HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-12, Page 7KI G WILL BE TRIED Y AWED C The Former Rulers of Bulgaria, Austria and Turkey Will Be ritought to Justice as Weitas the floheuzonerns. A desnateh from London says: - r Auckland Geddes, President oi' the focal Government Board and Minis.' ter of National Service, in a MOH° ad. dress, said that -the line of policy ad- vocated by the Coalition Government ties upon ,our pi•iseners and utiOnthe civilian inhabitants Cif the ,Mvaded lands," he coUtinuotl, "Must s,tand trial end if they arQ fe,r dentin"' • . 8: • It had to " be , pecived 'how far the , 'was a. peace which, so far as the commanders ol submarines acted un- eneniYspowers were concerned, should der orders,- whip they had to carry be based, on stern justice, and so far out under pain set -death, of how' fan ,s,ethcisennen who planned and started they aeted on their own volition, he tttnerii,neented,. should be, pointed out but if the' atrocities at .,-e" townie/17' On JUS(,iCe „6r fho---nta`tzne.eeany,ere ,conimittect on th,e volition of 'meted out in the highe,st courts of tile llndividual, common/1'6'ns, " he deelared,, Such men,as the former' Ger- they, tob, ''imiet suffer the , extreme man Emperor, -Enver Pasha and the „penalty, • " • "• tr f -former rnlers "of. „Bulgaria ,tind To is ay o • TeS,Aompg or tii ou10 be'placedi on -trial -and 1.f. our ,..eriemie'i,". said the ,Minister, "and -found guiltytheirlives, would be -for- 'they -will have to pay to the uttermost ' felted. " !. farthing wbatsit is poesible to bring 1T "Men guilty of unspeakable atrool3touCof • r Dec. _wheal: o., Northern ,.$2 -1`19, Northern' $2;•Xs:91713 , „ Ste r(.' VV,4U4,93 net nlielUdillg- fax; - STATEMENT. TO TROOPS Matitoha' .c.v/„.T8,043c.;, e. NO, 3 'Q.M7,, 776,; extra Nb, ' 1' feed' 77%ce, eXtra Ne. 1 feed, 77%e; No. , 1 feed; 751/26, in store' Vert William; Asks '} !dies to Ma a&hi hoh Americao:n corell°n•--itio. 05; 1 2 -Yellow, ce)o.rne'te Rk`oen while oceap3„.. N 3 (ws $ . No. Yollotyy ,, 31.00; sample corn, feed, log Geri/inn Territory.' $1,.40 t to ;;11-55 track Toronto. . Ontario oats, new crop ---No. - 2 -Sir Arthur Curr iO has bsued )he whitee 7q to 78c; No, 3 White, 74. to following', speelal order of :the ' day to , 77e, accordirigeto freights _.0ocsido.i.-,„ „ the Canadian tr,00p a '1'0 rrniitg liart.of Ontario "wheat: -,-No. 1. Winter, Perthe e'la-ny . of oecupstior. .* gr -''..s.14'%-•." .et;',,,,.• :tee" . . meneed, win e- others , are about . ...... .i. „ $9 15; No 1 Spring., $2.09 •-to`',""$2.17; CIIEEIENG T„Ii•EIR DELTVEftiqtS--Scho_011ioys.in'Ostend, orphaned di r., No. 2 Spring, $2:01,1 to - $2 i'14; No. 3- ril. 1 on. '41° Rhi.O".°-, 'llberatill'g B ut ei- ing the toyear,f's oInGerthrt a°coo:Patton," demonstrate under the leer-,11(1)'•Sprini, $2.02 to $2.10, "f.o.b.", cihip- 8 Oliln In'. ..Y°1-11- ,ollvailoP,'' Iii` a 'fo'Nc4 daYs' of their teacher., Similar scenes have been witnessed in, ail the delit,' erect 1, pilifsosp*,,oliNnitos., '2a,c,w2r.cloion.e• rto ' freights, ,,,,,,c'eOlt:it'a'i\rvii,npaerIti,5tei'n 006i.firnol:a,,,nty,o acacriti(r1 el:1(t)hh: ,, towns. „:" ' . , , s . -----,-.