HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-26, Page 4Sa t? dere rein cal, P1'ai- 0', z. Subscripts{Ist Priv:--itl• advance ,+1 50 fres }c,ai; l,i, Canada; $2;00 in the United tai. s, All subscriptlana not. ..a d ... t� tsard, uc advanCC SOC. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES rDispiay Ade -Mad know oil, application, Stray Animals -One, insertion 50c. three insertions > $1.00. r Rel .Estate ;for aa,l4 0. Farm o �i• ceetiie- iion for one month •o: four nsertr.; ilascrtMT`�s, .stir.• xo-r each subsequent insertion t tion , lliseelleaeous articles of not male en t, lines, For 'Sale,.`fio Rent,t, c:.i. Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each gin- sertion. 25e- Lo Reading notices: etc., 10i;;, per. Local , 1 tle p•-.'1 i,nsert,an, Na "a'uotic e less t.a.i iei lee, Card of Thanks 50c. +. Le, ,a', advertising 1.0e, and 5c, a line Lien Sales' $2 for one insertion : tote ttivo insertiens if moderate ProlessignlaJ Dards riot exceeding 1 inch --;'b per year. THiJRSUAY,. D C School eport a 26, 1915 ROOM viii 11Iasa i-Ela'e S?nde.a 85; ,Nellie Rob- inson 6,• •t tOlass 5 -Donald Glatimari 90; iu Gh 1V 'ta' Il ,T, 1)l. i aL,wi 69; ;Billy�a , \\'rllie9; Eileringtor, 611; Gerald Skinner !Class' 4 -Resin Jentings 72; Billy Neeson 69; 'Itii.ssel'`+Co1libgwood. 65; Itcxtih'Col,liaxgwoc.d.65. ' 1Clacs 12 -Violet ;G'ianxbrill 68; Gordon Nort+bcott 05; Florence .Northcott 04; Geo> gi• Robinson u0. No enrolled 3 aveaiagu •attend: ince for Nov, 20; ay., era_r: `for Deo. 1r•L. Maude tA. Horton, Teacher. ROOK V Sr. 'Class-Ronors, Meta. 45alter 86; Herman Gower 83; Harold •Wihyte 79; Hazel Sanders 75; Clifford Mihdhell 75. Pass, Harry iSne Il 74; Robt, Gam - brill '99; Edna; :Russell 69; Dice Wil- Jr..'Olaes-Honors-Eugeine Howey 87 )3 ank 'C:ree•oh 84; Hugh IOreech 78; 7 atlhleen Beaman. 77. Pass—Ida M't- ethell , 731 'lorr e ,-West 71; Margaret Llajean 6'6; ,John Kuntz t66; Lyle Din - nes 65; Ione Mitcdhell 62. No enroll- ed in Nov<, 27; average in Nov., 21.7; No ienrolled in Dee. ;24, average 11. E M. Kinsman, •T,ehr,rlher. Whalen The Christmas Concert given in the Public School by the children underr the direction of the teacher, Miss Perkins was a splendid success. A choice, and lengthy : program of songs; recitations and dialogues was given also speeches by, several of the, rate payers. Thera was a large- gather- ing of the parents and residents of the sectian and much credit was re- flected on the teacher for heir Until-- en.g :efforts in training.. the children. A; large. Christmas Tree, well loaded, and the presents were distributed among the scholars much. to their delight,. --=John. Wright' and John Mor kin 1Tuesday d spent andWe, zkeisda .Y .n . London; -The "`flu" has not arrived in our .community as yet but our neighbors at Zion are suffering ' a heavy * stroke. One sad death occur- red Friday in the person of the °xray child of Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew, Greta, a daughter of about 16 years: Much sympathy is extended to tb•e bepea•ied parents,. At the time of writing George Lingard ',s seriously ill s a 'lpneumania.- The, naun,y:ioaa pots are' commencing to 'warm irn;' amid it looks as if it will ge: red hot in Bidd.ulph,- We hear that Pilchard Raycraft is com'ng out for reeve af- ter a year of ,rest, but the old one, Mr. McFal1s„ will die hard. Myrtle Hobbs,' who has been seriously i11, at Alma Cai'_ege. in St. Thomas, is around again.. -Several of our young peaale spent Saturday in St. Marys cl•o,ing their Chri:etmas shopping. Pira, John Whiteford is seriouslyiii at influenza.