HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-12-12, Page 4Sanders Sz Creech
Or {attars.
. ,
SubscriPtion Price--ln. advance
per year in Canadiaa $?.,00 in. ilia
isirfitec.1 States. All subscriPtiOuS inat.
-paid ist aclvarice 50c. extra charged, '
Display Advertisinr--Made known
aa application,
tray _nSrni.1s-Oe ertion 0
three insertions $1,00.
Earle Or Real Estate far' sale 50,
each insertion fr one month a(' ;Our
insertions, 25e. .far 'each subsequent,
l\liscellanedes articles of not moare-
than live lines, For Sale, To Rent, or
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each,
sertioia 25c,
, Local Re/ding natices a etc., 10c. Per
, lIno pet „insertion No notice less
than 25n. Card of Thanks 50c.
Leant' advertising 10c. and 5c.. a line
Sa,les• $2 10 one ;insertion
nail afar two insertions if naode.,ritte
Professional Cards not exceeding 1
•i1cii--$6 per year,
THURSDAY, DEC, 12, 1918'
. Death of- W. j. ,Moonley-William J.
.il400ney died at a late. hour Monday
night in. St. Joie,plf s Hospital, Lo.n-
-don, irom Spanish influenza. He was
ort I1 Way home, tram the West to,
-Hensall and contracted influenza,
'which developed Into nineumartia. He
urviised by iiswife and three t -
.f. ujdte 1 The body was.„,brpu.glit
to Hensall Wednesday-smorning.
Mrs, Gauld, wife. of Rev. Gauld,
miasionary home from Farmosa, gave
a Jeanne in, Carmel Church on. Fr -
da evening lasts -Mrs, Crooke r has
returned, to Tilsonhurg, after a visit
with her daughten-LMrs. T. 1Ds' kson
has returned from London p.fter un-
"diergoing, an operation, and is claing
niCelY,--illiSS Helen Swan has gone to
Min, to nurse in the
Institute, Mrs_ Sw-arn and Miss
Tena accompanied her to the citYna-,
-Dr Peck is out after a short illness.
,-I-lertry pougaal has purchased tke
.adjoining farm of Mr _Wm White„-
IRev. Doan was in London last we.ek.
-The post-no,n,ed Sunday School con-
•-ventiou wili be held in Chiselhurst,
.Dec, 13, afternoon and 'evening. -M,
Workman,who has been lin rhe West
tar sa number of -years, arrived ,here
last_ week and is visiting relatives cind
i.ea-iende in and around HensailL-Miss
Ethel Murdock vahb has Very akbly
filled the duties of rural courier on.
-Henna-, Rault No2 for her fathei'
the contractor, has, withthe ap-
proaching w:infer months, given. up her
dun:ea.-Mr. 4. D. Reid, who has Peen
la the. West for several months, has
tenanted to his home., Hensalli,--Mr.
T. C. jaynt, who has been carrying eii
a large and up-to-date -gent's furnisn-
ishang and shoe store, has purchased
the Ns hole of the large block in which
his store •is •located, and ere believe,
intends occupying -the whole af the
' block in the early spring and carrying
an a large •departmental store-Mes-
sae Wm. McKay, Geo. ',Brown and
Wm. Dougall, as a deputation from
the Independent Order of Oddfellows
of Hensalt Lodge, appeared beforethe
Council recently asking them to ,take
immediate steps for the 'exectilian
memorial In. honor of the Hensail and
surrounding heroes who have fallen, on
the battlefield. Our Couricil,apoont--
ed Reeve G. C. iPletty and Wm. Mc-
Kay to ask residents of the muniti-
nalities of Tuckersmith, Hay, Usborne
Stanley and Hibbert to 'co-oparatie
with the Hensall committee.
At the annual meeting of the Farm-
ersClub, thield in West McGrlillivray,
it Was reported that the in nbershin
was 100 Considerable business was,
done ciuring the yeariir buying, and
selling The buying of a'carload or
flour and the, selling of 15 cars of
wheat, two of ba4ey and 10 of oats.,
being among the deals put through.
