HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-12, Page 6\..e est, tnatiz,et quality
very gentiiiier.,)aeket
rickot.:Refeeatirig Gentians
JtsL:Ikore Wat.'e Close.
A ybung, tank oftiCer Whoni l'new
before the tvar and whom I know to „
Le truthful, tells me an ll'oneat-ap--
'Value, is pit paving-13ritish. sergeant, in turn, told
' ag him that °a tve.„.'„:ik or ttvo before the
those Up a nest of enemy machine guns,
var'S,.end- the Britieh, having, cleaned
s-' t 1. 1: sategnar
iniik,. one cup of , ceeinn, and enci,,pint eent al' detail out '''' to , bury the dead,
,., e'ver occurred to the rinajo.r., :6f bi5iling wai,er'-' ':: •e,a1.591.1.Y1If'1.- •,but- saYs an Anl9rkan 'WrIter; :71'0 squad
. ,
i.ty lila t, ose pelealeee. taangs.a_eicals ter, sal,t, - pePPer _ arat''„eelerY-: salt to had buried `two Cernicinearthen they -
. , . , . . ..
___7_,,f.,2:,b),?,b:,,Lr,,,,,iienitift.h,letli...r,Abieoeoz.ahntd rtligoz.ht_. ,I.ovliciaif tnaustices,,. ,ste,ert.v.esirioze‘i.v,i .,11.1e,, 1,,a, illfttteice,nemdpil,-,1 oeTirliemteipnoiNiviitolidh"abdpifiarlioefil ;ohiltathoef fillieitiri,
,,„.t,hey,. are, arot heirlooms, and no patent ped„1,3arszey on top., . , :, „,,ing tWo days earlier, when the British
can hand, them dovn tidketed ,,aild., tied ,,carrbt.._anti: ,,stin?.. Pea , s41ad,...7.'llice ;nado their' first aqacle .upon. he e-'d'er-''
be.:„reeommendev and
even insisted; ,Ln.,.., peas and .04 cap of , . chain:red The sergeaut who stood spouser for
thought On the Part of those who are eeeellabli.rnoatti°:/ildi!:.,sdeesimiatoend: „1,,daff,,aiSli.-eal ttiol'itglle.lAditeas dpmrtEry'shaitti'tirnon
ii:-c:,e'rs°,vien1113, ae.,Ilattr409,,Iglcisho°,11 eneth)hsee):.niliakye add tcooltd 'ebnoliedneeerurput!Ofc ti.dilylie.'qileeed: tnolacilOrn' onalye,tugnbaevifthc'l.ebtc!'tbela'eskucacileasst.h°n
ulron „but are adopted voluntarily,- or ,,walnlit-l'ae7ats'i 7 Mi.x ' with "ma4wa"' the narrative deelat'ed°Iat' he '
ilpt, at ha „ , , . . naise., and ..seave, on e•rip ' leeteee leaf I bent over, the clead Englishman to lane
eespons,ible for -'....CO.nacla's, ' ... fotiire.,
These. facts offer food for serioue. 'or in tOinatoe:ellPs, 'if a 10YelY,...'color .fasten theaidentifieation tag from, .the .
. .
wriSt. he saakr sernething was'far,tened, '
, , •
cWitlit;:iiesareorildoe!_imlso,riii-,,oivsv alteosiproasbslee,sfs0i%nthss: "feunteu, ec4elli'a' C)bi'b-ri.iee((11-'seaairr:ilie'llsi; chop- three
wiliaiweeloll-.' ' bo6a,p4
be instilled into. the eonsciOusnessr of beaten, eggs one one eaP cv.2 °I..rh
e'acand back.; r,., "
the children of to_day,„, the zrocess crinnbs, salt and pepper to taste' IW -ix. , arid thenhneeliag down .
is the tediciuS one of 'cline -upon linee'weil :821a'add‘' (5rie''t'rranibisinP°. 1°0ilaffilla't°111fae-ehionigmb7bslaoutd.:vsd•hA'a
precept_uPon precept, here ' a little' rft.ulee° Per-sleY* - r„).
