HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-26, Page 3.. , {x o, abs �i�: ° •w.-.f:1Lh f ,"} R� i'r�✓ NGN',kCrl, Y,Rn!,Yau AY, 4o1.015n 'Ar --,. {AT 'SOLDL. W, .NT, f4 suggestion IO thosb', 'Vho are sending lifts to. soldiers, overseas Gomes' froin Lt, -Col, (Canou,a Frederick;,C";corge Scott,' Sei.tor Chaplain of 'the 'First DiVision,,in a cable received ,by frieids Mentreat. • He says "Tkie men want •pt,ly iug cards, and chei"rhig tobacco." " sib`.. is er r: 40- kaga 41131, fir. <'i ,:7�4 F'�s d'} .. ...�. _•_. ..Y >.isx-'_"^^"r'c'r-- -. Or �----- �' the fast" and is always an occasion f a(— h 1 th use of the diS- fast' rejoicing. I CUSTOMS e what df tit sE It might have had a serious conse- Neil t Otl '1 •e ca q , salt d.tq e e're- v s iii the mosque while• some persons wexeevisitifg the t mb or'a prophet who.is supposed 4 to"be buried there. These visitations onsist in standing in `front of the c vault °andreciting a long salutation. By the Wahabis they ai•e held .to lie idolatrous. r' A Strange Riot. e. .Tills pian started to declraim against, 1 a fo rs ante 1,�as ab ' lly Trivial Heat -once Sallie r to, ,' • "dis- turbance what w i far ✓ L might be going on:and 'got, mixed r= L THE i e the 1 m g beloi A man wh'b ;a ,, h eta u r ORIENT n t was a tb SEC �� E`tl 'W' I WAYS OF TtIE EAST STRANGE a AL EYES TO OCCIDENTAL Persians -Object to Type -Setting and Employ for Pro b+ L Y eduction of Books. Mohamnedanfsm is as much ase= tial system as a religion. The mosque is no more'like a church titan• it is like a clubhouse. 'People do not con-„ sides it improper to eat or sleep in it;` to discuss secular matters, or to read books or newspapers. It serves as a refuge for horheless strangers and as a meeting place fortlie folk of the town.,,.: Sometimes the mosque sees even stranger sights. In this relation an American tells. of a curious incident. On the last day of Ramadan,. or theperiodof fasting, a tumult arose in the' town where he was ,stopping. Weel , 3t'as iii01) ET mMpAtfi'(0 ��iqa F�Ftbil7l�i'.Of•�F., Esq �r9 p IcCAt6 :. asc'inatmg little design oi, thet up'vVith the crowd just as row the kiddie! The fulness' at„ ei er hog ant Tale crowd broke open the door side of front and, back m'ay be smock- and rushed bite the building, from the e s lite or balcony,,; of -which a strong lunged orator addiessed,them. rtes gaup 17atnaeltt's 9kni9 ,t ysuwt s'wr eraor >R cru 5rtsa' tri a vontury. prOac�' ,a)(9tl writ , p/,at Yeast mill ktgee fresh and ►riolht ioneor ;limn ttiat n -ratio vnMI5 0.n. o*net-, ***hat st.3` I weews step:Ay, , oas i eseetlfy, bo made ,ss# ones,.115.ab n$`, and ittw,'i�it fetaf will be $urq$ acs goaol res the tiro. MADE. it C6itUFDp' E:A GILLETT CQM PANY UN C W'.HH=nzso 'i'+DYt.ONTO, Olh 'I'. r4ont r cr To the Sleeping Heroes. For you who ans'ivcred duty's call We deeply grieve to -day. You, Who went forth to win or fall, ,Yours was the warrior's way•, Where'er yeti lie 'tis honored'dust, Of you be truly said: Oiir comfort is the'. old-time trust, God rests his own brave` dead.. And now at last, the dove of 'peace O'er us her pinions spread. Our thanks 'to you shall never cease, 'Twos Victory's fires you fed. . Fe ;, wn ow Ti, "nen Curea nr t i Cows lYLna, a a luta tti e'P Quite a.1� eat. A: sergeant was drilling an,awk- d,• h• , d tinytucks used as 11- ward squad. Tiistrated. McCall .PatternNo. 