The fcillowing officers were elected:
Presid ent, D. Lewis ; vice -poet ident
A. Erskine; sec'y-treas, Erwin Scott;
dh-ectors, 0. Amosj. John Wright,
F. Neil, L. Graven, L. Rowland-, E.
Coughflin, A. Harlton, and jina. Dixon
auditors, John Robinson and John Bo-
For Infatt4S- and Children
in Use FOR' Over30Yeari
Always bears ,„109
-Signature of
frog Men
The Na.tion needs strong
-men and the right time to
..:begin to build up strong man-
hood is during the growing
period of childhOoct Many
mothers remember, with keen
„satisfaction, the days when
was one of the determining
factors in building Un.the strength
of their Children. Setatif$.9 is a
:source of nourishment and strength
/hat ouglit never' be over-
looked by the mother of
today who is ,anxtous about
her AaSt,grOWirig boy OfgirL
nowne,raoreatto. oat. t
eath of -Chni•atiaa, 13:r 11
section losd's one of; the -Oldest
nts and one, or the earliest set -
tiers, Deocased passed away at the
home of his Solis 'Air- Joel iscn-iier,
near Exeter, and the remains were
lnaought here at interred in the Am-
ceatetan'y on, the J1').Sut1 L•Gle, 0
W10,1 WaS 1;11 : 92TiCt yea.r.
'rile late Me. Rechier was one of th'e.
njoaecra- e1 the township of Hay and
ilvd here liealrlY" all his lifes bie Wa•s
man ratia nesp,ceted. by all Wip
knew. hitn, His wife pi.ecleoeas.edhiin
years, --Mr. J. Preter,' who has
sliccessfully conducted a hardware
store in Zurich for a number of years
has sold his stock to Messrs. R.
Stade are:I-Earl Weida, both of this
village, Freeter v.iU ,continne to
eonduct the ,general store businese'
fortrierly.,---fr. J. Laporte, reeve at-
tended the meeting of the Huron,
County Council at • ,Gociet-inli.-Mrii.
Robt. RichaetIsan returned to her
home in Saskatchewan,' after few,
wcks ,visit 'vvitll relatives heren--Mrs.
Maggie, licCoranick of Detroit was a
visitar village a few days last
weeks -Miss Flossie Hartleih is con
-fined to the house with illness --
Mr. Norman Holtzman is ,speniding a
few weeks with friends at Preston's --
Ferdinand Howald has' received his of-
ficial 'discharge f,rout the army and
and !left on. Monday for \V -t5- 10
resume bra studies at the Seminaryi,
--Mr. Chris- Bechler of Michigan was
here to attend the 'funeral of his fath-
er tin! late C. iBechlen, Sr. -Pte. P.
G Clark, Who( -eqlistted with the 161st
and was wounded; anrived home, last
week, and was given a royal recep-
tionsi-Reeve Laporte presented the
Councilv\vitli ,the Honor Flag, wan by
the township in the Victory Loan
caaepaign, Hay having gone,. -nearly
$100,000 'aver the objectives,
-Miss Perkins spent Saturday in Lon-
don and visited at Ilderton over Sun-
da) -.A • schOol concert will be given
here ,ats the last day of ,schoal, the
program to be handLeU by the children
and youres peowle.-Quite a number
attended the •me,marial .service at
Kirkton Sunday everhing in honor of
the departed ,members of the Hannah
farriiiy.-Miss Bessie Marley left Mon-
day to in -arse for Dr. Hamilton of
Ailsa: Craig,. She also received two
ether calls ,the same day, -Mr: and
Mrs. Percy Passmore spent Sunday
here With, her parents, Mr. Albert
-Mis- Gladys Dann, af We.s-
ley is the guest of her sister, 'Mrs_
'Wm. Morley, this Week.-DelbiertMor:
ey is attending the Winter Fair al
Guelph, also- Philip and Henry Herrn
Frank Squire has been on the
sick list for the past week. -Wm.
Hodgson and Hector 'Allison, have
snare uj partrearslhip and AV '11' repair
autos sa.nd other repair- work.
