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The Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-28, Page 7
it JI'li,,, A Gillette etithusiagt has boldly; aced. his _belief t t ��aat e Iamous, razor has caused a complete revolutionsociallife in therural districts today Itis true, as h.e says that one oarmat now ditingi ish between'the city and his brother in the country. But do not give all the credit to the Gillette'Safety>. Razor. Smooth chins assuredly do prompt corretnessin other thing, but it -hardly seems possible that the smartness of the social gathering in present-day homes is due to a,razor even the best razor inthe'worid., Youanswer i , at ; friend's , e t rr an invitation to, call at. a f.i,.nd 5-_o�s�., and.el�lte. a soul..-� Y li hied room to find dressed woolen and keen l -' shavent .-" ,.._ oclsi�a�, clean xrlei_o, How glad you are that you carie prepared to hold your: own in any you company. �J And .how satisfying it. is to know that iiff tests drop in on unexpe ee? l � l e'� y, the daily few minutes with Your Gillette finds'you 'A DY to receive them.. One thin is certain—a' Gillette S" fet - aazo'`' shouldpart' Y be of t.le equip- ment of e�rery man of today. tt- ,. Gillette Sets cues d iy>°JetveleJ's, Druggists an ' > igardware Dealers ever ;where at five c& l arse Gillette �» `" :b � • Y. es. illette a e , .z 'Or Cos of oad , Limiter Office and Facory: 65.173 St. ,Alexander St.; Montreal., NADl IN i'•: Z -a CANADA WORLD: DYER 398, .tiAt 'rH'S LONELIEST SPOTS. Are the Isolated Lighthouses .,Which Guard the Coast. Man is a` gregarious . animal. To be happy' he must have the companion ship of his kind: -Hermits are not cheerfril people..'' The loneliest places in the world are Isolated 'lighthouses, quite a number of which guard the coasts of Nortli I xl: CURRIx bas stated repeatedly that the morale of our tr pS is without equal. l lie knows' that this is due to two tlun disclpIineandsmact "gyp ow:r anee The officers are responsible for dtsuplitio•-rho Aute'Strop for sjnau t appearance, The AutoStrop Safety,,FHzou hes been of National Service in keeping with•. the. aid • of GOap and, Water, the faces of ru niyof ^o11r soldiers in ti fre . *lean, .carnfot:tablc" condition. Your soldier will appreclxto- xnore than anything ., el o,an AiutoStrop-the only razor that auternaticalll';;hatpens ata own blades therefore, the only, onto that is i.crtnanettiy ready for Price $5,00 Atleiding;nraret xytrywiltre 22c, Jfo tf xg w%7,1 t1€ower, ,r1 l#3af,o )1r,H Rapp,. p! Otwrsetr 5;,, first elir s r+ai stci„ eta Atai1) irk ritt'op cfoiyL .sues Co., 1 Doha, Si):•T;rrartto, Oolr 61°11.18 / America "In elia,r,ge'ti ere is always`a keeper, of:. course, :and* Perhaps' two! orthree assistants. They soon talk each other out, become morose and, actually;, quit speaking to one another.. except onbusiness. I't „is a :.curious, freak of human' psychology. -On this account the keepers:of suet). lighthouses and their helpers are changed as ditan as' possible. It is really .neee'ssary ,There Were five at, tempts at•.suicide in .one lighthouse within a dozen years. It is maid 'that :iio person is of suds 'soundniirid'_as.not to'show"seine signs bf 'Mental.' aberrdtibtf, ,after'• being cooped' up fo'. a few` months in this way-: Raving .' •madt ess°, - - sometimes' hoirticilal may" -follow -usually begin-, ping wi;h melancholy. • 0".' Among the Worst are the lighthouses;' on the •Irloricla reefs, which "stand out: in the ocean many miles'4-frorii^nearest. land'. They are erected upon -steel idles driven deep. Into the reef -carol, and* some of th.eni rise 125 feet.above the water. Others squat over the v aves resembling gigantic itrol spiders. • •There is;'of necessity, a.txoiise•'with.' a frig lantern; du top. J3enea;ti1 the platforn-,that 