8656, "Company? Attention, company;. Child's -sizes, `Dress. In 5 `sizes '6 months "'lift up ybur left leg and hold it. to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. „, straight out in front of you!" One of the squad held out his -right leg by mistake. This breugjt his right-hand companion's left leg and his own right Ieg close together. The officer, seeing this. exclaimed angrily: "Anti is t at oolning gad oo • The arrival of several companies of infantry' put an end to his,speechs, the soldiers retook the building and drove` the intruders: out. Reenforeeznents corning up charged the crowd. The pI e retaliated with sticks, stones thew custom and attracted a' consider-' pec able audience, one of whom, a Meccan and anything else that'. came handy.. a -earned' man, put an ,end to Several were i'lijuxed, but none seri- Arab, l the sermon by hitting the preacher ,ously. ' io isre, . The governor, of the The troops. threatened butt on the head. city, who happened to be 'in: the fortunately for the crowd, did not e. at the time; observed: these so. At midnight, the whole place ave indeeOr be - indecorous � proceedings and ordered: ing in an uproar, the Governor g the arrest of the Arab without way and releasedil is lipriso ler,and amid troubling to 'make inquiries. was carried home • Nothing further happened until eve- general enthusiar sm. handlede rican ning, when a., crowd- began to gather had been title in uglily he d ur- in front of the Government offices and ing the se demanded that , the prisoner be re -avoid taking part. leased. When the crowd began too Lithography in Persia. assemble the American was'under'.the Type printing is unpoptilai in Per impression that they had seen the. sia. The straightness of .the lines of - new moon, which marks the end of fends the Persian's artistic sense, and ci ar Over 10 reopic a _ J r4 Starvatin- • 1 in, 9 i � L s • OR -n. Statioia test's show: that • Reliable Ex zlneni,� t increased *ielcd of gx aid, potatoes,. Fertilizers have zn 3 etc., 25% to 130%., • c: t of the Board of-Ag:ricultua ; The 3,v7.7 �ep;a� ^,� .. the fact that in a general report_ England, records from English faiiners�*ho undertook to grow more � he fail -nem made Special' mention of -feed; 4�% of �1 the great service rendered by fertilizer. make profit You calaheIo.st��.ve off famine and p _ your spring .Cr 4 s, '•~- yourszlf by preparing to fertilize Ya - , 1? , � � and to top -dress your fall wheat next siyring. Write • for Qui. Free Bulletins >ii Cro}p�-Iaa+�t'eaSr. E SOIL AND CROP I 'P" OVE E �° BUREAU' OF THE C. NADIAN,F RTiLi2E.t?`ASSOgIATl4F1. „ 1111 Temple Building Toronto X -del deeded to .'Relieve 'Sta 'atio i and . . an.i:ot Hold Germany expo ssiMMe NOW • There is pressing .need for ouT,;haip 's Beigiusa oday5andthtre'vv,ilbeformanymonths toco e'. -As our vino ops occupy the evacuated',, Eetritory, untold misery stares„them in the face. .Emaciated children, hollow- cheekc i;wor;ien, rodfle,ss homes;. clothing So word it -rafters no protection.'' frons winter's terrors --- m.iseries , thea - .;;,tynot writ but MUST be relieved at 6irrbe'ito'av ort DEATH/ Need you he reminded how Belgian& %oras the uteri to jump inti,, the breach' so .an'alie.,, lelr Victorious Peace passible i Don't' let it"be” said WE lel • Belgium starve. ` Let tic cable over your offering to the rnothere and children 'of Brave ,ittffe Belgian AT ONCE ltittl send eontrihutions x 110 (Registered taodt$r the War Charities AI0) to your Local Committer:,, or tcz C/,.