HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-19, Page 10
Our Corner
.",of -the 'United States have been forced
Beware of the crook rePresenting
„himself 'as a traveller with line of
?fine g,00ds held up at some Point by
an. Express Co. He, is to have
them re-shipned ta you at a reduced
price, but. before he leaves will, ask
for an. advance of a fe,W dollars, be-
cause. his expense niaruey is running
low. He has caught several people
already throughout the country.
" My friendsa have you ever heard
of the towrt of No -Good, ,on. the
banks of the, Riyer Slow," where tile
Same -Time or Other scents the air
and the saft Go-Easies grow? It lies
in the valley of Whaird-the-Use, in
the Provin.ce of, 7aet-Her-Slide ; its the
home of the reckless I-DOn"t-Catte,-
where the GiyerIt-Ups abide. That
town, is as, old aS the human race and
grows with the flight of years; it is
wrapped in the, fag ,of the r
dreams: its streets arc paved with
discarded schemes a -rid are sprinkled
with, 'Useless tears."
Tire ban on the use of sugar • for
inaking French pastry, iced cakes, or
biscuits or cand.y for private con-
sumption, as well as in the manufact-
ure of icing, sugar, has been removed.
The War-thme restrictions on the,.
method of serving sugar in public
- eating places Is withdrawn on. and
after January 1st. The wasting trYf
sugar is strictly forbidden, however.
Many inch. a:e said to be self-taught
Ntiacaniast was ever taught in any other
ADo• you suppose a man, to be a
bucket ie. be .hung on the well of
knowledge and pumped full? Man is
a creature that learns by the exertion
of his own faculties, There. are aids
to learning of kiros; but no,
ma,tter how many: of -these aids a man
may surrounded by, after all, the
learning is that which he acquires
himself,. Whether he is in college: or
out ot college, in schoo's, Or out of
school, every man must le:climate him-
self. And in. our times and in 'this
community every man has 'the inearis
af doing it.
Christmas Presents
rd'ered and Ready-to-
-wear Clothing.
a ari
Make your Christmas a glad and
happy ane• by seekinig to make tither:3
enjoy themselves, . •
Let us once more remind our read-
ers.. that the children ana the. poor
are the one,s to be remembered. Use-
ful pserse.nts are, the best.
At a s.Pecial, meeting , the Coun-
cil of Goclerich.townshap e by-law was
pass.ed and wi,,11. 'bp, submitted to the
p,eople to be yote;datin at the corning
election. making the term ,for reeve
and counaillors two' years' instead of
la every cemetiery, af ;the 17 differ-
ent battle ,frants Where iBritish sold-
iers has/Ie.-fallen .pie great cause of
humanity, there is to the exected . a
great memorial stone, on ,Which, it is
annoimeed, the phrase .of tribute to
the men is to kbe engraved, " Ther -e
• Tutrkeys.. it its said, will be veiy
scarce this coming holi ay seasonaa
prices tun consequence are certain to
be ex.ceptionally high. Wet springs
and "black head' h ave caused many
fa.rmers to -discontinue the raising of
turkeys, if not rentixely, to a much
lesser ,oleignee than formerly.
Send us thei truews from, your com-
munity and be •an, ,theniapj Seinel it in
early and dant be d*couralged or of-
fended if we, somertlines condense, eli-
minhte ar alter the reading of parts
ai it; there may be good reasons Ler
thus -doing, Lastly -sign. your name;
this far the editor's information only.
Hon Dr, Cody, minister educa-
tion for Ontario, has announced tnat
owing to the joss of time' in the
schools occasioned- by the influenza
epidemic, the departmental examina-
tions previously arranged for 'June,
1919, will be held as follows,--Junfor
High School Entrance., July Z ; Juniar
Public Schiaol Graduation, Tune 40,
Lower Sc,hool July 2, 1Widdle School
July 11, Pass Matricula.tion July 1,
Upper School and -Honor Matriicula-
flan June 30.