ere, a little ----a -process-, at tirdee en-
spiring but
Arthur Stanwood . Pier , • • • . •
More "often than not dist
couraging.. . It le. a process little
_ • a • , realised iri the main -because its l';voric-
-s*Vareie,t,:f.,....".ings are unseen. Net „Until the gen-
, ,. , ...... , eration stands,. ready . fOr, -citizenship
Conyri nt trougnton attlmtn Co any, by 14Peouri ara-angernont with mos...Allen'
Toronto canit be seen that damage has' ben
to be, Mile. ... Onty.':ilienaie,:ene; aware of the,
e existence„ o the harm. ul influ -
, . GIIAPTER XXX.' . , .
the dutv, Of a lifetime---awas he men, as I know have . been w,arned
Hunian cai.rs,, sue
rtoo„., precious to be cups ' of sugar, ' vanilla - flavoring Heat against
iove„ Carried Terry through one even', didn't know, ,he
The intoxication of arediseo-vered a' ilv.Mir, witness to its -.truth:,
' knoliW. „ , , , , ence.
and , German, rifles in . places front,
gathering up German helix -lets'
, in..., In the morning 11,6 awoke to Nora and her kisses a her clinging[
'reallY 'Lid
submitted '-'. to. this „A-Proitation .and to boiling Point-; addingavanilla after
, ,
which the enemy' has retired; because' '
removing -from: fire; ,Let get cold ' then
anns ,seeitied -even aniare compauing' thealinoeteserfoits duty confionting freeze ' 8erye witli'a bit' 0f -WhiPPed
feel only the shackles and the shame.. , , , . .
not know whether he loved Nora or '
He was-sashamed because he; aiid. ivavihleelila hheelvtalis(2usugilte eh:I.:1;dt ttoll eihem. 1:11t.h a iii. ,i.),,szitainurdicoaptsree,ditot..hdaay't is lith.e,, .provision -, ,of .cream.and'.a candied Cherry' on top," Islunc.lfnU,‘-treu,v,fieArrer'll.s7 ihsaa;Wdabyy,03.f.etlsooy.n'inogi
wi 'Produce -high 'Carrot' and Beet Bickles*—B°i1,and t.lie. hidden, grenade that it attached,
net;'•he was shacklied laY Poverty and .,. It was an Odd -thing 'that Kate •
with the eap so arranged -that
of living. tor: g,enei.ations .peel twelve carrOt's 'and ;twelve small to, it,
bY duties /1„,lle loved ter,- and. by. bie should haVe 'evolved 'those aPhorisras t,,, ,,,,,,,,,
word to her' if he dicha"t. Ancl in °at> P.at .toellis sitlaation. , -It WI -1'S 'an ,'.
Had ;thiStr
' -iith been recognized beets until'tender.-Pack in jars with
a tug at the wird on copnection will
,seyeral :tiny: white 'onions and small, aet :off the charge.
his . slow dressing that mokning odd „thing that she Should haN'e got :,
romany other than a largely theo_ 'green'''onolunbera in each jar. Pour ,
'while he as lacing. up his boots: hold of such ideas—that unsophistit .i.
and while he was fasteitnig his high cated, inexperienced Young, girl... Yet reticar.sta,nd. point.. by the,:amen and over 'Thera." a, sweetened spiced vine- _romutBtrhitisi sicirsoNovunrIcriegs•,,astii:oo,cvi:yt,hactein:thineyg
collar beneath his upstre.tched -chin,: , -, ..., - ,, , .. „ .., „ i, . ... • . ,,.. . . _
the whole C.ssay sbowed elearav, thee women 'of stthe-a"Preceding and ithe. gar :i4atr is h6iling 1.1.°t" Seal and hadi. made improvements in their sys-,
chosen so to ' complicate his life. it, In that WaY it wIt's 7 th; -'w(1.'ai"k• of 1 '`.-1-' ID.- e -n ,I-10'sgSeilanleeZ:af'0.-loal..it-hlet',,vYiecniolud,sntehteohrai,Yese PuCt!rwroaty-7,1nod±' 'fliChtuicrietenuseGroqUettes.—
from shoveling filth into the clrinking
he ',gloomily wondered why he had , , • ton. Frein sawing -down fruIt.,trees.
all seented' unnecessary as it assur- I Young gir, ,simple, shy, and belieir:ing. promulgated hy • Frederick -the ,Gaeat Chop. one, cup of from Wantonly destroying the
3erry reflected on . the contriSt be (3,viongly -ao., called) to be torkin" of cold. boiled 'carrots
edly -had been unpremedita.ted. ..A 1 .'
