HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-12, Page 8► TER l Ari L. g +1 Bch' W dpnesday Fad Ileac , 2,1.1, Sprint' Whe,a1 cats' 75 ()Q OS. Barley 'amity Flour 5.90 C`tk ame y Butter 55 •Dairy Buttwl,.�„ 45to48. Vett' Laid Eggs nor of er 1 week o'd60 Real small- or ,Meld ,Eggs3r Lard F ' Potatoes 1.35 1.75 --Iy,' per ton 1200 to 14,00 1Ia'r ,,,, 17,75' Auction Sale. 35 . STOCKERS . T _14ETjZOPOI::ITAl�I IO'I`i~ E?aE"i .t,R, an MONDAY, DECE1VZB11R 16, 1 o'clock, shearp, the �follawi 3a • GHOICl~ STOCKERS, e.�irrs-6 manikhs', credit given 'Pied'"joint.n>,t�t•es, with per•. GEO..SANDERS„• '' l7SPpYi Robm;s ons, Auct, L. 1918.. M� at T`o app cert • ete t r FOR SALE• 'Nondhesimor. Piano, Louis; XV. style. A Bargain, for spat, oashli' For fur- ther- particulars write Box 66, Exet- er, Ont BAZAAR POSTI,'ONED The Soldiers' Aid Society have de' nide(' to =postpone their Bazaar until some::,tiuve an Febtuas-y. A HANDY TIE. FOR ,BAGS., Gather the tan, .hold ;one end of the string between the second and third, or third and fourth fingers, pass the string around ,and pull it snug, before gbialig around the second time, push Gut the first finger . to, make a loop ; s u11 the and - through this loop with first finger when you come around;.now pull bath ends tight and 'the bag Is wed.; Just twice mound. To untie pull eiither end. Those who are:donating articles for the`: Soldiers' Asci Bazaar are request - c -d. o deliver them at Grigg's Book Store, to -day, Thursday, Dec. 12.' As .a businiess Proposition, there is no comparison between the value you receive from a year's subscriptionfor The Farmers' Weekly Sunr and that of any other farm. ,paper, considering its accurate Market forecasts and ,reports_ The Sisters' bagel\ double's the valise. It -is 'a woman's page``vith life .in ,every line„ No increase in skit Mrs. Bert Clark; is itaPrav is g 'nicely trcm her^ necenit operation, "'Mr. usfd, 11, ,Gzdiey were ,jr_ Ea to 'this N, tun= 'e.ral of his aunt. --,Blyth ,Sts clard.... A: large number of the.' county weekly newspapes• have advanced theirb � s � h s ei a t_ spfio2t .ries tc ;$Z,UO a vein •Mr. 'Bet+t clerk, has purchased the dwelling pzonerty oto hfr, henry Day- , man on Rev 'S; W, Baird has bce;r�.,'"'cod, trued to his honile sixiue ;i'+V'ednieSday lust owing to sal flues;z*r • ;11r. Thos G, Cr�,�clii who has beep very i11 for several''days, is somewhat better as we. go to' press. There have leen ,rtuit,e. a number of ick people in. towns aqui',surrounding country, durixib, the 'Week; Sortie With heavy colds , ani others"- with light at 'ricks of Read the'advert>Nen ent is another 'cc/lunar).a out P � -` 'r s+' b The, aI�run Gi 1 , an. Orchestra of Six Pieces, who will give -an entertairnnsent",in the Opera 13ouaa on We'dinesday,: the ''18th: corrnejr, ,oaf James (Ind �l Streets. At 'l; oronta Stock Slow last week • b news on Fr/day last of tire death of a' class at' 24after :cul an Mr. R. tier only sister, :Miss Mary Stewart, }` who died 3 Carlisle, Cumberland, Ln '„ D Hunter sold; 11 moniticalf white T1ae t:��.ktsie at', he.r death was influenza fall for... er 'sto a lb. Thfs . 