 bushels; Canada
of hie farmer employer for the com-i coven, specific feeding is required. I ally 'suffice. Early spring litters been renovated. The world is slip- had only an average crop of 190,000,-
forts and decencies of life. In cases: In general, Pigs -ander summer orl should be similarly supplied and al- ping into the state of an abandoned
aandgrCalaindadtsataolf f slr,0910h,e-
• outdoor conditions supply their own, lo -wed to ran Outside at the fleet pos- faille . But this is not visible in
where the farmer knows the differeueel
between living and existing this i wants in the foregoing connection,' sible moment. France, and it,,is due largely to the 000,000 bushels. In 1917 the United
syetem may not be intolerable,. but consuming earth, slate, weathered' ,,For the Fattening Pig: Fattening women. They have poured them- States harvested about 625,000,000
I h ' articular' if pen -fed should selves into the business of war as busliels and Canada 250,000,000''
easily available materials m.ey. be. A box :kept filled, or a self feeding' into. the revolution. They have done croP in the United States and Canada
r d Even under otit-dooreon-' device, will allow the hog to appease the drudgery. They- are the bul- for 1918 over 1917 is not large. The
of these be. supplied with a general mixture, the itussian women flung themselves bushels, The excess m the wheat
normally constmees
every efficient laborer desires a bonne
. . .
where he ean'enjoy a reasonablennea-
sure of privacy and indepeuclence.
Farmers would do well to learn _
from the experience of induetrial &Lions, however, many large feeders ;elm demands of the system. Here,
leaders and provide simple but at -l -provide supplemental mineral and' with the heavily -fed hog, charcoal in
tfactive and comfortable homes, which corrective feed. Of these, charcoal. some farm is particularly indicated
could be leased to hired help at a in vaeious forms, ground rock phos- both from the mineral and medicinal
,. .
stones, ashes, wood. e .
pen -fed, some two or three-
week behind. The essentials .o.t" life United States
are, performed with swiftnees and anent 500,000,000 buihels, and re -
ease. The st have tilled the fields,. quires about 100,000,000 bushels for
preserved 'thefop,a, menclei anCt air-:- seed. Canada normally requires
d • nd t charm and c'''riiee alive. about 40,000,000 bushels foe seed,
small rental, or sinaply be used as a phate, ground- limestone, slacked stanapamt. Rock phosphate, bone , .
special inducement to encourage ma:- lime, hone meal, wood ashes, salt, ete. meal, slaked lime and granulated It is as a lover that the Frenabwo- For the past two years Canada has
ried meit to work on ferries. 'Unless are the most important. A readily eharcoOl would supply Practically all man shines forth. • Silo is -a great: had two crops that were only average.
such advantages are provided, it i the neces,sary elements. • Some levee. - From- babyhood' she en:dies' A fairly good crop may be expected
et the senheeit-ys accessible supply of a mixture of the of
and inefficiency of farm labor, foe the
deelese to complain
sefieiencies in the salt for hogs. All domestic aril- comprehends. Love witli her, ;is an has in 1919 as had a crop as. they had •
•rt general correc- dotibt exists as.tothe necessity of man. Each turn of his head she next Year, but if the 'United' States
in , o f both United States
g es mar e re are sure to seee co
2 ' em- mineral constituent as supplied by mals 'esquire it in ggeater or lessee art. rmichwornen ,have been famous
taibvoeveoiis paodzilbsieed
'1917 r i ' the '
theta h t k tar es. QuK re - best laborers
' t. ployment where they can have homes the •ertuler eaten.
. quantities. With the hog it is pre- for then' salmis. There they hayo and Canada have worse eros than- t
bold your skint. Itellar.ate Wait rou accept of their own and only the less, com- ferable to allow free choice rather molded men.Thgreatnees'Of French they had in 1916-17, _America -will be
Ne price list lamed Int we patentee
or reject our offer. 60 peteot andethe inefficient will find history is largely due to the power faced with conditions in 1919 which
General Recommendations
For Breeding Stock in Winter:
Sods, earth and ashes are easily sup:
plied. Ch ar coal nt ay be gur aee d
in various degrees of coarseness or
may be supplied frpin charred corn-
cobs, or wood. Aside from the 'value
of its mineral constituent, charcoal is
an excellent tenie and. eorreetive.
Where the spring litters lack evidence
of etrong,. betty structure, a mbeeel
deficiency of the derit'e ration dueieg
gestationeeie often responsible, where
other probable cattaes are difficult to
- ascribe. Hairless pigs 'at birth, a
phenominon difficult to.' explain tie-
wotild seem to have as one
of the zeeeral probable eaUsatilre con-
ditions, some mineral lack in the
than to force the coneumption of de-
finite quantities. Salt,- therefore, women exerted over men.
'ehould be added to all mineral:or cor-
rective mixtures.
To con:elude; In inin,t localities
simple homerprocurecl mineral foods,
as mentioned, will prove sufficient.
To the feeden who wishes to leave no
stone unturned or ink,localities where
there is evidence of a Jack_ of, neces-
sary plant f,00ti a niord "diversified
In#ttire 'verild be indicated. The
tlinat ti ties consumed aro so, small,
comparatively, that the cost will prove
almost uegligible. The growth and
development of hogs, with rations so
supplemented, cannot b injnred
in AV.02t, .easel will likely be greatly
benefitLed. .
emsyminsimmontomisetrozoneasseran their .i,vay to Um farms. ---A. 1).
The Right Maiket Prices
Tra.Pnez'a are 0.0sUred or these when clearing With UO, --3 firm ig had 30
yearn' but:I/tees .dealings Iri Irtontreal: 'Besides this you hvre our T1 e-
fererieo: Pank oZ Iiecheiage, St. .textry, Montreal.
We want you to send zg Tent- %ailment% of
We talr,o them in any rilzsd (lc:11.1041y g.th PaY Ii
tet.ln;g:„Y`ou satilf abettor., v.,•121.0.k.,Tr.ettno:a ‘oquerg deal.
13 dlr. lal4U1- ST, -
35 e'rp.e !•ge, raavan-
Farme.rs' Account Book.
"Will you kindly send me a copy of
your Farmers' Account Book of which
we were told by Our pastor?" That
is the Ivey a letter recently received
from a-fatmer bi the Commission of
Consrvation reads. It shows how
the clergy are seconding the efforta
of the Commission to encourage busi- S1101tCake May haYe its crust iriacle-.
nesslike habits among farmers. ThecdAbfatie^lieyeearnkde irliacve.efl,boeueil..1 used a mrhao
Farmers' Account Book, which con-
they omtimes beam co
seee eo mpress
tabs blankg— for a S pl c but com-
prehensive system of farm accounts, -ed that the contents of the bottle leak
will be. sent on,reqUest to 'lany- Tartly- out: This may be remedied by put-
er who states the eiumber of a.cree of ting the corks in boiling Water and
land he works. le.aving then,' tit nil the evet:e fools,
will wipe out all the possible reserves
,that rriay be piled up in 1919 by con-
seeyation and substitetion From ,
these facts the conclusion is elride)lt
that any conservation programme
that does not weer at least twO crop
yeas is of little value, for the best
effoittisin conservation may he offset
Ly :a: single baO crop next year.