�t�d'1. )3!!,`-'1zelz: 301gsa�,Relief Fond—95 3 i , he feels that in printer books the character of the letters is entirely lost. Persia is to -day largely dependent upon lithography for its own.product- tion .of books. Naturally these are very scarce. At the 'beginning of • the mov- able m nineteenth century a press with able types was set up in 'Tabriz, and a certain number of books was print- ed -.Theeffortisletiwith no sincgurage merit; however, and had shortly to be abandoned. The same taste ;which makes a Per- sian sial esteem so highly' the great•calli- raphists makes hint deplore the ab- sence, sence• of character in'a type printed book. What delights him most in this relation is a well written manuscript,. and" he tames 'the same delight in the copyist's work that we take in the touch of an old' master. Failing this, he contents himself with a lithograph, which is usually a facsimile of the writing of some fairly '-good. scribe, ' and has, at any rate, a human element in it. _ It is hard foil us to credit the vasf amount of attention that is paid tot calligraphy in the East, where men of learning devote - years to its ac- quirement and their. best days to mak- ing artistic copies of `classical -works._ Although this art Is to a' certain ex- tent dying out, otaing to the-• cheap- ening of lithography,'a man may even yet in Persia become as famous for his writing as a poet is for his verse's. A curious contrast is thus -.present- ed by the Persians, who cling to writ- ten books, while elsewhere in the East there. is a rapid spread of type printed books, printing, bookselling and jour- nalism in the Orient in the last twenty 'years" or so/ having developed to. a comparatively' high'degree. Both Cairo and Constantinople possess ek= cellent printing' :presses, which 'turn out numberless books and journals. Gambling hr India. qtr t TTol'ol.I.t€ whoh bi i t over there holding up both legs?" A double boiler should have a goad large base,so that the water will not •boil away ,quickly.' , Tonnage Lost Daring Wear, The world'stotal losses of merchant tonnage .from the beginning of ,the war to the end, of: October, 1918,,ley enemy action and .marine- risk was 15.053,786 gross tons, according ado ofiicial announcement issued in lion - don on Dee. 6,Jh. During the same period 's easels to- talling 10,849,627 tons were construc- ted, and enemy tdnnage totalling 392,675 was captured, making a net loss of tonnage during the war of 1,811,584. &inaycl's Zinintout Cares Dfeterniter. "A true friend embraces,. our:'ob-. jeets as hit own-. We feel another • mind bent on the seine end, enjoying it, insuring it, reflecting it, and de ,.. Lighting in our devotion to;r'•.s'' Charming. MONEY ORDERS. The SdYd way to send money by'nmil, is by Dominion Express Money Order_ Mix salt and pepper ten to one in a large bottel for 'kitchen -use. stoat S.sz,ra c L1. EQUIPPED Nnws'A'PEa and Jab nrintinx plant in Easierts Octnrlo. Insurance carried $..500, • will so for 51.200 on auielt cele, Eos 55. wllaon Pebiisbinx co. Lan 'rnrnnte. 70-17"EKLY NEWSPAPER. FOn S i4S �° C ill for Sick WW e. WiNell BelOnl 2. Owner berm 1 The Hospital SIJ Children 3 ranco Will re1l-$:.000. Fior4lt daubls that ernnun. Apple J. Fo.. c`o' Wtiaos� i'-y.allebirw vo.. I..insltaH, 7Cov�onto.`: fORONTO : War.Laid. Heavy Hand onQhildren's STt ux 'se+vq- De s non sad na. • Charity. ET OUR PRICE LIST SHOWI. .C.,- frost of windows gZp-zed cor.7piete; any,'M' stat;: aialiidaY Crn inanY:' Box B e 1. Hamilton . �. Dear Mr. Editor:— The arue.1 report ,of the 1=lospitai for 'Sick Children, Toronto, marks a new recur; d despite the heavy handi- cap the war placed upon its work. anze,r;aauzot74t The task of ministering to the sat• ft ANDER. TUMORS. MOiiS. r,13,B1Y- ETETC.ETC... tering youngsters of this province was kTrnternal. andexternal.