Call that he had, a.ctually forced him, tween Kate and Ne'ra. Tie, could
themselVes out to,cley and one cup 4.,if\'' coM chieken. . Add -
cities tliat; for years. had slielteredo
self te ma.ke from_ a .sense. of duty— Inot imagine Kate talrings to any man
atrocities.'' There can .iiirlot h.:ssitacli: parsley'egg2.,,,,nseaittaib,,el.zoolonpfpuell: to
taste them, from laying,
..they have been forced to surrender
IVaste the lands
that it should have ended so! it l as 1\rortt had thlked so him . the, night -
was too, a.s,tonishimr. : before. ' r vig.erona, pustung of baby :,avelfare ,and Stisteenough line cracker crumbs
beiek into the' hands of their 'rightful
.........---. . movements or the establishment and to mix well, a -Form and-drY 'a deljeate-pt•oprieters, the ingenious Him had
o:f rerief as he •reffeeted that in any
He was ponscious•of a certain sens:e CIIAPTER„ XXXI. ' --a
..., . progressed in his militafY. education
.mainteinence of , supervised „play_ brown in -deep fat. - •• , '
event marriage was remote. And On the morning when Teiry n .
.grounds. by Scout moYements; na-- '
., Carrot and Lamb en Casserole.—
to v,dtere 'ne inacle dead ...men serve his
the moment that he began to feel meditating upon the singulaz aPPlica-
• ''''' s . tonal hea.l.th hoards,. carefully consid- Dice...fonr boiled c,arrots and two Cups
-purposes. , '
ered housing SChernes, city planning of cold roast lamb . . Season with salt,
' .
relid h-ecause of that; a counteract, bility • of 'X.'ate's monitorvewords to ....
mg' desire' seized upon him. ' If he his - own medicament _
aro"ea telt 101 and every other movement .that cen- -PaPrike and two mintpeaves:pounded No Inan can' plough a .field by turn -
was bound •,to .marry her ,anyway, he pelled by the exuberance of her tres in the cleanest, fir_est living. "a,4„.n ,firle. Arrange in the ca.sserole polar Pig it ,over -in his mind.
wanted to maary her. now. - Those spirits, her sense ol' success and satis- examination into „the ,thin,ge,in, which over ,the gravy left ,from the roast, iv
kisses, that feeling of -bee body mess_ ;factionM
, -e. go she. bad all Were ost keenly,- conderned a lambr
b, Bake ,Aintil nicely owned. - • ,
Regina operated a cita! farm this g against. his and of.' her arms strivi; a 'tidy little sum of ,money now in-decule age will' not result in a list of Serve, with mintij.ellY or mint sauce.
year on which 5,i00 bushels of wheat
ing to 4 d him close ancl yet "(nose"' hand, and there could be no bettea these thingS as. national-, interests. Carrot and Raspherry,,,Jam.---Clean and 1,600 of .oiiis 'were raised. '
to het heart—they- had roused the : way of spending it:. then ein e pur- Every one of them -must be absorbing' 51X carrot's ,and run. through the food
animal in hith- He wanted more chase of summer eldhee—and no .1.14erests if pru,ssianiam is to be chopper, dild dne quart' of -fresh or,
kisses, more embraces, and he -wanted inore propitious moment. So, with etantped ant forever. ,can-neci" raspberriet and eqUal weight
them passionately', withou1. waitmg. a sunny April face well suited to the .... in -sugar. Look until .qizito.. -thick.
sAt breakfast Kate tried, i•ather sunny April morning, Q1C. tool her .