3ld vas a she being ,sick :n full brsa'tRus o1 the calf sold which: omsly a"few days. �, � T1souY�sRuss+all, i'ast year, ,and whicjr bort ribs, .John Markham received the sad fix Andrew Hicks of Centralia got fifth place for an. Ab&deen steer in Owirli • td- the illness sof `Rev, Baird took' fifth .place in Chicago :this year,; who was to have, ,taken the services ' .*� in, Main Street church Sunday morn- _ Misis -Fern Short of London;; „was iru and, Caven Church in the•; even-. borne, over Sunday, rt .ing, these services were conducted ; .n~ ,, Garvey 'Acheson,' of St '.rharnas respectively by Rev. Yelland and °' ,as harm over Friday night. 1Jn`; Medd. Miss Clara 'Vosper:left Saturday to JONES P2102 32 4. CANADA —"ID BOARD LICENSE NO •8-3620' '. pisses hiidren' Cloth Coats Greatly :Reduced in nes' DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUi\srY,,„TO°uET A GOOD COAT' AT A ,:1 'ARGAIN IN PRICE • We havre .oa sale this, week the alanceof our Ladies' Misses ` and Children's.' Colored Cloth "Coats g tlyreduced price's. These ,goats are all thia'sealson's ;styles;; :in the n,e•i,; Volours; �Ttveess, Worsteds,' Etc. •in ' plain coalorrs of Green, Bturgundy, u Taupe, Brown, , Navy, Etc. Some .” of these coats are reduoed as lowas i 18,50 in Ladies' sizes, Your pC r�sli t�Shopping. Ow Store ts, s"amply overflowing with Christmas- Goods. A visit here, will easily solvle the Christmas+ Gift Problem for' you. • Come early while' ¢ there is the largest assortment to ',elect frare,, 1 BELOW WE OFFER A FEW .SUGGESTIONS,- FOR LADIES AND GIRLS New'Crepe anld Silk Blouses—aver. 100 'to select front„ an the very New- est colors, in Plain. 'and .beaded effects,+ , New ,Handkerchiefs in Endless variety of design's,'../,jltire.:better tine in !fancy boxes, also ,goad,: quality plain and irrtialed linen handl erchiiefs:' New fancy collars, leather 1 ruses arid hand bags, fancy 't&well, and`' linens. parasols camisoles, boudoir caps,., sill' dress lengths, etc,,' etc, M,`r. 'R;. T. Luker, .who, has been, in mend a,few days' in, Landon Chicago for several days, returned ' .'err ' tithser'Braund of Brantford ni,eart of standard -laded horses—brood Tues ay, brind rd wash,, ikon a strip- \vas here for a few '.days ,this weeksmar: Miss 'Edna Peters of Barwick �vae ea f Mr. L f Armstrong; a two ;vI'Wtin; with a Mrs, Bircney last ° week. yeah -old stallion for MnMr, ,James Es -a s,ery, anld 'ttvo' manes three an four' Mr. Gannet .Cockwill, who spent the years old for .himself.; summer at I1,1i1k:Rltiet; Alta., a On Sunday next the local " Meth !lame last ode,t churches will hold union ser, ° Rev. Foote wep&t to;Clintonrues J vices = .in, Ganes Street' int: the .. ,....- day 'to attend a,,meetitllg-of the Pres' ine and llau3'Street at",ni> ht-- -Rev. bytery of Hurray Dr Medd preachingt' The servicean Mr. John Krueger, who has been in Main. Street church that evening ttd)r Thedford during the _past year, Fuke be a memorial, service tin. memory of. it;athig his sister',Mrs.,..A. `•E. Fuke Private Thomas .Alexander., Brima-- for • a few days' Combe, killed in action Oct. 31st, Mrs `W; T. 