-------- ,1 -Bar1ey---1‘dalting, new , crop. $1:00 ,rfulfilment ..,:lf•-'-ethe ' terms of BRIFISH,W ner,Majesty Calls on Wiritnen of Buipire to.147aric?I'Or c,Ood of Country. -:•,*•-•(.1.•,,plten:••21,111 ttavve.'(..iayse-,-, The follilwing message frect her Majesty 'lite Queen to the 'Y'sto len' of ANY LANGliAr ,A E STUNT'TION • RANGE SIGHTS THAT WERE' SEEN ON YIELDED GROUND Diversity of Races Will be Pre- , ent" at. Versailles Conference. . • • 'A despatch from Paris •says: - Translators in, 23 lartgueges, tinclud- hie. Chinese, Arabic, .Turkish, rand some not even so well *known have the Ebeen called • -for by irig.--.Geneeall n'11))-'° habeeft reeed s -i'rei- his William - W. ,Vats, who i§ directing ExcellenCy the Governor-Gener the equipment of the ,American ,peace fewetnonths ag'0, 1.11V-,,qht delegateS. nurrilicir required is message inilhe name of th ' w•eli''Sn.' races *and* cbuntlites befOre the Peace acress th4.eeas. Now "Iillnan,h11.• e. • , war or by reaemes of — like to gitro,a message toft,ho. women , --The' full list of langiviges`' el the EtnPlre• During !(,11 rises French, Itailan, ,Greek; Jape-. com have been ,given the hithr,,enigure: lege ! -o1 service; they -lave ' risA • 'Spanish, _Mon.teneg•rin; "Nor's great opportunity, and ha40,,,,, preyed-, ,eariene Terme" wegian," Bulgnariacikin,Cs-le7inspaolir.L.1,-*,8:17;sZ -their courage, steadfastness Ani 3;01i_b; ity. I have been allowea„..N. watch s Swedish, Persian, Russian; Serbian, Armeniam-Ozeche,Ruman,tan, and appreciate their vrork al,meny 'Darts of the.„,,,eountry, and me' heart Danish and Arabic:, This, e with • 'is full 61- admiration and gtititude , for what I have •1;(1611. 01 earnestly trust that thou i'of ecltir anitiety and setessiii,seI-se.A.t., 'a to e divOi ity of the of ,our landk to our men • ng ug Conferetne ncee either tnroug• partnelpa- Of thankfulness and hoPee' 14'hbil dioti • treaties. or other relations. 11 the thrill, and glamor of war is ovo , the spirit' of self-sacrifice and helpfakiess 'meaning of treaties and documents, which- it has kindle,d will not want in and not the ordinary 'speaking knoWl- the coming days. A new era is da -n- edge. - ' - ' • \ ,ne. ‘e first effort will be 'directed at ing upon the world, bringing -wit ret obtaining -translators 'from*" arnong many difficulties, fresh responsi ii, ities and serions problemsto be fac d. ..eevilege *Wen -`)/' 'armY" men' 'and should' Parliament has secured, for ,the whke 'se be4kgat!lcing others '4'e-gi "varic.il ecountry greatgl• opportunities of ino e civilian occupations will be, taken. e . 'thorough and variecl education, b 't n; ') its will depend upon the parett e ,,,,,.,.0.NADA KEPT BRITAIN ER 'MONTHS ,, whether t . • hose opportunities II' " IN BUTTTWO to the foll. 'We all rejoice*that plans' area o A f6 t despatch from' Ottawa says --The for bringing to an end the e:klsten e - Ilen2-' ' industry. throughout Canedn -e, Makes home 1,cfe ,a2.,m..,.%1 impossible tate' the lear/1, ..- says "an.,FOod ' h ..0.8. sue bad an$1 ciedwd64,,-116-tigssisi. 