,, , in
while hot. This is delicious.'
snyly, to enlist Ins, interest. She way towards Btlbow and Slosson's .. • Deliciou&rCarrot CookerY. T'---: Fresh :berilries are best:, ...Rhubarb
asited him if he .woald do „eomething- department •store. "
for her, and with an .eff.ort arheart, In -the 'suit dt...-partirtent she wayer- Delectable="dishei are 'made from wttn carrots , _also makes a delicious
the "despised" and humble.carrota It
hies,s he answered, "Sure, I will. ed bet*een a gray -suit and. a '-brue. ain
' What's the big idea, Kate?" She tried on, each, and'. in each was is health -giving food, blood PlnYing Carrots with Canned ':dern.—ChoP,
Bloohingly Kate explained that her almost Convinced by, the, admiration and is truly delicious when t:he7taste three :boiled „carrots and add'tothem:
graduation essay ' bad been adjudged of, „the saleswoman. - for carrot cooking has been acquired. one 1.P sweet corn. li'reshay
the best. in the class and she had "Goodness!" said that person. If carrot. Butter.—Sift one 'pint each be used and is better. -Season with
therefore• been ocondefanecl to read it .- oulY aiad you to sh.01,17 off my -suits of steed carrots and steaved dried
or me cou sell tvic.e as many as r a t
you've. just the fia,are., aa,c.i. api_co s, add one pint cof ,White sugar
'at - th graduation exerciees., And •.1
she -wondered if Terry- would, let her l do. - fig -u-e, and, one. -half teaspoon each of ground
read it to him some time, and would till-11gs leek se stylish on You. v‘
cinnamon. and 'nutmeg, mix well and
' criticize the way she .did it. , a got two woinen here to-avallc, round
......„ . cook slowly until thick, like apple but -
"Of course, right now," said ;ferry. and show --,--off chathes, 'kit they don't
The tea with every ,virtue that is worth
corisideration. '"Ttj, To=day
by purchasing Stocks, .Berds and
Shares on our
tart !al Payment
Plan "
which helps you to' make t‘P
your ,mind to" righllY bY
"so much per month" 111 any
good -sound marketable security,
ninking- , your regular molithlY
PaYinents to no. You thus bo•
come the owner with all accruing,
iutbrest and divIdends.
Your are invited to write tie for a
tree copy of our booklet entitled
"Saving by the Partial Payrn,talt
Plan," which thoroughly explallur
my system, -
* Baal
krerabers lbionCreal Stock EN:•:.hange,,
1,05006 Transportation Building
bake until nicely,browned.' Garnish_ O1'0. slight Piill would set it off, 1
Hot vinegar will reaiiiive paint.'
with curled lettuce'leavcs or' parsley. ingBeGfoeir'lenatnli:Yh'afdellatbtaaccikie,cithtielissidnewivivl-i spieshs from windows. ,
Carrot Crealn —M-sh two cups of is i
thing o t e corpse with the -bene ''''' —
boiled carrots add one pint of 'Sweet
brOorn around in your hands while you
volent . intention of blowing to bits et into the habit of turning the ,
milk, four well beaten egg's' °Ile ellP the first man antong the •gictors who
of sweet cream, one Package of jellY should Imddriake the peer (day with sweep to save wearing it `0.11"d'' sided-.
pocoewodaenru,i one-hchaolfpp„,ecdup aiornfonsdlztltdwedo intent to, gil,e.. it decent burial.e The --"--- .
Loose box coat
effect, vvith, con-
vertible collar.
Extra well made,
Length 45". A
popular sellei-.
Splendid c o a ts
that look well and
weari better,,.than
any other Ilea'.
Special price $'•1 12,
arid Mink
Two of our
Which We .offer
exCeptional v,u. 1 •
Send for Free Catalog.
109a -St. Paul' Street
RAW FURS: Highest Prices Paid.
5511andpepper, add one cup of milk,
one tablespoonful ,, of butter -and one
cup of bread .cruanlis. ,.•:. BE„ke one-half
hour. . : ,_
Carrot -Chopped ..-Pieltle.--,--Six 'raw
put thern. on v,,itli the style that You ter,— .$eal in tnnibiarS. This is good carrots leaned and phopped, ape cu -
"Only Iny criticiSin won't be worth do.,, . a - all the year round:" • . ''' cumber' grated, two .onions -grated,
much!' • " . „ .
