HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-19, Page 8i` 3, r .'ru1u3 aAY, i I 111, 1 SSIJ l'rR MARKETS Each Wednesday 101 70 to 75 96 to 1.06 Family Floure5.901 Creamery butter -*en, 58 Dairy Butte 45 to X18. Hens, ,..., , alive 17, drte'O'ca 21 Geese ..• alive.. 18 dressed 26. Turkeys .... ,.:alive '30, dressed 40 Ducks en. an alive 20, dressed 28 New Laid Eggs net overt week old 60 Real small or held Eggs 46 4tatoe, F• 135- .t.75 Hay Per -flan 15,00 to 16.00 Hags, .,,,,. , , 17,75' iI S i 1 '`7 Sanders visited ,her sis- ter, Lela in Stratford over the week- end. The usual sery*cies will be held in .James Street 'Methodist Chureb next Sunday ,morning and evening. Messrs, Paull and James ;Powell of Wiri`hani. Miss Irna Sweet of Tees - water and .Mr. Oliver Davis of Zur- ich attended the 'funeral ral ,of the late jes.ep'i Davis on Thursday last, Do not miss. hearing Herman. Brom .ver, Friday Evening, Dec, 27. Exeter Opera House. • ' Nicely arranged Boni Tion Boxes 25c to $1,00 at Statham's, FOR SALE Noadheimer Louis, XV. ,style. A Bargain. ,fon- spat • cashir For fur- ther particulars write Box 66, Exet- er, Omit MEETING ' POSTPONED. Owing to other meetings the Thames Road 'Farmers' Club meeting has been postooned. to Tuesday night, Dec, 24. A11 farmers in the surrounding dis- tricts should attend this meeting to hear reports of our delegates from the U. F. O. .Condition; and to get, our organization off to a good start for another year.. Orange; 50c to $125 a dozen. They are good. Try th;em:—Statham's, SECOND-HAND STOVES—A few good second-hand, coal or 'Wood cook ;tomes for sale -a swap: -Geo. Hawkins ENSILAGE FOR SALE. T:hie silo ait the Canning • Factory is open and ,ensillagei is offered' at $3.00 pier', tall. Purchaser to, pay for weigh- ing an R. G. Seldon's scales.. 3± Our Holiday Stock of Oranges, Nuts and Candies is now complete.— W. J Statham's. ESTRAY HEIFER There strayed away from the prem- ,ises of the undersigned, about three weeks ago, red heifer, A reward will be given. for ;her return;, or far infor- mation that will lead to her recovery Otto Ewald, Butcher, Crediton. FOUND AUTO PUv2P. On Town line betwe,ern McGillivray and Stephen, about the middle of Oc- tober. Owner can hrvnei same by pro- ring property and pay,in,g for advert `isement. Lawrence Barry, Lat 2, Con.. 3, McGillivray BAND WANTED. 300 acres or mare land for ' flax for next year, for which good rental will be paid. Ontario Flax. Company Jos. Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12, - and paying expenses. Apply to Alex AteFaita. 'con. 3, lot 14, Utabornre r 1 NOT1IOF 3,103111Rillwal)WAFITIPIT Miss Lulu Hastings has ill daring, the week, but is rrow iris- pravi'n4 sloWty, LOCAL DOINGS The weather ha,s, been mild for the sea,on of yeas' The 14'iontreal Herald, bas •gonia into liauhdartianc, This is not The Family Herald and Weekly Stagnor has it any connection; \\;urns that great paper( �whiol> fe arra of the stro'ngest on the continent, Services as usual in, Main Street tlre.thodist Church next Sunday. The minister; Rev. Dr. E, Medd, will preach, Forenoon meeting at 11 o'clock ,evening service at 7. Good music,. All ini!r5teld.1 The great motion picture show "Hearts of the World" drew a full house on Wednesday night last, and the pictures were all that was claim- ed. far them. All present were de,- lighted with the, great masterpiece. Miss Agnes Hamilton, a former -tea- ch.er in. the Exeter High School, and who is now on the staff of I,incardiinie, High school as specialist in. art, has received a bonus of "$100 from th;e-'I Department of Education in re,cogni- tiara of her efficient work in. art. The annual meeting of the Hurori Old Boys' Association, of Toronto will be held in St, George's Hall, Elni St,, an Thursday evening; 19th inst., for election of