'will Tej'eice 'ildn't-a 'e-niefit,Te-firiti-iliS; patTiotie ever the Eirl-pire service, rendered in the recent supply '-'13:-d-a-Y-Tri-ortV-77-tha-n of butter for export, to Great Britain needs her +.eiliters, for, in the larg- to meet a pressing eillergeneY there, e•-er" worldenne Piiblic and • indnetrial work %yore -etc tiro slily.te.j, . , e has •rilt viith the -Most cordial ap- place.promotion from the egilttisli antlfori- more impertant , ties and 'the .people generally. . • s "As we have been united., in all our work, whether -of head or hands, in a real sisterhood'of suffering and set., • vice during the war, let us go on working together with the same unity: of piirpose for the resettlement and rec-QnStructien .of our country. "(Signed) 1Viary 11.". Englieli, makes the .quota.,24. The knowledge of " the -languages' possessed by translators • must 'elks corn lete o gt t • Revisiting Familiar Territory After Enemy Withdrawal During * Final Days of the' War. •We were in a tiliber shaft sunk in the hillside behind trees. • The ob- serving -sergeant 'sat on a stoe„flehind the great telescope. "Fritz, is' evacuating this salient," he said. "Tell that the marines," - 8, ""'"It's true enough. Every night you can see the fires behind his lines." "This ground is too %trainable to ,give up," objected. "An-cf he stilt shells, heavily." • 'That's bluff -easily managed wtth a few eirens guns Look!" , He pointed over the vast plan* pearly with autumn haze: Even with 'the naked eye Leonid see smoulder - wrack • and smolee-screens • drifting across --Jerry's front. They trailed along like heavy plinnes oftsmoke he - 'hind steamers. 'holes and Icil,shelters -WIcre he "Ang • - • • • • •••• $1.„,05; ,c,e'or'ding„: ,Ti.:eights' otite.liorreliStide.LO'rellieniPiahrY 'et -0 tieee„.pe'tiso s,,, . , in „ Tanl,t booby -traps, and Bill ek wh'e a t_No..2 4;i . 46. rtil.,e,resefeseGe.rmn.itity,.hum- \vaste abound, , but 'exploSions Re -NO 58', 174•• and demerehzed, have. fled. Lire i.a.re Manitoba • ilour-Old erop, war That unscruPuim-ser'atim's v.11.° in 14 The groups of workers move on, seal, (Imlay' $11.3e Fr t Hat at naught -every treaty and viblat- these recaptured roads, patched and Ontariot flour --War old- ed evexp-rnoral bliligation, who has cleane,c1 tip stunk with the signs and crop, $10,25 in bags Montreal and since perpetrae e=1 the ridet ferocious flags of pur forward units' await Toronto', prompt shipment; •atrocities'orn land -as well as on so-, , thetraffienticle!that-Will soon surge tin. l'efillfeed="-Car'..lots, delivered 'Monte is, beaten. 'famished' 'and cat your' real freights, hags included; Bran,' inerey. Justice lies come. Retribution , , $37.25 per ton; s.horts, $42.25 per 'ton. eel., • irnenees. e ming .. OUT ong years, _ . 0 , . . , 4' t • ' - ci-"q"9o•oo 0 '“-1. 00 ,pe • . . . .. . ton track:. ' oronto. - ": - '' ,,1)7-1.1:•a°uriss)lel,.°''uYsol.-1(1.f,hati‘I''efl,:rloglish;lel...(3.tuill'sna;:ilYs bh.4::::Yt.t°1-cl'x's /' gtraw-Car lots, $10 . 00 tb. " 4105 . 0 ' and elldurd t'111.1, l!Prds7-bi1). and nOw track Toronto. - . ' ". = I your mighty efforts ars rewarded. , IE Your comrades are avenged. you 4 Country Prw,luce'-7,Wholesa.14i -, have demonstrated on the battlefield Romanoffs Shot -One by One in Convent „Cel ar at;-,f- Ekaterinbin.g. • A despatch froin London sayse-A despatch to the -Exchange. Telegraph from Amsterdanv says the Kiev news- papers publish. story ' given by the valet of the, former Empress of This- sia, of the murder of the entire Romanoff family by -the Tolsheviki. According to this stery the once -royal family Was corripeelle,d" to live in a single room qf a convent at Ekaterin- burg •for weeks befor-e the murder, under gniard of Bolshevik soldiers who insulted them shamefullY. The valet said on 17 all the In:embers of the family' were` taken to the ' cellar of the convent,' and. plaCed against the wall .