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The Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-19, Page 4
00 Cate rs & Creech, :E'raprietors Subscription Price—Tri advance $1,50 Icer year in Canaria,; $2,00 , in th,e. tlxuted States, All subscriptions not let advance SQc, extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Displrty .Aclvertisiing—Made known on. apnlica't1.011. Stray An.in els—One unsertitoui; 50c, tlr,re.e. ins ertiotz.s $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale :50. each insertion, for one: month of four irhsertiaris,25c. for each subsequent im echo. \11scetlan.eaus ' articles of not mare than five lines, For- Sale, To Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion. 25c Local Reading notices,, etc., 10c- per lirte pet. tiarserti,an• No notice Less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Leta; advertising 10c. and 5c. a line Aecti'an. Sales, $2 for one ;;assertion, and $: for two insertions if moderate size.. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 incat-$Ci par year. THURSDAY, DE,C. 19th, 1918 Chiselhurs.t Care t:, iia.'rat vary InnenInnen,to chronicle the death of W. T. Mooney of this place,,,,He, went to the. ,Peace River District in the eaiy fall, and while re- turning' home contracted the "flu" and was ab;'e to reach his father's home in Lonclort l=ie n 4s at; one taken to St, Jo&`ep1z's 1-loynital, where he deed from pneumonia, lI leaves to mouro 11 loss a isura:e widow (nc e Miss Al- ice R.}ctnan) 'and 'three young ch•,1- ten; also one sister, Mrs, Flowers of London, A brother, Rev. Victor Mooney, his ,farther and mother also. survive,. -Lora ?VlcNaughtore had the misfortune to get seriously hurt while, drawing dirty, the horses pulling hien' over the tongue,.—Dick. Kinsman has returned tram the, West to spend the winter with his parents herei..--Miss Ne'lic Pybus is holidaying at hes home: .--Tie Methodist congregation wi l shortly use their new Hymn book, Bat'ington. is getting in a • fine steel: and' will no doubt get a d;a,ir, share of patronage, -The Patriotic Circle are suspendi,ng„Red Cross work far a 'time amid'witll take up reLttgee work. -=0n. the. first Thursday of the month, the Circle sent. to Byron San- itariuru 31 quarts of 'frtryt, chickens, apn:es, and box of. home cooking,- The Su'u'day School entertainment a nd Christmas tree well be held on Mon- day evening nest, 23rd.—Miss Norris` .sclnoot east of Mere is closed on ac- count of the !`flu."—Thos. Drover ,re- cently sold to Mr, Cranyn, -Dublin, a fine. baby beef, 12 months, which got C brought him 5146,00. He, 18 , a pound. It ;rays to, raise baby, beef.-. The 1 -lay rownship Union S. S. con- vention was not very well attended On. account of the very we•t day. The ladies went to a lot of trouble and served a fine supper. That the recipient will b pleased with and that will be both useful and ornamental is what will bring the most satisfaction this Christmas... NO MORE IDEAL GIFT COULD BE THOUGHT OF Than Something in the Electrical" Vacuum Lsae,— Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Toasters, Iron's, Irons, Grills, Heaters, Etc. THAT BOY OF YOURS IS SURE TO BE PLEASED WITH A FLASHLIGHT We have a large assortment Special Prices for Chris tines, WHAT IS NICER THIAN A SUIT CASb: OR TRAVELLING BAG Either would be highly apnrec-vated and always come in handy. We -have a big variety at prices from $2 up. HARNESS, ETC In the Harness Line we carry every thine you need arid specialize 9n Stewart horse clippers, mitts, gloves, "and gauntlets and single harness. We grind parse clipper plates at 50c. a set and those buying clippers tram us we're -sharpen" plates at haif price. at AN ELECTRIC FIYTCRe, ROBES AND BLANKETS WILL How would You like a nice robe or lanetf: We have some excellent vuea s and a full stock. A few plush BRIGHTEN YOUR LIOME robes at the oed price. , We have. a grand new .issartine,n.t 'just arrived. Make ii a ,fixture; this Christmas. $5 TO $25 TIRE; CHAINS