-Groz,i,er Bros have sold their 3Q0 acre farip for $1$,000 to Mr. John S erritt of Stephenli Luc an Mr; Harold Stanley of Toronto is home for the Christmas tial days;,- Mr W. 5, Stan'.e;y, who has been ill for a long time, has been taken to, Victcrie hospital,• Lo clani'-Mr. `A. E Weal ...at .Stratford nas purchased the 201 e.. e'farm of •Messrs. Charles .and Andrew McRo'dertt; S. Boundary of Bidaulph, Hensall The relatives and friends of Mrs. Gra:nes,' a 'daughter of Mrs. C Troye ~--a i4 a sister of IVfrs. George Hudson" of liras village, and of Mr Vaal -tam, fusll regret •to learn d her death, which attic '-ed in Moo,,( Jaw, Sank,, a few days ago,`''.eenni what is termed double. p ieumo•n:a,`xfollici•w ing a 'severe -attack of :n,ilue,nza,-Thi' following were apon rted as canvass.. i ers rfai funds for the erection of s monument in Lliensalt for our fallen heroes, who :gave their Iives for Kilns and country : Geo• ;i3row.;l Robt, Din da,,,John Rowt1e Wm. Dougall ll. W, I7u lianao„ G. C, Petty, Reber Dalrymple Jahm. Fitzgerald; 'Will ar° MclRay,-Mrs. Garnet G. Snie lacombc has xetu.in,ed from a pleasant visit relatives and friidnlds in Galt, Kith-, one:- ..and Guel.p,li,-The,' death of Mrs II J. McDon;atcl of 'thi, v'�lta� e. to,ad,, �, place, after.been„,g ser iauslj� ilrl durlnr,r, the past }ear G,e,axge C. Petty:. Reoro. pie:, n.;cc1 the, 'Muni eali,t) with the 1',Gtory flag, with two stars ahowirie, that Heraall has subscribcd twice Ver.,. anseti,nt 'of the ohlectve ---W, J, C;lark is out seriously i t this week, W00db. 11r John Urquhart atten4ed the flit- ite,d Formers Couvieriti,on in 'fos .as:A} a:" l , . , Ir. J ilte I,_ h`xu Ic.} is co l,irtpl .ci the house owing to 4lln,ess , fess t -a,. Crazier Brae„ threshers, hatresold their G acre Lzi• I3 s •c �' a0 tui ur _'rn, lrai 1 ,:or. ago $16,500.., --Same 'f� cert vea s1 � . tt i Clur,Isiop'her Spa:z"ling left the Base -e line—the farm at pre:seiIt awned , 'by iVir Adam Ooupa, east Lot:. this village, said tcerut to Ditrkiain,, i}:h•ei•e hie lived ihltal dura ;death last w,eek,, He was i,`5 } etaa t of age, an,d never married. .Isis sister hiss ' Cafharinie, Sparliuo, `•,. has kept house•for hint . < 'l"he remit:As were brought tback-to 13,1a nshasd for:. burial Grand Bend Pte Raymond Dearing, .son of Mr, Abp Dea,riri� .; .of the' Mallard: line, Stephe,t, and formerly of Exeter„ died at the Mi((ltary Hospital,- London ' on December 1r th of pneumonia, follow- ing influenza; , is enlisted int- the W. 0,' R. at Loudon early last summer and ,,had been, in training there since) lie became ill of ,influenza ;list " t vee; before his death., Re was aged 73 years and was a fine' spec :then, "I( Hari;-lbooa, 13es,ides his parents he ii .sl. r,r:ved by one brother .did two sis,eis, 'The. remains wore brought to Grand Bend, and interred oust S1r wine,–" da loi•,lo'r ing. The. brothers and sisters are Leon,, Olive and Me,r1(e.( Amonrg the floral tributes was one from the Meth,etii,,st .Suridey School in which he took ea active part. Centralia, Mr, aitd Mrs. . M, Baynham are spend- ine; the holiday at the :home of _Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. r, Miss Edith HrtwL of Toronto Univer- sity a.s_ borne for Christmas hoiladay it ~ilius. Fred Essery is home recuper— ating for a few days, after his recent illness • Mr, and Mrs. F. ,Fairliall, who have bean seriously 5L with influenza, are somewhat impnovlede Mostly all who were. illi with the "Flue" a week ago, are ij-alproniRIZ and are, able to be out again. Mrs, H. Willis left for :h.Yvinston to trait an, Mr, Rex. Mills, who is sick there with influenza, Miss Flo Hill is spending the holi- days with he>.rparcnts here. Mr. Herb Hanlon, who has been sick in the hospital with influenza, is ,able t•a`' be home, • SEVEN NEW : REPUBLICS. Rhenish Official Suggestion Solution of German Problem., • DRESDEN; Saxon}-, Dec. 23. A Rhenish official advances the sugges- tion for.afuture Germany composed of seven republics constructed along the lines of the United States, as 'follows: First.—Upper Saxony, composedof i the former Kingdom of Saxony with Thuringia, Furfurt, Magdeburg, 'An halt and German Bohemia: -Capital, Dresden. Second.—Lower Saxony, with Han- over, Lippe, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck and Schleswig-Holstein. Capital, PIan- over. • Third.—Rhineland 'th Baden Alsace, Pfalz; Rhenish Hesse, the Rhine province, Hesse Nassau and Westphalia,. halia. Ca ital Coblenz. P P Fourth—Swabia, with Wurttem- berg and Hohenzollern. Capital, Stuttgart. Fifth.