This -4s, the season ,of t.he year that
spa)arow bunts should lel 1)rganized,
This manner of destroylag these pests
has fallen into disuae for the past
eauPle of seasons and the sparrow
has again multiplied ,greatlya Vv -hen
per-sistent hunts were kept up their
numbers were greatly decreased. The
destruetion they perpetrated the
past: year has been Very gieat• Or-
ganized clubs Ein [each, c pima\ unity
should get actively at work .and a
systematic hunt be „inaugurated -
A pers6n. in order to have his
YfalTre. placed on the, voters' list
for municipal purposes, must be a Bri-
tish subject and of 0.he full age of 21
years. Further ha must either .own,
real property to,. the -,yalue of $2000, or
be 21 tenant, Or be a regitdent asse,ss-
ed for an income of n,ot less tha.n
$400. 'These who ow -n property do
not need to live in the town, but
tenants must be resident here. one
month before .e.lectiotnt person,is
entale'd to vote. unless has or hea-na,me
is on the Voters' tlairt. Uninairtiqd
women and widows are allo.wed ta vote
A husband may, base hit qualificatiotns
as an elector ar ,a member of the
Council on the assessed ,value of his
wife's property.
Mra. S. Fitton has received a letter
an Exeter Ola 'Boy, Nvihich he sang
the....thas been awarded a second ban
to tlhe Military ICiroas ,he -Won .some-
time ago, land:, tlhat he also now: wears,
the new 1914 and ;1915 war codedili„
the red 1,14hite ,and blue. Writing of,
lartnY and [particularly of his men1
he. says the considers the [proudest
boast in the world totclay is that
one was an 'infantryman
Oa Saturday morning last about
2 aelock Mr. Alex Fraser of the
121.11 concession Hibbert had his
barn. burned to the ground, together
with the, 'season's crop of grain, pro-
bably 1000 bushels, 10 tons of- hay,
13 head of cattle, -4 horses, and the
implements for two farms., 'The lass
is an lexceedingly hea.vy one as, we
understand, 'there was only about
$1400 insurance, -an, the barn, and none
on the contents. The fire is supposed
ta"be incendiary origin,. and is be1iev-
ed to have been started- by parties
stealing agrain from the premises:.
Some distance, from the ,premiscs on,
the roiadway a quantity of oats was
discovered that had •evidently been
taken from the barn and in some. way
spilled 'on the roadside. '
Liteara, Dec. 11.-A fire that threat-
ened the- •clestructiort, of the Stanley
Opera I-Ioure and the confectionery
store, of Miss Kate Smyth occurred
this evening at 6 ,o'clock fram. • an
oyerturnecl oil heater in the office- of
Dr. Janie; &Atom The flames sprCard
'80 rapic11- that the latter was Drost.rafa
ed and watt Jtescitetd ,ornly by the, heroic
effort?, Of MrS1 SUI4tOir and her Sis--
teache0 the Scene just when 'Mrs, Sut-
ton was driven from the billrlding
the flames, The prentfit arriival .01
the, lengine kept the fillet confined to
the biti,Idinig \vhich oil -tail -tarred,
and Which is a total Wreckt„, Dr. Sul-
tanrs condit,ian was oat( thought to
be :Serious but he. has .fdrice • paSsed
DEC. 19
9 18
Credzion Grand Bend
Local 1Vews
Mr. and Mrti. Waiter Entglencl
Lake Erie, arrivocl home ;Viol:
Roy Stebbins' was Wilted la marr'a
.4.1j8f2. 'Margaret D,isiarcliste at the,
teriaa Christrno.s entertainment will be
Friday ,evening, Dec. 20. -Mr. and Airs,
Frank Geromette have arriveci home
from the. W,eSt.
Sad Deaths. -This week it becomes
our sad duty to record the death of
Nelson Disjardine of the B Line, whO,
departed this life Monday about two
o'clock', Deceased had been ill •
the "fin" far several days and d
. that time had suffered consider-
ably He was aged Z4 years, and leav-
es to mottni his deniise. his wife and
ane child, besides his ,rnother 'and five.
brothera, and three sisters. -On Wed -1
neaday morning- death claimed anoth-
the same family, being a brother of
At the recetit meeting of Huron
County Council the following address
and presentatian, Waa Made. to Warden
W R. Elliott, Reeve Laporte or Hay
presenting the address and Reeve
13eavera of Exeter the cane, 'both
complimen.tang the rearing warden
on the manner in, which he had filled
the office during the year, -
Dear Sir, -At the close of this your
term ef office as Warden, and also
your prospective retirement from
municipal life, we, the members of the.
cautity council and officers of the'
count?. :take this opPortunity. d,f ex-
pressing to you our appreciation of
you personally and, alsorthe services
you have rendered the county as War-
den and as fellow councillan, We con-
gratulate you on the ability you have
displayed mid the courtesy you have
always shown in. the dist:barge of your
duties, and, we shall ever look back
with pleasure on, the. years we were
associated on the council board in the
Wen:rust' sir, and we feel fully as-
sured that though, you retire from act.
continue, to take a keen late -rest
in municiPal affairs, lespecially those
pertaining to your own county.
it thas been, your goad fortune' to
have followed in; office a splendid lot
af the best men. of the county, and
we assure ,you that you have 0,04t
elred the dignity nor the standard of
service rendered by the Wardens and
coun.cillors of the c -aunty.