'Would you .1:e.,a.,.,,y give me a ' Baked •Carrots.--Scrane as many one tablesPoonfUl fresli grated horse-
, .
ii.ate.' got oriE lier manuscript and chta,,,,ce to (.1.2 ie,.. , „z_ya..ked N.,roea, ,
began to. read. The suirject of her carrots as desired, cut in halves raaisli, two cups • of green tomato
paper was loyalty. It was a. school- 4. A ,, .11,r
±521 noti,le,boss„ but 1 ci be :£'144 lengthwise. ' Arrange in - buttered ch6Pped:.,.and two 'cups of •"c'dba.gb
girl's dis&.ertation, adorned with ex-- .,.'"e ai'vl'e-'7'-`1.' 'ti.a..`'1.911-t..9,-'41.-17e You ''..', baker , on a lied of cracker crumbs, chopped fine. - Cover with ,vinegar,
tracts from her favorite authors, and 'rl!l""'h ion. ..z.niglit...t.md., 4 tiresom,e. grate over,-thera one large onion, Coir- tkvo 'Cups of sugar,, saltearal, spices to
Ahe read it with a schoolgirl's self- ,9 ' The' 2 44 1°t8 al li-in t9 ‘: ' vith beef steak, season wit 1 salt taste. Heat and while .scaldirig
, ..,..
lille passages a that. had eaueed her anOth'er•
consciousness l-itirrying a little over we.".' ruun'il Thil°,1kanejP,irie'..ticiteYepra.,tiZI.hfsas2itieitl' a-indlp‘epper add one teaspoon of rninc-iimt. °I usually add whole, av'hite anti,
ziazially. tranquil, quivered a little "•`T-
auri/aary. , SuPP0Se y,ott taice..-Me to ed Parslei.
,c„4,tratton now, so .1„iat he, can ,i -e carrots are sniall allq ten,der„. ;.! einnamon, celery seed and a half
the dep.est emotion.. Hee voice. Bake. one hour, or less I tard seed, Whole black peppeas, cloves,
under ,the ,stre5s„0. this disclosure es seEL just 'how 1 ic.,,,auld Shoii.. eff a new -Carrot Salad.e--I)ice four cold boil- clozett' pirnenteseof one red 'pepiier,
her thoughts_ sit, iiidi.,t once jilt her sn„,'' -.• - , , ' . - -, „,ed carrots, : tWo'[cold.. boiled potatoes shredded • This makes a delieis'us
eyes 'from the page. Terry watched The „saleswoman. ai'ranged :the hi- 'and' chop four.' ha.'id boiled' eggsand sauce for .Meats.
lier -with an anrueed and affectionate terview, 'whIch 're811,1,Ped i3,1 In)rafs/),9- two stalks of celery. Arran "e o ) • Carrots C nd%s.—Ruit "lire cookcd
. g n I ed a s .... e cooxc-
in cat- she sat with hr' it ',t little ing engaged a a model i°1' 'a in.Onhil, of .shredded lettuCe and- 'dres.,s . With carrots 'ilirouair'potato ricer whilei li
' ter - ' ,
ankles ,...1,0asad and ;hey hrown head to displv, spring ;alp: suitnmei,,, COLS- ruayonnaisc or ,French salad dressingadd-one-half cup° of sugar, One eup.
bent ore]: her •••rnana„,„,:rript 1:,•,,,h-ile tames. ,..ti.e carrieci nerself well Soe
C • ' ' ,. -
tiseadttlis.,;(4nrieg: htlaondansahesninoeott•vhoilliisgly.011,.tk'epat lvstaasnii_ gat°,ded„si:tzee, le:nakd..- ,aaht'e''''choeni7,7„,„7,:rt.'01,?: . ulltiPirrt°etfider11(ifeenle'.1e;s11Yediloin7s.i.---zeldi.a' reba°ri-1 loefm'c'°1111°1:1' j(PeDelcirs's0ahl,leerithhaelf, jePiliontin0±th'10)°b0illiillig_
,tratton told ,rots that have )teen scraped and alio-- water: nut,meats one package, Of
fold; iil •I;ter skirt.' They,: were capa- zilln°31.: anY color, 3 -gr- ,
hie- fingers that thus exercised 1.1-lem- her that theve, avaa .ne. T-fgason ...why ed and elle head of well blanched cel- ing,water): Mix.' 'Let get„coldi'hen
s,eiv,-,a, and, it was a prett,y.• '&d' _ 1 she shouldn't have gulte a ,career as ery that hae,laeen cut in half-inth c titre cold cutin ' s 'uareS.' like catat
elianed 'head that was bent over the, a Z112' 21.1°(1C ' '
. , 1' ' pieces-- Drain; .t d add one cip of mei...,, ,..