- curer3. with - no light one in View of the Hospital's cut. pain br cur, borne„treatrnent. Writs splendid response to --the national call Na b"fgei too late: iw Bauman ffitedtca8 �., i.imited. Oallina^woosl. v7nt a5 doctors and 33 nurses from its iorce5 have umb i;ef pa overseas. .. � pm s SC E AND Yet the ' number of patients treated P ' is. 5,0,18, or 1,303 more -than last year. Of these- in -patients, 759 were from QUICKLYRELiEVEL-. .86 places'outs;de c f Toronto . The tireless 'efforts of the, staff An entirely new urea for a.,-iousei ar made possible lengthaof stay necessary foion in r dress. The belt and poekets'are in the., little patients from 25 days in ng connected with the back 1914 to 14 thio year. t the Ilns-.. one,bei 4 o( i:hese:=.A waits show the belt] McCall Pattern No.- 8637,' pital has again pair' -to the children Ladies' House .,Dress. Irl • 3 sizes, rich dividends 6f health upon the- in- sra'ill 34 to 36• medium' 38�,to 40;. vested kindness of its supporters. You'll frtd Sloan's .Liniment softens the severe rheumatic : ache 2• .at Price 25 cents. ( '.'here has been careful stewardship Put it on freely. Don't rub it - in. large 4 to 44 b1 , it l ' • of the funds entrusted to the I3os,p 'a Just let it aneixnde naturall What a These° patterns may be obtained . A Y your local. McCall dealer, or There has been saving—almost e sense of soothing relief soon follows! , from' ins in .,every direction except who :S St � External ached, sti4aess, soreries tg ; Co`„ 70 d 4ibin ,the McCall on it ivoul'd prevent the hospital's soot,i- 1 cramped muscles, strained sing,. r5, t'ordiitc, Dept. W. ing the .,suffering or shortening the _hack "cricks" ---those ailments can't .� sickness of one child- The daily cost fight off the relieving qualifies n= - ,t g of operation was held st e at , L..sirtei;t. Gleancoiivenienf, o ind ilser _as v f tts lower - N th 5 fi h come aur of ths� pint tivliieh would still allow the economical Made.in Canada. Ase; war than this line from an epitaph in,. children entrusted to the hospital to any druggs�t,or;_.it, a British 'graveyard in France: "For get the best„nsedieine and the best of your' to -morrow they gave their to- - care. ” And yet so high hada risen the cost of day. every item in the Hospital's budget—in k w.,z A: --labor, in fuel, In food, and, above all, i .in Medical supplies—that the nilni- mum .expense of taking care of one -child for one day .has risen from X2.3-4 back in 1914 to $3.21 in 1918. Of that, $1.66,.t—the amount per patient per day that the; ciffietal' Government grants do not cover—must comae frons voluntary contributions. • During the past four years debts were incurred to the extent of a100,- ,000,, 100;,000; which the'. Trustees felt assured would be wiped' out by the public ss soon aq the war drew- to Its erase, and those heavy demands, cease 'which have been made upon the generosity of the loyal people of this province. The trine has new come when it. is ac- cessary to make 3tho'vn the Hospital's dire need of financial assistance. If this: 43rd Christmas appeal fails to rally the friends of this Charity to Its support, it will be necessary to Mortgage itsland, buildings and plant. Bythe bounty of the late John Ross Robertson that property has just been cleared of debt for the first time since it began its ministry of beating mercy- Ltttio .children have loot a sblga.: hearted friend, and the province a noble benefactor. It is .for the' pubilc to decide whether' his life -work shall be .shadowed with a mortgage within lase than a year of his passing. What think you? ...Send ,your answer ae soon as pea - tai the Secretary -Treasurer, Hos, pital• for Sick Children, College Street. Toronto. Meansvliile' the Cha ty will "Cagy on," trusting In your support: IRVIN{ 1i ROB10fTSON. I 'CMS cured `of Rheumatic Gout. by. MINARD'S LINIMENT. ; Halifax. ANDREW _KING. .