'Gooc1J on ;of Sat is is Mr, Rich. J. Eacrett of Brantford !Mere at thea ixbrrie of'her mother, a former Exeter boy, figured `inti '" a ID.JP1 rets, owing to the illness of her sensational' .haul.,, of liduor near that daughter Miss Marjory. cite, on Friday. night. The liquor was Mr. '"George Taylor. of ;Part, Huron being hauled .rm, `an,,,autamobilee to brother "of Itrri. Robert ,Gi.liiies, ac - Brantford and fshere, was about$700.00 coniPallied by Mri,ss Fern Reid, , visit- worth in they load. Inspector. Eacrett ed here over the \week , end.: wa•s alone, but at the point of there- \2r.. N D. Hwiden,: returrved Tues- volier captured the four men and the day from Port Franks;; where he spent cargo -and`broughitithem into thee( citythe sun -anent" His seriGeorge, acv where two of the ,rrie{ni were •later frau cart -warded ed hpu� . to Exeter and ed. .31000 each. spend a'ftew days. • The Bazaar under the Ladies' Aid !\'ti`s, 13 W. Fi, Beavers was in Tar. of the Trivia. Meinoralalt Church .on, onto last week 'attending aProeuncial Friday last' was a complete success; Executive -Meeating of thio The many, us,efui;artacless;prepared by On the way home ste°s,penvt Sunday' the ladies found ready "sale and',='o'c• =with,her,brathsers--aol`jB�rantford. ially a very pleasenvt t3tnen was spent: Mr. Chas. Northcott, wh611 as spent in the' !evening the Lan er•n Lecture, the summer in. thevv'est, arrived home "A .. trip through the -1V ledi,terraneanu" an Monda . His partner, `Mr. Iias'ry. war given by, the rector; Rev. A: 'A. Dining, is remaining, ,in the west dur- Trump,er, and 'tine 'scenery, as we11as jog the winter. Mr. Northcott re- the. lecture was one of great pleas- turns' th`'e s,pridig% pre .,.,.i t{ere:st\ A duets by Mrs: price, One Dollar per year. 'ti, J.,. Dore 'and','tivrn Arthur Middae miss' _was adtu,iralilyrendered and much en.)oyed. The proceeds3`,; annottaited to $80,55. • THE FLU! ' SECOND -HAND-4 STOVES—A few good 'seconld=nand; coal ar wood, cook staves for'saie—a snap.—Geo. Hawkins ENSILAGE FOR SALE. i While' there are many new cases` The silo art -the Canning Factory' is ;.of. flus , in town. and suiItl'o'i dung open area eensi!agei is offered at 53.00. country 'the situation is tva ' 1r rater per ton. Purchaser too pay for weigh 14,ing cause for serious,alarna."':It. is jog on R. G. Seldon s scalier. thourgtlt ,and aspreviously expres•se4' that,.it w h. remain until the ivanri We were .furl of wlheat on account ' setts of the congestion catnsed by embweather n atrier in itir the, spring. 4n et�c.. but have room now and will` be eminent physacian has said hire while Charas L�moted,' Cornwall, and wail {pleased to (have your' wheat, also the. Spanish Influenza •exti.sts 'there „leave shortly with ons ll,family n for that will be lift1e danger of': other com- oats ^nd..baTyep.- xa,,, Bras. • municable dos b ak' out P1a e ., The matin friends of Mr. aril ,�....._ Mrs., Gillies w.>,11 -lean With, regret , weep at Vic. alb. The �avctltuve of hlreliron ounty LLlrilley. J• H: GREE • Station. R ,(0 .&,•NV- 'C.