officers and .general busi- ness, Mr, N, B, Cobbledick, Termer- ly of Exeter, is the president this year. Major J. W. Shaw ;and Capt. M. D. McTaggart of the' former 161st Huron Battalion, have .presented the County' with a large picture) of Lieut. -Col. IL B. Combe • and the officers of ' that unit. The picture with a brass plate) suitably inscribed, is adorniin,g the I RETURNED SOLDIEERS. walls of County Clerk,Holman's office. I Soldiers who retunn;eci home durire the week were,—W. E. Jane' of S t, Marys, F C•oursey,' Ailsa Craig, J. 1S. hinsur<an, V. Syred, J. Wilson, and W. C. Thorne of Mitchell 'Reginald Fowler, McChom McLeod, W. H. McCracken, W. Vanutone, T. G. Camp bell, J. Young, A. McKenzie, W. Grindrod, G, H. Bell of Goderi.ch ; Lieut. S. W. Arclithald, Ross Sproat John W. Edmunds, Harry , C. Grieve of Seaforth; L. J. G. West, A. Davis C. Harris, "T. H.:McMillan, Robert M. Barrett of St: .Marys; W. F. Braun of Crediton; Jahn L. Rutledge of Zurich. A. C. Brandon of Bayfield, C. J. Noble, Col. Combe of Clinton; Mallett, M. F. Gladmanl of Ex- eter; , A S. Balton of Exeter; T. Browning of Parkhill. 'Air, Bert Clark is this week Plowina'. into the house he. purcliased fi'piil Mr. Henry Daynaan on Albert Street; Owing to the, illness of Mr,' p. Braund the sale of ,his chattels will not take place at ,the tittle axlve(rtised:. PUBLISH 'I'HURWAY, Owing holiday eAon W fidaof new k Th dvo- tate with be ptrblishied Thursday afternoon ,instead of Wednesday as is usual, Correspondents will Please gets their stews ,in at the usual time, however, „o that we may not be un- duly ,delayed. SERIOUSLY ILL. Word .has been received from Over- seas 'that Pte, Jahn )Laing, son of Mr. Thome,: Laing of Eeter; is seriloiisjy ill with pneumonia. Ward ;has also been received from England that, Sergrt. Milton Pfaff, On" of Wiilliam Pfaff of the Lake Road, is seriously ill, following two opera- tions, after being wounded, HARR1S—BROWN, The marriage took place in, St. Marys on Tuesday, December 17,, of Miss Janet F. Brown of Exeter, to Mr, Charles -Harris of Ottawa. The beide is well and favarably:known Exeter, having lived here nearly' all her life, and will have the very best wishes of a host of friends for her future happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs Harris will make their home at 3833,( Chapel street, Ottawa. OFFICERS ELECTED. On :Monday evening at the regular me;etin„ of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Na 133, A. F. & A. M,, the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year,—I,P.M., A,. Hastings; W, 1L, Cir J. Beer; S.W., R. N. Rowe; J, W., A. E, Kuhn.; Chaplain, M. Eac- reit , Treas., C. H. Sanders; Sec'y., R. IC Creech; Tyler, S. Sweet;'.Au- di'tors, F. J. Delbiridge and Ra W. Enke The installation of officers takes place on the evening of Dec- ember 27th GASSED The inmates of the homes of Mr. and Miss Wynn, and Mr W. H. Had Bert had unpleasant experiences on Friday night last. In each case the. gas in some manner escaped from the stave and they were nearly overcame. when, they awakened and opened un the doors and windows, and thus were saved, As it was they were pretty, sick, for a few hours:. It was a damp and foggy night and the weather is supposed to have had some effect on the burning of the soft coal. Itwould appear that in burns g soft coal the drafts >should never be fully closed. SOME THINGS ABOUT 1919. There will be. three -eclipses, twoof the sun and one of the moon, but this part of the world won't see much of them. Good Friday comes on Ap- ril 18 Dominion, Day falls on. Tues- day and Christmas an Thursday. There will be five Sundays in March, June, August and November, Febru DEATH OF THOMAS CREECH. j The death occurred on, Tuesday ev- ening, Dec. 17th, of Thomas Garnet. Creech, Canadian Express Agent at Exeter, at