• 1 t f 6 Egg.1---:No"-- j: stop -Age., '53 to '54s, = yeunsuperior Tourage and unfaltering . - , ; selected -s-'orege" 53 to 56C-. eirtens enceriy. • , . neiv-laicl, 70 to 75c. .„ Butter - Creamery solids, '51 to 53c;.• do., Nii, Relaxation -of Discipline. , , prints 53 'to 56c. choice dairy prints, Bir- the will of 'God yeti have we'n' to 40c; bakers'„ 30 t6 33c. leoniar- glum. You will be received every-. - ' li I h I Bei- " 45' to .47cn* ordinary "tlaiin1t;*Prints, 38 marching triurnp ant y t rougi •-. garine (best grade), 34 to • 35e. where as liberators, but the kindness Cheese -New, large, 2 to ...71/..i , arid gei eiosity f the p p lation iiiist, twine,• 27 to 277/2c; spring made, not- canse any relaxation, of your cliS- large, „27 to; 271/2c; twins, 27 te 28c... etpline "or alertness. your tasit is Cornb Honey -:--.Choice, 16 oz., $4.50 to $5,.00 -per dozen. 12 53.50 t not 'Yet eemPleted' and Yell Inut "- $.4,00 per dozen. , , ,!main whatyou.re-d adecalodelyel knittedeae..sl. _ , --, ---- - German agente-seattered through the Maple Syrup --In 5 -gal, tins, $3,25.; arinY in, y , - - , . Barreilliudroyisivioll'el:t-s_WpItioelkeiseacile '' ' *coulitry milst "nigt-be able to repOrt lit; p ark their MaSters any ,weetiniess or evi= 348; mess Pork, $47. - . rdell°4 -0' disinteiFatlen 'ef."yieut'"; fitght- Green .Meats -Out of .pickle, , 1c hog power., It, is essentin - la on less than Smoked. t 0•' ithe. March and'at the halt disci -mine Smoked' Meats -Roll's, '32 ' to 33c; mast be of **the highest standard. - lams, Mediurn, • 28, "t o29c; heavy, 30 EVeTY, PR.aSible PrOtectiOe Shenk'. be to 31e; -cooked harnSe51.eto:520.:; backs6 tak,en at ailsetime.s, to guard against plain" 46 ,to 47cr backs; boneless, 5 to,..52"c. Breakfast. bacon, 42 to ,47-c. .Coitage "rolls 35 to 3,6c. ' • hostile ants by org•anized bodies and , I to leesen`,-the possibility .always pre's- tone, 30c; , in easesr 30y2c; clear ;,titernfi4: 1 t d murders' or desperate acts by factions. To. the 'bellies, 28 to 281/2c; fit backs,s25c.. ,1 enemy,. above all, it is of capital lin- Lard--Pure, tierces, 31 to 311/2.,e; poi•tance• to establish in -Germany 'the Vibe, 3114 to 32e; pails, 31 to 3214.e; sense ,of your overwhelming moral - prints, 321/2 to 33e. Shortening, and Physical standing eo as to eorn- tierces, 2514 to ..251/2c; tubs, 25 ,.-to 26e; pails, 26 to .261/4e; 1-1b, prints, ' ": a- olete- by the presence -of your poten- 27 to 271/2c. tial streng•til the victories yo have • - -• won on the.. battlefield. - All external p . o ge ie, pie• c s • anc .sho one a t. r '"It'S -scone. trick of Johnny's," ,. the other; According 'to the etory•the man-nu:red. sceptically. • murderers granted the last 'request of "Rnds. But not the trick, you think, 'the' ,foriner_Einperor Artssa.'kURN,S 1,500,000 pIrsol4E0 A. despatchtfronnIondenesays-The RusSian •GovernMent has ;refused' to •- admit 1,500,000 Russian, soldiers who have been 'PrisoneerS.