,Thc _Anniversary Services in con-.
nectiOn ,with the Elimviile Methodist
Chfirch wi11 take place an ,Sunday,
December. 15th. Rev. W. A. Finlay
of Centralia ' will preach morning and
evening at usual hours af service_ A
thank -offering Of $225 Is asked or
npeciial mu 10 by the chofir. •
A.- `Concert under the auspices of
Dashwood Public School will be held
in the TownHallon Friday eveniner
Dee: 20th, beginning at 8 o'clocra
The program promises a laugh from
beginning to end. Conte and brng
your 'friends • Admission 25 and 15c.
Reserve,d seats 35c. Plan of hall op-
en at Tiernan & Ediglaoffer's store' on
and after Dec. 14th.
The Council Met ,in the Town Hall,
VIcGillivray• 'Nov. 30. All members
present. .1VIiiitites of last meeting were
read and signed. • A number of ac-
counts 'were 'ordered to ibe paid:
„Rosser -Dixon -That By-law No.
of 1918, for nominations and election's
'e read a -third time and passed:-
Adjournmiat was made to the lOth
December '1918.
D. Drummond, Clerk,
:PA RKI-IILL -"NO' was the de-.
itiaioa of the grand 'jury 'in London -
Monday in thei case of George Snow-
clea, Parkhill, who was' °charged with
'ndecent assault.', The' jarY,i`Akas
ab o u it 45 inin'utie.s. The c 'da a1_
ieged to havebeert committed ••"dve,r
t yeir ago. The defend,arrt as a ,res
of not being baled out, his been
irihe county "jail' for the past three
maaths After th-e decision of tbe
jury was made leriawn he was freed.
, ,
' Homely ziiid Proud of It.
--F'rankly. I know 1 am- not hand-
. .
•sonia nasal, and • equally frankly, ao
it-boa:ledge, that i don't Want to ba -a -
handsome man As a foatter of per-
sonal-conl'ession I may sky 'that I have
not &single misgiving about my fire,'
Whieh 1 one of those "homely" -1 use
theu.,erd th-,the American.. sense-
straightforward.:•rugged. hewn' out ot,
a rock and then stamped , upon by a,
steam roller sort of countenanceS
which command the adrriltaition,af all
fortunate enough tty have •eatight sighr
ot it --once. I Write "once' because I
tward a nervous, wOrnan remark as I
eatne , out of the st.age .doorof the
,tiniety one nia,ht that' if ever she, saw
titoe•lilie mind again. she would nlV-
go to the theater She wouldn't be-'
•ilite to. •Inrattoons tones she sold that,
ond shock Ilke that would- be ted
'whet] for, her weitit'.heart and delleste
iUiite 01, ,
Ol n not Jet] Ions' -of ha ndstsme
mei) not bit of it;. Beauty forsooth-
•atottal lie a" dreg 'on the market
111171}Iii Payne 111.141t1(to0 S.trit nil 1 Ina
trripPriaiit Events: Which Hafe
Occ,ufrecl-,P,Uiying the Week,
.`• ",'
The Busy World's'!.Bappenirigs Care-
tallY 09aalsile4';','and Put " Izito
Rand3 and Attractive Shape tor
the III'eadets o; Our, Paper -- A
Solid 'Hour's MiaJoyifieht.
Mr..: James Muir, president of the
James Muir Co., boot and shoe manu-
facturers, Moatreal,'is dead.
." Rev. T. T. Shields, .Pastor of „ Jar --
vis Street Baptist Church, Toronto,
has returned from overseas.
The ,tralasport Olympic is expected
to arrive from England on Friday
with, 4.090,military and civilian pas-
Ten clays after the armistice- was
signed -a Gprmanlsubmarine arrived
in Barcelona. The boat was interned
by the, Spanish _Government. '
Twcianen are believed to have been
crushed to -death- as the result Of a
rear -end col1sion between two,
freight trains west 'of Scotstown, Que.