` A arena at !Clinton. on ..,.,r Tom. _ - - letter .. .._._.fr,,...., aztiti..,,... n lrx , Plriflipson of the; Bank of Corn- nterc staff has been. .transferred to Parry 'Sound. Bis `work h`�ere,'is'"beamp taken at liresent• by Mr Yager, who later goes to Dashwoodl.where ' the Bank= is opearinb a Branch: -Mr. Herb. Eliiot.1o1.Yorkton, plrr'aved: here an Manday'1to visit at the •home of his brother, Mr..; Ernest Ellrat . flus been, in \the West near. ly 25 . �=ea„rs,, an „4 s omie years sij is e his last visit to ,ups old' hiorne here - Mr Percy Gi lies: hast accepted a poo - sitian `as accduntatt with thee -McGill have, h quantity of pickling on - eases re as g . u . g. a TO WORK ,Ii. 01i REFUG`EE;5 of their •departure from aur mvdst,� Ion.:..'' (lane and small), Na. 1 stock. ar the next Ole. Temperance , from London Red ,Cross asking that ta a few friends on Friday evening 1Tor bread use Alanitoba's Best or we",stoP all Tegular.,Red ICross wOrk 1ast.—Will Westlake and family have Model. We heard a cu,stomei • itaY, for a few months and:devote our moved to Centralianwhere he has se- - i t k di) tth triated ref- cured a situation at - the creamery„—' last week. "10an net excelleuat bread.' t me.: o wor r, e aaa FOR ii\'IEN FURS AS CHRISTMAS' GIFTS Furs marine a very desirable Christ:m s• Gift, Wei .have` the new styles in sets' of Natural and' Black. WolfandFox, Muskrat P'etsiat Lmb,.': Mar- mot,. Badger etc., etc. Prices naoderdte. t Fur oats for Ladies—Mus , t n?. mat and Hudson! Seal. " Fur C kFra1 � Ties ..Neck Scarfs, Shoes, Arm Bands, Garters, Suspenders, Belts -in Individual• 13axes, Initialled 'Linen Ila nldkcerchief s, Suits, 9 0-V-617.• Gat -Un-= brllas etc,, all useful gifts. , y' OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Offers. wonderful values in Ladi,e s' bFeft's and GhildrEii's' These also make appropriate Christ mos Gifts. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS See our special values for the ho lyday season in Menem Ready -to -Wear Clothing. Yarn Foot wear. Boys' ack' r White Scotch F"ngerin ar 4 sly, fine quality >:`at El � Grey anc� at � c g �. nu t. 65c. per skein of 1-4 lb.=a` very spec sal value. - r Canadian' 2 and. 3 ply. -yarn, all colors, �includuinit• 'led; at 40c. skein,. •t Hosidquarters masdino ..„,Those, here from'. a distance attend- ing the ftiheral of the late Mrs. Gild= were, 11 iss Edsth Gulley Of treal, Mr. E. H. Giciley of Duluth, Mr. Samuel Gidley ands daughter of Myth, bit 'trouble ” ug,e-ei. of .France "13eigiura. The A , few. from' hthis f, attended the mous in :deciding to Sunny South show'. in Hensall Mon- , do so. Bvery. vvoman • in -the county day evening. ' They claim, it was hard- ., Shaul have some- 4),ant in this -work ,y up to ,expectatiotnisiA"We ,were sor- 17 R '''"..,61,,ca.ring for Ube women and clifOren. ry -to see it turd soft theilirst of the ESTRAY HE ises oi '`te undeil-s;',--gned, about three was alSO-„,,:d.o,tcided to place'.;, ourselves and Mrs. John'Selves, Sr. tpent,a few able unemorials for our :fallen soidie-rs ``H.earts -of the, Woultie'—George.Par-,, and turg 'willingness 'I:9 assisChl •ciartie:, ker at'ul 'sister, , of Chiselhurst visited, There strayed atvay-from the Prem- °f 4-holse devastated cmintries. It week, as we had nice •sleighing.—Mr.• vreekt `n 'red heifer. A ieward %via on re,cord agobeing. (in accord tvith, cla)-s. in Lniadc;n, wtith (relatives and be givr *).r her re,turn, -or for infor- matio 1 'in will lead to her reco-very Ewald, Butcher, Creditont On To I line. between, McGillivray tober. Ow.ler can have same by pro- ving property and paying for advert- isement. Lawrence Barry, Lot 2, Con. 3, McGillivray FALL AND, WINTER GOODS Fleury and Maxwell Roller, Crusb- erls,, Grinders, 011 Engines, Sleighs, Mcl_aughlin Cutters Wheelbarrows, LAND ",WANTED. 