—Bavaria. Sixth.—German Austria,: -with' Veirmark, Kacnntus and the. Tyrol. Seventh. -Brandenburg and .Prus- sia, with Mecklenberg, Pomerania, Silesia. Capital, Berlin, Preferred: Spot _Cash. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 23. - Al- though Admiral Beatty, -commander of the British Grand Fleet,refrained from requiring the delivery ' of the German submarine 13-9,' with which Commander Weddigen torpedoed, and sank three British 'cruisers, out of consideration for the "glorious re- cord" ofhis boat, says the Cologne Volkszeitung, the submarine was de- livered to the British because the German crew -was unwilling to fore `go the opportunity of earning the 500 marks promised to each man for. taking the boat to. England, Tilled His Son; Tried Kill Himself, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man.,. Dee. 23.—Nicholas Gunn, aged 12 years, was shot and killed here Fri- day by' his; father, Charles Gunn, aged 50, after which the latter attempted to commit suicide by cutting 'his throat with -a razor and shooting himself. It is believed that he will recover.." Gunn feared, that he was going to,die as a result of a protract- ed illness, according to the statement, he gave the coroner, and did not wish to leave the boy behind -in the care, of the boy's stepmother. S , sh Flu s. Leaves the Kidney* weak „and . inactive: Nvrtet.`. f•CIDNpf... will strengthen those de..,ilitated organs ,and restore thein, to their former state of health. �• Pilar ,Sold fives'.7' where 5 0. cent's a box .amtoelat Dano & enreelxcaz, C:> o, CANADA, X.rn. a oafb Ont., S T'OPIC'S important Events Which tli,aye.. OCCurredC3tt1 ing the !, /eek, , TheC inti y World's iliplerxt, s Care- fully aro.Cil ly Compileil , and Put Into Handy and Attractive 'Shape for the fteud us of Our Paper -- A Solid Uour's i+aiioyrnent. 'I UL'SL ,Y. A Natuna1Gas Commission bas been appointed for Western Ontario. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, leader of the Liberal Opposition at Ottawa, is visit- ing Toronto, Messrs. Lloyd George ,and A. J. Balfour wiil arrive vie in Paris an Satur- day or Sundae'. The last Germali troop:' left Fin- land yesterday under`couusland of of- ficers of high rank. The Ontario Government will not alter the Ontario Temperance Act un- til a, -Year after • the war. Four Russians living in Ford' were fined '$200 and costs each for im- porting prohibited literature. At the annual meeting of the Dominion Grange i!!r. J. C. Dixon was re-elected Worthy 1\Iaster. Capt. Tyrus Cobb has returned to America from France and intimates that lie is though with baseball. A commission has been formed With the purpose of promoting the' building of a peace bridge at Niagara. Sir Thomas White, acting Premier of Canada, issued a statement review- irg the work -of the Union-, Govern - Lien'. Mr. Frank Yeigh has been appoint- ed Publicity Secretary of .the For- ward Movement of the Presbyterian Church. ' Sir Percy Sherwood', Commissioner of the Dominion Police for thirty-five years, has resigned on account' of his health. Field •Marshal Sir. Douglas Haig will arrive in England next Thurs.. day morning with, a staff of distin- guished officers. George Kelly, -of''Havelock, aged 16,, was almost instantly killed while working on the coal chutes at the C.P.R. -divisional yards in Havelock The -Northwest -Mounted Police Force is to be increased to its Guth- orized strength of 1,200. men; its du- ties are eniar'ged and its permanence assured. Hon. S. C. Mewburn outlined the demobilization scheme in an address. at the Canadian Clttb. One hundred thousand men will be kept at 'the • front till March. WEDNESDAY. Experiments in 'airplane construe- tion will be• -carried on at: the Uni- versity of Toronto. -- Commander J. K. Y. Ross of Mont- real leads the list of winning owner`s" on the American turf for 1918. One of the latest' battle cruisers is being refitted for the purpose of an Imperial • tour by the Prince of Wales: Several changes`;in the assessment law were ,suggested to the Special Assessment Committee of the Legis