- in Gerinany and It is ,entirely, clue (to Canada that. etho„..-;;Bl'itishe •,blitt,eal,!-•`.4,.allichr, small thOUgh it 'Ailas;* Wake maintained in the last'. two 111-6ntiq' of. war. " gram.A:N.17..14.0O` A.LIJES 300 000 000 FRANCS IN GOLD •. ••••• ;••,,,, • - A despatclk-s_froinnParis, saeys-The Germans . bayee. beegn;-,,, reetitetions. They. have '.deliverecl,...to; the, allies 00,000000 francs gold, whieli _game from, the Russiani treasin.y. The French havellecovered a rich -c,ollee- oforrt.triorics by Quientiin 15elature has. turned them back to the frontier,. a. fallls011s fronle St, to the , Quelltin, rand -paintings. -by- Aiiteine according to a Berlin despatch ,Exprg$p under. date of Monday.: The Wlittenutalten.:from rthe,..-niuseum at Valencrennes, The value of the re - Incident is serious for Germany cause of -the necessity of feeding, these ..t°17nqd -thasterilieees.sis °*d rt .„ n 2,000;000,000' -Inancs. It • isey,eporteil that- the • Russian 'orisonersninistre ...seized four ships at. • Danzig, West Prussia, which. the Brit:. Rid Grose had Obtained from the Germans for ,the purpose of housing British prisoners. • Leona/hail Army. Saddle IlorSes A.G.RiER4EINtr E.,XPEOTPIll ON:TWO llIAIN-,QUESTIONS A despatch \ :from . London say's-, `I've° questions, understood to be en- gaging the minds of the Premiers °specialty are the freedpnt of theiseas Brings $14600 in London on Which they expect to arrive at an 'en._ • t agreement' for pr•esentationnee1s, Ver - A despatch l'roin Loildon. clairns,:c,n-the Adri- , , • , Canadian army horsee- brought Satis. a le, affect' ig tile new ningoeSlav, 'factory returns at a sale here. 'The. State, on _ cmdeirstanding Canadian. bieenght. double, the, sa,f6guardilig-ifillY,',S. Position ewithout price paid, -for NeW Zealand, II/Minds. conlIlr9lilising:'," the an -go -Plays'. terrie The Canadian teams wereswelionatch- ed and groomed and were at the tap • of the I.,,enclon.,maritet. . A pair' oi. geldingei,aS sold toea toricion gartage c*:ompany fir/. $1,500, while a. 'Western saddle horse sold fat' $1,660. „ GE,RMANIPS FIR,ST.' PAYMENT' TO .010 41,CCl/VATION A' despatch from, Anisterdain aa .--The Dusseldorf Isfaeltrichten, , copy of which ha been received.he,re, . says. Gen, 'Naclant, president of the Yreneli armistice cenimission at 'Spas e,,tproseuts,e,d,rannoteesto ,the Gennari tomni s Sion -.•denlianding' for the. -first month f6Y "the British..troops of oc- «,e1'11-aatIon 40,6;60,000 'marks, and for !the Frene,h' -1,1'00:95. 54,660,000. merits. fjOilSCril)tifOrit, .1Iav AboYishseds Iry Congress At desatc*.b, 1.1,10kri I36naect • 'Dip :•ed13.1.o.stiati.itles the pc'ted ,C,O;nt b.., 'will derliand 'teens ' ereel 'cind':.abauilutes'tabolition of ,ctine, .seninsion cartesgsont ,.•,nrope. torhil- and" efhnologieal eights -is being worked out.' 13,05'3,786 GROSS TONS; 'SUNK R1%.. SUBM A RINE'S es, A. despatch from, London says: - The , world's total 10,Yie'e of merchant toninago from, the beginning of the war to *the 'end of Octeber, 19-18; 18y 6nemy actione ,and marine risk was 16,053,786 gross tons; according to official annotneernent, iYanted to ,Ifolp „Both.