I Nora went liome 'wearlitr. • er nelv
. manuscript, altd ...t e neat , little - an- i ' - - ' ' '''' -
. 11s, 3_01i so ser_ately crossed, were_ suit apa ofthappier even than -she had ri , . . . en. 21ively and :twinkling allow -he- he" whelr:Slie 'w:es eirticiPati-Pg lits' r.00(1 ,. contr ,,,,,,,,:beet,,,mealhas teen'accumulated
'IN - able ,aniount .of da,•,ied bee,"6.--pulp or.
...we are loyal to bur tarniiie;' .as. purehaae. ., Eviraything eeeined at - . , Lorner , .
niatter- of cotirse,'" read . letitelast -to "be:tailing just I'lgilt l'"`'r 'her' ' ' ' . ' . , ' ascertain sugar refineries in Ontario,
But 'there is., a , harder kind of 1 This "el-113.atirm tlat-4"'eS to: he 'hers' ' '':. -7.--; and is being •qtiotea elt-'$5..100' a 'ton;
ty th'm
loyalat We ust - all ', 'try to • ntns
• • '
•for a onth Was ' the ••.1;. congenial °The •Feed Division - of .the . • Live f:orb. ,.. Chatham, Wallaeeburg and
. . . .
achieve—the loyalty,: the caprice oS pos,sible, It very .likely would lead,' ,S..toel,-; Bi..ar,teli of, the •Departrkient, of
the moment or,the temptation of the to a p.ermanent and attractive posi- 'Agricultur'e!has,s..6ed-'a re§:erve at ri'lelitenallieidPelf%o'r In vie
coafttltell,e fleIregd6e1r1
'hOnr !near turn our ' a.tcps ,forever "clop with ',811boW „and .S/ess.otr, if 5115 re_•eleaned elevator sereeni,m,g.s, upon •
1Vbilld', be well advised to"inquire into'
froin the path . ill which sho-uld lie eavea 4;6.. have a 'Per:m'ne-,'4, Pc*-itiPn'. which there -is anle*port entbargo in the value of this, matarial, and . to
' the .ditt-..r of a Ilietime2---Oh, ,TeiTy„” "re'rrY in'gll't : 4'41,1 i"ii':i.c.Ling '11' he this' eetmtiry, and Whiell.:are being 8 bid, titilite it \,hh,rever obtainable- to ' ath.
J)on't you want to laugh?"
she exclaimed, "is 'it awfully silly?
f, plitzie.pdo,8lie,.ut itsilll'aSIvodurilfitin,gL4avio, ,,e.s,,o,ettri3e„ „A. ,,,,, ix., ipladec.,„.T.0iii.,$,,, (1,7_10 .0,,per ton, rbnik, vantage. It is the desire of the
' ""Nc, nOt a hit. Quite. the ewe: Penny that elle earned,.- there would •ea:"2-:,., 1°4(1.. 'Lot's.: .-1- ort oilman", on ayin Foo.d•,,Bpard..;,tlit, tills' to
be Used
iii.Ary,'” • be tlie less extuse then for tlie-ir not ,a-ftez December 1,st.. ' Freight wilt be in 'Oa.nada rather lhan, to . Perluit, its
,rtou mean- you ,want to .erv,.?" PtLing 311arried JUSt' aS S°°13. aS added' to thisanwunt according to the etPpri" "
. ., . , . . , . ,.
'•Igow.., Kate, go ahead and read Dave was :free:. . • . , distance frpm the'.'distributipg point. -F,,,,,,,,,s and,fi\ie •stoek men are ad.
. .