Berlin maintains that Kurt Eisner',
the Bavarian Premier, ia no Ger-
man, but an EastGalicianJew, whose
•real name is Solomon Kusnowski. ,
Mr. A. W. Kennedy, Of the Com-
mercial Intelligence Service • of •the
Department of Trade and Coinmerce
•Ottawa, is dead, a victim -of- In-
fluenza. • •
Pte, L. 11. Carey, •list Depot -Bat-
talion, ..2nd Wae sentenced to
two "years, ,less one day, ,with hard
labor, kor desertion. The sentence
has been promulgated: -
Two hundred women and ehildreri
who -came Over from England on the.
Metegama, reached Toronto yester-
day, Among tile party were.. a num-
ber of former
It is reportedthat an 'agreement
has been reached by the Allied Gov-
ernment for the issue daily during
the Peace Congress:of an official
communication regarding the deliber-
Seven members of the crew of the
British tank steamer Konakry' per-
ished and one is missing as a result
of a collision near .Galley Head be-
tween the tanker and the Cunard lin-
er Orduna..
R. E. Begg, Ontario Agricultural
College student, won individual hon-
ors with 801 points out sof a.-• pos-
sible 1,000, at the International Live
-Stock Exposition, Chicago. C. F. Mc-
Kenzie was third, with 791. ' '
A British 'fleet arrived at the port
of Libau, in Courlandon the Baltic.
The Entente powers have -granted
a safe conduct to the German troops
in Finland to feturn home.
. The Dutch Government has decid• a
ed to stop all, exports to Germany
in reprisal for the stoppage of', the
export of German coal to Holland.
The first of the fleet of Ships
carrying 270,000 tans of food for the
relief of ,European peoples haS ar-
rived at Gibraltar and has been or-
dered to proceed ,with its cargo to
southern Europe.
Lt.-Col...Alex'. M. Gordon, of ' the -
Chaplaincy , Service, has been award-
ed. the D.S.O. for his gallant ,ser-
vices. Col. Gordon is a son of the
late Dr. Gordon, principal -of Queen's -
University, Kingston., ,
'President Wilson left Washington
on a 'Special train for New York, en
route to the peace conference.. He
and his party will beard the. trans-
port George Washington, on which
the voyage 'across the Atlantic will
be made. -a
• - •
Von Ludendorff has fled to a neu-
tral country. His nerve ultimately
collapsed to such an extent that he
had recourse to drink and imbibed
•alcohol until he became senseless in
order neither to see nor hear "any-
thing more. ••
Hon. T. W. McGarry, Provincial
Treasurer, intendsto put a stopto
the existing practice of many molting
picture theatres - in the province
showing war ,filifi'S which portray al-
most exclusively the actions of .the -
American army, while ignoring the
part played by the British and Cana-
dian forces. He has advised the film
exchanges that unless more films de-_,
•pieting the Part 'played by Great Bri-
tain and Canada in. ,the war ;are
Shown on the screen, that he would
instruct the censors to cut out rrineh:
of the material, such as.-that',whtch
his recently been shown., throughout.
the province.
Mr. John Drew, wifeivof .the actor•
.ancl4rs.e1t. an actresauntil her Mar-.
Maga; riled aN\Te' 'W. York. ,
The argeSta.ff nf ;the. Military Serf
'vice Branch, Department of Justice,'
is, gradually ,being released.'
The ,411anifdba'F-Governinent will
take advantage 01 the offer of -the
Dominion Governatent ,to advance.
flarids. for the erection of houses. ,
After' a seanch through the woods
at Kipawa, which took 14 'days, .Ios.