300 acres OT .more land for flax for next year, for which good rental vrill be paid, Ontario "Flak C,ompany jns. Davis, Exeter. - Phone 13 r 12, ,STRAYED—Onto Lot 7, conootsion and paying' expense,s,--Aprnly ,to 'Alex MeTha.lis, con. Z, ,lot Upbort.en Owing to the probable serious fuel situation the Fuel Conanaissiorlers of ed Lour car -loads, of screened soft ooal through: their dealer, ,W. G. Medd Witich'Ise a, Seeing that there is t) be little or .no band coa.I forthcoming tr,atepayers are advised to place their orders with either 'the Raeve or any of the Councillors to sacure their needs, FARM FOR SALE, 122 acre farm, Lots 25 and 26, Lake Road Stephen, near Dashwoo.d, f,or- the property is a new, two- storey brick ha -Use, bank barn 7dx40, with L at' 12. feet; driving shed and large open shed ; two good wells . well drained and fenced; an ,acre of Or- chard ; convenient '„ to 'school, church and po,5t office. Apply at Advocate ffice, Exeter. Jean Fitton, Exeter with D. Brintnell and family Sanday., on Se,cy. DEATIrl OF ',CHARLES TURNBULL There .passecl away in Regina, DO Now. 30 Charl,es- Turnbull, s'on of Mrs. Alex. Turnbull ',of .Tli'arnes k6a.d, ag- ed 18 years. Deceased went out West last spring, Wh.ere has sitioe resided. - 4 few days previous to his preyed " fatal. • 1-1. is rernains were Et -Plight heye ,':hSr -train, 'arriving Satur- day Manning,' and the. funeral -tOok taking ro'oms th,e,' same day. His uncle, mains hire, .He was a member af the Thames Road Pres]) yterrian church, having.,Connectetl, Iiiiinself with the church when, about I6"k,ears of ,age. He 'It -a -vela to mourn, (betides his moth- er,:.(two sisters and ',six brothers, Mrs. ,Hc`nry Rhode, Anna at, h,ome„ John A. and I-larold overseas, James, Dav- id, Wdiffid and Rabble at 116m -e: DEATH 'OF MRS. STANLAKE. ' T,he,, death occurred at St. Josephs Hospital, London, on Tues,day;s:Deci, 10th;of Catharine Gibson, wife of Mr. Henry Stanlake of Grand 'Bend, aged 6,4' years. Dec,ease.cl hilad . been :ailing during -the 'whole of the past sum-, men and two weeks hgo was talcen to. thie 'hospital for 'tnelattnenit. It proVed'' of no avail, however, and she pass(ed away as stated,: Barn in Ste- phen To)watshin, she Marri,ed Mr. Stan - lake fortY-sirt yea,rs ago and since that, time resided' in, Exeter and near Grand 'Bend. Residds her hits laancli who, is now in the hospital in Lon- don, she is survived lay six Ons : Frank of Denfield„,, William of Bran= clan, Mart., Thoma,s .ol Sarnia:, Private' Alviri soldier, seriously ill in Whini- er hosnital Nelson of Grand:Bend and Private Roy,. overseas,i A broth- er', V\i'illiarn Gibson, resides at Moon - sett' in Wincitron„ The funeral talce- place froin the residence of Mr, padit oon, intenment to be made in KIIDNEYS' WEAKENED SPANIii "FLU". Are Restored to their Fortner State of liealth.by " FOR THE Hundreds of letters from all parts of Canada prove this assertion. If you have been a victim to the . "Flu," don't hesitate—take GIN Gin Pills Sold Everywhiro. 