Your' piece, Vin interested. I think i '. TWo days later llaree, Donahafe. took . r,he g gi et misent„ has „: is° see zed •a -snscd . to fortn. co-operativeegrouPs to
t) • .
it's 'fine. . , Kate to 111111ov' aled, `31°s: •'..° ‘. ;1).Y reserve of teed corn which is being .13:n1:chase ear, Toad lots...0f ,kei,ernin:end-,
• a AT:ess :tor the graduation revereises' ' ", . '
° he Continued- "'It is the reatii- Air"; '
, .". I, ,,• ' ,,. ',,' hP1(1. at, Tiffin Ont 'This corn is- ft':ed Cr. 'feed -from. the regular' ti.'ade)
'nese or failui•e to oFform the :neares,'• '' `,0'n'eccilu'eF,''''.,:.;i1;1.1,1'-di",c„'''t, yei,.° i;b„,,,',4,,w,„^";'f;', sainPle gt.'••a-de feed _corn of averag'e without delay, so:4'a to avoid 'difficultY
duties, D
. to meet and.' master the/ obL' . , ,
• views., reigvensi,hi1iti8; that ,is.„ the; old to en,..iO3a, s4ing tbe ,newest ..,ca,, (13.talit-Y,` fld (lucte<:k, at .1''''10 Per and.del0y ,incidental• to -Winter train::
test of 103ra11:3". P11510115no., real shi°,11-S, 131 °Iothes, st-'ggested that .they bu.;1.1A, f-a•li ifilr,I, 0, t- , . ,portaaon. , CTo-ve,rnirtent .feed.,,vill be
loyalty in one who 8. ilirkg'or eva^desgo into, the suit deThartuieut and loOk,'" door dairy: men., the "goverstnent 14, as „sUpplied.upen aPailicatien tcekhe 'reed,
There is no peal loyalty in One. Who iS 1.°'-ind:' .(') t•he 'bPigli•12:e•Ye.fl little wo-=:• put.diit,j,ed ,.,,,,res,r,e,,. . -of iiiiseed .oil Dixisitui, ,Ii.(.6 Stoch.• TirandirD'cpart-
_selfish. 'liters is ne real loyalty in n14" In' ''''110 ant'iguated `-"..itn'91---`" ''' -P.:nd cake -meal -which' is tofrered for prompt, 'inept 'of 1,Agricultni:e, Ottawa., .• Bran
It., • A • . bell 110t; ','nd the shy girl who -was- , . , . , , , ,
one who ser in.'s ),;,rerti etiottring or. in , .„,. - , - . ., - , „: , ' '
s.hipment, at ;';:ti4.00 per 'ten. 'Coreni.,o f.i.,:hd 1101 is tiPort Which . there. 'has
,easa of, ..n6ed, ,g,ifijmg, path. To every .pailitinly tonSciouS .Lnat Tier.... own - • .. . • •• • - - . • .
11 $f 6 00 -)e- ton f ab 111ontre 1 11 been 110 bas 'advance upon the .prices
one prob,„„0)1., tro,ist come 8•,onie,,Linio a clothes were inorc serviceable .tuari, 111 ' ' •••• '1' ').- ' '' - - a ' 2 '' . '' .
• o' 1 „, , , tyli„ii pil,,,,,,l'into tile ,,00..01 wi,,,i, a• era' load lots, packoa in 200' postild 'fCX,'e,(1,' P,oril,e'.,1,11?2,1t1,1,, ag.°.0 ,are ii.,a,..nd,l,e1-1
" .suprenic test cm, loyaity, anu only lada all in -4avendee ''ilitd...e,arrying. a sacks. 111, addition -to 'these reserve bli,,the 'regular trade, <tett pot I.).,,,y- toe -
those will pass it who 'have borlla Irtynder Parasol stroll al 1-. el- ,--'' ' ' ' 1 l'i - Ill' r "" 1° 'F- r ' -1- l'I'eti Div).'")'1 '
., ...