lase, 1 -lull, is convineed that his,
son, Aldege Mase, a feriner Hiill
bank clerk, has eitheri-fallef prey to
'wolves in the woods or has died of
The University" of Ghenthas de-
cided to confer the degree of Doctor
on Premier Lloyd George, President
tlemenceau, President Wilson, Mar-
shal Foch, Marshal Joffre, Admiral'
Beatty, Gen. Leman the defender' of,
Liege, and Cardinal 'Mercier,
The Gentians have delivered .to
the Allies 3 0 0,00 0,0 0 0 francs gold,'
which came from, the Russian treas-
Iffy, The 'French haverecovered a
rich collection of art 'Works by Quen-
tin ,Delatur, stolen from St, Quentin,
and' paintings by.), Antoine Watteau,
taken from theanfuSeum at 'Valen-
Altiliongh during the two years he
had served overseas -he had managed
to ocapc all the dangers of the,
battlefield, J. D. Brown, of Westboro,
near Ottawa, is to -day. -,a mutilated'
inart—a chargo'of -dynamite went off
and his left hand had to, be ampu-
tated, and the sight of his right nye
Was destroyed. „,
' Supported life ...'aircaerVer,
markings' Oh, whieh indir,ated that it
belonged to the yacht'Gra.cie IL, the
body of a Woman was found floating
in Lake Erie at a point not far dis-
r.tant f am Bar /i)aint, It has been
Identified as that' of Mrs. Otto Hod -
lin 'the 31 -foot ,truising "gasoline
slrted out
ywaoeghot:1; gr ea edi e 11;. 13, -111:',110 'w t 11 1,lerr -
Year-old on, Harod, had sta
Mr ka---Jra hari•Ister, died
t his home in Cobalt'," from pneu-
Mo'ses Broelclebank, one of Wind-
-asoslicsle,,A residents, dead, t',°91
-Fourteen women candidates have
ben nominted ,for the British House
of 'Parliament.
The Victoria Cross was, presented
to ,Clia,rles Spall,. Montreal, won.rby
his son, who ryas later killed in
Guelph physicians have decided to
increase the fee to a - first call from
$2 to ,,$2,5 O„and that for subsegitent
,calls from $1 to $1.5 0.
Rev. Capt. Lawrence Sk.ey, pastor
of St, Ann,e's Churein Toronto, has
arrived back from the -front,' where
hp„, was a padre in the Y.IVI.C.A. -
The British representatives at tile
Peace 'Conference will demand gen-
eral and absolute abolition of con-
scrifit'iOn. throughout Europe.
Because two. Japanese are being -
employed in the Galt Coal, Minessat
Lethbridge, the United Mine Work-
ers are threatening to strike.
' The,Trades and Labor Councils ot
Ike cities of Toronto and Petoitoro
passed resolutions protesting against
the sending of Canadian troopg to
he World's total lostes -of, mer-
chant tonnage •from the beginning oat
the war to the end of October, -‘1918,
by enemy actions and marines, risk
was 15,053-,786 gross tons. • •
The consul -general of Japan has
conveyed to the -Governor-,General nf
Canada the deepest gratifications of
the 'Emperor of Japan on receipts of
ht§" excellency's message of congratu-
latiriS on, the signiing cif .the
Field :Marshal von.Mackensen, the
German cbunnander in Russia, fled to
an unknown destination, leaving to
Itis general staff --the care of his
troops, which had made their -W'ay
into Austrian territory on their way
home, 'declining to see them dis-
Polish troops have captured Brest
Litovsk- and are approaching Rawas
uska. ,
Hector House's restaurant and :Us.
0'10lynn's shoe store were wrecked
by a gas explosion in Chatham, -
Winnipeg Trades and Labor Coun-
cil has passed a resolution denaand-s
ing that Canadian tropps now in Si-
beria and 'Western Russia, be with
Mayor Hughes of Hingstona has
made- application for two Garman
guns which Nyere captured by' the'
46th Battalion of Saskatchewan at
'rhe Prussian Government has for-
mally withdrawn tlie iarivilege here-
„tofore held by •the members'of tl
Hohenzollern family: of inamunity
from law.
There. has been 'riotous 'demonstra-
tions in Berlin by the -unemployed.
The discirders became so threaten-,
ing• that labor leaders addressed the
crowds, promising assistance, and
finally pacified them. —
The emba.rgo on malt shipments
has been., removed by the Canada
Food Board, and the export andina-
port department now favorably con-
sider''-appliqa.tion to expont malt to
the United -States, Mexico, Central
and South America, Cuba, the -West
Indies, Newfoundland and Japan.
The New Zraland General Assem4
bly has passed the liquor -bill provid-
ing for a national referendum,- to be
held probably next April, 6-n the
questions of the ,continuance of the
-liquor-license system or prohibition
with compensation to liquor inter-
ests. A bare majority will decide
the issue.