'supports .the ^house• is another platform for. the accommoda- tion of beats and food -stores. The general effect Is •of a dwelling on stilts; uplifted :above the sea. • The inmates, have two things chiefly to fear—the hurricane;,,,"and the tidal, wave., Once in a while the' former` blows :L5 miles an hour in that trop- ical latitude, ' The tidal wave seems to be the' result of a submarine -earth. quake. It may attain a height of eighty' feet. One of the kind destroyed `) the city of Galveston a few years ago. The amphibious occupants of the' reef lighthouse are talus liable at any time to -be • wiped out,,. either by wind; or by water. If they do not lose isheir lives,: they. ruaY at a niornent'fr notice be robbed', of all their food supplies, stored in the `cellar" below. Twice a year theyare visited by. Government supply ships, which de liy,er what they are supposed to need ,nostly canned' goods) in the, way of rood. They onaoy noother means of oomi'nunicating withtheir king, sale such � H1, is 1 �,lC afforded yl) +' baattli Y 3 p and DOW then 1 wtie to 11` t o mainland. . IViONE'hs ORDEFCS. Ptiy 'your out-of-town accounts hy ;bon -anion laxpress idol ey Orders, 'Faire Dollars costs three ceutt, The best way to keep druid heals„, is to rub off. the leaves from the Woody 'S efpa and store lh'm in large nio ithtici' glass 'jars; fruit ,inr5' are c -.;-e `.onb Write a Iabel .and ‘paste' on each jar ft,n'd keep the dila;e tight ly covered. aSZL'tt,dk13atimeutSJ1:61lO ”D' Atitel7t'a.'pt The Weekly Fashions .Tile yoke .,of this model is empire back and front,'and the dropped sides are''lengthened by tiappets seat up 'tinder and ttitdlred in. pocket effect. McCall Pattern No. 8620, Girl's Coat. In 6 si,chs, d -to 14 years. I'riee, 20 Cents.. ": -,.. _ These purtter-als May' be. obtained from your local : McCall - dealer, or 'from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,. Toronto Dept. fir: First' Aid. Asthe motor was dashing madly through tke )little village, 'the- driver suddenly pulled up with a frantic jerk, . A man was standing, right in front of his machine waving his arms violently and shouting: "Stop! Ili! d Sieh!"' , "What's' •the trouble'?" asked the . motorist, after he, had brought the car to a Standstill "Is this J,1 police trap ?',.Because, if 11 is, 1 wasn't drive, hag nloi'e than.: 20 miles an hour--" -, '.‘,,That's s all; right, sir," • Said -the vll- lager blandly., "I ain't no policeman, Only my wife has been invited to• a Wedding' to -morrow, and 1` 'Wanted' to ask if you could'spa're her a feiv drops tri gasoline to clean hes~ilovcs with," "It is- only by labor that thought, rah b ` ni da "healthy, :and only 'by *hough that labor cat be inadl"a.happy --and the two ea.nnot , be separated With in pilnity."—Ruslkin, Fillinrrd'sasilrn tt Vit;rQK Colas, .&c, I.EM0148 WHITEN AND BgAui{ry- THL SKIN fJlatce t,P1ls. beauty :`lotion' cheaply for your Pace, neck, arms and hands. ..t the cost of C enrall`jar of ordinary cold. Bream ; ono can prepare a full quarter pint of- the most: ,avoucierful. lemon skin statelier and ,eomplexten beautifies', by squeezing the juice of. two fresh lemons into 'ii bottle icon- taining three ounces of orchard white, Cate. should bo V 'taken to strain, the juice through a lino' cloth ,so no lemon pulp gets in, then:tltis lotion will keep fresh for months: Every trrornan knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove smell blemishes as freckles, callownessand tail and is the ideal skirt- softener, whitener and beautifier. rust -try' it! Get three auneeS' of orchard white 'at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and -make upw a quarter pint al this sweetly' fra- grant lemon lotion and, massage it daily into' the "face, •neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands, ORIGIN