the. age of 38 years, 2 months and 6 days, Thea late ler. Cineech had beer ill .only ten days of influenza, following` a heavy cold, which he contracted two or 'three days before taking his bed. He -was of arugged constitution and was given ;every passible attention, and even to the last hope was entertained that he would recover; But the. dis ease had too firm a hold, and he gradually sank; Born in Exeter, the late Mr, Creech had resided here all his, life and was held in high es- teem by everyone,. He was a hard- warking industrious; ambiition man, a loving husband, and kind and devot- ed father, and mast sincere regretand sympathy is felt by,.the Whole corn-'• ary has 28 days,.: Spring is billed to munity. He is survived by his wife, arrive in March 21st at 11 a.m. Sum whe wa, rfornverly, Miss ICate -McDon- mer will get Nerve ,at 7 iaitthe morning aid, and five small, children. His fath- o-f June 22nd. Autumn canters round er ar,d maturer, Mr. and Mrs. James, an Sept. 23re at 10 p. m. and King'; "i'n each, one brother, James W., , of winter begins puttiing on his show at i Rochnrter„ N.Y., and one, sister, Miss 4 p.m Dec. 22nd'. Signs of Zodiac 'Jessie of Exeter, also survive,. The. will be the same as :in 1918, don't for- ; funeral, which is a;pr nate one, takes get. plate to Exeter e,emeitery on Thurs- Iday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Mr, and Mr. Silas Handford cele- brated their Golden Wedding Thurs- day ,.last, December 12th, in • a quiet way at•their home in, Exeter." The c:brild.ren, with the exception of Miss A11ie, were unable to be, present but they .joiner together in,presen;tio,g the parent, with a nurse Of gold. S las Handford and Elizabeth Lewis wsnre, ,Married here' an December 12, 1868 and have resided an or near Exeter ever since, and Have always been.held in high esteem by a wide circle. of friends, who will Swish themmany more years of happy wedded life, The fam sly of five, children are somewhat. scattered over the continent, Gus, residing at Renfrew, 'Ont,, Thomas at Palmyra, '-Wis., Wilbur at 'Penticton, B C., Mrs. H. 'W. Thornton at Sar- nia and Miss' All.ne at hame. STR .YID—Onto Lot 7, cotecssion. 6, 73ray Tp., a 5'arling Leifer. Owner ,can have same by ,proving property Owing t tthe probable aerions fuel situation i ie' Fuel . Commissioners of tthe Towns dip of Uaborne have order- ed four 'oar -loads of screened sofit coal. through their dealer, W. G. Medd, W,iicihelsea. Seeing that there is likely to be little or no hard, coal forthcoming iratepaye.rs are advised to place their Girders with either 'the, alae ve or any of the Councillors to secure their needs. HENRY STRANG, iCle2 k.' BULL DOR SALE. Shorthorn Bull, 16 mos, old. Last 4 crosses are Royal Don, imparted, Red Prince, imparted, Prince of Banff; imported Scottish Hero, imparted, He He iia 4 many other imported crosses. back through his pedigree: John 'Chambers, Gromarty P.O, Telephone 19 on 147. Seafarth, ail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Pontrnaster General, will be ,re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, t'se 24th day of January, 1919,for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, an a"proposed Contract for four years six times per week, over Exeter No. 3 Rural Route, from the Posttriast:er General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exeter Ilay, Eliriis'ille, He wall and C edilton, and tit the Office of the Post Office frnoeetor, London: CHAS E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspect Post Office !Impactor'. Office!, London, 13th t)eceniber, 1018, DEATH OF DR. REID Death on Saturday evening last about eight o'clock claimed one of Exeter's bright and papular` profes- sional mein, in the, ,person, of Dr. John George Reid, VGS,, at the age of 29 year and 3 months. Dr. Reid