50 Cents a Box. 01, CANADA. LIMITED 243 TOIOHIO;CIlt. BTJ OR, SALE. ' •Shorthont Bull, 16 mos. old. Last Royal bork, imported,' , Red. Prince, imported, Prince of ,Banff; imported Scottish Hort),, imparted. He He has 'many other, iinPorted crosses . John Chambers, Crornarty P.O. Telephone • 19-- an 1:47,,:Seaforth. 4 Taxes Taxpayers' are asked as a. favor I'D nOt leave. 'the, payment '0% Muitieipai Taxe„ until the IAA day' 1,36h and '14,tb of 'December are -bum Tor the' Batik. Sae Oat Siour PUBLIC NOTICE NOMINATION AND ELEcnoN. VILLAGE OF EXETER: A Public Me,eting, of ,the Electors' of the Municipality of -the Villa.ge Gf Exeter for the making and receiving nominations for the office af Reeine, ,counciller4, 'and. one member of Utintue, Commission • and Public School Trustees for the, year 1919 will 'be held in TOWN HALL, 'On MON- ;DAY TEC. 30,th, 1918, ben:veep. the -hours of 12 o'clock not)n, and 1,o -'clock * Arid •-should a•;,lpoll be demanded by any nOrtiinee ovEloc-tor the same shall he' Opened an Monday, January btb, the morning and 5 o'clock in 'the c9ft%,11.0on of the' same, day, and at the several places hereinafter men- ' Pall 1. at Silas' Handford's residence - No 2, at Town Hall, by Well -Johns D.R.O., and ,James Greive, Clerk, No. 3, a't Mrs. Anus -Mitchell's office building, canner Main and Wellington Streets by Percy ID,R.0 and George Anderson,. Poll Clerk. ' ND 4, at North End Fire-1Jan,, by Birickwood; -1)9p Clerk. I3y order, JOS. SENIOR, Clerk airl1C1 124eturniinig Officer, flOILSES WANTED good GOldiogs foist& up. Mama fawn 4 year, old 7021/00 hiring' the requiried stuff, tor Ohmic 83, Inteter. 1. DOW C. W:-12.013INSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth; Mid' dlesex andtOxford:-. Vann Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockihutt Wateraoins, next door to Central Hotel, Main .Street, Exeter. end ,Middle§ox Prices Ikeassonelble and' .Satisifaetion, lifdN.EY TO LOAN tures no tam awl villaN Spatters, Stoiliciturce,Exetee Barrister. 'Sicilians', No.027, Pubk, Contrals)skovet, Solicator, Tot the Mal - sloes Etc.,;Mon.4 to loen at DENTIST • Honor Graduate Tbronto University Closed Wednesday afternoons. Honor Graduate 'I'arOlio, University Teeth extracted without 'or any had effects. •Office over Gladman Stanbury's 'Office, Main Street, Exeter EYES TESTED FREE: All errors of Eyesight corrected. 6Ittnii'01,7DRUG, STORE 44, Tea it Coffe- Store For the -choicest groceries,, fruits, gipidesi teas, coffee and every' thing in the grocery- lin% 0411 an4 See us. A trial BB to vality convin- Produce taken in exchange 'Jas. Gould urniture and Undertakin RO er Bargain St DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY' MAICE THIS 'A "FOOTWE.AR." CHRISTMAS The_ movement to discourage frivolous expenditure for Chifilarna Gifts Ramis the way 2‘straight to "thi,s SHOE STORE, We are,,, planning to 'make this a—"FOOTWEAR CIIRISTMASP can suPoly you with gifts ,tbat are attractive, appropriate and useful. .ail.a,ve some special values in LINES OF SHOES WE ARE DiSr CON FUINP AND HAVE REDUCED THF, PRICE. " RUBBERS IN ALT., STYLES. WEAR SWEATERS, - BRACES, TIES, 'ETC. ave