Give Dad a set of :,tire chains. We have them at a bargain $3.50 IN THE AUTO ACCESSORY LINE We carry a full stock for your car; among which are, the famous • "'zit" Dry Wash., Tire Carriers, Dash' and Tail Lamps, Shock Absorbers, 'Tire Covers, Pumps, Jacks, Etc. \Ve carry new. tires and also have the. Agency of •once, of the best vu - canizirig and double' treading /isms i•n oincton„ Briu, 1 ,, Your dire, in naw cl we will get them; fixed asci tore them fret far You art, ` y till needed'.in •the p1 -int. When you need another set dry cell, try a set of our "Rea ,. l,r, tiles They have more, kick than the others, We have lamps of proper coltae far your Dar. Don't experiment, Its expensive. Don,'t" run car with the e' c,elliiloid, out of back or 'sides. We, have 'tlxe celluloidi me.it .10i ptit1ing deem in. and prober tiluip icor 'thee, little. things you find 17 slid to get just, ask us for them. Zurich: inoses Beclrjler is - assisting Job !Deiohci1 in. the blacksmith shop, ._ r)ariel Staubus Brie accepted a uosi- tron lei Goc ehicir>—John F Moritz left last weed: for his genie irrt Cavae. lie.r, Davis attended thie funeral of, his uncle, Joseph- 'Davis, in E cetc e,—Owing to the lelness of Rev Rembe ne, services were held in, the Lut.h,eraui church on Sunday.—Mr. H. Yungblut is eInp1oi1ing from an - ,'slt- tack of appen1dicits.—Mr, M. ' Geiger; who drove the stage to Hensal dut- lag three summer, has ge eat up anid .n'Ir• Jacob itiipfer is on the job agti nt—Ar thurl.Truernner, ,has.returned to Tor:= onto, where he, has secured a good position,.—Ward Fritz has gone to Laudon where her has secured a pos- a r Motor Sales i'tio n with the. Oa>ati.uo 1' al, s Ca. -Mr, A. Mittelholtz has .received mews of the death of his broilth,er,, \fr•. Simon. 1\tuttolboitz af D, lisle, $askr, the death taking place at Saskatoon. Remains were. brought to the horse at Mr Wm. Hartman, Stephen,and icterirecl tin 'Mt. Carmel cemetery, Hensall Mics End Jaclesore es able, to be out again, after a. receipt severe illness.— Nix, Wm T ie.mner is very serious- ly ill, with ni embers ,of has family call- ed home.—Miss Dora.Sherritt who has been in training in London for some time for overseas military service du- ties, took passage recenttly for the Old Country, where. she ,will be engag- ed in active sertice:-1VIr. Jas. Robert- son, of our village has returned . from spending some monthisj In the West.— \4 - M Rannie .against, is improv- ine from her ,recent illness;.—'The an- nual Christmas True/ of the Methodist Church will be held on the 20, and of Cannel el Church on the 27.—Election natter.; are _already warming 01? for the itUiic:pal cam:iaign. for Offence— Mr. L. Zuel,1e is now in charge of R. R. No 2, out of Henlsali. Kirkton The following articles were shipped last week to Hyman, Hall, London, froin the Kerktan Patriotic Society, and the. Help -Bit Club :-12 suits of pyjamas; 110 trench towels,- 8 house- wives, 110 ,Pairs of socks,; 1 illlow 1 pillow case,,. 4 sheets, 1 trench cap, a quaritity of cotton, p•:ece at maple' sugar, papers and magazines.—At the Toronto Fat Stock, show Mr. Alf Paul took 2nd prize for ,three grade Short- horn steers under 1000 pounds, and they sold for the remarkable price of 27 cents a pound at the auction sale, He also took the Grarvd 'Cham -t pion tin for three steers under 1,000 pounds'.—All are pleased to see Mr. Ernest Doane, son. of Mr. Adam E. Doupe safely' returned from over- seas. He is still under• medical care; receiving treatment for an injured leg,. His wife and chiid_;of London accom- panied him home are a visit.— Hanna, who has been 3n Londonwith her daughter for some. time, .returned h'om'e:. -Mr. Amos. Doupe lost a very valuable,' broad mare through death, —The .Ii.rkton Methodst Christmas Tree` and Entertainment will be held on. the 23rd of this month. Saintsbury Picking fowl es the; order of the day -around here,—Miss, Veva Davis/ and Miss Flora Huxtable of Central-' is visited with Miss Lena Davis ev- e-' Sunday;—Mr. F. J. Davis vislited ir; Guelph last week and attended :he fat stock show.