OF, DRUGS Strange Forms in Which Well -Known Medicines Reach the Market.. , To form the collection which fills; the drawers, bottles anal jars of even. the most unpretentious druggist's shop, tah: is levied: Upon almost every cetintry in the world. North, south, east and west, our drugs come to us, and they reach our shores in such strange forms that not' one person in a thousand, seeing then in the rough at the docks, or iii°any ofthe great wholesale stores, would be able even to, guess at the names andna- tures of half of them. Who, for example, would connect a great pile of clry, thin twigs, neatly tied. ,into small bundles, with sarsa- parilla, the great , blood; purifier?. These twigs":are the .creeping roots and rootlets of a prickly shrub that grows in Jamaioa. and they are worth , 10 to 50 cents a'. pound. I Somewhat similar, in appearance is ipecacuanha which- also comes to us in dry twigs, a part art of the 'trail- I P ing root of a pliant 'found in the- damp ' forests of Brazil, These roots.receive no preparation„ save drying, ,before they are -shipped ofr to Europe via Montevideo. They, are packed in large sacks, and the workmen wife oven the bales must , beware of breathing the pungent, irritating dust given off, v.hjc•h is productive of un pleasant` results :if incali,tiously in - Castor on, too. is hard to recognize' in the prettylitti'e brown lieans,,,snot='l ted with black, and with polished. skins.that arrive in bags from Iridia. They ,look fartoo attractive to ,sug gest the Hauch -hated dose of our early days. Aloes,. the ,base of many nauseous,l medicines,, may be -seen insets .exude,. form asa solid .'mass, 'resembling brown sealing -wax, packed inheavy wooden boxes, from which it is chip- ped' out with. a 'chisel and 'hammer. It is of different qualities and prices, according to whether.it comes •from Arabia; Socotra, or the West Indies; and may fetch any sum from $6,25 to The Holy Innocents The holy Innocents looked doiwn. From calm, celestial height, ' With tender, pitying eyes upon This world's most awful plight. Exceeding strong and pure are -,they From never. knowing 'sin; And they stand beside the heavenly gates To welcome children in. wry. Across'the many centuries 'j'lie memory -comes to them Of their own infant martyrdom Irt little '13e11tlehem. ' \ So they greet the murdered children Of Armenia, Serbia, France, The mangled babes of 13elgiuril, With loving arms and glance. They soothe away their sorrows And hush their frightened cries, And wipe the tears of anguish Forever from their eyes... They bear them. to the Great White Throne Wher© each one finds its place. Add eve:ryebaby angel Beholds its ''Father's face, Minard's''Lininment Co., Limitotl.^' 'Gentlemen,—Lest winter I received great benefit from the use of' MIN- ARp'S LINIMENT in a'severe attack of LaGrippe, and I "-have frequently proved it to be very effective' in 'cases of ),Inflammation; •„, Yours, W. A. HtreruNSON, " Fin Unexpected • Answer. A lady from the city -said 'to a farmer afte church: "Wasn't it awall, the way the dea- con snored all through service.?” "It certainly was, ma'am,"' said the farmer warmly. "It kept. all the rest of us awake." • TYTinard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cown There is nothing .that fits- into the regular -farm crops -,and live stock better than a well-managed, 'flock of puui try, ' - \ Apples cut in irregular pieces will cook more ,quickly in a pie than •if sliced. They do not pack so'clos, ly, so that the hot air comes in contact with the fruit more easily, and cook- ing, is facilitated. Minard's"Liniment Cures Dielit)rerliw WANTEsI Q�'yy L ,t7c, E 1 A L B LACKS yrITLI •k EiD t r os...Bothwell, Ont. VAT ANTED: — AT ONCE, By PRO- gressive Concern;:itt the Niagara: Peninsula the Garden Sitot of Canada i,oiletmakers. ,Bielpers and Handy Men. Steady ,employment. Erigineer-ing and inI chine Works of Canada, Limited, St. Ca.thatines. Ont rpit SAL 7.1 ITV' I C�t:1 t'1'Lf ` xrN/C'S.' 11'EFt:. �� and .lob printingF;,,a,lant 1n-'C.tstera ,,t .alto, insurance carried sl 60n - `rzi t fmotr F51n,20i0chonCunick;Ltsda• leT, 69. :rsl lrY.. 1I W'sO.'Ap ,It l`U'lt', SAi,h] e mew O,nt trio. goig tc, F'r r c e Will sell-s2.