- , A little:hey ,schdol,sani'lli8 teach- er faint inncl fail; In tillfn•confusion it was imposeible to keep sdnilanyeheadS 't coo , and ti eelt tle ones °eked round the inieonsnieus lady- ittni her sympa- thetic ,colleaguels.; .Bat this ,sinalle boy kept both his color and his coolness, Standing ,on, bencili and raising his' hand, he exclaimed': "elPiCase, tea- cher can I.run and retch father? He Makes ;coffins." - Dampness ia :th6 fire,atest &ins disoase among POnitry''. sit lotss' ' 1: ':' .. • e.'s" appear tp he that powerful doers, / ede hogs--Abattons "killed, 324.50 to „se-, $25.00. • Lard -Pure, wood pails 20 *inch has on the fear a.nd respect ' of your fog's -and the, admiration of . - lbs net, 31 -to 321/2c. ' - .. the'world. It is not necessary to say Toronto, Dec. 10: -Choice heavy PerLY Live S.teck Markets "that the ppifistion and private Pro: will De respected. You will al - s te.,ers, 313.50 to . 514 .00; butchers' ways remember that you fought for cattle; choice, ,311.50 to 312.00; do. Justice, right arid' clecencY, that you good, $10.75 to, $11.25; do. medirini, cannot afford 'to fall -short of. -these $9.25 to $9.50; do., common, $7.75 to essentials, even in the county ' $8.00; bulls choice, $10'.25 to $11,00; • against which you have every right tis1 do. medium 'bulls, $5.75 to $9.25; do, fee), bite - ere rough bulls,, $750 to $8.00; butchus'i ,ilteet asem.40 that the crimes cows, choice. $10.25 to 5- . gold, $9.25 „to 39,.50; do. n°1irZn; of.Germ '. an. w receive ac o e ill -le nat I 4-- 02 oes-Pei short, you ini4t continue -to be and from mern'ory the,square it once as. squareemiles, being bigger thab Eur - lie's got to go. I•n a -week s time 1-11S wifeenwho was ill, .should theein you'll ..see." - ilia arms. • • • I aid., One day our lorries, howitze a,Aceerding to the valet, the Grand ere -Nand travelling, kitchens parkea Duchess Tatiana -Was only wOunded up where, a few hours -before, it was . by the shots, of the riflemen and 'was #'.orbidden to show your nose. Brigades killechly blowe'4-8cn their rifle butts. had. mysteriously ,yaniShed forward', All the -bodies were-lihrned in the out - and dug -out g were vacant. • It w:ap. of into i atin be t v f e* " e x c g \tee able o 3110 e re - Inn , • tr\ late an gas- ag own, e. AN ENKNOWN about a through which earlier in • dread of hostile observation and. fire, "yeti 'flitted :in calking susperisse." Fritz . had. withdraWn, fighting , • • be -i Cita,ins 'One, . the Seven Woadtrs of the ;World. • rearguard actions. Tile man in tha street perhaps Revisitine familiar ground after more interested in ' Siberia, to-daY enemy occupation shoes -the- sense 'than ever before. It is an extra-. ,anci thrills it. The . town has been ordinar'y' land -one of -the biggest, ...Wrecked. To identify the waste you and -certainly the !loneliest, on the must close your eyes and bring up glob*. It contains nearly five million D -•:yr Salted :bleat's:I:Long clears in cri ° ls° a e - Montreal' Markets "- Montreal, Dec. 10. -Oats --Extra J\T°. 1 feedir 92 Flour -New .strun. data grade, e$11.25 to $11.35,Rolled oats -Bags, -90" lbs. $4.85 to $5.00. Bran, $37.25. Shorts, 342.25. Mouillie, .