Gen. Mangin has aompletely:
'covered from the injuries be receiv-
ed jay being thrown- under his_ horse
while reviewing a brigade of French
troops on Nov. 18, and has resumed
comnaand of the army occupying Lor-
raine. He is preparing- to enter
Mainz, w_liere he will' establish the
bridgehead stipulated in the armis-
tice terms.
• .
'Dr. S. E. liOurter, died at
'Niagara Fa,11s, aged 59..
' Premier Clemenceau may -act' as.
'president -Of -the French delegation:to
the Peace Conference.' ” '
An -unidentified. lnan SttOt at Dr.'
SidOniQ -Paps, the President, of, Por-
tugal,. iii--Lfsboa' The- shot• misse,da:
and the F'reaident'''Wettild-,be asaassir;
-Was ,--arrested:'
•,. 'Mrs. David Lloyd George,wifeof
the, British Premier, IS making a tour -
of Wales' In • an automobile, - 'and ad-
dressing _Meetings- in support of her
husband's candidacy for"Parliament,
TheNa.tinn,a1 ItOurna,nian. Council '
of Transylvania has•Proclaimed union
with the. Kingdom of "Botrinanie.'
Roumanian' flags are °flying, every-
where and 'great enthusiasm 11 man' •
,C61. , J. C. T. Thompson, - K.C:,
D.S.9„ has been appointed by. the
Government to the Beard of, Penaiani
CotniniSsione'rs, to ' fill the ,,vacantaY
Caused by ,the resign.atien of , Col.
-The resignation of 0: M. ,Schws,u
as , IDirector-Genera,1 ,of the • Emma,
gency P°1eet Corporation, was .accept-
ed by President' Wilson, in . a -wire-
less message -7frorn the s transport
George Washington to the„ White
Air' traffic, has, been -begun between
some. Of the largest' German townswa
kise a,irpiaries are carrying parciil-
poStr,matter , and passengers. -One
company is constructing a neW, large
type of airplane, able to Carry 40
The new ,Spaylisti Premier, Count.
Romanones, intend.s to exP.ei,
' Ambassador, Prince dlatibOr,„
and iso several members orthe Ger-
Man embassy,, who, haVe'heen notot-
i�usly engaged in, spyingand. sdp
o1 ting tlie aanti-ilYnaptic, agitatiOn•
, The 13bitit'S,h atitliorities 111 eliarge
ois, the 0 C.6.1 patioti' in the German i011()
issignOd to thetritisit'army have ol•-
;'ed all the: Gernia,n, nien to rW-i:
-11,11 hats to British officers,aceord-
ag .tO an' official anriouneerlie,nt In
3e111n..They must do similarly when
10 British National Anthem is Sling,
,alinOtlneeMellt adds.
Sirt:.E.OMuNO \vAlibi;
cv,0.:1-Lb;t-D•C•119. PraSidentN
CAPITAL PAID 'UP; $15;000,000 .
RT 1
'H. V. 1, JONES, i5. l.
Gael. Maesger
,Convenience, security ana eeortomy are ':-:i:' J by
the use -of Travellers' Checi-ues i3LCd by L::S auk. '
They enable the bearer_ to identify hims t:-.,17.1.4 are
readily converted into the.cutTent coin of ally.
EXETER-BR.7,4. E. Kuhn Mgr, CREDITON-J, A.' McDonald, Mgr
esente $8,8
Branches in Canada
A General 'Banking Business Transact tc,
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Mone Orders N.
Itatereet allowed at highest current rate
ik D. CLARKE, Managat,
I am a woman. ;
• , •:..
st• ' •
What / have suffered is a far better guide
than any MAN'S experience gained second-
I know younneed for sympathy and health.
And the treatment that gave Me health
and strength, new interest in life, I want to
pass on to you, that you, too, may enjoy the
_priceless boon of health. '
Are you unhappy, unfit for your duties?.