was taken xll the latter .pa,rt of the prev- ious week, and hits .iiline,ss soon' de- veloped into inrfluen,za and pneumonia and the struggle was short and se vele for those few days, The doctor was really ill b,efarer-he., took to his bed and made a trip oir two into the country to attend sick anumals at the urgent request of patrons, and his cold became deep seated, Dr, Reid commenced the practices of vete,ri.nary sit partnne,rsh,i.n with Dr. Sweet only a few years ago, but ,hid become very po t:jarin his profession, while as a citizen he was respected and admir- ed by .all who knew him4, He was a member of Jamas Street Methodist church, aid a valuedmember o1 Ex- Iter 'Ledge _of Oddfeliiows,:u He was an exemplary young man in -every way and will be much, missed. Before corning to Exeter the doctor had lived with his parents at Brule, Nova Scotia, Deceased is survived by his wife, the only ,daughter of Dr. and Mrs Sweet. The funeral, which was private, took place to Exeter ceme- tery' ,art Monday afternoon, The late Dr. Reid was a graduate Df Nova Scotia Agricultural College'' also of 'the Ontario'Veterinary Col- lege, and had passed the Government exarnieatien as nkat inspector, T1'c Government had tried to secure his seri—lees as meat inspector on seer aj occasions, i NOTED' ARTIST COMING I Mr. Herman, Jt Bromver of Chicago, i Baritone, Mr, Bromver has served the American, Army for ten months a ad previous to enlistment was solo- ist -'n. the Church of the Covenant, Chicago, IIe has toured the United State; and has met wiith great suc- cess. His interpretations are always vital and charged with :dramatic in- terest. He wins his audience from his first appearance and when he sings holds them spellbound, Assisting 'him is Mrs. Gladys Shaw Bramver, soprano, and Miss Olive Robinson, reader. Mrs. Brotnve,r nasi been heard in Ex- eter o41 different, occasioin.s and hall always delighted her audience with her charming, personality, and her wonderful voice, ' This is a veritable treat asicv the aeanle are promised ani eve -I -Ana of rare enjoyment ` Exeter Opera 1 -louse, Friday Eve-- ing, December 27th, Admiss.iot. 35( Res'er'ved Seats 50c. • rlrir, Geo. Walldron of London, spettding a few days in, town; Mi. and Mrs. C. Harness` have gone, to Lon'do'n to spend the winter. Mrs. Rawson' of Wyoming speint a few daysvvitli Mrs W. G. Bissett, returning Monday. Mass Elia Link,' after spending the millinery season at Ple,ttsvwlle; return- ed :last weer, and is now visiting with her aunt, Mrs. ICuntz. • Mr, Alf.. Peterson of Enchant, Alta., son of Mr. Nelson ,Peterson, a farmer section foreman, here, on the G. T. R;, is visiting, frieliids and' relatives in and around town, .118. 'Win:Chol?, bride of ,Pte. Perry. Windsor, who is overs ea s, arrived in Exeter on Monday .evening fronrEng land, and is visitiin,g Private Wind- sor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorge' Wind .ldr: ' They were married sonre" month.: ago in England, Private Wind- sox is ,expected home in a few weeks, is as-ro R r, For Infants arta C$ildren. in Use For Over 30 years Always be . s -✓,� ;; the Signature of PHONE 32 CANADA F,OOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Store open Monday & Tuesday Evenings, Dec. 23 & 4 Handkerchiefs Coat Sweaters' in plain styles, ,alsp with Sailor Collars Wool Scarf and Cap Sets Silk Ties in, Great Variety Fancy Neck Scarfs Armbands Garters FOR, L,ADIES AND G-IRLS Boudoir Caps Miracsals in min,: Tea Aprons crepe 131ouses Silk I-Iosie,ry Fancy Collar FU RS Leather Purses Exeltisive Silk and Hand Bags e,ss Lengths, Hair Ribbons Linen Towels Fancy Linens FOR MEN AND BOYS Socks Kid and Mocha Gloves. Umbirellas Pyj ania., ._ Leather Belts Nigh t Gowns with silver buckles Silk . Initialled Linen Handkielrchiefs Club I3ags Suggestions from