lature. The Ontario Government . will not be able to proceed this year with ex-' periments in preparation of peat„for fuel. Henry” Ford' announces that he has jobs waiting for 4,000 maimed sol- diers, 'no matter how disabled they may be. .... - Fifteen persons lost their -lives when aP C. .R. tourist s car was burn- ed at Bonheux, 12,9 -miles west of Fort 'William. The Melita is due at St. John with '1,621 passengers, including udin 96 offi- eel's and 1,089 other ranks, and a -heavy mail. The last, grain cargo of the season was delivered at Buffalo last night, a week earlier than the close of the season last yea"r. Dominick Tortorich, a New Or-: leans- spotting promoter, has offered Champion Jess. Willard '$75,00'0 for a contest with -Jack Dempsey: Field Marshal` von Mackensen has been interned' by the Hungarian Government. Roumania has disarm- ed the rear -guard of the German army. • The general syndicate of French hotelmen has decided that for ten years it will not receive a native of enemy countries as • einploye or cus- tomer. • United States troops arriving in New York from France bring an un- confirmed rumor nconfirmed:rumor to the effect that Catcher "Hank'' Gowdy was killed in action.. THURSDAY. The Melita arrived at St. John with some 1,200 of Canadian soldiers and many civilians. Representatives of United Fart*; Women of Ontario addressed the U. F. O. convention, Toronto. Two train. loads of troops, the re inaining soldiers due in Ontario from the Olympic, arrived yesterday. , The U. • S.. army transport Logan with troopsjor Siberia caught fire at sea, but the flames were subdued. A number of German communes situated near Switzerland have ap- plied to become part of that republic. There. are' Signs of trouble between. Italy and the Jugo-Slays over posses cion of the eastern :coast •of the. Adriatic. Two thousand delegates attended the first sessions of the ,fifth annual convention of the United Farmers of- Ontario at Toronto. John , Crabb, of 'Grimsby, was crushed to death in an elevator at the Dominion House Furnishing Co.'s store in Hamilton. Premier Hearst intimated to the Assessment Committee of ,the Legis- lature that •partial exemption may be granted for loav-priced homes. Nineteen steamers wintering • at Port McNicoll have itt storage almost eight million bushels,, of grain, the. greatest quantity ever held there. Beginning Jan. :1St, on all Cana ,dian railways, transportation. charges of all kinds, with one exception, must be paid, in advance, . like passenger fares. Five' foreigners at Cobalt were fin- ed 8200 and costs each, and one $500 and costs, ' for having objectionable alien 'enemy literature in thein' poe session.; Four or Ileo ?nen en ,4 Mas,'' l.?ingrdea hoitrt in Ht'orta all, her 1 husband's alit -select) work; smother- ed and t1Ld hes' neclt to a bed- post, wad ransacked. the, hduse., Fit Over 20,000 Canadian, soldiers are returning to Canada each month. New figures for 1.918 Victory Loan bring bii.ib tale' total tip to $687,016,877,: Foreign lortns naaturieg: in 'Lr, S.,A. in 1919 it$665,550,000'is the larg est total'.in,.liiitory. At the finial meeting of :the 1918 City. Council of Toronto inany appro ps iations were lat se il, A new maternity o the Char-.. lode Eleanor Englehart Hospital at Poticole t was opened. A Cornier]. bomb ,t•hieli had been pla ted in a: bridge et Guise, France, c'xttiodesl, .1ti;liaag 15 j,eeeons. Ch. _ullitara Gill authorities r I.;onttoil 'ale nrieregieg for a pond for the C.1n_rsiian' troops there e1 Christmas. Canadian railways want 8,,1,70. inert, b- tildes their i.5,2Q0 ,employes who enlisted 'anz; u' ho Will' ire taise'n • deputation _.