Write and tell me how you feel and I will
gend you ten days' FRXE,trial of a hccffie
treatment to meet your individual needs,
together with references to women in Canada.
who -have passed through your troubles_and
regained health; or you can secure this
ranE treatment for your daughter, sister or
mother. -
If you suffer front pain in the head, back, -
or 'bowels, feeling of weight and dragging
down sensations, tailing or displacement of
internal organs, bladder irritation with fre-
quent urination, obstinate constipation Or •
piles, pain in the sides regularly or irregu.
larly, bloating, dyspepsia, extreme nervous-
ness, depressed spirits; melancholy, desire
to cry, fear of soraething evil about to
IMPpen, creeping feeling up the spine, pal-
pitation, hot flashes, .weariness, sallow coni-
plexion, with dark circles under the eyes,
pain in the left breast or a general feeling
that life is not Worth living, I invite you to
aend to -day for my complete ten days' treat-
ment entirely free and postpaid, to prove to
yourself that these ailments can be easily
and surely overcome at your own home.
without the of of hospital trea tme at', or
the dangers of an operation. Women every.
where are escaping,the surgeon's knife by
knowing of my simple method of home
treatment,and when you have been belie-
fited,..my sister, I shall only ask you to pass
the good word hong- to some other sufferer,
sty hoine treatment is forall,-young or old.
MR& Mk SUMMERS, Box 840 -
Road My FREIE Offer:
To Mothers of Daughters,I will explain a
simple home treatment which speedily and
effectually dispels green -sickness (chlorosisj.
irregularities, headaches and lassitude in
young women, and restores them to plump-
ness and health.. Tell me if you are worried
about your daughter. Remember it costs•you
nothing to give my method of home treat-
ment a complete ten days trial, and if -
you wish to continue, it costs only re few
cents a week to do so, and it does not inter- •
fere with one's daily work: Is health worth „„.„„
asking for? Write for the free treatment
suited to your needs, and I will send it in
plain wrapper by return mail. cut out this
offer, %lark the places that tell your feelings,
and return to Inc. 'Write and ask for the
free treatment to -day, as you -naay tiot see
this offer again. Address:
. a Windsor' Ontario
, AILSA CRAIG. -H. Pritchett, ba-
ker; who ha:, conducted a successful
business .here, since coming :to town
florn Oshawa- two years ago, has .pur-
chased the bakeshop arndwelling be
occupies from Wm. Lockford-of
grsolJ, formally baker-hereti, He in-
tends, to make suitable imiarevleinents
--Miss Mary McNaughton has sold her
ke3idepec to Jas. White of McGilli-
vray' who will move his fardilr, to
'shortly. Miss McNaughton wil1 re-
main he.re wath frzends- for the -present.
If, you are. renewing or subscrib-
, „
ing for mac of. the Canadtian daily or
weekly papers, you may do so ar.t.' this
office. t, Wehave always looked after
this for° scores of our. subscribers' and
are still -doing so. We cani,, give it to
you cheaper as well as save all expen-
ses in connection, and nowadays it
osts at least eight cents in cash- be-
sides stationery, to order a ..paper
The Canadian Government offers -interest-bearing
War -Sayings Stamps -
-Issue of 1919.--PayabIe Jan. 1, 1924O ,
R ER-TI\,TCOUNCIT., P.C. No. 2462 authorizes
the', issue of War -Savings „Stamps for the pnr-
po§e of assisting in the financing of Government
- •
As Sir Thomas White Minister or Finance, points out, W.-5. S.
will provide "an excellent investment for small savings; and a
strong incentive to every -day economy.'
$5.0() for $4.0
until January 3Ist; 1,919+War-Savings StarriPs will be Sold by
all MOney-Order, Post Offices, Banks, and other authorized
Agencies, .for $4.00'each and on January 1st 1924, Canada will.
pay $5•00 each for; them.
RegiStrati0/11., Against 'LOSS
Certificate is previciad for the purchaser of a W. -S. S. On
e'certificate are -spaces to which 10 W. -S. S. may be affixed.
r*ifiete hearing "one or More W. -S. S. May be registered at,
TvIorey-Ordcr POst Office, fully protecting the owner against
Y'i54°'et'htelriecCuasshe.,Surrender Value .0f W.4.
'us dates bef4
fioth WITEREyER Ting