—Mr. Thos. Quinton was in Gaderich. last week actinng on °.irejury.—Wedding belle will soon be ring,•an ; near Saintsbury.—The Christ- mas-entertainmeint ,fpr connection with St. Patrick's Sunday School has been cancelled on account of the prevail{ inrg sickness Miss Clara Isaac of Bid.dulph visited a few days last week with Mrs. Thos, Quinton,',—Mr. R. Hunte, exhibited and sold a choice calf at Toronto, and •: brought home a handsome sum of money,—Ccn,gratula:. tions Harold. -Mrs. Wasnidge, of Cen- tralia and Mrs. Sam. Hodgins of Pratt, Man... visited with, Mrs. F. C. Davis one day last week,—Mrs. Penrice of Exeter has bean renewing acquaint- ances around here{ for a few days,— itir. Will Penrice visited here Sunday GIN AND THE SPANISH SPANISH " ' Everybody knows that one of the most depressing and dangerous com- plaints resulting froin the attack of Spanish Influenza --is weakened kid- neys. Hundreds of persons are now suffer- ing worry and annoyance from Kidney disorders because they failed to remedy the detrimental effects left by the But there are other people who are not suffering -they are the people who used Gin Pills and restored their kid- neys to their proper. `state of health again. From all parts of the country' letters in large numbers are coming in to us stating that Gin Pills have proven just the remedy required. They strength- ened the weakened kidneys and ban-` ishecl annoyance and worry. Gin Pills have ahvays been. accepted as the universal remedy for Eiidne3- or Bladder Trouble—noiv"they make good again, as the hest remedy for after' the "Flu" Convalescence. If you have suffered from the "Fin' '' try Gin Pills Anel sat`eguaeil' yotiis.l. against the possibilities of more eerie our kidney disorders. Gin Pills —,Sold Ever y wrier c, Cents the Jlo • -- -<X, w i ..- -.. The National Drug '-- C'hcugie 1 ''.lo. o; Canada, ,tail., ;Coi'outo, ©nt. J'i' CALLS FOR- BRAKE Middle -Aped M an Sofd Slow .• Up Wheels of Time: Is Living In Hope That Sonia Man Will Devise a Workable Scheme for Renewing One's Lease of" Life,; and Do it Quickly. "What we really need," said the middle-aged man,. "Is some way, of slowing up the wheels of time. "As every man who has begun to got on fu: life knows, the older we grow the faster time seems to ;fly. In our youth even single - days seem to be endless; but when we get to be about so old the years go so fast tient they seem to spin around like ` pin- wheels. "There was once an advertiser with aP atent medicine tb sellwho started off his advertisement by "describing himself as 'a retired physician whose sands prlife had nearly run out. A well-meaning friend`in the far West wrote to him saying that if he would mix a little molasses with the sands they wouldn't run out so fast. "Of course there was : an idea in that; but the minute you come to think it over seriously' you see that.there,is really nothing ..to it. ' To.; make the wheels of time turn slower "you'd have to have something more than molasses. I have thought that perhaps we might invent some sort ,Of braise, a very pow- erful brake, for this purpose, but I guess there's "really nothing in this idea, 'either.. ;'Lacicivg the means of making the wheels of time turn slower, so that we would seem to have more ilirne, I have thought that perhaps+ somebody may yet devise a way of renewing our lease of life. 'If we could get an in- definite renewal of our life lease we wouldn't care how fast the wheels turned, because we'd have endless years for them to turn in. "The man Amro could devise a work- able plan of this sort would get rich beyond any sort of dreams whatever; that is, if he could prolong his own Life as well as sell life -renewal leases to others; for I fancy that, hard as this world may be in some respects, the great majority of us would like to continue living in it a long, long time, and would give all we had for th:r' privilege. "For myself, I can say that I like the world very well and I would like ,to stay on it interminably. If there is anybody now worl.