[t0n: Z, OrthOwner donuble tIn. t in±o.rnt„ Yn Ir ,T, H. f•'11 \Vilson Publishing, Co,, tI.!rn1ted..Toronto. ^7SISCL°L:%g1VB0aS (1 arch n T'[.rItluitS. 1 L V 1'9,. 1t7TC.. eternal and external oursd witbn. n• cut pal:by our home treatment: t�Vr1te ua before too late. Dr. Bellman rltedleaJl Co.."Limited, Col:linewood, (Ont. ,- of 0f axras,'J... OLISHE Irrw L�,and PASTES /`oTt31P. Ni;4Ytil ,TAPI,,BiitOWN OR QTY, -BLOOD S11c ES PRESERVE the LEATHER THEF,F.OAU f CONFCRAT?DNS t,u,HPMIITOH,CRNAD,,:.:• the big fleshy leaves of the $45.00 'OTT PAIN a cwt."Aloes is the juice of KNOCKS : plant of THE IOUND that -name. This juice is pressed or evaporated from the leaves and poured, into chests; or kegs m a semi- fluid state, hardening *presently into a solid block. Not infrequently, it is enclosed in the dried skins of mon- keys, and in this strange form is brought to market. In spite of its nadme, an idle rumor is always a very busy. thing. The advantage' of keeping one breed of poultry is that the poultry- man can market a uniform product in eggs and stock. Comforting relief from pain ; 'makes Sloan's the { World's Liniment This famous •reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgicpains, and most other external. twin-ges that humanity suffers from, enjoys - its great sales because it practically never fails' to bring' speedy,. comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little o peeetrate wsitout rubbing and pro- duce results Clean, refreshing. Made in Canada At• all $rug;'stores. A large l ottli. „means d ort ly .' ' nick did for eadaeo A headache is fregcieritly caused by badly digested food, f4:+sea and acidsresulting thercframt.: re absorbed by the blood T,ehi %= in::;, tarn irritates the nerves' and rr; causes painful symptoms called hca2ache, .;neuralgia," rl.cupa= tiara, etc. 15 30 dnoas of Mother Seijel's Syrup" will correct faulty di gel ton and afford 'r'elief, me .113.1=0=1111114111112.011=11==.6121153,.. Quicklq Meals Eczeedds,Pasiies, ltchings and Irritations Zia 'the "treatinent of all shin troubles bathe freely with Cuti- aura Soap and hot water, dry gently, and apply Cuticula Oint. anent to the afrected ' parts. These fragrant super creamy emollients tend to prevent little skin troubles bccofiring seiions if used for every -day toilet pm... poses. For sample of each free by mail rd. drese post -card: utieuru, Dept. N. Beaton.' U.S.A.: Sold by dealers thiroughout the world. w o or coffee find relief :. W e,)` i.l" to STOPS ',"11-1E PAIN ,, AND,.4CTS 'QUICKLY ktiseumatisnt; lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, Iame back ,toothache, ca - Wclie, sore throat, swollen joints and all similar •firoubles' are quickly ste a' tr 7fcweuib i-llr Pain lvzteztnina or. it h'as b err Uoad #or. 4 Wean:, 'trend shotild ba in every household—Dias s hundred usre. ;' 0 J ~ 41/ da,sJer.c or write us, li1R.ST 1t ME1)Y CO., Hamilton, Canaria. E'OTT0-E is sur w .°. some +able dnrik toes noir contra +. Ord 9A caffeine: or any .. either ser r nerve dis+u.rh » flj ilgredient: ISSUE 117,--'lS, Buie Cor ri •to beach, Caltfor sa p,Near,S7an4 'POLO, 14 O 1TG-,, �7DiT£i,fo BAY AND 5171 l 13:h T NC, 1PJS i?INt{ AND 130t.A.TING, � 0.1e Golf Co w• e Sj0 01 is cquIpped 'lhrolir holit 'with Autoii-1.0;tic PLA JOHN ` J. FIaR N to NI,, ' 551,0 retisertcleet Pant e r