- 1 was cured of Acute l3rouchitis by .IIIINARD'S LINIMENT. LT, -COL. C. CREWE READ. odd form of gambling Inas de- veloped in India, roe which the New York cotton market is indirectly re- eponsible. Five quotations from the New York market are cabled to India every day, and the natives conceived this to .be a direct invitation to them to establish a simple but "noise the less absorbing form o£ gambling. The gambling consists in guessing what' the five figures would amorist to and the persons most nearly"np- peaxiin.ait%ng the right amount Wins. So fascinating did 'this game prove that the'` authoxities became' greatly worried over the indulgence of the poorer class or natives in it, Efforts Have been;rnade to -lessen, it,.. and it 25 believed that at last Some success has been attained by/those who are unwilling i±at tile' pool'C'r people should squander their;-'5capi;3Y radsin this pastime. "frust men and they will be time to you; treat.them greatly and tile,v will- shoW 'theniaelve$ giant, though they poke fin exception in your .favor. to all their rules of trade—Emerson. I was curet, of Acute Rheumatism by eIIINARD'S L'INIMENT.:>' , Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Lakefield, Que„ Oct. 9, 1907, 1 "Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh -that is to say, oven fear; feat' of : poverty, of suffering; of calumny, of sickness, of isolation and death. There is no serious 'piety without heroism. Hero- im is the dazzling and glorious con- ctentration of courage,"-- niiel. li2inar:d's ssiairitent cares Comm.5a:.,„ :- Canac1g is a -land of' motor, cars'i. holding third place in the number of automobiles in use. In 1917 •there were 199,302 cars registered in.'Cane ada; an increase of 47,706 over 1916, While the number -of new ears regis- tered in that year was nearly 76,000. The'increaSe ;for. 1918 is expected- to be on a proportioriute scale. • One Can- -sultan, in every 40 owns a cat, -.and roughly speaking,' there -is one auto - Mobile' for every eight families. Wien nialring plea :fox L,,chalige, till a pie plate with sliced,. :apples .sea- soned as usual, or apple piepailtt he for flying, then gear over it a i ,ii <:oi'n ori jatrnrtycake el) ttet,, en .1 b.n" i..i1S.'aid'i6 btbneai QuteS Xilsit�risil.br Chairman of Appeal Committee 80e., 60e., x1.20. Calera Promotes Beau Of Hair and Skip sK If the Soap is used for every, day toilet purposes assisted by occasional touches of Cutictlra Ointment to first signs of pimples, redness, roughness - or dandruff. 1)o not` confound these fragrant super - creamy emollients tvitTi• coarsely medicated, often dan- gerous preparationS urged as subsea, tutes. Sansppteh Earls Fres by i4iai[. Address post- card, Cutiaurs. Dept. N,Boetan,IU.S.A. Sold by dealers :throughout the. world. - ass x cep,yoot%oes net fi�gg®cF�'�w s AS PilLA ffFll €; t11i:OOC I Op S o1 -ora h Beath$. altio rii i : Where the bandyy yet invigorating clun,ate makes possible the enjoyment of, outdoor sports through- - out the Wisher months. P0IA0,: (GOLF, TENNIS, ,MOTORING, FISHING, BAY ANTI SURF B TITIN 99 P STIWF l he L ETfdrrEE . tilt".x .iul.Y ¢Ont'yntn{,uxs c . ,tM, 2Ce c e ,. . i, Trite for Wintox .i+'d xl'Cel^ t,' lid Gov Program JOHN J. 1- ERNAN, hlat.a0t Aw SStTl 51 "188.