-ing on this tiro - lease -renewal device I hope he will get it running before the sands of my old- fashioned life shall have run out coin- pletely; and if .when he opens up for business he will let me know where to find him I shall go to him; and, if I have the price, take out as a first extension a renewal for about a cen- tury.,, Dealing With —the Ol euit. An astonishing number of books on occult subjects are being published in. these days, eslsecially on lines relating to the future life, the theme'` taking on a new interest because of the war and its losses. One writer, Prof. W. J. Crawford of Belfast, .Is dealing •with so-called, spirit manifestations in a new way. For one thing,' he has tried seating the medium on • rralghing ma- chine while the manifestations tire going on and watching the varying record of her weight. He has found` that where a chair or table was levi- tated an increase,in her weight almost corresponding to the weight of 'the piece of furniture was noted. When , there were, raplsings • her weight les sened,- the amount lost varying- with . the Intensity of .the sounds. What these phenomena indicate to his mind or what`lie expects to prove by them does not appear. Balzac Would Have Starved. Some of the geniuses of earlier gen- erations would have a hard time of it with civilian rations in Europe. Many of them are still remembered for their, appetites.,Thackeray and Dickens_ were both asterful,at the tables Bal- sac was equal to making a dinner of fight dozen oysters, twelve cutlets, a cluck, a pair of partridges, and all the customary "trimmings." Herbert Spencer once went upon a vegetable diet, and declared that "after he return- ed to meat he had to rewrite every thing he did in the interval to get virile Ity into it. itegardlessof the effect on genius, rationing is spreading. Even walk ing sticks have come under govern- mental control in England, and pre- sumably a prospective pnrchasen will soon have to present a license to enrry such an ornament.—Nation's ; Business:.' Big Tuna Cannery. 'Plalf a million dollars is to be ex- pended in the construction of a large Luria cannery on the• island:,of Maul, the i3awvaiian group, states The. Canner: 'Tie waters around the is tackle swarm with fish of every de- ,rapt. on, among which the taint is iireclirnvnant and attains an enormous eine, The operation of ,this pinch wall ^ r valuable addition to the food sup.' i'1:•Yof the United States unci nudy lean est ahlishrnent, o.f an important (r.-1•Jn„ incited:ry in the island territory, Puzzling the Kaiser. •er,e's one t'ing'.Puzzles ,;me,' sal d:: t-leaIsm.. , 'it's dot; eggseilency? nsi-'rl an iuld' 'ling, '', id dose Yauks sbendi01 all dere i'i „e, rnakin; money; unci ineentiariing e machines for tis to swine vetiever rl cloy •learn. how to fight do way Ley SIR EDMUND WALKER;, C.v. D ,G.L.. President CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 SIR JOi-N; Ai2D. ( neral'P•? - t^ar H, V, F, JONES,.Ass's, Gen'i; l'li,, le see` RESERVE FUND, • $2,500,C00 BANKING BY MAIL This Bank will open u Savvais account in your name and' oz i-- cosi S >L said Withclraviialscan be 'made: en. tit"'eel y bmail. .Interest' is allowed at the cu,,, a-reai't rate. Write for particulars: EXETER BR --A, 11 'Tztrtiai, Mgr. 42 CREDITON-J. A. McDonald, Mgr oeae:agaenork•••••••••; , r INCORPORATED UM MQLSONS AN1.F Capital & Reserve $S,800,000 97 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CirC,uiar Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK ` DEPARTMENT hoterest allowed at higtrest current rate EXETER BRANCH- W D. 'CLARKE, Manager• e • • • • • a;•0re61,4k011.'xea0•e.•021w,•••••••pea<a.