It has been your singular fortune
to have been councillor during the
strenuous times of the great war and-
to- be occupying _the Araa•dren'st chair
during the year, of'Peace.., It has also
been. your (goad fortune to have been
councillor and Warden during the per-
iod of progressive legislation, natal/1y
the Gbod Roads System and the in-
stitution of our Children's Shelter,and
in everything pe,rtainang to, the wel.'•-•
fare of • our rcaunty you have been
most -active and progressive.
A; a small memento of onr respect
and appr-eciaton. of your services, we
ask yau to accept this cane, and we
trust as you lean ,up on, it in the f u tun,
it will bring back to you pleasant re-
calars anal officials of the Caun.ty,of
00Siicgjoniesa an behalf of the eoun,cil and
'The Warden thanked the members
of the Council and officials far the
beautiful souvenir of th-eir respect
and.referred in -feeling terms to the
splendid treatment always accorded
him while sitting at the 'council board
and said the cane would ever remind
liina of the good feelings and attach-
ments existing between them.
The Wahclen read a letter from
„Majar Heatuarn with reference to the
photo °resented to the connty council
same tithe ago of the .afficers af the
boys of the 161st, a present from 12/,
S.. Hay's, which -the Wardell asked
the clerk to get, framed at his expense
and hang in the County buildings.
Tata', number of inmates admitted
since op.enin.g of the laause 519; num-
ber a•dmitte,d for the first time during
year 11; number of -deaths durin,g year
10; ramnber :discharged' during year 2;
numb•er of inmates in the house on.
aumber females 51.
Admitted 'during year ,from Several
municipalities as follows :
.Totaj. ,expenditure on house and farin'
$9,315.41; add value of provisio.as and
fuel on hand Dec. 1, 1917, $2200; total
expenditure, -$11,515.41. Produce solcl
during.,1918 and Other sources, $664.61;
provisions, Aral:Rio% neWt clothing and
provisions, produc•e, new clothing and
fuel an hand Deo. 1, 1918, 218 per in-
ventory „$2656.65;. received from pay-
ing' ,inrnates,, $1638.50. Tatal, receipts
$4,959,76, Amount •expended- for' sup-
port of inmateat, $6,555;65; -trTI.erage. ex-
pense nett illtila.tte per -day (nearly) 19
3-5c; ,average weekly -expenditure, i)er
The -eS2p3e17neliture of House an.c1 farm
account is as iallows :-Hired help,
$15; salaries of inspector, keeper, ma-
tron, assistant matron, aad chaplain
$1600; physicians_ salary and appli-
anoe; $448.33; repair's! to building an.a
furniture $175.33,; provisians and
753.37 t books, postage, and,Statione,ry
$25.92. in,cidental e.xpenses 8100.10;
sundry .exPenses far 'Faiin $11.3.72,1
tota, 89,315.41. During the y.ear the
90r, or 81 077 ins been. colle,ated for
traintenance of' inmates.
The following, is the report of craps
grown and work done on farra during
the, year 1.918,a -1 -lay 15 tons, oats 400
bushels ; barley 325 bushels, beiln,s 20
bushels, onions 1,992 paunds, gttrden
carrots 60 bushels, garden. beets't 40
bushels, potatoes 300 bushels, apples
50 bushels. maligolds 250 bushels, '‘Iiye
hags sole $394.85; paisabos 50 bash,
cabbage 350' head, raspberries 565
boxes, 'turnips 150 bushels, ,calves
,burn, who Jives alone 'the.. 'West
&Kilda}, was injured quite badly
her. 'right hip being tliirlacatild
Rochester, N.Y., arrived here Tues•-•
day mot -nava owitag to the: serious ill-
ness' af the fornmer's brother
Sergi W. J. Willett .ancl Private A.
S. aitoti both of wham renlistecl with
the 161st Battalion: at Exeter, arrived
home on, Tuesday e.yenin,g, after 27
months overseaa. After the breaking
up of the 161st the former went to
the Forestry Corps, and the latter
to the 1st Battalioa in France. Exeter
heartily welc,ornes •the, soldier boys
back home..