Shoe Deiwartment HOCKEY BOOTS make a, vierY desirable Gift far Girls and Boys - ; HOUSE SLIPPERS—For Ladies, Men and Children in large variety Style..s in colors of Red, l3lack, Gieen and Brown. Furs for Christmas Gifts There is nothing. will give greaterpleasure for 'Christmas than a set o Furs or Fur Coat. Our Sets in Wolf, Fox, Persian Lamb, etc,, ane very' inedera,tely Ladies' and Alea's Fur Coats at attractive prices.. _ 1 only Lady's I-Iudson, Seat: "i.s.,oat excellent quality to clear at special Price. '• & Children's ,Cloth Coats GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. otu Ladies' and Children's Colored Cloth Coats must he bleared out at once, rega,rallle,ss of price. This is your opnartuinity to, get a aoed _goat for the price of a cheat) one, very " Over Coats JU ST , RE CEIVED —B i g shipment of Y ming Men's Belted in the New Greense .Browns, and Grey Shades. OVerCoats JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Men d Rom 'Mr. Robert Sweet of Portage -la - Prairie is visiting; his mother and sis- ters Isere Mr. Chris..Teale of London attend- ed the 'funeral of the late Dr. Reid on .Monday. PUBLIC NOTICE NOMINATIONaAND ELECTION of the IVIunicipality of --the Vitlage of Exeter for the, making and receiving nominationa for the offic,e of Reeve, Councillors, and one: member of the School Trustees for the, year 1919 will be held in TOWN HALL, on MON- DAY DEC. 30th, 1918, between the hours of 12 a'clack noon, and 1.o.'clock afternoon; - And should a poll be demanded by any nominee or Elector the same shall be. opened on IVIonday, Jannary 6th, 1919, between, the hours of 9 o'clock in the manning and 5 o'clock in, the afternoon of the same day, and at the several places he•reinafter men- tioned. - Poll 1 at Handford's residence Main St., by Ecliir`ard Treble, D.R.O., arid Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. ` Na 2, at Town Hall, Jay Wel Johns No. 3, at Mrs. Ann; Mitchell's office building, earner 1Main and Wellington Streets, by Percy Gilles and George Anderson, Poll Clerk. No 4, at North; End Fire Hall, by Fred Witiver, and William Rrickwoocl, Poll Clerk. By order, JOS. SENIOR., Clerk and Retunniag Officer, HoRsits WANTED ()cases in good ookulition. Geldings 5 ,rears old up, weiraiing from 1500 •rounds up. Maros from 4 years old rp, weighang from 1300 pounds up. "ariter having the requiter stuff, phione 83, Muter. C. W. ROBINSON LI ENSED AUCTIONEER AND VAT LTATOR fon Counties of Huron Pert' ', Middle.s,ex and Oxford, Farm 'C'entral 'Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Lie FRANIQ TAYLOR 1 -furan god Middlesex Reasonable mind Satisfaction MONEY TO LOAN We home large arni mat ctf private funds tO loata on farm mad property at law mtes of interent. Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Cornmts,sioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Barnk, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—M*1 Street Exeter. ' DENTIST. Honor Graduate Toronto UpiverSity Office over Carling's Law Offiee Closed Weclnesda.y afternoons. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth ertracted without pain or any bad effects.' Office aver Gla.danan St' Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter EYES TESTED FREE Satisfaction Guaranteed. All errors of Eyesight corrected. CREDITON DRUG STORE Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spicesb teas, coffee and everyi thing the grocery lino, Call and see use A trial as to quality vvill convin- Produce taken in exeliii."n4e as Gould .404 r Od'ett4.kjilt a:4 . AND FURNITURE DEALER Useful Holiday (lifts MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM OUR EXTE•NSIVE RANGE,' HANDKERCHIEFS SCARFS, COLLARS CAPS OVERCOATS, MITS SHIRTS RUBBERS '1'0 F.IT EVERYONE Ii1AND LOOK AROUND, WE , GLOVES TIES BRACES CAN PL,EASE YOU,