••t.arat•ettaoef•. ll0111 A.kttRgtNtt.1u STAFFA—A very pretty wedding took place on Dec, 11, when Miss Mary E. Aitchesomr became the bride o1 Mr. William Carlyle Worden, son. of Joseph Warden of Staffa, Rete, Dr Larkin officiating. The ceremony was performed .at th,e home of the uncle of the bride, Mr. James Aitche soil.. R'ESTUL'fS OF INFLUENZA. Medical authorities have stated, "There is no knowing how far-reach- ing the results of the iallaei,za epi- demic will be." From the nature of the malady it is feared many cases of tuberculosis will develop. If you have not fully' recovered from the "flu," or you are run down in health from some other cause, seek a doctor at once. Con- sumption may have developed, but even that may be cured if taken in time. A case in point has recently been brought to our attention a farm laborer with a wife and five small children. He had not been feeling right for some months, not sick enough to go to bed, or stay indoors, but always tired. His daily work about the `farm had become a task to him. So of his own accord he went to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital, to try and find out what was the matter. Ile' was found to be suf- fering from tuberculosis, and was immediately` taken in and put to bed. The doctors say this man is making a good recovery,- and that he will shortly be able • to return home. ' The Muskoka Free. Hospital for Consumptives is now appealing for aid in fighting the Great White Plague. The money you give will help restore to health just such de- serving cases as this, bringing happi- ness untold to re -united families. Contributionsmay be sent to Sir William J. Gage, 84 Spadina`, avenue,:Toronto, or. to..Geo. A. Reid, CLINTON-The funeral: of Cathay-`"' ine bIcbone d, tv;,fe eof ,Sir William CaldwiU, took plane an Monday a:f- ternocie Mrs. Caldwell passed away at Parkside, Sask., an.,Nov. 10th. Both Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell spent last win- ter .and summer here, owing to Mrs, Caldwell being in poor health, and. they. returned West in the fall:' A. daughter, Mrs. Thos, Engles ,of Part,;- side, Sask„ survives.ilrs. McDonald was 72 years anc3. 4 months old, and was a resid'ernt of the London Road in h,cr girlhood. It :you are rcnewirfg ar subAcrib ilor any of the Canadian daily or weekly peiperst you may do' so at tbh office. We have always looked after this .for scores of our subscribers and are stili doing so. We cams give it to you. cheaper as well as save all expen- ses in c,ossueetdlpn, and, nowadays it costs, at least -eight cents in, cash be- sides atait8onery, to order a paper s ln+gly. TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on one side of the paper only. ,Check off this list, it :nay assist you • to remember an irmpartkar -t item s Deaths Marriages, Births. Accidents, Church News, Suppers or Presentations, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News, ;Fires, Public ImprOvementa, • Law Cases, The Clops, School Matters. Avoid all "items reflecting on per conal character, but;'send ALL THE. NEWS. Secretary -Treasurer, ({age Institute, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED' Sec3 College street, Toronto. _- by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of lice. Strictly confidem,tiel; no witness 5.°Q •for $4,00 SIVE ar-Sawn, Stamps As Christmas Gifts UX a War -Savings Stamp for $4,00 and affix it to space. No. 1 of the Certificate that will be given you. Fill in the name of the one to whom you wish to make this Christ, oras Gift -the most desirable of Gifts, for it may well mark the commencement of habits of Thriit,' the stepping stone to Success. The Certificate In offering your gift you could say, "If you,. invest your savings regularly in War -Savings Stamps, you will soon fill this certificate, which becomes Canada's pledge to pay you $50 on the first day of 1924." "With every. 25 cents you save you can buy a THRIFT Stamp, 16 of which on a Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W. -S. S." Art excellent tnvesdnenlfor small • simings; and a strong iri enlive to every -day economy:" SIR THOMAS \'I-II TE Minister of ;Finance TOlt SAt L Al' Money -Order Post Offices, Pan! s and Wherever the W.-S.s sign is displayed a AP