By- an omission in a telegraph sum -
many of the jast clatusie in nth order-
in-eauncirl on Dec. 11, repealing Sec-
tion 2 of an. order passed on March
7, Prohibiting the feeding of wheat
vaie,nt. The facts are that wheat may
he purchased or sold for milling and
for the feeding of poultry as in the
pre-wat times.
Exeter Council
The Council of Exeter met an Mon. -
day, pec. 16, as provided by statutes
with all the, menaber,s present.
Minutes of Dec. 9th „read and ap-
1°\Cvsir'cular letter from, Dept. of F.:gl-
ance, Ottawa, Re. Enemy debts and
ar claims of persons against
enemies ar enemy g,overnments, are
called upon to repart the same to the
official; at Ottawa.
Trade re. Uniform Hydro Electric
rates over Ontario. Per Day --Elston
-Letter referred to the• Com.
Letters from the, Municipal Council;
Galt, Re. Child Welfare and Widows'
Pensions Per Day -Elston -That this
Council a.gree with the recornmenda-'
tians, and beg to move as follaws :-
That, whereas this Council view with
deep concern. 'and profound interest
the whale question of child welfare
and widows pensions. We i-esDect--
tneat to give this weighty matter
the carefia considera.tion that it 'de-
serves We believe it to, be the duty
of the. State to pension widows with
Letter from the.. Secretary of the
closing the following resolution, mov-
ed by Mr. Stanbury, seconded by Mr.
Stewart -That this Library Board
reauest the Council; of the Villag-e
Exeter to take action in carryin,g out
the sugg,estion of the Chairma.n, Mr.
j • W. Taylor, of the erection, of a
suitable Memorial in memory of the
Soldiers - of Exeter an,d surrounding
district, wha have given their lives
in the recent war. --Carried. The let-
ter was authorized to be written in
the- minutes of the ,Council.
Letter from the Provincial Secret-
ary's Departme.nt, Toronto, re Sitting
of the. Special Committee to consider
the Assessment Act, the meeting ta
be held in TOrOnrto, Tuesday, Dec.
17th at 10.30 a.mi
Letter from Pte. T. E. Amos, ac-
knowledging receipt af Council's don-
ation of a Christmas Dinner.
The fallowing accaunts were- read
and pass -ad an nuotian of Elston and
Snell. -Ross Taylor Co., lumber acct
cemete,ry .28.95; Cecil Ford labor
cemetery 5.00; H. Beirling, supplies
cemetery 8.62; Peter Frayme, repairs
and supplies 1.20 G•Ligg Stationery'
Bras., feed acct. 174,82; Saint. Swe,et
labor and cargenq 29.70; W. J. Bissett
phone ,rent allowance 10,00; S. M.
Sanders, tile' 7.00.
The, Reeve andaClerk were instrict-
ed to- sign tile agreement with the
thieir tracks on Mill Street
The Council adjounic.d Siae Die.
jos. Senior, Clerk.
Grancl Bend are yisating with, her- par -
Mrs. Schultz af Mt. Clemens is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. GI. Naoliger:
Mr. John Stile of Hay a,nd Miss Em-
ma Smith of Exetar were quietly mar-
ried -at. the 1,U -that -an parsonage last
Wedlesday night
The Lutheran Church; will 11,014 tani,
Christmas entertainment on Tuesday,
Dec. 24, not the :25th as announeed.
Mr. 'Wilfred Ioeh and sister, Albert
ta, of ,London spent a few clays at
their home here last week,
day with .11i'rs parents.
Miss'. Ella- Cameron of Stratford is
:home for her hoaidays. ,
here has arrived,
to inform the. public that he has pp-
eaed an office in crediton, opposite
Witerth & Son's Feed Stare. Prompt
aTteiteleapthanonepaiNdo.tor4,41 calls daY or night.
On account of the ne-apPearan,ce of
the "fiu" in the 'Township the Board
of Health has decided ,to place Ih-e
ban, on all churches and schools un-
til further notice. Special allowance
is being made far A.nolual School
meetings and Nornin,ation, which will
be held. There are several cases in
the villa.ge and the neighborhood
The last meeting of the Council was
he. Da Monda.y aftennoom From all
appearen.ces the municipal contest this
year will be a lively one,
,,returned from overseas on Tuesday.
I-Iis manY :friends are glad to see him
hack safe and saurund.
Eilber, 111, P. p., is in Toramto
this week attending a s,peciud meeting
af the Assessment Committee, ap-
pointed by the Ontario Legislature at
the last •session of the, I -louse.