•o t 1.,7iia; Kent, "'Essex coulitaes 'urged upon the Gov- ernment a southern • route for the highway.ta` 'Windsor. It is stated on the authority of the London Times 'that 6,000 persons Navy clied. Trona influenza'-dcifing 'the: p7i,st 12 weeks. ' The striking cotton operatives of Lancashire have decided to return to. work. They will receive a wage .,'in- creaee o£ 30 per cent:: • J. N. Paget, a prominent dairyman,' o£• Western Ontario, for thirty Years.. manager of the Canboro' butter and cheese factory, •is. dead. - Sir Thomas Lipton's challenge for the America's Cup in 1919 has Yacht, declined 1ty tate New York Yacht Club; but the latter signifies its -will- ingness to accept in 1920. Tion, Hanna, president of the Imperial, Oil Co., announced a.plan of 'eo-operative partnership between the company and its six thousand employes in a sort of intiustr"ial re- Pirblic. SATURDAY.' Tlie Toronto police strike still' continues. , A League of Indian tribes of On- tario has been formed to claim their, rights. The British Air Board has drafted articlesfor an international air' con- vention. • _ The annualestatenaent of the Bank of Toronto shows marked increase in net profits. Mrs. Geo. A. Brodie, Newmarket, is the president: of the United Faran Women of .Ontario,° .• Shale fields in New Brunswick' are to be developed next year by the Anglo -Persian Oil Co. Winnipeg, Trades and Labor Conn- ell has cancelled the affiliation or the Ministerial Association, Hundreds pf children in east side of New York are in danger of per- ishing for lack of milk. Canada Locomotive Co., declared dividends on both common and pre- ferred stock` yesterday. The Toronto Revolver' Club ••beat the M.A.A.A_'.team-of Montreal 1,012 to 1,000 in a mail match. `°A special,school for returned Hien to - complete matriculation is to be opened by the University of Toronto. Two Montreal ficins' -have had their licenses sii.mspended for a week •for serving beef and veal in prohibited hours.. . Intercollegiate• hockey is likely to be resumed this season on an "ex- hibition" basis, the proceeds ` c' eeds bein g devoted to Patioticpurposes: Canadian shoe manufacturers have formed an association and ask for no tariff' changes affecting themto be made -before' consulting thein Arrangements have been made by, which a million tons .of shipping will be released from the Army Supply Service, for ` commercial and relief purposes. The- captain and the' chief. officer ,of the, Corinthian have been penaliz- ed by suspension' of their certificates for three and six months, respective- ly,- for indifferent seamanship; cause ingtheloss ofthe steamship Corin- thian. • MONDAY. A new Jugo-Slav Cabinet'has'been 'formed, with M. Protitch as Premier. Two hundred ,soldiers arrived in Ontario from the hospital ship Esse- quibo. Three attempts were made late Saturday night by crowds to raid a cafe in Toronto. .: - An expedition is to be sent to the North Pole next June - by airplane from the United Stales. ` A' war gratuity has been granted to Canada's' land and, -naval "forces who have not, served overseas. A''flag was raised by , Great'. War Veterans over the graves of; com"r•.ades in. Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. Brantford Citizens' League has asked for investigations' of coal and whiskey deals -of • the municipality. Capt. W. H. Wylie, of St., Cath- er ings, prominent manufacturer, min- iee.. and military man, is, dead, in his 76th year. President Wilson accepts' invita- tion of Bing George to be guest at Bhekingham' Palace during stay in London. Former ' Ambassador Page, repre_ sentative during the'war of . the Washington' Government in -London, Milo H. Piper, the alleged bigamist and murderer of Muskegon, Mieh., committed suicide on Saturday in his cell by hanging himself. Ernest Gaatshore, aged 14, of Sault Ste. Marie,,wasekilled instant-; ly ,by :the falling of a shaft, in the mSpanill.ish River Pulp & Paper . Go. "s International curling contests be- tween the United States and Canada will be resumed immediately. Play Pa, will be held. at Montreal this season for the Gordon Medal. After a fieiice fight, in a haymow the Woodstock police arrested Fred ?lonnclly, and later got.Thomas Gor=,; 10411 in the sameebern, both being" •ierted and suspected of recent rob wes. Thd, erew;of• the .Ereneh schooner, l 'Vadis were °pieked up ,on sr,bwn's Bank and'brought to Liver riot, T S.;all badly frost-bitten, hav rk gi1en up hope four -days" ago; one ad„ perished^of exposure. SIR EDMUND WADER, C,V.0LLD., D tui l. est ent b de ., ,rl'C CAPITAL PAID UP15 Q0©0®7 RESERVEFUND i. 500G G 4T. SIR JOHN AIRD, General t'lasta15i ES H, V. F. JONES, P,sa', Gen'1; t a tanl°i a Current t aCCOtIl;; with a a;LISI When opening ness;house considers the efficiency of the services rendered _e ng h othe institution. Consult the filianci�l strength f officers of this bra.nchm ry EXETER BR. -A. huhu Mgr. CREDITON-J 'A. McDonald, Mgr F. S. KENT, 1h'ra at Dasihwood. 