$68.00 to $70.00. Hay - No. 2, .per ton, car letse 325.00 to $26,00. Cheese, -,-.Finest easterhe, 24 to 250. Butter -,-Choicest. cream- ery, 51, to .52e. Eggs -Selected,' 55e; signs of 'dist:Time must he -insisted upon , and the :example ein this as,. in at else- mnst come from .the leaders. Justice, Itight and Decency. "Clothing and equipment must be, if possible, spotless, well kept and well put on. Badges and clistinguic,' ing marks must be complete. while the transport should ,be as -clean as 1 the eircumetanceS will allow. in 'you' itost .revietialize in the m le ope, And about-forty-fiVe times biggel.• tl proud streets -Oiat "are.now'niere lanes than'. the British Isles, ". between rank rubble -heaps. Although it is about seventhohsanci '2'1'1mi:en-where: Sallie green shuttere, tines bigger; yet' the' population of swing on shrapnel,=bittern .walls, was ',.the -whole of Siberia only exceeds by„, jealine s, famous fruit Ethel? and sigril a'nsillionthart of Geeater 140410011. - als mess. Behind -the' Slided-off front I , '"That means that: there are hundreds of otir '61d...estaininet -ball, of. thonsands of square Miles where a. and ,gliisses and chairs appear to bide human beitig is never seen. dtirriblsr • otir return. Julia's sewing The yailwdy which connects Siberia =Achille' lies rusting onetheepaU"onlent., with Russia ioymsethe greatest under- , • - „ In a few housesethatnretnaehrsita.nds- taking of its kind in the World. The inge the intimate interiAns are a mess to,,al dietance it covers from. P . of smashed ftirniture, with books, let- grad to yladivostock is ,6,521 miles, ters, and:pictures scattered round. and to port Arthur, 5,913 miles. Ottni../.;:ond; labor, co:neat:1es with •At Yattsk, ono of the chief "cities piclts alid-gboi;:oi.:ar:±s, with cable:for 4:1'. Siberia., is .one of, the seven world - telephone -iines, salvage • „men Qd-'"erS' of 'the world." It haS a frozen gunfters, wandereabout, casting mys- well of which oile has hoen gble -titled 'glances jiver. the sloping fields to find -the, bottom. In 1829 a Russian i• towards Fritz's .-obeervation balloons mereliant tried to find the depth of topping ethe distant"scaypi„ • • the' frozen stratum, but thirty feet , . • Triumph 'of* Ad:Vance ' Awn he gave up the task. , Then the • • • Russian Acaderny of Science took up Later exhilarated soldiers sit along thendigging, but at 382 feet the earth the roadside hke fie and'easY-Piek•-• was still frozen ,as hard as arock. flickers, for while loth aideS are '1110V- scientiets w--e-re puzzled. Natur;.1 . ., ing their guns the atmi osphere s cold,- they, urged, amid never pene- • t care-freo- and tinged With the trate'to sinxIidcpth. No explanation triumph of our.. '41c.1vP-:11:ce.. of Yakutsk's he% en well has yet been The untjdu read undulates over d ridges -between burnt "lartrnents and „„ stricken trees. ..lerr• Never {jinni a lamp -wick with sms-. tung," "B'enbachtunieestelle," "(4187 sols. it iiu aiMoSt finpossible to eut gefahr,tt.:ete., i;laek 011 un-. 'it clean and straight. Just rub the pitinted, board„ stick up by,the banlu-4, burned part of It with an old clotinn, $8-.00 -tcP 38.25'; do. collimon, 37.00 Punishment.