theln-'4'elve''' `'"Itil'ilY, in the ' ' daily . I Orrh 'in fa bn.f.:-o'i° so'nie a peetators wht 51 LC -in II:solute:- crport ert barn'0 Fr 01 I IfP 4,..' n. -. to l'vi -t di -
tests of loyalty. "To thine own ,seIf ' •,-s7 .: 1 •:'••,:' . - h.: '''' ' ''' ' ' ' c '''' .' ' ' . . ' Is - — ' ' ''' 11 ' ) . 1 in . ' ' o as ' ' 1 i' * o '
be true; thoti f:,filYst not their'he false multnu: 5( .1 lt,13. ' a'P'PrP A1,10n l'",,, ,'Hhe on . Canadian beien and ehorts ' .--jshic,11 deflcieny, in Europtatile GI:nada 'Pocid
tO 9-ilY /clan: piCi • : • . ' : i:Land pa.i,..esy• u it i.,.,11:t :it.,..:'0,a alP.,:•sc,.., Ilig, as a' ,1,:k0-._( ,-Purce.:.:0 . ..`p,:sg, • tu ,Board urges ,i, in,,,':.:no,, ityc stoc - be
d'1.3y c0 go, Kate, It's . fille," snici • seanwil :: exclaimed mris:: Donoh c -ie, I or ,b),:ani , and ',Ild. 2.66 .f or ;Slier t -a, ii et an arketed ,iii.ttil itis 'finished, eas there
rry. ,,, "Ana you aorici ii, all out :for ..undeit 'her l.fre'ath, , She made ' dfr eat., et'•511,) ''''IVT-Oht'r ea i- "fr.e' .11 ts; hsc.udin4 . N's?.'n.1 4"`-'''''''' ,te'''''ClY tl'Inan'd f-°''' 1.11(lat and
1,1:rse-if :toe. 1 dont see 1.!ow, you ly Tor_ Nora; and Kate, not imewing., sacks;'V.31.01l1 ler bran. 4fd.. $30,00 .iiseeding::',st,00i ±1001,1411'01.•)C With the
iiid it. Why, . 6"0(.0....ates .aral hinier.soIlirwhat else to db, yet extrarnely 1,e .„' f Or ahorte,. . Feet „'Williain laesaalin'Y ,re.,,establislunciit' 07r' uorinal .ceiXimuni--
'have got might,g little en Yoll-" ''''' luetan t to intrude upon a person of ,sac10. .'"Freight will bededticted or c ;Alen: and ' the release of shins% Tram
Aftot"lat° had gc'ne 011' 14) .w11°•cil,' such grandeur; fellcl 4oweIler'imeli added ile--these rateS'accordins." to disc- N,,,,a.i ,Sorfieese
jeacry sit l'for a ',few l'uonl6rits inedit4 ,, '
(To bc''c•otitinuecl.) '
,, twice, caet or west of Pert' l''Villiarri '
_eating 'on hee words of wisdona, They
clic)" net contribute to his happineas, . .. and illontacal, respectively,
That Sentence about the .temptation VI h4 grows Iargel" tr' 40re it . : It has 'Corns to the 'attention of. the
, ')lesscd is 'p'-wholceens Inc troubles
urning onea-waromcontracted ? Det.
,t, f the liour t, y f • s
, . : • Cana fe•
Canada Board thi.it con -•:.:1"e iMself- v •.,'" '
• ,„: ' l.
erne t Parker'
The clothes you were so proud of when
"new -can be made to appear new dgain.
Ipabries that'aie dirty, shabby or, spotted
will be reuStored to' their former beauty by
sending them to Parker's. ,
-Is prdperhy itione At Parker's
send articles by post or express. We PilY
carriage one,'Way-and'our charges are -reason-
able. Drop 'Us ,card ,for our booklet An
household helps that -,save money.
Clearteri ta-nd Dyers',
791 Yonge St. r Toronto
our Christinas Gift tliis year:
rot merely a piionograpli, but
\TOUR gbod judgment in the -selection of gifts is re-
' ! ,cognized :when you presenrt an -al -record Brunswick.
Here is an instrument with 'the wonderful Ultona that
plays all reoorcle—noe limited to one particular make;
one whose tone carries no metallic nor ,nasal sounds;
because of it.s' all -wood Ef'011.11CI chamber ----built like a
The BrunsWick combine.s all the merits and discards,
the handicaps'of all other phonogra4c4s,
,Only your own ears can pro've to you thp charm
Brunswick -toile, and its7superitrit3r.
Hear the Brunswick first, then -judge' for_ youpsell.
rItona all -in -One reproducer
Plays all records correctly
Exact weight, correct needle
All -wood tone chamber
Better tone ,
...Automatic Stop
Throat -way volume control
rinerea,bitiet avork
Costs less.
PRICES FROril $62 to $350
Send for, beautiful catalwite and name or
your dealer. Address Dept, WL.
Thg, Musical Merchandise Saler§ Co.
148 Portae Avit. E. Witmlpitg, Man,
Piary iecorcls