4?,.' 044boa0ae Raaaae q09:: NCOR ORATEP 18 Capital serveS. - 8 4 t0 97 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circu1ar, Letters of Credit Bank. Dilonr%Fi Orders SAV NCS 4ANK �F RT��E f' Ifttitrest allowed at highest current fate •t EXETER8 e 99 R ANCH- a 7 • W C . CL.ARKC Pia ;a a mean ee0 4404e01.00 0040 0 00000.0e0ee050aga4001,0o0.40o010004.o0 00 IMO 0000040400"40101 'CLINTON-Thio , sad news was •'re- ceiv,ed in, Clinton! that the two small sons,: John aged 4, and Charles near ly , 3 years,' of Mr. 'and' 'MMs; S. 'I Kenapthonn,e, (nee Helen Doherty) had been drawiaied ,Ina 'thee • S astkatchlewan River at. Saskaltoon. - "FLU,' HAVE :YOU? When your back is broke and, your eyes are blianred, Aad your shin, bones knock, and your ' tongue Is ftu'ned, And -your tonsils squeak; and your- hair gets dry, Arvid" you're dog -gone baive .sure you are But 3 ro're sk edyou won't d elell'and n ' afraid you will - Just drag eta bed and have your chilly And pray. tag Load to gee• you through', For you've get,' the "F1u,'1 boy,, You've goy' the ":Flu," ,;Wbena, you toes' turn up end your belt Amid 'you're twice as rnean as , • a Thomas cat, s life And h ' ' a; a long and dismal curse,,. And your food all tastes like a ikard boiled hearse, When yourasttice-aches, 1 rand your head's a -buzz„ And noti rng is' as it ever was Here are my sad !regards to you; Yo"u've ` got-•' the "Flu;" :boy, .You'vegot the "Flu." What is it like, this "Spanish' :Flu i" Ask me; brother; 'for' Pee _' been, throe gh ; It: •is by Misery , out of Despair, It pulls your teieth, and curls your hair It, thins your blood and brays your bones, Arid fills your craw With moans. and-- grean;s ; And sometiniies,, maybe,: you'll getivel Some call it "Flu" -I call it "Hell.' If you are renewing or subsiorib iinig ;flog asty of the Canadfieee daily os weekly papers, you may do so at tliia office. 'We;, have always looked after anis For scores of our subscribers and are s?i'l doing so. We can. give it to you c:heaoar'as well as save all expen- ses' in cionnectinn,, and nowadays it costs at least eighit cents n cash be- sides stnrtiloaery,- to order a paper singly. UP-BUILDINGAN FORCE E 'Regardless of climate t environment, Nature exact her toll of wear and"tear on the system and there is frequent need for an' effectual aid to restore strength and vitality. SCOTTS. ULSION a systemic strengthener, free from harmful drugs, nourishes and replenishes the needs P _ of the , body' naturally. Seolt's Y may ,. be used daily, in an.. Y climate with benefit climate, neflt and: strength to _the body. TakeScott's..fa alsion 'its builds up th Scott & Bowne, Toron BUY On Sale at all MONEY -ORDER P BANKS WHEREVER THIS SIGN BUY War -Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place 'he n. the r ifi them o ,Ce t cafe, which will be given to you; have your Stamps registered" against loss, free of fin chargeat any Mo , ey-Order Post Office; and on.the first _._ , day. of 1924, Canada will pay' you $5.00 each for your stamps. r As an aid to the purchase of W. -S: S. you can buy THRIFT Stamps' for 25' cents each. .Sixteen of these Thrift pStamps on a .� Thrift Card will be exchanged fora W. -S. S. Thrift'Stamps do - not • bear interest. . Their virtue is that theyy, enable ydu to apply every 25 cents you cai7 save towards the purchase of a Government, interest-bearing security. ,' h hi rates o£ interest must be 'paid-on.C,overnment borrow- . orrow- If g .._ hags it is but,riht that;.everman woman, and child should have the opportunity to earnthis interest.” ---Sir Thorns White. SS for. $4+.d0