• Attempts will21 :be f6 87.75; stockers,' $7.75 to 310.50; made by insidious propaganda , to feeders, $10.25 to $11.15-; canners, iinde.rmine the source of • your $5.35 *to -45.50; go1" to strength, but you, the soldier eitizene choice, $90,.00 to $160/00e. do: 'corn. of the, finest and most advanced demo. /.aein,sd, 39 .*-me00 d..630t50.0$0AGto.O0$07;:5:.0li0eg;htevys. sPrineg-""eraey in the world, will treatesuch $9:50, to 310.50;eyearunge, sia.00 :to„., attempts with the contempt th4Y de - ,s13.50; spring,. Latbs, 1/.. to sert:e. du, ,siknow that self-iniposed -314.75; calves, goodto choice, 315.00 stein cuselP1- ne , '1de - 4 You til to 317.50;:hogs, fed and watered, hardest, most successfyl and cleanest $18.25; weigiiod -off 'cars, $1850. ;fighters of, this, war.. Beginning by Dec: 10. -Steers, • $7.00, the inin-tortal stand at the sod-on/that- AR, $11,00; butchers' COWS, $1.00 10 tle oil Ypres yon befittingly elosi3/1 by $1O.00, grass ea yes, $5.00 to 3/.00; the capture of Mons • your fighting milk -fed stock, $14.00 to $16.00. , 'record in which -every " battles you ' fouiht is a resplendent page of glory. dead connadesi...demands of you to trustyou and -the meillory • of your • bring back, that glorious record, pure and unsullied to Canada." C 'With, Their .11.eli"'s Bell'e':ttlt • ,••• 2 475 of , These Sent to Bottoni • Them. -2' A11,11ES GE TEE, S1ilA0..-1-init1ile ter/Sten 'rind A0i0t1eatiiegl4 ors -(.0101.1.1.111;„ do lefeat et the Gerinaris'. by.. i little'pert-y et Ogtoifd.' Th.'•rhin is ith. . bent menlber (811103'1")rt:Y. - A despatch from London says: - 'During the war 2,475 British' ships were sunk with their cretirs beneath them, and 3,147 ' 'vessels were sunk and their' ,otew e left atirifti-aecord- ing to a statement:1v Sir Erie (led - ,,des, irat: Lord. of :the N.cimirattp, in an...address in support oP a fund by the wonien of the -Illaripit.e to ereet a in'emouial to Brittell inerclien.t rea- McI rtICS:Ale tO the nem., • her ,of 670 had -been' los'6 during thee period of ainf the mor,- ellant marine Service , hall suil'eved eXceeding: 15,000 mean Sir Erie dded. ' Squasn, tut -Mine eon -rein or Dote tees will be much bettor 11 cooked •in tlue oven.. A.ddjust' a little tteiteeand cover tight iii an erietlien dish. . A ilfarvellons Mask. Science is making stich rapid tSrides that it geems as though every '- affliction Isel!ore long will have some ,sori of remedy. One of the most astonishing ofrecent' inventions is a ask which aidse.the ,blind to see. It has been -invented by ,a Pole named Kann -a soldier of the Foreign Legion -and although its scope. is at present limited, great hopes are en- tertaiad as to its possibilities. The face, of the ` man is cov•-• ered with, the maak, connected tnith whibh1is ell electric induction appar- atus comprising prismatic lens -0e,, o • ehamber for the filtration Of luminous rays and phosphorescent pintde. The blind man • can distinguish_ all the colors, white lights„ and slxadiW 11110. objects in a white. light. 'In one exPerinient a blind ,manwaS able through, the nnesk, fo 4teot th difference between two • and three fingers when-ifehl tip befove hinn, and also to dis'eingelelt different plcees al