Unfortunately the Christmas enter-
tainin-ents which were to. be held in
our churches have to be postpan.ed
trust the p-rogram-s will be given, at a
later date, as soon as condgions Ma,
PrEc'avesi Sunday evening a memorial.
service was held in the Evangelical
Church in honor ,Pte. David Wein,
who ha- been. reported by the Militia
as "missing' since"1916. The altar
and pulpit were decorated with flags
and bunting. The bays of this neigh-
borhood wha had donned the khaki
were in charge -of Lieut. Eckert an,d
went. to the church in a body to pay
their respects tot their deceased com-
rade. Rev. Minch preaehed a power-
ful sermon., Nvhich Which will doubt-
less ina.ke laisting impression on all
who had the pleasure of listening to
Tax Collector Hodgins was kept
busy Saturday and Monday taking in
the taxes. He reports about $300,00
still unpaid., which' is certainly a g,pod
showing far ..ntlarge, municipality like
Miss Lil. Fahner is assisting in
Ornues drag,stoxe at present.
week with her grandmother, Mrs.
Mrs. Spencer of St. Thomas and
daughters visited a few days with Mrs.
H. Mills
The influenza has visited Centralia
this last couple of weeks with consid-
erable severity, and as a result sev-
eral families in town are affected
Mrs. E. Abbatt -is taking charge of Disjandine--In, Ste,phen, B. Line, on
and Mrs. Fairhall ,haye the influenza.: years,
School and church' haVe bath been
the young man whose death is record-
ed above in. the person af Harry Dis-
jardirue., who passed away Wednesday
ed was also a victim of the "flu"and
was a,ged 19 years, He is survived by
his mother, five brothers and- .three
sistexs. The remains ° of both ,., were
to rest Grand Bend cemetery,
on Wednesday afternoon The rbe-
:leaved have the sympathy of the
tiro. community.
llarrir.---Brown.-In St. Marys, on
Tuesday, Dec. 17, Mr, Charles Harr-
' ris •of Ottawa, to Miss Janet Fergu-
son Brown, daughter of the late
,Flugh and Mrs: Brawn, of Exeter.
Stire--Smith-At the Lutheran par -
John Stire, son .af Mr. Geo. Stipe
of Hay township, to MiSs
daughter of Mr: John Smith.
Dashwood, an
Dec. 12, by Rev. Graupnex, Mr.
William F. Betiding, to Miss Edith
Heckman, daughter of, the late Wm.
Hutchinison-BiceAt the Manse, at ,
Nairn, on. Dec. 11, Miss Elsie Bice
•of Fernhill to Mr. Harry Hutchinson
of Parkhill,
Creech -In Exeter. oa Dec. 17 Thom-
as Garnet Creech, aged 38 years,
2 months, and 6 days.
Sutton. -At his late residence, Lucan
on Dec. 14, Dr. James Sutton.
Reid -In Exeter, on Dec. 14th, Dr.
John George Reid, V..S., aged 29
ytqaars, months.
DisjIrkitne--In Stephen, 13. Line, on
Dec. 9, Nielson, Disjandine, ageol. 24
Waiken-In Stephen, on Dec, 7, to Mn
and Mrs. Cecil Walker, a son.
and Mrs George Dunn, a son.
closed until after Christmas owing to
the outbreak of the "flu:".
Miss E. Weston will return to her
home owing to, the school being clos-
Miss Hazel Es.s.e7, spent Sunday and
Monday` visiting friends( Lond-on.
SE.AFORTH.--Last Monday the '
death took place .„-of ....Wary R. Barn,
wide of Mr. John Gillespie, :liter a
year ot extreme suffering.. Born in
Scotland in 1848, she came to .Casiada
in 1876 and nesidedy in Seaforth ever
- For Xmas. Week Only
What about a nic-e ioast of that Choice. Baby Beef for Christmas; fed.
by Andrew 1-Iick.s, Centralia.
:Also a full line of fresh, and tutted meat, atways Orli hand, • tind th
right price
ARE ENDORSED by the Organizatiart
Ontario an.T.1.--,t, a's, or sale by the followin.g
Write for inices andttnurchase direct from the, above
See " Star,dard' the tags.
of Res011roes Committee
Ina ufac,turers.
ffering For
Cotton See
position will be, made of ;stocks rerTlaalitag;, '
Prices an application. Utitil De'c't . they ,w1,11' '.;04j.),proAti.
tone of purchase.
Mittee, Pat -eta -monk